--- a/doc-src/IsarAdvanced/Codegen/Thy/Codegen.thy Tue Nov 07 14:03:06 2006 +0100
+++ b/doc-src/IsarAdvanced/Codegen/Thy/Codegen.thy Tue Nov 07 14:14:36 2006 +0100
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@
text {*
- The membership test during preprocessing is rewriting,
+ The membership test during preprocessing is rewritten,
resulting in @{const List.memberl}, which itself
performs an explicit equality check.
@@ -1271,7 +1271,10 @@
subsection {* Function equation systems: codegen\_funcgr.ML *}
text {*
+ Out of the executable content of a theory, a normalized
+ function equation systems may be constructed containing
+ function definitions for constants. The system is cached
+ until its underlying executable content changes.
text %mlref {*
@@ -1284,6 +1287,34 @@
-> CodegenConsts.const list -> CodegenConsts.const list list"} \\
@{index_ML CodegenFuncgr.all: "CodegenFuncgr.T -> CodegenConsts.const list"}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item @{ML_type CodegenFuncgr.T} represents
+ a normalized function equation system.
+ \item @{ML CodegenFuncgr.make}~@{text thy}~@{text cs}
+ returns a normalized function equation system,
+ with the assertion that it contains any function
+ definition for constants @{text cs} (if exisiting).
+ \item @{ML CodegenFuncgr.funcs}~@{text funcgr}~@{text c}
+ retrieves function definition for constant @{text c}.
+ \item @{ML CodegenFuncgr.typ}~@{text funcgr}~@{text c}
+ retrieves function type for constant @{text c}.
+ \item @{ML CodegenFuncgr.deps}~@{text funcgr}~@{text cs}
+ returns the transitive closure of dependencies for
+ constants @{text cs} as a partitioning where each partition
+ corresponds to a strongly connected component of
+ dependencies and any partition does \emph{not}
+ depend on partitions further left.
+ \item @{ML CodegenFuncgr.all}~@{text funcgr}
+ returns all currently represented constants.
+ \end{description}
subsection {* Further auxiliary *}
@@ -1299,11 +1330,42 @@
@{index_ML CodegenData.typ_func: "theory -> thm -> typ"} \\
@{index_ML CodegenData.rewrite_func: "thm list -> thm -> thm"} \\
+ \begin{description}
+ \item @{ML CodegenConsts.const_ord},~@{ML CodegenConsts.eq_const}
+ provide order and equality on constant identifiers.
+ \item @{ML_struct CodegenConsts.Consttab},~@{ML_struct CodegenFuncgr.Constgraph}
+ provide advanced data structures with constant identifiers as keys.
+ \item @{ML CodegenConsts.consts_of}~@{text thy}~@{text t}
+ returns all constant identifiers mentioned in a term @{text t}.
+ \item @{ML CodegenConsts.read_const}~@{text thy}~@{text s}
+ reads a constant as a concrete term expression @{text s}.
+ \item @{ML CodegenData.typ_func}~@{text thy}~@{text thm}
+ extracts the type of a constant in a function equation @{text thm}.
+ \item @{ML CodegenData.rewrite_func}~@{text rews}~@{text thm}
+ rewrites a function equation @{text thm} with a set of rewrite
+ rules @{text rews}; only arguments and right hand side are rewritten,
+ not the head of the function equation.
+ \end{description}
subsection {* Implementing code generator applications *}
text {*
+ Implementing code generator applications on top
+ of the framework set out so far usually not only
+ involves using those primitive interfaces
+ but also storing code-dependent data and various
+ other things.
Some interfaces discussed here have not reached
a final state yet.
@@ -1313,10 +1375,76 @@
subsubsection {* Data depending on the theory's executable content *}
+text {*
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{l}
+ @{text "val name: string"} \\
+ @{text "type T"} \\
+ @{text "val empty: T"} \\
+ @{text "val merge: Pretty.pp \<rightarrow> T * T \<rightarrow> T"} \\
+ @{text "val purge: theory option \<rightarrow> CodegenConsts.const list option \<rightarrow> T \<rightarrow> T"}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{l}
+ @{text "init: theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
+ @{text "get: theory \<rightarrow> T"} \\
+ @{text "change: theory \<rightarrow> (T \<rightarrow> T) \<rightarrow> T"} \\
+ @{text "change_yield: theory \<rightarrow> (T \<rightarrow> 'a * T) \<rightarrow> 'a * T"}
+ \end{tabular}
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML_functor CodeDataFun}
+ \end{mldecls}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item @{ML_functor CodeDataFun}@{text "(spec)"} declares code
+ dependent data according to the specification provided as
+ argument structure. The resulting structure provides data init and
+ access operations as described above.
+ \end{description}
subsubsection {* Datatype hooks *}
-text {*
- \emph{Happy proving, happy hacking!}
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML_type DatatypeHooks.hook} \\
+ @{index_ML DatatypeHooks.add: "DatatypeHooks.hook -> theory -> theory"}
+ \end{mldecls}
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML_type TypecopyPackage.info} \\
+ @{index_ML TypecopyPackage.add_typecopy: "
+ bstring * string list -> typ -> (bstring * bstring) option
+ -> theory -> (string * TypecopyPackage.info) * theory"} \\
+ @{index_ML TypecopyPackage.get_typecopies: "theory -> string list"} \\
+ @{index_ML TypecopyPackage.get_typecopy_info: "theory
+ -> string -> TypecopyPackage.info option"} \\
+ @{index_ML_type TypecopyPackage.hook} \\
+ @{index_ML TypecopyPackage.add_hook: "TypecopyPackage.hook -> theory -> theory"} \\
+ @{index_ML TypecopyPackage.get_spec: "theory -> string
+ -> (string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list"}
+ \end{mldecls}
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML_type DatatypeCodegen.hook} \\
+ @{index_ML DatatypeCodegen.add_codetypes_hook_bootstrap: "
+ DatatypeCodegen.hook -> theory -> theory"}
+ \end{mldecls}
+(*text {*
+ \emph{Happy proving, happy hacking!}