more careful treatment of standard_vars: rename apart from existing frees and avoid approximative Name.declared, proper application of unvarifyT within terms of proof;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/export_theory.ML Thu Aug 15 18:21:12 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/export_theory.ML Thu Aug 15 19:35:17 2019 +0200
@@ -223,8 +223,7 @@
fun standard_prop used extra_shyps raw_prop raw_proof =
val raw_proofs = the_list raw_proof;
- val used_proofs = used |> fold Proofterm.used_frees_proof raw_proofs;
- val ([prop], proofs) = ([raw_prop], raw_proofs) |> Proofterm.standard_vars used_proofs;
+ val ([prop], proofs) = Proofterm.standard_vars used ([raw_prop], raw_proofs);
val args = rev (add_frees used prop []);
val typargs = rev (add_tfrees used prop []);
--- a/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Thu Aug 15 18:21:12 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Thu Aug 15 19:35:17 2019 +0200
@@ -168,9 +168,6 @@
val standard_vars: Name.context -> term list * proof list -> term list * proof list
val standard_vars_term: Name.context -> term -> term
val standard_vars_proof: Name.context -> proof -> proof
- val used_frees_type: typ -> Name.context -> Name.context
- val used_frees_term: term -> Name.context -> Name.context
- val used_frees_proof: proof -> Name.context -> Name.context
val proof_serial: unit -> proof_serial
val fulfill_norm_proof: theory -> (serial * proof_body) list -> proof_body -> proof_body
@@ -2046,25 +2043,25 @@
| variant_proof bs (Hyp t) = Hyp (variant_term bs t)
| variant_proof _ prf = prf;
+val used_frees_type = fold_atyps (fn TFree (a, _) => Name.declare a | _ => I);
+fun used_frees_term t = fold_types used_frees_type t #> Term.declare_term_frees t;
+val used_frees_proof = fold_proof_terms used_frees_term used_frees_type;
+val unvarifyT = Term.map_atyps (fn TVar ((a, _), S) => TFree (a, S) | T => T);
+val unvarify = Term.map_aterms (fn Var ((x, _), T) => Free (x, T) | t => t) #> map_types unvarifyT;
fun standard_vars used (terms, proofs) =
+ val used' = used
+ |> fold used_frees_term terms
+ |> fold used_frees_proof proofs;
val proof_terms = rev ((fold (fold_proof_terms cons (cons o Logic.mk_type))) proofs []);
- val inst = Term_Subst.zero_var_indexes_inst used (terms @ proof_terms);
- val is_used = Name.is_declared used o Name.clean;
- fun unvarifyT ty = ty |> Term.map_atyps
- (fn TVar ((a, _), S) => TFree (a, S)
- | T as TFree (a, _) => if is_used a then T else raise TYPE (Logic.bad_fixed a, [ty], [])
- | T => T);
- fun unvarify tm = tm |> Term.map_aterms
- (fn Var ((x, _), T) => Free (x, T)
- | t as Free (x, _) => if is_used x then t else raise TERM (Logic.bad_fixed x, [tm])
- | t => t);
+ val inst = Term_Subst.zero_var_indexes_inst used' (terms @ proof_terms);
val terms' = terms
- |> map (Term_Subst.instantiate inst #> unvarify #> map_types unvarifyT #> variant_term []);
+ |> map (Term_Subst.instantiate inst #> unvarify #> variant_term []);
val proofs' = proofs
|> map (instantiate inst #> map_proof_terms unvarify unvarifyT #> variant_proof []);
in (terms', proofs') end;
@@ -2074,10 +2071,6 @@
-val used_frees_type = fold_atyps (fn TFree (a, _) => Name.declare a | _ => I);
-fun used_frees_term t = fold_types used_frees_type t #> Term.declare_term_frees t;
-val used_frees_proof = fold_proof_terms used_frees_term used_frees_type;
(* PThm nodes *)
@@ -2109,10 +2102,7 @@
fun export_proof thy i prop prf =
- val free_names = Name.context
- |> used_frees_term prop
- |> used_frees_proof prf;
- val ([prop'], [prf']) = standard_vars free_names ([prop], [reconstruct_proof thy prop prf]);
+ val ([prop'], [prf']) = standard_vars Name.context ([prop], [reconstruct_proof thy prop prf]);
val xml = encode_export prop' prf';
val chunks = Buffer.chunks (YXML.buffer_body xml Buffer.empty);