--- a/src/Pure/General/table.ML Wed Nov 29 21:29:00 2023 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/table.ML Thu Nov 30 12:23:47 2023 +0100
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
datatype 'a table =
Empty |
Leaf1 of key * 'a |
- Leaf2 of key * 'a * key * 'a |
- Leaf3 of key * 'a * key * 'a * key * 'a |
+ Leaf2 of (key * 'a) * (key * 'a) |
+ Leaf3 of (key * 'a) * (key * 'a) * (key * 'a) |
Branch2 of 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table |
Branch3 of 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table |
Size of int * 'a table;
@@ -92,30 +92,27 @@
fun make2 (Empty, e, Empty) = Leaf1 e
| make2 (Branch2 (Empty, e1, Empty), e2, right) = make2 (Leaf1 e1, e2, right)
| make2 (left, e1, Branch2 (Empty, e2, Empty)) = make2 (left, e1, Leaf1 e2)
- | make2 (Branch3 (Empty, (k1, x1), Empty, (k2, x2), Empty), e3, right) =
- make2 (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2), e3, right)
- | make2 (left, e1, Branch3 (Empty, (k2, x2), Empty, (k3, x3), Empty)) =
- make2 (left, e1, Leaf2 (k2, x2, k3, x3))
- | make2 (Leaf1 (k1, x1), (k2, x2), Empty) = Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)
- | make2 (Empty, (k1, x1), Leaf1 (k2, x2)) = Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)
- | make2 (Leaf1 (k1, x1), (k2, x2), Leaf1 (k3, x3)) = Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)
- | make2 (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2), (k3, x3), Empty) = Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)
- | make2 (Empty, (k1, x1), Leaf2 (k2, x2, k3, x3)) = Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)
+ | make2 (Branch3 (Empty, e1, Empty, e2, Empty), e3, right) = make2 (Leaf2 (e1, e2), e3, right)
+ | make2 (left, e1, Branch3 (Empty, e2, Empty, e3, Empty)) = make2 (left, e1, Leaf2 (e2, e3))
+ | make2 (Leaf1 e1, e2, Empty) = Leaf2 (e1, e2)
+ | make2 (Empty, e1, Leaf1 e2) = Leaf2 (e1, e2)
+ | make2 (Leaf1 e1, e2, Leaf1 e3) = Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)
+ | make2 (Leaf2 (e1, e2), e3, Empty) = Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)
+ | make2 (Empty, e1, Leaf2 (e2, e3)) = Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)
| make2 arg = Branch2 arg;
-fun make3 (Empty, (k1, x1), Empty, (k2, x2), Empty) = Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)
+fun make3 (Empty, e1, Empty, e2, Empty) = Leaf2 (e1, e2)
| make3 (Branch2 (Empty, e1, Empty), e2, mid, e3, right) = make3 (Leaf1 e1, e2, mid, e3, right)
| make3 (left, e1, Branch2 (Empty, e2, Empty), e3, right) = make3 (left, e1, Leaf1 e2, e3, right)
| make3 (left, e1, mid, e2, Branch2 (Empty, e3, Empty)) = make3 (left, e1, mid, e2, Leaf1 e3)
- | make3 (Leaf1 (k1, x1), (k2, x2), Empty, (k3, x3), Empty) = Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)
- | make3 (Empty, (k1, x1), Leaf1 (k2, x2), (k3, x3), Empty) = Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)
- | make3 (Empty, (k1, x1), Empty, (k2, x2), Leaf1 (k3, x3)) = Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)
+ | make3 (Leaf1 e1, e2, Empty, e3, Empty) = Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)
+ | make3 (Empty, e1, Leaf1 e2, e3, Empty) = Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)
+ | make3 (Empty, e1, Empty, e2, Leaf1 e3) = Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)
| make3 arg = Branch3 arg;
fun unmake (Leaf1 e) = Branch2 (Empty, e, Empty)
- | unmake (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) = Branch3 (Empty, (k1, x1), Empty, (k2, x2), Empty)
- | unmake (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) =
- Branch2 (Branch2 (Empty, (k1, x1), Empty), (k2, x2), Branch2 (Empty, (k3, x3), Empty))
+ | unmake (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) = Branch3 (Empty, e1, Empty, e2, Empty)
+ | unmake (Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)) = Branch2 (Branch2 (Empty, e1, Empty), e2, Branch2 (Empty, e3, Empty))
| unmake (Size (_, arg)) = arg
| unmake arg = arg;
@@ -169,8 +166,10 @@
fun map Empty = Empty
| map (Leaf1 (k, x)) = Leaf1 (k, f k x)
- | map (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) = Leaf2 (k1, f k1 x1, k2, f k2 x2)
- | map (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) = Leaf3 (k1, f k1 x1, k2, f k2 x2, k3, f k3 x3)
+ | map (Leaf2 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2))) =
+ Leaf2 ((k1, f k1 x1), (k2, f k2 x2))
+ | map (Leaf3 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2), (k3, x3))) =
+ Leaf3 ((k1, f k1 x1), (k2, f k2 x2), (k3, f k3 x3))
| map (Branch2 (left, (k, x), right)) =
Branch2 (map left, (k, f k x), map right)
| map (Branch3 (left, (k1, x1), mid, (k2, x2), right)) =
@@ -182,8 +181,8 @@
fun fold Empty a = a
| fold (Leaf1 e) a = f e a
- | fold (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) a = f (k2, x2) (f (k1, x1) a)
- | fold (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) a = f (k3, x3) (f (k2, x2) (f (k1, x1) a))
+ | fold (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) a = f e2 (f e1 a)
+ | fold (Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)) a = f e3 (f e2 (f e1 a))
| fold (Branch2 (left, e, right)) a =
fold right (f e (fold left a))
| fold (Branch3 (left, e1, mid, e2, right)) a =
@@ -195,8 +194,8 @@
fun fold_rev Empty a = a
| fold_rev (Leaf1 e) a = f e a
- | fold_rev (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) a = f (k1, x1) (f (k2, x2) a)
- | fold_rev (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) a = f (k1, x1) (f (k2, x2) (f (k3, x3) a))
+ | fold_rev (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) a = f e1 (f e2 a)
+ | fold_rev (Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)) a = f e1 (f e2 (f e3 a))
| fold_rev (Branch2 (left, e, right)) a =
fold_rev left (f e (fold_rev right a))
| fold_rev (Branch3 (left, e1, mid, e2, right)) a =
@@ -212,8 +211,8 @@
fun min Empty = NONE
| min (Leaf1 e) = SOME e
- | min (Leaf2 (k, x, _, _)) = SOME (k, x)
- | min (Leaf3 (k, x, _, _, _, _)) = SOME (k, x)
+ | min (Leaf2 (e, _)) = SOME e
+ | min (Leaf3 (e, _, _)) = SOME e
| min (Branch2 (Empty, e, _)) = SOME e
| min (Branch3 (Empty, e, _, _, _)) = SOME e
| min (Branch2 (left, _, _)) = min left
@@ -222,8 +221,8 @@
fun max Empty = NONE
| max (Leaf1 e) = SOME e
- | max (Leaf2 (_, _, k, x)) = SOME (k, x)
- | max (Leaf3 (_, _, _, _, k, x)) = SOME (k, x)
+ | max (Leaf2 (_, e)) = SOME e
+ | max (Leaf3 (_, _, e)) = SOME e
| max (Branch2 (_, e, Empty)) = SOME e
| max (Branch3 (_, _, _, e, Empty)) = SOME e
| max (Branch2 (_, _, right)) = max right
@@ -237,9 +236,8 @@
fun ex Empty = false
| ex (Leaf1 e) = pred e
- | ex (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) = pred (k1, x1) orelse pred (k2, x2)
- | ex (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) =
- pred (k1, x1) orelse pred (k2, x2) orelse pred (k3, x3)
+ | ex (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) = pred e1 orelse pred e2
+ | ex (Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)) = pred e1 orelse pred e2 orelse pred e3
| ex (Branch2 (left, e, right)) =
ex left orelse pred e orelse ex right
| ex (Branch3 (left, e1, mid, e2, right)) =
@@ -256,15 +254,15 @@
fun get Empty = NONE
| get (Leaf1 e) = f e
- | get (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) =
- (case f (k1, x1) of
- NONE => f (k2, x2)
+ | get (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) =
+ (case f e1 of
+ NONE => f e2
| some => some)
- | get (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) =
- (case f (k1, x1) of
+ | get (Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)) =
+ (case f e1 of
- (case f (k2, x2) of
- NONE => f (k3, x3)
+ (case f e2 of
+ NONE => f e3
| some => some)
| some => some)
| get (Branch2 (left, e, right)) =
@@ -301,12 +299,12 @@
fun look Empty = NONE
| look (Leaf1 (k, x)) =
if key_eq k then SOME x else NONE
- | look (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) =
+ | look (Leaf2 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2))) =
(case key_ord k1 of
| EQUAL => SOME x1
| GREATER => if key_eq k2 then SOME x2 else NONE)
- | look (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) =
+ | look (Leaf3 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2), (k3, x3))) =
(case key_ord k2 of
LESS => if key_eq k1 then SOME x1 else NONE
| EQUAL => SOME x2
@@ -336,12 +334,12 @@
fun look Empty = NONE
| look (Leaf1 (k, x)) =
if key_eq k then SOME (k, x) else NONE
- | look (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) =
+ | look (Leaf2 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2))) =
(case key_ord k1 of
| EQUAL => SOME (k1, x1)
| GREATER => if key_eq k2 then SOME (k2, x2) else NONE)
- | look (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) =
+ | look (Leaf3 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2), (k3, x3))) =
(case key_ord k2 of
LESS => if key_eq k1 then SOME (k1, x1) else NONE
| EQUAL => SOME (k2, x2)
@@ -370,12 +368,12 @@
fun def Empty = false
| def (Leaf1 (k, _)) = key_eq k
- | def (Leaf2 (k1, _, k2, _)) =
+ | def (Leaf2 ((k1, _), (k2, _))) =
(case key_ord k1 of
LESS => false
| EQUAL => true
| GREATER => key_eq k2)
- | def (Leaf3 (k1, _, k2, _, k3, _)) =
+ | def (Leaf3 ((k1, _), (k2, _), (k3, _))) =
(case key_ord k2 of
LESS => key_eq k1
| EQUAL => true
@@ -458,18 +456,18 @@
Empty => Leaf1 (key, insert ())
| Leaf1 (k, x) =>
(case key_ord k of
- LESS => Leaf2 (key, insert (), k, x)
- | EQUAL => Leaf1 (k, update x)
- | GREATER => Leaf2 (k, x, key, insert ()))
- | Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2) =>
+ LESS => Leaf2 ((key, insert ()), (k, x))
+ | EQUAL => Leaf1 ((k, update x))
+ | GREATER => Leaf2 ((k, x), (key, insert ())))
+ | Leaf2 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2)) =>
(case key_ord k1 of
- LESS => Leaf3 (key, insert (), k1, x1, k2, x2)
- | EQUAL => Leaf2 (k1, update x1, k2, x2)
+ LESS => Leaf3 ((key, insert ()), (k1, x1), (k2, x2))
+ | EQUAL => Leaf2 ((k1, update x1), (k2, x2))
(case key_ord k2 of
- LESS => Leaf3 (k1, x1, key, insert (), k2, x2)
- | EQUAL => Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, update x2)
- | GREATER => Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, key, insert ())))
+ LESS => Leaf3 ((k1, x1), (key, insert ()), (k2, x2))
+ | EQUAL => Leaf2 ((k1, x1), (k2, update x2))
+ | GREATER => Leaf3 ((k1, x1), (k2, x2), (key, insert ()))))
| _ =>
(case modfy tab of
Stay tab' => tab'
@@ -499,19 +497,19 @@
fun del (SOME k) Empty = raise UNDEF k
| del NONE Empty = raise Match
| del NONE (Leaf1 p) = (p, (true, Empty))
- | del NONE (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) = ((k1, x1), (false, Leaf1 (k2, x2)))
+ | del NONE (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) = (e1, (false, Leaf1 e2))
| del k (Leaf1 p) =
(case compare k p of
EQUAL => (p, (true, Empty))
| _ => raise UNDEF (the k))
- | del k (Leaf2 (k1, x1, k2, x2)) =
- (case compare k (k1, x1) of
- EQUAL => ((k1, x1), (false, Leaf1 (k2, x2)))
+ | del k (Leaf2 (e1, e2)) =
+ (case compare k e1 of
+ EQUAL => (e1, (false, Leaf1 e2))
| _ =>
- (case compare k (k2, x2) of
- EQUAL => ((k2, x2), (false, Leaf1 (k1, x1)))
+ (case compare k e2 of
+ EQUAL => (e2, (false, Leaf1 e1))
| _ => raise UNDEF (the k)))
- | del k (Leaf3 (k1, x1, k2, x2, k3, x3)) = del k (Branch2 (Leaf1 (k1, x1), (k2, x2), Leaf1 (k3, x3)))
+ | del k (Leaf3 (e1, e2, e3)) = del k (Branch2 (Leaf1 e1, e2, Leaf1 e3))
| del k (Branch2 (l, p, r)) =
(case compare k p of