--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML Tue May 17 15:11:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML Tue May 17 15:11:36 2011 +0200
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
datatype polymorphism = Polymorphic | Monomorphic | Mangled_Monomorphic
datatype type_level =
All_Types | Nonmonotonic_Types | Finite_Types | Const_Arg_Types | No_Types
- datatype type_depth = Deep | Shallow
+ datatype type_thinness = Thin | Fat
datatype type_system =
Simple_Types of type_level |
- Preds of polymorphism * type_level * type_depth |
- Tags of polymorphism * type_level * type_depth
+ Preds of polymorphism * type_level * type_thinness |
+ Tags of polymorphism * type_level * type_thinness
type translated_formula
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@
datatype polymorphism = Polymorphic | Monomorphic | Mangled_Monomorphic
datatype type_level =
All_Types | Nonmonotonic_Types | Finite_Types | Const_Arg_Types | No_Types
-datatype type_depth = Deep | Shallow
+datatype type_thinness = Thin | Fat
datatype type_system =
Simple_Types of type_level |
- Preds of polymorphism * type_level * type_depth |
- Tags of polymorphism * type_level * type_depth
+ Preds of polymorphism * type_level * type_thinness |
+ Tags of polymorphism * type_level * type_thinness
fun try_unsuffixes ss s =
fold (fn s' => fn NONE => try (unsuffix s') s | some => some) ss NONE
@@ -119,27 +119,29 @@
SOME s => (Finite_Types, s)
| NONE => (All_Types, s))
||> apsnd (fn s =>
- case try (unsuffix "_shallow") s of
- SOME s => (Shallow, s)
- | NONE => (Deep, s))
- |> (fn (poly, (level, (depth, core))) =>
- case (core, (poly, level, depth)) of
- ("simple_types", (NONE, level, Deep (* naja *))) =>
+ case try (unsuffix "_fat") s of
+ SOME s => (Fat, s)
+ | NONE => (Thin, s))
+ |> (fn (poly, (level, (thinness, core))) =>
+ case (core, (poly, level, thinness)) of
+ ("simple_types", (NONE, level, Thin (* naja *))) =>
Simple_Types level
- | ("preds", (SOME Polymorphic, level, depth)) =>
- if level = All_Types then Preds (Polymorphic, level, depth)
+ | ("preds", (SOME Polymorphic, level, thinness)) =>
+ if level = All_Types then Preds (Polymorphic, level, thinness)
else raise Same.SAME
- | ("preds", (SOME poly, level, depth)) => Preds (poly, level, depth)
- | ("tags", (SOME Polymorphic, level, depth)) =>
+ | ("preds", (SOME poly, level, thinness)) =>
+ Preds (poly, level, thinness)
+ | ("tags", (SOME Polymorphic, level, thinness)) =>
if level = All_Types orelse level = Finite_Types then
- Tags (Polymorphic, level, depth)
+ Tags (Polymorphic, level, thinness)
raise Same.SAME
- | ("tags", (SOME poly, level, depth)) => Tags (poly, level, depth)
- | ("args", (SOME poly, All_Types (* naja *), Deep (* naja *))) =>
- Preds (poly, Const_Arg_Types, Shallow)
- | ("erased", (NONE, All_Types (* naja *), Deep (* naja *))) =>
- Preds (Polymorphic, No_Types, Shallow)
+ | ("tags", (SOME poly, level, thinness)) =>
+ Tags (poly, level, thinness)
+ | ("args", (SOME poly, All_Types (* naja *), Thin)) =>
+ Preds (poly, Const_Arg_Types, Thin)
+ | ("erased", (NONE, All_Types (* naja *), Thin)) =>
+ Preds (Polymorphic, No_Types, Thin)
| _ => raise Same.SAME)
handle Same.SAME => error ("Unknown type system: " ^ quote s ^ ".")
@@ -151,9 +153,9 @@
| level_of_type_sys (Preds (_, level, _)) = level
| level_of_type_sys (Tags (_, level, _)) = level
-fun depth_of_type_sys (Simple_Types _) = Deep
- | depth_of_type_sys (Preds (_, _, depth)) = depth
- | depth_of_type_sys (Tags (_, _, depth)) = depth
+fun thinness_of_type_sys (Simple_Types _) = Fat
+ | thinness_of_type_sys (Preds (_, _, thinness)) = thinness
+ | thinness_of_type_sys (Tags (_, _, thinness)) = thinness
fun is_type_level_virtually_sound level =
level = All_Types orelse level = Nonmonotonic_Types
@@ -200,8 +202,8 @@
s <> type_pred_base andalso s <> type_tag_name andalso
(s = @{const_name HOL.eq} orelse level_of_type_sys type_sys = No_Types orelse
(case type_sys of
- Tags (_, _, Shallow) => false
- | Tags (_, All_Types, Deep) => true
+ Tags (_, _, Thin) => false
+ | Tags (_, All_Types, Fat) => true
| _ => polymorphism_of_type_sys type_sys <> Mangled_Monomorphic andalso
member (op =) boring_consts s))
@@ -213,7 +215,7 @@
fun should_drop_arg_type_args type_sys =
level_of_type_sys type_sys = All_Types andalso
- depth_of_type_sys type_sys = Deep
+ thinness_of_type_sys type_sys = Fat
fun general_type_arg_policy type_sys =
if level_of_type_sys type_sys = No_Types then
@@ -497,19 +499,19 @@
exists (curry Type.raw_instance T) nonmono_Ts
| should_encode_type _ _ _ _ = false
-fun should_predicate_on_type ctxt nonmono_Ts (Preds (_, level, depth)) T =
- (case depth of
- Deep => should_encode_type ctxt nonmono_Ts level T
- | Shallow => error "Not implemented yet.")
+fun should_predicate_on_type ctxt nonmono_Ts (Preds (_, level, thinness)) T =
+ (case thinness of
+ Thin => should_encode_type ctxt nonmono_Ts level T (* FIXME *)
+ | Fat => should_encode_type ctxt nonmono_Ts level T)
| should_predicate_on_type _ _ _ _ = false
datatype tag_site = Top_Level | Eq_Arg | Elsewhere
fun should_tag_with_type _ _ _ Top_Level _ _ = false
- | should_tag_with_type ctxt nonmono_Ts (Tags (_, level, depth)) site u T =
- (case depth of
- Deep => should_encode_type ctxt nonmono_Ts level T
- | Shallow =>
+ | should_tag_with_type ctxt nonmono_Ts (Tags (_, level, thinness)) site u T =
+ (case thinness of
+ Fat => should_encode_type ctxt nonmono_Ts level T
+ | Thin =>
case (site, u) of
(Eq_Arg, CombVar _) =>
@@ -977,7 +979,7 @@
let val level = level_of_type_sys type_sys in
(level = Nonmonotonic_Types orelse
(case type_sys of
- Tags (poly, _, Shallow) => poly <> Polymorphic
+ Tags (poly, _, Thin) => poly <> Polymorphic
| _ => false))
? (fold (add_fact_nonmonotonic_types ctxt level) facts
(* in case helper "True_or_False" is included *)
@@ -1100,10 +1102,10 @@
|-> map2 (formula_line_for_pred_sym_decl ctxt conj_sym_kind nonmono_Ts
type_sys n s)
- | Tags (_, _, depth) =>
- (case depth of
- Deep => []
- | Shallow =>
+ | Tags (_, _, thinness) =>
+ (case thinness of
+ Fat => []
+ | Thin =>
let val n = length decls in
(0 upto n - 1 ~~ decls)
|> maps (formula_lines_for_tag_sym_decl ctxt nonmono_Ts type_sys n s)
@@ -1132,7 +1134,7 @@
fun decl_line_for_tff_type (s, s') =
Decl (type_decl_prefix ^ ascii_of s, (s, s'), [], `I tptp_tff_type_of_types)
-fun should_add_ti_ti_helper (Tags (Polymorphic, level, Deep)) =
+fun should_add_ti_ti_helper (Tags (Polymorphic, level, Fat)) =
level = Nonmonotonic_Types orelse level = Finite_Types
| should_add_ti_ti_helper _ = false