made semantics of "max_new_instances" be what the name suggests, the previous implementation did, and the Sledgehammer manual documents
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/monomorph.ML Mon Sep 09 15:22:04 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/monomorph.ML Mon Sep 09 18:12:41 2013 +0200
@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@
fun round i x = if i > max then x else round (i + 1) (f ctxt i x)
in round 1 end
-fun reached_new_instance_limit ctxt n =
- n >= Config.get ctxt max_new_instances
fun reached_thm_instance_limit ctxt n =
n >= Config.get ctxt max_thm_instances
@@ -183,28 +180,31 @@
in Term.fold_aterms add (Thm.prop_of thm) end
-fun add_insts ctxt round used_grounds new_grounds id thm tvars schematics cx =
+fun add_insts max_instances ctxt round used_grounds new_grounds id thm tvars
+ schematics cx =
exception ENOUGH of
typ list Symtab.table * (int * (int * thm) list Inttab.table)
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- fun add subst (next_grounds, (n, insts)) =
- let
- val thm' = instantiate thy subst thm
- val rthm = (round, thm')
- val rthms = Inttab.lookup_list insts id;
- val n_insts' =
- if member (eq_snd Thm.eq_thm) rthms rthm orelse
- reached_thm_instance_limit ctxt (length rthms) then
- (n, insts)
- else
- (n + 1, Inttab.cons_list (id, rthm) insts)
- val next_grounds' =
- add_new_grounds used_grounds new_grounds thm' next_grounds
- val cx' = (next_grounds', n_insts')
- in if reached_new_instance_limit ctxt n then raise ENOUGH cx' else cx' end
+ fun add subst (cx as (next_grounds, (n, insts))) =
+ if n >= max_instances then
+ raise ENOUGH cx
+ else
+ let
+ val thm' = instantiate thy subst thm
+ val rthm = (round, thm')
+ val rthms = Inttab.lookup_list insts id;
+ val n_insts' =
+ if member (eq_snd Thm.eq_thm) rthms rthm orelse
+ reached_thm_instance_limit ctxt (length rthms) then
+ (n, insts)
+ else
+ (n + 1, Inttab.cons_list (id, rthm) insts)
+ val next_grounds' =
+ add_new_grounds used_grounds new_grounds thm' next_grounds
+ in (next_grounds', n_insts') end
fun with_grounds (n, T) f subst (n', Us) =
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@
fun is_active round initial_round = (round > initial_round)
-fun find_instances thm_infos ctxt round (known_grounds, new_grounds, insts) =
+fun find_instances max_instances thm_infos ctxt round
+ (known_grounds, new_grounds, insts) =
- val add_new = add_insts ctxt round
+ val add_new = add_insts max_instances ctxt round
fun consider_all pred f (cx as (_, (n, _))) =
- if reached_new_instance_limit ctxt n then cx
- else fold_schematics pred f thm_infos cx
+ if n >= max_instances then cx else fold_schematics pred f thm_infos cx
val known_grounds' = Symtab.merge_list (op =) (known_grounds, new_grounds)
val empty_grounds = clear_grounds known_grounds'
@@ -277,9 +277,12 @@
val known_grounds = fold_grounds add_ground_types thm_infos consts
val empty_grounds = clear_grounds known_grounds
+ val max_instances =
+ Config.get ctxt max_new_instances
+ |> fold (fn Schematic _ => Integer.add 1 | _ => I) thm_infos
(empty_grounds, known_grounds, (0, Inttab.empty))
- |> limit_rounds ctxt (find_instances thm_infos)
+ |> limit_rounds ctxt (find_instances max_instances thm_infos)
|> (fn (_, _, (_, insts)) => insts)