Document.update includes node consolidation / presentation as regular print operation: avoid user operations on protocol thread;
Thu, 31 May 2018 22:27:13 +0200
changeset 68336 09ac56914b29
parent 68335 2f080a51a10d
child 68337 70818e1bb151
Document.update includes node consolidation / presentation as regular print operation: avoid user operations on protocol thread; tuned;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Thu May 31 22:10:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Thu May 31 22:27:13 2018 +0200
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
   val command_exec: state -> string -> Document_ID.command -> Command.exec option
   val remove_versions: Document_ID.version list -> state -> state
   val start_execution: state -> state
-  val consolidate_execution: state -> unit
-  val update: Document_ID.version -> Document_ID.version -> edit list -> state ->
+  val update: Document_ID.version -> Document_ID.version -> edit list -> bool -> state ->
     Document_ID.exec list * (Document_ID.command * Document_ID.exec list) list * state
   val state: unit -> state
   val change_state: (state -> state) -> unit
@@ -55,24 +54,22 @@
 structure Entries = Linear_Set(type key = Document_ID.command val ord = int_ord);
-type consolidation = (int -> int option) * Thy_Output.segment list;
 abstype node = Node of
  {header: node_header,  (*master directory, theory header, errors*)
   keywords: Keyword.keywords option,  (*outer syntax keywords*)
   perspective: perspective,  (*command perspective*)
   entries: Command.exec option Entries.T,  (*command entries with executions*)
-  result: Command.eval option,  (*result of last execution*)
-  consolidation: consolidation future}  (*consolidation status of eval forks*)
+  result: (Document_ID.command * Command.eval) option,  (*result of last execution*)
+  consolidated: unit lazy}  (*consolidated status of eval forks*)
 and version = Version of node String_Graph.T  (*development graph wrt. static imports*)
-fun make_node (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation) =
+fun make_node (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated) =
   Node {header = header, keywords = keywords, perspective = perspective,
-    entries = entries, result = result, consolidation = consolidation};
+    entries = entries, result = result, consolidated = consolidated};
-fun map_node f (Node {header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation}) =
-  make_node (f (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation));
+fun map_node f (Node {header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated}) =
+  make_node (f (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated));
 fun make_perspective (required, command_ids, overlays) : perspective =
  {required = required,
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@
 val no_perspective = make_perspective (false, [], []);
 val empty_node =
-  make_node (no_header, NONE, no_perspective, Entries.empty, NONE, Future.value (K NONE, []));
+  make_node (no_header, NONE, no_perspective, Entries.empty, NONE, Lazy.value ());
 fun is_no_perspective ({required, visible, visible_last, overlays}: perspective) =
   not required andalso
@@ -93,13 +90,13 @@
   is_none visible_last andalso
   Inttab.is_empty overlays;
-fun is_empty_node (Node {header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation}) =
+fun is_empty_node (Node {header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated}) =
   header = no_header andalso
   is_none keywords andalso
   is_no_perspective perspective andalso
   Entries.is_empty entries andalso
   is_none result andalso
-  Future.is_finished consolidation;
+  Lazy.is_finished consolidated;
 (* basic components *)
@@ -110,15 +107,15 @@
   | _ => Path.current);
 fun set_header master header errors =
-  map_node (fn (_, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation) =>
+  map_node (fn (_, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated) =>
     ({master = master, header = header, errors = errors},
-      keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation));
+      keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated));
 fun get_header (Node {header, ...}) = header;
 fun set_keywords keywords =
-  map_node (fn (header, _, perspective, entries, result, consolidation) =>
-    (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation));
+  map_node (fn (header, _, perspective, entries, result, consolidated) =>
+    (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated));
 fun get_keywords (Node {keywords, ...}) = keywords;
@@ -142,8 +139,8 @@
 fun get_perspective (Node {perspective, ...}) = perspective;
 fun set_perspective args =
-  map_node (fn (header, keywords, _, entries, result, consolidation) =>
-    (header, keywords, make_perspective args, entries, result, consolidation));
+  map_node (fn (header, keywords, _, entries, result, consolidated) =>
+    (header, keywords, make_perspective args, entries, result, consolidated));
 val required_node = #required o get_perspective;
 val visible_command = Inttab.defined o #visible o get_perspective;
@@ -152,8 +149,8 @@
 val overlays = Inttab.lookup_list o #overlays o get_perspective;
 fun map_entries f =
-  map_node (fn (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation) =>
-    (header, keywords, perspective, f entries, result, consolidation));
+  map_node (fn (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated) =>
+    (header, keywords, perspective, f entries, result, consolidated));
 fun get_entries (Node {entries, ...}) = entries;
@@ -166,30 +163,40 @@
 fun get_result (Node {result, ...}) = result;
 fun set_result result =
-  map_node (fn (header, keywords, perspective, entries, _, consolidation) =>
-    (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidation));
+  map_node (fn (header, keywords, perspective, entries, _, consolidated) =>
+    (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, consolidated));
 fun pending_result node =
   (case get_result node of
-    SOME eval => not (Command.eval_finished eval)
+    SOME (_, eval) => not (Command.eval_finished eval)
   | NONE => false);
 fun finished_result node =
   (case get_result node of
-    SOME eval => Command.eval_finished eval
+    SOME (_, eval) => Command.eval_finished eval
   | NONE => false);
 fun finished_result_theory node =
   if finished_result node then
-    let val st = Command.eval_result_state (the (get_result node))
-    in SOME (Toplevel.end_theory Position.none st) handle ERROR _ => NONE end
+    let
+      val (result_id, eval) = the (get_result node);
+      val st = Command.eval_result_state eval;
+    in SOME (result_id, Toplevel.end_theory Position.none st) handle ERROR _ => NONE end
   else NONE;
-val reset_consolidation =
+val reset_consolidated =
   map_node (fn (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, _) =>
-    (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, Future.promise I));
+    (header, keywords, perspective, entries, result, Lazy.lazy I));
+fun get_consolidated (Node {consolidated, ...}) = consolidated;
+val is_consolidated = Lazy.is_finished o get_consolidated;
-fun get_consolidation (Node {consolidation, ...}) = consolidation;
+fun commit_consolidated node =
+  (Lazy.force (get_consolidated node); Output.status (Markup.markup_only Markup.consolidated));
+fun could_consolidate node =
+  not (is_consolidated node) andalso is_some (finished_result_theory node);
 fun get_node nodes name = String_Graph.get_node nodes name
   handle String_Graph.UNDEF _ => empty_node;
@@ -414,9 +421,6 @@
 val the_command_name = #1 oo the_command;
-fun force_command_span state =
-  Outer_Syntax.make_span o Lazy.force o #4 o the_command state;
 (* execution *)
@@ -515,77 +519,6 @@
         {version_id = version_id, execution_id = execution_id, delay_request = delay_request'};
     in (versions, blobs, commands, execution') end));
-fun presentation options thy node_name node =
-  if Options.bool options "editor_presentation" then
-    let
-      val (adjust, segments) = Future.get_finished (get_consolidation node);
-      val presentation_context: Thy_Info.presentation_context =
-       {options = options,
-        file_pos = Position.file node_name,
-        adjust_pos = Position.adjust_offsets adjust,
-        segments = segments};
-    in Thy_Info.apply_presentation presentation_context thy end
-  else ();
-fun consolidate_execution state =
-  let
-    fun check_consolidation node_name node =
-      if Future.is_finished (get_consolidation node) then ()
-      else
-        (case finished_result_theory node of
-          NONE => ()
-        | SOME thy =>
-            let
-              val result_id = Command.eval_exec_id (the (get_result node));
-              val eval_ids =
-                iterate_entries (fn (_, opt_exec) => fn eval_ids =>
-                  (case opt_exec of
-                    SOME (eval, _) => SOME (cons (Command.eval_exec_id eval) eval_ids)
-                  | NONE => NONE)) node [];
-            in
-              (case Execution.snapshot eval_ids of
-                [] =>
-                  let
-                    val (_, offsets, rev_segments) =
-                      iterate_entries (fn (_, opt_exec) => fn (offset, offsets, segments) =>
-                        (case opt_exec of
-                          SOME (eval, _) =>
-                            let
-                              val command_id = Command.eval_command_id eval;
-                              val span = force_command_span state command_id;
-                              val exec_id = Command.eval_exec_id eval;
-                              val tr = Command.eval_result_command eval;
-                              val st' = Command.eval_result_state eval;
-                              val offset' = offset + the_default 0 (Command_Span.symbol_length span);
-                              val offsets' = offsets
-                                |> Inttab.update (command_id, offset)
-                                |> Inttab.update (exec_id, offset);
-                              val segments' = (span, tr, st') :: segments;
-                            in SOME (offset', offsets', segments') end
-                        | NONE => NONE)) node (0, Inttab.empty, []);
-                    val adjust = Inttab.lookup offsets;
-                    val segments =
-                      rev rev_segments |> map (fn (span, tr, st') =>
-                        {span = Command_Span.adjust_offsets adjust span, command = tr, state = st'});
-                    val _ = Future.fulfill (get_consolidation node) (adjust, segments);
-                    val _ =
-                      Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only (Document_ID.print result_id))
-                        (fn () =>
-                          (Output.status (Markup.markup_only Markup.consolidated);
-                            (* FIXME avoid user operations on protocol thread *)
-                            presentation (Options.default ()) thy node_name node)) ();
-                  in () end
-              | _ => ())
-            end);
-      in
-        String_Graph.fold (fn (node_name, (node, _)) => fn () => check_consolidation node_name node)
-          (nodes_of (get_execution_version state)) ()
-      end;
 (** document update **)
@@ -596,6 +529,7 @@
 val assign_update_empty: assign_update = Inttab.empty;
 fun assign_update_defined (tab: assign_update) command_id = Inttab.defined tab command_id;
+fun assign_update_change entry (tab: assign_update) = Inttab.update entry tab;
 fun assign_update_apply (tab: assign_update) node = Inttab.fold assign_entry tab node;
 fun assign_update_new upd (tab: assign_update) =
@@ -626,7 +560,7 @@
             maybe_end_theory pos
               (case get_result (snd (the (AList.lookup (op =) deps import))) of
                 NONE => Toplevel.toplevel
-              | SOME eval => Command.eval_result_state eval)
+              | SOME (_, eval) => Command.eval_result_state eval)
         | some => some)
         |> (fn thy => (thy, (pos, Theory.get_markup thy))));
@@ -727,10 +661,78 @@
 fun removed_execs node0 (command_id, exec_ids) =
   subtract (op =) exec_ids (Command.exec_ids (lookup_entry node0 command_id));
+fun print_consolidation options the_command_span node_name (assign_update, node) =
+  (case finished_result_theory node of
+    SOME (result_id, thy) =>
+      let
+        val eval_ids =
+          iterate_entries (fn (_, opt_exec) => fn eval_ids =>
+            (case opt_exec of
+              SOME (eval, _) => SOME (cons (Command.eval_exec_id eval) eval_ids)
+            | NONE => NONE)) node [];
+      in
+        if null (Execution.snapshot eval_ids) then
+          let
+            val consolidation =
+              if Options.bool options "editor_presentation" then
+                let
+                  val (_, offsets, rev_segments) =
+                    iterate_entries (fn (_, opt_exec) => fn (offset, offsets, segments) =>
+                      (case opt_exec of
+                        SOME (eval, _) =>
+                          let
+                            val command_id = Command.eval_command_id eval;
+                            val span = the_command_span command_id;
+                            val exec_id = Command.eval_exec_id eval;
+                            val tr = Command.eval_result_command eval;
+                            val st' = Command.eval_result_state eval;
+                            val offset' = offset + the_default 0 (Command_Span.symbol_length span);
+                            val offsets' = offsets
+                              |> Inttab.update (command_id, offset)
+                              |> Inttab.update (exec_id, offset);
+                            val segments' = (span, tr, st') :: segments;
+                          in SOME (offset', offsets', segments') end
+                      | NONE => NONE)) node (0, Inttab.empty, []);
+                  val adjust = Inttab.lookup offsets;
+                  val segments =
+                    rev rev_segments |> map (fn (span, tr, st') =>
+                      {span = Command_Span.adjust_offsets adjust span, command = tr, state = st'});
+                  val presentation_context: Thy_Info.presentation_context =
+                   {options = options,
+                    file_pos = Position.file node_name,
+                    adjust_pos = Position.adjust_offsets adjust,
+                    segments = segments};
+                in
+                  fn () =>
+                    (Thy_Info.apply_presentation presentation_context thy;
+                     commit_consolidated node)
+                end
+              else fn () => commit_consolidated node;
+            val result_entry =
+              (case lookup_entry node result_id of
+                NONE => err_undef "result command entry" result_id
+              | SOME (eval, prints) =>
+                  (result_id, SOME (eval, Command.print0 consolidation eval :: prints)));
+            val assign_update' = assign_update |> assign_update_change result_entry;
+            val node' = node |> assign_entry result_entry;
+          in (assign_update', node') end
+        else (assign_update, node)
+      end
+  | NONE => (assign_update, node));
-fun update old_version_id new_version_id edits state = Runtime.exn_trace_system (fn () =>
+fun update old_version_id new_version_id edits consolidate state =
+  Runtime.exn_trace_system (fn () =>
+    val options = Options.default ();
+    val the_command_span = Outer_Syntax.make_span o Lazy.force o #4 o the_command state;
     val old_version = the_version state old_version_id;
     val new_version =
       timeit "Document.edit_nodes"
@@ -753,12 +755,15 @@
                     val root_theory = check_root_theory node;
                     val keywords = the_default (Session.get_keywords ()) (get_keywords node);
+                    val maybe_consolidate = consolidate andalso could_consolidate node;
                     val imports = map (apsnd Future.join) deps;
                     val imports_result_changed = exists (#4 o #1 o #2) imports;
                     val node_required = Symtab.defined required name;
-                    if Symtab.defined edited name orelse visible_node node orelse
-                      imports_result_changed orelse Symtab.defined required0 name <> node_required
+                    if Symtab.defined edited name orelse maybe_consolidate orelse
+                      visible_node node orelse imports_result_changed orelse
+                      Symtab.defined required0 name <> node_required
                         val node0 = node_of old_version name;
@@ -785,7 +790,7 @@
                                 if not node_required andalso prev = visible_last node then NONE
                                 else new_exec keywords state node proper_init id res) node;
-                        val assigned_execs =
+                        val assign_update =
                           (node0, updated_execs) |-> iterate_entries_after common
                             (fn ((_, command_id0), exec0) => fn res =>
                               if is_none exec0 then NONE
@@ -796,32 +801,36 @@
                           if command_id' = Document_ID.none then NONE else SOME command_id';
                         val result =
                           if is_none last_exec orelse is_some (after_entry node last_exec) then NONE
-                          else SOME (#1 exec');
-                        val assign_update = assign_update_result assigned_execs;
-                        val removed = maps (removed_execs node0) assign_update;
-                        val _ = Execution.cancel removed;
+                          else SOME (command_id', #1 exec');
                         val result_changed =
-                          not (eq_option Command.eval_eq (get_result node0, result));
-                        val node' = node
-                          |> assign_update_apply assigned_execs
+                          not (eq_option (Command.eval_eq o apply2 #2) (get_result node0, result));
+                        val (assign_update', node') = node
+                          |> assign_update_apply assign_update
                           |> set_result result
-                          |> result_changed ? reset_consolidation;
+                          |> result_changed ? reset_consolidated
+                          |> pair assign_update
+                          |> (not result_changed andalso maybe_consolidate) ?
+                              print_consolidation options the_command_span name;
+                        val assign_result = assign_update_result assign_update';
+                        val removed = maps (removed_execs node0) assign_result;
+                        val _ = Execution.cancel removed;
                         val assigned_node = SOME (name, node');
-                      in ((removed, assign_update, assigned_node, result_changed), node') end
+                      in ((removed, assign_result, assigned_node, result_changed), node') end
                     else (([], [], NONE, false), node)
       |> Future.joins |> map #1);
     val removed = maps #1 updated;
-    val assign_update = maps #2 updated;
+    val assign_result = maps #2 updated;
     val assigned_nodes = map_filter #3 updated;
     val state' = state
       |> define_version new_version_id (fold put_node assigned_nodes new_version);
-  in (removed, assign_update, state') end);
+  in (removed, assign_result, state') end);
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol.ML	Thu May 31 22:10:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol.ML	Thu May 31 22:27:13 2018 +0200
@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@
 val _ =
-  Isabelle_Process.protocol_command "Document.consolidate_execution"
-    (fn [] => Document.consolidate_execution (Document.state ()));
-val _ =
   Isabelle_Process.protocol_command "Document.discontinue_execution"
     (fn [] => Execution.discontinue ());
@@ -78,49 +74,52 @@
 val _ =
   Isabelle_Process.protocol_command "Document.update"
     (Future.task_context "Document.update" (Future.new_group NONE)
-      (fn [old_id_string, new_id_string, edits_yxml] => Document.change_state (fn state =>
-        let
-          val _ = Execution.discontinue ();
+      (fn [old_id_string, new_id_string, edits_yxml, consolidate_string] =>
+        Document.change_state (fn state =>
+          let
+            val old_id = Document_ID.parse old_id_string;
+            val new_id = Document_ID.parse new_id_string;
+            val edits =
+              YXML.parse_body edits_yxml |>
+                let open XML.Decode in
+                  list (pair string
+                    (variant
+                     [fn ([], a) => Document.Edits (list (pair (option int) (option int)) a),
+                      fn ([], a) =>
+                        let
+                          val (master, (name, (imports, (keywords, errors)))) =
+                            pair string (pair string (pair (list string)
+                              (pair (list (pair string
+                                (pair (pair string (list string)) (list string))))
+                                (list YXML.string_of_body)))) a;
+                          val imports' = map (rpair Position.none) imports;
+                          val keywords' = map (fn (x, y) => ((x, Position.none), y)) keywords;
+                          val header = Thy_Header.make (name, Position.none) imports' keywords';
+                        in Document.Deps {master = master, header = header, errors = errors} end,
+                      fn (a :: b, c) =>
+                        Document.Perspective (bool_atom a, map int_atom b,
+                          list (pair int (pair string (list string))) c)]))
+                end;
+            val consolidate = Value.parse_bool consolidate_string;
-          val old_id = Document_ID.parse old_id_string;
-          val new_id = Document_ID.parse new_id_string;
-          val edits =
-            YXML.parse_body edits_yxml |>
-              let open XML.Decode in
-                list (pair string
-                  (variant
-                   [fn ([], a) => Document.Edits (list (pair (option int) (option int)) a),
-                    fn ([], a) =>
-                      let
-                        val (master, (name, (imports, (keywords, errors)))) =
-                          pair string (pair string (pair (list string)
-                            (pair (list (pair string
-                              (pair (pair string (list string)) (list string))))
-                              (list YXML.string_of_body)))) a;
-                        val imports' = map (rpair Position.none) imports;
-                        val keywords' = map (fn (x, y) => ((x, Position.none), y)) keywords;
-                        val header = Thy_Header.make (name, Position.none) imports' keywords';
-                      in Document.Deps {master = master, header = header, errors = errors} end,
-                    fn (a :: b, c) =>
-                      Document.Perspective (bool_atom a, map int_atom b,
-                        list (pair int (pair string (list string))) c)]))
-              end;
+            val _ = Execution.discontinue ();
-          val (removed, assign_update, state') = Document.update old_id new_id edits state;
-          val _ =
-            (singleton o Future.forks)
-             {name = "Document.update/remove", group = NONE,
-              deps = Execution.snapshot removed,
-              pri = Task_Queue.urgent_pri + 2, interrupts = false}
-             (fn () => (Execution.purge removed; Isabelle_Process.reset_tracing removed));
+            val (removed, assign_update, state') =
+              Document.update old_id new_id edits consolidate state;
+            val _ =
+              (singleton o Future.forks)
+               {name = "Document.update/remove", group = NONE,
+                deps = Execution.snapshot removed,
+                pri = Task_Queue.urgent_pri + 2, interrupts = false}
+               (fn () => (Execution.purge removed; Isabelle_Process.reset_tracing removed));
-          val _ =
-            Output.protocol_message Markup.assign_update
-              [(new_id, assign_update) |>
-                let open XML.Encode
-                in pair int (list (pair int (list int))) end
-                |> YXML.string_of_body];
-        in Document.start_execution state' end)));
+            val _ =
+              Output.protocol_message Markup.assign_update
+                [(new_id, assign_update) |>
+                  let open XML.Encode
+                  in pair int (list (pair int (list int))) end
+                  |> YXML.string_of_body];
+          in Document.start_execution state' end)));
 val _ =
   Isabelle_Process.protocol_command "Document.remove_versions"
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol.scala	Thu May 31 22:10:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol.scala	Thu May 31 22:27:13 2018 +0200
@@ -409,9 +409,6 @@
   /* execution */
-  def consolidate_execution(): Unit =
-    protocol_command("Document.consolidate_execution")
   def discontinue_execution(): Unit =
@@ -422,7 +419,7 @@
   /* document versions */
   def update(old_id: Document_ID.Version, new_id: Document_ID.Version,
-    edits: List[Document.Edit_Command])
+    edits: List[Document.Edit_Command], consolidate: Boolean)
     val edits_yxml =
@@ -450,7 +447,8 @@
         pair(string, encode_edit(name))(name.node, edit)
       Symbol.encode_yxml(encode_edits(edits)) }
-    protocol_command("Document.update", Document_ID(old_id), Document_ID(new_id), edits_yxml)
+    protocol_command(
+      "Document.update", Document_ID(old_id), Document_ID(new_id), edits_yxml, consolidate.toString)
   def remove_versions(versions: List[Document.Version])
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/resources.scala	Thu May 31 22:10:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/resources.scala	Thu May 31 22:27:13 2018 +0200
@@ -215,8 +215,9 @@
       reparse_limit: Int,
       previous: Document.Version,
       doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
-      edits: List[Document.Edit_Text]): Session.Change =
-    Thy_Syntax.parse_change(resources, reparse_limit, previous, doc_blobs, edits)
+      edits: List[Document.Edit_Text],
+      consolidate: Boolean): Session.Change =
+    Thy_Syntax.parse_change(resources, reparse_limit, previous, doc_blobs, edits, consolidate)
   def commit(change: Session.Change) { }
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/session.scala	Thu May 31 22:10:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/session.scala	Thu May 31 22:27:13 2018 +0200
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
     syntax_changed: List[Document.Node.Name],
     deps_changed: Boolean,
     doc_edits: List[Document.Edit_Command],
+    consolidate: Boolean,
     version: Document.Version)
   case object Change_Flush
@@ -230,15 +231,16 @@
     previous: Future[Document.Version],
     doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
     text_edits: List[Document.Edit_Text],
+    consolidate: Boolean,
     version_result: Promise[Document.Version])
   private val change_parser = Consumer_Thread.fork[Text_Edits]("change_parser", daemon = true)
-    case Text_Edits(previous, doc_blobs, text_edits, version_result) =>
+    case Text_Edits(previous, doc_blobs, text_edits, consolidate, version_result) =>
       val prev = previous.get_finished
       val change =
         Timing.timeit("parse_change", timing) {
-          resources.parse_change(reparse_limit, prev, doc_blobs, text_edits)
+          resources.parse_change(reparse_limit, prev, doc_blobs, text_edits, consolidate)
@@ -342,7 +344,10 @@
     /* raw edits */
-    def handle_raw_edits(doc_blobs: Document.Blobs, edits: List[Document.Edit_Text])
+    def handle_raw_edits(
+      doc_blobs: Document.Blobs = Document.Blobs.empty,
+      edits: List[Document.Edit_Text] = Nil,
+      consolidate: Boolean = false)
@@ -354,7 +359,7 @@
       global_state.change(_.continue_history(previous, edits, version)), edits))
-      change_parser.send(Text_Edits(previous, doc_blobs, edits, version))
+      change_parser.send(Text_Edits(previous, doc_blobs, edits, consolidate, version))
@@ -392,7 +397,7 @@
       val assignment = global_state.value.the_assignment(change.previous).check_finished
       global_state.change(_.define_version(change.version, assignment))
-      prover.get.update(,, change.doc_edits)
+      prover.get.update(,, change.doc_edits, change.consolidate)
@@ -529,7 +534,7 @@
           case Consolidate_Execution =>
-            if (prover.defined) prover.get.consolidate_execution()
+            if (prover.defined) handle_raw_edits(consolidate = true)
           case Prune_History =>
             if (prover.defined) {
@@ -540,7 +545,7 @@
           case Update_Options(options) =>
             if (prover.defined && is_ready) {
-              handle_raw_edits(Document.Blobs.empty, Nil)
+              handle_raw_edits()
@@ -548,7 +553,7 @@
           case Session.Raw_Edits(doc_blobs, edits) if prover.defined =>
-            handle_raw_edits(doc_blobs, edits)
+            handle_raw_edits(doc_blobs = doc_blobs, edits = edits)
           case Session.Dialog_Result(id, serial, result) if prover.defined =>
             prover.get.dialog_result(serial, result)
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.scala	Thu May 31 22:10:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.scala	Thu May 31 22:27:13 2018 +0200
@@ -296,7 +296,8 @@
       reparse_limit: Int,
       previous: Document.Version,
       doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
-      edits: List[Document.Edit_Text]): Session.Change =
+      edits: List[Document.Edit_Text],
+      consolidate: Boolean): Session.Change =
     val (syntax_changed, nodes0, doc_edits0) = header_edits(resources, previous, edits)
@@ -356,6 +357,7 @@
         (doc_edits.toList.filterNot(_._2.is_void), Document.Version.make(nodes))
-    Session.Change(previous, syntax_changed, syntax_changed.nonEmpty, doc_edits, version)
+    Session.Change(
+      previous, syntax_changed, syntax_changed.nonEmpty, doc_edits, consolidate, version)