--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML Fri Oct 28 02:23:49 2005 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+(* ID: $Id$
+ Author: Jia Meng, NICTA
+FOL clauses translated from HOL formulae. Combinators are used to represent lambda terms.
+structure ResHolClause =
+(* convert a Term.term with lambdas into a Term.term with combinators *)
+fun is_free (Bound(a)) n = (a = n)
+ | is_free (Abs(x,_,b)) n = (is_free b (n+1))
+ | is_free (P $ Q) n = ((is_free P n) orelse (is_free Q n))
+ | is_free _ _ = false;
+exception LAM2COMB of term;
+exception BND of term;
+fun decre_bndVar (Bound n) = Bound (n-1)
+ | decre_bndVar (P $ Q) = (decre_bndVar P) $ (decre_bndVar Q)
+ | decre_bndVar t =
+ case t of Const(_,_) => t
+ | Free(_,_) => t
+ | Var(_,_) => t
+ | Abs(_,_,_) => raise BND(t); (*should not occur*)
+fun lam2comb (Abs(x,tp,Bound 0)) _ =
+ let val tpI = Type("fun",[tp,tp])
+ in
+ Const("COMBI",tpI)
+ end
+ | lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Const(c,t2))) _ =
+ let val tK = Type("fun",[t2,Type("fun",[t1,t2])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBK",tK) $ Const(c,t2)
+ end
+ | lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Free(v,t2))) _ =
+ let val tK = Type("fun",[t2,Type("fun",[t1,t2])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBK",tK) $ Free(v,t2)
+ end
+ | lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Var(ind,t2))) _=
+ let val tK = Type("fun",[t2,Type("fun",[t1,t2])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBK",tK) $ Var(ind,t2)
+ end
+ | lam2comb (t as (Abs(x,t1,P$(Bound 0)))) Bnds =
+ let val nfreeP = not(is_free P 0)
+ val tr = Term.type_of1(t1::Bnds,P)
+ in
+ if nfreeP then (decre_bndVar P)
+ else (
+ let val tI = Type("fun",[t1,t1])
+ val P' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,P)) Bnds
+ val tp' = Term.type_of1(Bnds,P')
+ val tS = Type("fun",[tp',Type("fun",[tI,tr])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBS",tS) $ P' $ Const("COMBI",tI)
+ end)
+ end
+ | lam2comb (t as (Abs(x,t1,P$Q))) Bnds =
+ let val (nfreeP,nfreeQ) = (not(is_free P 0),not(is_free Q 0))
+ val tpq = Term.type_of1(t1::Bnds, P$Q)
+ in
+ if(nfreeP andalso nfreeQ) then (
+ let val tK = Type("fun",[tpq,Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])
+ val PQ' = decre_bndVar(P $ Q)
+ in
+ Const("COMBK",tK) $ PQ'
+ end)
+ else (
+ if nfreeP then (
+ let val Q' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Q)) Bnds
+ val P' = decre_bndVar P
+ val tp = Term.type_of1(Bnds,P')
+ val tq' = Term.type_of1(Bnds, Q')
+ val tB = Type("fun",[tp,Type("fun",[tq',Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBB",tB) $ P' $ Q'
+ end)
+ else (
+ if nfreeQ then (
+ let val P' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,P)) Bnds
+ val Q' = decre_bndVar Q
+ val tq = Term.type_of1(Bnds,Q')
+ val tp' = Term.type_of1(Bnds, P')
+ val tC = Type("fun",[tp',Type("fun",[tq,Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBC",tC) $ P' $ Q'
+ end)
+ else(
+ let val P' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,P)) Bnds
+ val Q' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Q)) Bnds
+ val tp' = Term.type_of1(Bnds,P')
+ val tq' = Term.type_of1(Bnds,Q')
+ val tS = Type("fun",[tp',Type("fun",[tq',Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])])
+ in
+ Const("COMBS",tS) $ P' $ Q'
+ end)))
+ end
+ | lam2comb (t as (Abs(x,t1,_))) _ = raise LAM2COMB (t);
+fun to_comb (Abs(x,tp,b)) Bnds =
+ let val b' = to_comb b (tp::Bnds)
+ in lam2comb (Abs(x,tp,b')) Bnds end
+ | to_comb (P $ Q) Bnds = ((to_comb P Bnds) $ (to_comb Q Bnds))
+ | to_comb t _ = t;
+fun comb_of t = to_comb t [];
+(* print a term containing combinators, used for debugging *)
+exception TERM_COMB of term;
+fun string_of_term (Const(c,t)) = c
+ | string_of_term (Free(v,t)) = v
+ | string_of_term (Var((x,n),t)) =
+ let val xn = x ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
+ in xn end
+ | string_of_term (P $ Q) =
+ let val P' = string_of_term P
+ val Q' = string_of_term Q
+ in
+ "(" ^ P' ^ " " ^ Q' ^ ")" end
+ | string_of_term t = raise TERM_COMB (t);
+(* data types for typed combinator expressions *)
+type axiom_name = string;
+datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture;
+fun name_of_kind Axiom = "axiom"
+ | name_of_kind Conjecture = "conjecture";
+type polarity = bool;
+type indexname = Term.indexname;
+type clause_id = int;
+type csort = Term.sort;
+type ctyp = string;
+type ctyp_var = ResClause.typ_var;
+type ctype_literal = ResClause.type_literal;
+datatype combterm = CombConst of string * ctyp
+ | CombFree of string * ctyp
+ | CombVar of string * ctyp
+ | CombApp of combterm * combterm * ctyp
+ | Bool of combterm
+ | Equal of combterm * combterm;
+datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm;
+datatype clause =
+ Clause of {clause_id: clause_id,
+ axiom_name: axiom_name,
+ kind: kind,
+ literals: literal list,
+ ctypes_sorts: (ctyp_var * csort) list,
+ ctvar_type_literals: ctype_literal list,
+ ctfree_type_literals: ctype_literal list};
+fun string_of_kind (Clause cls) = name_of_kind (#kind cls);
+fun get_axiomName (Clause cls) = #axiom_name cls;
+fun get_clause_id (Clause cls) = #clause_id cls;
+(* convert a clause with type Term.term to a clause with type clause *)
+fun isFalse (Literal(pol,Bool(CombConst(c,_)))) =
+ (pol andalso c = "c_False") orelse
+ (not pol andalso c = "c_True")
+ | isFalse _ = false;
+fun isTrue (Literal (pol,Bool(CombConst(c,_)))) =
+ (pol andalso c = "c_True") orelse
+ (not pol andalso c = "c_False")
+ | isTrue _ = false;
+fun isTaut (Clause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;
+fun make_clause(clause_id,axiom_name,kind,literals,ctypes_sorts,ctvar_type_literals,ctfree_type_literals) =
+ if forall isFalse literals
+ then error "Problem too trivial for resolution (empty clause)"
+ else
+ Clause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, kind = kind,
+ literals = literals, ctypes_sorts = ctypes_sorts,
+ ctvar_type_literals = ctvar_type_literals,
+ ctfree_type_literals = ctfree_type_literals};
+(* convert a Term.type to a string; gather sort information of type variables; also check if the type is a bool type *)
+fun type_of (Type (a, [])) = ((ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a,[]),a ="bool")
+ | type_of (Type (a, Ts)) =
+ let val typbs = map type_of Ts
+ val (types,_) = ListPair.unzip typbs
+ val (ctyps,tvarSorts) = ListPair.unzip types
+ val ts = ResClause.union_all tvarSorts
+ val t = ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a
+ in
+ (((t ^ ResClause.paren_pack ctyps),ts),false)
+ end
+ | type_of (tp as (TFree (a,s))) = ((ResClause.make_fixed_type_var a,[ResClause.mk_typ_var_sort tp]),false)
+ | type_of (tp as (TVar (v,s))) = ((ResClause.make_schematic_type_var v,[ResClause.mk_typ_var_sort tp]),false);
+(* same as above, but no gathering of sort information *)
+fun simp_type_of (Type (a, [])) = (ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a,a ="bool")
+ | simp_type_of (Type (a, Ts)) =
+ let val typbs = map simp_type_of Ts
+ val (types,_) = ListPair.unzip typbs
+ val t = ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a
+ in
+ ((t ^ ResClause.paren_pack types),false)
+ end
+ | simp_type_of (TFree (a,s)) = (ResClause.make_fixed_type_var a,false)
+ | simp_type_of (TVar (v,s)) = (ResClause.make_schematic_type_var v,false);
+(* convert a Term.term (with combinators) into a combterm, also accummulate sort info *)
+fun combterm_of (Const(c,t)) =
+ let val ((tp,ts),is_bool) = type_of t
+ val c' = CombConst(ResClause.make_fixed_const c,tp)
+ val c'' = if is_bool then Bool(c') else c'
+ in
+ (c'',ts)
+ end
+ | combterm_of (Free(v,t)) =
+ let val ((tp,ts),is_bool) = type_of t
+ val v' = if ResClause.isMeta v then CombVar(ResClause.make_schematic_var(v,0),tp)
+ else CombFree(ResClause.make_fixed_var v,tp)
+ val v'' = if is_bool then Bool(v') else v'
+ in
+ (v'',ts)
+ end
+ | combterm_of (Var(v,t)) =
+ let val ((tp,ts),is_bool) = type_of t
+ val v' = CombVar(ResClause.make_schematic_var v,tp)
+ val v'' = if is_bool then Bool(v') else v'
+ in
+ (v'',ts)
+ end
+ | combterm_of (Const("op =",T) $ P $ Q) = (*FIXME: allow equal between bools?*)
+ let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of P
+ val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of Q
+ in
+ (Equal(P',Q'),tsP union tsQ)
+ end
+ | combterm_of (t as (P $ Q)) =
+ let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of P
+ val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of Q
+ val tp = Term.type_of t
+ val (tp',is_bool) = simp_type_of tp
+ val t' = CombApp(P',Q',tp')
+ val t'' = if is_bool then Bool(t') else t'
+ in
+ (t'',tsP union tsQ)
+ end;
+fun predicate_of ((Const("Not",_) $ P), polarity) =
+ predicate_of (P, not polarity)
+ | predicate_of (term,polarity) = (combterm_of term,polarity);
+fun literals_of_term1 args (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals_of_term1 args P
+ | literals_of_term1 args (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) =
+ let val args' = literals_of_term1 args P
+ in
+ literals_of_term1 args' Q
+ end
+ | literals_of_term1 (lits,ts) P =
+ let val ((pred,ts'),pol) = predicate_of (P,true)
+ val lits' = Literal(pol,pred)::lits
+ in
+ (lits',ts union ts')
+ end;
+fun literals_of_term P = literals_of_term1 ([],[]) P;
+(* making axiom and conjecture clauses *)
+fun make_axiom_clause term (ax_name,cls_id) =
+ let val term' = comb_of term
+ val (lits,ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term term'
+ val (ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits) = ResClause.add_typs_aux2 ctypes_sorts
+ in
+ make_clause(cls_id,ax_name,Axiom,
+ lits,ctypes_sorts,ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits)
+ end;
+fun make_conjecture_clause n t =
+ let val t' = comb_of t
+ val (lits,ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term t'
+ val (ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits) = ResClause.add_typs_aux2 ctypes_sorts
+ in
+ make_clause(n,"conjecture",Conjecture,lits,ctypes_sorts,ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits)
+ end;
+fun make_conjecture_clauses_aux _ [] = []
+ | make_conjecture_clauses_aux n (t::ts) =
+ make_conjecture_clause n t :: make_conjecture_clauses_aux (n+1) ts;
+val make_conjecture_clauses = make_conjecture_clauses_aux 0;
+(* convert clause into ATP specific formats: *)
+(* TPTP used by Vampire and E *)
+val keep_types = ref true;
+val type_wrapper = "typeinfo";
+fun put_type (c,t) =
+ if !keep_types then type_wrapper ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [c,t])
+ else c;
+val bool_tp = ResClause.make_fixed_type_const "bool";
+val app_str = "hAPP";
+val bool_str = "hBOOL";
+(* convert literals of clauses into strings *)
+fun string_of_combterm (CombConst(c,tp)) =
+ if tp = bool_tp then c else put_type(c,tp)
+ | string_of_combterm (CombFree(v,tp)) =
+ if tp = bool_tp then v else put_type(v,tp)
+ | string_of_combterm (CombVar(v,tp)) =
+ if tp = bool_tp then v else put_type(v,tp)
+ | string_of_combterm (CombApp(t1,t2,tp)) =
+ let val s1 = string_of_combterm t1
+ val s2 = string_of_combterm t2
+ val app = app_str ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [s1,s2])
+ in
+ if tp = bool_tp then app else put_type(app,tp)
+ end
+ | string_of_combterm (Bool(t)) =
+ let val t' = string_of_combterm t
+ in
+ bool_str ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [t'])
+ end
+ | string_of_combterm (Equal(t1,t2)) =
+ let val s1 = string_of_combterm t1
+ val s2 = string_of_combterm t2
+ in
+ "equal" ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [s1,s2])
+ end;
+fun string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) =
+ ResClause.clause_prefix ^ ResClause.ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
+fun string_of_type_clsname (cls_id,ax_name,idx) =
+ string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "_tcs" ^ (Int.toString idx);
+fun tptp_literal (Literal(pol,pred)) =
+ let val pred_string = string_of_combterm pred
+ val pol_str = if pol then "++" else "--"
+ in
+ pol_str ^ pred_string
+ end;
+fun tptp_type_lits (Clause cls) =
+ let val lits = map tptp_literal (#literals cls)
+ val ctvar_lits_strs =
+ if !keep_types
+ then (map ResClause.tptp_of_typeLit (#ctvar_type_literals cls))
+ else []
+ val ctfree_lits =
+ if !keep_types
+ then (map ResClause.tptp_of_typeLit (#ctfree_type_literals cls))
+ else []
+ in
+ (ctvar_lits_strs @ lits, ctfree_lits)
+ end;
+fun clause2tptp cls =
+ let val (lits,ctfree_lits) = tptp_type_lits cls
+ val cls_id = get_clause_id cls
+ val ax_name = get_axiomName cls
+ val knd = string_of_kind cls
+ val lits_str = ResClause.bracket_pack lits
+ val cls_str = ResClause.gen_tptp_cls(cls_id,ax_name,knd,lits_str)
+ in
+ (cls_str,ctfree_lits)
+ end;
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