A new file that defines datatypes representing FOL clauses that are derived from HOL formulae. This file also has functions that convert lambda terms to combinator expressions, and functions that convert clauses to TPTP format.
Fri, 28 Oct 2005 02:23:49 +0200
changeset 17998 0a869029ca58
parent 17997 6c0fe78624d9
child 17999 6fe9cb1da9ed
A new file that defines datatypes representing FOL clauses that are derived from HOL formulae. This file also has functions that convert lambda terms to combinator expressions, and functions that convert clauses to TPTP format.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML	Fri Oct 28 02:23:49 2005 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+(* ID: $Id$ 
+   Author: Jia Meng, NICTA
+FOL clauses translated from HOL formulae.  Combinators are used to represent lambda terms.
+structure ResHolClause =
+(* convert a Term.term with lambdas into a Term.term with combinators *) 
+fun is_free (Bound(a)) n = (a = n)
+  | is_free (Abs(x,_,b)) n = (is_free b (n+1))
+  | is_free (P $ Q) n = ((is_free P n) orelse (is_free Q n))
+  | is_free _ _ = false;
+exception LAM2COMB of term;
+exception BND of term;
+fun decre_bndVar (Bound n) = Bound (n-1)
+  | decre_bndVar (P $ Q) = (decre_bndVar P) $ (decre_bndVar Q)
+  | decre_bndVar t =
+    case t of Const(_,_) => t
+	    | Free(_,_) => t
+	    | Var(_,_) => t
+	    | Abs(_,_,_) => raise BND(t); (*should not occur*)
+fun lam2comb (Abs(x,tp,Bound 0)) _ = 
+    let val tpI = Type("fun",[tp,tp])
+    in 
+	Const("COMBI",tpI) 
+    end
+  | lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Const(c,t2))) _ = 
+    let val tK = Type("fun",[t2,Type("fun",[t1,t2])])
+    in 
+	Const("COMBK",tK) $ Const(c,t2) 
+    end
+  | lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Free(v,t2))) _ =
+    let val tK = Type("fun",[t2,Type("fun",[t1,t2])])
+    in
+	Const("COMBK",tK) $ Free(v,t2)
+    end
+  | lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Var(ind,t2))) _=
+    let val tK = Type("fun",[t2,Type("fun",[t1,t2])])
+    in
+	Const("COMBK",tK) $ Var(ind,t2)
+    end
+  | lam2comb (t as (Abs(x,t1,P$(Bound 0)))) Bnds =
+    let val nfreeP = not(is_free P 0)
+	val tr = Term.type_of1(t1::Bnds,P)
+    in
+	if nfreeP then (decre_bndVar P)
+	else (
+	      let val tI = Type("fun",[t1,t1])
+		  val P' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,P)) Bnds
+		  val tp' = Term.type_of1(Bnds,P')
+		  val tS = Type("fun",[tp',Type("fun",[tI,tr])])
+	      in
+		  Const("COMBS",tS) $ P' $ Const("COMBI",tI)
+	      end)
+    end
+  | lam2comb (t as (Abs(x,t1,P$Q))) Bnds =
+    let val (nfreeP,nfreeQ) = (not(is_free P 0),not(is_free Q 0))
+	val tpq = Term.type_of1(t1::Bnds, P$Q) 
+    in
+	if(nfreeP andalso nfreeQ) then (
+	    let val tK = Type("fun",[tpq,Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])
+		val PQ' = decre_bndVar(P $ Q)
+	    in 
+		Const("COMBK",tK) $ PQ'
+	    end)
+	else (
+	      if nfreeP then (
+			       let val Q' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Q)) Bnds
+				   val P' = decre_bndVar P
+				   val tp = Term.type_of1(Bnds,P')
+				   val tq' = Term.type_of1(Bnds, Q')
+				   val tB = Type("fun",[tp,Type("fun",[tq',Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])])
+			       in
+				   Const("COMBB",tB) $ P' $ Q' 
+			       end)
+	      else (
+		    if nfreeQ then (
+				    let val P' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,P)) Bnds
+					val Q' = decre_bndVar Q
+					val tq = Term.type_of1(Bnds,Q')
+					val tp' = Term.type_of1(Bnds, P')
+					val tC = Type("fun",[tp',Type("fun",[tq,Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])])
+				    in
+					Const("COMBC",tC) $ P' $ Q'
+				    end)
+		    else(
+			 let val P' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,P)) Bnds
+			     val Q' = lam2comb (Abs(x,t1,Q)) Bnds
+			     val tp' = Term.type_of1(Bnds,P')
+			     val tq' = Term.type_of1(Bnds,Q')
+			     val tS = Type("fun",[tp',Type("fun",[tq',Type("fun",[t1,tpq])])])
+			 in
+			     Const("COMBS",tS) $ P' $ Q'
+			 end)))
+    end
+  | lam2comb (t as (Abs(x,t1,_))) _ = raise LAM2COMB (t);
+fun to_comb (Abs(x,tp,b)) Bnds =
+    let val b' = to_comb b (tp::Bnds)
+    in lam2comb (Abs(x,tp,b')) Bnds end
+  | to_comb (P $ Q) Bnds = ((to_comb P Bnds) $ (to_comb Q Bnds))
+  | to_comb t _ = t;
+fun comb_of t = to_comb t [];
+(* print a term containing combinators, used for debugging *)
+exception TERM_COMB of term;
+fun string_of_term (Const(c,t)) = c
+  | string_of_term (Free(v,t)) = v
+  | string_of_term (Var((x,n),t)) =
+    let val xn = x ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
+    in xn end
+  | string_of_term (P $ Q) =
+    let val P' = string_of_term P
+	val Q' = string_of_term Q
+    in
+	"(" ^ P' ^ " " ^ Q' ^ ")" end
+  | string_of_term t =  raise TERM_COMB (t);
+(* data types for typed combinator expressions        *)
+type axiom_name = string;
+datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture;
+fun name_of_kind Axiom = "axiom"
+  | name_of_kind Conjecture = "conjecture";
+type polarity = bool;
+type indexname = Term.indexname;
+type clause_id = int;
+type csort = Term.sort;
+type ctyp = string;
+type ctyp_var = ResClause.typ_var;
+type ctype_literal = ResClause.type_literal;
+datatype combterm = CombConst of string * ctyp
+		  | CombFree of string * ctyp
+		  | CombVar of string * ctyp
+		  | CombApp of combterm * combterm * ctyp
+		  | Bool of combterm
+		  | Equal of combterm * combterm;
+datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm;
+datatype clause = 
+	 Clause of {clause_id: clause_id,
+		    axiom_name: axiom_name,
+		    kind: kind,
+		    literals: literal list,
+		    ctypes_sorts: (ctyp_var * csort) list, 
+                    ctvar_type_literals: ctype_literal list, 
+                    ctfree_type_literals: ctype_literal list};
+fun string_of_kind (Clause cls) = name_of_kind (#kind cls);
+fun get_axiomName (Clause cls) = #axiom_name cls;
+fun get_clause_id (Clause cls) = #clause_id cls;
+(* convert a clause with type Term.term to a clause with type clause *)
+fun isFalse (Literal(pol,Bool(CombConst(c,_)))) =
+    (pol andalso c = "c_False") orelse
+    (not pol andalso c = "c_True")
+  | isFalse _ = false;
+fun isTrue (Literal (pol,Bool(CombConst(c,_)))) =
+      (pol andalso c = "c_True") orelse
+      (not pol andalso c = "c_False")
+  | isTrue _ = false;
+fun isTaut (Clause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;  
+fun make_clause(clause_id,axiom_name,kind,literals,ctypes_sorts,ctvar_type_literals,ctfree_type_literals) =
+    if forall isFalse literals
+    then error "Problem too trivial for resolution (empty clause)"
+    else
+	Clause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, kind = kind,
+		literals = literals, ctypes_sorts = ctypes_sorts, 
+		ctvar_type_literals = ctvar_type_literals,
+		ctfree_type_literals = ctfree_type_literals};
+(* convert a Term.type to a string; gather sort information of type variables; also check if the type is a bool type *)
+fun type_of (Type (a, [])) = ((ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a,[]),a ="bool")
+  | type_of (Type (a, Ts)) = 
+    let val typbs = map type_of Ts
+	val (types,_) = ListPair.unzip typbs
+	val (ctyps,tvarSorts) = ListPair.unzip types
+	val ts = ResClause.union_all tvarSorts
+	val t = ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a
+    in
+	(((t ^ ResClause.paren_pack ctyps),ts),false)
+    end
+  | type_of (tp as (TFree (a,s))) = ((ResClause.make_fixed_type_var a,[ResClause.mk_typ_var_sort tp]),false)
+  | type_of (tp as (TVar (v,s))) = ((ResClause.make_schematic_type_var v,[ResClause.mk_typ_var_sort tp]),false);
+(* same as above, but no gathering of sort information *)
+fun simp_type_of (Type (a, [])) = (ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a,a ="bool")
+  | simp_type_of (Type (a, Ts)) = 
+    let val typbs = map simp_type_of Ts
+	val (types,_) = ListPair.unzip typbs
+	val t = ResClause.make_fixed_type_const a
+    in
+	((t ^ ResClause.paren_pack types),false)
+    end
+  | simp_type_of (TFree (a,s)) = (ResClause.make_fixed_type_var a,false)
+  | simp_type_of (TVar (v,s)) = (ResClause.make_schematic_type_var v,false);
+(* convert a Term.term (with combinators) into a combterm, also accummulate sort info *)
+fun combterm_of (Const(c,t)) =
+    let val ((tp,ts),is_bool) = type_of t
+	val c' = CombConst(ResClause.make_fixed_const c,tp)
+	val c'' = if is_bool then Bool(c') else c'
+    in
+	(c'',ts)
+    end
+  | combterm_of (Free(v,t)) =
+    let val ((tp,ts),is_bool) = type_of t
+	val v' = if ResClause.isMeta v then CombVar(ResClause.make_schematic_var(v,0),tp)
+		 else CombFree(ResClause.make_fixed_var v,tp)
+	val v'' = if is_bool then Bool(v') else v'
+    in
+	(v'',ts)
+    end
+  | combterm_of (Var(v,t)) =
+    let val ((tp,ts),is_bool) = type_of t
+	val v' = CombVar(ResClause.make_schematic_var v,tp)
+	val v'' = if is_bool then Bool(v') else v'
+    in
+	(v'',ts)
+    end
+  | combterm_of (Const("op =",T) $ P $ Q) = (*FIXME: allow equal between bools?*)
+    let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of P        
+	val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of Q
+    in
+	(Equal(P',Q'),tsP union tsQ)
+    end
+  | combterm_of (t as (P $ Q)) =
+    let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of P
+	val (Q',tsQ) = combterm_of Q
+	val tp = Term.type_of t
+	val (tp',is_bool) = simp_type_of tp
+	val t' = CombApp(P',Q',tp')
+	val t'' = if is_bool then Bool(t') else t'
+    in
+	(t'',tsP union tsQ)
+    end;
+fun predicate_of ((Const("Not",_) $ P), polarity) =
+    predicate_of (P, not polarity)
+  | predicate_of (term,polarity) = (combterm_of term,polarity);
+fun literals_of_term1 args (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals_of_term1 args P
+  | literals_of_term1 args (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) = 
+    let val args' = literals_of_term1 args P
+    in
+	literals_of_term1 args' Q
+    end
+  | literals_of_term1 (lits,ts) P =
+    let val ((pred,ts'),pol) = predicate_of (P,true)
+	val lits' = Literal(pol,pred)::lits
+    in
+	(lits',ts union ts')
+    end;
+fun literals_of_term P = literals_of_term1 ([],[]) P;
+(* making axiom and conjecture clauses *)
+fun make_axiom_clause term (ax_name,cls_id) =
+    let val term' = comb_of term
+	val (lits,ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term term'
+	val (ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits) = ResClause.add_typs_aux2 ctypes_sorts
+    in
+	make_clause(cls_id,ax_name,Axiom,
+		    lits,ctypes_sorts,ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_conjecture_clause n t =
+    let val t' = comb_of t
+	val (lits,ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term t'
+	val (ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits) = ResClause.add_typs_aux2 ctypes_sorts
+    in
+	make_clause(n,"conjecture",Conjecture,lits,ctypes_sorts,ctvar_lits,ctfree_lits)
+    end;
+fun make_conjecture_clauses_aux _ [] = []
+  | make_conjecture_clauses_aux n (t::ts) =
+    make_conjecture_clause n t :: make_conjecture_clauses_aux (n+1) ts;
+val make_conjecture_clauses = make_conjecture_clauses_aux 0;
+(* convert clause into ATP specific formats:                          *)
+(* TPTP used by Vampire and E                                         *)
+val keep_types = ref true;
+val type_wrapper = "typeinfo";
+fun put_type (c,t) = 
+    if !keep_types then type_wrapper ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [c,t])
+    else c;
+val bool_tp = ResClause.make_fixed_type_const "bool";
+val app_str = "hAPP";
+val bool_str = "hBOOL";
+(* convert literals of clauses into strings *)
+fun string_of_combterm (CombConst(c,tp)) = 
+    if tp = bool_tp then c else put_type(c,tp)
+  | string_of_combterm (CombFree(v,tp)) = 
+    if tp = bool_tp then v else put_type(v,tp)
+  | string_of_combterm (CombVar(v,tp)) = 
+    if tp = bool_tp then v else put_type(v,tp)
+  | string_of_combterm (CombApp(t1,t2,tp)) = 
+    let val s1 = string_of_combterm t1
+	val s2 = string_of_combterm t2
+	val app = app_str ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [s1,s2])
+    in
+	if tp = bool_tp then app else put_type(app,tp)
+    end
+  | string_of_combterm (Bool(t)) = 
+    let val t' = string_of_combterm t
+    in
+	bool_str ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [t'])
+    end
+  | string_of_combterm (Equal(t1,t2)) =
+    let val s1 = string_of_combterm t1
+	val s2 = string_of_combterm t2
+    in
+	"equal" ^ (ResClause.paren_pack [s1,s2]) 
+    end;
+fun string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) = 
+    ResClause.clause_prefix ^ ResClause.ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
+fun string_of_type_clsname (cls_id,ax_name,idx) = 
+    string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ "_tcs" ^ (Int.toString idx);
+fun tptp_literal (Literal(pol,pred)) =
+    let val pred_string = string_of_combterm pred
+	val pol_str = if pol then "++" else "--"
+    in
+	pol_str ^ pred_string
+    end;
+fun tptp_type_lits (Clause cls) = 
+    let val lits = map tptp_literal (#literals cls)
+	val ctvar_lits_strs =
+	      if !keep_types 
+	      then (map ResClause.tptp_of_typeLit (#ctvar_type_literals cls)) 
+	      else []
+	val ctfree_lits = 
+	      if !keep_types
+	      then (map ResClause.tptp_of_typeLit (#ctfree_type_literals cls)) 
+	      else []
+    in
+	(ctvar_lits_strs @ lits, ctfree_lits)
+    end; 
+fun clause2tptp cls =
+    let val (lits,ctfree_lits) = tptp_type_lits cls
+	val cls_id = get_clause_id cls
+	val ax_name = get_axiomName cls
+	val knd = string_of_kind cls
+	val lits_str = ResClause.bracket_pack lits
+	val cls_str = ResClause.gen_tptp_cls(cls_id,ax_name,knd,lits_str)
+    in
+	(cls_str,ctfree_lits)
+    end;
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