--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_interpret.ML Tue Apr 17 16:14:07 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_interpret.ML Tue Apr 17 16:14:07 2012 +0100
@@ -187,10 +187,25 @@
val IND_TYPE = "ind"
+(*transform quoted names into acceptable ASCII strings*)
+fun alphanumerate c =
+ let
+ val c' = ord c
+ val out_of_range =
+ ((c' > 64) andalso (c' < 91)) orelse ((c' > 96)
+ andalso (c' < 123)) orelse ((c' > 47) andalso (c' < 58))
+ in
+ if (not out_of_range) andalso (not (c = "_")) then
+ "_nom_" ^ Int.toString (ord c) ^ "_"
+ else c
+ end
+fun alphanumerated_name prefix name =
+ prefix ^ (raw_explode #> map alphanumerate #> implode) name
(*SMLNJ complains if type annotation not used below*)
fun mk_binding (config : config) ident =
- val pre_binding = Binding.name ident
+ val pre_binding = Binding.name (alphanumerated_name "bnd_" ident)
case #problem_name config of
NONE => pre_binding
@@ -523,22 +538,8 @@
else dummy_term () (*FIXME: not yet supporting rationals and reals*)
in (num_term, thy) end
| Term_Distinct_Object str =>
- let
- fun alphanumerate c =
- let
- val c' = ord c
- val out_of_range =
- ((c' > 64) andalso (c' < 91)) orelse ((c' > 96)
- andalso (c' < 123)) orelse ((c' > 47) andalso (c' < 58))
- in
- if (not out_of_range) andalso (not (c = "_")) then
- "_nom_" ^ Int.toString (ord c) ^ "_"
- else c
- end
- val alphanumerated_name = raw_explode #> map alphanumerate #> implode
- in declare_constant config ("ds_" ^ alphanumerated_name str)
- (interpret_type config thy type_map (Defined_type Type_Ind)) thy
- end
+ declare_constant config (alphanumerated_name "ds_" str)
+ (interpret_type config thy type_map (Defined_type Type_Ind)) thy
(*Given a list of "'a option", then applies a function to each element if that
element is SOME value, otherwise it leaves it as NONE.*)