--- a/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML Tue Aug 19 23:17:51 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML Wed Aug 20 11:05:41 2014 +0200
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@
Command | Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | SymIdent | Var | TypeIdent | TypeVar |
Nat | Float | String | AltString | Verbatim | Cartouche | Space | Comment | InternalValue |
Error of string | Sync | EOF
+ val str_of_kind: kind -> string
type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T}
+ type T
+ type src
datatype value =
+ Source of src |
Literal of bool * Markup.T |
Name of string * morphism |
Typ of typ |
@@ -20,10 +24,13 @@
Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
Files of file Exn.result list
val name0: string -> value
- type T
- val str_of_kind: kind -> string
val pos_of: T -> Position.T
val range_of: T list -> Position.range
+ val src: xstring * Position.T -> T list -> src
+ val name_of_src: src -> string * Position.T
+ val args_of_src: src -> T list
+ val range_of_src: src -> Position.T
+ val check_src: Proof.context -> 'a Name_Space.table -> src -> src * 'a
val eof: T
val is_eof: T -> bool
val not_eof: T -> bool
@@ -53,8 +60,8 @@
val report: T -> Position.report_text
val markup: T -> Markup.T
val unparse: T -> string
+ val unparse_src: src -> string list
val print: T -> string
- val pretty_value: Proof.context -> T -> Pretty.T
val text_of: T -> string * string
val get_files: T -> file Exn.result list
val put_files: file Exn.result list -> T -> T
@@ -67,21 +74,14 @@
val mk_fact: string option * thm list -> T
val mk_attribute: (morphism -> attribute) -> T
val transform: morphism -> T -> T
+ val transform_src: morphism -> src -> src
val init_assignable: T -> T
+ val init_assignable_src: src -> src
val assign: value option -> T -> unit
val closure: T -> T
- type src
- val src: xstring * Position.T -> T list -> src
- val name_of_src: src -> string * Position.T
- val range_of_src: src -> Position.T
- val unparse_src: src -> string list
+ val closure_src: src -> src
+ val pretty_value: Proof.context -> T -> Pretty.T
val pretty_src: Proof.context -> src -> Pretty.T
- val check_src: Proof.context -> 'a Name_Space.table -> src -> src * 'a
- val transform_src: morphism -> src -> src
- val init_assignable_src: src -> src
- val closure_src: src -> src
val ident_or_symbolic: string -> bool
val source_proper: (T, 'a) Source.source -> (T, (T, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
val source': {do_recover: bool option} -> (unit -> Scan.lexicon * Scan.lexicon) ->
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
Position.T -> (Symbol.symbol, 'a) Source.source -> (T,
(Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, 'a) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source
val read_antiq: Scan.lexicon -> (T list -> 'a * T list) -> Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> 'a
type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list
type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list)
val syntax_generic: 'a context_parser -> src -> Context.generic -> 'a * Context.generic
@@ -102,41 +101,13 @@
(** tokens **)
-(* token values *)
-(*The value slot assigns an (optional) internal value to a token,
- usually as a side-effect of special scanner setup (see also
- args.ML). Note that an assignable ref designates an intermediate
- state of internalization -- it is NOT meant to persist.*)
-type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T};
-datatype value =
- Literal of bool * Markup.T |
- Name of string * morphism |
- Typ of typ |
- Term of term |
- Fact of string option * thm list | (*optional name for dynamic fact, i.e. fact "variable"*)
- Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
- Files of file Exn.result list;
-fun name0 a = Name (a, Morphism.identity);
-datatype slot =
- Slot |
- Value of value option |
- Assignable of value option Unsynchronized.ref;
-(* datatype token *)
+(* token kind *)
datatype kind =
Command | Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | SymIdent | Var | TypeIdent | TypeVar |
Nat | Float | String | AltString | Verbatim | Cartouche | Space | Comment | InternalValue |
Error of string | Sync | EOF;
-datatype T = Token of (Symbol_Pos.text * Position.range) * (kind * string) * slot;
val str_of_kind =
fn Command => "command"
| Keyword => "keyword"
@@ -162,6 +133,41 @@
val delimited_kind = member (op =) [String, AltString, Verbatim, Cartouche, Comment];
+(* datatype token *)
+(*The value slot assigns an (optional) internal value to a token,
+ usually as a side-effect of special scanner setup (see also
+ args.ML). Note that an assignable ref designates an intermediate
+ state of internalization -- it is NOT meant to persist.*)
+type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T};
+datatype T = Token of (Symbol_Pos.text * Position.range) * (kind * string) * slot
+and src =
+ Src of
+ {name: string * Position.T,
+ args: T list,
+ output_info: (string * Markup.T) option}
+and slot =
+ Slot |
+ Value of value option |
+ Assignable of value option Unsynchronized.ref
+and value =
+ Source of src |
+ Literal of bool * Markup.T |
+ Name of string * morphism |
+ Typ of typ |
+ Term of term |
+ Fact of string option * thm list | (*optional name for dynamic fact, i.e. fact "variable"*)
+ Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
+ Files of file Exn.result list;
+fun name0 a = Name (a, Morphism.identity);
(* position *)
fun pos_of (Token ((_, (pos, _)), _, _)) = pos;
@@ -173,6 +179,29 @@
| range_of [] = Position.no_range;
+(* src *)
+fun src name args = Src {name = name, args = args, output_info = NONE};
+fun map_args f (Src {name, args, output_info}) =
+ Src {name = name, args = map f args, output_info = output_info};
+fun name_of_src (Src {name, ...}) = name;
+fun args_of_src (Src {args, ...}) = args;
+fun range_of_src (Src {name = (_, pos), args, ...}) =
+ if null args then pos
+ else Position.set_range (pos, #2 (range_of args));
+fun check_src ctxt table (Src {name = (xname, pos), args, output_info = _}) =
+ let
+ val (name, x) = Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) table (xname, pos);
+ val space = Name_Space.space_of_table table;
+ val kind = Name_Space.kind_of space;
+ val markup = Name_Space.markup space name;
+ in (Src {name = (name, pos), args = args, output_info = SOME (kind, markup)}, x) end;
(* control tokens *)
fun mk_eof pos = Token (("", (pos, Position.none)), (EOF, ""), Slot);
@@ -315,6 +344,8 @@
| EOF => ""
| _ => x);
+fun unparse_src (Src {args, ...}) = map unparse args;
fun print tok = Markup.markup (markup tok) (unparse tok);
fun text_of tok =
@@ -367,7 +398,54 @@
| _ => []);
-(* pretty value *)
+(* make values *)
+fun mk_value k v = Token ((k, Position.no_range), (InternalValue, k), Value (SOME v));
+val mk_name = mk_value "<name>" o name0;
+val mk_typ = mk_value "<typ>" o Typ;
+val mk_term = mk_value "<term>" o Term;
+val mk_fact = mk_value "<fact>" o Fact;
+val mk_attribute = mk_value "<attribute>" o Attribute;
+(* transform *)
+fun transform phi =
+ map_value (fn v =>
+ (case v of
+ Source src => Source (transform_src phi src)
+ | Literal _ => v
+ | Name (a, psi) => Name (a, psi $> phi)
+ | Typ T => Typ (Morphism.typ phi T)
+ | Term t => Term (Morphism.term phi t)
+ | Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, Morphism.fact phi ths)
+ | Attribute att => Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att)
+ | Files _ => v))
+and transform_src phi = map_args (transform phi);
+(* static binding *)
+(*1st stage: initialize assignable slots*)
+fun init_assignable (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref NONE))
+ | init_assignable (tok as Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = (r := NONE; tok)
+ | init_assignable tok = tok;
+val init_assignable_src = map_args init_assignable;
+(*2nd stage: assign values as side-effect of scanning*)
+fun assign v (Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = r := v
+ | assign _ _ = ();
+(*3rd stage: static closure of final values*)
+fun closure (Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref v))) = Token (x, y, Value v)
+ | closure tok = tok;
+val closure_src = map_args closure;
+(* pretty *)
fun pretty_value ctxt tok =
(case get_value tok of
@@ -381,67 +459,6 @@
Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map (Pretty.backquote o Display.pretty_thm ctxt) ths))
| _ => Pretty.mark_str (markup tok, unparse tok));
-(* make values *)
-fun mk_value k v = Token ((k, Position.no_range), (InternalValue, k), Value (SOME v));
-val mk_name = mk_value "<name>" o name0;
-val mk_typ = mk_value "<typ>" o Typ;
-val mk_term = mk_value "<term>" o Term;
-val mk_fact = mk_value "<fact>" o Fact;
-val mk_attribute = mk_value "<attribute>" o Attribute;
-(* transform value *)
-fun transform phi =
- map_value (fn v =>
- (case v of
- Literal _ => v
- | Name (a, psi) => Name (a, psi $> phi)
- | Typ T => Typ (Morphism.typ phi T)
- | Term t => Term (Morphism.term phi t)
- | Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, Morphism.fact phi ths)
- | Attribute att => Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att)
- | Files _ => v));
-(* static binding *)
-(*1st stage: initialize assignable slots*)
-fun init_assignable (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref NONE))
- | init_assignable (tok as Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = (r := NONE; tok)
- | init_assignable tok = tok;
-(*2nd stage: assign values as side-effect of scanning*)
-fun assign v (Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = r := v
- | assign _ _ = ();
-(*3rd stage: static closure of final values*)
-fun closure (Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref v))) = Token (x, y, Value v)
- | closure tok = tok;
-(** src **)
-datatype src =
- Src of
- {name: string * Position.T,
- args: T list,
- output_info: (string * Markup.T) option};
-fun src name args = Src {name = name, args = args, output_info = NONE};
-fun name_of_src (Src {name, ...}) = name;
-fun range_of_src (Src {name = (_, pos), args, ...}) =
- if null args then pos
- else Position.set_range (pos, #2 (range_of args));
-fun unparse_src (Src {args, ...}) = map unparse args;
fun pretty_src ctxt src =
val Src {name = (name, _), args, output_info} = src;
@@ -453,29 +470,6 @@
in Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (prt_name :: map prt_arg args)) end;
-(* check *)
-fun check_src ctxt table (Src {name = (xname, pos), args, output_info = _}) =
- let
- val (name, x) = Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) table (xname, pos);
- val space = Name_Space.space_of_table table;
- val kind = Name_Space.kind_of space;
- val markup = Name_Space.markup space name;
- in (Src {name = (name, pos), args = args, output_info = SOME (kind, markup)}, x) end;
-(* values *)
-fun map_args f (Src {name, args, output_info}) =
- Src {name = name, args = map f args, output_info = output_info};
-val transform_src = map_args o transform;
-val init_assignable_src = map_args init_assignable;
-val closure_src = map_args closure;
(** scanners **)
open Basic_Symbol_Pos;