Wed, 04 Nov 2009 16:54:22 +0100
changeset 33436 0b5f07dd68f5
parent 33435 6f825ec18b49
child 33437 c8bc8dc5869f
child 33492 4168294a9f96
--- a/src/HOL/ex/ROOT.ML	Wed Nov 04 10:17:58 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/ROOT.ML	Wed Nov 04 16:54:22 2009 +0100
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
+  "Tree23",
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Tree23.thy	Wed Nov 04 16:54:22 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/ex/Tree23.thy
+    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen
+header {* 2-3 Trees *}
+theory Tree23
+imports Main
+text{* This is a very direct translation of some of the functions in table.ML
+in the Isabelle source code. That source is due to Makarius Wenzel and Stefan
+So far this file contains only data types and functions, but no proofs. Feel
+free to have a go at the latter!
+Note that because of complicated patterns and mutual recursion, these
+function definitions take a few minutes and can also be seen as stress tests
+for the function definition facility.  *}
+types key = int -- {*for simplicity, should be a type class*}
+datatype ord = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
+definition "ord i j = (if i<j then LESS else if i=j then EQUAL else GREATER)"
+datatype 'a tree23 =
+  Empty |
+  Branch2 "'a tree23" "key * 'a" "'a tree23" |
+  Branch3 "'a tree23" "key * 'a" "'a tree23" "key * 'a" "'a tree23"
+datatype 'a growth =
+  Stay "'a tree23" |
+  Sprout "'a tree23" "key * 'a" "'a tree23"
+fun add :: "key \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> 'a growth" where
+"add key y Empty = Sprout Empty (key,y) Empty" |
+"add key y (Branch2 left (k,x) right) =
+   (case ord key k of
+      LESS =>
+        (case add key y left of
+           Stay left' => Stay (Branch2 left' (k,x) right)
+         | Sprout left1 q left2
+           => Stay (Branch3 left1 q left2 (k,x) right))
+    | EQUAL => Stay (Branch2 left (k,y) right)
+    | GREATER =>
+        (case add key y right of
+           Stay right' => Stay (Branch2 left (k,x) right')
+         | Sprout right1 q right2
+           => Stay (Branch3 left (k,x) right1 q right2)))" |
+"add key y (Branch3 left (k1,x1) mid (k2,x2) right) =
+   (case ord key k1 of
+      LESS =>
+        (case add key y left of
+           Stay left' => Stay (Branch3 left' (k1,x1) mid (k2,x2) right)
+         | Sprout left1 q left2
+           => Sprout (Branch2 left1 q left2) (k1,x1) (Branch2 mid (k2,x2) right))
+    | EQUAL => Stay (Branch3 left (k1,y) mid (k2,x2) right)
+    | GREATER =>
+        (case ord key k2 of
+           LESS =>
+             (case add key y mid of
+                Stay mid' => Stay (Branch3 left (k1,x1) mid' (k2,x2) right)
+              | Sprout mid1 q mid2
+                => Sprout (Branch2 left (k1,x1) mid1) q (Branch2 mid2 (k2,x2) right))
+         | EQUAL => Stay (Branch3 left (k1,x1) mid (k2,y) right)
+         | GREATER =>
+             (case add key y right of
+                Stay right' => Stay (Branch3 left (k1,x1) mid (k2,x2) right')
+              | Sprout right1 q right2
+                => Sprout (Branch2 left (k1,x1) mid) (k2,x2) (Branch2 right1 q right2))))"
+definition add0 :: "key \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23" where
+"add0 k y t =
+  (case add k y t of Stay t' => t' | Sprout l p r => Branch2 l p r)"
+value "add0 5 e (add0 4 d (add0 3 c (add0 2 b (add0 1 a Empty))))"
+fun compare where
+"compare None (k2, _) = LESS" |
+"compare (Some k1) (k2, _) = ord k1 k2"
+fun if_eq where
+"if_eq EQUAL x y = x" |
+"if_eq _ x y = y"
+fun del :: "key option \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> ((key * 'a) * bool * 'a tree23)option"
+"del (Some k) Empty = None" |
+"del None (Branch2 Empty p Empty) = Some(p, (True, Empty))" |
+"del None (Branch3 Empty p Empty q Empty) = Some(p, (False, Branch2 Empty q Empty))" |
+"del k (Branch2 Empty p Empty) = (case compare k p of
+      EQUAL => Some(p, (True, Empty)) | _ => None)" |
+"del k (Branch3 Empty p Empty q Empty) = (case compare k p of
+      EQUAL => Some(p, (False, Branch2 Empty q Empty))
+    | _ => (case compare k q of
+        EQUAL => Some(q, (False, Branch2 Empty p Empty))
+      | _ => None))" |
+"del k (Branch2 l p r) = (case compare k p of
+      LESS => (case del k l of None \<Rightarrow> None |
+        Some(p', (False, l')) => Some(p', (False, Branch2 l' p r))
+      | Some(p', (True, l')) => Some(p', case r of
+          Branch2 rl rp rr => (True, Branch3 l' p rl rp rr)
+        | Branch3 rl rp rm rq rr => (False, Branch2
+            (Branch2 l' p rl) rp (Branch2 rm rq rr))))
+    | or => (case del (if_eq or None k) r of None \<Rightarrow> None |
+        Some(p', (False, r')) => Some(p', (False, Branch2 l (if_eq or p' p) r'))
+      | Some(p', (True, r')) => Some(p', case l of
+          Branch2 ll lp lr => (True, Branch3 ll lp lr (if_eq or p' p) r')
+        | Branch3 ll lp lm lq lr => (False, Branch2
+            (Branch2 ll lp lm) lq (Branch2 lr (if_eq or p' p) r')))))" |
+"del k (Branch3 l p m q r) = (case compare k q of
+      LESS => (case compare k p of
+        LESS => (case del k l of None \<Rightarrow> None |
+          Some(p', (False, l')) => Some(p', (False, Branch3 l' p m q r))
+        | Some(p', (True, l')) => Some(p', (False, case (m, r) of
+            (Branch2 ml mp mr, Branch2 _ _ _) => Branch2 (Branch3 l' p ml mp mr) q r
+          | (Branch3 ml mp mm mq mr, _) => Branch3 (Branch2 l' p ml) mp (Branch2 mm mq mr) q r
+          | (Branch2 ml mp mr, Branch3 rl rp rm rq rr) =>
+              Branch3 (Branch2 l' p ml) mp (Branch2 mr q rl) rp (Branch2 rm rq rr))))
+      | or => (case del (if_eq or None k) m of None \<Rightarrow> None |
+          Some(p', (False, m')) => Some(p', (False, Branch3 l (if_eq or p' p) m' q r))
+        | Some(p', (True, m')) => Some(p', (False, case (l, r) of
+            (Branch2 ll lp lr, Branch2 _ _ _) => Branch2 (Branch3 ll lp lr (if_eq or p' p) m') q r
+          | (Branch3 ll lp lm lq lr, _) => Branch3 (Branch2 ll lp lm) lq (Branch2 lr (if_eq or p' p) m') q r
+          | (_, Branch3 rl rp rm rq rr) => Branch3 l (if_eq or p' p) (Branch2 m' q rl) rp (Branch2 rm rq rr)))))
+    | or => (case del (if_eq or None k) r of None \<Rightarrow> None |
+        Some(q', (False, r')) => Some(q', (False, Branch3 l p m (if_eq or q' q) r'))
+      | Some(q', (True, r')) => Some(q', (False, case (l, m) of
+          (Branch2 _ _ _, Branch2 ml mp mr) => Branch2 l p (Branch3 ml mp mr (if_eq or q' q) r')
+        | (_, Branch3 ml mp mm mq mr) => Branch3 l p (Branch2 ml mp mm) mq (Branch2 mr (if_eq or q' q) r')
+        | (Branch3 ll lp lm lq lr, Branch2 ml mp mr) =>
+            Branch3 (Branch2 ll lp lm) lq (Branch2 lr p ml) mp (Branch2 mr (if_eq or q' q) r')))))"
+definition del0 :: "key \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23" where
+"del0 k t = (case del (Some k) t of None \<Rightarrow> t | Some(_,(_,t')) \<Rightarrow> t')"
+(* yes, this is rather slow *)
+fun ord0 :: "'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> bool"
+and ordl :: "key \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> bool"
+and ordr :: "'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> key \<Rightarrow> bool"
+and ordlr :: "key \<Rightarrow> 'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> key \<Rightarrow> bool"
+"ord0 Empty = True" |
+"ord0 (Branch2 l p r)  = (ordr l (fst p) & ordl (fst p) r)" |
+"ord0 (Branch3 l p m q r)  = (ordr l (fst p) & ordlr (fst p) m (fst q) & ordl (fst q) r)" |
+"ordl _ Empty = True" |
+"ordl x (Branch2 l p r)  = (ordlr x l (fst p) & ordl (fst p) r)" |
+"ordl x (Branch3 l p m q r)  = (ordlr x l (fst p) & ordlr (fst p) m (fst q) & ordl (fst q) r)" |
+"ordr Empty _ = True" |
+"ordr (Branch2 l p r) x = (ordr l (fst p) & ordlr (fst p) r x)" |
+"ordr (Branch3 l p m q r) x = (ordr l (fst p) & ordlr (fst p) m (fst q) & ordlr (fst q) r x)" |
+"ordlr x Empty y = (x < y)" |
+"ordlr x (Branch2 l p r) y = (ordlr x l (fst p) & ordlr (fst p) r y)" |
+"ordlr x (Branch3 l p m q r) y = (ordlr x l (fst p) & ordlr (fst p) m (fst q) & ordlr (fst q) r y)"
+fun height :: "'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+"height Empty = 0" |
+"height (Branch2 l _ r) = Suc(max (height l) (height r))" |
+"height (Branch3 l _ m _ r) = Suc(max (height l) (max (height m) (height r)))"
+text{* Is a tree balanced? *}
+fun bal :: "'a tree23 \<Rightarrow> bool" where
+"bal Empty = True" |
+"bal (Branch2 l _ r) = (bal l & bal r & height l = height r)" |
+"bal (Branch3 l _ m _ r) = (bal l & bal m & bal r & height l = height m & height m = height r)"
+text{* This is a little test harness and should be commented out once the
+above functions have been proved correct. *}
+datatype 'a act = Add int 'a | Del int
+fun exec where
+"exec [] t = t" |
+"exec (Add k x # as) t = exec as (add0 k x t)" |
+"exec (Del k # as) t = exec as (del0 k t)"
+text{* Some quick checks: *}
+lemma "ord0(exec as Empty)"
+lemma "bal(exec as Empty)"
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