Mon, 24 Aug 2015 21:24:17 +0200
changeset 61020 0be2726382d9
parent 61013 6890d5875bc7 (current diff)
parent 61019 7ce030f14aa9 (diff)
child 61021 5f985515728e
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/debugger.scala	Mon Aug 24 16:25:40 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/debugger.scala	Mon Aug 24 21:24:17 2015 +0200
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 package isabelle
+import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
 object Debugger
   /* context */
@@ -28,12 +31,13 @@
         Some(debug_states(index - 1))
       else None
-    def debug_state_index: Option[Int] =
+    def debug_index: Option[Int] =
       if (stack_state.isDefined) Some(index - 1)
       else if (debug_states.nonEmpty) Some(0)
       else None
     def debug_state: Option[Debug_State] = stack_state orElse thread_state
+    def debug_position: Option[Position.T] =
     override def toString: String =
       stack_state match {
@@ -45,13 +49,15 @@
   /* global state */
+  type Threads = SortedMap[String, List[Debug_State]]
   sealed case class State(
     session: Session = new Session(Resources.empty),  // implicit session
     active: Int = 0,  // active views
     break: Boolean = false,  // break at next possible breakpoint
     active_breakpoints: Set[Long] = Set.empty,  // explicit breakpoint state
-    focus: Option[Position.T] = None,  // position of active GUI component
-    threads: Map[String, List[Debug_State]] = Map.empty,  // thread name ~> stack of debug states
+    threads: Threads = SortedMap.empty,  // thread name ~> stack of debug states
+    focus: Map[String, Context] = Map.empty,  // thread name ~> focus
     output: Map[String, Command.Results] = Map.empty)  // thread name ~> output messages
     def set_session(new_session: Session): State =
@@ -71,15 +77,24 @@
       (active_breakpoints1(breakpoint), copy(active_breakpoints = active_breakpoints1))
-    def set_focus(new_focus: Option[Position.T]): State =
-      copy(focus = new_focus)
     def get_thread(thread_name: String): List[Debug_State] =
       threads.getOrElse(thread_name, Nil)
     def update_thread(thread_name: String, debug_states: List[Debug_State]): State =
-      if (debug_states.isEmpty) copy(threads = threads - thread_name)
-      else copy(threads = threads + (thread_name -> debug_states))
+    {
+      val threads1 =
+        if (debug_states.nonEmpty) threads + (thread_name -> debug_states)
+        else threads - thread_name
+      val focus1 =
+        focus.get(thread_name) match {
+          case Some(c) if debug_states.nonEmpty =>
+            focus + (thread_name -> Context(thread_name, debug_states))
+          case _ => focus - thread_name
+        }
+      copy(threads = threads1, focus = focus1)
+    }
+    def set_focus(c: Context): State = copy(focus = focus + (c.thread_name -> c))
     def get_output(thread_name: String): Command.Results =
       output.getOrElse(thread_name, Command.Results.empty)
@@ -222,18 +237,29 @@
-  def focus(): Option[Position.T] = global_state.value.focus
+  def status(focus: Option[Context]): (Threads, List[XML.Tree]) =
+  {
+    val state = global_state.value
+    val output =
+      focus match {
+        case None => Nil
+        case Some(c) =>
+          (for {
+            (thread_name, results) <- state.output
+            if thread_name == c.thread_name
+            (_, tree) <- results.iterator
+          } yield tree).toList
+      }
+    (state.threads, output)
+  }
-  def set_focus(focus: Option[Position.T])
+  def focus(): List[Context] =
+  def set_focus(c: Context)
-    global_state.change(_.set_focus(focus))
+    global_state.change(_.set_focus(c))
-  def threads(): Map[String, List[Debug_State]] = global_state.value.threads
-  def output(): Map[String, Command.Results] = global_state.value.output
   def input(thread_name: String, msg: String*): Unit =
     global_state.value.session.protocol_command("Debugger.input", (thread_name :: msg.toList):_*)
@@ -251,7 +277,7 @@
   def eval(c: Context, SML: Boolean, context: String, expression: String)
     global_state.change(state => {
-      input(c.thread_name, "eval", c.debug_state_index.getOrElse(0).toString,
+      input(c.thread_name, "eval", c.debug_index.getOrElse(0).toString,
         SML.toString, Symbol.encode(context), Symbol.encode(expression))
@@ -260,10 +286,10 @@
   def print_vals(c: Context, SML: Boolean, context: String)
-    require(c.debug_state_index.isDefined)
+    require(c.debug_index.isDefined)
     global_state.change(state => {
-      input(c.thread_name, "print_vals", c.debug_state_index.getOrElse(0).toString,
+      input(c.thread_name, "print_vals", c.debug_index.getOrElse(0).toString,
         SML.toString, Symbol.encode(context))
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/debugger_dockable.scala	Mon Aug 24 16:25:40 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/debugger_dockable.scala	Mon Aug 24 21:24:17 2015 +0200
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import javax.swing.tree.{DefaultMutableTreeNode, DefaultTreeModel, TreeSelectionModel}
 import javax.swing.event.{TreeSelectionEvent, TreeSelectionListener}
+import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
 import scala.swing.{Button, Label, Component, ScrollPane, SplitPane, Orientation,
   CheckBox, BorderPanel}
 import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@
   /* component state -- owned by GUI thread */
   private var current_snapshot = Document.Snapshot.init
-  private var current_threads: Map[String, List[Debugger.Debug_State]] = Map.empty
+  private var current_threads: Debugger.Threads = SortedMap.empty
   private var current_output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil
@@ -93,24 +94,10 @@
     GUI_Thread.require {}
     val new_snapshot = PIDE.editor.current_node_snapshot(view).getOrElse(current_snapshot)
-    val new_threads = Debugger.threads()
-    val new_output =
-    {
-      val output = Debugger.output()
-      val current_thread_selection = thread_selection()
-      (for {
-        (thread_name, results) <- output
-        if current_thread_selection.isEmpty || current_thread_selection.get == thread_name
-        (_, tree) <- results.iterator
-      } yield tree).toList
-    }
+    val (new_threads, new_output) = Debugger.status(tree_selection())
-    if (new_threads != current_threads) {
-      val threads =
-        (for ((a, b) <- new_threads.iterator)
-          yield Debugger.Context(a, b)).toList.sortBy(_.thread_name)
-      update_tree(threads)
-    }
+    if (new_threads != current_threads)
+      update_tree(new_threads)
     if (new_output != current_output)
       pretty_text_area.update(new_snapshot, Command.Results.empty, Pretty.separate(new_output))
@@ -141,27 +128,24 @@
   def thread_selection(): Option[String] = tree_selection().map(_.thread_name)
-  def focus_selection(): Option[Position.T] =
-    for {
-      c <- tree_selection()
-      d <- c.debug_state
-    } yield d.pos
-  private def update_tree(threads: List[Debugger.Context])
+  private def update_tree(threads: Debugger.Threads)
-    require(threads.forall(_.index == 0))
+    val thread_contexts =
+      (for ((a, b) <- threads.iterator)
+        yield Debugger.Context(a, b)).toList
     val new_tree_selection =
       tree_selection() match {
-        case Some(c) if threads.contains(c) => Some(c)
-        case Some(c) if threads.exists(t => c.thread_name == t.thread_name) => Some(c.reset)
-        case _ => threads.headOption
+        case Some(c) if thread_contexts.contains(c) => Some(c)
+        case Some(c) if thread_contexts.exists(t => c.thread_name == t.thread_name) =>
+          Some(c.reset)
+        case _ => thread_contexts.headOption
-    for (thread <- threads) {
+    for (thread <- thread_contexts) {
       val thread_node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(thread)
       for ((debug_state, i) <- thread.debug_states.zipWithIndex)
         thread_node.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
@@ -176,7 +160,7 @@
     new_tree_selection match {
       case Some(c) =>
         val i =
-          (for (t <- threads.iterator.takeWhile(t => c.thread_name != t.thread_name))
+          (for (t <- thread_contexts.iterator.takeWhile(t => c.thread_name != t.thread_name))
             yield t.size).sum
         tree.addSelectionRow(i + c.index + 1)
       case None =>
@@ -199,7 +183,7 @@
     new TreeSelectionListener {
       override def valueChanged(e: TreeSelectionEvent) {
-        update_focus(focus_selection())
+        update_focus()
@@ -209,7 +193,7 @@
         val click = tree.getPathForLocation(e.getX, e.getY)
         if (click != null && e.getClickCount == 1)
-          update_focus(focus_selection())
+          update_focus()
@@ -292,7 +276,7 @@
     tree_selection() match {
-      case Some(c) if c.debug_state_index.isDefined =>
+      case Some(c) if c.debug_index.isDefined =>
         Debugger.eval(c, sml_button.selected, context_field.getText, expression_field.getText)
       case _ =>
@@ -319,16 +303,19 @@
   override def focusOnDefaultComponent { eval_button.requestFocus }
   addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter {
-    override def focusGained(e: FocusEvent) { update_focus(focus_selection()) }
-    override def focusLost(e: FocusEvent) { update_focus(None) }
+    override def focusGained(e: FocusEvent) { update_focus() }
-  private def update_focus(focus: Option[Position.T])
+  private def update_focus()
-    Debugger.set_focus(focus)
-    if (focus.isDefined)
-      PIDE.editor.hyperlink_position(false, current_snapshot, focus.get).foreach(_.follow(view))
-    view.getTextArea.repaint()
+    for (c <- tree_selection()) {
+      Debugger.set_focus(c)
+      for {
+        pos <- c.debug_position
+        link <- PIDE.editor.hyperlink_position(false, current_snapshot, pos)
+      } link.follow(view)
+    }
+    JEdit_Lib.jedit_text_areas(view.getBuffer).foreach(_.repaint())
@@ -370,7 +357,6 @@
     PIDE.session.global_options -= main
     PIDE.session.debugger_updates -= main
-    update_focus(None)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/rich_text_area.scala	Mon Aug 24 16:25:40 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/rich_text_area.scala	Mon Aug 24 21:24:17 2015 +0200
@@ -352,10 +352,16 @@
   private def caret_color(rendering: Rendering, offset: Text.Offset): Color =
     if (text_area.isCaretVisible) text_area.getPainter.getCaretColor
-    else
-      if (Debugger.focus().exists(PIDE.editor.is_hyperlink_position(rendering.snapshot, offset, _)))
+    else {
+      val debug_positions =
+        (for {
+          c <- Debugger.focus().iterator
+          pos <- c.debug_position.iterator
+        } yield pos).toList
+      if (debug_positions.exists(PIDE.editor.is_hyperlink_position(rendering.snapshot, offset, _)))
       else rendering.caret_invisible_color
+    }
   private def paint_chunk_list(rendering: Rendering,