refinements in codegen serializer
Mon, 25 Sep 2006 17:04:15 +0200
changeset 20699 0cc77abb185a
parent 20698 cb910529d49d
child 20700 7e3450c10c2d
refinements in codegen serializer
--- a/src/HOL/Integ/IntArith.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Integ/IntArith.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -385,9 +385,6 @@
 lemma Numeral_Min_refl [code func]:
   "Numeral.Min = Numeral.Min" ..
-lemma Numeral_Bit_refl [code func]:
-  "Numeral.Bit = Numeral.Bit" ..
 lemma zero_int_refl [code func]:
   "(0\<Colon>int) = 0" ..
@@ -427,13 +424,28 @@
-code_const "number_of \<Colon> int \<Rightarrow> int" and "Numeral.Pls" and "Numeral.Min"
+code_type bit
+  (SML target_atom "bool")
+  (Haskell target_atom "Bool")
+code_const "Numeral.bit.B0" and "Numeral.bit.B1"
+  (SML target_atom "false" and target_atom "true")
+  (Haskell target_atom "False" and target_atom "True")
+code_const "number_of \<Colon> int \<Rightarrow> int"
+  and "Numeral.Pls" and "Numeral.Min" and "Numeral.Bit"
+  and "Numeral.succ" and "Numeral.pred"
   (SML "_"
      and target_atom "(0 :"
-     and target_atom "(~1 :")
+     and target_atom "(~1 :"
+     and target_atom "(_; _; raise FAIL \"BIT\")"
+     and target_atom "(IntInf.+ (_, 1))"
+     and target_atom "(IntInf.- (_, 1))")
   (Haskell "_"
      and target_atom "0"
-     and target_atom "(negate 1)")
+     and target_atom "(negate 1)"
+     and target_atom "(error \"BIT\")"
+     and target_atom "(_ + 1)"
+     and target_atom "(_ - 1)")
 setup {*
   CodegenPackage.add_appconst ("Numeral.Bit", CodegenPackage.appgen_numeral Numeral.int_of_numeral)
--- a/src/HOL/Integ/Numeral.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Integ/Numeral.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
 text {* Removal of leading zeroes *}
-lemma Pls_0_eq [simp]:
+lemma Pls_0_eq [simp, code func]:
   "Pls BIT B0 = Pls"
   unfolding numeral_simps by simp
-lemma Min_1_eq [simp]:
+lemma Min_1_eq [simp, code func]:
   "Min BIT B1 = Min"
   unfolding numeral_simps by simp
--- a/src/HOL/Library/MLString.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/MLString.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   (Haskell "_")
 setup {*
-  CodegenPackage.add_pretty_ml_string "SML" "List.list.Nil" "List.list.Cons" "MLString.ml_string.STR"
+  CodegenSerializer.add_pretty_ml_string "SML" "List.list.Nil" "List.list.Cons" "MLString.ml_string.STR"
     HOList.print_char HOList.print_string "String.implode"
--- a/src/HOL/List.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/List.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -2790,9 +2790,9 @@
   Codegen.add_codegen "list_codegen" list_codegen
   #> Codegen.add_codegen "char_codegen" char_codegen
-  #> CodegenPackage.add_pretty_list "SML" "List.list.Nil" "List.list.Cons"
+  #> CodegenSerializer.add_pretty_list "SML" "List.list.Nil" "List.list.Cons"
        HOList.print_list NONE (7, "::")
-  #> CodegenPackage.add_pretty_list "Haskell" "List.list.Nil" "List.list.Cons"
+  #> CodegenSerializer.add_pretty_list "Haskell" "List.list.Nil" "List.list.Cons"
        HOList.print_list (SOME (HOList.print_char, HOList.print_string)) (5, ":")
   #> CodegenPackage.add_appconst
        ("List.char.Char", CodegenPackage.appgen_char HOList.dest_char)
--- a/src/HOL/Nat.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nat.thy	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -1063,7 +1063,14 @@
   "OperationalEquality.eq 0 (Suc m) = False" unfolding eq_def by auto
-  "nat" "IntDef.nat"
+  nat "IntDef.nat"
+  nat :: eq "IntDef.eq_nat"
+  nat :: ord "IntDef.ord_nat"
+  nat :: plus "IntDef.plus_nat"
+  nat :: minus "IntDef.minus_nat"
+  nat :: times "IntDef.times_nat"
   "0 \<Colon> nat" "IntDef.zero_nat"
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -11,19 +11,8 @@
   val codegen_term: theory -> term -> thm * iterm;
   val eval_term: theory -> (string (*reference name!*) * 'a option ref) * term -> 'a;
-  val is_dtcon: string -> bool;
-  val consts_of_idfs: theory -> string list -> (string * typ) list;
-  val idfs_of_consts: theory -> (string * typ) list -> string list;
+  val const_of_idf: theory -> string -> string * typ;
   val get_root_module: theory -> CodegenThingol.module;
-  val get_ml_fun_datatype: theory -> (string -> string)
-    -> ((string * ((iterm list * iterm) list * CodegenThingol.typscheme)) list -> Pretty.T)
-        * ((string * ((vname * sort) list * (string * itype list) list)) list -> Pretty.T);
-  val add_pretty_list: string -> string -> string -> (Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T)
-   -> ((string -> string) * (string -> string)) option -> int * string
-   -> theory -> theory;
-  val add_pretty_ml_string: string -> string -> string -> string
-   -> (string -> string) -> (string -> string) -> string -> theory -> theory;
   type appgen;
   val add_appconst: string * appgen -> theory -> theory;
@@ -48,61 +37,20 @@
 (** preliminaries **)
-(* shallow name spaces *)
-val nsp_module = ""; (*a dummy by convention*)
-val nsp_class = "class";
-val nsp_tyco = "tyco";
-val nsp_const = "const";
-val nsp_dtcon = "dtcon";
-val nsp_mem = "mem";
-val nsp_inst = "inst";
-val nsp_eval = "EVAL"; (*only for evaluation*)
-fun add_nsp shallow name =
-  name
-  |> NameSpace.unpack
-  |> split_last
-  |> apsnd (single #> cons shallow)
-  |> (op @)
-  |> NameSpace.pack;
-fun dest_nsp nsp idf =
-  let
-    val idf' = NameSpace.unpack idf;
-    val (idf'', idf_base) = split_last idf';
-    val (modl, shallow) = split_last idf'';
-  in
-    if nsp = shallow
-   then (SOME o NameSpace.pack) (modl @ [idf_base])
-    else NONE
-  end;
-fun if_nsp nsp f idf =
- f (dest_nsp nsp idf);
-val serializers = ref (
-  Symtab.empty
-  |> Symtab.update (
-       #SML CodegenSerializer.serializers
-       |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
-            nsp_dtcon
-            [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco],
-              [nsp_const, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst]]
-          )
-     )
-  |> Symtab.update (
-       #Haskell CodegenSerializer.serializers
-       |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
-            (nsp_dtcon, [nsp_module, nsp_class, nsp_tyco, nsp_dtcon])
-            [[nsp_module], [nsp_class], [nsp_tyco], [nsp_const,  nsp_mem],
-              [nsp_dtcon], [nsp_inst]]
-          )
-     )
+val nsp_module = CodegenNames.nsp_module;
+val nsp_class = CodegenNames.nsp_class;
+val nsp_tyco = CodegenNames.nsp_tyco;
+val nsp_inst = CodegenNames.nsp_inst;
+val nsp_fun = CodegenNames.nsp_fun;
+val nsp_classop = CodegenNames.nsp_classop;
+val nsp_dtco = CodegenNames.nsp_dtco;
+val nsp_eval = CodegenNames.nsp_eval;
-(* theory data  *)
+(** code extraction **)
+(* theory data *)
 type appgen = theory -> ((sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra) * Consts.T
   -> CodegenFuncgr.T
@@ -114,23 +62,6 @@
   Symtab.merge (fn ((bounds1, (_, stamp1)), (bounds2, (_, stamp2))) =>
     bounds1 = bounds2 andalso stamp1 = stamp2) x;
-type target_data = {
-  syntax_class: ((string * (string -> string option)) * stamp) Symtab.table,
-  syntax_inst: unit Symtab.table,
-  syntax_tyco: (itype CodegenSerializer.pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table,
-  syntax_const: (iterm CodegenSerializer.pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table
-fun merge_target_data
-  ({ syntax_class = syntax_class1, syntax_inst = syntax_inst1,
-       syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
-   { syntax_class = syntax_class2, syntax_inst = syntax_inst2,
-       syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
-  { syntax_class = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_class1, syntax_class2),
-    syntax_inst = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_inst1, syntax_inst2),
-    syntax_tyco = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_tyco1, syntax_tyco2),
-    syntax_const = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_const1, syntax_const2) } : target_data;
 structure Code = CodeDataFun
   val name = "Pure/code";
@@ -143,88 +74,16 @@
 structure CodegenPackageData = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "Pure/codegen_package";
-  type T = {
-    appgens: appgens,
-    target_data: target_data Symtab.table
-  };
-  val empty = {
-    appgens = Symtab.empty,
-    target_data =
-      Symtab.empty
-      |> Symtab.fold (fn (target, _) =>
-           Symtab.update (target,
-             { syntax_class = Symtab.empty, syntax_inst = Symtab.empty,
-               syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
-         ) (! serializers)
-  } : T;
+  type T = appgens;
+  val empty = Symtab.empty;
   val copy = I;
   val extend = I;
-  fun merge _ (
-    { appgens = appgens1, target_data = target_data1 },
-    { appgens = appgens2, target_data = target_data2 }
-  ) = {
-    appgens = merge_appgens (appgens1, appgens2),
-    target_data = Symtab.join (K merge_target_data) (target_data1, target_data2)
-  };
+  fun merge _ = merge_appgens;
   fun print _ _ = ();
 val _ = Context.add_setup (Code.init #> CodegenPackageData.init);
-fun map_codegen_data f thy =
-  case CodegenPackageData.get thy
-   of { appgens, target_data } =>
-      let val (appgens, target_data) =
-        f (appgens, target_data)
-      in CodegenPackageData.put { appgens = appgens,
-           target_data = target_data } thy end;
-fun check_serializer target =
-  case Symtab.lookup (!serializers) target
-   of SOME seri => ()
-    | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
-fun get_serializer target =
-  case Symtab.lookup (!serializers) target
-   of SOME seri => seri
-    | NONE => Scan.fail_with (fn _ => "Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target) ();
-fun serialize thy target seri cs =
-  let
-    val data = CodegenPackageData.get thy;
-    val code = Code.get thy;
-    val target_data =
-      (the oo Symtab.lookup) (#target_data data) target;
-    val syntax_class = #syntax_class target_data;
-    val syntax_inst = #syntax_inst target_data;
-    val syntax_tyco = #syntax_tyco target_data;
-    val syntax_const = #syntax_const target_data;
-    fun fun_of syntax = ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) syntax;
-  in
-    seri (fun_of syntax_class, fun_of syntax_tyco, fun_of syntax_const)
-      (Symtab.keys syntax_class @ Symtab.keys syntax_inst
-         @ Symtab.keys syntax_tyco @ Symtab.keys syntax_const, cs) code : unit
-  end;
-fun map_target_data target f =
-  let
-    val _ = check_serializer target;
-  in
-    map_codegen_data (fn (appgens, target_data) => 
-      (appgens, Symtab.map_entry target (fn { syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =>
-          let
-            val (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
-              f (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
-          in {
-            syntax_class = syntax_class,
-            syntax_inst = syntax_inst,
-            syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco,
-            syntax_const = syntax_const } : target_data
-          end
-      ) target_data)
-    )
-  end;
 fun print_code thy =
     val code = Code.get thy;
@@ -232,64 +91,14 @@
 fun purge_code thy = Code.change thy (K CodegenThingol.empty_module);
-(* name handling *)
-fun idf_of_class thy class =
-  CodegenNames.class thy class
-  |> add_nsp nsp_class;
-fun class_of_idf thy = if_nsp nsp_class (CodegenNames.class_rev thy);
-fun idf_of_tyco thy tyco =
-  CodegenNames.tyco thy tyco
-  |> add_nsp nsp_tyco;
-fun tyco_of_idf thy = if_nsp nsp_tyco (CodegenNames.tyco_rev thy);
-fun idf_of_inst thy inst =
-  CodegenNames.instance thy inst
-  |> add_nsp nsp_inst;
-fun inst_of_idf thy = if_nsp nsp_inst (CodegenNames.instance_rev thy);
-fun idf_of_const thy c_tys =
-  if (is_some o CodegenData.get_datatype_of_constr thy) c_tys then
-    CodegenNames.const thy c_tys
-    |> add_nsp nsp_dtcon
-  else if (is_some o CodegenConsts.class_of_classop thy) c_tys then
-    CodegenNames.const thy c_tys
-    |> add_nsp nsp_mem
-  else
-    CodegenNames.const thy c_tys
-    |> add_nsp nsp_const;
-fun idf_of_classop thy c_ty =
-  CodegenNames.const thy c_ty
-  |> add_nsp nsp_mem;
-fun const_of_idf thy idf =
-  case dest_nsp nsp_const idf
-   of SOME c => CodegenNames.const_rev thy c |> SOME
-    | _ => (case dest_nsp nsp_dtcon idf
-   of SOME c => CodegenNames.const_rev thy c |> SOME
-    | _ => (case dest_nsp nsp_mem idf
-   of SOME c => CodegenNames.const_rev thy c |> SOME
-    | _ => NONE));
-(** code extraction **)
 (* extraction kernel *)
-fun check_strict thy f x (false, _) =
+fun check_strict has_seri x (false, _) =
-  | check_strict thy f x (_, SOME targets) =
-      exists (
-        is_none o (fn tab => Symtab.lookup tab x) o f o the
-          o (Symtab.lookup ((#target_data o CodegenPackageData.get) thy))
-      ) targets
-  | check_strict thy f x (true, _) =
+  | check_strict has_seri x (_, SOME targets) =
+      not (has_seri targets x)
+  | check_strict has_seri x (true, _) =
 fun no_strict (_, targets) = (false, targets);
@@ -297,12 +106,12 @@
 fun ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct cls trns =
     fun defgen_class thy (algbr as ((proj_sort, _), _)) funcgr strct cls trns =
-      case class_of_idf thy cls
+      case CodegenNames.class_rev thy cls
        of SOME cls =>
               val (v, cs) = (ClassPackage.the_consts_sign thy) cls;
               val superclasses = (proj_sort o Sign.super_classes thy) cls
-              val idfs = map (idf_of_const thy o CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy) cs;
+              val idfs = map (CodegenNames.const thy o CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy) cs;
               |> debug_msg (fn _ => "trying defgen class declaration for " ^ quote cls)
@@ -314,7 +123,7 @@
         | _ =>
             |> fail ("No class definition found for " ^ quote cls);
-    val cls' = idf_of_class thy cls;
+    val cls' = CodegenNames.class thy cls;
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "generating class " ^ quote cls)
@@ -323,10 +132,10 @@
 and ensure_def_tyco thy algbr funcgr strct tyco trns =
-    val tyco' = idf_of_tyco thy tyco;
-    val strict = check_strict thy #syntax_tyco tyco' strct;
+    val tyco' = CodegenNames.tyco thy tyco;
+    val strict = check_strict (CodegenSerializer.tyco_has_serialization thy) tyco' strct;
     fun defgen_datatype thy algbr funcgr strct dtco trns =
-      case tyco_of_idf thy dtco
+      case CodegenNames.tyco_rev thy dtco
        of SOME dtco =>
          (case CodegenData.get_datatype thy dtco
              of SOME (vs, cos) =>
@@ -336,7 +145,7 @@
                   ||>> fold_map (fn (c, tys) =>
                     fold_map (exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct) tys
                     #-> (fn tys' =>
-                      pair ((idf_of_const thy o CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy)
+                      pair ((CodegenNames.const thy o CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy)
                         (c, tys ---> Type (dtco, map TFree vs)), tys'))) cos
                   |-> (fn (vs, cos) => succeed (Datatype (vs, cos)))
               | NONE =>
@@ -411,7 +220,7 @@
 and exprgen_typinst_const thy (algbr as (_, consts)) funcgr strct (c, ty_ctxt) trns =
     val c' = CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy (c, ty_ctxt)
-    val idf = idf_of_const thy c';
+    val idf = CodegenNames.const thy c';
     val ty_decl = Consts.declaration consts idf;
     val insts = (op ~~ o apsnd (map (snd o dest_TVar)) oo pairself)
       (curry (Consts.typargs consts) idf) (ty_ctxt, ty_decl);
@@ -424,7 +233,7 @@
 and ensure_def_inst thy algbr funcgr strct (cls, tyco) trns =
     fun defgen_inst thy (algbr as ((proj_sort, _), _)) funcgr strct inst trns =
-      case inst_of_idf thy inst
+      case CodegenNames.instance_rev thy inst
        of SOME (class, tyco) =>
               val (vs, memdefs) = ClassPackage.the_inst_sign thy (class, tyco);
@@ -454,7 +263,7 @@
         | _ =>
             trns |> fail ("No class instance found for " ^ quote inst);
-    val inst = idf_of_inst thy (cls, tyco);
+    val inst = CodegenNames.instance thy (cls, tyco);
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "generating instance " ^ quote cls ^ " / " ^ quote tyco)
@@ -465,7 +274,7 @@
 and ensure_def_const thy algbr funcgr strct (c, tys) trns =
     fun defgen_datatypecons thy algbr funcgr strct co trns =
-      case CodegenData.get_datatype_of_constr thy ((the o const_of_idf thy) co)
+      case CodegenData.get_datatype_of_constr thy ((the o CodegenNames.const_rev thy) co)
        of SOME tyco =>
             |> debug_msg (fn _ => "trying defgen datatype constructor for " ^ quote co)
@@ -476,16 +285,16 @@
             |> fail ("Not a datatype constructor: "
                 ^ (quote o CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy) (c, tys));
     fun defgen_clsmem thy algbr funcgr strct m trns =
-      case CodegenConsts.class_of_classop thy ((the o const_of_idf thy) m)
+      case AxClass.class_of_param thy ((fst o the o CodegenNames.const_rev thy) m)
        of SOME class =>
-            |> debug_msg (fn _ => "trying defgen class member for " ^ quote m)
+            |> debug_msg (fn _ => "trying defgen class operation for " ^ quote m)
             |> ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct class
             |-> (fn _ => succeed Bot)
         | _ =>
-            trns |> fail ("No class operation found for " ^ (quote o CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy) (c, tys))
+            trns |> fail ("No class found for " ^ (quote o CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy) (c, tys))
     fun defgen_funs thy (algbr as (_, consts)) funcgr strct c' trns =
-      case CodegenFuncgr.get_funcs funcgr ((the o const_of_idf thy) c')
+      case CodegenFuncgr.get_funcs funcgr ((the o CodegenNames.const_rev thy) c')
        of eq_thms as eq_thm :: _ =>
               val msg = cat_lines ("generating code for theorems " :: map string_of_thm eq_thms);
@@ -522,15 +331,15 @@
               |> fail ("No defining equations found for "
                    ^ (quote o CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy) (c, tys));
     fun get_defgen funcgr strct idf strict =
-      if (is_some oo dest_nsp) nsp_const idf
+      if CodegenNames.has_nsp nsp_fun idf
       then defgen_funs thy algbr funcgr strct strict
-      else if (is_some oo dest_nsp) nsp_mem idf
+      else if CodegenNames.has_nsp nsp_classop idf
       then defgen_clsmem thy algbr funcgr strct strict
-      else if (is_some oo dest_nsp) nsp_dtcon idf
+      else if CodegenNames.has_nsp nsp_dtco idf
       then defgen_datatypecons thy algbr funcgr strct strict
       else error ("Illegal shallow name space for constant: " ^ quote idf);
-    val idf = idf_of_const thy (c, tys);
-    val strict = check_strict thy #syntax_const idf strct;
+    val idf = CodegenNames.const thy (c, tys);
+    val strict = check_strict (CodegenSerializer.const_has_serialization thy) idf strct;
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "generating constant "
@@ -581,7 +390,7 @@
   |-> (fn (((c, ty), ls), es) =>
          pair (IConst (c, (ls, ty)) `$$ es))
 and appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((f, ty), ts) trns =
-  case Symtab.lookup ((#appgens o CodegenPackageData.get) thy) f
+  case Symtab.lookup (CodegenPackageData.get thy) f
    of SOME (i, (ag, _)) =>
         if length ts < i then
@@ -688,11 +497,7 @@
 fun add_appconst (c, appgen) thy =
     val i = (length o fst o strip_type o Sign.the_const_type thy) c
-  in map_codegen_data
-    (fn (appgens, target_data) =>
-       (appgens |> Symtab.update (c, (i, (appgen, stamp ()))),
-        target_data)) thy
-  end;
+  in (Symtab.update (c, (i, (appgen, stamp ())))) thy end;
@@ -705,7 +510,7 @@
     val algebr = ClassPackage.operational_algebra thy;
     val consttab = Consts.empty
       |> fold (fn (c, ty) => Consts.declare qnaming
-           ((idf_of_const thy c, ty), true))
+           ((CodegenNames.const thy c, ty), true))
            (CodegenFuncgr.get_func_typs funcgr)
     val algbr = (algebr, consttab);
@@ -714,29 +519,18 @@
     |> (fn (x, modl) => x)
-fun consts_of thy t =
-  fold_aterms (fn Const c => cons (CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy c, c) | _ => I) t []
-  |> split_list;
 fun codegen_term thy t =
     val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy t;
     val thm = CodegenData.preprocess_cterm thy ct;
     val t' = (snd o Logic.dest_equals o Drule.plain_prop_of) thm;
-    val cs_rhss = consts_of thy t';
+    val cs_rhss = CodegenConsts.consts_of thy t';
     (thm, generate thy cs_rhss (SOME []) NONE exprgen_term' t')
-val is_dtcon = has_nsp nsp_dtcon;
-fun consts_of_idfs thy =
-  map (CodegenConsts.typ_of_inst thy o the o const_of_idf thy);
-fun idfs_of_consts thy cs =
-  let
-    val cs' = map (CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy) cs;
-  in map (idf_of_const thy) cs' end;
+fun const_of_idf thy =
+  CodegenConsts.typ_of_inst thy o the o CodegenNames.const_rev thy;
 fun get_root_module thy =
   Code.get thy;
@@ -757,159 +551,20 @@
        of [Const ("==", _) $ x' $ t'] => if x = x' then t' else err ()
         | _ => err ()
-    val target_data =
-      ((fn data => (the o Symtab.lookup data) "SML") o #target_data o CodegenPackageData.get) thy;
-    val eval = CodegenSerializer.eval_term nsp_eval nsp_dtcon [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst], [nsp_eval]]
-      (( fst oo Symtab.lookup) (#syntax_tyco target_data),
-       ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) (#syntax_const target_data))
-      (Symtab.keys (#syntax_tyco target_data) @ Symtab.keys (#syntax_const target_data));
     val (_, t') = codegen_term thy (preprocess_term t);
-    val modl = Code.get thy;
-  in
-    eval (ref_spec, t') modl
-  end;
-fun get_ml_fun_datatype thy resolv =
-  let
-    val target_data =
-      ((fn data => (the o Symtab.lookup data) "SML") o #target_data o CodegenPackageData.get) thy;
-  in
-    CodegenSerializer.ml_fun_datatype nsp_dtcon
-      (( fst oo Symtab.lookup o #syntax_tyco) target_data,
-      ( fst oo Symtab.lookup o #syntax_const) target_data)
-      resolv
-  end;
-(** target syntax **)
-fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class prep_const target raw_class (syntax, raw_ops) thy =
-  let
-    val class = (idf_of_class thy o prep_class thy) raw_class;
-    val ops = (map o apfst) (idf_of_classop thy o prep_const thy) raw_ops;
-    val syntax_ops = AList.lookup (op =) ops;
-    thy
-    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-        (syntax_class |> Symtab.update (class,
-          ((syntax, syntax_ops), stamp ())),
-            syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const))
-  end;
-fun gen_add_syntax_inst prep_class prep_tyco target (raw_tyco, raw_class) thy =
-  let
-    val inst = idf_of_inst thy (prep_class thy raw_class, prep_tyco thy raw_tyco);
-  in
-    thy
-    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-        (syntax_class, syntax_inst |> Symtab.update (inst, ()),
-          syntax_tyco, syntax_const))
-  end;
-fun gen_add_syntax_tyco prep_tyco raw_tyco target syntax thy =
-  let
-    val tyco = (idf_of_tyco thy o prep_tyco thy) raw_tyco;
-  in
-    thy
-    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-         (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco
-            |> Symtab.update (tyco, (syntax, stamp ())), syntax_const))
-  end;
-fun gen_add_syntax_const prep_const raw_c target syntax thy =
-  let
-    val c' = prep_const thy raw_c;
-    val c'' = idf_of_const thy c';
-  in
-    thy
-    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-         (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const
-            |> Symtab.update (c'', (syntax, stamp ()))))
+    CodegenSerializer.eval_term thy (ref_spec, t') (Code.get thy)
-fun read_type thy raw_tyco =
-  let
-    val tyco = Sign.intern_type thy raw_tyco;
-    val _ = if Sign.declared_tyname thy tyco then ()
-      else error ("No such type constructor: " ^ quote raw_tyco);
-  in tyco end;
-fun idfs_of_const_names thy cs =
-  let
-    val cs' = AList.make (fn c => Sign.the_const_type thy c) cs;
-    val cs'' = map (CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy) cs';
-  in AList.make (idf_of_const thy) cs'' end;
-fun read_quote reader consts_of target get_init gen raw_it thy =
-  let
-    val it = reader thy raw_it;
-    val cs = consts_of thy it;
-  in
-    generate thy cs (SOME [target]) ((SOME o get_init) thy) gen [it]
-    |> (fn [it'] => (it', thy))
-  end;
-fun parse_quote num_of reader consts_of target get_init gen adder =
-  CodegenSerializer.parse_syntax num_of
-    (read_quote reader consts_of target get_init gen)
-  #-> (fn modifier => pair (modifier #-> adder target));
-val add_syntax_class = gen_add_syntax_class ClassPackage.read_class CodegenConsts.read_const;
-val add_syntax_inst = gen_add_syntax_inst ClassPackage.read_class read_type;
-fun parse_syntax_tyco target raw_tyco  =
-  let
-    fun intern thy = read_type thy raw_tyco;
-    fun num_of thy = Sign.arity_number thy (intern thy);
-    fun idf_of thy = idf_of_tyco thy (intern thy);
-    fun read_typ thy =
-      Sign.read_typ (thy, K NONE);
-  in
-    parse_quote num_of read_typ ((K o K) ([], [])) target idf_of (fold_map oooo exprgen_type)
-      (gen_add_syntax_tyco read_type raw_tyco)
-  end;
-fun parse_syntax_const target raw_const =
-  let
-    fun intern thy = CodegenConsts.read_const thy raw_const;
-    fun num_of thy = (length o fst o strip_type o Sign.the_const_type thy o fst o intern) thy;
-    fun idf_of thy = (idf_of_const thy o intern) thy;
-  in
-    parse_quote num_of Sign.read_term consts_of target idf_of (fold_map oooo exprgen_term')
-      (gen_add_syntax_const CodegenConsts.read_const raw_const)
-  end;
-fun add_pretty_list target nill cons mk_list mk_char_string target_cons thy =
-  let
-    val [(_, nil''), (cons', cons'')] = idfs_of_const_names thy [nill, cons];
-    val pr = CodegenSerializer.pretty_list nil'' cons'' mk_list mk_char_string target_cons;
-  in
-    thy
-    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) cons' target pr
-  end;
-fun add_pretty_ml_string target nill cons str mk_char mk_string target_implode thy =
-  let
-    val [(_, nil''), (_, cons''), (str', _)] = idfs_of_const_names thy [nill, cons, str];
-    val pr = CodegenSerializer.pretty_ml_string nil'' cons'' mk_char mk_string target_implode;
-  in
-    thy
-    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) str' target pr
-  end;
-end; (*local*)
 (** toplevel interface and setup **)
+structure P = OuterParse
+and K = OuterKeyword
 fun code raw_cs seris thy =
     val cs = map (CodegenConsts.read_const thy) raw_cs;
@@ -921,19 +576,23 @@
      of [] => []
       | _ =>
           generate thy (cs, []) targets NONE (fold_map oooo ensure_def_const') cs;
-    fun serialize' thy [] (target, seri) =
-          serialize thy target seri NONE : unit
-      | serialize' thy cs (target, seri) =
-          serialize thy target seri (SOME cs) : unit;
+    fun serialize' [] code (_, seri) =
+          seri thy NONE code 
+      | serialize' cs code (_, seri) =
+          seri thy (SOME cs) code;
     val cs = generate' thy;
+    val code = Code.get thy;
-    (map (serialize' thy cs) seris'; ())
+    (map (serialize' cs code) seris'; ())
-structure P = OuterParse
-and K = OuterKeyword
+fun reader_tyco thy rhss target dep =
+  generate thy rhss (SOME [target]) (SOME dep) (fold_map oooo exprgen_type);
-val parse_target = >> tap check_serializer;
+fun reader_const thy rhss target dep =
+  generate thy rhss (SOME [target]) (SOME dep) (fold_map oooo exprgen_term');
+val parse_target = >> tap CodegenSerializer.check_serializer;
 fun zip_list (x::xs) f g =
   f x #-> (fn y => fold_map (fn x => g |-- f x >> pair x) xs
@@ -945,6 +604,7 @@
       (fn target => zip_list things (parse_syntax target)
         (P.$$$ "and")) --| P.$$$ ")"))
 val (codeK,
@@ -956,7 +616,7 @@
   OuterSyntax.command codeK "generate and serialize executable code for constants" K.diag (
     Scan.repeat P.term
     -- Scan.repeat (P.$$$ "(" |--
- :-- (fn target => (get_serializer target >> SOME) || pair NONE)
+ :-- (fn target => (CodegenSerializer.parse_serializer target >> SOME) || pair NONE)
         --| P.$$$ ")")
     >> (fn (raw_cs, seris) => Toplevel.keep (code raw_cs seris o Toplevel.theory_of))
@@ -967,7 +627,7 @@
       (fn _ => fn _ => P.string -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "where" |-- Scan.repeat1
         (P.term --| (P.$$$ "\\<equiv>" || P.$$$ "==") -- P.string)) [])
     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (target, syns) =>
-          fold (fn (raw_class, syn) => add_syntax_class target raw_class syn) syns)
+          fold (fn (raw_class, syn) => CodegenSerializer.add_syntax_class target raw_class syn) syns)
 val syntax_instP =
@@ -976,13 +636,13 @@
       (fn _ => fn _ => #->
         (fn "-" => Scan.succeed () | _ => Scan.fail_with (fn _ => "\"-\" expected") ()))
     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (target, syns) =>
-          fold (fn (raw_inst, ()) => add_syntax_inst target raw_inst) syns)
+          fold (fn (raw_inst, ()) => CodegenSerializer.add_syntax_inst target raw_inst) syns)
 val syntax_tycoP =
   OuterSyntax.command syntax_tycoK "define code syntax for type constructor" K.thy_decl (
     Scan.repeat1 (
-      parse_multi_syntax P.xname parse_syntax_tyco
+      parse_multi_syntax P.xname (CodegenSerializer.parse_syntax_tyco reader_tyco)
     >> (Toplevel.theory o (fold o fold) (fold snd o snd))
@@ -990,7 +650,7 @@
 val syntax_constP =
   OuterSyntax.command syntax_constK "define code syntax for constant" K.thy_decl (
     Scan.repeat1 (
-      parse_multi_syntax P.term parse_syntax_const
+      parse_multi_syntax P.term (CodegenSerializer.parse_syntax_const reader_const)
     >> (Toplevel.theory o (fold o fold) (fold snd o snd))
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Mon Sep 25 17:04:14 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Mon Sep 25 17:04:15 2006 +0200
@@ -3,47 +3,55 @@
     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
 Serializer from intermediate language ("Thin-gol") to
-target languages (like ML or Haskell).
+target languages (like SML or Haskell).
-  type 'a pretty_syntax;
-  type serializer =
-      string list list
-      -> OuterParse.token list ->
-      ((string -> (string * (string -> string option)) option)
-        * (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
-        * (string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax option)
-      -> string list * string list option
-      -> CodegenThingol.module -> unit)
-      * OuterParse.token list;
-  val parse_syntax: ('b -> int) -> (string -> 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> OuterParse.token list ->
-    ('b -> 'a pretty_syntax * 'b) * OuterParse.token list;
-  val pretty_list: string -> string -> (Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T)
-    -> ((string -> string) * (string -> string)) option
-    -> int * string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax;
-  val pretty_ml_string: string -> string -> (string -> string) -> (string -> string)
-    -> string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax;
-  val serializers: {
-    SML: string * (string -> serializer),
-    Haskell: string * (string * string list -> serializer)
-  };
+  val parse_serializer: string
+    -> OuterParse.token list
+        -> (theory -> string list option -> CodegenThingol.module -> unit)
+             * OuterParse.token list
+  val eval_verbose: bool ref;
+  val eval_term: theory ->
+    (string * 'a option ref) * CodegenThingol.iterm -> CodegenThingol.module
+    -> 'a;
   val mk_flat_ml_resolver: string list -> string -> string;
-  val eval_term: string -> string -> string list list
-    -> (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
-          * (string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax option)
-    -> string list
-    -> (string * 'a option ref) * CodegenThingol.iterm -> CodegenThingol.module
-    -> 'a;
-  val eval_verbose: bool ref;
-  val ml_fun_datatype: string
-    -> ((string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
-        * (string -> CodegenThingol.iterm pretty_syntax option))
-    -> (string -> string)
+  val ml_fun_datatype:
+    theory -> (string -> string)
     -> ((string * ((iterm list * iterm) list * CodegenThingol.typscheme)) list -> Pretty.T)
         * ((string * ((vname * sort) list * (string * itype list) list)) list -> Pretty.T);
+  val const_has_serialization: theory -> string list -> string -> bool;
+  val tyco_has_serialization: theory -> string list -> string -> bool;
+  val check_serializer: string -> unit;
+  val add_syntax_class:
+    string -> string -> string * (string * string) list  -> theory -> theory;
+  val add_syntax_inst: string -> (string * string) -> theory -> theory;
+  val parse_syntax_tyco: (theory
+           -> CodegenConsts.const list * (string * typ) list
+              -> string
+                 -> CodegenNames.tyco
+                    -> typ list -> CodegenThingol.itype list)
+          -> Symtab.key
+             -> xstring
+                -> OuterParse.token list
+                   -> (theory -> theory) * OuterParse.token list;
+  val parse_syntax_const: (theory
+           -> CodegenConsts.const list * (string * typ) list
+              -> string
+                 -> CodegenNames.const
+                    -> term list -> CodegenThingol.iterm list)
+          -> Symtab.key
+             -> string
+                -> OuterParse.token list
+                   -> (theory -> theory) * OuterParse.token list;
+  val add_pretty_list: string -> string -> string -> (Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T)
+   -> ((string -> string) * (string -> string)) option -> int * string
+   -> theory -> theory;
+  val add_pretty_ml_string: string -> string -> string -> string
+   -> (string -> string) -> (string -> string) -> string -> theory -> theory;
+  val add_undefined: string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory;
 structure CodegenSerializer: CODEGEN_SERIALIZER =
@@ -52,9 +60,7 @@
 open BasicCodegenThingol;
 val debug_msg = CodegenThingol.debug_msg;
-(** generic serialization **)
-(* precedences *)
+(** precedences **)
 datatype lrx = L | R | X;
@@ -63,13 +69,7 @@
   | NOBR
   | INFX of (int * lrx);
-datatype 'a mixfix =
-    Arg of fixity
-  | Ignore
-  | Pretty of Pretty.T
-  | Quote of 'a;
-type 'a pretty_syntax = (int * int) * (fixity -> (fixity -> 'a -> Pretty.T)
+type 'a pretty_syntax = int * (fixity -> (fixity -> 'a -> Pretty.T)
   -> 'a list -> Pretty.T);
 fun eval_lrx L L = false
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@
         andalso eval_lrx lr lr_ctxt
   | eval_fxy _ (INFX _) = false;
-val str = setmp print_mode [] Pretty.str;
 fun gen_brackify _ [p] = p
   | gen_brackify true (ps as _::_) = Pretty.enclose "(" ")" ps
   | gen_brackify false (ps as _::_) = Pretty.block ps;
@@ -97,14 +95,97 @@
 fun brackify_infix infx fxy_ctxt ps =
   gen_brackify (eval_fxy (INFX infx) fxy_ctxt) (Pretty.breaks ps);
-fun from_app mk_app from_expr const_syntax fxy (const as (c, _), es) =
+fun from_app mk_app from_expr const_syntax fxy (const as (c, (_, ty)), es) =
   case const_syntax c
    of NONE => brackify fxy (mk_app c es)
-    | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
-        if i <= length es
-          then case chop k es of (es1, es2) =>
+    | SOME (i, pr) =>
+        let
+          val k = if i < 0 then (length o fst o CodegenThingol.unfold_fun) ty else i
+        in if k <= length es
+          then case chop i es of (es1, es2) =>
             brackify fxy (pr fxy from_expr es1 :: map (from_expr BR) es2)
-          else from_expr fxy (CodegenThingol.eta_expand (const, es) i);
+          else from_expr fxy (CodegenThingol.eta_expand (const, es) i)
+        end;
+(** user-defined syntax **)
+(* theory data *)
+type target_data = {
+  syntax_class: ((string * (string -> string option)) * stamp) Symtab.table,
+  syntax_inst: unit Symtab.table,
+  syntax_tyco: (itype pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table,
+  syntax_const: (iterm pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table
+fun merge_target_data
+  ({ syntax_class = syntax_class1, syntax_inst = syntax_inst1,
+       syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
+   { syntax_class = syntax_class2, syntax_inst = syntax_inst2,
+       syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
+  { syntax_class = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_class1, syntax_class2),
+    syntax_inst = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_inst1, syntax_inst2),
+    syntax_tyco = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_tyco1, syntax_tyco2),
+    syntax_const = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_const1, syntax_const2) } : target_data;
+structure CodegenSerializerData = TheoryDataFun
+  val name = "Pure/codegen_serializer";
+  type T = target_data Symtab.table;
+  val empty =
+      Symtab.empty
+      |> fold (fn target =>
+           Symtab.update (target,
+             { syntax_class = Symtab.empty, syntax_inst = Symtab.empty,
+               syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
+         ) ["SML", "Haskell"] : T;
+  val copy = I;
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ = Symtab.join (K merge_target_data);
+  fun print _ _ = ();
+fun has_serialization f thy targets name =
+  forall (
+    is_some o (fn tab => Symtab.lookup tab name) o f o the
+      o (Symtab.lookup ((CodegenSerializerData.get) thy))
+  ) targets;
+val tyco_has_serialization = has_serialization #syntax_tyco;
+val const_has_serialization = has_serialization #syntax_const;
+fun serialize thy seri target cs =
+  let
+    val data = CodegenSerializerData.get thy;
+    val target_data =
+      (the oo Symtab.lookup) data target;
+    val syntax_class = #syntax_class target_data;
+    val syntax_inst = #syntax_inst target_data;
+    val syntax_tyco = #syntax_tyco target_data;
+    val syntax_const = #syntax_const target_data;
+    fun fun_of syntax = ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) syntax;
+  in
+    seri (fun_of syntax_class, fun_of syntax_tyco, fun_of syntax_const)
+      (Symtab.keys syntax_class @ Symtab.keys syntax_inst
+         @ Symtab.keys syntax_tyco @ Symtab.keys syntax_const, cs)
+  end;
+val _ = Context.add_setup CodegenSerializerData.init;
+val (atomK, infixK, infixlK, infixrK) =
+  ("target_atom", "infix", "infixl", "infixr");
+val _ = OuterSyntax.add_keywords [atomK, infixK, infixlK, infixrK];
+(* syntax parser *)
+val str = setmp print_mode [] Pretty.str;
+datatype 'a mixfix =
+    Arg of fixity
+  | Pretty of Pretty.T
+  | Quote of 'a;
 fun fillin_mixfix fxy_this ms fxy_ctxt pr args =
@@ -112,8 +193,6 @@
       | fillin (Arg fxy :: ms) (a :: args) =
           pr fxy a :: fillin ms args
-      | fillin (Ignore :: ms) args =
-          fillin ms args
       | fillin (Pretty p :: ms) args =
           p :: fillin ms args
       | fillin (Quote q :: ms) args =
@@ -124,13 +203,6 @@
           error ("Inconsistent mixfix: too less arguments");
   in gen_brackify (eval_fxy fxy_this fxy_ctxt) (fillin ms args) end;
-(* user-defined syntax *)
-val (atomK, infixK, infixlK, infixrK) =
-  ("target_atom", "infix", "infixl", "infixr");
-val _ = OuterSyntax.add_keywords [atomK, infixK, infixlK, infixrK];
 fun parse_infix (fixity as INFX (i, x)) s =
     val l = case x of L => fixity
@@ -169,7 +241,6 @@
 fun parse_syntax num_args reader =
     fun is_arg (Arg _) = true
-      | is_arg Ignore = true
       | is_arg _ = false;
     fun parse_nonatomic s ctxt =
       case parse_mixfix reader s ctxt
@@ -191,39 +262,39 @@
         val i = (length o List.filter is_arg) mfx;
         val _ = if i > num_args ctxt then error "Too many arguments in code syntax" else ();
-      in (((i, i), fillin_mixfix fixity mfx), ctxt) end;
+      in ((i, fillin_mixfix fixity mfx), ctxt) end;
     #-> (fn (mfx_reader, fixity) =>
-      pair (mfx_reader #-> (fn mfx => mk fixity mfx))
+      pair (mfx_reader #-> (fn mfx => (mk fixity mfx)))
-(* generic abstract serializer *)
+(** generic abstract serializer **)
-type serializer =
-    string list list
-    -> OuterParse.token list ->
-    ((string -> (string * (string -> string option)) option)
-      * (string -> itype pretty_syntax option)
-      * (string -> iterm pretty_syntax option)
-    -> string list * string list option
-    -> CodegenThingol.module -> unit)
-    * OuterParse.token list;
+val nsp_module = CodegenNames.nsp_module;
+val nsp_class = CodegenNames.nsp_class;
+val nsp_tyco = CodegenNames.nsp_tyco;
+val nsp_inst = CodegenNames.nsp_inst;
+val nsp_fun = CodegenNames.nsp_fun;
+val nsp_classop = CodegenNames.nsp_classop;
+val nsp_dtco = CodegenNames.nsp_dtco;
+val nsp_eval = CodegenNames.nsp_eval;
 fun abstract_serializer (target, nspgrp) name_root (from_defs, from_module, validator, postproc)
-    postprocess (class_syntax : string -> (string * (string -> string option)) option, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
-    (drop: string list, select) module =
+    postprocess (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
+    (drop: string list, select) code =
     fun from_module' resolv imps ((name_qual, name), defs) =
       from_module resolv imps ((name_qual, name), defs)
       |> postprocess (resolv name_qual);
-    module
+    code
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "dropping shadowed defintions...")
     |> CodegenThingol.delete_garbage drop
-    |> debug_msg (fn _ => "selecting submodule...")
+    |> debug_msg (fn _ => "projecting...")
     |> (if is_some select then (CodegenThingol.project_module o the) select else I)
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "serializing...")
     |> CodegenThingol.serialize (from_defs (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
@@ -233,7 +304,7 @@
 fun abstract_validator keywords name =
-    fun replace_invalid c =  (* FIXME *)
+    fun replace_invalid c =  (*FIXME*)
       if Symbol.is_ascii_letter c orelse Symbol.is_ascii_digit c orelse c = "'"
       andalso not (NameSpace.separator = c)
       then c
@@ -270,19 +341,6 @@
     |> postprocess_module name
-fun constructive_fun is_cons (name, (eqs, ty)) =
-  let
-    fun check_eq (eq as (lhs, rhs)) =
-      if forall (CodegenThingol.is_pat is_cons) lhs
-      then SOME eq
-      else (warning ("In function " ^ quote name ^ ", throwing away one "
-        ^ "non-executable function clause"); NONE)
-  in case map_filter check_eq eqs
-   of [] => error ("In function " ^ quote name ^ ", no "
-        ^ "executable function clauses found")
-    | eqs => (name, (eqs, ty))
-  end;
 fun parse_single_file serializer =
   >> (fn path => serializer
@@ -307,8 +365,36 @@
           | _ => SOME)
        | _ => ());
+fun constructive_fun (name, (eqs, ty)) =
+  let
+    val is_cons = CodegenNames.has_nsp CodegenNames.nsp_dtco;
+    fun check_eq (eq as (lhs, rhs)) =
+      if forall (CodegenThingol.is_pat is_cons) lhs
+      then SOME eq
+      else (warning ("In function " ^ quote name ^ ", throwing away one "
+        ^ "non-executable function clause"); NONE)
+  in case map_filter check_eq eqs
+   of [] => error ("In function " ^ quote name ^ ", no "
+        ^ "executable function clauses found")
+    | eqs => (name, (eqs, ty))
+  end;
-(* list and string serializers *)
+fun make_ctxt names = (fold (fn name => Symtab.update_new (name, name)) names Symtab.empty,
+  Name.make_context names);
+fun intro_ctxt names (namemap, namectxt) =
+  let
+    val (names', namectxt') = Name.variants names namectxt;
+    val namemap' = fold2 (curry Symtab.update) names names' namemap;
+  in (namemap', namectxt') end;
+fun lookup_ctxt (namemap, _) name = case Symtab.lookup namemap name
+ of SOME name' => name'
+  | NONE => error ("invalid name in context: " ^ quote name);
+(** generic list and string serializers **)
 fun implode_list c_nil c_cons e =
@@ -336,7 +422,7 @@
            of SOME p => p
             | NONE => Pretty.block [str target_implode, Pretty.brk 1, pr BR e])
         | NONE => Pretty.block [str target_implode, Pretty.brk 1, pr BR e]
-  in ((1, 1), pretty) end;
+  in (1, pretty) end;
 fun pretty_list c_nil c_cons mk_list mk_char_string (target_fxy, target_cons) =
@@ -356,7 +442,7 @@
                     | NONE => mk_list (map (pr NOBR) es))
               | NONE => mk_list (map (pr NOBR) es))
         | NONE => default fxy pr e1 e2;
-  in ((2, 2), pretty) end;
+  in (2, pretty) end;
@@ -364,30 +450,18 @@
-val reserved_ml = ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ [
+val reserved_ml' = [
   "bool", "int", "list", "unit", "option", "true", "false", "not", "NONE", "SOME",
   "o", "string", "char", "String", "Term"
-structure NameMangler = NameManglerFun (
-  type ctxt = string list;
-  type src = string;
-  val ord = string_ord;
-  fun mk reserved_ml (name, i) =
-    (Symbol.alphanum o NameSpace.base) name ^ replicate_string i "'";
-  fun is_valid (reserved_ml : string list) = not o member (op =) reserved_ml;
-  fun maybe_unique _ _ = NONE;
-  fun re_mangle _ dst = error ("No such definition name: " ^ quote dst);
-fun first_upper s =
-  implode (nth_map 0 (Symbol.to_ascii_upper) (explode s));
-fun ml_from_dictvar v = 
-  first_upper v ^ "_";
-fun ml_expr_seri is_cons (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv =
+fun ml_expr_seri (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv =
+    val is_cons = CodegenNames.has_nsp CodegenNames.nsp_dtco;
+    fun first_upper s =
+      implode (nth_map 0 (Symbol.to_ascii_upper) (explode s));
+    fun ml_from_dictvar v = 
+      first_upper v ^ "_";
     val ml_from_label =
       str o translate_string (fn "_" => "__" | "." => "_" | c => c)
         o NameSpace.base o resolv;
@@ -454,12 +528,11 @@
     and ml_from_type fxy (tycoexpr as tyco `%% tys) =
           (case tyco_syntax tyco
            of NONE => ml_from_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys)
-            | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
-                if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
+            | SOME (i, pr) =>
+                if not (i = length tys)
                 then error ("Number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
                   ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, "
-                  ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
-                  ^ " expected")
+                  ^ string_of_int i ^ " expected")
                 else pr fxy ml_from_type tys)
       | ml_from_type fxy (t1 `-> t2) =
@@ -476,98 +549,114 @@
       | ml_from_type fxy (ITyVar v) =
           str ("'" ^ v);
-    fun ml_from_expr fxy (e as IConst x) =
-          ml_from_app fxy (x, [])
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (IVar v) =
-          str v
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (e as e1 `$ e2) =
+    fun ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as IConst x) =
+          ml_from_app var_ctxt fxy (x, [])
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (IVar v) =
+          str (lookup_ctxt var_ctxt v)
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as e1 `$ e2) =
           (case CodegenThingol.unfold_const_app e
-           of SOME x => ml_from_app fxy x
+           of SOME x => ml_from_app var_ctxt fxy x
             | NONE =>
                 brackify fxy [
-                  ml_from_expr NOBR e1,
-                  ml_from_expr BR e2
+                  ml_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR e1,
+                  ml_from_expr var_ctxt BR e2
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (e as _ `|-> _) =
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as _ `|-> _) =
-            val (es, be) = CodegenThingol.unfold_abs e;
+            val (es, e') = CodegenThingol.unfold_abs e;
+            val vs = fold CodegenThingol.add_varnames (map fst es) [];
+            val var_ctxt' = intro_ctxt vs var_ctxt;
             fun mk_abs (e, ty) = (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
                 str "fn",
-                ml_from_expr NOBR e,
+                ml_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR e,
                 str "=>"
-          in brackify BR (map mk_abs es @ [ml_from_expr NOBR be]) end
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (INum (n, _)) =
+          in brackify BR (map mk_abs es @ [ml_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR e']) end
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (INum (n, _)) =
           brackify BR [
             (str o IntInf.toString) n,
             str ":",
             str ""
-      | ml_from_expr _ (IChar (c, _)) =
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt _ (IChar (c, _)) =
           (str o prefix "#" o quote)
             (let val i = ord c
               in if i < 32
                 then prefix "\\" (string_of_int i)
                 else c
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (e as ICase ((_, [_]), _)) =
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as ICase ((_, [_]), _)) =
             val (ves, be) = CodegenThingol.unfold_let e;
-            fun mk_val ((ve, vty), se) = Pretty.block [
-                (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                  str "val",
-            ml_from_expr NOBR ve,
-                  str "=",
-                  ml_from_expr NOBR se
-                ],
-                str ";"
-              ];
+            fun mk_val ((ve, vty), se) var_ctxt =
+              let
+                val vs = CodegenThingol.add_varnames ve [];
+                val var_ctxt' = intro_ctxt vs var_ctxt;
+              in
+                (Pretty.block [
+                  (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                    str "val",
+                    ml_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR ve,
+                    str "=",
+                    ml_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR se
+                  ],
+                  str ";"
+                ], var_ctxt')
+              end
+            val (binds, var_ctxt') = fold_map mk_val ves var_ctxt;
           in Pretty.chunks [
-            [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, map mk_val ves |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
-            [str ("in"), Pretty.fbrk, ml_from_expr NOBR be] |> Pretty.block,
+            [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, binds |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
+            [str ("in"), Pretty.fbrk, ml_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR be] |> Pretty.block,
             str ("end")
           ] end
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (ICase (((de, dty), bse::bses), _)) =
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (ICase (((de, dty), bse::bses), _)) =
             fun mk_clause definer (se, be) =
-              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                str definer,
-                ml_from_expr NOBR se,
-                str "=>",
-                ml_from_expr NOBR be
-              ]
+              let
+                val vs = CodegenThingol.add_varnames se [];
+                val var_ctxt' = intro_ctxt vs var_ctxt;
+              in
+                (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                  str definer,
+                  ml_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR se,
+                  str "=>",
+                  ml_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR be
+                ]
+              end
           in brackify fxy (
             str "(case"
-            :: ml_from_expr NOBR de
+            :: ml_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR de
             :: mk_clause "of" bse
             :: map (mk_clause "|") bses
             @ [str ")"]
           ) end
-      | ml_from_expr _ e =
+      | ml_from_expr var_ctxt _ e =
           error ("Dubious expression: " ^ (Pretty.output o CodegenThingol.pretty_iterm) e)
-    and ml_mk_app f es =
+    and ml_mk_app var_ctxt f es =
       if is_cons f andalso length es > 1 then
-        [(str o resolv) f, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" (map (ml_from_expr BR) es)]
+        [(str o resolv) f, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" (map (ml_from_expr var_ctxt BR) es)]
-        (str o resolv) f :: map (ml_from_expr BR) es
-    and ml_from_app fxy (app_expr as ((c, (lss, ty)), es)) =
+        (str o resolv) f :: map (ml_from_expr var_ctxt BR) es
+    and ml_from_app var_ctxt fxy (app_expr as ((c, (lss, ty)), es)) =
       case if is_cons c then [] else (map (ml_from_insts BR) o filter_out null) lss
        of [] =>
-            from_app ml_mk_app ml_from_expr const_syntax fxy app_expr
+            from_app (ml_mk_app var_ctxt) (ml_from_expr var_ctxt) const_syntax fxy app_expr
         | lss =>
             if (is_none o const_syntax) c then
               brackify fxy (
                 (str o resolv) c
                 :: (lss
-                @ map (ml_from_expr BR) es)
+                @ map (ml_from_expr var_ctxt BR) es)
-            else error ("Can't apply user defined serilization for function expecting dicitonaries: " ^ quote c)
-  in (ml_from_label, ml_from_tyvar, ml_from_insts, ml_from_tycoexpr, ml_from_type, ml_from_expr) end;
+            else error ("Can't apply user defined serialization for function expecting dicitonaries: " ^ quote c)
+  in (ml_from_dictvar, ml_from_label, ml_from_tyvar, ml_from_insts,
+    ml_from_tycoexpr, ml_from_type, ml_from_expr) end;
-fun ml_fun_datatyp is_cons (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv =
+fun ml_fun_datatype init_ctxt (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv =
-    val (ml_from_label, ml_from_tyvar, ml_from_insts, ml_from_tycoexpr, ml_from_type, ml_from_expr) =
-      ml_expr_seri is_cons (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv;
+    val is_cons = CodegenNames.has_nsp CodegenNames.nsp_dtco;
+    val (ml_from_dictvar, ml_from_label, ml_from_tyvar, ml_from_insts, ml_from_tycoexpr, ml_from_type, ml_from_expr) =
+      ml_expr_seri (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv;
     fun chunk_defs ps =
         val (p_init, p_last) = split_last ps
@@ -610,23 +699,33 @@
             val shift = if null eq_tl then I else
               map (Pretty.block o single o Pretty.block o single);
             fun mk_eq definer (pats, expr) =
-              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
-                [str definer, (str o resolv) name]
-                @ (if null pats andalso null vs
-                     andalso not (ty = ITyVar "_")(*for evaluation*)
-                   then [str ":", ml_from_type NOBR ty]
-                   else
-                     map ml_from_tyvar vs
-                     @ map (ml_from_expr BR) pats)
-             @ [str "=", ml_from_expr NOBR expr]
-              )
+              let
+                val consts = map_filter
+                  (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
+                    then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o resolv) c) (fold CodegenThingol.add_constnames (expr :: pats) []);
+                val vars = fold CodegenThingol.add_unbound_varnames (expr :: pats) [];
+                val var_ctxt = init_ctxt
+                  |> intro_ctxt consts
+                  |> intro_ctxt vars;
+              in
+                (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
+                  [str definer, (str o resolv) name]
+                  @ (if null pats andalso null vs
+                       andalso not (ty = ITyVar "_")(*for evaluation*)
+                     then [str ":", ml_from_type NOBR ty]
+                     else
+                       map ml_from_tyvar vs
+                       @ map (ml_from_expr var_ctxt BR) pats)
+               @ [str "=", ml_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR expr]
+                )
+              end
             (Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks o shift) (
               mk_eq definer eq
               :: map (mk_eq "|") eq_tl
-        val def' :: defs' = map (apsnd eta_expand_poly_fun o constructive_fun is_cons) defs
+        val def' :: defs' = map (apsnd eta_expand_poly_fun o constructive_fun) defs
         chunk_defs (
           (mk_fun (the (fold check_args defs NONE))) def'
@@ -659,14 +758,14 @@
   in (ml_from_funs, ml_from_datatypes) end;
-fun ml_from_defs is_cons
+fun ml_from_defs init_ctxt
     (_, tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolver prefix defs =
     val resolv = resolver prefix;
-    val (ml_from_label, ml_from_tyvar, ml_from_insts, ml_from_tycoexpr, ml_from_type, ml_from_expr) =
-      ml_expr_seri is_cons (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv;
+    val (ml_from_dictvar, ml_from_label, ml_from_tyvar, ml_from_insts, ml_from_tycoexpr, ml_from_type, ml_from_expr) =
+      ml_expr_seri (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv;
     val (ml_from_funs, ml_from_datatypes) =
-      ml_fun_datatyp is_cons (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv;
+      ml_fun_datatype init_ctxt (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) resolv;
     val filter_datatype =
         (fn (name, CodegenThingol.Datatype info) => SOME (name, info)
@@ -744,11 +843,19 @@
                 ml_from_insts NOBR [Instance (supinst, lss)]
             fun from_memdef (m, e) =
-              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                ml_from_label m,
-                str "=",
-                ml_from_expr NOBR e
-              ];
+              let
+                val consts = map_filter
+                  (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
+                    then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o resolv) c) (CodegenThingol.add_constnames e []);
+                val var_ctxt = init_ctxt
+                  |> intro_ctxt consts;
+              in
+                (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                  ml_from_label m,
+                  str "=",
+                  ml_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR e
+                ]
+              end;
             fun mk_corp rhs =
               (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
                 str definer
@@ -777,12 +884,7 @@
     | defs => error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^ (commas o map fst) defs)
-fun ml_annotators nsp_dtcon =
-  let
-    fun is_cons c = CodegenThingol.has_nsp c nsp_dtcon;
-  in is_cons end;
-fun ml_serializer root_name target nsp_dtcon nspgrp =
+fun ml_serializer root_name target nspgrp =
     fun ml_from_module resolv _ ((_, name), ps) =
       Pretty.chunks ([
@@ -793,23 +895,34 @@
         str "",
         str ("end; (* struct " ^ name ^ " *)")
-    val is_cons = ml_annotators nsp_dtcon;
     fun postproc (shallow, n) =
         fun ch_first f = String.implode o nth_map 0 f o String.explode;
-      in if shallow = nsp_dtcon
+      in if shallow = CodegenNames.nsp_dtco
         then ch_first Char.toUpper n
         else n
   in abstract_serializer (target, nspgrp)
-    root_name (ml_from_defs is_cons, ml_from_module,
-     abstract_validator reserved_ml, postproc) end;
+    root_name (ml_from_defs (make_ctxt ((ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ reserved_ml'))), ml_from_module,
+     abstract_validator (ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ reserved_ml'), postproc) end;
-fun ml_from_thingol target nsp_dtcon nspgrp =
+val ml_fun_datatype = fn thy =>
-    val serializer = ml_serializer "ROOT" target nsp_dtcon nspgrp
+    val target = "SML";
+    val data = CodegenSerializerData.get thy;
+    val target_data =
+      (the oo Symtab.lookup) data target;
+    val syntax_tyco = #syntax_tyco target_data;
+    val syntax_const = #syntax_const target_data;
+    fun fun_of syntax = ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) syntax;
+  in ml_fun_datatype (make_ctxt (ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ reserved_ml')) (fun_of syntax_tyco, fun_of syntax_const) end;
+fun ml_from_thingol target =
+  let
+    val serializer = ml_serializer "ROOT" target [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco],
+      [nsp_fun, nsp_dtco, nsp_class, nsp_classop, nsp_inst]]
     val parse_multi =
       #-> (fn "dir" =>
@@ -826,16 +939,25 @@
 val eval_verbose = ref false;
-fun eval_term nsp_eval nsp_dtcon nspgrp (syntax_tyco, syntax_const) hidden ((ref_name, reff), e) modl =
+fun eval_term thy ((ref_name, reff), e) code =
-    val (val_name, modl') = CodegenThingol.add_eval_def (nsp_eval, e) modl;
+    val (val_name, code') = CodegenThingol.add_eval_def (nsp_eval, e) code;
     val struct_name = "EVAL";
     fun output p = if !eval_verbose then (Pretty.writeln p; Pretty.output p)
       else Pretty.output p;
-    val serializer = ml_serializer struct_name "ml" nsp_dtcon nspgrp
+    val target = "SML";
+    val data = CodegenSerializerData.get thy;
+    val target_data =
+      (the oo Symtab.lookup) data target;
+    val syntax_tyco = #syntax_tyco target_data;
+    val syntax_const = #syntax_const target_data;
+    fun fun_of syntax = ( fst oo Symtab.lookup) syntax;
+    val serializer = ml_serializer struct_name "SML" [[nsp_module], [nsp_class, nsp_tyco],
+      [nsp_fun, nsp_dtco, nsp_class, nsp_classop, nsp_inst], [nsp_eval]]
       (fn "" => (fn p => (use_text Context.ml_output (!eval_verbose) (output p); NONE))
-        | _ => SOME) (K NONE, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) (hidden, SOME [NameSpace.pack [nsp_eval, val_name]]);
-    val _ = serializer modl';
+        | _ => SOME) (K NONE, fun_of syntax_tyco, fun_of syntax_const)
+        ((Symtab.keys (#syntax_tyco target_data) @ Symtab.keys (#syntax_const target_data)), SOME [NameSpace.pack [nsp_eval, val_name]]);
+    val _ = serializer code';
     val val_name_struct = NameSpace.append struct_name val_name;
     val _ = reff := NONE;
     val _ = use_text Context.ml_output (!eval_verbose) ("val _ = (" ^ ref_name ^ " := SOME (" ^ val_name_struct ^ "))");
@@ -845,16 +967,24 @@
     | SOME value => value
+structure NameMangler = NameManglerFun (
+  type ctxt = string list;
+  type src = string;
+  val ord = string_ord;
+  fun mk reserved_ml (name, i) =
+    (Symbol.alphanum o NameSpace.base) name ^ replicate_string i "'";
+  fun is_valid (reserved_ml : string list) = not o member (op =) reserved_ml;
+  fun maybe_unique _ _ = NONE;
+  fun re_mangle _ dst = error ("No such definition name: " ^ quote dst);
 fun mk_flat_ml_resolver names =
     val mangler =
-      |> fold_map (NameMangler.declare reserved_ml) names
+      |> fold_map (NameMangler.declare (ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ reserved_ml')) names
       |-> (fn _ => I)
-  in NameMangler.get reserved_ml mangler end;
-fun ml_fun_datatype nsp_dtcon =
-  ml_fun_datatyp (ml_annotators nsp_dtcon);
+  in NameMangler.get (ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ reserved_ml') mangler end;
 end; (* local *)
@@ -863,9 +993,10 @@
-fun hs_from_defs (is_cons, with_typs) (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
+fun hs_from_defs init_ctxt (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
     resolver prefix defs =
+    val is_cons = CodegenNames.has_nsp CodegenNames.nsp_dtco;
     val resolv = resolver "";
     val resolv_here = resolver prefix;
     fun hs_from_class cls = case class_syntax cls
@@ -876,164 +1007,197 @@
       | SOME (_, classop_syntax) => case classop_syntax clsop
          of NONE => NameSpace.base clsop
           | SOME clsop => clsop;
-    fun hs_from_typparms vs =
+    fun hs_from_typparms tyvar_ctxt vs =
         fun from_typparms [] = str ""
           | from_typparms vs =
-              |> map (fn (v, cls) => str (hs_from_class cls ^ " " ^ v))
+              |> map (fn (v, cls) => str
+                  (hs_from_class cls ^ " " ^ lookup_ctxt tyvar_ctxt v))
               |> Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
               |> (fn p => Pretty.block [p, str " => "])
-        |> map (fn (v, sort) => map (pair v) sort)
-        |> flat
+        |> maps (fn (v, sort) => map (pair v) sort)
         |> from_typparms
-    fun hs_from_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys) =
-      brackify fxy (str tyco :: map (hs_from_type BR) tys)
-    and hs_from_type fxy (tycoexpr as tyco `%% tys) =
+    fun hs_from_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt fxy (tyco, tys) =
+      brackify fxy (str tyco :: map (hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt BR) tys)
+    and hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt fxy (tycoexpr as tyco `%% tys) =
           (case tyco_syntax tyco
            of NONE =>
-                hs_from_tycoexpr fxy (resolv tyco, tys)
-            | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
-                if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
+                hs_from_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt fxy (resolv tyco, tys)
+            | SOME (i, pr) =>
+                if not (i = length tys)
                 then error ("Number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
                   ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, "
-                  ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
-                  ^ " expected")
-                else pr fxy hs_from_type tys)
-      | hs_from_type fxy (t1 `-> t2) =
+                  ^ string_of_int i ^ " expected")
+                else pr fxy (hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt) tys)
+      | hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt fxy (t1 `-> t2) =
           brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
-            hs_from_type (INFX (1, X)) t1,
+            hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt (INFX (1, X)) t1,
             str "->",
-            hs_from_type (INFX (1, R)) t2
+            hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt (INFX (1, R)) t2
-      | hs_from_type fxy (ITyVar v) =
-          str v;
-    fun hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr (vs, tycoexpr) =
-      Pretty.block [hs_from_typparms vs, hs_from_tycoexpr NOBR tycoexpr]
-    fun hs_from_typparms_type (vs, ty) =
-      Pretty.block [hs_from_typparms vs, hs_from_type NOBR ty]
-    fun hs_from_expr fxy (e as IConst x) =
-          hs_from_app fxy (x, [])
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (e as (e1 `$ e2)) =
+      | hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt fxy (ITyVar v) =
+          str (lookup_ctxt tyvar_ctxt v);
+    fun hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt (vs, tycoexpr) =
+      Pretty.block [hs_from_typparms tyvar_ctxt vs, hs_from_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt NOBR tycoexpr]
+    fun hs_from_typparms_type tyvar_ctxt (vs, ty) =
+      Pretty.block [hs_from_typparms tyvar_ctxt vs, hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt NOBR ty]
+    fun hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as IConst x) =
+          hs_from_app var_ctxt fxy (x, [])
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as (e1 `$ e2)) =
           (case CodegenThingol.unfold_const_app e
-           of SOME x => hs_from_app fxy x
+           of SOME x => hs_from_app var_ctxt fxy x
             | _ =>
                 brackify fxy [
-                  hs_from_expr NOBR e1,
-                  hs_from_expr BR e2
+                  hs_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR e1,
+                  hs_from_expr var_ctxt BR e2
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (IVar v) =
-          str v
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (e as _ `|-> _) =
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (IVar v) =
+          str (lookup_ctxt var_ctxt v)
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as _ `|-> _) =
-            val (es, e) = CodegenThingol.unfold_abs e
+            val (es, e) = CodegenThingol.unfold_abs e;
+            val vs = fold CodegenThingol.add_varnames (map fst es) [];
+            val var_ctxt' = intro_ctxt vs var_ctxt;
             brackify BR (
               str "\\"
-              :: map (hs_from_expr BR o fst) es @ [
+              :: map (hs_from_expr var_ctxt' BR o fst) es @ [
               str "->",
-              hs_from_expr NOBR e
+              hs_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR e
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (INum (n, _)) =
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (INum (n, _)) =
           if n > 0 then
             (str o IntInf.toString) n
             brackify BR [(str o Library.prefix "-" o IntInf.toString o IntInf.~) n]
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (IChar (c, _)) =
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (IChar (c, _)) =
           (str o enclose "'" "'")
             (let val i = (Char.ord o the o Char.fromString) c
               in if i < 32
                 then Library.prefix "\\" (string_of_int i)
                 else c
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (e as ICase ((_, [_]), _)) =
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (e as ICase ((_, [_]), _)) =
             val (ps, body) = CodegenThingol.unfold_let e;
-            fun mk_bind ((p, _), e) = (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                hs_from_expr BR p,
-                str "=",
-                hs_from_expr NOBR e
-              ];
+            fun mk_bind ((p, _), e) var_ctxt =
+              let
+                val vs = CodegenThingol.add_varnames p [];
+                val var_ctxt' = intro_ctxt vs var_ctxt;
+              in
+                ((Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                  hs_from_expr var_ctxt' BR p,
+                  str "=",
+                  hs_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR e
+                ], var_ctxt')
+              end;
+            val (binds, var_ctxt') = fold_map mk_bind ps var_ctxt;
           in Pretty.chunks [
-            [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, map mk_bind ps |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
-            [str ("in "), hs_from_expr NOBR body] |> Pretty.block
+            [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, binds |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
+            [str ("in "), hs_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR body] |> Pretty.block
           ] end
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (ICase (((de, _), bses), _)) =
+      | hs_from_expr var_ctxt fxy (ICase (((de, _), bses), _)) =
             fun mk_clause (se, be) =
-              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                hs_from_expr NOBR se,
-                str "->",
-                hs_from_expr NOBR be
-              ]
+              let
+                val vs = CodegenThingol.add_varnames se [];
+                val var_ctxt' = intro_ctxt vs var_ctxt;
+              in
+                (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                  hs_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR se,
+                  str "->",
+                  hs_from_expr var_ctxt' NOBR be
+                ]
+              end
           in Pretty.block [
             str "case",
             Pretty.brk 1,
-            hs_from_expr NOBR de,
+            hs_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR de,
             Pretty.brk 1,
             str "of",
             (Pretty.chunks o map mk_clause) bses
           ] end
-    and hs_mk_app c es =
-      (str o resolv) c :: map (hs_from_expr BR) es
-    and hs_from_app fxy =
-      from_app hs_mk_app hs_from_expr const_syntax fxy
+    and hs_mk_app var_ctxt c es =
+      (str o resolv) c :: map (hs_from_expr var_ctxt BR) es
+    and hs_from_app var_ctxt fxy =
+      from_app (hs_mk_app var_ctxt) (hs_from_expr var_ctxt) const_syntax fxy
     fun hs_from_funeqs (def as (name, _)) =
         fun from_eq (args, rhs) =
-          Pretty.block [
-            (str o resolv_here) name,
-            Pretty.block (map (fn p => Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, hs_from_expr BR p]) args),
-            Pretty.brk 1,
-            str ("="),
-            Pretty.brk 1,
-            hs_from_expr NOBR rhs
-          ]
-      in Pretty.chunks ((map from_eq o fst o snd o constructive_fun is_cons) def) end;
+          let
+            val consts = map_filter
+              (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
+                then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o resolv) c) (fold CodegenThingol.add_constnames (rhs :: args) []);
+            val vars = fold CodegenThingol.add_unbound_varnames (rhs :: args) [];
+            val var_ctxt = init_ctxt
+              |> intro_ctxt consts
+              |> intro_ctxt vars;
+          in
+            Pretty.block [
+              (str o resolv_here) name,
+              Pretty.block (map (fn p => Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, hs_from_expr var_ctxt BR p]) args),
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              str ("="),
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              hs_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR rhs
+            ]
+          end
+      in Pretty.chunks ((map from_eq o fst o snd o constructive_fun) def) end;
     fun hs_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Fun (def as (_, (vs, ty)))) =
+            val tyvar_ctxt = intro_ctxt (map fst vs) init_ctxt;
             val body = hs_from_funeqs (name, def);
-          in if with_typs then
+          in
             Pretty.chunks [
               Pretty.block [
                 (str o suffix " ::" o resolv_here) name,
                 Pretty.brk 1,
-                hs_from_typparms_type (vs, ty)
+                hs_from_typparms_type tyvar_ctxt (vs, ty)
             ] |> SOME
-          else SOME body end
+          end
       | hs_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Typesyn (vs, ty)) =
-          (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-            str "type",
-            hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr (vs, (resolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)),
-            str "=",
-            hs_from_typparms_type ([], ty)
-          ] |> SOME
+          let
+            val tyvar_ctxt = intro_ctxt (map fst vs) init_ctxt;
+          in
+            (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+              str "type",
+              hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt (vs, (resolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)),
+              str "=",
+              hs_from_typparms_type tyvar_ctxt ([], ty)
+            ] |> SOME
+          end
       | hs_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Datatype (vs, [(co, [ty])])) =
-          (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-            str "newtype",
-            hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr (vs, (resolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)),
-            str "=",
-            (str o resolv_here) co,
-            hs_from_type BR ty
-          ] |> SOME
+          let
+            val tyvar_ctxt = intro_ctxt (map fst vs) init_ctxt;
+          in
+            (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+              str "newtype",
+              hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt (vs, (resolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)),
+              str "=",
+              (str o resolv_here) co,
+              hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt BR ty
+            ] |> SOME
+          end
       | hs_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Datatype (vs, constrs)) =
+            val tyvar_ctxt = intro_ctxt (map fst vs) init_ctxt;
             fun mk_cons (co, tys) =
               (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
                 (str o resolv_here) co
-                :: map (hs_from_type BR) tys
+                :: map (hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt BR) tys
             (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
               str "data",
-              hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr (vs, (resolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)),
+              hs_from_typparms_tycoexpr tyvar_ctxt (vs, (resolv_here name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)),
               str "=",
               Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, str "| "]) (map mk_cons constrs))
@@ -1042,16 +1206,17 @@
       | hs_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Class (supclasss, (v, membrs))) =
+            val tyvar_ctxt = intro_ctxt [v] init_ctxt;
             fun mk_member (m, ty) =
               Pretty.block [
                 str (resolv_here m ^ " ::"),
                 Pretty.brk 1,
-                hs_from_type NOBR ty
+                hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt NOBR ty
             Pretty.block [
               str "class ",
-              hs_from_typparms [(v, supclasss)],
+              hs_from_typparms tyvar_ctxt [(v, supclasss)],
               str (resolv_here name ^ " " ^ v),
               str " where",
@@ -1060,22 +1225,34 @@
       | hs_from_def (_, CodegenThingol.Classmember _) =
-      | hs_from_def (_, CodegenThingol.Classinst ((clsname, (tyco, arity)), (_, memdefs))) =
-          Pretty.block [
-            str "instance ",
-            hs_from_typparms arity,
-            str (hs_from_class clsname ^ " "),
-            hs_from_type BR (tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) arity),
-            str " where",
-            Pretty.fbrk,
-            Pretty.chunks (map (fn (m, e) =>
-              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
-                (str o hs_from_classop_name clsname) m,
-                str "=",
-                hs_from_expr NOBR e
-              ]
-            ) memdefs)
-          ] |> SOME
+      | hs_from_def (_, CodegenThingol.Classinst ((clsname, (tyco, vs)), (_, memdefs))) =
+          let
+            val tyvar_ctxt = intro_ctxt (map fst vs) init_ctxt;
+          in
+            Pretty.block [
+              str "instance ",
+              hs_from_typparms tyvar_ctxt vs,
+              str (hs_from_class clsname ^ " "),
+              hs_from_type tyvar_ctxt BR (tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs),
+              str " where",
+              Pretty.fbrk,
+              Pretty.chunks (map (fn (m, e) =>
+                let
+                  val consts = map_filter
+                    (fn c => if (is_some o const_syntax) c
+                      then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o resolv) c) (CodegenThingol.add_constnames e []);
+                  val var_ctxt = init_ctxt
+                    |> intro_ctxt consts;
+                in
+                  (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                    (str o hs_from_classop_name clsname) m,
+                    str "=",
+                    hs_from_expr var_ctxt NOBR e
+                  ]
+                end
+              ) memdefs)
+            ] |> SOME
+          end
     case map_filter (fn (name, def) => hs_from_def (name, def)) defs
      of [] => NONE
@@ -1084,7 +1261,7 @@
-fun hs_from_thingol target (nsp_dtcon, nsps_upper) nspgrp =
+fun hs_from_thingol target =
     val reserved_hs = [
       "hiding", "deriving", "where", "case", "of", "infix", "infixl", "infixr",
@@ -1094,7 +1271,6 @@
       "Bool", "Integer", "Maybe", "True", "False", "Nothing", "Just", "not", "negate",
       "String", "Char"
-    fun is_cons c = CodegenThingol.has_nsp c nsp_dtcon;
     fun hs_from_module resolv imps ((_, name), ps) =
       (Pretty.chunks) (
         str ("module " ^ name ^ " where")
@@ -1105,28 +1281,192 @@
     fun postproc (shallow, n) =
         fun ch_first f = String.implode o nth_map 0 f o String.explode;
-      in if member (op =) nsps_upper shallow
+      in if member (op =) [nsp_module, nsp_class, nsp_tyco, nsp_dtco] shallow
         then ch_first Char.toUpper n
         else ch_first Char.toLower n
-    fun serializer with_typs = abstract_serializer (target, nspgrp)
-      "Main" (hs_from_defs (is_cons, with_typs), hs_from_module, abstract_validator reserved_hs, postproc);
+    val serializer = abstract_serializer (target, [[nsp_module],
+      [nsp_class], [nsp_tyco], [nsp_fun, nsp_classop], [nsp_dtco], [nsp_inst]])
+      "Main" (hs_from_defs (make_ctxt reserved_hs), hs_from_module, abstract_validator reserved_hs, postproc);
-    (Scan.optional ( >> (fn "no_typs" => false | s => Scan.fail_with (fn _ => "illegal flag: " ^ quote s) true)) true
-    #-> (fn with_typs => parse_multi_file ((K o K) NONE) "hs" (serializer with_typs)))
+    parse_multi_file ((K o K) NONE) "hs" serializer
 end; (* local *)
-(** lookup record **)
+(** lookup table **)
 val serializers =
+  Symtab.empty
+  |> fold (fn (name, f) => Symtab.update_new (name, f name))
+       [("SML", ml_from_thingol), ("Haskell", hs_from_thingol)];
+fun check_serializer target =
+  case Symtab.lookup serializers target
+   of SOME seri => ()
+    | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
+fun parse_serializer target =
+  case Symtab.lookup serializers target
+   of SOME seri => seri >> (fn seri' => fn thy => serialize thy seri' target)
+    | NONE => Scan.fail_with (fn _ => "Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target) ();
+fun map_target_data target f =
-    fun seri s f = (s, f s);
-  in {
-    SML = seri "SML" ml_from_thingol,
-    Haskell = seri "Haskell" hs_from_thingol
-  } end;
+    val _ = check_serializer target;
+  in
+ (
+      (Symtab.map_entry target (fn { syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =>
+          let
+            val (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
+              f (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
+          in {
+            syntax_class = syntax_class,
+            syntax_inst = syntax_inst,
+            syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco,
+            syntax_const = syntax_const } : target_data
+          end
+      ))
+    )
+  end;
+(** target syntax interfaces **)
+fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class prep_const target raw_class (syntax, raw_ops) thy =
+  let
+    val cls = prep_class thy raw_class
+    val class = CodegenNames.class thy cls;
+    fun mk_classop (c, _) = case AxClass.class_of_param thy c
+     of SOME class' => if cls = class' then c
+          else error ("Not a class operation for class " ^ quote class ^ ": " ^ quote c)
+      | NONE => error ("Not a class operation: " ^ quote c)
+    val ops = (map o apfst) (mk_classop o prep_const thy) raw_ops;
+    val syntax_ops = AList.lookup (op =) ops;
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+        (syntax_class |> Symtab.update (class,
+          ((syntax, syntax_ops), stamp ())),
+            syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const))
+  end;
+fun gen_add_syntax_inst prep_class prep_tyco target (raw_tyco, raw_class) thy =
+  let
+    val inst = CodegenNames.instance thy (prep_class thy raw_class, prep_tyco thy raw_tyco);
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+        (syntax_class, syntax_inst |> Symtab.update (inst, ()),
+          syntax_tyco, syntax_const))
+  end;
+fun gen_add_syntax_tyco prep_tyco raw_tyco target syntax thy =
+  let
+    val tyco = (CodegenNames.tyco thy o prep_tyco thy) raw_tyco;
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+         (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco
+            |> Symtab.update (tyco, (syntax, stamp ())), syntax_const))
+  end;
+fun gen_add_syntax_const prep_const raw_c target syntax thy =
+  let
+    val c' = prep_const thy raw_c;
+    val c'' = CodegenNames.const thy c';
+  in
+    thy
+    |> map_target_data target (fn (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+         (syntax_class, syntax_inst, syntax_tyco, syntax_const
+            |> Symtab.update (c'', (syntax, stamp ()))))
+  end;
+fun read_type thy raw_tyco =
+  let
+    val tyco = Sign.intern_type thy raw_tyco;
+    val _ = if Sign.declared_tyname thy tyco then ()
+      else error ("No such type constructor: " ^ quote raw_tyco);
+  in tyco end;
+fun idfs_of_const_names thy cs =
+  let
+    val cs' = AList.make (fn c => Sign.the_const_type thy c) cs;
+    val cs'' = map (CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy) cs';
+  in AList.make (CodegenNames.const thy) cs'' end;
+fun read_quote reader consts_of target get_init gen raw_it thy =
+  let
+    val it = reader thy raw_it;
+    val cs = consts_of thy it;
+  in
+    gen thy cs target (get_init thy) [it]
+    |> (fn [it'] => (it', thy))
+  end;
+fun parse_quote num_of reader consts_of target get_init gen adder =
+  parse_syntax num_of
+    (read_quote reader consts_of target get_init gen)
+  #-> (fn modifier => pair (modifier #-> adder target));
+val add_syntax_class = gen_add_syntax_class ClassPackage.read_class CodegenConsts.read_const;
+val add_syntax_inst = gen_add_syntax_inst ClassPackage.read_class read_type;
+fun parse_syntax_tyco generate target raw_tyco  =
+  let
+    fun intern thy = read_type thy raw_tyco;
+    fun num_of thy = Sign.arity_number thy (intern thy);
+    fun idf_of thy = CodegenNames.tyco thy (intern thy);
+    fun read_typ thy =
+      Sign.read_typ (thy, K NONE);
+  in
+    parse_quote num_of read_typ ((K o K) ([], [])) target idf_of generate
+      (gen_add_syntax_tyco read_type raw_tyco)
+  end;
+fun parse_syntax_const generate target raw_const =
+  let
+    fun intern thy = CodegenConsts.read_const thy raw_const;
+    fun num_of thy = (length o fst o strip_type o Sign.the_const_type thy o fst o intern) thy;
+    fun idf_of thy = (CodegenNames.const thy o intern) thy;
+  in
+    parse_quote num_of Sign.read_term CodegenConsts.consts_of target idf_of generate
+      (gen_add_syntax_const CodegenConsts.read_const raw_const)
+  end;
+fun add_pretty_list target nill cons mk_list mk_char_string target_cons thy =
+  let
+    val [(_, nil''), (cons', cons'')] = idfs_of_const_names thy [nill, cons];
+    val pr = pretty_list nil'' cons'' mk_list mk_char_string target_cons;
+  in
+    thy
+    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) cons' target pr
+  end;
+fun add_pretty_ml_string target nill cons str mk_char mk_string target_implode thy =
+  let
+    val [(_, nil''), (_, cons''), (str', _)] = idfs_of_const_names thy [nill, cons, str];
+    val pr = pretty_ml_string nil'' cons'' mk_char mk_string target_implode;
+  in
+    thy
+    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) str' target pr
+  end;
+fun add_undefined target undef target_undefined thy =
+  let
+    val [(undef', _)] = idfs_of_const_names thy [undef];
+    fun pretty _ _ _ = str target_undefined;
+  in
+    thy
+    |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) undef' target (~1, pretty)
+  end;
+end; (*local*)
 end; (* struct *)