--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgml.ML Wed Jul 04 21:20:23 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(* Title: Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: David Aspinall
+PGIP abstraction: PGML
+signature PGML =
+ type pgmlsym = { name: string, content: string }
+ datatype pgmlatom = Sym of pgmlsym | Str of string
+ datatype pgmlorient = HOVOrient | HOrient | VOrient | HVOrient
+ datatype pgmlplace = Subscript | Superscript | Above | Below
+ datatype pgmldec = Bold | Italic | Error | Warning | Info | Other of string
+ datatype pgmlaction = Toggle | Button | Menu
+ datatype pgmlterm =
+ Atoms of { kind: string option, content: pgmlatom list }
+ | Box of { orient: pgmlorient option, indent: int option, content: pgmlterm list }
+ | Break of { mandatory: bool option, indent: int option }
+ | Subterm of { kind: string option,
+ param: string option,
+ place: pgmlplace option,
+ name: string option,
+ decoration: pgmldec option,
+ action: pgmlaction option,
+ pos: string option,
+ xref: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
+ content: pgmlterm list }
+ | Alt of { kind: string option, content: pgmlterm list }
+ | Embed of XML.tree list
+ datatype pgmldoc =
+ Pgml of { version: string option, systemid: string option,
+ content: pgmlterm list }
+ val pgmlterm_to_xml : pgmlterm -> XML.tree
+ val pgmldoc_to_xml : pgmldoc -> XML.tree
+structure Pgml : PGML =
+ open PgipTypes
+ type pgmlsym = { name: string, content: string }
+ datatype pgmlatom = Sym of pgmlsym | Str of string
+ datatype pgmlorient = HOVOrient | HOrient | VOrient | HVOrient
+ datatype pgmlplace = Subscript | Superscript | Above | Below
+ datatype pgmldec = Bold | Italic | Error | Warning | Info | Other of string
+ datatype pgmlaction = Toggle | Button | Menu
+ datatype pgmlterm =
+ Atoms of { kind: string option, content: pgmlatom list }
+ | Box of { orient: pgmlorient option, indent: int option, content: pgmlterm list }
+ | Break of { mandatory: bool option, indent: int option }
+ | Subterm of { kind: string option,
+ param: string option,
+ place: pgmlplace option,
+ name: string option,
+ decoration: pgmldec option,
+ action: pgmlaction option,
+ pos: string option,
+ xref: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
+ content: pgmlterm list }
+ | Alt of { kind: string option, content: pgmlterm list }
+ | Embed of XML.tree list
+ datatype pgmldoc =
+ Pgml of { version: string option, systemid: string option,
+ content: pgmlterm list }
+ fun pgmlorient_to_string HOVOrient = "hov"
+ | pgmlorient_to_string HOrient = "h"
+ | pgmlorient_to_string VOrient = "v"
+ | pgmlorient_to_string HVOrient = "hv"
+ fun pgmlplace_to_string Subscript = "sub"
+ | pgmlplace_to_string Superscript = "sup"
+ | pgmlplace_to_string Above = "above"
+ | pgmlplace_to_string Below = "below"
+ fun pgmldec_to_string Bold = "bold"
+ | pgmldec_to_string Italic = "italic"
+ | pgmldec_to_string Error = "error"
+ | pgmldec_to_string Warning = "warning"
+ | pgmldec_to_string Info = "info"
+ | pgmldec_to_string (Other s) = "other"
+ fun pgmlaction_to_string Toggle = "toggle"
+ | pgmlaction_to_string Button = "button"
+ | pgmlaction_to_string Menu = "menu"
+ fun atom_to_xml (Sym {name,content}) = XML.Elem("sym",attr name name,[XML.Text content])
+ | atom_to_xml (Str str) = XML.Text str
+ fun pgmlterm_to_xml (Atoms {kind, content}) =
+ XML.Elem("atom",opt_attr "kind" kind, map atom_to_xml content)
+ | pgmlterm_to_xml (Box {orient, indent, content}) =
+ XML.Elem("box",
+ opt_attr_map pgmlorient_to_string "orient" orient @
+ opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "indent" indent,
+ map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
+ | pgmlterm_to_xml (Break {mandatory, indent}) =
+ XML.Elem("break",
+ opt_attr_map bool_to_pgstring "mandatory" mandatory @
+ opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "indent" indent, [])
+ | pgmlterm_to_xml (Subterm {kind, param, place, name, decoration, action, pos, xref, content}) =
+ XML.Elem("subterm",
+ opt_attr "kind" kind @
+ opt_attr "param" param @
+ opt_attr_map pgmlplace_to_string "place" place @
+ opt_attr "name" name @
+ opt_attr_map pgmldec_to_string "decoration" decoration @
+ opt_attr_map pgmlaction_to_string "action" action @
+ opt_attr "pos" pos @
+ opt_attr_map string_of_pgipurl "xref" xref,
+ map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
+ | pgmlterm_to_xml (Alt {kind, content}) =
+ XML.Elem("alt", opt_attr "kind" kind, map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
+ | pgmlterm_to_xml (Embed xmls) = XML.Elem("embed", [], xmls)
+ fun pgmldoc_to_xml (Pgml {version,systemid,content}) =
+ XML.Elem("pgml",opt_attr "version" version @ opt_attr "systemid" systemid,
+ map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgml_isabelle.ML Wed Jul 04 21:20:23 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* Title: Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: David Aspinall
+PGIP abstraction: marshalling between PGML and Isabelle types
+signature PGML_ISABELLE =
+ val pgml_of_prettyT : PrettyExt.prettyT -> Pgml.pgmlterm
+structure PgmlIsabelle : PGML_ISABELLE =
+ open Pgml;
+ open PrettyExt;
+ fun pgml_of_prettyT (Block(ts,ind,length)) =
+ Box {orient = SOME HVOrient, indent = SOME ind, content = map pgml_of_prettyT ts}
+ | pgml_of_prettyT (String (str,len)) = Atoms { kind = NONE, content = [Str str] }
+ (* TODO: should unquote symbols *)
+ | pgml_of_prettyT (Break (flag,ind)) = Pgml.Break { mandatory = SOME flag, indent = SOME ind }