misc tuning and clarification;
Sat, 12 Oct 2024 14:16:15 +0200
changeset 81151 0d728eadad86
parent 81150 3dd8035578b8
child 81152 ece9fe9bf440
misc tuning and clarification;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML	Fri Oct 11 15:17:37 2024 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML	Sat Oct 12 14:16:15 2024 +0200
@@ -161,33 +161,30 @@
 (* match *)
-fun match ast pat =
-  let
-    exception NO_MATCH;
+local exception NO_MATCH in
-    fun mtch (Constant a) (Constant b) env =
-          if a = b then env else raise NO_MATCH
-      | mtch (Variable a) (Constant b) env =
-          if a = b then env else raise NO_MATCH
-      | mtch ast (Variable x) env = Symtab.update (x, ast) env
-      | mtch (Appl asts) (Appl pats) env = mtch_lst asts pats env
-      | mtch _ _ _ = raise NO_MATCH
-    and mtch_lst (ast :: asts) (pat :: pats) env =
-          mtch_lst asts pats (mtch ast pat env)
-      | mtch_lst [] [] env = env
-      | mtch_lst _ _ _ = raise NO_MATCH;
+fun match obj pat =
+  let
+    fun match1 (Constant a) (Constant b) env = if a = b then env else raise NO_MATCH
+      | match1 (Variable a) (Constant b) env = if a = b then env else raise NO_MATCH
+      | match1 ast (Variable x) env = Symtab.update (x, ast) env
+      | match1 (Appl asts) (Appl pats) env = match2 asts pats env
+      | match1 _ _ _ = raise NO_MATCH
+    and match2 (ast :: asts) (pat :: pats) env = match1 ast pat env |> match2 asts pats
+      | match2 [] [] env = env
+      | match2 _ _ _ = raise NO_MATCH;
     val (head, args) =
-      (case (ast, pat) of
+      (case (obj, pat) of
         (Appl asts, Appl pats) =>
           let val a = length asts and p = length pats in
             if a > p then (Appl (take p asts), drop p asts)
-            else (ast, [])
+            else (obj, [])
-      | _ => (ast, []));
-  in
-    SOME (Symtab.build (mtch head pat), args) handle NO_MATCH => NONE
-  end;
+      | _ => (obj, []));
+  in SOME (Symtab.build (match1 head pat), args) handle NO_MATCH => NONE end;
 (* normalize *)
@@ -195,9 +192,23 @@
 val trace = Config.declare_bool ("syntax_ast_trace", \<^here>) (K false);
 val stats = Config.declare_bool ("syntax_ast_stats", \<^here>) (K false);
+fun subst _ (ast as Constant _) = ast
+  | subst env (Variable x) = the (Symtab.lookup env x)
+  | subst env (Appl asts) = Appl (map (subst env) asts);
+fun head_name (Constant a) = SOME a
+  | head_name (Variable a) = SOME a
+  | head_name (Appl (Constant a :: _)) = SOME a
+  | head_name (Appl (Variable a :: _)) = SOME a
+  | head_name _ = NONE;
 fun message head body =
   Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block [Pretty.str head, Pretty.brk 1, body]);
 (*the normalizer works yoyo-like: top-down, bottom-up, top-down, ...*)
 fun normalize ctxt get_rules pre_ast =
@@ -208,61 +219,53 @@
     val failed_matches = Unsynchronized.ref 0;
     val changes = Unsynchronized.ref 0;
-    fun subst _ (ast as Constant _) = ast
-      | subst env (Variable x) = the (Symtab.lookup env x)
-      | subst env (Appl asts) = Appl (map (subst env) asts);
-    fun try_rules ((lhs, rhs) :: pats) ast =
+    fun rewrite1 ((lhs, rhs) :: pats) ast =
           (case match ast lhs of
             SOME (env, args) =>
               (Unsynchronized.inc changes; SOME (mk_appl (subst env rhs) args))
-          | NONE => (Unsynchronized.inc failed_matches; try_rules pats ast))
-      | try_rules [] _ = NONE;
-    val try_headless_rules = try_rules (get_rules "");
+          | NONE => (Unsynchronized.inc failed_matches; rewrite1 pats ast))
+      | rewrite1 [] _ = NONE;
-    fun try ast a =
-      (case try_rules (get_rules a) ast of
-        NONE => try_headless_rules ast
-      | some => some);
+    fun rewrite2 (SOME a) ast =
+          (case rewrite1 (get_rules a) ast of
+            NONE => rewrite2 NONE ast
+          | some => some)
+      | rewrite2 NONE ast = rewrite1 (get_rules "") ast;
-    fun rewrite (ast as Constant a) = try ast a
-      | rewrite (ast as Variable a) = try ast a
-      | rewrite (ast as Appl (Constant a :: _)) = try ast a
-      | rewrite (ast as Appl (Variable a :: _)) = try ast a
-      | rewrite ast = try_headless_rules ast;
+    fun rewrite ast = rewrite2 (head_name ast) ast;
     fun rewrote old_ast new_ast =
       if trace then tracing (message "rewrote:" (pretty_rule (old_ast, new_ast)))
       else ();
-    fun norm_root ast =
+    fun norm1 ast =
       (case rewrite ast of
-        SOME new_ast => (rewrote ast new_ast; norm_root new_ast)
+        SOME new_ast => (rewrote ast new_ast; norm1 new_ast)
       | NONE => ast);
-    fun norm ast =
-      (case norm_root ast of
+    fun norm2 ast =
+      (case norm1 ast of
         Appl sub_asts =>
             val old_changes = ! changes;
-            val new_ast = Appl (map norm sub_asts);
+            val new_ast = Appl (map norm2 sub_asts);
-            if old_changes = ! changes then new_ast else norm_root new_ast
+            if old_changes = ! changes then new_ast else norm1 new_ast
       | atomic_ast => atomic_ast);
-    fun normal ast =
+    fun norm ast =
         val old_changes = ! changes;
-        val new_ast = norm ast;
+        val new_ast = norm2 ast;
         Unsynchronized.inc passes;
-        if old_changes = ! changes then new_ast else normal new_ast
+        if old_changes = ! changes then new_ast else norm new_ast
     val _ = if trace then tracing (message "pre:" (pretty_ast pre_ast)) else ();
-    val post_ast = normal pre_ast;
+    val post_ast = norm pre_ast;
     val _ =
       if trace orelse stats then
         tracing (message "post:" (pretty_ast post_ast) ^ "\nnormalize: " ^
@@ -273,3 +276,5 @@
   in post_ast end;