major cleanup of tsig datastructures and extend/merge operations; fixes old bugs in classes/arities code; proper treatment of nonterminals and syntax-only types;
Fri, 21 May 2004 21:26:19 +0200
changeset 14790 0d984ee030a1
parent 14789 214926b0970c
child 14791 23e51b22c710
major cleanup of tsig datastructures and extend/merge operations; fixes old bugs in classes/arities code; proper treatment of nonterminals and syntax-only types;
--- a/src/Pure/type.ML	Fri May 21 21:25:57 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/type.ML	Fri May 21 21:26:19 2004 +0200
@@ -1,13 +1,44 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/type.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Nipkow & Lawrence C Paulson
+    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, Lawrence C Paulson, and Markus Wenzel
-Type signatures, unification of types, interface to type inference.
+Type signatures and certified types, special treatment of type vars,
+matching and unification of types, extend and merge type signatures.
 signature TYPE =
-  (*TFrees and TVars*)
+  (*type signatures and certified types*)
+  datatype decl =
+    LogicalType of int |
+    Abbreviation of string list * typ |
+    Nonterminal
+  type tsig
+  val rep_tsig: tsig ->
+   {classes: Sorts.classes,
+    default: sort,
+    types: (decl * stamp) Symtab.table,
+    arities: Sorts.arities,
+    log_types: string list,
+    witness: (typ * sort) option}
+  val empty_tsig: tsig
+  val classes: tsig -> class list
+  val defaultS: tsig -> sort
+  val logical_types: tsig -> string list
+  val universal_witness: tsig -> (typ * sort) option
+  val eq_sort: tsig -> sort * sort -> bool
+  val subsort: tsig -> sort * sort -> bool
+  val of_sort: tsig -> typ * sort -> bool
+  val cert_class: tsig -> class -> class
+  val cert_sort: tsig -> sort -> sort
+  val witness_sorts: tsig -> sort list -> sort list -> (typ * sort) list
+  val norm_typ: tsig -> typ -> typ
+  val cert_typ: tsig -> typ -> typ
+  val cert_typ_syntax: tsig -> typ -> typ
+  val cert_typ_raw: tsig -> typ -> typ
+  (*special treatment of type vars*)
+  val strip_sorts: typ -> typ
   val no_tvars: typ -> typ
   val varifyT: typ -> typ
   val unvarifyT: typ -> typ
@@ -15,79 +46,187 @@
   val freeze_thaw_type : typ -> typ * (typ -> typ)
   val freeze_thaw : term -> term * (term -> term)
-  (*type signatures*)
-  type type_sig
-  val rep_tsig: type_sig ->
-    {classes: class list,
-     classrel: Sorts.classrel,
-     default: sort,
-     tycons: int Symtab.table,
-     log_types: string list,
-     univ_witness: (typ * sort) option,
-     abbrs: (string list * typ) Symtab.table,
-     arities: Sorts.arities}
-  val classes: type_sig -> class list
-  val defaultS: type_sig -> sort
-  val logical_types: type_sig -> string list
-  val univ_witness: type_sig -> (typ * sort) option
-  val subsort: type_sig -> sort * sort -> bool
-  val eq_sort: type_sig -> sort * sort -> bool
-  val norm_sort: type_sig -> sort -> sort
-  val cert_class: type_sig -> class -> class
-  val cert_sort: type_sig -> sort -> sort
-  val witness_sorts: type_sig -> sort list -> sort list -> (typ * sort) list
-  val rem_sorts: typ -> typ
-  val tsig0: type_sig
-  val ext_tsig_classes: type_sig -> (class * class list) list -> type_sig
-  val ext_tsig_classrel: type_sig -> (class * class) list -> type_sig
-  val ext_tsig_defsort: type_sig -> sort -> type_sig
-  val ext_tsig_types: type_sig -> (string * int) list -> type_sig
-  val ext_tsig_abbrs: type_sig -> (string * string list * typ) list -> type_sig
-  val ext_tsig_arities: type_sig -> (string * sort list * sort)list -> type_sig
-  val merge_tsigs: type_sig * type_sig -> type_sig
-  val typ_errors: type_sig -> typ * string list -> string list
-  val cert_typ: type_sig -> typ -> typ
-  val cert_typ_no_norm: type_sig -> typ -> typ
-  val norm_typ: type_sig -> typ -> typ
-  val norm_term: type_sig -> term -> term
-  val inst_term_tvars: type_sig * (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term
-  val inst_typ_tvars: type_sig * (indexname * typ) list -> typ -> typ
-  (*type matching*)
+  (*matching and unification*)
+  val inst_term_tvars: tsig -> (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term
+  val inst_typ_tvars: tsig -> (indexname * typ) list -> typ -> typ
   exception TYPE_MATCH
-  val typ_match: type_sig -> typ Vartab.table * (typ * typ)
-    -> typ Vartab.table
-  val typ_instance: type_sig * typ * typ -> bool
-  val of_sort: type_sig -> typ * sort -> bool
-  (*type unification*)
+  val typ_match: tsig -> typ Vartab.table * (typ * typ) -> typ Vartab.table
+  val typ_instance: tsig -> typ * typ -> bool
   exception TUNIFY
-  val unify: type_sig -> typ Vartab.table * int -> typ * typ -> typ Vartab.table * int
+  val unify: tsig -> typ Vartab.table * int -> typ * typ -> typ Vartab.table * int
   val raw_unify: typ * typ -> bool
-  (*type inference*)
-  val get_sort: type_sig -> (indexname -> sort option) -> (sort -> sort)
-    -> (indexname * sort) list -> indexname -> sort
-  val constrain: term -> typ -> term
-  val param: int -> string * sort -> typ
-  val paramify_dummies: int * typ -> int * typ
-  val infer_types: (term -> Pretty.T) -> (typ -> Pretty.T)
-    -> type_sig -> (string -> typ option) -> (indexname -> typ option)
-    -> (indexname -> sort option) -> (string -> string) -> (typ -> typ)
-    -> (sort -> sort) -> string list -> bool -> typ list -> term list
-    -> term list * (indexname * typ) list
+  (*extend and merge type signatures*)
+  val add_classes: (class * class list) list -> tsig -> tsig
+  val add_classrel: (class * class) list -> tsig -> tsig
+  val set_defsort: sort -> tsig -> tsig
+  val add_types: (string * int) list -> tsig -> tsig
+  val add_abbrs: (string * string list * typ) list -> tsig -> tsig
+  val add_nonterminals: string list -> tsig -> tsig
+  val add_arities: (string * sort list * sort) list -> tsig -> tsig
+  val merge_tsigs: tsig * tsig -> tsig
 structure Type: TYPE =
+(** type signatures and certified types **)
-(*** TFrees and TVars ***)
+(* type declarations *)
+datatype decl =
+  LogicalType of int |
+  Abbreviation of string list * typ |
+  Nonterminal;
+fun str_of_decl (LogicalType _) = "logical type constructor"
+  | str_of_decl (Abbreviation _) = "type abbreviation"
+  | str_of_decl Nonterminal = "syntactic type";
+(* type tsig *)
+datatype tsig =
+  TSig of {
+    classes: Sorts.classes,              (*declared classes with proper subclass relation*)
+    default: sort,                       (*default sort on input*)
+    types: (decl * stamp) Symtab.table,  (*declared types*)
+    arities: Sorts.arities,              (*image specification of types wrt. sorts*)
+    log_types: string list,              (*logical types sorted by number of arguments*)
+    witness: (typ * sort) option};       (*witness for non-emptiness of strictest sort*)
+fun rep_tsig (TSig comps) = comps;
+fun make_tsig (classes, default, types, arities, log_types, witness) =
+  TSig {classes = classes, default = default, types = types, arities = arities,
+    log_types = log_types, witness = witness};
+fun map_tsig f (TSig {classes, default, types, arities, log_types, witness}) =
+  make_tsig (f (classes, default, types, arities, log_types, witness));
+fun build_tsig (classes, default, types, arities) =
+  let
+    fun add_log_type (ts, (c, (LogicalType n, _))) = (c, n) :: ts
+      | add_log_type (ts, _) = ts;
+    val log_types =
+      Symtab.foldl add_log_type ([], types)
+      |> Library.sort (Library.int_ord o pairself #2) |> map #1;
+    val witness =
+      (case Sorts.witness_sorts (classes, arities) log_types [] [Graph.keys classes] of
+        [w] => Some w | _ => None);
+  in make_tsig (classes, default, types, arities, log_types, witness) end;
+fun change_tsig f (TSig {classes, default, types, arities, log_types = _, witness = _}) =
+  build_tsig (f (classes, default, types, arities));
+val empty_tsig = build_tsig (Graph.empty, [], Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
+(* classes and sorts *)
+fun classes (TSig {classes = C, ...}) = Graph.keys C;
+fun defaultS (TSig {default, ...}) = default;
+fun logical_types (TSig {log_types, ...}) = log_types;
+fun universal_witness (TSig {witness, ...}) = witness;
+fun eq_sort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.sort_eq classes;
+fun subsort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.sort_le classes;
+fun of_sort (TSig {classes, arities, ...}) = Sorts.of_sort (classes, arities);
+fun norm_sort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.norm_sort classes;
+fun cert_class (TSig {classes, ...}) c =
+  if can (Graph.get_node classes) c then c
+  else raise TYPE ("Undeclared class: " ^ quote c, [], []);
+fun cert_sort tsig = norm_sort tsig o map (cert_class tsig);
+fun witness_sorts (tsig as TSig {classes, arities, log_types, ...}) =
+  Sorts.witness_sorts (classes, arities) log_types;
+(* certified types *)
+fun bad_nargs t = "Bad number of arguments for type constructor: " ^ quote t;
+fun inst_typ tye =
+  let
+    fun inst (var as (v, _)) =
+      (case assoc_string_int (tye, v) of
+        Some U => inst_typ tye U
+      | None => TVar var);
+  in map_type_tvar inst end;
+(*expand type abbreviations and normalize sorts*)
+fun norm_typ (tsig as TSig {types, ...}) ty =
+  let
+    val idx = Term.maxidx_of_typ ty + 1;
+    fun norm (Type (a, Ts)) =
+          (case Symtab.lookup (types, a) of
+            Some (Abbreviation (vs, U), _) =>
+              norm (inst_typ (map (rpair idx) vs ~~ Ts) (incr_tvar idx U))
+          | _ => Type (a, map norm Ts))
+      | norm (TFree (x, S)) = TFree (x, norm_sort tsig S)
+      | norm (TVar (xi, S)) = TVar (xi, norm_sort tsig S);
+    val ty' = norm ty;
+  in if ty = ty' then ty else ty' end;  (*avoid copying of already normal type*)
+(*check validity of (not necessarily normal) type*)   (*exception TYPE*)
+fun certify_typ normalize syntax tsig ty =
+  let
+    val TSig {types, ...} = tsig;
+    fun err msg = raise TYPE (msg, [ty], []);
+    fun check_sort S = (map (cert_class tsig) S; ());
+    fun check_typ (Type (c, Ts)) =
+          let fun nargs n = if length Ts <> n then err (bad_nargs c) else () in
+            (case Symtab.lookup (types, c) of
+              Some (LogicalType n, _) => nargs n
+            | Some (Abbreviation (vs, _), _) => nargs (length vs)
+            | Some (Nonterminal, _) => nargs 0
+            | None => err ("Undeclared type constructor: " ^ quote c));
+            seq check_typ Ts
+          end
+    | check_typ (TFree (_, S)) = check_sort S
+    | check_typ (TVar ((x, i), S)) =
+        if i < 0 then err ("Malformed type variable: " ^ quote (Term.string_of_vname (x, i)))
+        else check_sort S;
+    fun no_syntax (Type (c, Ts)) =
+          (case Symtab.lookup (types, c) of
+            Some (Nonterminal, _) =>
+              err ("Illegal occurrence of syntactic type: " ^ quote c)
+          | _ => seq no_syntax Ts)
+      | no_syntax _ = ();
+    val _ = check_typ ty;
+    val ty' = if normalize orelse not syntax then norm_typ tsig ty else ty;
+    val _ = if not syntax then no_syntax ty' else ();
+  in ty' end;
+val cert_typ         = certify_typ true false;
+val cert_typ_syntax  = certify_typ true true;
+val cert_typ_raw     = certify_typ false true;
+(** special treatment of type vars **)
+(* strip_sorts *)
+fun strip_sorts (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map strip_sorts Ts)
+  | strip_sorts (TFree (x, _)) = TFree (x, [])
+  | strip_sorts (TVar (xi, _)) = TVar (xi, []);
+(* no_tvars *)
 fun no_tvars T =
   (case typ_tvars T of [] => T
   | vs => raise TYPE ("Illegal schematic type variable(s): " ^
-      commas (map (Syntax.string_of_vname o #1) vs), [T], []));
+      commas (map (Term.string_of_vname o #1) vs), [T], []));
 (* varify, unvarify *)
@@ -152,557 +291,27 @@
-(*** type signatures ***)
-(* type type_sig *)
-  classes: list of all declared classes;
-  classrel: (see Pure/sorts.ML)
-  default: default sort attached to all unconstrained type vars;
-  tycons: table of all declared types with the number of their arguments;
-  log_types: list of logical type constructors sorted by number of arguments;
-  univ_witness: type witnessing non-emptiness of least sort
-  abbrs: table of type abbreviations;
-  arities: (see Pure/sorts.ML)
-datatype type_sig =
-  TySg of {
-    classes: class list,
-    classrel: Sorts.classrel,
-    default: sort,
-    tycons: int Symtab.table,
-    log_types: string list,
-    univ_witness: (typ * sort) option,
-    abbrs: (string list * typ) Symtab.table,
-    arities: Sorts.arities};
-fun rep_tsig (TySg comps) = comps;
-fun classes (TySg {classes = cs, ...}) = cs;
-fun defaultS (TySg {default, ...}) = default;
-fun logical_types (TySg {log_types, ...}) = log_types;
-fun univ_witness (TySg {univ_witness, ...}) = univ_witness;
-(* error messages *)
-fun undeclared_class c = "Undeclared class: " ^ quote c;
-fun undeclared_classes cs = "Undeclared class(es): " ^ commas_quote cs;
-fun err_undeclared_class s = error (undeclared_class s);
-fun err_dup_classes cs =
-  error ("Duplicate declaration of class(es): " ^ commas_quote cs);
-fun undeclared_type c = "Undeclared type constructor: " ^ quote c;
-fun err_neg_args c =
-  error ("Negative number of arguments of type constructor: " ^ quote c);
-fun err_dup_tycon c =
-  error ("Duplicate declaration of type constructor: " ^ quote c);
+(** matching and unification of types **)
-fun dup_tyabbrs ts =
-  "Duplicate declaration of type abbreviation(s): " ^ commas_quote ts;
-fun ty_confl c = "Conflicting type constructor and abbreviation: " ^ quote c;
-(* sorts *)
-fun subsort (TySg {classrel, ...}) = Sorts.sort_le classrel;
-fun eq_sort (TySg {classrel, ...}) = Sorts.sort_eq classrel;
-fun norm_sort (TySg {classrel, ...}) = Sorts.norm_sort classrel;
-fun cert_class (TySg {classes, ...}) c =
-  if c mem_string classes then c else raise TYPE (undeclared_class c, [], []);
-fun cert_sort tsig S = norm_sort tsig (map (cert_class tsig) S);
-fun witness_sorts (tsig as TySg {classrel, arities, log_types, ...}) =
-  Sorts.witness_sorts (classrel, arities, log_types);
-fun rem_sorts (Type (a, tys)) = Type (a, map rem_sorts tys)
-  | rem_sorts (TFree (x, _)) = TFree (x, [])
-  | rem_sorts (TVar (xi, _)) = TVar (xi, []);
+(* instantiation *)
-(* FIXME err_undeclared_class! *)
-(* 'leq' checks the partial order on classes according to the
-   statements in classrel 'a'
-fun less a (C, D) = case Symtab.lookup (a, C) of
-     Some ss => D mem_string ss
-   | None => err_undeclared_class C;
-fun leq a (C, D)  =  C = D orelse less a (C, D);
-(* FIXME *)
-(*Instantiation of type variables in types*)
-(*Pre: instantiations obey restrictions! *)
-fun inst_typ tye =
-  let fun inst(var as (v, _)) = case assoc(tye, v) of
-                                  Some U => inst_typ tye U
-                                | None => TVar(var)
-  in map_type_tvar inst end;
-fun of_sort (TySg {classrel, arities, ...}) = Sorts.of_sort (classrel, arities);
-fun check_has_sort (tsig, T, S) =
-  if of_sort tsig (T, S) then ()
+fun type_of_sort tsig (T, S) =
+  if of_sort tsig (T, S) then T
   else raise TYPE ("Type not of sort " ^ Sorts.str_of_sort S, [T], []);
-(*Instantiation of type variables in types *)
-fun inst_typ_tvars(tsig, tye) =
-  let fun inst(var as (v, S)) = case assoc(tye, v) of
-              Some U => (check_has_sort(tsig, U, S); U)
-            | None => TVar(var)
+fun inst_typ_tvars tsig tye =
+  let
+    fun inst (var as (v, S)) =
+      (case assoc_string_int (tye, v) of
+        Some U => type_of_sort tsig (U, S)
+      | None => TVar var);
   in map_type_tvar inst end;
-(*Instantiation of type variables in terms *)
-fun inst_term_tvars (_,[]) t = t
-  | inst_term_tvars arg    t = map_term_types (inst_typ_tvars arg) t;
-(* norm_typ, norm_term *)
-(*expand abbreviations and normalize sorts*)
-fun norm_typ (tsig as TySg {abbrs, ...}) ty =
-  let
-    val idx = maxidx_of_typ ty + 1;
-    fun norm (Type (a, Ts)) =
-          (case Symtab.lookup (abbrs, a) of
-            Some (vs, U) => norm (inst_typ (map (rpair idx) vs ~~ Ts) (incr_tvar idx U))
-          | None => Type (a, map norm Ts))
-      | norm (TFree (x, S)) = TFree (x, norm_sort tsig S)
-      | norm (TVar (xi, S)) = TVar (xi, norm_sort tsig S);
-    val ty' = norm ty;
-  in if ty = ty' then ty else ty' end;  (*dumb tuning to avoid copying*)
-fun norm_term tsig t =
-  let val t' = map_term_types (norm_typ tsig) t
-  in if t = t' then t else t' end;  (*dumb tuning to avoid copying*)
-(** build type signatures **)
-fun make_tsig (classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities) =
-  TySg {classes = classes, classrel = classrel, default = default, tycons = tycons,
-    log_types = log_types, univ_witness = univ_witness, abbrs = abbrs, arities = arities};
-fun rebuild_tsig (TySg {classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types = _, univ_witness = _, abbrs, arities}) =
-  let
-    fun log_class c = Sorts.class_le classrel (c, logicC);
-    fun log_type (t, _) = exists (log_class o #1) (Symtab.lookup_multi (arities, t));
-    val ts = filter log_type (Symtab.dest tycons);
-    val log_types = map #1 (Library.sort (Library.int_ord o pairself #2) ts);
-    val univ_witness =
-      (case Sorts.witness_sorts (classrel, arities, log_types) [] [classes] of
-        [w] => Some w | _ => None);
-  in make_tsig (classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities) end;
-val tsig0 =
-  make_tsig ([], Symtab.empty, [], Symtab.empty, [], None, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)
-  |> rebuild_tsig;
-(* typ_errors *)
-(*check validity of (not necessarily normal) type; accumulate error messages*)
-fun typ_errors tsig (typ, errors) =
-  let
-    val {classes, tycons, abbrs, ...} = rep_tsig tsig;
-    fun class_err (errs, c) =
-      if c mem_string classes then errs
-      else undeclared_class c ins_string errs;
-    val sort_err = foldl class_err;
-    fun typ_errs (errs, Type (c, Us)) =
-          let
-            val errs' = foldl typ_errs (errs, Us);
-            fun nargs n =
-              if n = length Us then errs'
-              else ("Wrong number of arguments: " ^ quote c) ins_string errs';
-          in
-            (case Symtab.lookup (tycons, c) of
-              Some n => nargs n
-            | None =>
-                (case Symtab.lookup (abbrs, c) of
-                  Some (vs, _) => nargs (length vs)
-                | None => undeclared_type c ins_string errs))
-          end
-    | typ_errs (errs, TFree (_, S)) = sort_err (errs, S)
-    | typ_errs (errs, TVar ((x, i), S)) =
-        if i < 0 then
-          ("Negative index for TVar " ^ quote x) ins_string sort_err (errs, S)
-        else sort_err (errs, S);
-  in typ_errs (errors, typ) end;
-(* cert_typ *)           (*exception TYPE*)
-fun cert_typ_no_norm tsig T =
-  (case typ_errors tsig (T, []) of
-    [] => T
-  | errs => raise TYPE (cat_lines errs, [T], []));
-fun cert_typ tsig T = norm_typ tsig (cert_typ_no_norm tsig T);
-(** merge type signatures **)
-(* merge classrel *)
-fun assoc_union (as1, []) = as1
-  | assoc_union (as1, (key, l2) :: as2) =
-      (case assoc_string (as1, key) of
-        Some l1 => assoc_union (overwrite (as1, (key, l1 union_string l2)), as2)
-      | None => assoc_union ((key, l2) :: as1, as2));
-fun merge_classrel (classrel1, classrel2) =
-  let
-    val classrel = transitive_closure (assoc_union (Symtab.dest classrel1, Symtab.dest classrel2))
-  in
-    if exists (op mem_string) classrel then
-      error ("Cyclic class structure!")   (* FIXME improve msg, raise TERM *)
-    else Symtab.make classrel
-  end;
-(* coregularity *)
-(* 'is_unique_decl' checks if there exists just one declaration t:(Ss)C *)
-fun is_unique_decl ars (t,(C,w)) = case assoc (ars, C) of
-      Some(w1) => if w = w1 then () else
-        error("There are two declarations\n" ^
-              Sorts.str_of_arity(t, w, [C]) ^ " and\n" ^
-              Sorts.str_of_arity(t, w1, [C]) ^ "\n" ^
-              "with the same result class.")
-    | None => ();
-(* 'coreg' checks if there are two declarations t:(Ss1)C1 and t:(Ss2)C2
-   such that C1 >= C2 then Ss1 >= Ss2 (elementwise) *)
-fun coreg_err(t, (C1,w1), (C2,w2)) =
-    error("Declarations " ^ Sorts.str_of_arity(t, w1, [C1]) ^ " and "
-                          ^ Sorts.str_of_arity(t, w2, [C2]) ^ " are in conflict");
-fun coreg classrel (t, Cw1) =
-  let
-    fun check1(Cw1 as (C1,w1), Cw2 as (C2,w2)) =
-      if leq classrel (C1,C2) then
-        if Sorts.sorts_le classrel (w1,w2) then ()
-        else coreg_err(t, Cw1, Cw2)
-      else ()
-    fun check(Cw2) = (check1(Cw1,Cw2); check1(Cw2,Cw1))
-  in seq check end;
-fun add_arity classrel ars (tCw as (_,Cw)) =
-      (is_unique_decl ars tCw; coreg classrel tCw ars; Cw ins ars);
+fun inst_term_tvars _ [] t = t
+  | inst_term_tvars tsig tye t = map_term_types (inst_typ_tvars tsig tye) t;
-(* 'merge_arities' builds the union of two 'arities' lists;
-   it only checks the two restriction conditions and inserts afterwards
-   all elements of the second list into the first one *)
-fun merge_arities_aux classrel =
-  let fun test_ar t (ars1, sw) = add_arity classrel ars1 (t,sw);
-      fun merge_c (arities1, (c as (t, ars2))) = case assoc (arities1, t) of
-          Some(ars1) =>
-            let val ars = foldl (test_ar t) (ars1, ars2)
-            in overwrite (arities1, (t,ars)) end
-        | None => c::arities1
-  in foldl merge_c end;
-fun merge_arities classrel (a1, a2) =
-  Symtab.make (merge_arities_aux classrel (Symtab.dest a1, Symtab.dest a2));
-(* tycons *)
-fun varying_decls t =
-  error ("Type constructor " ^ quote t ^ " has varying number of arguments");
-fun add_tycons (tycons, tn as (t,n)) =
-  (case Symtab.lookup (tycons, t) of
-    Some m => if m = n then tycons else varying_decls t
-  | None => Symtab.update (tn, tycons));
-(* merge_abbrs *)
-fun merge_abbrs abbrs =
-  Symtab.merge (op =) abbrs handle Symtab.DUPS dups => raise TERM (dup_tyabbrs dups, []);
-(* merge_tsigs *)
-fun merge_tsigs
- (TySg {classes = classes1, default = default1, classrel = classrel1, tycons = tycons1,
-    log_types = _, univ_witness = _, arities = arities1, abbrs = abbrs1},
-  TySg {classes = classes2, default = default2, classrel = classrel2, tycons = tycons2,
-    log_types = _, univ_witness = _, arities = arities2, abbrs = abbrs2}) =
-  let
-    val classes' = classes1 union_string classes2;
-    val classrel' = merge_classrel (classrel1, classrel2);
-    val arities' = merge_arities classrel' (arities1, arities2);
-    val tycons' = foldl add_tycons (tycons1, Symtab.dest tycons2);
-    val default' = Sorts.norm_sort classrel' (default1 @ default2);
-    val abbrs' = merge_abbrs (abbrs1, abbrs2);
-  in
-    make_tsig (classes', classrel', default', tycons', [], None, abbrs', arities')
-    |> rebuild_tsig
-  end;
-(*** extend type signatures ***)
-(** add classes and classrel relations **)
-fun add_classes classes cs =
-  (case cs inter_string classes of
-    [] => cs @ classes
-  | dups => err_dup_classes cs);
-(*'add_classrel' adds a tuple consisting of a new class (the new class has
-  already been inserted into the 'classes' list) and its superclasses (they
-  must be declared in 'classes' too) to the 'classrel' list of the given type
-  signature; furthermore all inherited superclasses according to the
-  superclasses brought with are inserted and there is a check that there are
-  no cycles (i.e. C <= D <= C, with C <> D);*)
-fun add_classrel classes (classrel, (s, ges)) =
-  let
-    fun upd (classrel, s') =
-      if s' mem_string classes then
-        let val ges' = the (Symtab.lookup (classrel, s))
-        in case Symtab.lookup (classrel, s') of
-             Some sups => if s mem_string sups
-                           then error(" Cycle :" ^ s^" <= "^ s'^" <= "^ s )
-                           else Symtab.update ((s, sups union_string ges'), classrel)
-           | None => classrel
-        end
-      else err_undeclared_class s'
-  in foldl upd (Symtab.update ((s, ges), classrel), ges) end;
-(* 'extend_classes' inserts all new classes into the corresponding
-   lists ('classes', 'classrel') if possible *)
-fun extend_classes (classes, classrel, new_classes) =
-  let
-    val classes' = add_classes classes (map fst new_classes);
-    val classrel' = foldl (add_classrel classes') (classrel, new_classes);
-  in (classes', classrel') end;
-(* ext_tsig_classes *)
-fun ext_tsig_classes tsig new_classes =
-  let
-    val TySg {classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities} = tsig;
-    val (classes', classrel') = extend_classes (classes,classrel, new_classes);
-  in
-    make_tsig (classes', classrel', default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities)
-    |> rebuild_tsig
-  end;
-(* ext_tsig_classrel *)
-fun ext_tsig_classrel tsig pairs =
-  let
-    val TySg {classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities} = tsig;
-    val cert = cert_class tsig;
-    (* FIXME clean! *)
-    val classrel' =
-      merge_classrel (classrel, Symtab.make (map (fn (c1, c2) => (cert c1, [cert c2])) pairs));
-  in
-    make_tsig (classes, classrel', default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities)
-    |> rebuild_tsig
-  end;
-(* ext_tsig_defsort *)
-fun ext_tsig_defsort
-    (TySg {classes, classrel, default = _, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities, ...}) default =
-  make_tsig (classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities);
-(** add types **)
-fun ext_tsig_types (TySg {classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities}) ts =
-  let
-    fun check_type (c, n) =
-      if n < 0 then err_neg_args c
-      else if is_some (Symtab.lookup (tycons, c)) then err_dup_tycon c
-      else if is_some (Symtab.lookup (abbrs, c)) then error (ty_confl c)
-      else ();
-    val _ = seq check_type ts;
-    val tycons' = Symtab.extend (tycons, ts);
-    val arities' = Symtab.extend (arities, map (rpair [] o #1) ts);
-  in make_tsig (classes, classrel, default, tycons', log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities') end;
-(** add type abbreviations **)
-fun abbr_errors tsig (a, (lhs_vs, rhs)) =
-  let
-    val TySg {tycons, abbrs, ...} = tsig;
-    val rhs_vs = map (#1 o #1) (typ_tvars rhs);
-    val dup_lhs_vars =
-      (case duplicates lhs_vs of
-        [] => []
-      | vs => ["Duplicate variables on lhs: " ^ commas_quote vs]);
-    val extra_rhs_vars =
-      (case gen_rems (op =) (rhs_vs, lhs_vs) of
-        [] => []
-      | vs => ["Extra variables on rhs: " ^ commas_quote vs]);
-    val tycon_confl =
-      if is_none (Symtab.lookup (tycons, a)) then []
-      else [ty_confl a];
-    val dup_abbr =
-      if is_none (Symtab.lookup (abbrs, a)) then []
-      else ["Duplicate declaration of abbreviation"];
-  in
-    dup_lhs_vars @ extra_rhs_vars @ tycon_confl @ dup_abbr @
-      typ_errors tsig (rhs, [])
-  end;
-fun prep_abbr tsig (a, vs, raw_rhs) =
-  let
-    fun err msgs = (seq error_msg msgs;
-      error ("The error(s) above occurred in type abbreviation " ^ quote a));
-    val rhs = rem_sorts (varifyT (no_tvars raw_rhs))
-      handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => err [msg];
-    val abbr = (a, (vs, rhs));
-  in
-    (case abbr_errors tsig abbr of
-      [] => abbr
-    | msgs => err msgs)
-  end;
-fun add_abbr
-    (tsig as TySg {classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, arities, abbrs}, abbr) =
-  make_tsig (classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness,
-    Symtab.update (prep_abbr tsig abbr, abbrs), arities);
-fun ext_tsig_abbrs tsig raw_abbrs = foldl add_abbr (tsig, raw_abbrs);
-(** add arities **)
-(* 'coregular' checks
-   - the two restrictions 'is_unique_decl' and 'coreg'
-   - if the classes in the new type declarations are known in the
-     given type signature
-   - if one type constructor has always the same number of arguments;
-   if one type declaration has passed all checks it is inserted into
-   the 'arities' association list of the given type signatrure  *)
-fun coregular (classes, classrel, tycons) =
-  let fun ex C = if C mem_string classes then () else err_undeclared_class(C);
-      fun addar(arities, (t, (w, C))) = case Symtab.lookup (tycons, t) of
-            Some(n) => if n <> length w then varying_decls(t) else
-                     ((seq o seq) ex w; ex C;
-                      let val ars = the (Symtab.lookup (arities, t))
-                          val ars' = add_arity classrel ars (t,(C,w))
-                      in Symtab.update ((t,ars'), arities) end)
-          | None => error (undeclared_type t);
-  in addar end;
-(* 'close' extends the 'arities' association list after all new type
-   declarations have been inserted successfully:
-   for every declaration t:(Ss)C , for all classses D with C <= D:
-      if there is no declaration t:(Ss')C' with C < C' and C' <= D
-      then insert the declaration t:(Ss)D into 'arities'
-   this means, if there exists a declaration t:(Ss)C and there is
-   no declaration t:(Ss')D with C <=D then the declaration holds
-   for all range classes more general than C *)
-fun close classrel arities =
-  let fun check sl (l, (s, dom)) = case Symtab.lookup (classrel, s) of
-          Some sups =>
-            let fun close_sup (l, sup) =
-                  if exists (fn s'' => less classrel (s, s'') andalso
-                                       leq classrel (s'', sup)) sl
-                  then l
-                  else (sup, dom)::l
-            in foldl close_sup (l, sups) end
-        | None => l;
-      fun ext (s, l) = (s, foldl (check (map #1 l)) (l, l));
-  in map ext arities end;
-(* ext_tsig_arities *)
-fun norm_domain classrel =
-  let fun one_min (f, (doms, ran)) = (f, (map (Sorts.norm_sort classrel) doms, ran))
-  in map one_min end;
-fun ext_tsig_arities tsig sarities =
-  let
-    val TySg {classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, arities, abbrs} = tsig;
-    val arities1 =
-      flat (map (fn (t, ss, cs) => map (fn c => (t, (ss, c))) cs) sarities);
-    val arities2 =
-      foldl (coregular (classes, classrel, tycons)) (arities, norm_domain classrel arities1)
-      |> Symtab.dest |> close classrel |> Symtab.make;
-  in
-    make_tsig (classes, classrel, default, tycons, log_types, univ_witness, abbrs, arities2)
-    |> rebuild_tsig
-  end;
-(*** type unification and friends ***)
-(** matching **)
+(* matching *)
 exception TYPE_MATCH;
@@ -710,7 +319,7 @@
     fun match (subs, (TVar (v, S), T)) =
           (case Vartab.lookup (subs, v) of
-            None => (Vartab.update_new ((v, (check_has_sort (tsig, T, S); T)), subs)
+            None => (Vartab.update_new ((v, type_of_sort tsig (T, S)), subs)
               handle TYPE _ => raise TYPE_MATCH)
           | Some U => if U = T then subs else raise TYPE_MATCH)
       | match (subs, (Type (a, Ts), Type (b, Us))) =
@@ -721,18 +330,15 @@
       | match _ = raise TYPE_MATCH;
   in match end;
-fun typ_instance (tsig, T, U) =
+fun typ_instance tsig (T, U) =
   (typ_match tsig (Vartab.empty, (U, T)); true) handle TYPE_MATCH => false;
-(** unification **)
+(* unification *)
 exception TUNIFY;
-(* occurs check *)
 fun occurs v tye =
     fun occ (Type (_, Ts)) = exists occ Ts
@@ -744,34 +350,28 @@
             | Some U => occ U);
   in occ end;
-(* chase variable assignments *)
-(*if devar returns a type var then it must be unassigned*)
+(*chase variable assignments; if devar returns a type var then it must be unassigned*)
 fun devar (T as TVar (v, _), tye) =
       (case  Vartab.lookup (tye, v) of
         Some U => devar (U, tye)
       | None => T)
   | devar (T, tye) = T;
-(* unify *)
-fun unify (tsig as TySg {classrel, arities, ...}) (tyenv, maxidx) TU =
+fun unify (tsig as TSig {classes, arities, ...}) (tyenv, maxidx) TU =
     val tyvar_count = ref maxidx;
     fun gen_tyvar S = TVar (("'a", inc tyvar_count), S);
     fun mg_domain a S =
-      Sorts.mg_domain (classrel, arities) a S handle Sorts.DOMAIN _ => raise TUNIFY;
+      Sorts.mg_domain (classes, arities) a S handle Sorts.DOMAIN _ => raise TUNIFY;
     fun meet ((_, []), tye) = tye
       | meet ((TVar (xi, S'), S), tye) =
-          if Sorts.sort_le classrel (S', S) then tye
+          if Sorts.sort_le classes (S', S) then tye
           else Vartab.update_new ((xi,
-            gen_tyvar (Sorts.inter_sort classrel (S', S))), tye)
+            gen_tyvar (Sorts.inter_sort classes (S', S))), tye)
       | meet ((TFree (_, S'), S), tye) =
-          if Sorts.sort_le classrel (S', S) then tye
+          if Sorts.sort_le classes (S', S) then tye
           else raise TUNIFY
       | meet ((Type (a, Ts), S), tye) = meets ((Ts, mg_domain a S), tye)
     and meets (([], []), tye) = tye
@@ -783,12 +383,12 @@
       (case (devar (ty1, tye), devar (ty2, tye)) of
         (T as TVar (v, S1), U as TVar (w, S2)) =>
           if eq_ix (v, w) then tye
-          else if Sorts.sort_le classrel (S1, S2) then
+          else if Sorts.sort_le classes (S1, S2) then
             Vartab.update_new ((w, T), tye)
-          else if Sorts.sort_le classrel (S2, S1) then
+          else if Sorts.sort_le classes (S2, S1) then
             Vartab.update_new ((v, U), tye)
-            let val S = gen_tyvar (Sorts.inter_sort classrel (S1, S2)) in
+            let val S = gen_tyvar (Sorts.inter_sort classes (S1, S2)) in
               Vartab.update_new ((v, S), Vartab.update_new ((w, S), tye))
       | (TVar (v, S), T) =>
@@ -803,125 +403,206 @@
       | (T, U) => if T = U then tye else raise TUNIFY);
   in (unif (TU, tyenv), ! tyvar_count) end;
-(* raw_unify *)
-(*purely structural unification -- ignores sorts*)
+(*purely structural unification *)
 fun raw_unify (ty1, ty2) =
-  (unify tsig0 (Vartab.empty, 0) (rem_sorts ty1, rem_sorts ty2); true)
+  (unify empty_tsig (Vartab.empty, 0) (strip_sorts ty1, strip_sorts ty2); true)
     handle TUNIFY => false;
-(** type inference **)
+(** extend and merge type signatures **)
+(* arities *)
-(* sort constraints *)
+fun err_decl t decl = error ("Illegal " ^ str_of_decl decl ^ ": " ^ quote t);
+fun err_undecl t = error ("Undeclared type constructor: " ^ quote t);
-fun get_sort tsig def_sort map_sort raw_env =
+fun err_conflict t (c1, c2) (c, Ss) (c', Ss') =
+  error ("Conflict of type arities for classes " ^ quote c1 ^ " < " ^ quote c2 ^ ":\n  " ^
+    Sorts.str_of_arity (t, Ss, [c]) ^ " and\n  " ^
+    Sorts.str_of_arity (t, Ss', [c']));
+fun coregular C t (c, Ss) ars =
-    fun eq ((xi, S), (xi', S')) =
-      xi = xi' andalso eq_sort tsig (S, S');
+    fun conflict (c', Ss') =
+      if Sorts.class_le C (c, c') andalso not (Sorts.sorts_le C (Ss, Ss')) then
+        Some ((c, c'), (c', Ss'))
+      else if Sorts.class_le C (c', c) andalso not (Sorts.sorts_le C (Ss', Ss)) then
+        Some ((c', c), (c', Ss'))
+      else None;
+  in
+    (case Library.get_first conflict ars of
+      Some ((c1, c2), (c', Ss')) => err_conflict t (c1, c2) (c, Ss) (c', Ss')
+    | None => (c, Ss) :: ars)
+  end;
-    val env = gen_distinct eq (map (apsnd map_sort) raw_env);
-    val _ =
-      (case gen_duplicates eq_fst env of
-        [] => ()
-      | dups => error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable(s) " ^
-          commas (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_vname' o fst) dups)));
+fun insert C t ((c, Ss), ars) =
+  (case assoc_string (ars, c) of
+    None => coregular C t (c, Ss) ars
+  | Some Ss' =>
+      if Sorts.sorts_le C (Ss, Ss') then ars
+      else if Sorts.sorts_le C (Ss', Ss)
+      then coregular C t (c, Ss) (ars \ (c, Ss'))
+      else coregular C t (c, Ss) ars);
-    fun get xi =
-      (case (assoc (env, xi), def_sort xi) of
-        (None, None) => defaultS tsig
-      | (None, Some S) => S
-      | (Some S, None) => S
-      | (Some S, Some S') =>
-          if eq_sort tsig (S, S') then S'
-          else error ("Sort constraint inconsistent with default for type variable " ^
-            quote (Syntax.string_of_vname' xi)));
-  in get end;
+fun complete C (c, Ss) = map (rpair Ss) (Graph.all_succs C [c]);
+fun insert_arities classes (arities, (t, ars)) =
+  let val ars' =
+    Symtab.lookup_multi (arities, t)
+    |> curry (foldr (insert classes t)) (flat (map (complete classes) ars))
+  in Symtab.update ((t, ars'), arities) end;
-(* type constraints *)
+fun insert_table classes = Symtab.foldl (fn (arities, (t, ars)) =>
+  insert_arities classes (arities, (t, map (apsnd (map (Sorts.norm_sort classes))) ars)));
-fun constrain t T =
-  if T = dummyT then t
-  else Const ("_type_constraint_", T) $ t;
-(* user parameters *)
+fun add_arities decls tsig = tsig |> change_tsig (fn (classes, default, types, arities) =>
+  let
+    fun prep (t, Ss, S) =
+      (case Symtab.lookup (types, t) of
+        Some (LogicalType n, _) =>
+          if length Ss = n then
+            (t, map (cert_sort tsig) Ss, cert_sort tsig S)
+              handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg
+          else error (bad_nargs t)
+      | Some (decl, _) => err_decl t decl
+      | None => err_undecl t);
-fun is_param (x, _) = size x > 0 andalso ord x = ord "?";
-fun param i (x, S) = TVar (("?" ^ x, i), S);
+    val ars = decls |> map ((fn (t, Ss, S) => (t, map (fn c => (c, Ss)) S)) o prep);
+    val arities' = foldl (insert_arities classes) (arities, ars);
+  in (classes, default, types, arities') end);
-fun paramify_dummies (maxidx, TFree ("'_dummy_", S)) =
-      (maxidx + 1, param (maxidx + 1) ("'dummy", S))
-  | paramify_dummies (maxidx, Type (a, Ts)) =
-      let val (maxidx', Ts') = foldl_map paramify_dummies (maxidx, Ts)
-      in (maxidx', Type (a, Ts')) end
-  | paramify_dummies arg = arg;
+fun rebuild_arities classes arities =
+  insert_table classes (Symtab.empty, arities);
+fun merge_arities classes (arities1, arities2) =
+  insert_table classes (insert_table classes (Symtab.empty, arities1), arities2);
-(* decode_types *)
+(* classes *)
-(*transform parse tree into raw term*)
-fun decode_types tsig is_const def_type def_sort map_const map_type map_sort tm =
+fun err_dup_classes cs =
+  error ("Duplicate declaration of class(es): " ^ commas_quote cs);
+fun err_cyclic_classes css =
+  error (cat_lines (map (fn cs =>
+    "Cycle in class relation: " ^ space_implode " < " (map quote cs)) css));
+fun add_class (c, cs) tsig = tsig |> change_tsig (fn (classes, default, types, arities) =>
-    fun get_type xi = if_none (def_type xi) dummyT;
-    fun is_free x = is_some (def_type (x, ~1));
-    val raw_env = Syntax.raw_term_sorts tm;
-    val sort_of = get_sort tsig def_sort map_sort raw_env;
+    val cs' = map (cert_class tsig) cs
+      handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
+    val classes' = classes |> Graph.new_node (c, stamp ())
+      handle Graph.DUP d => err_dup_classes [d];
+    val classes'' = classes' |> fold Graph.add_edge_trans_acyclic (map (pair c) cs')
+      handle Graph.CYCLES css => err_cyclic_classes css;
+  in (classes'', default, types, arities) end);
-    val certT = cert_typ tsig o map_type;
-    fun decodeT t = certT (Syntax.typ_of_term sort_of map_sort t);
-    fun decode (Const ("_constrain", _) $ t $ typ) =
-          constrain (decode t) (decodeT typ)
-      | decode (Const ("_constrainAbs", _) $ (Abs (x, T, t)) $ typ) =
-          if T = dummyT then Abs (x, decodeT typ, decode t)
-          else constrain (Abs (x, certT T, decode t)) (decodeT typ --> dummyT)
-      | decode (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, certT T, decode t)
-      | decode (t $ u) = decode t $ decode u
-      | decode (Free (x, T)) =
-          let val c = map_const x in
-            if not (is_free x) andalso (is_const c orelse NameSpace.is_qualified c) then
-              Const (c, certT T)
-            else if T = dummyT then Free (x, get_type (x, ~1))
-            else constrain (Free (x, certT T)) (get_type (x, ~1))
-          end
-      | decode (Var (xi, T)) =
-          if T = dummyT then Var (xi, get_type xi)
-          else constrain (Var (xi, certT T)) (get_type xi)
-      | decode (t as Bound _) = t
-      | decode (Const (c, T)) = Const (map_const c, certT T);
-  in decode tm end;
+val add_classes = fold add_class;
+fun add_classrel ps tsig = tsig |> change_tsig (fn (classes, default, types, arities) =>
+  let
+    val ps' = map (pairself (cert_class tsig)) ps
+      handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
+    val classes' = classes |> fold Graph.add_edge_trans_acyclic ps'
+      handle Graph.CYCLES css => err_cyclic_classes css;
+    val default' = default |> Sorts.norm_sort classes';
+    val arities' = arities |> rebuild_arities classes';
+  in (classes', default', types, arities') end);
+fun merge_classes CC = Graph.merge_trans_acyclic (op =) CC
+  handle Graph.DUPS cs => err_dup_classes cs
+    | Graph.CYCLES css => err_cyclic_classes css;
+(* default sort *)
+fun set_defsort S tsig = tsig |> change_tsig (fn (classes, _, types, arities) =>
+  (classes, cert_sort tsig S handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg, types, arities));
-(* infer_types *)
+(* types *)
+fun err_neg_args c =
+  error ("Negative number of arguments in type constructor declaration: " ^ quote c);
-  Given [T1,...,Tn] and [t1,...,tn], ensure that the type of ti
-  unifies with Ti (for i=1,...,n).
+fun err_in_decls c decl decl' =
+  let
+    val s = str_of_decl decl;
+    val s' = str_of_decl decl';
+  in
+    if s = s' then error ("Duplicate declaration of " ^ s ^ ": " ^ quote c)
+    else error ("Conflicting declarations of " ^ s ^ " with " ^ s' ^ ": " ^ quote c)
+  end;
+fun new_decl (c, decl) types =
+  (case Symtab.lookup (types, c) of
+    Some (decl', _) => err_in_decls c decl decl'
+  | None => Symtab.update ((c, (decl, stamp ())), types));
+fun the_decl types c = fst (the (Symtab.lookup (types, c)));
+fun change_types f = change_tsig (fn (classes, default, types, arities) =>
+  (classes, default, f types, arities));
-  tsig: type signature
-  const_type: name mapping and signature lookup
-  def_type: partial map from indexnames to types (constrains Frees, Vars)
-  def_sort: partial map from indexnames to sorts (constrains TFrees, TVars)
-  used: list of already used type variables
-  freeze: if true then generated parameters are turned into TFrees, else TVars
+fun add_abbr (a, vs, rhs) tsig = tsig |> change_types (fn types =>
+  let
+    fun err msg =
+      error (msg ^ "\nThe error(s) above occurred in type abbreviation " ^ quote a);
+    val rhs' = strip_sorts (varifyT (no_tvars (cert_typ_syntax tsig rhs)))
+      handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => err msg;
+  in
+    (case duplicates vs of
+      [] => []
+    | dups => err ("Duplicate variables on lhs: " ^ commas_quote dups));
+    (case gen_rems (op =) (map (#1 o #1) (typ_tvars rhs'), vs) of
+      [] => []
+    | extras => err ("Extra variables on rhs: " ^ commas_quote extras));
+    types |> new_decl (a, Abbreviation (vs, rhs'))
+  end);
-fun infer_types prt prT tsig const_type def_type def_sort
-    map_const map_type map_sort used freeze pat_Ts raw_ts =
-  let
-    val TySg {classrel, arities, ...} = tsig;
-    val pat_Ts' = map (cert_typ tsig) pat_Ts;
-    val is_const = is_some o const_type;
-    val raw_ts' =
-      map (decode_types tsig is_const def_type def_sort map_const map_type map_sort) raw_ts;
-    val (ts, Ts, unifier) =
-      TypeInfer.infer_types prt prT const_type classrel arities used freeze
-        is_param raw_ts' pat_Ts';
-  in (ts, unifier) end;
+fun add_types ps = change_types (fold new_decl (ps |> map (fn (c, n) =>
+  if n < 0 then err_neg_args c else (c, LogicalType n))));
+val add_abbrs = fold add_abbr;
+val add_nonterminals = change_types o fold new_decl o map (rpair Nonterminal);
+fun merge_types (types1, types2) =
+  Symtab.merge Library.eq_snd (types1, types2) handle Symtab.DUPS (d :: _) =>
+    err_in_decls d (the_decl types1 d) (the_decl types2 d);
+(* merge type signatures *)
+fun merge_tsigs (tsig1, tsig2) =
+  let
+    val (TSig {classes = classes1, default = default1, types = types1, arities = arities1,
+      log_types = _, witness = _}) = tsig1;
+    val (TSig {classes = classes2, default = default2, types = types2, arities = arities2,
+      log_types = _, witness = _}) = tsig2;
+    val classes' = merge_classes (classes1, classes2);
+    val default' = Sorts.inter_sort classes' (default1, default2);
+    val types' = merge_types (types1, types2);
+    val arities' = merge_arities classes' (arities1, arities2);
+  in build_tsig (classes', default', types', arities') end;