--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML Fri Apr 10 12:44:41 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML Fri Apr 10 14:03:18 2015 +0200
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
val fold_rev_let_if_case: Proof.context -> (term list -> term -> 'a -> 'a) -> typ list ->
term -> 'a -> 'a
val massage_let_if_case: Proof.context -> (term -> bool) -> (typ list -> term -> term) ->
- typ list -> term -> term
+ (typ list -> term -> unit) -> typ list -> term -> term
val massage_nested_corec_call: Proof.context -> (term -> bool) ->
(typ list -> typ -> typ -> term -> term) -> (typ list -> typ -> typ -> term -> term) ->
typ list -> typ -> typ -> term -> term
@@ -243,11 +243,11 @@
SOME {casex = Const (s', _), split_sels = _ :: _, ...} => SOME s'
| _ => NONE);
-fun massage_let_if_case ctxt has_call massage_leaf bound_Ts t0 =
+fun massage_let_if_case ctxt has_call massage_leaf unexpected_call bound_Ts t0 =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
- fun check_no_call t = if has_call t then unexpected_corec_call ctxt [t0] t else ();
+ fun check_no_call bound_Ts t = if has_call t then unexpected_call bound_Ts t else ();
fun massage_abs bound_Ts 0 t = massage_rec bound_Ts t
| massage_abs bound_Ts m (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, massage_abs (T :: bound_Ts) (m - 1) t)
@@ -264,7 +264,8 @@
(dummy_branch' :: _, []) => dummy_branch'
| (_, [branch']) => branch'
| (_, branches') =>
- Term.list_comb (If_const (typof (hd branches')) $ tap check_no_call obj, branches'))
+ Term.list_comb (If_const (typof (hd branches')) $ tap (check_no_call bound_Ts) obj,
+ branches'))
| (c as Const (@{const_name case_prod}, _), arg :: args) =>
massage_rec bound_Ts
(unfold_splits_lets (Term.list_comb (c $ Envir.eta_long bound_Ts arg, args)))
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@
val casex' = Const (c, branch_Ts' ---> map typof obj_leftovers ---> body_T');
Term.list_comb (casex',
- branches' @ tap (List.app check_no_call) obj_leftovers)
+ branches' @ tap (List.app (check_no_call bound_Ts)) obj_leftovers)
massage_leaf bound_Ts t
@@ -304,6 +305,9 @@
if Term.is_dummy_pattern t then Const (@{const_name undefined}, fastype_of t) else t)
+fun massage_let_if_case_corec ctxt has_call massage_leaf bound_Ts t0 =
+ massage_let_if_case ctxt has_call massage_leaf (K (unexpected_corec_call ctxt [t0])) bound_Ts t0;
fun curried_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, [Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts), T])) = Ts ---> T;
fun massage_nested_corec_call ctxt has_call massage_call massage_noncall bound_Ts U T t0 =
@@ -348,7 +352,7 @@
(betapply (t, var))))
and massage_any_call bound_Ts U T =
- massage_let_if_case ctxt has_call (fn bound_Ts => fn t =>
+ massage_let_if_case_corec ctxt has_call (fn bound_Ts => fn t =>
if has_call t then
(case U of
Type (s, Us) =>
@@ -384,8 +388,6 @@
| _ => ill_formed_corec_call ctxt t)
massage_noncall bound_Ts U T t) bound_Ts;
- val T = fastype_of1 (bound_Ts, t0);
(if has_call t0 then massage_any_call else massage_noncall) bound_Ts U T t0
@@ -399,12 +401,12 @@
fun expand_corec_code_rhs ctxt has_call bound_Ts t =
(case fastype_of1 (bound_Ts, t) of
Type (s, Ts) =>
- massage_let_if_case ctxt has_call (fn _ => fn t =>
+ massage_let_if_case_corec ctxt has_call (fn _ => fn t =>
if can (dest_ctr ctxt s) t then t else expand_to_ctr_term ctxt s Ts t) bound_Ts t
| _ => raise Fail "expand_corec_code_rhs");
fun massage_corec_code_rhs ctxt massage_ctr =
- massage_let_if_case ctxt (K false)
+ massage_let_if_case_corec ctxt (K false)
(fn bound_Ts => uncurry (massage_ctr bound_Ts) o Term.strip_comb);
fun fold_rev_corec_code_rhs ctxt f =
@@ -883,7 +885,7 @@
fun rewrite_end _ t = if has_call t then undef_const else t;
fun rewrite_cont bound_Ts t =
if has_call t then mk_tuple1_balanced bound_Ts (snd (strip_comb t)) else undef_const;
- fun massage f _ = massage_let_if_case ctxt has_call f bound_Ts rhs_term
+ fun massage f _ = massage_let_if_case_corec ctxt has_call f bound_Ts rhs_term
|> abs_tuple_balanced fun_args;
(massage rewrite_stop, massage rewrite_end, massage rewrite_cont)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar_more.ML Fri Apr 10 12:44:41 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar_more.ML Fri Apr 10 14:03:18 2015 +0200
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@
error ("Ill-formed recursive call: " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t));
fun invalid_map ctxt t =
error ("Invalid map function in " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t));
-fun unexpected_rec_call ctxt t =
- error ("Unexpected recursive call: " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t));
+fun unexpected_rec_call ctxt eqns t =
+ error_at ctxt eqns ("Unexpected recursive call in " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t));
-fun massage_nested_rec_call ctxt has_call massage_fun bound_Ts y y' =
+fun massage_nested_rec_call ctxt has_call massage_fun bound_Ts y y' t0 =
- fun check_no_call t = if has_call t then unexpected_rec_call ctxt t else ();
+ fun check_no_call t = if has_call t then unexpected_rec_call ctxt [t0] t else ();
val typof = curry fastype_of1 bound_Ts;
val build_map_fst = build_map ctxt [] (fst_const o fst);
@@ -95,12 +95,7 @@
Const (@{const_name comp}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
mk_comp bound_Ts (tap check_no_call t1, massage_mutual_fun U T t2)
| _ =>
- if has_call t then
- (case try HOLogic.dest_prodT U of
- SOME (U1, U2) => if U1 = T then massage_fun T U2 t else invalid_map ctxt t
- | NONE => invalid_map ctxt t)
- else
- mk_comp bound_Ts (t, build_map_fst (U, T)));
+ if has_call t then massage_fun U T t else mk_comp bound_Ts (t, build_map_fst (U, T)));
fun massage_map (Type (_, Us)) (Type (s, Ts)) t =
(case try (dest_map ctxt s) t of
@@ -121,7 +116,7 @@
massage_map U T t
handle NO_MAP _ => massage_mutual_fun U T t;
- fun massage_call (t as t1 $ t2) =
+ fun massage_outer_call (t as t1 $ t2) =
if has_call t then
if t2 = y then
massage_map yU yT (elim_y t1) $ y'
@@ -129,25 +124,28 @@
let val (g, xs) = Term.strip_comb t2 in
if g = y then
- if exists has_call xs then unexpected_rec_call ctxt t2
- else Term.list_comb (massage_call (mk_compN (length xs) bound_Ts (t1, y)), xs)
+ if exists has_call xs then unexpected_rec_call ctxt [t0] t2
+ else Term.list_comb (massage_outer_call (mk_compN (length xs) bound_Ts (t1, y)), xs)
ill_formed_rec_call ctxt t
elim_y t
- | massage_call t = if t = y then y_of_y' () else ill_formed_rec_call ctxt t;
+ | massage_outer_call t = if t = y then y_of_y' () else ill_formed_rec_call ctxt t;
- massage_call
+ massage_outer_call t0
-fun rewrite_map_arg ctxt get_ctr_pos rec_type res_type =
+fun rewrite_map_fun ctxt get_ctr_pos U T t =
- val pT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (rec_type, res_type);
+ val _ =
+ (case try HOLogic.dest_prodT U of
+ SOME (U1, _) => U1 = T orelse invalid_map ctxt t
+ | NONE => invalid_map ctxt t);
- fun subst d (t as Bound d') = t |> d = SOME d' ? curry (op $) (fst_const pT)
+ fun subst d (t as Bound d') = t |> d = SOME d' ? curry (op $) (fst_const U)
| subst d (Abs (v, T, b)) =
- Abs (v, if d = SOME ~1 then pT else T, subst (Option.map (Integer.add 1) d) b)
+ Abs (v, if d = SOME ~1 then U else T, subst (Option.map (Integer.add 1) d) b)
| subst d t =
val (u, vs) = strip_comb t;
@@ -155,22 +153,22 @@
if ctr_pos >= 0 then
if d = SOME ~1 andalso length vs = ctr_pos then
- Term.list_comb (permute_args ctr_pos (snd_const pT), vs)
+ Term.list_comb (permute_args ctr_pos (snd_const U), vs)
else if length vs > ctr_pos andalso is_some d andalso
d = try (fn Bound n => n) (nth vs ctr_pos) then
- Term.list_comb (snd_const pT $ nth vs ctr_pos, map (subst d) (nth_drop ctr_pos vs))
+ Term.list_comb (snd_const U $ nth vs ctr_pos, map (subst d) (nth_drop ctr_pos vs))
error ("Recursive call not directly applied to constructor argument in " ^
quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t))
- Term.list_comb (u, map (subst (d |> d = SOME ~1 ? K NONE)) vs)
- end
+ Term.list_comb (u, map (subst (if d = SOME ~1 then NONE else d)) vs)
+ end;
- subst (SOME ~1)
+ subst (SOME ~1) t
fun rewrite_nested_rec_call ctxt has_call get_ctr_pos =
- massage_nested_rec_call ctxt has_call (rewrite_map_arg ctxt get_ctr_pos);
+ massage_nested_rec_call ctxt has_call (rewrite_map_fun ctxt get_ctr_pos);
val _ = Theory.setup (register_lfp_rec_extension
{nested_simps = nested_simps, is_new_datatype = is_new_datatype,