--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_fonts.scala Fri Nov 23 22:55:08 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+/* Title: Pure/Admin/isabelle_fonts.scala
+ Author: Makarius
+Construction of Isabelle fonts.
+package isabelle
+object Isabelle_Fonts
+ /* relevant codepoint ranges */
+ object Range
+ {
+ def base_font: Seq[Int] =
+ (0x0020 to 0x007e) ++ // ASCII
+ (0x00a0 to 0x024f) ++ // Latin Extended-A/B
+ (0x0400 to 0x04ff) ++ // Cyrillic
+ (0x0600 to 0x06ff) ++ // Arabic
+ Seq(
+ 0x2018, // single quote
+ 0x2019, // single quote
+ 0x201a, // single quote
+ 0x201c, // double quote
+ 0x201d, // double quote
+ 0x201e, // double quote
+ 0x2039, // single guillemet
+ 0x203a, // single guillemet
+ 0x204b, // FOOTNOTE
+ 0x20ac, // Euro
+ 0xfb01, // ligature fi
+ 0xfb02, // ligature fl
+ 0xfffd, // replacement character
+ )
+ def isabelle_font: Seq[Int] =
+ Seq(
+ 0x05, // X
+ 0x06, // Y
+ 0x07, // EOF
+ 0x7f, // DEL
+ 0xac, // logicalnot
+ 0xb0, // degree
+ 0xb1, // plusminus
+ 0xb7, // periodcentered
+ 0xd7, // multiply
+ 0xf7, // divide
+ ) ++
+ (0x0370 to 0x03ff) ++ // Greek (pseudo math)
+ (0x0590 to 0x05ff) ++ // Hebrew (non-mono)
+ Seq(
+ 0x2010, // hyphen
+ 0x2013, // dash
+ 0x2014, // dash
+ 0x2015, // dash
+ 0x2020, // dagger
+ 0x2021, // double dagger
+ 0x2022, // bullet
+ 0x2026, // ellipsis
+ 0x2030, // perthousand
+ 0x2032, // minute
+ 0x2033, // second
+ 0x2038, // caret
+ 0x20cd, // currency symbol
+ ) ++
+ (0x2100 to 0x214f) ++ // Letterlike Symbols
+ (0x2190 to 0x21ff) ++ // Arrows
+ (0x2200 to 0x22ff) ++ // Mathematical Operators
+ (0x2300 to 0x23ff) ++ // Miscellaneous Technical
+ Seq(
+ 0x2423, // graphic for space
+ 0x2500, // box drawing
+ 0x2501, // box drawing
+ 0x2508, // box drawing
+ 0x2509, // box drawing
+ 0x2550, // box drawing
+ ) ++
+ (0x25a0 to 0x25ff) ++ // Geometric Shapes
+ Seq(
+ 0x261b, // ACTION
+ 0x2660, // spade suit
+ 0x2661, // heart suit
+ 0x2662, // diamond suit
+ 0x2663, // club suit
+ 0x266d, // musical flat
+ 0x266e, // musical natural
+ 0x266f, // musical sharp
+ 0x2756, // UNDEFINED
+ 0x2759, // BOLD
+ 0x27a7, // DESCR
+ 0x27e6, // left white square bracket
+ 0x27e7, // right white square bracket
+ 0x27e8, // left angle bracket
+ 0x27e9, // right angle bracket
+ ) ++
+ (0x27f0 to 0x27ff) ++ // Supplemental Arrows-A
+ (0x2900 to 0x297f) ++ // Supplemental Arrows-B
+ (0x2980 to 0x29ff) ++ // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
+ (0x2a00 to 0x2aff) ++ // Supplemental Mathematical Operators
+ Seq(0x2b1a) ++ // VERBATIM
+ (0x1d400 to 0x1d7ff) ++ // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
+ Seq(
+ 0x1f310, // globe with meridians (Symbola font)
+ 0x1f4d3, // notebook (Symbola font)
+ 0x1f5c0, // folder (Symbola font)
+ 0x1f5cf, // page (Symbola font)
+ )
+ }
+ /* font families */
+ sealed case class Family(
+ plain: String = "",
+ bold: String = "",
+ italic: String = "",
+ bold_italic: String = "")
+ {
+ val fonts: List[String] =
+ proper_string(plain).toList :::
+ proper_string(bold).toList :::
+ proper_string(italic).toList :::
+ proper_string(bold_italic).toList
+ def get(index: Int): String = fonts(index % fonts.length)
+ }
+ object Family
+ {
+ def isabelle_text: Family =
+ Family(
+ plain = "IsabelleText.sfd",
+ bold = "IsabelleTextBold.sfd")
+ def deja_vu_sans_mono: Family =
+ Family(
+ plain = "DejaVuSansMono.ttf",
+ bold = "DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf",
+ italic = "DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf",
+ bold_italic = "DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf")
+ def deja_vu_sans: Family =
+ Family(
+ plain = "DejaVuSans.ttf",
+ bold = "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
+ italic = "DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf",
+ bold_italic = "DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf")
+ def deja_vu_serif: Family =
+ Family(
+ plain = "DejaVuSerif.ttf",
+ bold = "DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf",
+ italic = "DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf",
+ bold_italic = "DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf")
+ }
+ /* build fonts */
+ private def find_file(dirs: List[Path], name: String): Path =
+ {
+ val path = Path.explode(name)
+ dirs.collectFirst({ case dir if (dir + path).is_file => dir + path }) match {
+ case Some(file) => file
+ case None =>
+ error(cat_lines(
+ ("Failed to find font file " + path + " in directories:") ::
+ dirs.map(dir => " " + dir.toString)))
+ }
+ }
+ val default_sources: List[Family] =
+ List(Family.deja_vu_sans_mono, Family.deja_vu_sans, Family.deja_vu_serif)
+ def build_fonts(
+ sources: List[Family] = default_sources,
+ source_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+ target_prefix: String = "Isabelle",
+ target_version: String = "",
+ target_dir: Path = Path.current,
+ progress: Progress = No_Progress)
+ {
+ Isabelle_System.mkdirs(target_dir)
+ val font_dirs = source_dirs ::: List(Path.explode("~~/lib/fonts"))
+ for (isabelle_font <- Family.isabelle_text.fonts) {
+ val isabelle_file = find_file(font_dirs, isabelle_font)
+ val isabelle_names = Fontforge.font_names(isabelle_file)
+ val target_names = isabelle_names.update(version = target_version)
+ val target_file = target_dir + target_names.ttf
+ progress.echo("Creating " + target_file.toString + " ...")
+ Fontforge.execute(
+ Fontforge.commands(
+ Fontforge.open(isabelle_file),
+ target_names.set,
+ Fontforge.generate(target_file),
+ Fontforge.close
+ )
+ ).check
+ }
+ for { source <- sources; (source_font, index) <- source.fonts.zipWithIndex } {
+ val isabelle_file = find_file(font_dirs, Family.isabelle_text.get(index))
+ val source_file = find_file(font_dirs, source_font)
+ val source_names = Fontforge.font_names(source_file)
+ val target_names = source_names.update(prefix = target_prefix, version = target_version)
+ val target_file = target_dir + target_names.ttf
+ progress.echo("Creating " + target_file.toString + " ...")
+ Fontforge.execute(
+ Fontforge.commands(
+ Fontforge.open(isabelle_file),
+ Fontforge.select(Range.isabelle_font),
+ Fontforge.copy,
+ Fontforge.close,
+ Fontforge.open(source_file),
+ Fontforge.select(Range.base_font),
+ Fontforge.select_invert,
+ Fontforge.clear,
+ Fontforge.select(Range.isabelle_font),
+ Fontforge.paste,
+ target_names.set,
+ Fontforge.generate(target_file),
+ Fontforge.close)
+ ).check
+ }
+ }
+ /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
+ val isabelle_tool =
+ Isabelle_Tool("build_fonts", "construct Isabelle fonts", args =>
+ {
+ var source_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
+ var target_dir = Path.current
+ val getopts = Getopts("""
+Usage: isabelle build_fonts [OPTIONS]
+ Options are:
+ -D DIR target directory (default ".")
+ -d DIR additional source directory
+ Construct Isabelle fonts from Deja Vu font families and Isabelle symbols.
+ "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
+ "d:" -> (arg => source_dirs = source_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))))
+ val more_args = getopts(args)
+ if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
+ val progress = new Console_Progress
+ build_fonts(source_dirs = source_dirs, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress)
+ })
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/isabelle_fonts.scala Fri Nov 23 22:05:14 2018 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-/* Title: Pure/Tools/isabelle_fonts.scala
- Author: Makarius
-Construction of Isabelle fonts.
-package isabelle
-object Isabelle_Fonts
- /* relevant codepoint ranges */
- object Range
- {
- def base_font: Seq[Int] =
- (0x0020 to 0x007e) ++ // ASCII
- (0x00a0 to 0x024f) ++ // Latin Extended-A/B
- (0x0400 to 0x04ff) ++ // Cyrillic
- (0x0600 to 0x06ff) ++ // Arabic
- Seq(
- 0x2018, // single quote
- 0x2019, // single quote
- 0x201a, // single quote
- 0x201c, // double quote
- 0x201d, // double quote
- 0x201e, // double quote
- 0x2039, // single guillemet
- 0x203a, // single guillemet
- 0x204b, // FOOTNOTE
- 0x20ac, // Euro
- 0xfb01, // ligature fi
- 0xfb02, // ligature fl
- 0xfffd, // replacement character
- )
- def isabelle_font: Seq[Int] =
- Seq(
- 0x05, // X
- 0x06, // Y
- 0x07, // EOF
- 0x7f, // DEL
- 0xac, // logicalnot
- 0xb0, // degree
- 0xb1, // plusminus
- 0xb7, // periodcentered
- 0xd7, // multiply
- 0xf7, // divide
- ) ++
- (0x0370 to 0x03ff) ++ // Greek (pseudo math)
- (0x0590 to 0x05ff) ++ // Hebrew (non-mono)
- Seq(
- 0x2010, // hyphen
- 0x2013, // dash
- 0x2014, // dash
- 0x2015, // dash
- 0x2020, // dagger
- 0x2021, // double dagger
- 0x2022, // bullet
- 0x2026, // ellipsis
- 0x2030, // perthousand
- 0x2032, // minute
- 0x2033, // second
- 0x2038, // caret
- 0x20cd, // currency symbol
- ) ++
- (0x2100 to 0x214f) ++ // Letterlike Symbols
- (0x2190 to 0x21ff) ++ // Arrows
- (0x2200 to 0x22ff) ++ // Mathematical Operators
- (0x2300 to 0x23ff) ++ // Miscellaneous Technical
- Seq(
- 0x2423, // graphic for space
- 0x2500, // box drawing
- 0x2501, // box drawing
- 0x2508, // box drawing
- 0x2509, // box drawing
- 0x2550, // box drawing
- ) ++
- (0x25a0 to 0x25ff) ++ // Geometric Shapes
- Seq(
- 0x261b, // ACTION
- 0x2660, // spade suit
- 0x2661, // heart suit
- 0x2662, // diamond suit
- 0x2663, // club suit
- 0x266d, // musical flat
- 0x266e, // musical natural
- 0x266f, // musical sharp
- 0x2756, // UNDEFINED
- 0x2759, // BOLD
- 0x27a7, // DESCR
- 0x27e6, // left white square bracket
- 0x27e7, // right white square bracket
- 0x27e8, // left angle bracket
- 0x27e9, // right angle bracket
- ) ++
- (0x27f0 to 0x27ff) ++ // Supplemental Arrows-A
- (0x2900 to 0x297f) ++ // Supplemental Arrows-B
- (0x2980 to 0x29ff) ++ // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
- (0x2a00 to 0x2aff) ++ // Supplemental Mathematical Operators
- Seq(0x2b1a) ++ // VERBATIM
- (0x1d400 to 0x1d7ff) ++ // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
- Seq(
- 0x1f310, // globe with meridians (Symbola font)
- 0x1f4d3, // notebook (Symbola font)
- 0x1f5c0, // folder (Symbola font)
- 0x1f5cf, // page (Symbola font)
- )
- }
- /* font families */
- sealed case class Family(
- plain: String = "",
- bold: String = "",
- italic: String = "",
- bold_italic: String = "")
- {
- val fonts: List[String] =
- proper_string(plain).toList :::
- proper_string(bold).toList :::
- proper_string(italic).toList :::
- proper_string(bold_italic).toList
- def get(index: Int): String = fonts(index % fonts.length)
- }
- object Family
- {
- def isabelle_text: Family =
- Family(
- plain = "IsabelleText.sfd",
- bold = "IsabelleTextBold.sfd")
- def deja_vu_sans_mono: Family =
- Family(
- plain = "DejaVuSansMono.ttf",
- bold = "DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf",
- italic = "DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf",
- bold_italic = "DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf")
- def deja_vu_sans: Family =
- Family(
- plain = "DejaVuSans.ttf",
- bold = "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
- italic = "DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf",
- bold_italic = "DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf")
- def deja_vu_serif: Family =
- Family(
- plain = "DejaVuSerif.ttf",
- bold = "DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf",
- italic = "DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf",
- bold_italic = "DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf")
- }
- /* build fonts */
- private def find_file(dirs: List[Path], name: String): Path =
- {
- val path = Path.explode(name)
- dirs.collectFirst({ case dir if (dir + path).is_file => dir + path }) match {
- case Some(file) => file
- case None =>
- error(cat_lines(
- ("Failed to find font file " + path + " in directories:") ::
- dirs.map(dir => " " + dir.toString)))
- }
- }
- val default_sources: List[Family] =
- List(Family.deja_vu_sans_mono, Family.deja_vu_sans, Family.deja_vu_serif)
- def build_fonts(
- sources: List[Family] = default_sources,
- source_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
- target_prefix: String = "Isabelle",
- target_version: String = "",
- target_dir: Path = Path.current,
- progress: Progress = No_Progress)
- {
- Isabelle_System.mkdirs(target_dir)
- val font_dirs = source_dirs ::: List(Path.explode("~~/lib/fonts"))
- for (isabelle_font <- Family.isabelle_text.fonts) {
- val isabelle_file = find_file(font_dirs, isabelle_font)
- val isabelle_names = Fontforge.font_names(isabelle_file)
- val target_names = isabelle_names.update(version = target_version)
- val target_file = target_dir + target_names.ttf
- progress.echo("Creating " + target_file.toString + " ...")
- Fontforge.execute(
- Fontforge.commands(
- Fontforge.open(isabelle_file),
- target_names.set,
- Fontforge.generate(target_file),
- Fontforge.close
- )
- ).check
- }
- for { source <- sources; (source_font, index) <- source.fonts.zipWithIndex } {
- val isabelle_file = find_file(font_dirs, Family.isabelle_text.get(index))
- val source_file = find_file(font_dirs, source_font)
- val source_names = Fontforge.font_names(source_file)
- val target_names = source_names.update(prefix = target_prefix, version = target_version)
- val target_file = target_dir + target_names.ttf
- progress.echo("Creating " + target_file.toString + " ...")
- Fontforge.execute(
- Fontforge.commands(
- Fontforge.open(isabelle_file),
- Fontforge.select(Range.isabelle_font),
- Fontforge.copy,
- Fontforge.close,
- Fontforge.open(source_file),
- Fontforge.select(Range.base_font),
- Fontforge.select_invert,
- Fontforge.clear,
- Fontforge.select(Range.isabelle_font),
- Fontforge.paste,
- target_names.set,
- Fontforge.generate(target_file),
- Fontforge.close)
- ).check
- }
- }
- /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
- val isabelle_tool =
- Isabelle_Tool("build_fonts", "construct Isabelle fonts", args =>
- {
- var source_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
- var target_dir = Path.current
- val getopts = Getopts("""
-Usage: isabelle build_fonts [OPTIONS]
- Options are:
- -D DIR target directory (default ".")
- -d DIR additional source directory
- Construct Isabelle fonts from Deja Vu font families and Isabelle symbols.
- "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
- "d:" -> (arg => source_dirs = source_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))))
- val more_args = getopts(args)
- if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
- val progress = new Console_Progress
- build_fonts(source_dirs = source_dirs, target_dir = target_dir, progress = progress)
- })
--- a/src/Pure/build-jars Fri Nov 23 22:05:14 2018 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/build-jars Fri Nov 23 22:55:08 2018 +0100
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ Admin/isabelle_fonts.scala
@@ -147,7 +148,6 @@
- Tools/isabelle_fonts.scala