--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Wed Jul 13 16:07:36 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Wed Jul 13 16:07:37 2005 +0200
@@ -7,17 +7,11 @@
signature TOPLEVEL =
- datatype node = Theory of theory | Proof of ProofHistory.T | SkipProof of int History.T * theory
+ datatype node =
+ Theory of theory | Proof of ProofHistory.T | SkipProof of int History.T * theory
type state
val toplevel: state
val is_toplevel: state -> bool
- val prompt_state_default: state -> string
- val prompt_state_fn: (state -> string) ref
- val print_state_context: state -> unit
- val print_state_default: bool -> state -> unit
- val print_state_fn: (bool -> state -> unit) ref
- val print_state: bool -> state -> unit
- val pretty_state: bool -> state -> Pretty.T list
exception UNDEF
val node_history_of: state -> node History.T
val node_of: state -> node
@@ -27,10 +21,19 @@
val context_of: state -> Proof.context
val proof_of: state -> Proof.state
val enter_forward_proof: state -> Proof.state
+ val prompt_state_default: state -> string
+ val prompt_state_fn: (state -> string) ref
+ val print_state_context: state -> unit
+ val print_state_default: bool -> state -> unit
+ val print_state_hook: (bool -> state -> unit) -> unit
+ val print_state_fn: (bool -> state -> unit) ref
+ val print_state: bool -> state -> unit
+ val pretty_state: bool -> state -> Pretty.T list
val quiet: bool ref
val debug: bool ref
val timing: bool ref
val profiling: int ref
+ val skip_proofs: bool ref
exception TERMINATE
exception RESTART
type transition
@@ -55,16 +58,15 @@
val imperative: (unit -> unit) -> transition -> transition
val init_theory: (bool -> theory) -> (theory -> unit) -> (theory -> unit)
-> transition -> transition
- val skip_proofs: bool ref
val theory: (theory -> theory) -> transition -> transition
val theory': (bool -> theory -> theory) -> transition -> transition
val theory_to_proof: (bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T) -> transition -> transition
val proof: (ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T) -> transition -> transition
val proof': (bool -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T) -> transition -> transition
- val proof'': (ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T) -> transition -> transition
+ val actual_proof: (ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T) -> transition -> transition
+ val skip_proof: (int History.T -> int History.T) -> transition -> transition
val proof_to_theory: (ProofHistory.T -> theory) -> transition -> transition
val proof_to_theory': (bool -> ProofHistory.T -> theory) -> transition -> transition
- val skip_proof: (int History.T -> int History.T) -> transition -> transition
val skip_proof_to_theory: (int History.T -> bool) -> transition -> transition
val unknown_theory: transition -> transition
val unknown_proof: transition -> transition
@@ -88,32 +90,12 @@
(** toplevel state **)
-(* datatype node *)
+(* datatype state *)
datatype node =
Theory of theory |
- Proof of ProofHistory.T |
- SkipProof of int History.T * theory;
-fun str_of_node (Theory _) = "in theory mode"
- | str_of_node _ = "in proof mode";
-fun pretty_context thy = [Pretty.block
- [Pretty.str "theory", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str (Context.theory_name thy),
- Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, ThyInfo.pretty_theory thy]];
-fun pretty_prf prf = Proof.pretty_state (ProofHistory.position prf) (ProofHistory.current prf);
-fun pretty_node_context (Theory thy) = pretty_context thy
- | pretty_node_context (Proof prf) = pretty_context (Proof.theory_of (ProofHistory.current prf))
- | pretty_node_context _ = [];
-fun pretty_node prf_only (Theory thy) = if prf_only then [] else pretty_context thy
- | pretty_node _ (Proof prf) = pretty_prf prf
- | pretty_node _ _ = [];
-(* datatype state *)
+ Proof of ProofHistory.T | (*history of proof states*)
+ SkipProof of int History.T * theory; (*history of proof depths*)
datatype state = State of (node History.T * ((node -> unit) * (node -> unit))) option;
@@ -123,36 +105,11 @@
| is_toplevel _ = false;
fun str_of_state (State NONE) = "at top level"
- | str_of_state (State (SOME (node, _))) = str_of_node (History.current node);
-(* prompt_state hook *)
-fun prompt_state_default (State _) = Source.default_prompt;
-val prompt_state_fn = ref prompt_state_default;
-fun prompt_state state = ! prompt_state_fn state;
-(* print state *)
-fun pretty_current_node _ (State NONE) = []
- | pretty_current_node prt (State (SOME (node, _))) = prt (History.current node);
-val print_state_context =
- Pretty.writeln o Pretty.chunks o pretty_current_node pretty_node_context;
-fun pretty_state prf_only state =
- let val ref (begin_state, end_state, _) = Display.current_goals_markers in
- (case pretty_current_node (pretty_node prf_only) state of [] => []
- | prts =>
- (if begin_state = "" then [] else [Pretty.str begin_state]) @ prts @
- (if end_state = "" then [] else [Pretty.str end_state]))
- end;
-fun print_state_default prf_only state = Pretty.writelns (pretty_state prf_only state);
-val print_state_fn = ref print_state_default;
-fun print_state state = ! print_state_fn state;
+ | str_of_state (State (SOME (node, _))) =
+ (case History.current node of
+ Theory _ => "in theory mode"
+ | Proof _ => "in proof mode"
+ | SkipProof _ => "in skipped proof mode");
(* top node *)
@@ -167,8 +124,8 @@
fun node_case f g state =
(case node_of state of
Theory thy => f thy
- | SkipProof (i, thy) => f thy
- | Proof prf => g (ProofHistory.current prf));
+ | Proof prf => g (ProofHistory.current prf)
+ | SkipProof (_, thy) => f thy);
val theory_of = node_case I Proof.theory_of;
val sign_of = theory_of;
@@ -178,6 +135,51 @@
val enter_forward_proof = node_case Proof.init_state Proof.enter_forward;
+(* prompt state *)
+fun prompt_state_default (State _) = Source.default_prompt;
+val prompt_state_fn = ref prompt_state_default;
+fun prompt_state state = ! prompt_state_fn state;
+(* print state *)
+fun pretty_context thy = [Pretty.block
+ [Pretty.str "theory", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str (Context.theory_name thy),
+ Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, ThyInfo.pretty_theory thy]];
+fun pretty_state_context state =
+ (case try theory_of state of NONE => []
+ | SOME thy => pretty_context thy);
+fun pretty_node prf_only (Theory thy) = if prf_only then [] else pretty_context thy
+ | pretty_node _ (Proof prf) =
+ Proof.pretty_state (ProofHistory.position prf) (ProofHistory.current prf)
+ | pretty_node _ (SkipProof (h, _)) =
+ [Pretty.str ("skipped proof: depth " ^ string_of_int (History.current h))];
+fun pretty_state prf_only state =
+ let val ref (begin_state, end_state, _) = Display.current_goals_markers in
+ (case try node_of state of NONE => []
+ | SOME node =>
+ (if begin_state = "" then [] else [Pretty.str begin_state]) @
+ pretty_node prf_only node @
+ (if end_state = "" then [] else [Pretty.str end_state]))
+ end;
+val print_state_context = Pretty.writelns o pretty_state_context;
+fun print_state_default prf_only state = Pretty.writelns (pretty_state prf_only state);
+val print_state_hooks = ref ([]: (bool -> state -> unit) list);
+fun print_state_hook f = change print_state_hooks (cons f);
+val print_state_fn = ref print_state_default;
+fun print_state prf_only state =
+ (List.app (fn f => (try (fn () => f prf_only state) (); ())) (! print_state_hooks);
+ ! print_state_fn prf_only state);
(** toplevel transitions **)
@@ -185,6 +187,7 @@
val debug = ref false;
val timing = Output.timing;
val profiling = ref 0;
+val skip_proofs = ref false;
exception TERMINATE;
exception RESTART;
@@ -192,31 +195,29 @@
exception FAILURE of state * exn;
-(* recovery from stale theories *)
+(* node transactions and recovery from stale theories *)
-(*note: proof commands should be non-destructive!*)
+(*NB: proof commands should be non-destructive!*)
fun is_stale state = Context.is_stale (theory_of state) handle UNDEF => false;
+val stale_theory = ERROR_MESSAGE "Stale theory encountered after succesful execution!";
fun checkpoint_node true (Theory thy) = Theory (Theory.checkpoint thy)
| checkpoint_node _ node = node;
fun copy_node true (Theory thy) = Theory (Theory.copy thy)
| copy_node _ node = node;
-val stale_theory = ERROR_MESSAGE "Stale theory encountered after succesful execution!";
fun return (result, NONE) = result
| return (result, SOME exn) = raise FAILURE (result, exn);
fun debug_trans f x =
if ! debug then
- let val y = ref x in
- setmp Output.transform_exceptions false
- exception_trace (fn () => y := f x); ! y
- end
+ setmp Output.transform_exceptions false
+ exception_trace (fn () => f x)
else f x;
fun interruptible f x =
@@ -225,8 +226,8 @@
-fun node_trans _ _ _ (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | node_trans int hist f (State (SOME (node, term))) =
+fun transaction _ _ _ (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
+ | transaction int hist f (State (SOME (node, term))) =
val cont_node = History.map (checkpoint_node int) node;
val back_node = History.map (copy_node int) cont_node;
@@ -254,12 +255,11 @@
(* primitive transitions *)
-(*Important note: recovery from stale theories is provided only for
- theory-level operations via MapCurrent and AppCurrent. Other node
- or state operations should not touch theories at all.
+(*NB: recovery from stale theories is provided only for theory-level
+ operations via MapCurrent and AppCurrent. Other node or state
+ operations should not touch theories at all.
- Also note that interrupts are enabled for Keep, MapCurrent, and
- AppCurrent only.*)
+ Interrupts are enabled only for Keep, MapCurrent, and AppCurrent.*)
datatype trans =
Reset | (*empty toplevel*)
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@
| apply_tr int (Keep f) state = (raise_interrupt (f int) state; state)
| apply_tr _ (History _) (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
| apply_tr _ (History f) (State (SOME (node, term))) = State (SOME (f node, term))
- | apply_tr int (MapCurrent f) state = node_trans int false f state
- | apply_tr int (AppCurrent f) state = node_trans int true f state;
+ | apply_tr int (MapCurrent f) state = transaction int false f state
+ | apply_tr int (AppCurrent f) state = transaction int true f state;
fun apply_union _ [] state = raise FAILURE (state, UNDEF)
| apply_union int (tr :: trs) state =
@@ -311,13 +311,13 @@
(* datatype transition *)
datatype transition = Transition of
- {name: string,
- pos: Position.T,
- source: OuterLex.token list option,
- int_only: bool,
- print: string list,
- no_timing: bool,
- trans: trans list};
+ {name: string, (*command name*)
+ pos: Position.T, (*source position*)
+ source: OuterLex.token list option, (*source text*)
+ int_only: bool, (*interactive-only*)
+ print: string list, (*print modes (union)*)
+ no_timing: bool, (*suppress timing*)
+ trans: trans list}; (*primitive transitions (union)*)
fun make_transition (name, pos, source, int_only, print, no_timing, trans) =
Transition {name = name, pos = pos, source = source,
@@ -391,14 +391,6 @@
(* typed transitions *)
-(*The skip_proofs flag allows proof scripts to be skipped during
- interactive proof in order to speed up processing of large
- theories. While in skipping mode, states are represented as
- SkipProof (h, thy), where h contains a counter for the number of
- open proof blocks.*)
-val skip_proofs = ref false;
fun theory f = app_current (fn _ => (fn Theory thy => Theory (f thy) | _ => raise UNDEF));
fun theory' f = app_current (fn int => (fn Theory thy => Theory (f int thy) | _ => raise UNDEF));
@@ -409,13 +401,18 @@
else Proof (f int thy)
| _ => raise UNDEF));
-fun proof''' b f = map_current (fn int => (fn Proof prf => Proof (f int prf)
- | SkipProof (h, thy) => if b then SkipProof (History.apply I h, thy) else raise UNDEF
- | _ => raise UNDEF));
+fun proof' f = map_current (fn int =>
+ (fn Proof prf => Proof (f int prf)
+ | SkipProof (h, thy) => SkipProof (History.apply I h, thy) (*approximate f*)
+ | _ => raise UNDEF));
-val proof' = proof''' true;
val proof = proof' o K;
-val proof'' = proof''' false o K;
+fun actual_proof f = map_current (fn _ =>
+ (fn Proof prf => Proof (f prf) | _ => raise UNDEF));
+fun skip_proof f = map_current (fn _ =>
+ (fn SkipProof (h, thy) => SkipProof (f h, thy) | _ => raise UNDEF));
fun proof_to_theory' f =
map_current (fn int => (fn Proof prf => Theory (f int prf)
@@ -424,10 +421,7 @@
val proof_to_theory = proof_to_theory' o K;
-fun skip_proof f = map_current (fn int =>
- (fn SkipProof (h, thy) => SkipProof (f h, thy) | _ => raise UNDEF));
-fun skip_proof_to_theory p = map_current (fn int =>
+fun skip_proof_to_theory p = map_current (fn _ =>
(fn SkipProof (h, thy) => if p h then Theory thy else raise UNDEF | _ => raise UNDEF));
val unknown_theory = imperative (fn () => warning "Unknown theory context");
@@ -500,8 +494,6 @@
(* apply transitions *)
-val quiet = ref false;
fun app int (tr as Transition {trans, int_only, print, no_timing, ...}) state =