--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML Mon Oct 27 16:23:54 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+(* Title: Pure/Isar/expression.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Clemens Ballarin, TU Muenchen
+Locale expressions --- experimental.
+signature EXPRESSION =
+type map
+type 'morph expr
+type expression = (string * map) expr * (Name.binding * string option * mixfix) list
+type expression_i = Morphism.morphism expr * (Name.binding * typ option * mixfix) list
+val parse_expr: OuterParse.token list -> expression * OuterParse.token list
+val debug_parameters: expression -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
+val debug_context: expression -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
+structure Expression: EXPRESSION =
+(* Locale expressions *)
+datatype map =
+ Positional of string option list |
+ Named of (string * string) list;
+datatype 'morph expr = Expr of (string * 'morph) list;
+type expression = (string * map) expr * (Name.binding * string option * mixfix) list;
+type expression_i = Morphism.morphism expr * (Name.binding * typ option * mixfix) list;
+(** Parsing and printing **)
+structure P = OuterParse;
+val loc_keyword = P.$$$ "fixes" || P.$$$ "constrains" || P.$$$ "assumes" ||
+ P.$$$ "defines" || P.$$$ "notes" || P.$$$ "includes";
+fun plus1_unless test scan =
+ scan ::: Scan.repeat (P.$$$ "+" |-- Scan.unless test (P.!!! scan));
+val prefix = P.name --| P.$$$ ":";
+val named = P.name -- (P.$$$ "=" |-- P.term);
+val position = P.maybe P.term;
+val instance = P.$$$ "where" |-- P.and_list1 named >> Named ||
+ Scan.repeat1 position >> Positional;
+val parse_expr =
+ let
+ fun expr2 x = P.xname x;
+ fun expr1 x = (Scan.optional prefix "" -- expr2 --
+ Scan.optional instance (Named []) >> (fn ((p, l), i) => (l, (p, i)))) x;
+ fun expr0 x = (plus1_unless loc_keyword expr1 >> Expr) x;
+ in expr0 -- P.for_fixes end;
+fun pretty_expr thy (Locale loc) =
+ [Pretty.str "Locale", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str (Locale.extern thy loc)]
+ | pretty_expr thy (Instance (expr, (prfx, Positional insts))) =
+ let
+ val insts' = (* chop trailing NONEs *)
+ | pretty_expr thy (Instance (expr, (prfx, Named insts))) =
+(** Processing of locale expression **)
+fun intern thy (Expr instances) = Expr (map (apfst (Locale.intern thy)) instances);
+(* Parameters of expression (not expression_i).
+ Sanity check of instantiations.
+ Positional instantiations are extended to match full length of parameter list. *)
+fun parameters thy (expr, fixed) =
+ let
+ fun reject_dups message xs =
+ let val dups = duplicates (op =) xs
+ in
+ if null dups then () else error (message ^ commas dups)
+ end;
+ fun params2 loc =
+ (Locale.parameters_of thy loc |> map (fn ((p, _), mx) => (p, mx)), loc) ;
+ fun params1 (loc, (prfx, Positional insts)) =
+ let
+ val (ps, loc') = params2 loc;
+ val d = length ps - length insts;
+ val insts' =
+ if d < 0 then error ("More arguments than parameters in instantiation.")
+(* FIXME print expr *)
+ else insts @ replicate d NONE;
+ val ps' = (ps ~~ insts') |>
+ map_filter (fn (p, NONE) => SOME p | (_, SOME _) => NONE);
+ in
+ (ps', (loc', (prfx, Positional insts')))
+ end
+ | params1 (loc, (prfx, Named insts)) =
+ let
+ val _ = reject_dups "Duplicate instantiation of the following parameter(s): "
+ (map fst insts);
+(* FIXME print expr *)
+ val (ps, loc') = params2 loc;
+ val ps' = fold (fn (p, _) => fn ps =>
+ if AList.defined (op =) ps p then AList.delete (op =) p ps
+ else error (quote p ^" not a parameter of instantiated expression.")) insts ps;
+(* FIXME print expr *)
+(* FIXME AList lacks a version of delete that signals the absence of the deleted item *)
+ in
+ (ps', (loc', (prfx, Named insts)))
+ end;
+ fun params0 (Expr is) =
+ let
+ val (is', ps') = fold_map (fn i => fn ps =>
+ let
+ val (ps', i') = params1 i;
+ val ps'' = AList.join (op =) (fn p => fn (mx1, mx2) =>
+ if mx1 = mx2 then mx1
+ else error ("Conflicting syntax for parameter" ^ quote p ^ " in expression.")) (ps, ps')
+(* FIXME print Expr is *)
+ in (i', ps'') end) is []
+ in
+ (ps', Expr is')
+ end;
+ val (parms, expr') = params0 expr;
+ val parms' = map fst parms;
+ val fixed' = map (#1 #> Name.name_of) fixed;
+ val _ = reject_dups "Duplicate fixed parameter(s): " fixed';
+ val _ = reject_dups "Parameter(s) declared simultaneously in expression and for clause: " (parms' @ fixed');
+ in (expr', (parms, fixed)) end;
+fun debug_parameters raw_expr ctxt =
+ let
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+ val expr = apfst (intern thy) raw_expr;
+ val (expr', (parms, fixed)) = parameters thy expr;
+ in ctxt end;
+fun debug_context (raw_expr, fixed) ctxt =
+ let
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+ val expr = intern thy raw_expr;
+ val (expr', (parms, fixed)) = parameters thy (expr, fixed);
+ fun declare_parameters (parms, fixed) ctxt =
+ let
+ val (parms', ctxt') =
+ ProofContext.add_fixes (map (fn (p, mx) => (Name.binding p, NONE, mx)) parms) ctxt;
+ val (fixed', ctxt'') =
+ ProofContext.add_fixes fixed ctxt';
+ in
+ (parms' @ fixed', ctxt'')
+ end;
+ fun rough_inst loc prfx insts ctxt =
+ let
+ (* locale data *)
+ val (parm_names, parm_types) = loc |> Locale.parameters_of thy |>
+ map fst |> split_list;
+ (* type parameters *)
+ val type_parm_names = fold Term.add_tfreesT parm_types [] |> map fst;
+ (* parameter instantiations *)
+ val insts' = case insts of
+ Positional insts => (insts ~~ parm_names) |> map (fn
+ (NONE, p) => Syntax.parse_term ctxt p |
+ (SOME t, _) => Syntax.parse_term ctxt t) |
+ Named insts => parm_names |> map (fn
+ p => case AList.lookup (op =) insts p of
+ SOME t => Syntax.parse_term ctxt t |
+ NONE => Syntax.parse_term ctxt p);
+ (* type inference and contexts *)
+ val parm_types' = map (TypeInfer.paramify_vars o Logic.varifyT) parm_types;
+ val type_parms = fold Term.add_tvarsT parm_types' [] |> map (Logic.mk_type o TVar);
+ val arg = type_parms @ map2 TypeInfer.constrain parm_types' insts';
+ val res = Syntax.check_terms ctxt arg;
+ val ctxt' = ctxt |> fold Variable.auto_fixes res;
+ (* instantiation *)
+ val (type_parms'', res') = chop (length type_parms) res;
+ val insts'' = (parm_names ~~ res') |> map_filter
+ (fn (inst as (x, Free (y, _))) => if x = y then NONE else SOME inst |
+ inst => SOME inst);
+ val instT = Symtab.make (type_parm_names ~~ map Logic.dest_type type_parms'');
+ val inst = Symtab.make insts'';
+ in
+ (Element.inst_morphism thy (instT, inst) $>
+ Morphism.name_morphism (Name.qualified prfx), ctxt')
+ end;
+ fun add_declarations loc morph ctxt =
+ let
+ (* locale data *)
+ val parms = loc |> Locale.parameters_of thy;
+ val (typ_decls, term_decls) = Locale.declarations_of thy loc;
+ (* declarations from locale *)
+ val ctxt'' = ctxt |>
+ fold_rev (fn decl => Context.proof_map (decl morph)) typ_decls |>
+ fold_rev (fn decl => Context.proof_map (decl morph)) term_decls;
+ in
+ ctxt''
+ end;
+ val Expr [(loc1, (prfx1, insts1))] = expr';
+ val ctxt0 = ProofContext.init thy;
+ val (parms, ctxt') = declare_parameters (parms, fixed) ctxt0;
+ val (morph1, ctxt'') = rough_inst loc1 prfx1 insts1 ctxt';
+ val ctxt'' = add_declarations loc1 morph1 ctxt';
+ in ctxt'' end;