--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML Thu Oct 13 11:58:22 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML Fri Oct 14 10:19:50 2005 +0200
@@ -18,16 +18,10 @@
exception CLAUSE of string * term
type arityClause
type classrelClause
- val classrelClauses_of : string * string list -> classrelClause list
type clause
val init : theory -> unit
- val make_axiom_arity_clause :
- string * (string * string list list) -> arityClause
- val make_axiom_classrelClause : string * string option -> classrelClause
val make_axiom_clause : Term.term -> string * int -> clause
- val make_conjecture_clause : Term.term -> clause
- val make_conjecture_clause_thm : Thm.thm -> clause
- val make_hypothesis_clause : Term.term -> clause
+ val make_conjecture_clauses : thm list -> clause list
val get_axiomName : clause -> string
val isTaut : clause -> bool
val num_of_clauses : clause -> int
@@ -37,6 +31,9 @@
(string * int) list -> (string * int) list -> string
val tfree_dfg_clause : string -> string
+ val arity_clause_thy: theory -> arityClause list
+ val classrel_clauses_thy: theory -> classrelClause list
val tptp_arity_clause : arityClause -> string
val tptp_classrelClause : classrelClause -> string
val tptp_clause : clause -> string list
@@ -182,14 +179,6 @@
type tag = bool;
-val id_ref = ref 0;
-fun generate_id () =
- let val id = !id_ref
- in id_ref := id + 1; id end;
(**** Isabelle FOL clauses ****)
val tagged = ref false;
@@ -275,7 +264,7 @@
(*Initialize the type suppression mechanism with the current theory before
producing any clauses!*)
-fun init thy = (id_ref := 0; curr_defs := Theory.defs_of thy);
+fun init thy = (curr_defs := Theory.defs_of thy);
fun no_types_needed s = Defs.monomorphic (!curr_defs) s;
@@ -526,16 +515,21 @@
-fun make_conjecture_clause_thm thm =
+fun make_conjecture_clause n thm =
let val (lits,types_sorts, preds, funcs) = literals_of_thm thm
- val cls_id = generate_id()
val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits, preds) = add_typs_aux types_sorts preds
val tvars = get_tvar_strs types_sorts
- make_clause(cls_id,"",Conjecture,
+ make_clause(n,"conjecture",Conjecture,
tvars, preds, funcs)
+fun make_conjecture_clauses_aux _ [] = []
+ | make_conjecture_clauses_aux n (th::ths) =
+ make_conjecture_clause n th :: make_conjecture_clauses_aux (n+1) ths
+val make_conjecture_clauses = make_conjecture_clauses_aux 0
fun make_axiom_clause term (ax_name,cls_id) =
@@ -549,28 +543,6 @@
-fun make_hypothesis_clause term =
- let val (lits,types_sorts, preds, funcs) = literals_of_term (term,([],[]),[],[])
- val cls_id = generate_id()
- val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits, preds) = add_typs_aux types_sorts preds
- val tvars = get_tvar_strs types_sorts
- in
- make_clause(cls_id,"",Hypothesis,
- lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits,
- tvars, preds, funcs)
- end;
-fun make_conjecture_clause term =
- let val (lits,types_sorts, preds, funcs) = literals_of_term (term,([],[]),[],[])
- val cls_id = generate_id()
- val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits, preds) = add_typs_aux types_sorts preds
- val tvars = get_tvar_strs types_sorts
- in
- make_clause(cls_id,"",Conjecture,
- lits,types_sorts,tvar_lits,tfree_lits,
- tvars, preds, funcs)
- end;
(**** Isabelle arities ****)
@@ -586,6 +558,7 @@
datatype arityClause =
ArityClause of {clause_id: clause_id,
+ axiom_name: axiom_name,
kind: kind,
conclLit: arLit,
premLits: arLit list};
@@ -604,23 +577,18 @@
fun make_TVarLit (b,(cls,str)) = TVarLit(b,(cls,str));
fun make_TConsLit (b,(cls,tcons,tvars)) = TConsLit(b,(make_type_class cls,make_fixed_type_const tcons,tvars));
-fun make_arity_clause (clause_id,kind,conclLit,premLits) =
- ArityClause {clause_id = clause_id, kind = kind, conclLit = conclLit, premLits = premLits};
-fun make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons,(res,args)) =
- let val cls_id = generate_id()
- val nargs = length args
- val tvars = get_TVars nargs
- val conclLit = make_TConsLit(true,(res,tcons,tvars))
- val tvars_srts = ListPair.zip (tvars,args)
- val tvars_srts' = union_all(map pack_sort tvars_srts)
- val false_tvars_srts' = map (pair false) tvars_srts'
- val premLits = map make_TVarLit false_tvars_srts'
- in
- make_arity_clause (cls_id,Axiom,conclLit,premLits)
- end;
+fun make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons,n,(res,args)) =
+ let val nargs = length args
+ val tvars = get_TVars nargs
+ val tvars_srts = ListPair.zip (tvars,args)
+ val tvars_srts' = union_all(map pack_sort tvars_srts)
+ val false_tvars_srts' = map (pair false) tvars_srts'
+ in
+ ArityClause {clause_id = n, kind = Axiom,
+ axiom_name = tcons,
+ conclLit = make_TConsLit(true,(res,tcons,tvars)),
+ premLits = map make_TVarLit false_tvars_srts'}
+ end;
(*The number of clauses generated from cls, including type clauses*)
fun num_of_clauses (Clause cls) =
@@ -638,28 +606,47 @@
subclass: class,
superclass: class option};
-fun make_classrelClause (clause_id,subclass,superclass) =
- ClassrelClause {clause_id = clause_id,subclass = subclass, superclass = superclass};
+fun make_axiom_classrelClause n subclass superclass =
+ ClassrelClause {clause_id = n,
+ subclass = subclass, superclass = superclass};
-fun make_axiom_classrelClause (subclass,superclass) =
- let val cls_id = generate_id()
- val sub = make_type_class subclass
- val sup = case superclass of NONE => NONE
- | SOME s => SOME (make_type_class s)
- in
- make_classrelClause(cls_id,sub,sup)
- end;
-fun classrelClauses_of_aux (sub,[]) = []
- | classrelClauses_of_aux (sub,(sup::sups)) = make_axiom_classrelClause(sub,SOME sup) :: (classrelClauses_of_aux (sub,sups));
+fun classrelClauses_of_aux n sub [] = []
+ | classrelClauses_of_aux n sub (sup::sups) =
+ make_axiom_classrelClause n sub (SOME sup) :: classrelClauses_of_aux (n+1) sub sups;
fun classrelClauses_of (sub,sups) =
- case sups of [] => [make_axiom_classrelClause (sub,NONE)]
- | _ => classrelClauses_of_aux (sub, sups);
+ case sups of [] => [make_axiom_classrelClause 0 sub NONE]
+ | _ => classrelClauses_of_aux 0 sub sups;
+(***** Isabelle arities *****)
+fun arity_clause _ (tcons, []) = []
+ | arity_clause n (tcons, ar::ars) =
+ make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons,n,ar) ::
+ arity_clause (n+1) (tcons,ars);
+fun multi_arity_clause [] = []
+ | multi_arity_clause (tcon_ar :: tcons_ars) =
+ arity_clause 0 tcon_ar @ multi_arity_clause tcons_ars
+fun arity_clause_thy thy =
+ let val arities = #arities (Type.rep_tsig (Sign.tsig_of thy))
+ in multi_arity_clause (Symtab.dest arities) end;
+(* Isabelle classes *)
+type classrelClauses = classrelClause list Symtab.table;
+val classrel_of = #2 o #classes o Type.rep_tsig o Sign.tsig_of;
+fun classrel_clauses_classrel (C: Sorts.classes) = map classrelClauses_of (Graph.dest C);
+val classrel_clauses_thy = List.concat o classrel_clauses_classrel o classrel_of;
(****!!!! Changed for typed equality !!!!****)
@@ -925,8 +912,8 @@
-fun string_of_arClauseID (ArityClause arcls) =
- arclause_prefix ^ Int.toString(#clause_id arcls);
+fun string_of_arClauseID (ArityClause {clause_id,axiom_name,...}) =
+ arclause_prefix ^ ascii_of axiom_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString clause_id;
fun string_of_arKind (ArityClause arcls) = name_of_kind(#kind arcls);
@@ -1075,13 +1062,15 @@
-fun tptp_classrelClause (ClassrelClause cls) =
- let val relcls_id = clrelclause_prefix ^ Int.toString(#clause_id cls)
- val sub = #subclass cls
- val sup = #superclass cls
- val lits = tptp_classrelLits sub sup
+fun tptp_classrelClause (ClassrelClause {clause_id,subclass,superclass,...}) =
+ let val relcls_id = clrelclause_prefix ^ ascii_of subclass ^ "_" ^
+ Int.toString clause_id
+ val lits = tptp_classrelLits (make_type_class subclass)
+ (Option.map make_type_class superclass)
"input_clause(" ^ relcls_id ^ ",axiom," ^ lits ^ ")."