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+\chapter{Basic Concepts}
+This is a tutorial on how to use Isabelle/HOL as a specification and
+verification system. Isabelle is a generic system for implementing logical
+formalisms, and Isabelle/HOL is the specialization of Isabelle for
+HOL, which abbreviates Higher-Order Logic. We introduce HOL step by step
+following the equation
+\[ \mbox{HOL} = \mbox{Functional Programming} + \mbox{Logic}. \]
+We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts of both fields.
+For excellent introductions to functional programming consult the textbooks
+by Bird and Wadler~\cite{Bird-Wadler} or Paulson~\cite{Paulson-ML}. Although
+this tutorial initially concentrates on functional programming, do not be
+misled: HOL can express most mathematical concepts, and functional
+programming is just one particularly simple and ubiquitous instance.
+A tutorial is by definition incomplete. To fully exploit the power of the
+system you need to consult the Isabelle Reference Manual~\cite{Isa-Ref-Man}
+for details about Isabelle and the HOL chapter of the Logics
+manual~\cite{Isa-Logics-Man} for details relating to HOL. Both manuals have a
+comprehensive index.
+\section{Theories, proofs and interaction}
+Working with Isabelle means creating two different kinds of documents:
+theories and proof scripts. Roughly speaking, a \bfindex{theory} is a named
+collection of types and functions, much like a module in a programming
+language or a specification in a specification language. In fact, theories in
+HOL can be either. Theories must reside in files with the suffix
+\texttt{.thy}. The general format of a theory file \texttt{T.thy} is
+T = B\(@1\) + \(\cdots\) + B\(@n\) +
+where \texttt{B}$@1$, \dots, \texttt{B}$@n$ are the names of existing
+theories that \texttt{T} is based on and ${<}declarations{>}$ stands for the
+newly introduced concepts (types, functions etc). The \texttt{B}$@i$ are the
+direct \textbf{parent theories}\indexbold{parent theory} of \texttt{T}.
+Everything defined in the parent theories (and their parents \dots) is
+automatically visible. To avoid name clashes, identifiers can be qualified by
+theory names as in \texttt{T.f} and \texttt{B.f}. HOL's theory library is
+available online at \verb$http://www.in.tum.de/~isabelle/library/HOL/$ and is
+recommended browsing.
+ HOL contains a theory \ttindexbold{Main}, the union of all the basic
+ predefined theories like arithmetic, lists, sets, etc.\ (see the online
+ library). Unless you know what you are doing, always include \texttt{Main}
+ as a direct or indirect parent theory of all your theories.
+This tutorial is concerned with introducing you to the different linguistic
+constructs that can fill ${<}declarations{>}$ in the above theory template.
+A complete grammar of the basic constructs is found in Appendix~A
+of~\cite{Isa-Ref-Man}, for reference in times of doubt.
+The tutorial is also concerned with showing you how to prove theorems about
+the concepts in a theory. This involves invoking predefined theorem proving
+commands. Because Isabelle is written in the programming language
+ML,\footnote{Many concepts in HOL and ML are similar. Make sure you do not
+ confuse the two levels.} interacting with Isabelle means calling ML
+functions. Hence \bfindex{proof scripts} are sequences of calls to ML
+functions that perform specific theorem proving tasks. Nevertheless,
+familiarity with ML is absolutely not required. All proof scripts for theory
+\texttt{T} (defined in file \texttt{T.thy}) should be contained in file
+\texttt{T.ML}. Theory and proof scripts are loaded (and checked!) by calling
+the ML function \ttindexbold{use_thy}:
+use_thy "T";
+There are more advanced interfaces for Isabelle that hide the ML level from
+you and replace function calls by menu selection. There is even a special
+font with mathematical symbols. For details see the Isabelle home page. This
+tutorial concentrates on the bare essentials and ignores such niceties.
+\section{Types, terms and formulae}
+Embedded in the declarations of a theory are the types, terms and formulae of
+HOL. HOL is a typed logic whose type system resembles that of functional
+programming languages like ML or Haskell. Thus there are
+\item[base types,] in particular \ttindex{bool}, the type of truth values,
+and \ttindex{nat}, the type of natural numbers.
+\item[type constructors,] in particular \ttindex{list}, the type of
+lists, and \ttindex{set}, the type of sets. Type constructors are written
+postfix, e.g.\ \texttt{(nat)list} is the type of lists whose elements are
+natural numbers. Parentheses around single arguments can be dropped (as in
+\texttt{nat list}), multiple arguments are separated by commas (as in
+\item[function types,] denoted by \ttindexbold{=>}. In HOL
+\texttt{=>} represents {\em total} functions only. As is customary,
+\texttt{$\tau@1$ => $\tau@2$ => $\tau@3$} means
+\texttt{$\tau@1$ => ($\tau@2$ => $\tau@3$)}. Isabelle also supports the
+notation \texttt{[$\tau@1,\dots,\tau@n$] => $\tau$} which abbreviates
+\texttt{$\tau@1$ => $\cdots$ => $\tau@n$ => $\tau$}.
+\item[type variables,] denoted by \texttt{'a}, \texttt{'b} etc, just like in
+ML. They give rise to polymorphic types like \texttt{'a => 'a}, the type of the
+identity function.
+ Types are extremely important because they prevent us from writing
+ nonsense. Isabelle insists that all terms and formulae must be well-typed
+ and will print an error message if a type mismatch is encountered. To
+ reduce the amount of explicit type information that needs to be provided by
+ the user, Isabelle infers the type of all variables automatically (this is
+ called \bfindex{type inference}) and keeps quiet about it. Occasionally
+ this may lead to misunderstandings between you and the system. If anything
+ strange happens, we recommend to set the flag \ttindexbold{show_types} that
+ tells Isabelle to display type information that is usually suppressed:
+ simply type
+set show_types;
+at the ML-level. This can be reversed by \texttt{reset show_types;}.
+are formed as in functional programming by applying functions to
+arguments. If \texttt{f} is a function of type \texttt{$\tau@1$ => $\tau@2$}
+and \texttt{t} is a term of type $\tau@1$ then \texttt{f~t} is a term of type
+$\tau@2$. HOL also supports infix functions like \texttt{+} and some basic
+constructs from functional programming:
+\item[\texttt{if $b$ then $t@1$ else $t@2$}]\indexbold{*if}
+means what you think it means and requires that
+$b$ is of type \texttt{bool} and $t@1$ and $t@2$ are of the same type.
+\item[\texttt{let $x$ = $t$ in $u$}]\indexbold{*let}
+is equivalent to $u$ where all occurrences of $x$ have been replaced by
+$t$. For example,
+\texttt{let x = 0 in x+x} means \texttt{0+0}. Multiple bindings are separated
+by semicolons: \texttt{let $x@1$ = $t@1$; \dots; $x@n$ = $t@n$ in $u$}.
+\item[\texttt{case $e$ of $c@1$ => $e@1$ | \dots | $c@n$ => $e@n$}]
+evaluates to $e@i$ if $e$ is of the form
+$c@i$. See~\S\ref{sec:case-expressions} for details.
+Terms may also contain $\lambda$-abstractions. For example, $\lambda
+x. x+1$ is the function that takes an argument $x$ and returns $x+1$. In
+Isabelle we write \texttt{\%x.~x+1}.\index{==>@{\tt\%}|bold}
+Instead of \texttt{\%x.~\%y.~\%z.~t} we can write \texttt{\%x~y~z.~t}.
+are terms of type \texttt{bool}. There are the basic
+constants \ttindexbold{True} and \ttindexbold{False} and the usual logical
+connectives (in decreasing order of priority):
+\verb$~$\index{$HOL1@{\ttnot}|bold} (`not'),
+\texttt{\&}\index{$HOL2@{\tt\&}|bold} (`and'),
+\texttt{|}\index{$HOL2@{\ttor}|bold} (`or') and
+\texttt{-->}\index{$HOL2@{\tt-->}|bold} (`implies'),
+all of which (except the unary \verb$~$) associate to the right. In
+particular \texttt{A --> B --> C} means \texttt{A --> (B --> C)} and is thus
+logically equivalent with \texttt{A \& B --> C}
+(which is \texttt{(A \& B) --> C}).
+Equality is available in the form of the infix function
+\texttt{=} of type \texttt{'a => 'a => bool}. Thus \texttt{$t@1$ = $t@2$} is
+a formula provided $t@1$ and $t@2$ are terms of the same type. In case $t@1$
+and $t@2$ are of type \texttt{bool}, \texttt{=} acts as if-and-only-if.
+The syntax for quantifiers is
+\texttt{!~$x$.$\,P$}\index{$HOLQ@{\ttall}|bold} (`for all $x$') and
+\texttt{?~$x$.$\,P$}\index{$HOLQ@{\tt?}|bold} (`exists $x$').
+There is even \texttt{?!~$x$.$\,P$}\index{$HOLQ@{\ttuniquex}|bold}, which
+means that there exists exactly one $x$ that satisfies $P$. Instead of
+\texttt{!} and \texttt{?} you may also write \texttt{ALL} and \texttt{EX}.
+Nested quantifications can be abbreviated:
+\texttt{!$x~y~z$.$\,P$} means \texttt{!$x$.~!$y$.~!$z$.$\,P$}.
+Despite type inference, it is sometimes necessary to attach explicit
+\bfindex{type constraints} to a term. The syntax is \texttt{$t$::$\tau$} as
+in \texttt{x < (y::nat)}. Note that \texttt{::} binds weakly and should
+therefore be enclosed in parentheses: \texttt{x < y::nat} is ill-typed
+because it is interpreted as \texttt{(x < y)::nat}. The main reason for type
+constraints are overloaded functions like \texttt{+}, \texttt{*} and
+\texttt{<}. (See \S\ref{sec:TypeClasses} for a full discussion of
+In general, HOL's concrete syntax tries to follow the conventions of
+functional programming and mathematics. Below we list the main rules that you
+should be familiar with to avoid certain syntactic traps. A particular
+problem for novices can be the priority of operators. If you are unsure, use
+more rather than fewer parentheses. In those cases where Isabelle echoes your
+input, you can see which parentheses are dropped---they were superfluous. If
+you are unsure how to interpret Isabelle's output because you don't know
+where the (dropped) parentheses go, set (and possibly reset) the flag
+set show_brackets; \(\dots\); reset show_brackets;
+Remember that \texttt{f t u} means \texttt{(f t) u} and not \texttt{f(t u)}!
+Isabelle allows infix functions like \texttt{+}. The prefix form of function
+application binds more strongly than anything else and hence \texttt{f~x + y}
+means \texttt{(f~x)~+~y} and not \texttt{f(x+y)}.
+Remember that in HOL if-and-only-if is expressed using equality. But equality
+has a high priority, as befitting a relation, while if-and-only-if typically
+has the lowest priority. Thus, \verb$~ ~ P = P$ means \verb$~ ~(P = P)$ and
+not \verb$(~ ~P) = P$. When using \texttt{=} to mean logical equivalence,
+enclose both operands in parentheses, as in \texttt{(A \& B) = (B \& A)}.
+Constructs with an opening but without a closing delimiter bind very weakly
+and should therefore be enclosed in parentheses if they appear in subterms, as
+in \texttt{f = (\%x.~x)}. This includes
+\ttindex{if}, \ttindex{let}, \ttindex{case}, \verb$%$ and quantifiers.
+Never write \texttt{\%x.x} or \texttt{!x.x=x} because \texttt{x.x} is always
+read as a single qualified identifier that refers to an item \texttt{x} in
+theory \texttt{x}. Write \texttt{\%x.~x} and \texttt{!x.~x=x} instead.
+Isabelle distinguishes free and bound variables just as is customary. Bound
+variables are automatically renamed to avoid clashes with free variables. In
+addition, Isabelle has a third kind of variable, called a \bfindex{schematic
+ variable} or \bfindex{unknown}, which starts with a \texttt{?}. Logically,
+an unknown is a free variable. But it may be instantiated by another term
+during the proof process. For example, the mathematical theorem $x = x$ is
+represented in Isabelle as \texttt{?x = ?x}, which means that Isabelle can
+instantiate it arbitrarily. This is in contrast to ordinary variables, which
+remain fixed. The programming language Prolog calls unknowns {\em logical\/}
+Most of the time you can and should ignore unknowns and work with ordinary
+variables. Just don't be surprised that after you have finished the
+proof of a theorem, Isabelle will turn your free variables into unknowns: it
+merely indicates that Isabelle will automatically instantiate those unknowns
+suitably when the theorem is used in some other proof.
+ The existential quantifier \texttt{?}\index{$HOLQ@{\tt?}} needs to be
+ followed by a space. Otherwise \texttt{?x} is interpreted as a schematic
+ variable.
+\section{Getting started}
+Assuming you have installed Isabelle, you start it by typing \texttt{isabelle
+ HOL} in a shell window.\footnote{Since you will always want to use HOL when
+ studying this tutorial, you can set the shell variable
+ \texttt{ISABELLE_LOGIC} to \texttt{HOL} once and for all and simply execute
+ \texttt{isabelle}.} This presents you with Isabelle's most basic ASCII
+interface. In addition you need to open an editor window to create theories
+(\texttt{.thy} files) and proof scripts (\texttt{.ML} files). While you are
+developing a proof, we recommend to type each proof command into the ML-file
+first and then enter it into Isabelle by copy-and-paste, thus ensuring that
+you have a complete record of your proof.
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+\chapter{Functional Programming in HOL}
+Although on the surface this chapter is mainly concerned with how to write
+functional programs in HOL and how to verify them, most of the
+constructs and proof procedures introduced are general purpose and recur in
+any specification or verification task.
+The dedicated functional programmer should be warned: HOL offers only what
+could be called {\em total functional programming} --- all functions in HOL
+must be total; lazy data structures are not directly available. On the
+positive side, functions in HOL need not be computable: HOL is a
+specification language that goes well beyond what can be expressed as a
+program. However, for the time being we concentrate on the computable.
+\section{An introductory theory}
+Functional programming needs datatypes and functions. Both of them can be
+defined in a theory with a syntax reminiscent of languages like ML or
+Haskell. As an example consider the theory in Fig.~\ref{fig:ToyList}.
+\caption{A theory of lists}
+HOL already has a predefined theory of lists called \texttt{List} ---
+\texttt{ToyList} is merely a small fragment of it chosen as an example. In
+contrast to what is recommended in \S\ref{sec:Basic:Theories},
+\texttt{ToyList} is not based on \texttt{Main} but on \texttt{Datatype}, a
+theory that contains everything required for datatype definitions but does
+not have \texttt{List} as a parent, thus avoiding ambiguities caused by
+defining lists twice.
+The \ttindexbold{datatype} \texttt{list} introduces two constructors
+\texttt{Nil} and \texttt{Cons}, the empty list and the operator that adds an
+element to the front of a list. For example, the term \texttt{Cons True (Cons
+ False Nil)} is a value of type \texttt{bool~list}, namely the list with the
+elements \texttt{True} and \texttt{False}. Because this notation becomes
+unwieldy very quickly, the datatype declaration is annotated with an
+alternative syntax: instead of \texttt{Nil} and \texttt{Cons}~$x$~$xs$ we can
+write \index{#@{\tt[]}|bold}\texttt{[]} and
+\texttt{$x$~\#~$xs$}\index{#@{\tt\#}|bold}. In fact, this alternative syntax
+is the standard syntax. Thus the list \texttt{Cons True (Cons False Nil)}
+becomes \texttt{True \# False \# []}. The annotation \ttindexbold{infixr}
+means that \texttt{\#} associates to the right, i.e.\ the term \texttt{$x$ \#
+ $y$ \# $z$} is read as \texttt{$x$ \# ($y$ \# $z$)} and not as \texttt{($x$
+ \# $y$) \# $z$}.
+ Syntax annotations are a powerful but completely optional feature. You
+ could drop them from theory \texttt{ToyList} and go back to the identifiers
+ \texttt{Nil} and \texttt{Cons}. However, lists are such a central datatype
+ that their syntax is highly customized. We recommend that novices should
+ not use syntax annotations in their own theories.
+Next, the functions \texttt{app} and \texttt{rev} are declared. In contrast
+to ML, Isabelle insists on explicit declarations of all functions (keyword
+\ttindexbold{consts}). (Apart from the declaration-before-use restriction,
+the order of items in a theory file is unconstrained.) Function \texttt{app}
+is annotated with concrete syntax too. Instead of the prefix syntax
+\texttt{app}~$xs$~$ys$ the infix $xs$~\texttt{\at}~$ys$ becomes the preferred
+Both functions are defined recursively. The equations for \texttt{app} and
+\texttt{rev} hardly need comments: \texttt{app} appends two lists and
+\texttt{rev} reverses a list. The keyword \texttt{primrec} indicates that
+the recursion is of a particularly primitive kind where each recursive call
+peels off a datatype constructor from one of the arguments (see
+\S\ref{sec:datatype}). Thus the recursion always terminates, i.e.\ the
+function is \bfindex{total}.
+The termination requirement is absolutely essential in HOL, a logic of total
+functions. If we were to drop it, inconsistencies could quickly arise: the
+``definition'' $f(n) = f(n)+1$ immediately leads to $0 = 1$ by subtracting
+$f(n)$ on both sides.
+% However, this is a subtle issue that we cannot discuss here further.
+ As we have indicated, the desire for total functions is not a gratuitously
+ imposed restriction but an essential characteristic of HOL. It is only
+ because of totality that reasoning in HOL is comparatively easy. More
+ generally, the philosophy in HOL is not to allow arbitrary axioms (such as
+ function definitions whose totality has not been proved) because they
+ quickly lead to inconsistencies. Instead, fixed constructs for introducing
+ types and functions are offered (such as \texttt{datatype} and
+ \texttt{primrec}) which are guaranteed to preserve consistency.
+A remark about syntax. The textual definition of a theory follows a fixed
+syntax with keywords like \texttt{datatype} and \texttt{end} (see
+Fig.~\ref{fig:keywords} in Appendix~\ref{sec:Appendix} for a full list).
+Embedded in this syntax are the types and formulae of HOL, whose syntax is
+extensible, e.g.\ by new user-defined infix operators
+(see~\ref{sec:infix-syntax}). To distinguish the two levels, everything
+HOL-specific should be enclosed in \texttt{"}\dots\texttt{"}. The same holds
+for identifiers that happen to be keywords, as in
+consts "end" :: 'a list => 'a
+To lessen this burden, quotation marks around types can be dropped,
+provided their syntax does not go beyond what is described in
+\S\ref{sec:TypesTermsForms}. Types containing further operators, e.g.\
+\texttt{*} for Cartesian products, need quotation marks.
+When Isabelle prints a syntax error message, it refers to the HOL syntax as
+the \bfindex{inner syntax}.
+\section{An introductory proof}
+Having defined \texttt{ToyList}, we load it with the ML command
+use_thy "ToyList";
+and are ready to prove a few simple theorems. This will illustrate not just
+the basic proof commands but also the typical proof process.
+\subsubsection*{Main goal: \texttt{rev(rev xs) = xs}}
+Our goal is to show that reversing a list twice produces the original
+list. Typing
+establishes a new goal to be proved in the context of the current theory,
+which is the one we just loaded. Isabelle's response is to print the current proof state:
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out rev (rev xs) = xs}
+{\out 1. rev (rev xs) = xs}
+Until we have finished a proof, the proof state always looks like this:
+{\out Level \(i\)}
+{\out \(G\)}
+{\out 1. \(G@1\)}
+{\out \(\vdots\)}
+{\out \(n\). \(G@n\)}
+where \texttt{Level}~$i$ indicates that we are $i$ steps into the proof, $G$
+is the overall goal that we are trying to prove, and the numbered lines
+contain the subgoals $G@1$, \dots, $G@n$ that we need to prove to establish
+$G$. At \texttt{Level 0} there is only one subgoal, which is identical with
+the overall goal. Normally $G$ is constant and only serves as a reminder.
+Hence we rarely show it in this tutorial.
+Let us now get back to \texttt{rev(rev xs) = xs}. Properties of recursively
+defined functions are best established by induction. In this case there is
+not much choice except to induct on \texttt{xs}:
+This tells Isabelle to perform induction on variable \texttt{xs} in subgoal
+1. The new proof state contains two subgoals, namely the base case
+(\texttt{Nil}) and the induction step (\texttt{Cons}):
+{\out 1. rev (rev []) = []}
+{\out 2. !!a list. rev (rev list) = list ==> rev (rev (a # list)) = a # list}
+The induction step is an example of the general format of a subgoal:
+{\out \(i\). !!\(x@1 \dots x@n\). {\it assumptions} ==> {\it conclusion}}
+The prefix of bound variables \texttt{!!\(x@1 \dots x@n\)} can be ignored
+most of the time, or simply treated as a list of variables local to this
+subgoal. Their deeper significance is explained in \S\ref{sec:PCproofs}. The
+{\it assumptions} are the local assumptions for this subgoal and {\it
+ conclusion} is the actual proposition to be proved. Typical proof steps
+that add new assumptions are induction or case distinction. In our example
+the only assumption is the induction hypothesis \texttt{rev (rev list) =
+ list}, where \texttt{list} is a variable name chosen by Isabelle. If there
+are multiple assumptions, they are enclosed in the bracket pair
+\texttt{[|}\index{==>@\ttlbr|bold} and \texttt{|]}\index{==>@\ttrbr|bold}
+and separated by semicolons.
+Let us try to solve both goals automatically:
+This command tells Isabelle to apply a proof strategy called
+\texttt{Auto_tac} to all subgoals. Essentially, \texttt{Auto_tac} tries to
+`simplify' the subgoals. In our case, subgoal~1 is solved completely (thanks
+to the equation \texttt{rev [] = []}) and disappears; the simplified version
+of subgoal~2 becomes the new subgoal~1:
+{\out 1. !!a list. rev(rev list) = list ==> rev(rev list @ a # []) = a # list}
+In order to simplify this subgoal further, a lemma suggests itself.
+\subsubsection*{First lemma: \texttt{rev(xs \at~ys) = (rev ys) \at~(rev xs)}}
+We start the proof as usual:
+There are two variables that we could induct on: \texttt{xs} and
+\texttt{ys}. Because \texttt{\at} is defined by recursion on
+the first argument, \texttt{xs} is the correct one:
+This time not even the base case is solved automatically:
+{\out 1. rev ys = rev ys @ []}
+{\out 2. \dots}
+We need another lemma.
+\subsubsection*{Second lemma: \texttt{xs \at~[] = xs}}
+This time the canonical proof procedure
+leads to the desired message \texttt{No subgoals!}:
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out xs @ [] = xs}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Now we can give the lemma just proved a suitable name
+and tell Isabelle to use this lemma in all future proofs by simplification:
+Note that in the theorem \texttt{app_Nil2} the free variable \texttt{xs} has
+been replaced by the unknown \texttt{?xs}, just as explained in
+Going back to the proof of the first lemma
+we find that this time \texttt{Auto_tac} solves the base case, but the
+induction step merely simplifies to
+{\out 1. !!a list.}
+{\out rev (list @ ys) = rev ys @ rev list}
+{\out ==> (rev ys @ rev list) @ a # [] = rev ys @ rev list @ a # []}
+Now we need to remember that \texttt{\at} associates to the right, and that
+\texttt{\#} and \texttt{\at} have the same priority (namely the \texttt{65}
+in the definition of \texttt{ToyList}). Thus the conclusion really is
+{\out ==> (rev ys @ rev list) @ (a # []) = rev ys @ (rev list @ (a # []))}
+and the missing lemma is associativity of \texttt{\at}.
+\subsubsection*{Third lemma: \texttt{(xs \at~ys) \at~zs = xs \at~(ys \at~zs)}}
+This time the canonical proof procedure
+succeeds without further ado. Again we name the lemma and add it to
+the set of lemmas used during simplification:
+Now we can go back and prove the first lemma
+add it to the simplification lemmas
+and then solve our main theorem:
+This is the end of our toy proof. It should have familiarized you with
+\item the standard theorem proving procedure:
+state a goal; proceed with proof until a new lemma is required; prove that
+lemma; come back to the original goal.
+\item a specific procedure that works well for functional programs:
+induction followed by all-out simplification via \texttt{Auto_tac}.
+\item a basic repertoire of proof commands.
+\section{Some helpful commands}
+This section discusses a few basic commands for manipulating the proof state
+and can be skipped by casual readers.
+There are two kinds of commands used during a proof: the actual proof
+commands and auxiliary commands for examining the proof state and controlling
+the display. Proof commands are always of the form
+\texttt{by(\textit{tactic});}\indexbold{tactic} where \textbf{tactic} is a
+synonym for ``theorem proving function''. Typical examples are
+\texttt{induct_tac} and \texttt{Auto_tac} --- the suffix \texttt{_tac} is
+merely a mnemonic. Further tactics are introduced throughout the tutorial.
+%Tactics can also be modified. For example,
+%by(ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
+%tells Isabelle to apply \texttt{Asm_simp_tac} to all subgoals. For more on
+%tactics and how to combine them see~\S\ref{sec:Tactics}.
+The most useful auxiliary commands are:
+\item[Printing the current state]
+Type \texttt{pr();} to redisplay the current proof state, for example when it
+has disappeared off the screen.
+\item[Limiting the number of subgoals]
+Typing \texttt{prlim $k$;} tells Isabelle to print only the first $k$
+subgoals from now on and redisplays the current proof state. This is helpful
+when there are many subgoals.
+\item[Undoing] Typing \texttt{undo();} undoes the effect of the last
+\item[Context switch] Every proof happens in the context of a
+ \bfindex{current theory}. By default, this is the last theory loaded. If
+ you want to prove a theorem in the context of a different theory
+ \texttt{T}, you need to type \texttt{context T.thy;}\index{*context|bold}
+ first. Of course you need to change the context again if you want to go
+ back to your original theory.
+\item[Displaying types] We have already mentioned the flag
+ \ttindex{show_types} above. It can also be useful for detecting typos in
+ formulae early on. For example, if \texttt{show_types} is set and the goal
+ \texttt{rev(rev xs) = xs} is started, Isabelle prints the additional output
+{\out Variables:}
+{\out xs :: 'a list}
+which tells us that Isabelle has correctly inferred that
+\texttt{xs} is a variable of list type. On the other hand, had we
+made a typo as in \texttt{rev(re xs) = xs}, the response
+ re :: 'a list => 'a list
+ xs :: 'a list
+would have alerted us because of the unexpected variable \texttt{re}.
+\item[(Re)loading theories]\index{loading theories}\index{reloading theories}
+Initially you load theory \texttt{T} by typing \ttindex{use_thy}~\texttt{"T";},
+which loads all parent theories of \texttt{T} automatically, if they are not
+loaded already. If you modify \texttt{T.thy} or \texttt{T.ML}, you can
+reload it by typing \texttt{use_thy~"T";} again. This time, however, only
+\texttt{T} is reloaded. If some of \texttt{T}'s parents have changed as well,
+type \ttindexbold{update}\texttt{();} to reload all theories that have
+Further commands are found in the Reference Manual.
+Inductive datatypes are part of almost every non-trivial application of HOL.
+First we take another look at a very important example, the datatype of
+lists, before we turn to datatypes in general. The section closes with a
+case study.
+Lists are one of the essential datatypes in computing. Readers of this tutorial
+and users of HOL need to be familiar with their basic operations. Theory
+\texttt{ToyList} is only a small fragment of HOL's predefined theory
+ isabelle/library/HOL/List.html}}.
+The latter contains many further operations. For example, the functions
+\ttindexbold{hd} (`head') and \ttindexbold{tl} (`tail') return the first
+element and the remainder of a list. (However, pattern-matching is usually
+preferable to \texttt{hd} and \texttt{tl}.)
+Theory \texttt{List} also contains more syntactic sugar:
+\texttt{[}$x@1$\texttt{,}\dots\texttt{,}$x@n$\texttt{]} abbreviates
+In the rest of the tutorial we always use HOL's predefined lists.
+\subsection{The general format}
+The general HOL \texttt{datatype} definition is of the form
+\mathtt{datatype}~(\alpha@1, \dots, \alpha@n) \, t ~=~
+C@1~\tau@{11}~\dots~\tau@{1k@1} ~\mid~ \dots ~\mid~
+where $\alpha@i$ are type variables (the parameters), $C@i$ are distinct
+constructor names and $\tau@{ij}$ are types; it is customary to capitalize
+the first letter in constructor names. There are a number of
+restrictions (such as the type should not be empty) detailed
+elsewhere~\cite{Isa-Logics-Man}. Isabelle notifies you if you violate them.
+Laws about datatypes, such as \verb$[] ~= x#xs$ and \texttt{(x\#xs = y\#ys) =
+ (x=y \& xs=ys)}, are used automatically during proofs by simplification.
+The same is true for the equations in primitive recursive function
+\subsection{Primitive recursion}
+Functions on datatypes are usually defined by recursion. In fact, most of the
+time they are defined by what is called \bfindex{primitive recursion}.
+The keyword \texttt{primrec} is followed by a list of equations
+\[ f \, x@1 \, \dots \, (C \, y@1 \, \dots \, y@k)\, \dots \, x@n = r \]
+such that $C$ is a constructor of the datatype $t$ and all recursive calls of
+$f$ in $r$ are of the form $f \, \dots \, y@i \, \dots$ for some $i$. Thus
+Isabelle immediately sees that $f$ terminates because one (fixed!) argument
+becomes smaller with every recursive call. There must be exactly one equation
+for each constructor. Their order is immaterial.
+A more general method for defining total recursive functions is explained in
+Given the datatype of binary trees
+define a function \texttt{mirror} that mirrors the structure of a binary tree
+by swapping subtrees (recursively). Prove \texttt{mirror(mirror(t)) = t}.
+HOL also features \ttindexbold{case}-expressions for analyzing elements of a
+datatype. For example,
+case xs of [] => 0 | y#ys => y
+evaluates to \texttt{0} if \texttt{xs} is \texttt{[]} and to \texttt{y} if
+\texttt{xs} is \texttt{y\#ys}. (Since the result in both branches must be of
+the same type, it follows that \texttt{y::nat} and hence
+In general, if $e$ is a term of the datatype $t$ defined in
+\S\ref{sec:general-datatype} above, the corresponding
+\texttt{case}-expression analyzing $e$ is
+\mbox{\tt case}~e~\mbox{\tt of} & C@1~x@{11}~\dots~x@{1k@1} & \To & e@1 \\
+ \vdots \\
+ \mid & C@m~x@{m1}~\dots~x@{mk@m} & \To & e@m
+{\em All} constructors must be present, their order is fixed, and nested
+patterns are not supported. Violating these restrictions results in strange
+error messages.
+Nested patterns can be simulated by nested \texttt{case}-expressions: instead
+case xs of [] => 0 | [x] => x | x#(y#zs) => y
+case xs of [] => 0 | x#ys => (case ys of [] => x | y#zs => y)
+Note that \texttt{case}-expressions should be enclosed in parentheses to
+indicate their scope.
+\subsection{Structural induction}
+Almost all the basic laws about a datatype are applied automatically during
+simplification. Only induction is invoked by hand via \texttt{induct_tac},
+which works for any datatype. In some cases, induction is overkill and a case
+distinction over all constructors of the datatype suffices. This is performed
+by \ttindexbold{exhaust_tac}. A trivial example:
+\input{Misc/exhaust.ML}{\out1. xs = [] ==> (case xs of [] => [] | y # ys => xs) = xs}
+{\out2. !!a list. xs = a # list ==> (case xs of [] => [] | y # ys => xs) = xs}
+Note that this particular case distinction could have been automated
+completely. See~\S\ref{sec:SimpFeatures}.
+ Induction is only allowed on a free variable that should not occur among
+ the assumptions of the subgoal. Exhaustion works for arbitrary terms.
+\subsection{Case study: boolean expressions}
+The aim of this case study is twofold: it shows how to model boolean
+expressions and some algorithms for manipulating them, and it demonstrates
+the constructs introduced above.
+\subsubsection{How can we model boolean expressions?}
+We want to represent boolean expressions built up from variables and
+constants by negation and conjunction. The following datatype serves exactly
+that purpose:
+The two constants are represented by the terms \texttt{Const~True} and
+\texttt{Const~False}. Variables are represented by terms of the form
+\texttt{Var}~$n$, where $n$ is a natural number (type \texttt{nat}).
+For example, the formula $P@0 \land \neg P@1$ is represented by the term
+\subsubsection{What is the value of boolean expressions?}
+The value of a boolean expressions depends on the value of its variables.
+Hence the function \texttt{value} takes an additional parameter, an {\em
+ environment} of type \texttt{nat~=>~bool}, which maps variables to their
+An alternative and often more efficient (because in a certain sense
+canonical) representation are so-called \textit{If-expressions\/} built up
+from constants (\texttt{CIF}), variables (\texttt{VIF}) and conditionals
+The evaluation if If-expressions proceeds as for \texttt{boolex}:
+\subsubsection{Transformation into and of If-expressions}
+The type \texttt{boolex} is close to the customary representation of logical
+formulae, whereas \texttt{ifex} is designed for efficiency. Thus we need to
+translate from \texttt{boolex} into \texttt{ifex}:
+At last, we have something we can verify: that \texttt{bool2if} preserves the
+value of its argument.
+The proof is canonical:
+In fact, all proofs in this case study look exactly like this. Hence we do
+not show them below.
+More interesting is the transformation of If-expressions into a normal form
+where the first argument of \texttt{IF} cannot be another \texttt{IF} but
+must be a constant or variable. Such a normal form can be computed by
+repeatedly replacing a subterm of the form \texttt{IF~(IF~b~x~y)~z~u} by
+\texttt{IF b (IF x z u) (IF y z u)}, which has the same value. The following
+primitive recursive functions perform this task:
+Their interplay is a bit tricky, and we leave it to the reader to develop an
+intuitive understanding. Fortunately, Isabelle can help us to verify that the
+transformation preserves the value of the expression:
+The proof is canonical, provided we first show the following lemma (which
+also helps to understand what \texttt{normif} does) and make it available
+for simplification via \texttt{Addsimps}:
+But how can we be sure that \texttt{norm} really produces a normal form in
+the above sense? We have to prove
+where \texttt{normal} expresses that an If-expression is in normal form:
+Of course, this requires a lemma about normality of \texttt{normif}
+that has to be made available for simplification via \texttt{Addsimps}.
+How does one come up with the required lemmas? Try to prove the main theorems
+without them and study carefully what \texttt{Auto_tac} leaves unproved. This
+has to provide the clue.
+The necessity of universal quantification (\texttt{!t e}) in the two lemmas
+is explained in \S\ref{sec:InductionHeuristics}
+ We strengthen the definition of a {\em normal\/} If-expression as follows:
+ the first argument of all \texttt{IF}s must be a variable. Adapt the above
+ development to this changed requirement. (Hint: you may need to formulate
+ some of the goals as implications (\texttt{-->}) rather than equalities
+ (\texttt{=}).)
+\section{Some basic types}
+\subsection{Natural numbers}
+The type \ttindexbold{nat} of natural numbers is predefined and behaves like
+datatype nat = 0 | Suc nat
+In particular, there are \texttt{case}-expressions, for example
+case n of 0 => 0 | Suc m => m
+primitive recursion, for example
+and induction, for example
+{\out sum n + sum n = n * Suc n}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+The usual arithmetic operations \ttindexbold{+}, \ttindexbold{-},
+\ttindexbold{*}, \ttindexbold{div} and \ttindexbold{mod} are predefined, as
+are the relations \ttindexbold{<=} and \ttindexbold{<}. There is even a least
+number operation \ttindexbold{LEAST}. For example, \texttt{(LEAST n.$\,$1 <
+ n) = 2} (HOL does not prove this completely automatically).
+ The operations \ttindexbold{+}, \ttindexbold{-}, \ttindexbold{*} are
+ overloaded, i.e.\ they are available not just for natural numbers but at
+ other types as well (see \S\ref{sec:TypeClasses}). For example, given
+ the goal \texttt{x+y = y+x}, there is nothing to indicate that you are
+ talking about natural numbers. Hence Isabelle can only infer that
+ \texttt{x} and \texttt{y} are of some arbitrary type where \texttt{+} is
+ declared. As a consequence, you will be unable to prove the goal (although
+ it may take you some time to realize what has happened if
+ \texttt{show_types} is not set). In this particular example, you need to
+ include an explicit type constraint, for example \texttt{x+y = y+(x::nat)}.
+ If there is enough contextual information this may not be necessary:
+ \texttt{x+0 = x} automatically implies \texttt{x::nat}.
+HOL also has pairs: \texttt{($a@1$,$a@2$)} is of type \texttt{$\tau@1$ *
+$\tau@2$} provided each $a@i$ is of type $\tau@i$. The components of a pair
+are extracted by \texttt{fst} and \texttt{snd}:
+\texttt{fst($x$,$y$) = $x$} and \texttt{snd($x$,$y$) = $y$}. Tuples
+are simulated by pairs nested to the right:
+\texttt{($a@1$,$a@2$,$a@3$)} and \texttt{$\tau@1$ * $\tau@2$ * $\tau@3$}
+stand for \texttt{($a@1$,($a@2$,$a@3$))} and \texttt{$\tau@1$ * ($\tau@2$ *
+$\tau@3$)}. Therefore \texttt{fst(snd($a@1$,$a@2$,$a@3$)) = $a@2$}.
+It is possible to use (nested) tuples as patterns in abstractions, for
+example \texttt{\%(x,y,z).x+y+z} and \texttt{\%((x,y),z).x+y+z}.
+In addition to explicit $\lambda$-abstractions, tuple patterns can be used in
+most variable binding constructs. Typical examples are
+let (x,y) = f z in (y,x)
+case xs of [] => 0 | (x,y)\#zs => x+y
+Further important examples are quantifiers and sets.
+Abstraction over pairs and tuples is merely a convenient shorthand for a more
+complex internal representation. Thus the internal and external form of a
+term may differ, which can affect proofs. If you want to avoid this
+complication, use \texttt{fst} and \texttt{snd}, i.e.\ write
+\texttt{\%p.~fst p + snd p} instead of \texttt{\%(x,y).~x + y}.
+See~\S\ref{} for theorem proving with tuple patterns.
+A definition is simply an abbreviation, i.e.\ a new name for an existing
+construction. In particular, definitions cannot be recursive. Isabelle offers
+definitions on the level of types and terms. Those on the type level are
+called type synonyms, those on the term level are called (constant)
+\subsection{Type synonyms}
+\indexbold{type synonyms}
+Type synonyms are similar to those found in ML. Their syntax is fairly self
+The synonym \texttt{alist} shows that in general the type on the right-hand
+side needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks
+(see the end of~\S\ref{sec:intro-theory}).
+Internally all synonyms are fully expanded. As a consequence Isabelle's
+output never contains synonyms. Their main purpose is to improve the
+readability of theory definitions. Synonyms can be used just like any other
+\subsection{Constant definitions}
+The above constants \texttt{nand} and \texttt{exor} are non-recursive and can
+therefore be defined directly by
+where \texttt{defs} is a keyword and \texttt{nand_def} and \texttt{exor_def}
+are arbitrary user-supplied names.
+The symbol \texttt{==}\index{==>@{\tt==}|bold} is a special form of equality
+that should only be used in constant definitions.
+Declarations and definitions can also be merged
+in which case the default name of each definition is $f$\texttt{_def}, where
+$f$ is the name of the defined constant.
+Note that pattern-matching is not allowed, i.e.\ each definition must be of
+the form $f\,x@1\,\dots\,x@n$\texttt{~==~}$t$.
+Section~\S\ref{sec:Simplification} explains how definitions are used
+in proofs.
+A common mistake when writing definitions is to introduce extra free variables
+on the right-hand side as in the following fictitious definition:
+defs prime_def "prime(p) == (m divides p) --> (m=1 | m=p)"
+Isabelle rejects this `definition' because of the extra {\tt m} on the
+right-hand side, which would introduce an inconsistency. What you should have
+written is
+defs prime_def "prime(p) == !m. (m divides p) --> (m=1 | m=p)"
+\chapter{More Functional Programming}
+The purpose of this chapter is to deepen the reader's understanding of the
+concepts encountered so far and to introduce an advanced method for defining
+recursive functions. The first two sections give a structured presentation of
+theorem proving by simplification (\S\ref{sec:Simplification}) and
+discuss important heuristics for induction (\S\ref{sec:InductionHeuristics}). They
+can be skipped by readers less interested in proofs. They are followed by a
+case study, a compiler for expressions (\S\ref{sec:ExprCompiler}).
+Finally we present a very general method for defining recursive functions
+that goes well beyond what \texttt{primrec} allows (\S\ref{sec:recdef}).
+So far we have proved our theorems by \texttt{Auto_tac}, which
+`simplifies' all subgoals. In fact, \texttt{Auto_tac} can do much more than
+that, except that it did not need to so far. However, when you go beyond toy
+examples, you need to understand the ingredients of \texttt{Auto_tac}.
+This section covers the tactic that \texttt{Auto_tac} always applies first,
+namely simplification.
+Simplification is one of the central theorem proving tools in Isabelle and
+many other systems. The tool itself is called the \bfindex{simplifier}. The
+purpose of this section is twofold: to introduce the many features of the
+simplifier (\S\ref{sec:SimpFeatures}) and to explain a little bit how the
+simplifier works (\S\ref{sec:SimpHow}). Anybody intending to use HOL should
+read \S\ref{sec:SimpFeatures}, and the serious student should read
+\S\ref{sec:SimpHow} as well in order to understand what happened in case
+things do not simplify as expected.
+\subsection{Using the simplifier}
+In its most basic form, simplification means repeated application of
+equations from left to right. For example, taking the rules for \texttt{\at}
+and applying them to the term \texttt{[0,1] \at\ []} results in a sequence of
+simplification steps:
+(0#1#[]) @ [] \(\leadsto\) 0#((1#[]) @ []) \(\leadsto\) 0#(1#([] @ [])) \(\leadsto\) 0#1#[]
+This is also known as {\em term rewriting} and the equations are referred
+to as {\em rewrite rules}. This is more honest than `simplification' because
+the terms do not necessarily become simpler in the process.
+To facilitate simplification, each theory has an associated set of
+simplification rules, known as a \bfindex{simpset}. Within a theory,
+proofs by simplification refer to the associated simpset by default.
+The simpset of a theory is built up as follows: starting with the union of
+the simpsets of the parent theories, each occurrence of a \texttt{datatype}
+or \texttt{primrec} construct augments the simpset. Explicit definitions are
+not added automatically. Users can add new theorems via \texttt{Addsimps} and
+delete them again later by \texttt{Delsimps}.
+You may augment a simpset not just by equations but by pretty much any
+theorem. The simplifier will try to make sense of it. For example, a theorem
+\verb$~$$P$ is automatically turned into \texttt{$P$ = False}. The details are
+explained in \S\ref{sec:SimpHow}.
+As a rule of thumb, rewrite rules that really simplify a term (like
+\texttt{xs \at\ [] = xs} and \texttt{rev(rev xs) = xs}) should be added to the
+current simpset right after they have been proved. Those of a more specific
+nature (e.g.\ distributivity laws, which alter the structure of terms
+considerably) should only be added for specific proofs and deleted again
+afterwards. Conversely, it may also happen that a generally useful rule
+needs to be removed for a certain proof and is added again afterwards. The
+need of frequent temporary additions or deletions may indicate a badly
+designed simpset.
+ Simplification may not terminate, for example if both $f(x) = g(x)$ and
+ $g(x) = f(x)$ are in the simpset. It is the user's responsibility not to
+ include rules that can lead to nontermination, either on their own or in
+ combination with other rules.
+\subsubsection{Simplification tactics}
+There are four main simplification tactics:
+\item[\ttindexbold{Simp_tac} $i$] simplifies the conclusion of subgoal~$i$
+ using the theory's simpset. It may solve the subgoal completely if it has
+ become trivial. For example:
+{\out 1. [] @ [] = []}
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+{\out No subgoals!}
+ is like \verb$Simp_tac$, but extracts additional rewrite rules from
+ the assumptions of the subgoal. For example, it solves
+{\out 1. xs = [] ==> xs @ xs = xs}
+which \texttt{Simp_tac} does not do.
+\item[\ttindexbold{Full_simp_tac}] is like \verb$Simp_tac$, but also
+ simplifies the assumptions (without using the assumptions to
+ simplify each other or the actual goal).
+\item[\ttindexbold{Asm_full_simp_tac}] is like \verb$Asm_simp_tac$,
+ but also simplifies the assumptions. In particular, assumptions can
+ simplify each other. For example:
+\out{ 1. [| xs @ zs = ys @ xs; [] @ xs = [] @ [] |] ==> ys = zs}
+by(Asm_full_simp_tac 1);
+{\out No subgoals!}
+The second assumption simplifies to \texttt{xs = []}, which in turn
+simplifies the first assumption to \texttt{zs = ys}, thus reducing the
+conclusion to \texttt{ys = ys} and hence to \texttt{True}.
+(See also the paragraph on tracing below.)
+\texttt{Asm_full_simp_tac} is the most powerful of this quartet of
+tactics. In fact, \texttt{Auto_tac} starts by applying
+\texttt{Asm_full_simp_tac} to all subgoals. The only reason for the existence
+of the other three tactics is that sometimes one wants to limit the amount of
+simplification, for example to avoid nontermination:
+{\out 1. ! x. f x = g (f (g x)) ==> f [] = f [] @ []}
+is solved by \texttt{Simp_tac}, but \texttt{Asm_simp_tac} and
+\texttt{Asm_full_simp_tac} loop because the rewrite rule \texttt{f x = g(f(g
+x))} extracted from the assumption does not terminate. Isabelle notices
+certain simple forms of nontermination, but not this one.
+\subsubsection{Modifying simpsets locally}
+If a certain theorem is merely needed in one proof by simplification, the
+Addsimps [\(rare_theorem\)];
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+Delsimps [\(rare_theorem\)];
+is awkward. Therefore there are lower-case versions of the simplification
+tactics (\ttindexbold{simp_tac}, \ttindexbold{asm_simp_tac},
+\ttindexbold{full_simp_tac}, \ttindexbold{asm_full_simp_tac}) and of the
+simpset modifiers (\ttindexbold{addsimps}, \ttindexbold{delsimps})
+that do not access or modify the implicit simpset but explicitly take a
+simpset as an argument. For example, the above three lines become
+by(simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [\(rare_theorem\)]) 1);
+where the result of the function call \texttt{simpset()} is the simpset of
+the current theory and \texttt{addsimps} is an infix function. The implicit
+simpset is read once but not modified.
+This is far preferable to pairs of \texttt{Addsimps} and \texttt{Delsimps}.
+Local modifications can be stacked as in
+by(simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [\(rare_theorem\)] delsimps [\(some_thm\)]) 1);
+\subsubsection{Rewriting with definitions}
+Constant definitions (\S\ref{sec:ConstDefinitions}) are not automatically
+included in the simpset of a theory. Hence such definitions are not expanded
+automatically either, just as it should be: definitions are introduced for
+the purpose of abbreviating complex concepts. Of course we need to expand the
+definitions initially to derive enough lemmas that characterize the concept
+sufficiently for us to forget the original definition completely. For
+example, given the theory
+we may want to prove \verb$exor A (~A)$. Instead of \texttt{Goal} we use
+which tells Isabelle to expand the definition of \texttt{exor}---the first
+argument of \texttt{Goalw} can be a list of definitions---in the initial goal:
+{\out exor A (~ A)}
+{\out 1. A & ~ ~ A | ~ A & ~ A}
+In this simple example, the goal is proved by \texttt{Simp_tac}.
+Of course the resulting theorem is insufficient to characterize \texttt{exor}
+In case we want to expand a definition in the middle of a proof, we can
+simply add the definition locally to the simpset:
+You should normally not add the definition permanently to the simpset
+using \texttt{Addsimps} because this defeats the whole purpose of an
+If you have defined $f\,x\,y$\texttt{~==~}$t$ then you can only expand
+occurrences of $f$ with at least two arguments. Thus it is safer to define
+\subsubsection{Simplifying \texttt{let}-expressions}
+Proving a goal containing \ttindex{let}-expressions invariably requires the
+\texttt{let}-constructs to be expanded at some point. Since
+\texttt{let}-\texttt{in} is just syntactic sugar for a defined constant
+(called \texttt{Let}), expanding \texttt{let}-constructs means rewriting with
+%context List.thy;
+%Goal "(let xs = [] in xs@xs) = ys";
+{\out 1. (let xs = [] in xs @ xs) = ys}
+by(simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Let_def]) 1);
+{\out 1. [] = ys}
+If, in a particular context, there is no danger of a combinatorial explosion
+of nested \texttt{let}s one could even add \texttt{Let_def} permanently via
+\subsubsection{Conditional equations}
+So far all examples of rewrite rules were equations. The simplifier also
+accepts {\em conditional\/} equations, for example
+xs ~= [] ==> hd xs # tl xs = xs \hfill \((*)\)
+(which is proved by \texttt{exhaust_tac} on \texttt{xs} followed by
+\texttt{Asm_full_simp_tac} twice). Assuming that this theorem together with
+\texttt{(rev xs = []) = (xs = [])}
+are part of the simpset, the subgoal
+{\out 1. xs ~= [] ==> hd(rev xs) # tl(rev xs) = rev xs}
+is proved by simplification:
+the conditional equation $(*)$ above
+can simplify \texttt{hd(rev~xs)~\#~tl(rev~xs)} to \texttt{rev xs}
+because the corresponding precondition \verb$rev xs ~= []$ simplifies to
+\verb$xs ~= []$, which is exactly the local assumption of the subgoal.
+\subsubsection{Automatic case splits}
+Goals containing \ttindex{if}-expressions are usually proved by case
+distinction on the condition of the \texttt{if}. For example the goal
+{\out 1. ! xs. if xs = [] then rev xs = [] else rev xs ~= []}
+can be split into
+{\out 1. ! xs. (xs = [] --> rev xs = []) \& (xs ~= [] --> rev xs ~= [])}
+by typing
+Because this is almost always the right proof strategy, the simplifier
+performs case-splitting on \texttt{if}s automatically. Try \texttt{Simp_tac}
+on the initial goal above.
+This splitting idea generalizes from \texttt{if} to \ttindex{case}:
+{\out 1. (case xs of [] => zs | y#ys => y#(ys@zs)) = xs@zs}
+{\out 1. (xs = [] --> zs = xs @ zs) &}
+{\out (! a list. xs = a # list --> a # list @ zs = xs @ zs)}
+by typing
+In contrast to \texttt{if}-expressions, the simplifier does not split
+\texttt{case}-expressions by default because this can lead to nontermination
+in case of recursive datatypes.
+Nevertheless the simplifier can be instructed to perform \texttt{case}-splits
+by adding the appropriate rule to the simpset:
+by(simp_tac (simpset() addsplits [split_list_case]) 1);
+solves the initial goal outright, which \texttt{Simp_tac} alone will not do.
+In general, every datatype $t$ comes with a rule
+\texttt{$t$.split} that can be added to the simpset either
+locally via \texttt{addsplits} (see above), or permanently via
+Addsplits [\(t\).split];
+Split-rules can be removed globally via \ttindexbold{Delsplits} and locally
+via \ttindexbold{delsplits} as, for example, in
+by(simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [\(\dots\)] delsplits [split_if]) 1);
+\subsubsection{Permutative rewrite rules}
+A rewrite rule is {\bf permutative} if the left-hand side and right-hand side
+are the same up to renaming of variables. The most common permutative rule
+is commutativity: $x+y = y+x$. Another example is $(x-y)-z = (x-z)-y$. Such
+rules are problematic because once they apply, they can be used forever.
+The simplifier is aware of this danger and treats permutative rules
+separately. For details see~\cite{Isa-Ref-Man}.
+\indexbold{tracing the simplifier}
+Using the simplifier effectively may take a bit of experimentation. Set the
+\verb$trace_simp$ flag to get a better idea of what is going on:
+{\out 1. rev [x] = []}
+set trace_simp;
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+{\out Applying instance of rewrite rule:}
+{\out rev (?x # ?xs) == rev ?xs @ [?x]}
+{\out Rewriting:}
+{\out rev [x] == rev [] @ [x]}
+{\out Applying instance of rewrite rule:}
+{\out rev [] == []}
+{\out Rewriting:}
+{\out rev [] == []}
+{\out Applying instance of rewrite rule:}
+{\out [] @ ?y == ?y}
+{\out Rewriting:}
+{\out [] @ [x] == [x]}
+{\out Applying instance of rewrite rule:}
+{\out ?x # ?t = ?t == False}
+{\out Rewriting:}
+{\out [x] = [] == False}
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev [x] = []}
+{\out 1. False}
+In more complicated cases, the trace can be enormous, especially since
+invocations of the simplifier are often nested (e.g.\ when solving conditions
+of rewrite rules).
+\subsection{How it works}
+\subsubsection{Higher-order patterns}
+\subsubsection{Local assumptions}
+\subsubsection{The preprocessor}
+\section{Induction heuristics}
+The purpose of this section is to illustrate some simple heuristics for
+inductive proofs. The first one we have already mentioned in our initial
+{\em 1. Theorems about recursive functions are proved by induction.}
+In case the function has more than one argument
+{\em 2. Do induction on argument number $i$ if the function is defined by
+recursion in argument number $i$.}
+When we look at the proof of
+(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)
+in \S\ref{sec:intro-proof} we find (a) \texttt{\at} is recursive in the first
+argument, (b) \texttt{xs} occurs only as the first argument of \texttt{\at},
+and (c) both \texttt{ys} and \texttt{zs} occur at least once as the second
+argument of \texttt{\at}. Hence it is natural to perform induction on
+The key heuristic, and the main point of this section, is to
+generalize the goal before induction. The reason is simple: if the goal is
+too specific, the induction hypothesis is too weak to allow the induction
+step to go through. Let us now illustrate the idea with an example.
+We define a tail-recursive version of list-reversal,
+i.e.\ one that can be compiled into a loop:
+The behaviour of \texttt{itrev} is simple: it reverses its first argument by
+stacking its elements onto the second argument, and returning that second
+argument when the first one becomes empty.
+We need to show that \texttt{itrev} does indeed reverse its first argument
+provided the second one is empty:
+There is no choice as to the induction variable, and we immediately simplify:
+{\out1. !!a list. itrev list [] = rev list\(\;\)==> itrev list [a] = rev list @ [a]}
+Just as predicted above, the overall goal, and hence the induction
+hypothesis, is too weak to solve the induction step because of the fixed
+\texttt{[]}. The corresponding heuristic:
+{\em 3. Generalize goals for induction by replacing constants by variables.}
+Of course one cannot do this na\"{\i}vely: \texttt{itrev xs ys = rev xs} is
+just not true --- the correct generalization is
+If \texttt{ys} is replaced by \texttt{[]}, the right-hand side simplifies to
+\texttt{rev xs}, just as required.
+In this particular instance it is easy to guess the right generalization,
+but in more complex situations a good deal of creativity is needed. This is
+the main source of complications in inductive proofs.
+Although we now have two variables, only \texttt{xs} is suitable for
+induction, and we repeat our above proof attempt. Unfortunately, we are still
+not there:
+{\out 1. !!a list.}
+{\out itrev list ys = rev list @ ys}
+{\out ==> itrev list (a # ys) = rev list @ a # ys}
+The induction hypothesis is still too weak, but this time it takes no
+intuition to generalize: the problem is that \texttt{ys} is fixed throughout
+the subgoal, but the induction hypothesis needs to be applied with
+\texttt{a \# ys} instead of \texttt{ys}. Hence we prove the theorem
+for all \texttt{ys} instead of a fixed one:
+This time induction on \texttt{xs} followed by simplification succeeds. This
+leads to another heuristic for generalization:
+{\em 4. Generalize goals for induction by universally quantifying all free
+variables {\em(except the induction variable itself!)}.}
+This prevents trivial failures like the above and does not change the
+provability of the goal. Because it is not always required, and may even
+complicate matters in some cases, this heuristic is often not
+applied blindly.
+A final point worth mentioning is the orientation of the equation we just
+proved: the more complex notion (\texttt{itrev}) is on the left-hand
+side, the simpler \texttt{rev} on the right-hand side. This constitutes
+another, albeit weak heuristic that is not restricted to induction:
+ {\em 5. The right-hand side of an equation should (in some sense) be
+ simpler than the left-hand side.}
+The heuristic is tricky to apply because it is not obvious that
+\texttt{rev xs \at\ ys} is simpler than \texttt{itrev xs ys}. But see what
+happens if you try to prove the symmetric equation!
+\section{Case study: compiling expressions}
+The task is to develop a compiler from a generic type of expressions (built
+up from variables, constants and binary operations) to a stack machine. This
+generic type of expressions is a generalization of the boolean expressions in
+\S\ref{sec:boolex}. This time we do not commit ourselves to a particular
+type of variables or values but make them type parameters. Neither is there
+a fixed set of binary operations: instead the expression contains the
+appropriate function itself.
+The three constructors represent constants, variables and the combination of
+two subexpressions with a binary operation.
+The value of an expression w.r.t.\ an environment that maps variables to
+values is easily defined:
+The stack machine has three instructions: load a constant value onto the
+stack, load the contents of a certain address onto the stack, and apply a
+binary operation to the two topmost elements of the stack, replacing them by
+the result. As for \texttt{expr}, addresses and values are type parameters:
+The execution of the stack machine is modelled by a function \texttt{exec}
+that takes a store (modelled as a function from addresses to values, just
+like the environment for evaluating expressions), a stack (modelled as a
+list) of values and a list of instructions and returns the stack at the end
+of the execution --- the store remains unchanged:
+Recall that \texttt{hd} and \texttt{tl}
+return the first element and the remainder of a list.
+Because all functions are total, \texttt{hd} is defined even for the empty
+list, although we do not know what the result is. Thus our model of the
+machine always terminates properly, although the above definition does not
+tell us much about the result in situations where \texttt{Apply} was executed
+with fewer than two elements on the stack.
+The compiler is a function from expressions to a list of instructions. Its
+definition is pretty much obvious:
+Now we have to prove the correctness of the compiler, i.e.\ that the
+execution of a compiled expression results in the value of the expression:
+exec s [] (comp e) = [value s e]
+This is generalized to
+and proved by induction on \texttt{e} followed by simplification, once we
+have the following lemma about executing the concatenation of two instruction
+This requires induction on \texttt{xs} and ordinary simplification for the
+base cases. In the induction step, simplification leaves us with a formula
+that contains two \texttt{case}-expressions over instructions. Thus we add
+automatic case splitting as well, which finishes the proof:
+We could now go back and prove \texttt{exec s [] (comp e) = [value s e]}
+merely by simplification with the generalized version we just proved.
+However, this is unnecessary because the generalized version fully subsumes
+its instance.
+\section{Total recursive functions}
+Although many total functions have a natural primitive recursive definition,
+this is not always the case. Arbitrary total recursive functions can be
+defined by means of \texttt{recdef}: you can use full pattern-matching,
+recursion need not involve datatypes, and termination is proved by showing
+that each recursive call makes the argument smaller in a suitable (user
+supplied) sense.
+\subsection{Defining recursive functions}
+Here is a simple example, the Fibonacci function:
+consts fib :: nat => nat
+recdef fib "measure(\%n. n)"
+ "fib 0 = 0"
+ "fib 1 = 1"
+ "fib (Suc(Suc x)) = fib x + fib (Suc x)"
+The definition of \texttt{fib} is accompanied by a \bfindex{measure function}
+\texttt{\%n.$\;$n} that maps the argument of \texttt{fib} to a natural
+number. The requirement is that in each equation the measure of the argument
+on the left-hand side is strictly greater than the measure of the argument of
+each recursive call. In the case of \texttt{fib} this is obviously true
+because the measure function is the identity and \texttt{Suc(Suc~x)} is
+strictly greater than both \texttt{x} and \texttt{Suc~x}.
+Slightly more interesting is the insertion of a fixed element
+between any two elements of a list:
+consts sep :: "'a * 'a list => 'a list"
+recdef sep "measure (\%(a,xs). length xs)"
+ "sep(a, []) = []"
+ "sep(a, [x]) = [x]"
+ "sep(a, x#y#zs) = x # a # sep(a,y#zs)"
+This time the measure is the length of the list, which decreases with the
+recursive call; the first component of the argument tuple is irrelevant.
+Pattern matching need not be exhaustive:
+consts last :: 'a list => bool
+recdef last "measure (\%xs. length xs)"
+ "last [x] = x"
+ "last (x#y#zs) = last (y#zs)"
+Overlapping patterns are disambiguated by taking the order of equations into
+account, just as in functional programming:
+recdef sep "measure (\%(a,xs). length xs)"
+ "sep(a, x#y#zs) = x # a # sep(a,y#zs)"
+ "sep(a, xs) = xs"
+This defines exactly the same function \texttt{sep} as further above.
+Currently \texttt{recdef} only accepts functions with a single argument,
+possibly of tuple type.
+When loading a theory containing a \texttt{recdef} of a function $f$,
+Isabelle proves the recursion equations and stores the result as a list of
+theorems $f$.\texttt{rules}. It can be viewed by typing
+prths \(f\).rules;
+All of the above examples are simple enough that Isabelle can determine
+automatically that the measure of the argument goes down in each recursive
+call. In that case $f$.\texttt{rules} contains precisely the defining
+In general, Isabelle may not be able to prove all termination conditions
+automatically. For example, termination of
+consts gcd :: "nat*nat => nat"
+recdef gcd "measure ((\%(m,n).n))"
+ "gcd (m, n) = (if n=0 then m else gcd(n, m mod n))"
+relies on the lemma \texttt{mod_less_divisor}
+0 < n ==> m mod n < n
+that is not part of the default simpset. As a result, Isabelle prints a
+warning and \texttt{gcd.rules} contains a precondition:
+(! m n. 0 < n --> m mod n < n) ==> gcd (m, n) = (if n=0 \dots)
+We need to instruct \texttt{recdef} to use an extended simpset to prove the
+termination condition:
+recdef gcd "measure ((\%(m,n).n))"
+ simpset "simpset() addsimps [mod_less_divisor]"
+ "gcd (m, n) = (if n=0 then m else gcd(n, m mod n))"
+This time everything works fine and \texttt{gcd.rules} contains precisely the
+stated recursion equation for \texttt{gcd}.
+When defining some nontrivial total recursive function, the first attempt
+will usually generate a number of termination conditions, some of which may
+require new lemmas to be proved in some of the parent theories. Those lemmas
+can then be added to the simpset used by \texttt{recdef} for its
+proofs, as shown for \texttt{gcd}.
+Although all the above examples employ measure functions, \texttt{recdef}
+allows arbitrary wellfounded relations. For example, termination of
+Ackermann's function requires the lexicographic product \texttt{**}:
+recdef ack "measure(\%m. m) ** measure(\%n. n)"
+ "ack(0,n) = Suc n"
+ "ack(Suc m,0) = ack(m, 1)"
+ "ack(Suc m,Suc n) = ack(m,ack(Suc m,n))"
+For details see~\cite{Isa-Logics-Man} and the examples in the library.
+\subsection{Deriving simplification rules}
+Once we have succeeded to prove all termination conditions, we can start to
+derive some theorems. In contrast to \texttt{primrec} definitions, which are
+automatically added to the simpset, \texttt{recdef} rules must be included
+explicitly, for example as in
+Addsimps fib.rules;
+However, some care is necessary now, in contrast to \texttt{primrec}.
+Although \texttt{gcd} is a total function, its defining equation leads to
+nontermination of the simplifier, because the subterm \texttt{gcd(n, m mod
+ n)} on the right-hand side can again be simplified by the same equation,
+and so on. The reason: the simplifier rewrites the \texttt{then} and
+\texttt{else} branches of a conditional if the condition simplifies to
+neither \texttt{True} nor \texttt{False}. Therefore it is recommended to
+derive an alternative formulation that replaces case distinctions on the
+right-hand side by conditional equations. For \texttt{gcd} it means we have
+to prove
+ gcd (m, 0) = m
+n ~= 0 ==> gcd (m, n) = gcd(n, m mod n)
+To avoid nontermination during those proofs, we have to resort to some low
+level tactics:
+Goal "gcd(m,0) = m";
+by(resolve_tac [trans] 1);
+by(resolve_tac gcd.rules 1);
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+At this point it is not necessary to understand what exactly
+\texttt{resolve_tac} is doing. The main point is that the above proof works
+not just for this one example but in general (except that we have to use
+\texttt{Asm_simp_tac} and $f$\texttt{.rules} in general). Try the second
+\texttt{gcd}-equation above!
+Assuming we have added the recursion equations (or some suitable derived
+equations) to the simpset, we might like to prove something about our
+function. Since the function is recursive, the natural proof principle is
+again induction. But this time the structural form of induction that comes
+with datatypes is unlikely to work well---otherwise we could have defined the
+function by \texttt{primrec}. Therefore \texttt{recdef} automatically proves
+a suitable induction rule $f$\texttt{.induct} that follows the recursion
+pattern of the particular function $f$. Roughly speaking, it requires you to
+prove for each \texttt{recdef} equation that the property you are trying to
+establish holds for the left-hand side provided it holds for all recursive
+calls on the right-hand side. Applying $f$\texttt{.induct} requires its
+explicit instantiation. See \S\ref{sec:explicit-inst} for details.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Tutorial/tutorial.ind Wed Aug 26 16:57:49 1998 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ \item {\tt[]}, \bold{7}
+ \item {\tt\#}, \bold{7}
+ \item {\ttnot}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\tt-->}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\tt\&}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\ttor}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\tt?}, \bold{3}, 4
+ \item {\ttall}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\ttuniquex}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\tt *}, \bold{17}
+ \item {\tt +}, \bold{17}
+ \item {\tt -}, \bold{17}
+ \item {\tt <}, \bold{17}
+ \item {\tt <=}, \bold{17}
+ \item \ttlbr, \bold{9}
+ \item \ttrbr, \bold{9}
+ \item {\tt==>}, \bold{9}
+ \item {\tt==}, \bold{18}
+ \item {\tt\%}, \bold{3}
+ \item {\tt =>}, \bold{2}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt addsimps}, \bold{22}
+ \item {\tt Addsplits}, \bold{24}
+ \item {\tt addsplits}, \bold{24}
+ \item {\tt Asm_full_simp_tac}, \bold{21}
+ \item {\tt asm_full_simp_tac}, \bold{22}
+ \item {\tt Asm_simp_tac}, \bold{21}
+ \item {\tt asm_simp_tac}, \bold{22}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt bool}, 2
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt case}, \bold{3}, 4, \bold{13}, 24
+ \item {\tt constdefs}, \bold{18}
+ \item {\tt consts}, \bold{7}
+ \item {\tt context}, \bold{11}
+ \item current theory, \bold{11}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt datatype}, \bold{7}
+ \item {\tt defs}, \bold{18}
+ \item {\tt delsimps}, \bold{22}
+ \item {\tt Delsplits}, \bold{24}
+ \item {\tt delsplits}, \bold{24}
+ \item {\tt div}, \bold{17}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt exhaust_tac}, \bold{14}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt False}, \bold{3}
+ \item formula, \bold{3}
+ \item {\tt Full_simp_tac}, \bold{21}
+ \item {\tt full_simp_tac}, \bold{22}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt hd}, \bold{12}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt if}, \bold{3}, 4, 24
+ \item {\tt infixr}, \bold{7}
+ \item inner syntax, \bold{8}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt LEAST}, \bold{17}
+ \item {\tt let}, \bold{3}, 4, 23
+ \item {\tt list}, 2
+ \item loading theories, 12
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt Main}, \bold{2}
+ \item measure function, \bold{29}
+ \item {\tt mod}, \bold{17}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt nat}, 2, \bold{17}
+ \indexspace
+ \item parent theory, \bold{1}
+ \item primitive recursion, \bold{13}
+ \item proof scripts, \bold{2}
+ \indexspace
+ \item {\tt recdef}, 29--31
+ \item reloading theories, 12
+ \indexspace
+ \item schematic variable, \bold{4}
+ \item {\tt set}, 2
+ \item {\tt show_brackets}, \bold{4}
+ \item {\tt show_types}, \bold{3}, 11
+ \item {\tt Simp_tac}, \bold{21}
+ \item {\tt simp_tac}, \bold{22}
+ \item simplifier, \bold{20}
+ \item simpset, \bold{21}
+ \indexspace
+ \item tactic, \bold{11}
+ \item term, \bold{3}
+ \item theory, \bold{1}
+ \item {\tt tl}, \bold{12}
+ \item total, \bold{7}
+ \item tracing the simplifier, \bold{25}
+ \item {\tt True}, \bold{3}
+ \item type constraints, \bold{3}
+ \item type inference, \bold{3}
+ \item type synonyms, \bold{18}
+ \item {\tt types}, \bold{18}
+ \indexspace
+ \item unknown, \bold{4}
+ \item {\tt update}, \bold{12}
+ \item {\tt use_thy}, \bold{2}, 12