--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML Wed Aug 25 16:59:55 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML Thu Aug 26 09:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -25,362 +25,373 @@
(** datatype gram **)
-type nt_tag = int; (*production for the NTs are stored in an array
- so we can identify NTs by their index*)
-datatype symb = Terminal of Lexicon.token
- | Nonterminal of nt_tag * int; (*(tag, precedence)*)
+(*production for the NTs are stored in a vector
+ so we can identify NTs by their index*)
+type nt_tag = int;
-type nt_gram = ((nt_tag list * Lexicon.token list) *
- (Lexicon.token option * (symb list * string * int) list) list);
- (*(([dependent_nts], [start_tokens]),
- [(start_token, [(rhs, name, prio)])])*)
- (*depent_nts is a list of all NTs whose lookahead
- depends on this NT's lookahead*)
+datatype symb =
+ Terminal of Lexicon.token
+| Nonterminal of nt_tag * int; (*(tag, precedence)*)
+type nt_gram =
+ ((nt_tag list * Lexicon.token list) *
+ (Lexicon.token option * (symb list * string * int) list) list);
+ (*(([dependent_nts], [start_tokens]), [(start_token, [(rhs, name, prio)])])*)
+ (*depent_nts is a list of all NTs whose lookahead depends on this NT's lookahead*)
datatype gram =
- Gram of {nt_count: int, prod_count: int,
- tags: nt_tag Symtab.table,
- chains: (nt_tag * nt_tag list) list, (*[(to, [from])]*)
- lambdas: nt_tag list,
- prods: nt_gram Array.array};
- (*"tags" is used to map NT names (i.e. strings) to tags;
- chain productions are not stored as normal productions
- but instead as an entry in "chains";
- lambda productions are stored as normal productions
- and also as an entry in "lambdas"*)
+ Gram of
+ {nt_count: int,
+ prod_count: int,
+ tags: nt_tag Symtab.table,
+ chains: (nt_tag * nt_tag list) list, (*[(to, [from])]*)
+ lambdas: nt_tag list,
+ prods: nt_gram Vector.vector};
+ (*"tags" is used to map NT names (i.e. strings) to tags;
+ chain productions are not stored as normal productions
+ but instead as an entry in "chains";
+ lambda productions are stored as normal productions
+ and also as an entry in "lambdas"*)
-val UnknownStart = Lexicon.eof; (*productions for which no starting token is
- known yet are associated with this token*)
-(* get all NTs that are connected with a list of NTs
- (used for expanding chain list)*)
+(*productions for which no starting token is
+ known yet are associated with this token*)
+val unknown_start = Lexicon.eof;
+(*get all NTs that are connected with a list of NTs*)
fun connected_with _ ([]: nt_tag list) relatives = relatives
| connected_with chains (root :: roots) relatives =
- let val branches = subtract (op =) relatives (these (AList.lookup (op =) chains root));
- in connected_with chains (branches @ roots) (branches @ relatives) end;
-(* convert productions to grammar;
- N.B. that the chains parameter has the form [(from, [to])];
- prod_count is of type "int option" and is only updated if it is <> NONE*)
-fun add_prods _ chains lambdas prod_count [] = (chains, lambdas, prod_count)
- | add_prods prods chains lambdas prod_count
- ((lhs, new_prod as (rhs, name, pri)) :: ps) =
- let
- val chain_from = case (pri, rhs) of (~1, [Nonterminal (id, ~1)]) => SOME id | _ => NONE;
- (*store chain if it does not already exist*)
- val (new_chain, chains') = case chain_from of NONE => (NONE, chains) | SOME from =>
- let val old_tos = these (AList.lookup (op =) chains from) in
- if member (op =) old_tos lhs then (NONE, chains)
- else (SOME from, AList.update (op =) (from, insert (op =) lhs old_tos) chains)
- end;
+ let val branches = subtract (op =) relatives (these (AList.lookup (op =) chains root));
+ in connected_with chains (branches @ roots) (branches @ relatives) end;
- (*propagate new chain in lookahead and lambda lists;
- added_starts is used later to associate existing
- productions with new starting tokens*)
- val (added_starts, lambdas') =
- if is_none new_chain then ([], lambdas) else
- let (*lookahead of chain's source*)
- val ((from_nts, from_tks), _) = Array.sub (prods, the new_chain);
- (*copy from's lookahead to chain's destinations*)
- fun copy_lookahead [] added = added
- | copy_lookahead (to :: tos) added =
- let
- val ((to_nts, to_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, to);
- val new_tks = subtract (op =) to_tks from_tks; (*added lookahead tokens*)
- in Array.update (prods, to, ((to_nts, to_tks @ new_tks), ps));
- copy_lookahead tos (if null new_tks then added
- else (to, new_tks) :: added)
- end;
- val tos = connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs];
- in (copy_lookahead tos [],
- union (op =) (if member (op =) lambdas lhs then tos else []) lambdas)
- end;
- (*test if new production can produce lambda
- (rhs must either be empty or only consist of lambda NTs)*)
- val (new_lambda, lambdas') =
- if forall (fn (Nonterminal (id, _)) => member (op =) lambdas' id
- | (Terminal _) => false) rhs then
- (true, union (op =) lambdas' (connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs]))
- else
- (false, lambdas');
+(*convert productions to grammar;
+ N.B. that the chains parameter has the form [(from, [to])];
+ prod_count is of type "int option" and is only updated if it is <> NONE*)
+fun add_prods _ chains lambdas prod_count [] = (chains, lambdas, prod_count)
+ | add_prods prods chains lambdas prod_count ((lhs, new_prod as (rhs, name, pri)) :: ps) =
+ let
+ val chain_from =
+ (case (pri, rhs) of
+ (~1, [Nonterminal (id, ~1)]) => SOME id
+ | _ => NONE);
- (*list optional terminal and all nonterminals on which the lookahead
- of a production depends*)
- fun lookahead_dependency _ [] nts = (NONE, nts)
- | lookahead_dependency _ ((Terminal tk) :: _) nts = (SOME tk, nts)
- | lookahead_dependency lambdas ((Nonterminal (nt, _)) :: symbs) nts =
- if member (op =) lambdas nt then
- lookahead_dependency lambdas symbs (nt :: nts)
- else (NONE, nt :: nts);
- (*get all known starting tokens for a nonterminal*)
- fun starts_for_nt nt = snd (fst (Array.sub (prods, nt)));
- val token_union = uncurry (union Lexicon.matching_tokens);
+ (*store chain if it does not already exist*)
+ val (new_chain, chains') =
+ (case chain_from of
+ NONE => (NONE, chains)
+ | SOME from =>
+ let val old_tos = these (AList.lookup (op =) chains from) in
+ if member (op =) old_tos lhs then (NONE, chains)
+ else (SOME from, AList.update (op =) (from, insert (op =) lhs old_tos) chains)
+ end);
- (*update prods, lookaheads, and lambdas according to new lambda NTs*)
- val (added_starts', lambdas') =
- let
- (*propagate added lambda NT*)
- fun propagate_lambda [] added_starts lambdas= (added_starts, lambdas)
- | propagate_lambda (l :: ls) added_starts lambdas =
- let
- (*get lookahead for lambda NT*)
- val ((dependent, l_starts), _) = Array.sub (prods, l);
+ (*propagate new chain in lookahead and lambda lists;
+ added_starts is used later to associate existing
+ productions with new starting tokens*)
+ val (added_starts, lambdas') =
+ if is_none new_chain then ([], lambdas)
+ else
+ let (*lookahead of chain's source*)
+ val ((from_nts, from_tks), _) = Array.sub (prods, the new_chain);
- (*check productions whose lookahead may depend on lambda NT*)
- fun examine_prods [] add_lambda nt_dependencies added_tks
- nt_prods =
- (add_lambda, nt_dependencies, added_tks, nt_prods)
- | examine_prods ((p as (rhs, _, _)) :: ps) add_lambda
- nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods =
- let val (tk, nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas rhs [];
+ (*copy from's lookahead to chain's destinations*)
+ fun copy_lookahead [] added = added
+ | copy_lookahead (to :: tos) added =
+ let
+ val ((to_nts, to_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, to);
+ val new_tks = subtract (op =) to_tks from_tks; (*added lookahead tokens*)
+ val _ = Array.update (prods, to, ((to_nts, to_tks @ new_tks), ps));
- if member (op =) nts l then (*update production's lookahead*)
- let
- val new_lambda = is_none tk andalso subset (op =) (nts, lambdas);
- val new_tks = subtract (op =) l_starts
- ((if is_some tk then [the tk] else []) @
- Library.foldl token_union ([], map starts_for_nt nts));
- val added_tks' = token_union (new_tks, added_tks);
- val nt_dependencies' = union (op =) nts nt_dependencies;
- (*associate production with new starting tokens*)
- fun copy ([]: Lexicon.token option list) nt_prods = nt_prods
- | copy (tk :: tks) nt_prods =
- let val old_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods tk);
- val prods' = p :: old_prods;
- in nt_prods
- |> AList.update (op =) (tk, prods')
- |> copy tks
- end;
- val nt_prods' =
- let val new_opt_tks = map SOME new_tks;
- in copy ((if new_lambda then [NONE] else []) @
- new_opt_tks) nt_prods
- end;
- in examine_prods ps (add_lambda orelse new_lambda)
- nt_dependencies' added_tks' nt_prods'
- end
- else (*skip production*)
- examine_prods ps add_lambda nt_dependencies
- added_tks nt_prods
+ copy_lookahead tos (if null new_tks then added else (to, new_tks) :: added)
- (*check each NT whose lookahead depends on new lambda NT*)
- fun process_nts [] added_lambdas added_starts =
- (added_lambdas, added_starts)
- | process_nts (nt :: nts) added_lambdas added_starts =
- let
- val (lookahead as (old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) =
- Array.sub (prods, nt);
+ val tos = connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs];
+ in
+ (copy_lookahead tos [],
+ union (op =) (if member (op =) lambdas lhs then tos else []) lambdas)
+ end;
- (*existing productions whose lookahead may depend on l*)
- val tk_prods =
- (these o AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods)
- (SOME (hd l_starts handle Empty => UnknownStart));
+ (*test if new production can produce lambda
+ (rhs must either be empty or only consist of lambda NTs)*)
+ val (new_lambda, lambdas') =
+ if forall
+ (fn Nonterminal (id, _) => member (op =) lambdas' id
+ | Terminal _ => false) rhs
+ then (true, union (op =) lambdas' (connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs]))
+ else (false, lambdas');
- (*add_lambda is true if an existing production of the nt
- produces lambda due to the new lambda NT l*)
- val (add_lambda, nt_dependencies, added_tks, nt_prods') =
- examine_prods tk_prods false [] [] nt_prods;
+ (*list optional terminal and all nonterminals on which the lookahead
+ of a production depends*)
+ fun lookahead_dependency _ [] nts = (NONE, nts)
+ | lookahead_dependency _ ((Terminal tk) :: _) nts = (SOME tk, nts)
+ | lookahead_dependency lambdas ((Nonterminal (nt, _)) :: symbs) nts =
+ if member (op =) lambdas nt then
+ lookahead_dependency lambdas symbs (nt :: nts)
+ else (NONE, nt :: nts);
- val added_nts = subtract (op =) old_nts nt_dependencies;
+ (*get all known starting tokens for a nonterminal*)
+ fun starts_for_nt nt = snd (fst (Array.sub (prods, nt)));
+ val token_union = uncurry (union Lexicon.matching_tokens);
- val added_lambdas' =
- if add_lambda then nt :: added_lambdas
- else added_lambdas;
- in Array.update (prods, nt,
- ((added_nts @ old_nts, old_tks @ added_tks),
- nt_prods'));
- (*N.B. that because the tks component
- is used to access existing
- productions we have to add new
- tokens at the _end_ of the list*)
+ (*update prods, lookaheads, and lambdas according to new lambda NTs*)
+ val (added_starts', lambdas') =
+ let
+ (*propagate added lambda NT*)
+ fun propagate_lambda [] added_starts lambdas= (added_starts, lambdas)
+ | propagate_lambda (l :: ls) added_starts lambdas =
+ let
+ (*get lookahead for lambda NT*)
+ val ((dependent, l_starts), _) = Array.sub (prods, l);
+ (*check productions whose lookahead may depend on lambda NT*)
+ fun examine_prods [] add_lambda nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods =
+ (add_lambda, nt_dependencies, added_tks, nt_prods)
+ | examine_prods ((p as (rhs, _, _)) :: ps) add_lambda
+ nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods =
+ let val (tk, nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas rhs [] in
+ if member (op =) nts l then (*update production's lookahead*)
+ let
+ val new_lambda = is_none tk andalso subset (op =) (nts, lambdas);
- if null added_tks then
- process_nts nts added_lambdas' added_starts
- else
- process_nts nts added_lambdas'
- ((nt, added_tks) :: added_starts)
- end;
+ val new_tks = subtract (op =) l_starts
+ ((if is_some tk then [the tk] else []) @
+ Library.foldl token_union ([], map starts_for_nt nts));
+ val added_tks' = token_union (new_tks, added_tks);
+ val nt_dependencies' = union (op =) nts nt_dependencies;
- val (added_lambdas, added_starts') =
- process_nts dependent [] added_starts;
- val added_lambdas' = subtract (op =) lambdas added_lambdas;
- in propagate_lambda (ls @ added_lambdas') added_starts'
- (added_lambdas' @ lambdas)
- end;
- in propagate_lambda (subtract (op =) lambdas lambdas') added_starts lambdas' end;
+ (*associate production with new starting tokens*)
+ fun copy ([]: Lexicon.token option list) nt_prods = nt_prods
+ | copy (tk :: tks) nt_prods =
+ let
+ val old_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods tk);
+ val prods' = p :: old_prods;
+ in
+ nt_prods
+ |> AList.update (op =) (tk, prods')
+ |> copy tks
+ end;
- (*insert production into grammar*)
- val (added_starts', prod_count') =
- if is_some chain_from then (added_starts', prod_count) (*don't store chain production*)
- else let
- (*lookahead tokens of new production and on which
- NTs lookahead depends*)
- val (start_tk, start_nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs [];
- val start_tks = Library.foldl token_union
- (if is_some start_tk then [the start_tk] else [],
- map starts_for_nt start_nts);
+ val nt_prods' =
+ let val new_opt_tks = map SOME new_tks in
+ copy
+ ((if new_lambda then [NONE] else []) @ new_opt_tks) nt_prods
+ end;
+ in
+ examine_prods ps (add_lambda orelse new_lambda)
+ nt_dependencies' added_tks' nt_prods'
+ end
+ else (*skip production*)
+ examine_prods ps add_lambda nt_dependencies added_tks nt_prods
+ end;
- val opt_starts = (if new_lambda then [NONE]
- else if null start_tks then [SOME UnknownStart]
- else []) @ (map SOME start_tks);
+ (*check each NT whose lookahead depends on new lambda NT*)
+ fun process_nts [] added_lambdas added_starts =
+ (added_lambdas, added_starts)
+ | process_nts (nt :: nts) added_lambdas added_starts =
+ let
+ val (lookahead as (old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt);
- (*add lhs NT to list of dependent NTs in lookahead*)
- fun add_nts [] = ()
- | add_nts (nt :: nts) =
- let val ((old_nts, old_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, nt);
- in if member (op =) old_nts lhs then ()
- else Array.update (prods, nt, ((lhs :: old_nts, old_tks), ps))
- end;
+ (*existing productions whose lookahead may depend on l*)
+ val tk_prods =
+ these
+ (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods
+ (SOME (hd l_starts handle Empty => unknown_start)));
+ (*add_lambda is true if an existing production of the nt
+ produces lambda due to the new lambda NT l*)
+ val (add_lambda, nt_dependencies, added_tks, nt_prods') =
+ examine_prods tk_prods false [] [] nt_prods;
+ val added_nts = subtract (op =) old_nts nt_dependencies;
- (*add new start tokens to chained NTs' lookahead list;
- also store new production for lhs NT*)
- fun add_tks [] added prod_count = (added, prod_count)
- | add_tks (nt :: nts) added prod_count =
- let
- val ((old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt);
- val new_tks = subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens old_tks start_tks;
+ val added_lambdas' =
+ if add_lambda then nt :: added_lambdas
+ else added_lambdas;
+ val _ =
+ Array.update
+ (prods, nt, ((added_nts @ old_nts, old_tks @ added_tks), nt_prods'));
+ (*N.B. that because the tks component
+ is used to access existing
+ productions we have to add new
+ tokens at the _end_ of the list*)
+ in
+ if null added_tks then
+ process_nts nts added_lambdas' added_starts
+ else
+ process_nts nts added_lambdas' ((nt, added_tks) :: added_starts)
+ end;
- (*store new production*)
- fun store [] prods is_new =
- (prods, if is_some prod_count andalso is_new then
- Option.map (fn x => x+1) prod_count
- else prod_count, is_new)
- | store (tk :: tks) prods is_new =
- let val tk_prods = (these o AList.lookup (op =) prods) tk;
+ val (added_lambdas, added_starts') = process_nts dependent [] added_starts;
+ val added_lambdas' = subtract (op =) lambdas added_lambdas;
+ in
+ propagate_lambda (ls @ added_lambdas') added_starts' (added_lambdas' @ lambdas)
+ end;
+ in propagate_lambda (subtract (op =) lambdas lambdas') added_starts lambdas' end;
- (*if prod_count = NONE then we can assume that
- grammar does not contain new production already*)
- val (tk_prods', is_new') =
- if is_some prod_count then
- if member (op =) tk_prods new_prod then (tk_prods, false)
- else (new_prod :: tk_prods, true)
- else (new_prod :: tk_prods, true);
+ (*insert production into grammar*)
+ val (added_starts', prod_count') =
+ if is_some chain_from
+ then (added_starts', prod_count) (*don't store chain production*)
+ else
+ let
+ (*lookahead tokens of new production and on which
+ NTs lookahead depends*)
+ val (start_tk, start_nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs [];
- val prods' = prods
- |> is_new' ? AList.update (op =) (tk: Lexicon.token option, tk_prods');
- in store tks prods' (is_new orelse is_new') end;
+ val start_tks =
+ Library.foldl token_union
+ (if is_some start_tk then [the start_tk] else [],
+ map starts_for_nt start_nts);
- val (nt_prods', prod_count', changed) =
- if nt = lhs then store opt_starts nt_prods false
- else (nt_prods, prod_count, false);
- in if not changed andalso null new_tks then ()
- else Array.update (prods, nt, ((old_nts, old_tks @ new_tks),
- nt_prods'));
- add_tks nts (if null new_tks then added
- else (nt, new_tks) :: added) prod_count'
- end;
- in add_nts start_nts;
- add_tks (connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs]) [] prod_count
- end;
+ val opt_starts =
+ (if new_lambda then [NONE]
+ else if null start_tks then [SOME unknown_start]
+ else []) @ map SOME start_tks;
+ (*add lhs NT to list of dependent NTs in lookahead*)
+ fun add_nts [] = ()
+ | add_nts (nt :: nts) =
+ let val ((old_nts, old_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, nt) in
+ if member (op =) old_nts lhs then ()
+ else Array.update (prods, nt, ((lhs :: old_nts, old_tks), ps))
+ end;
+ (*add new start tokens to chained NTs' lookahead list;
+ also store new production for lhs NT*)
+ fun add_tks [] added prod_count = (added, prod_count)
+ | add_tks (nt :: nts) added prod_count =
+ let
+ val ((old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt);
+ val new_tks = subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens old_tks start_tks;
+ (*store new production*)
+ fun store [] prods is_new =
+ (prods,
+ if is_some prod_count andalso is_new then
+ Option.map (fn x => x + 1) prod_count
+ else prod_count, is_new)
+ | store (tk :: tks) prods is_new =
+ let
+ val tk_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) prods tk);
+ (*if prod_count = NONE then we can assume that
+ grammar does not contain new production already*)
+ val (tk_prods', is_new') =
+ if is_some prod_count then
+ if member (op =) tk_prods new_prod then (tk_prods, false)
+ else (new_prod :: tk_prods, true)
+ else (new_prod :: tk_prods, true);
- (*associate productions with new lookaheads*)
- val dummy =
- let
- (*propagate added start tokens*)
- fun add_starts [] = ()
- | add_starts ((changed_nt, new_tks) :: starts) =
- let
- (*token under which old productions which
- depend on changed_nt could be stored*)
- val key =
- case find_first (not o member (op =) new_tks)
- (starts_for_nt changed_nt) of
- NONE => SOME UnknownStart
- | t => t;
+ val prods' = prods
+ |> is_new' ? AList.update (op =) (tk: Lexicon.token option, tk_prods');
+ in store tks prods' (is_new orelse is_new') end;
+ val (nt_prods', prod_count', changed) =
+ if nt = lhs
+ then store opt_starts nt_prods false
+ else (nt_prods, prod_count, false);
+ val _ =
+ if not changed andalso null new_tks then ()
+ else Array.update (prods, nt, ((old_nts, old_tks @ new_tks), nt_prods'));
+ in
+ add_tks nts
+ (if null new_tks then added else (nt, new_tks) :: added) prod_count'
+ end;
+ val _ = add_nts start_nts;
+ in
+ add_tks (connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs]) [] prod_count
+ end;
- (*copy productions whose lookahead depends on changed_nt;
- if key = SOME UnknownToken then tk_prods is used to hold
- the productions not copied*)
- fun update_prods [] result = result
- | update_prods ((p as (rhs, _: string, _: nt_tag)) :: ps)
- (tk_prods, nt_prods) =
- let
- (*lookahead dependency for production*)
- val (tk, depends) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs [];
+ (*associate productions with new lookaheads*)
+ val _ =
+ let
+ (*propagate added start tokens*)
+ fun add_starts [] = ()
+ | add_starts ((changed_nt, new_tks) :: starts) =
+ let
+ (*token under which old productions which
+ depend on changed_nt could be stored*)
+ val key =
+ (case find_first (not o member (op =) new_tks) (starts_for_nt changed_nt) of
+ NONE => SOME unknown_start
+ | t => t);
- (*test if this production has to be copied*)
- val update = member (op =) depends changed_nt;
- (*test if production could already be associated with
- a member of new_tks*)
- val lambda = length depends > 1 orelse
- not (null depends) andalso is_some tk
- andalso member (op =) new_tks (the tk);
- (*associate production with new starting tokens*)
- fun copy ([]: Lexicon.token list) nt_prods = nt_prods
- | copy (tk :: tks) nt_prods =
+ (*copy productions whose lookahead depends on changed_nt;
+ if key = SOME unknown_start then tk_prods is used to hold
+ the productions not copied*)
+ fun update_prods [] result = result
+ | update_prods ((p as (rhs, _: string, _: nt_tag)) :: ps)
+ (tk_prods, nt_prods) =
- val tk_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods (SOME tk));
+ (*lookahead dependency for production*)
+ val (tk, depends) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs [];
+ (*test if this production has to be copied*)
+ val update = member (op =) depends changed_nt;
- val tk_prods' =
- if not lambda then p :: tk_prods
- else insert (op =) p tk_prods;
- (*if production depends on lambda NT we
- have to look for duplicates*)
- in
- nt_prods
- |> AList.update (op =) (SOME tk, tk_prods')
- |> copy tks
- end;
- val result =
- if update then
- (tk_prods, copy new_tks nt_prods)
- else if key = SOME UnknownStart then
- (p :: tk_prods, nt_prods)
- else (tk_prods, nt_prods);
- in update_prods ps result end;
+ (*test if production could already be associated with
+ a member of new_tks*)
+ val lambda =
+ length depends > 1 orelse
+ not (null depends) andalso is_some tk
+ andalso member (op =) new_tks (the tk);
+ (*associate production with new starting tokens*)
+ fun copy ([]: Lexicon.token list) nt_prods = nt_prods
+ | copy (tk :: tks) nt_prods =
+ let
+ val tk_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods (SOME tk));
- (*copy existing productions for new starting tokens*)
- fun process_nts [] added = added
- | process_nts (nt :: nts) added =
- let
- val (lookahead as (old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) =
- Array.sub (prods, nt);
+ val tk_prods' =
+ if not lambda then p :: tk_prods
+ else insert (op =) p tk_prods;
+ (*if production depends on lambda NT we
+ have to look for duplicates*)
+ in
+ nt_prods
+ |> AList.update (op =) (SOME tk, tk_prods')
+ |> copy tks
+ end;
+ val result =
+ if update then (tk_prods, copy new_tks nt_prods)
+ else if key = SOME unknown_start then (p :: tk_prods, nt_prods)
+ else (tk_prods, nt_prods);
+ in update_prods ps result end;
- val tk_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods key);
- (*associate productions with new lookahead tokens*)
- val (tk_prods', nt_prods') =
- update_prods tk_prods ([], nt_prods);
+ (*copy existing productions for new starting tokens*)
+ fun process_nts [] added = added
+ | process_nts (nt :: nts) added =
+ let
+ val (lookahead as (old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt);
- val nt_prods' =
- nt_prods'
- |> (key = SOME UnknownStart) ? AList.update (op =) (key, tk_prods')
+ val tk_prods = these (AList.lookup (op =) nt_prods key);
+ (*associate productions with new lookahead tokens*)
+ val (tk_prods', nt_prods') = update_prods tk_prods ([], nt_prods);
+ val nt_prods' =
+ nt_prods'
+ |> (key = SOME unknown_start) ? AList.update (op =) (key, tk_prods');
- val added_tks =
- subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens old_tks new_tks;
- in if null added_tks then
- (Array.update (prods, nt, (lookahead, nt_prods'));
- process_nts nts added)
- else
- (Array.update (prods, nt,
- ((old_nts, added_tks @ old_tks), nt_prods'));
- process_nts nts ((nt, added_tks) :: added))
- end;
+ val added_tks = subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens old_tks new_tks;
+ in
+ if null added_tks then
+ (Array.update (prods, nt, (lookahead, nt_prods'));
+ process_nts nts added)
+ else
+ (Array.update (prods, nt, ((old_nts, added_tks @ old_tks), nt_prods'));
+ process_nts nts ((nt, added_tks) :: added))
+ end;
- val ((dependent, _), _) = Array.sub (prods, changed_nt);
- in add_starts (starts @ process_nts dependent []) end;
- in add_starts added_starts' end;
- in add_prods prods chains' lambdas' prod_count ps end;
+ val ((dependent, _), _) = Array.sub (prods, changed_nt);
+ in add_starts (starts @ process_nts dependent []) end;
+ in add_starts added_starts' end;
+ in add_prods prods chains' lambdas' prod_count ps end;
(* pretty_gram *)
@@ -410,8 +421,8 @@
fun prod_of_chain from = ([Nonterminal (from, ~1)], "", ~1);
val nt_prods =
- Library.foldl (uncurry (union (op =))) ([], map snd (snd (Array.sub (prods, tag)))) @
- map prod_of_chain ((these o AList.lookup (op =) chains) tag);
+ Library.foldl (uncurry (union (op =))) ([], map snd (snd (Vector.sub (prods, tag)))) @
+ map prod_of_chain (these (AList.lookup (op =) chains tag));
in map (pretty_prod name) nt_prods end;
in maps pretty_nt (sort_wrt fst (Symtab.dest tags)) end;
@@ -419,85 +430,96 @@
(** Operations on gramars **)
-val empty_gram = Gram {nt_count = 0, prod_count = 0,
- tags = Symtab.empty, chains = [], lambdas = [],
- prods = Array.array (0, (([], []), []))};
+val empty_gram =
+ Gram
+ {nt_count = 0,
+ prod_count = 0,
+ tags = Symtab.empty, chains = [],
+ lambdas = [],
+ prods = Vector.fromList [(([], []), [])]};
(*Invert list of chain productions*)
fun inverse_chains [] result = result
| inverse_chains ((root, branches: nt_tag list) :: cs) result =
- let fun add ([]: nt_tag list) result = result
+ let
+ fun add ([]: nt_tag list) result = result
| add (id :: ids) result =
- let val old = (these o AList.lookup (op =) result) id;
- in add ids (AList.update (op =) (id, root :: old) result) end;
- in inverse_chains cs (add branches result) end;
+ let val old = these (AList.lookup (op =) result id);
+ in add ids (AList.update (op =) (id, root :: old) result) end;
+ in inverse_chains cs (add branches result) end;
(*Add productions to a grammar*)
fun extend_gram [] gram = gram
| extend_gram xprods (Gram {nt_count, prod_count, tags, chains, lambdas, prods}) =
- let
- (*Get tag for existing nonterminal or create a new one*)
- fun get_tag nt_count tags nt =
- case Symtab.lookup tags nt of
- SOME tag => (nt_count, tags, tag)
- | NONE => (nt_count+1, Symtab.update_new (nt, nt_count) tags,
- nt_count);
+ let
+ (*Get tag for existing nonterminal or create a new one*)
+ fun get_tag nt_count tags nt =
+ (case Symtab.lookup tags nt of
+ SOME tag => (nt_count, tags, tag)
+ | NONE => (nt_count + 1, Symtab.update_new (nt, nt_count) tags, nt_count));
- (*Convert symbols to the form used by the parser;
- delimiters and predefined terms are stored as terminals,
- nonterminals are converted to integer tags*)
- fun symb_of [] nt_count tags result = (nt_count, tags, rev result)
- | symb_of ((Syn_Ext.Delim s) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
- symb_of ss nt_count tags
- (Terminal (Lexicon.Token (Lexicon.Literal, s, Position.no_range)) :: result)
- | symb_of ((Syn_Ext.Argument (s, p)) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
- let
- val (nt_count', tags', new_symb) =
- case Lexicon.predef_term s of
- NONE =>
- let val (nt_count', tags', s_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags s;
- in (nt_count', tags', Nonterminal (s_tag, p)) end
- | SOME tk => (nt_count, tags, Terminal tk);
- in symb_of ss nt_count' tags' (new_symb :: result) end
- | symb_of (_ :: ss) nt_count tags result =
- symb_of ss nt_count tags result;
+ (*Convert symbols to the form used by the parser;
+ delimiters and predefined terms are stored as terminals,
+ nonterminals are converted to integer tags*)
+ fun symb_of [] nt_count tags result = (nt_count, tags, rev result)
+ | symb_of ((Syn_Ext.Delim s) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
+ symb_of ss nt_count tags
+ (Terminal (Lexicon.Token (Lexicon.Literal, s, Position.no_range)) :: result)
+ | symb_of ((Syn_Ext.Argument (s, p)) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
+ let
+ val (nt_count', tags', new_symb) =
+ (case Lexicon.predef_term s of
+ NONE =>
+ let val (nt_count', tags', s_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags s;
+ in (nt_count', tags', Nonterminal (s_tag, p)) end
+ | SOME tk => (nt_count, tags, Terminal tk));
+ in symb_of ss nt_count' tags' (new_symb :: result) end
+ | symb_of (_ :: ss) nt_count tags result = symb_of ss nt_count tags result;
- (*Convert list of productions by invoking symb_of for each of them*)
- fun prod_of [] nt_count prod_count tags result =
- (nt_count, prod_count, tags, result)
- | prod_of ((Syn_Ext.XProd (lhs, xsymbs, const, pri)) :: ps)
- nt_count prod_count tags result =
- let val (nt_count', tags', lhs_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags lhs;
+ (*Convert list of productions by invoking symb_of for each of them*)
+ fun prod_of [] nt_count prod_count tags result =
+ (nt_count, prod_count, tags, result)
+ | prod_of ((Syn_Ext.XProd (lhs, xsymbs, const, pri)) :: ps)
+ nt_count prod_count tags result =
+ let
+ val (nt_count', tags', lhs_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags lhs;
+ val (nt_count'', tags'', prods) = symb_of xsymbs nt_count' tags' [];
+ in
+ prod_of ps nt_count'' (prod_count + 1) tags''
+ ((lhs_tag, (prods, const, pri)) :: result)
+ end;
- val (nt_count'', tags'', prods) =
- symb_of xsymbs nt_count' tags' [];
- in prod_of ps nt_count'' (prod_count+1) tags''
- ((lhs_tag, (prods, const, pri)) :: result)
- end;
- val (nt_count', prod_count', tags', xprods') =
- prod_of xprods nt_count prod_count tags [];
+ val (nt_count', prod_count', tags', xprods') =
+ prod_of xprods nt_count prod_count tags [];
- (*Copy array containing productions of old grammar;
- this has to be done to preserve the old grammar while being able
- to change the array's content*)
- val prods' =
- let fun get_prod i = if i < nt_count then Array.sub (prods, i)
- else (([], []), []);
- in Array.tabulate (nt_count', get_prod) end;
+ (*Copy array containing productions of old grammar;
+ this has to be done to preserve the old grammar while being able
+ to change the array's content*)
+ val prods' =
+ let
+ fun get_prod i =
+ if i < nt_count then Vector.sub (prods, i)
+ else (([], []), []);
+ in Array.tabulate (nt_count', get_prod) end;
+ val fromto_chains = inverse_chains chains [];
- val fromto_chains = inverse_chains chains [];
+ (*Add new productions to old ones*)
+ val (fromto_chains', lambdas', _) =
+ add_prods prods' fromto_chains lambdas NONE xprods';
- (*Add new productions to old ones*)
- val (fromto_chains', lambdas', _) =
- add_prods prods' fromto_chains lambdas NONE xprods';
- val chains' = inverse_chains fromto_chains' [];
- in Gram {nt_count = nt_count', prod_count = prod_count', tags = tags',
- chains = chains', lambdas = lambdas', prods = prods'}
- end;
+ val chains' = inverse_chains fromto_chains' [];
+ in
+ Gram
+ {nt_count = nt_count',
+ prod_count = prod_count',
+ tags = tags',
+ chains = chains',
+ lambdas = lambdas',
+ prods = Array.vector prods'}
+ end;
fun make_gram xprods = extend_gram xprods empty_gram;
@@ -506,37 +528,40 @@
fun merge_gram (gram_a, gram_b) =
(*find out which grammar is bigger*)
- val (Gram {nt_count = nt_count1, prod_count = prod_count1, tags = tags1,
- chains = chains1, lambdas = lambdas1, prods = prods1},
- Gram {nt_count = nt_count2, prod_count = prod_count2, tags = tags2,
- chains = chains2, lambdas = lambdas2, prods = prods2}) =
- let val Gram {prod_count = count_a, ...} = gram_a;
- val Gram {prod_count = count_b, ...} = gram_b;
- in if count_a > count_b then (gram_a, gram_b)
- else (gram_b, gram_a)
+ val
+ (Gram {nt_count = nt_count1, prod_count = prod_count1, tags = tags1,
+ chains = chains1, lambdas = lambdas1, prods = prods1},
+ Gram {nt_count = nt_count2, prod_count = prod_count2, tags = tags2,
+ chains = chains2, lambdas = lambdas2, prods = prods2}) =
+ let
+ val Gram {prod_count = count_a, ...} = gram_a;
+ val Gram {prod_count = count_b, ...} = gram_b;
+ in
+ if count_a > count_b
+ then (gram_a, gram_b)
+ else (gram_b, gram_a)
(*get existing tag from grammar1 or create a new one*)
fun get_tag nt_count tags nt =
- case Symtab.lookup tags nt of
+ (case Symtab.lookup tags nt of
SOME tag => (nt_count, tags, tag)
- | NONE => (nt_count+1, Symtab.update_new (nt, nt_count) tags,
- nt_count)
+ | NONE => (nt_count + 1, Symtab.update_new (nt, nt_count) tags, nt_count));
val ((nt_count1', tags1'), tag_table) =
- let val tag_list = Symtab.dest tags2;
+ let
+ val tag_list = Symtab.dest tags2;
- val table = Array.array (nt_count2, ~1);
+ val table = Array.array (nt_count2, ~1);
- fun store_tag nt_count tags ~1 = (nt_count, tags)
- | store_tag nt_count tags tag =
- let val (nt_count', tags', tag') =
- get_tag nt_count tags
- (fst (the (find_first (fn (n, t) => t = tag) tag_list)));
- in Array.update (table, tag, tag');
- store_tag nt_count' tags' (tag-1)
- end;
- in (store_tag nt_count1 tags1 (nt_count2-1), table) end;
+ fun store_tag nt_count tags ~1 = (nt_count, tags)
+ | store_tag nt_count tags tag =
+ let
+ val (nt_count', tags', tag') =
+ get_tag nt_count tags (fst (the (find_first (fn (n, t) => t = tag) tag_list)));
+ val _ = Array.update (table, tag, tag');
+ in store_tag nt_count' tags' (tag - 1) end;
+ in (store_tag nt_count1 tags1 (nt_count2 - 1), table) end;
(*convert grammar2 tag to grammar1 tag*)
fun convert_tag tag = Array.sub (tag_table, tag);
@@ -544,44 +569,44 @@
(*convert chain list to raw productions*)
fun mk_chain_prods [] result = result
| mk_chain_prods ((to, froms) :: cs) result =
- let
- val to_tag = convert_tag to;
+ let
+ val to_tag = convert_tag to;
- fun make [] result = result
- | make (from :: froms) result = make froms ((to_tag,
- ([Nonterminal (convert_tag from, ~1)], "", ~1)) :: result);
- in mk_chain_prods cs (make froms [] @ result) end;
+ fun make [] result = result
+ | make (from :: froms) result = make froms
+ ((to_tag, ([Nonterminal (convert_tag from, ~1)], "", ~1)) :: result);
+ in mk_chain_prods cs (make froms [] @ result) end;
val chain_prods = mk_chain_prods chains2 [];
(*convert prods2 array to productions*)
fun process_nt ~1 result = result
| process_nt nt result =
- let
- val nt_prods = Library.foldl (uncurry (union (op =)))
- ([], map snd (snd (Array.sub (prods2, nt))));
- val lhs_tag = convert_tag nt;
+ let
+ val nt_prods = Library.foldl (uncurry (union (op =)))
+ ([], map snd (snd (Vector.sub (prods2, nt))));
+ val lhs_tag = convert_tag nt;
- (*convert tags in rhs*)
- fun process_rhs [] result = result
- | process_rhs (Terminal tk :: rhs) result =
- process_rhs rhs (result @ [Terminal tk])
- | process_rhs (Nonterminal (nt, prec) :: rhs) result =
- process_rhs rhs
- (result @ [Nonterminal (convert_tag nt, prec)]);
+ (*convert tags in rhs*)
+ fun process_rhs [] result = result
+ | process_rhs (Terminal tk :: rhs) result =
+ process_rhs rhs (result @ [Terminal tk])
+ | process_rhs (Nonterminal (nt, prec) :: rhs) result =
+ process_rhs rhs (result @ [Nonterminal (convert_tag nt, prec)]);
- (*convert tags in productions*)
- fun process_prods [] result = result
- | process_prods ((rhs, id, prec) :: ps) result =
- process_prods ps ((lhs_tag, (process_rhs rhs [], id, prec))
- :: result);
- in process_nt (nt-1) (process_prods nt_prods [] @ result) end;
+ (*convert tags in productions*)
+ fun process_prods [] result = result
+ | process_prods ((rhs, id, prec) :: ps) result =
+ process_prods ps ((lhs_tag, (process_rhs rhs [], id, prec)) :: result);
+ in process_nt (nt - 1) (process_prods nt_prods [] @ result) end;
- val raw_prods = chain_prods @ process_nt (nt_count2-1) [];
+ val raw_prods = chain_prods @ process_nt (nt_count2 - 1) [];
val prods1' =
- let fun get_prod i = if i < nt_count1 then Array.sub (prods1, i)
- else (([], []), []);
+ let
+ fun get_prod i =
+ if i < nt_count1 then Vector.sub (prods1, i)
+ else (([], []), []);
in Array.tabulate (nt_count1', get_prod) end;
val fromto_chains = inverse_chains chains1 [];
@@ -590,9 +615,14 @@
add_prods prods1' fromto_chains lambdas1 (SOME prod_count1) raw_prods;
val chains' = inverse_chains fromto_chains' [];
- in Gram {nt_count = nt_count1', prod_count = prod_count1',
- tags = tags1', chains = chains', lambdas = lambdas',
- prods = prods1'}
+ in
+ Gram
+ {nt_count = nt_count1',
+ prod_count = prod_count1',
+ tags = tags1',
+ chains = chains',
+ lambdas = lambdas',
+ prods = Array.vector prods1'}
@@ -603,32 +633,33 @@
Tip of Lexicon.token;
type state =
- nt_tag * int * (*identification and production precedence*)
- parsetree list * (*already parsed nonterminals on rhs*)
- symb list * (*rest of rhs*)
- string * (*name of production*)
- int; (*index for previous state list*)
+ nt_tag * int * (*identification and production precedence*)
+ parsetree list * (*already parsed nonterminals on rhs*)
+ symb list * (*rest of rhs*)
+ string * (*name of production*)
+ int; (*index for previous state list*)
-(*Get all rhss with precedence >= minPrec*)
-fun getRHS minPrec = filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec);
+(*Get all rhss with precedence >= min_prec*)
+fun get_RHS min_prec = filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= min_prec);
-(*Get all rhss with precedence >= minPrec and < maxPrec*)
-fun getRHS' minPrec maxPrec =
- filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec andalso prec < maxPrec);
+(*Get all rhss with precedence >= min_prec and < max_prec*)
+fun get_RHS' min_prec max_prec =
+ filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= min_prec andalso prec < max_prec);
(*Make states using a list of rhss*)
-fun mkStates i minPrec lhsID rhss =
- let fun mkState (rhs, id, prodPrec) = (lhsID, prodPrec, [], rhs, id, i);
- in map mkState rhss end;
+fun mk_states i min_prec lhs_ID rhss =
+ let fun mk_state (rhs, id, prod_prec) = (lhs_ID, prod_prec, [], rhs, id, i);
+ in map mk_state rhss end;
(*Add parse tree to list and eliminate duplicates
saving the maximum precedence*)
fun conc (t: parsetree list, prec:int) [] = (NONE, [(t, prec)])
| conc (t, prec) ((t', prec') :: ts) =
if t = t' then
- (SOME prec', if prec' >= prec then (t', prec') :: ts
- else (t, prec) :: ts)
+ (SOME prec',
+ if prec' >= prec then (t', prec') :: ts
+ else (t, prec) :: ts)
let val (n, ts') = conc (t, prec) ts
in (n, (t', prec') :: ts') end;
@@ -644,35 +675,33 @@
(*Replace entry in used*)
fun update_prec (A: nt_tag, prec) used =
- let fun update ((hd as (B, (_, ts))) :: used, used') =
- if A = B
- then used' @ ((A, (prec, ts)) :: used)
- else update (used, hd :: used')
+ let
+ fun update ((hd as (B, (_, ts))) :: used, used') =
+ if A = B
+ then used' @ ((A, (prec, ts)) :: used)
+ else update (used, hd :: used')
in update (used, []) end;
-fun getS A maxPrec Si =
+fun getS A max_prec Si =
+ filter
+ (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec <= max_prec
+ | _ => false) Si;
+fun getS' A max_prec min_prec Si =
(fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
- => A = B andalso prec <= maxPrec
+ => A = B andalso prec > min_prec andalso prec <= max_prec
| _ => false) Si;
-fun getS' A maxPrec minPrec Si =
+fun get_states Estate i ii A max_prec =
- (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
- => A = B andalso prec > minPrec andalso prec <= maxPrec
- | _ => false) Si;
-fun getStates Estate i ii A maxPrec =
- filter
- (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
- => A = B andalso prec <= maxPrec
+ (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec <= max_prec
| _ => false)
(Array.sub (Estate, ii));
fun movedot_term (A, j, ts, Terminal a :: sa, id, i) c =
- if Lexicon.valued_token c then
- (A, j, ts @ [Tip c], sa, id, i)
+ if Lexicon.valued_token c then (A, j, ts @ [Tip c], sa, id, i)
else (A, j, ts, sa, id, i);
fun movedot_nonterm ts (A, j, tss, Nonterminal _ :: sa, id, i) =
@@ -692,18 +721,19 @@
be started by specified token*)
fun prods_for prods chains include_none tk nts =
- fun token_assoc (list, key) =
- let fun assoc [] result = result
- | assoc ((keyi, pi) :: pairs) result =
- if is_some keyi andalso Lexicon.matching_tokens (the keyi, key)
- orelse include_none andalso is_none keyi then
- assoc pairs (pi @ result)
- else assoc pairs result;
- in assoc list [] end;
+ fun token_assoc (list, key) =
+ let
+ fun assoc [] result = result
+ | assoc ((keyi, pi) :: pairs) result =
+ if is_some keyi andalso Lexicon.matching_tokens (the keyi, key)
+ orelse include_none andalso is_none keyi then
+ assoc pairs (pi @ result)
+ else assoc pairs result;
+ in assoc list [] end;
- fun get_prods [] result = result
- | get_prods (nt :: nts) result =
- let val nt_prods = snd (Array.sub (prods, nt));
+ fun get_prods [] result = result
+ | get_prods (nt :: nts) result =
+ let val nt_prods = snd (Vector.sub (prods, nt));
in get_prods nts ((token_assoc (nt_prods, tk)) @ result) end;
in get_prods (connected_with chains nts nts) [] end;
@@ -715,66 +745,66 @@
fun processS used [] (Si, Sii) = (Si, Sii)
| processS used (S :: States) (Si, Sii) =
(case S of
- (_, _, _, Nonterminal (nt, minPrec) :: _, _, _) =>
- let (*predictor operation*)
+ (_, _, _, Nonterminal (nt, min_prec) :: _, _, _) =>
+ let (*predictor operation*)
val (used', new_states) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) used nt of
- SOME (usedPrec, l) => (*nonterminal has been processed*)
- if usedPrec <= minPrec then
- (*wanted precedence has been processed*)
+ SOME (used_prec, l) => (*nonterminal has been processed*)
+ if used_prec <= min_prec then
+ (*wanted precedence has been processed*)
(used, movedot_lambda S l)
- else (*wanted precedence hasn't been parsed yet*)
+ else (*wanted precedence hasn't been parsed yet*)
val tk_prods = all_prods_for nt;
- val States' = mkStates i minPrec nt
- (getRHS' minPrec usedPrec tk_prods);
- in (update_prec (nt, minPrec) used,
+ val States' = mk_states i min_prec nt
+ (get_RHS' min_prec used_prec tk_prods);
+ in (update_prec (nt, min_prec) used,
movedot_lambda S l @ States')
- | NONE => (*nonterminal is parsed for the first time*)
- let val tk_prods = all_prods_for nt;
- val States' = mkStates i minPrec nt
- (getRHS minPrec tk_prods);
- in ((nt, (minPrec, [])) :: used, States') end);
+ | NONE => (*nonterminal is parsed for the first time*)
+ let
+ val tk_prods = all_prods_for nt;
+ val States' = mk_states i min_prec nt (get_RHS min_prec tk_prods);
+ in ((nt, (min_prec, [])) :: used, States') end);
val dummy =
- if not (!warned) andalso
- length (new_states @ States) > (!branching_level) then
+ if not (! warned) andalso
+ length (new_states @ States) > ! branching_level then
(warning "Currently parsed expression could be extremely ambiguous.";
warned := true)
else ();
processS used' (new_states @ States) (S :: Si, Sii)
- | (_, _, _, Terminal a :: _, _, _) => (*scanner operation*)
+ | (_, _, _, Terminal a :: _, _, _) => (*scanner operation*)
processS used States
(S :: Si,
if Lexicon.matching_tokens (a, c) then movedot_term S c :: Sii else Sii)
- | (A, prec, ts, [], id, j) => (*completer operation*)
+ | (A, prec, ts, [], id, j) => (*completer operation*)
let val tt = if id = "" then ts else [Node (id, ts)] in
- if j = i then (*lambda production?*)
+ if j = i then (*lambda production?*)
val (used', O) = update_trees used (A, (tt, prec));
- case O of
+ (case O of
- let val Slist = getS A prec Si;
- val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
+ let
+ val Slist = getS A prec Si;
+ val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end
| SOME n =>
if n >= prec then processS used' States (S :: Si, Sii)
- let val Slist = getS' A prec n Si;
- val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
- in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end
+ let
+ val Slist = getS' A prec n Si;
+ val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
+ in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end)
- let val Slist = getStates Estate i j A prec
- in processS used (map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist @ States)
- (S :: Si, Sii)
- end
+ let val Slist = get_states Estate i j A prec
+ in processS used (map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end
in processS [] states ([], []) end;
@@ -793,14 +823,14 @@
[Pretty.str "\""])))
| s =>
- (case indata of
- [] => Array.sub (stateset, i)
- | c :: cs =>
- let val (si, sii) = PROCESSS warned prods chains stateset i c s;
- in Array.update (stateset, i, si);
- Array.update (stateset, i + 1, sii);
- produce warned prods tags chains stateset (i + 1) cs c
- end));
+ (case indata of
+ [] => Array.sub (stateset, i)
+ | c :: cs =>
+ let val (si, sii) = PROCESSS warned prods chains stateset i c s;
+ in Array.update (stateset, i, si);
+ Array.update (stateset, i + 1, sii);
+ produce warned prods tags chains stateset (i + 1) cs c
+ end));
fun get_trees l = map_filter (fn (_, _, [pt], _, _, _) => SOME pt | _ => NONE) l;
@@ -814,8 +844,8 @@
val S0 = [(~1, 0, [], [Nonterminal (start_tag, 0), Terminal Lexicon.eof], "", 0)];
val s = length indata + 1;
val Estate = Array.array (s, []);
+ val _ = Array.update (Estate, 0, S0);
- Array.update (Estate, 0, S0);
get_trees (produce (Unsynchronized.ref false) prods tags chains Estate 0 indata Lexicon.eof)
@@ -835,7 +865,7 @@
fun guess_infix_lr (Gram gram) c = (*based on educated guess*)
- fun freeze a = map_range (curry Array.sub a) (Array.length a);
+ fun freeze a = map_range (curry Vector.sub a) (Vector.length a);
val prods = maps snd (maps snd (freeze (#prods gram)));
fun guess (SOME ([Nonterminal (_, k),
Terminal (Lexicon.Token (Lexicon.Literal, s, _)), Nonterminal (_, l)], _, j)) =