removed assert/deny (avoid clash with Alice keywords and confusion due to strict evaluation);
Tue, 03 Apr 2007 19:24:11 +0200
changeset 22567 1565d476a9e2
parent 22566 535ae9dd4c45
child 22568 ed7aa5a350ef
removed assert/deny (avoid clash with Alice keywords and confusion due to strict evaluation);
--- a/src/HOL/Library/sct.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/sct.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
   | dest_all_ex t = ([],t)
-fun dist_vars [] vs = (assert (null vs) "dist_vars"; [])
+fun dist_vars [] vs = (null vs orelse error "dist_vars"; [])
   | dist_vars (T::Ts) vs = 
     case find_index (fn v => fastype_of v = T) vs of
       ~1 => Free ("", T) :: dist_vars Ts vs
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/function_package/mutual.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/function_package/mutual.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -93,24 +93,24 @@
       val fname = fst (dest_Free head)
           handle TERM _ => error (input_error invalid_head_msg)
-      val _ = assert (fname mem fnames) (input_error invalid_head_msg)
+      val _ = fname mem fnames orelse error (input_error invalid_head_msg)
       fun add_bvs t is = add_loose_bnos (t, 0, is)
       val rvs = (add_bvs rhs [] \\ fold add_bvs args [])
                   |> map (fst o nth (rev qs))
-      val _ = assert (null rvs) (input_error ("Variable" ^ plural " " "s " rvs ^ commas_quote rvs
+      val _ = null rvs orelse error (input_error ("Variable" ^ plural " " "s " rvs ^ commas_quote rvs
                                               ^ " occur" ^ plural "s" "" rvs ^ " on right hand side only:"))
-      val _ = assert (forall (forall_aterms (fn Free (n, _) => not (n mem fnames) | _ => true)) gs)
-                     (input_error "Recursive Calls not allowed in premises")
+      val _ = forall (forall_aterms (fn Free (n, _) => not (n mem fnames) | _ => true)) gs orelse
+                     error (input_error "Recursive Calls not allowed in premises")
       val k = length args
       val arities' = case Symtab.lookup arities fname of
                        NONE => Symtab.update (fname, k) arities
-                     | SOME i => (assert (i = k)
-                                  (input_error ("Function " ^ quote fname ^ " has different numbers of arguments in different equations"));
+                     | SOME i => (i = k orelse
+                                  error (input_error ("Function " ^ quote fname ^ " has different numbers of arguments in different equations"));
       ((fname, qs, gs, args, rhs), arities')
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -14,67 +14,67 @@
 signature REFUTE =
-	exception REFUTE of string * string
+  exception REFUTE of string * string
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Model/interpretation related code (translation HOL -> propositional logic *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type params
-	type interpretation
-	type model
-	type arguments
+  type params
+  type interpretation
+  type model
+  type arguments
-	val add_interpreter : string -> (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option) -> theory -> theory
-	val add_printer     : string -> (theory -> model -> Term.term ->
-		interpretation -> (int -> bool) -> Term.term option) -> theory -> theory
+  val add_interpreter : string -> (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option) -> theory -> theory
+  val add_printer     : string -> (theory -> model -> Term.term ->
+    interpretation -> (int -> bool) -> Term.term option) -> theory -> theory
-	val interpret : theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments)
+  val interpret : theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments)
-	val print       : theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation ->
-		(int -> bool) -> Term.term
-	val print_model : theory -> model -> (int -> bool) -> string
+  val print       : theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation ->
+    (int -> bool) -> Term.term
+  val print_model : theory -> model -> (int -> bool) -> string
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Interface                                                                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	val set_default_param  : (string * string) -> theory -> theory
-	val get_default_param  : theory -> string -> string option
-	val get_default_params : theory -> (string * string) list
-	val actual_params      : theory -> (string * string) list -> params
+  val set_default_param  : (string * string) -> theory -> theory
+  val get_default_param  : theory -> string -> string option
+  val get_default_params : theory -> (string * string) list
+  val actual_params      : theory -> (string * string) list -> params
-	val find_model : theory -> params -> Term.term -> bool -> unit
+  val find_model : theory -> params -> Term.term -> bool -> unit
-	(* tries to find a model for a formula: *)
-	val satisfy_term   : theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit
-	(* tries to find a model that refutes a formula: *)
-	val refute_term    : theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit
-	val refute_subgoal :
-		theory -> (string * string) list -> Thm.thm -> int -> unit
+  (* tries to find a model for a formula: *)
+  val satisfy_term   : theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit
+  (* tries to find a model that refutes a formula: *)
+  val refute_term    : theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit
+  val refute_subgoal :
+    theory -> (string * string) list -> Thm.thm -> int -> unit
-	val setup : theory -> theory
+  val setup : theory -> theory
 end;  (* signature REFUTE *)
 structure Refute : REFUTE =
-	open PropLogic;
+  open PropLogic;
-	(* We use 'REFUTE' only for internal error conditions that should    *)
-	(* never occur in the first place (i.e. errors caused by bugs in our *)
-	(* code).  Otherwise (e.g. to indicate invalid input data) we use    *)
-	(* 'error'.                                                          *)
-	exception REFUTE of string * string;  (* ("in function", "cause") *)
+  (* We use 'REFUTE' only for internal error conditions that should    *)
+  (* never occur in the first place (i.e. errors caused by bugs in our *)
+  (* code).  Otherwise (e.g. to indicate invalid input data) we use    *)
+  (* 'error'.                                                          *)
+  exception REFUTE of string * string;  (* ("in function", "cause") *)
-	(* should be raised by an interpreter when more variables would be *)
-	(* required than allowed by 'maxvars'                              *)
+  (* should be raised by an interpreter when more variables would be *)
+  (* required than allowed by 'maxvars'                              *)
+  exception MAXVARS_EXCEEDED;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* TREES                                                                     *)
@@ -85,43 +85,43 @@
 (*       of (lists of ...) elements                                          *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	datatype 'a tree =
-		  Leaf of 'a
-		| Node of ('a tree) list;
+  datatype 'a tree =
+      Leaf of 'a
+    | Node of ('a tree) list;
-	(* ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree *)
+  (* ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree *)
-	fun tree_map f tr =
-		case tr of
-		  Leaf x  => Leaf (f x)
-		| Node xs => Node (map (tree_map f) xs);
+  fun tree_map f tr =
+    case tr of
+      Leaf x  => Leaf (f x)
+    | Node xs => Node (map (tree_map f) xs);
-	(* ('a * 'b -> 'a) -> 'a * ('b tree) -> 'a *)
+  (* ('a * 'b -> 'a) -> 'a * ('b tree) -> 'a *)
-	fun tree_foldl f =
-	let
-		fun itl (e, Leaf x)  = f(e,x)
-		  | itl (e, Node xs) = Library.foldl (tree_foldl f) (e,xs)
-	in
-		itl
-	end;
+  fun tree_foldl f =
+  let
+    fun itl (e, Leaf x)  = f(e,x)
+      | itl (e, Node xs) = Library.foldl (tree_foldl f) (e,xs)
+  in
+    itl
+  end;
-	(* 'a tree * 'b tree -> ('a * 'b) tree *)
+  (* 'a tree * 'b tree -> ('a * 'b) tree *)
-	fun tree_pair (t1, t2) =
-		case t1 of
-		  Leaf x =>
-			(case t2 of
-				  Leaf y => Leaf (x,y)
-				| Node _ => raise REFUTE ("tree_pair",
-						"trees are of different height (second tree is higher)"))
-		| Node xs =>
-			(case t2 of
-				  (* '~~' will raise an exception if the number of branches in   *)
-				  (* both trees is different at the current node                 *)
-				  Node ys => Node (map tree_pair (xs ~~ ys))
-				| Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("tree_pair",
-						"trees are of different height (first tree is higher)"));
+  fun tree_pair (t1, t2) =
+    case t1 of
+      Leaf x =>
+      (case t2 of
+          Leaf y => Leaf (x,y)
+        | Node _ => raise REFUTE ("tree_pair",
+            "trees are of different height (second tree is higher)"))
+    | Node xs =>
+      (case t2 of
+          (* '~~' will raise an exception if the number of branches in   *)
+          (* both trees is different at the current node                 *)
+          Node ys => Node (map tree_pair (xs ~~ ys))
+        | Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("tree_pair",
+            "trees are of different height (first tree is higher)"));
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* params: parameters that control the translation into a propositional      *)
@@ -143,76 +143,76 @@
 (* "satsolver"   string  SAT solver to be used.                              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type params =
-		{
-			sizes    : (string * int) list,
-			minsize  : int,
-			maxsize  : int,
-			maxvars  : int,
-			maxtime  : int,
-			satsolver: string
-		};
+  type params =
+    {
+      sizes    : (string * int) list,
+      minsize  : int,
+      maxsize  : int,
+      maxvars  : int,
+      maxtime  : int,
+      satsolver: string
+    };
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* interpretation: a term's interpretation is given by a variable of type    *)
 (*                 'interpretation'                                          *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type interpretation =
-		prop_formula list tree;
+  type interpretation =
+    prop_formula list tree;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* model: a model specifies the size of types and the interpretation of      *)
 (*        terms                                                              *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type model =
-		(Term.typ * int) list * (Term.term * interpretation) list;
+  type model =
+    (Term.typ * int) list * (Term.term * interpretation) list;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* arguments: additional arguments required during interpretation of terms   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type arguments =
-		{
-			(* just passed unchanged from 'params': *)
-			maxvars   : int,
-			(* whether to use 'make_equality' or 'make_def_equality': *)
-			def_eq    : bool,
-			(* the following may change during the translation: *)
-			next_idx  : int,
-			bounds    : interpretation list,
-			wellformed: prop_formula
-		};
+  type arguments =
+    {
+      (* just passed unchanged from 'params': *)
+      maxvars   : int,
+      (* whether to use 'make_equality' or 'make_def_equality': *)
+      def_eq    : bool,
+      (* the following may change during the translation: *)
+      next_idx  : int,
+      bounds    : interpretation list,
+      wellformed: prop_formula
+    };
-	structure RefuteDataArgs =
-	struct
-		val name = "HOL/refute";
-		type T =
-			{interpreters: (string * (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-				(interpretation * model * arguments) option)) list,
-			 printers: (string * (theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation ->
-				(int -> bool) -> Term.term option)) list,
-			 parameters: string Symtab.table};
-		val empty = {interpreters = [], printers = [], parameters = Symtab.empty};
-		val copy = I;
-		val extend = I;
-		fun merge _
-			({interpreters = in1, printers = pr1, parameters = pa1},
-			 {interpreters = in2, printers = pr2, parameters = pa2}) =
-			{interpreters = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (in1, in2),
-			 printers = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (pr1, pr2),
-			 parameters = Symtab.merge (op=) (pa1, pa2)};
-		fun print sg {interpreters, printers, parameters} =
-			Pretty.writeln (Pretty.chunks
-				[Pretty.strs ("default parameters:" :: List.concat (map
-					(fn (name, value) => [name, "=", value]) (Symtab.dest parameters))),
-				 Pretty.strs ("interpreters:" :: map fst interpreters),
-				 Pretty.strs ("printers:" :: map fst printers)]);
-	end;
+  structure RefuteDataArgs =
+  struct
+    val name = "HOL/refute";
+    type T =
+      {interpreters: (string * (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+        (interpretation * model * arguments) option)) list,
+       printers: (string * (theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation ->
+        (int -> bool) -> Term.term option)) list,
+       parameters: string Symtab.table};
+    val empty = {interpreters = [], printers = [], parameters = Symtab.empty};
+    val copy = I;
+    val extend = I;
+    fun merge _
+      ({interpreters = in1, printers = pr1, parameters = pa1},
+       {interpreters = in2, printers = pr2, parameters = pa2}) =
+      {interpreters = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (in1, in2),
+       printers = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (pr1, pr2),
+       parameters = Symtab.merge (op=) (pa1, pa2)};
+    fun print sg {interpreters, printers, parameters} =
+      Pretty.writeln (Pretty.chunks
+        [Pretty.strs ("default parameters:" :: List.concat (map
+          (fn (name, value) => [name, "=", value]) (Symtab.dest parameters))),
+         Pretty.strs ("interpreters:" :: map fst interpreters),
+         Pretty.strs ("printers:" :: map fst printers)]);
+  end;
-	structure RefuteData = TheoryDataFun(RefuteDataArgs);
+  structure RefuteData = TheoryDataFun(RefuteDataArgs);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -221,30 +221,30 @@
 (*            track of the interpretation of subterms                        *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) *)
-	fun interpret thy model args t =
-		case get_first (fn (_, f) => f thy model args t)
-			(#interpreters (RefuteData.get thy)) of
-		  NONE   => raise REFUTE ("interpret",
-				"no interpreter for term " ^ quote (Sign.string_of_term thy t))
-		| SOME x => x;
+  fun interpret thy model args t =
+    case get_first (fn (_, f) => f thy model args t)
+      (#interpreters (RefuteData.get thy)) of
+      NONE   => raise REFUTE ("interpret",
+        "no interpreter for term " ^ quote (Sign.string_of_term thy t))
+    | SOME x => x;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* print: converts the constant denoted by the term 't' into a term using a  *)
 (*        suitable printer                                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
-		Term.term *)
+  (* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
+    Term.term *)
-	fun print thy model t intr assignment =
-		case get_first (fn (_, f) => f thy model t intr assignment)
-			(#printers (RefuteData.get thy)) of
-		  NONE   => raise REFUTE ("print",
-				"no printer for term " ^ quote (Sign.string_of_term thy t))
-		| SOME x => x;
+  fun print thy model t intr assignment =
+    case get_first (fn (_, f) => f thy model t intr assignment)
+      (#printers (RefuteData.get thy)) of
+      NONE   => raise REFUTE ("print",
+        "no printer for term " ^ quote (Sign.string_of_term thy t))
+    | SOME x => x;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* print_model: turns the model into a string, using a fixed interpretation  *)
@@ -252,105 +252,105 @@
 (*              printers                                                     *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> model -> (int -> bool) -> string *)
+  (* theory -> model -> (int -> bool) -> string *)
-	fun print_model thy model assignment =
-	let
-		val (typs, terms) = model
-		val typs_msg =
-			if null typs then
-				"empty universe (no type variables in term)\n"
-			else
-				"Size of types: " ^ commas (map (fn (T, i) =>
-					Sign.string_of_typ thy T ^ ": " ^ string_of_int i) typs) ^ "\n"
-		val show_consts_msg =
-			if not (!show_consts) andalso Library.exists (is_Const o fst) terms then
-				"set \"show_consts\" to show the interpretation of constants\n"
-			else
-				""
-		val terms_msg =
-			if null terms then
-				"empty interpretation (no free variables in term)\n"
-			else
-				space_implode "\n" (List.mapPartial (fn (t, intr) =>
-					(* print constants only if 'show_consts' is true *)
-					if (!show_consts) orelse not (is_Const t) then
-						SOME (Sign.string_of_term thy t ^ ": " ^
-							Sign.string_of_term thy (print thy model t intr assignment))
-					else
-						NONE) terms) ^ "\n"
-	in
-		typs_msg ^ show_consts_msg ^ terms_msg
-	end;
+  fun print_model thy model assignment =
+  let
+    val (typs, terms) = model
+    val typs_msg =
+      if null typs then
+        "empty universe (no type variables in term)\n"
+      else
+        "Size of types: " ^ commas (map (fn (T, i) =>
+          Sign.string_of_typ thy T ^ ": " ^ string_of_int i) typs) ^ "\n"
+    val show_consts_msg =
+      if not (!show_consts) andalso Library.exists (is_Const o fst) terms then
+        "set \"show_consts\" to show the interpretation of constants\n"
+      else
+        ""
+    val terms_msg =
+      if null terms then
+        "empty interpretation (no free variables in term)\n"
+      else
+        space_implode "\n" (List.mapPartial (fn (t, intr) =>
+          (* print constants only if 'show_consts' is true *)
+          if (!show_consts) orelse not (is_Const t) then
+            SOME (Sign.string_of_term thy t ^ ": " ^
+              Sign.string_of_term thy (print thy model t intr assignment))
+          else
+            NONE) terms) ^ "\n"
+  in
+    typs_msg ^ show_consts_msg ^ terms_msg
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* PARAMETER MANAGEMENT                                                      *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* string -> (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option) -> theory -> theory *)
+  (* string -> (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option) -> theory -> theory *)
-	fun add_interpreter name f thy =
-	let
-		val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
-	in
-		case AList.lookup (op =) interpreters name of
-		  NONE   => RefuteData.put {interpreters = (name, f) :: interpreters,
-			printers = printers, parameters = parameters} thy
-		| SOME _ => error ("Interpreter " ^ name ^ " already declared")
-	end;
+  fun add_interpreter name f thy =
+  let
+    val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
+  in
+    case AList.lookup (op =) interpreters name of
+      NONE   => RefuteData.put {interpreters = (name, f) :: interpreters,
+      printers = printers, parameters = parameters} thy
+    | SOME _ => error ("Interpreter " ^ name ^ " already declared")
+  end;
-	(* string -> (theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation ->
-		(int -> bool) -> Term.term option) -> theory -> theory *)
+  (* string -> (theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation ->
+    (int -> bool) -> Term.term option) -> theory -> theory *)
-	fun add_printer name f thy =
-	let
-		val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
-	in
-		case AList.lookup (op =) printers name of
-		  NONE   => RefuteData.put {interpreters = interpreters,
-			printers = (name, f) :: printers, parameters = parameters} thy
-		| SOME _ => error ("Printer " ^ name ^ " already declared")
-	end;
+  fun add_printer name f thy =
+  let
+    val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
+  in
+    case AList.lookup (op =) printers name of
+      NONE   => RefuteData.put {interpreters = interpreters,
+      printers = (name, f) :: printers, parameters = parameters} thy
+    | SOME _ => error ("Printer " ^ name ^ " already declared")
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* set_default_param: stores the '(name, value)' pair in RefuteData's        *)
 (*                    parameter table                                        *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* (string * string) -> theory -> theory *)
+  (* (string * string) -> theory -> theory *)
-	fun set_default_param (name, value) thy =
-	let
-		val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
-	in
-		RefuteData.put (case Symtab.lookup parameters name of
-		  NONE   =>
-			{interpreters = interpreters, printers = printers,
-				parameters = Symtab.extend (parameters, [(name, value)])}
-		| SOME _ =>
-			{interpreters = interpreters, printers = printers,
-				parameters = Symtab.update (name, value) parameters}) thy
-	end;
+  fun set_default_param (name, value) thy =
+  let
+    val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
+  in
+    RefuteData.put (case Symtab.lookup parameters name of
+      NONE   =>
+      {interpreters = interpreters, printers = printers,
+        parameters = Symtab.extend (parameters, [(name, value)])}
+    | SOME _ =>
+      {interpreters = interpreters, printers = printers,
+        parameters = Symtab.update (name, value) parameters}) thy
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* get_default_param: retrieves the value associated with 'name' from        *)
 (*                    RefuteData's parameter table                           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> string -> string option *)
+  (* theory -> string -> string option *)
-	val get_default_param = Symtab.lookup o #parameters o RefuteData.get;
+  val get_default_param = Symtab.lookup o #parameters o RefuteData.get;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* get_default_params: returns a list of all '(name, value)' pairs that are  *)
 (*                     stored in RefuteData's parameter table                *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * string) list *)
+  (* theory -> (string * string) list *)
-	val get_default_params = Symtab.dest o #parameters o RefuteData.get;
+  val get_default_params = Symtab.dest o #parameters o RefuteData.get;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* actual_params: takes a (possibly empty) list 'params' of parameters that  *)
@@ -358,59 +358,59 @@
 (*      returns a record that can be passed to 'find_model'.                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * string) list -> params *)
+  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> params *)
-	fun actual_params thy override =
-	let
-		(* (string * string) list * string -> int *)
-		fun read_int (parms, name) =
-			case AList.lookup (op =) parms name of
-			  SOME s => (case Int.fromString s of
-				  SOME i => i
-				| NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
-					" (value is " ^ quote s ^ ") must be an integer value"))
-			| NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
-					" must be assigned a value")
-		(* (string * string) list * string -> string *)
-		fun read_string (parms, name) =
-			case AList.lookup (op =) parms name of
-			  SOME s => s
-			| NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
-				" must be assigned a value")
-		(* 'override' first, defaults last: *)
-		(* (string * string) list *)
-		val allparams = override @ (get_default_params thy)
-		(* int *)
-		val minsize   = read_int (allparams, "minsize")
-		val maxsize   = read_int (allparams, "maxsize")
-		val maxvars   = read_int (allparams, "maxvars")
-		val maxtime   = read_int (allparams, "maxtime")
-		(* string *)
-		val satsolver = read_string (allparams, "satsolver")
-		(* all remaining parameters of the form "string=int" are collected in *)
-		(* 'sizes'                                                            *)
-		(* TODO: it is currently not possible to specify a size for a type    *)
-		(*       whose name is one of the other parameters (e.g. 'maxvars')   *)
-		(* (string * int) list *)
-		val sizes     = List.mapPartial
-			(fn (name, value) => (pair name) (Int.fromString value))
-			(List.filter (fn (name, _) => name<>"minsize" andalso name<>"maxsize"
-				andalso name<>"maxvars" andalso name<>"maxtime"
-				andalso name<>"satsolver") allparams)
-	in
-		{sizes=sizes, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, maxvars=maxvars,
-			maxtime=maxtime, satsolver=satsolver}
-	end;
+  fun actual_params thy override =
+  let
+    (* (string * string) list * string -> int *)
+    fun read_int (parms, name) =
+      case AList.lookup (op =) parms name of
+        SOME s => (case Int.fromString s of
+          SOME i => i
+        | NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
+          " (value is " ^ quote s ^ ") must be an integer value"))
+      | NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
+          " must be assigned a value")
+    (* (string * string) list * string -> string *)
+    fun read_string (parms, name) =
+      case AList.lookup (op =) parms name of
+        SOME s => s
+      | NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
+        " must be assigned a value")
+    (* 'override' first, defaults last: *)
+    (* (string * string) list *)
+    val allparams = override @ (get_default_params thy)
+    (* int *)
+    val minsize   = read_int (allparams, "minsize")
+    val maxsize   = read_int (allparams, "maxsize")
+    val maxvars   = read_int (allparams, "maxvars")
+    val maxtime   = read_int (allparams, "maxtime")
+    (* string *)
+    val satsolver = read_string (allparams, "satsolver")
+    (* all remaining parameters of the form "string=int" are collected in *)
+    (* 'sizes'                                                            *)
+    (* TODO: it is currently not possible to specify a size for a type    *)
+    (*       whose name is one of the other parameters (e.g. 'maxvars')   *)
+    (* (string * int) list *)
+    val sizes     = List.mapPartial
+      (fn (name, value) => (pair name) (Int.fromString value))
+      (List.filter (fn (name, _) => name<>"minsize" andalso name<>"maxsize"
+        andalso name<>"maxvars" andalso name<>"maxtime"
+        andalso name<>"satsolver") allparams)
+  in
+    {sizes=sizes, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, maxvars=maxvars,
+      maxtime=maxtime, satsolver=satsolver}
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* (''a * 'b) list -> ''a -> 'b *)
+  (* (''a * 'b) list -> ''a -> 'b *)
-	fun lookup xs key =
-		Option.valOf (AList.lookup (op =) xs key);
+  fun lookup xs key =
+    Option.valOf (AList.lookup (op =) xs key);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* typ_of_dtyp: converts a data type ('DatatypeAux.dtyp') into a type        *)
@@ -418,55 +418,55 @@
 (*              arguments                                                    *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* DatatypeAux.descr -> (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
-		DatatypeAux.dtyp -> Term.typ *)
+  (* DatatypeAux.descr -> (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
+    DatatypeAux.dtyp -> Term.typ *)
-	fun typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a) =
-		(* replace a 'DtTFree' variable by the associated type *)
-		lookup typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a)
-	  | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtType (s, ds)) =
-		Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
-	  | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtRec i) =
-		let
-			val (s, ds, _) = lookup descr i
-		in
-			Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
-		end;
+  fun typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a) =
+    (* replace a 'DtTFree' variable by the associated type *)
+    lookup typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a)
+    | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtType (s, ds)) =
+    Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
+    | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtRec i) =
+    let
+      val (s, ds, _) = lookup descr i
+    in
+      Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
+    end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* close_form: universal closure over schematic variables in 't'             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Term.term -> Term.term *)
+  (* Term.term -> Term.term *)
-	fun close_form t =
-	let
-		(* (Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *)
-		val vars = sort_wrt (fst o fst) (map dest_Var (term_vars t))
-	in
-		Library.foldl (fn (t', ((x, i), T)) =>
-			(Term.all T) $ Abs (x, T, abstract_over (Var ((x, i), T), t')))
-			(t, vars)
-	end;
+  fun close_form t =
+  let
+    (* (Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *)
+    val vars = sort_wrt (fst o fst) (map dest_Var (term_vars t))
+  in
+    Library.foldl (fn (t', ((x, i), T)) =>
+      (Term.all T) $ Abs (x, T, abstract_over (Var ((x, i), T), t')))
+      (t, vars)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* monomorphic_term: applies a type substitution 'typeSubs' for all type     *)
 (*                   variables in a term 't'                                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Type.tyenv -> Term.term -> Term.term *)
+  (* Type.tyenv -> Term.term -> Term.term *)
-	fun monomorphic_term typeSubs t =
-		map_types (map_type_tvar
-			(fn v =>
-				case Type.lookup (typeSubs, v) of
-				  NONE =>
-					(* schematic type variable not instantiated *)
-					raise REFUTE ("monomorphic_term",
-						"no substitution for type variable " ^ fst (fst v) ^
-						" in term " ^ Display.raw_string_of_term t)
-				| SOME typ =>
-					typ)) t;
+  fun monomorphic_term typeSubs t =
+    map_types (map_type_tvar
+      (fn v =>
+        case Type.lookup (typeSubs, v) of
+          NONE =>
+          (* schematic type variable not instantiated *)
+          raise REFUTE ("monomorphic_term",
+            "no substitution for type variable " ^ fst (fst v) ^
+            " in term " ^ Display.raw_string_of_term t)
+        | SOME typ =>
+          typ)) t;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* specialize_type: given a constant 's' of type 'T', which is a subterm of  *)
@@ -475,186 +475,186 @@
 (*                  match the type 'T' (may raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * Term.typ) -> Term.term -> Term.term *)
+  (* theory -> (string * Term.typ) -> Term.term -> Term.term *)
-	fun specialize_type thy (s, T) t =
-	let
-		fun find_typeSubs (Const (s', T')) =
-			if s=s' then
-				SOME (Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty)
-					handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
-			else
-				NONE
-		  | find_typeSubs (Free _)           = NONE
-		  | find_typeSubs (Var _)            = NONE
-		  | find_typeSubs (Bound _)          = NONE
-		  | find_typeSubs (Abs (_, _, body)) = find_typeSubs body
-		  | find_typeSubs (t1 $ t2)          =
-			(case find_typeSubs t1 of SOME x => SOME x
-			                        | NONE   => find_typeSubs t2)
-	in
-		case find_typeSubs t of
-		  SOME typeSubs =>
-			monomorphic_term typeSubs t
-		| NONE =>
-			(* no match found - perhaps due to sort constraints *)
-			raise Type.TYPE_MATCH
-	end;
+  fun specialize_type thy (s, T) t =
+  let
+    fun find_typeSubs (Const (s', T')) =
+      if s=s' then
+        SOME (Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty)
+          handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
+      else
+        NONE
+      | find_typeSubs (Free _)           = NONE
+      | find_typeSubs (Var _)            = NONE
+      | find_typeSubs (Bound _)          = NONE
+      | find_typeSubs (Abs (_, _, body)) = find_typeSubs body
+      | find_typeSubs (t1 $ t2)          =
+      (case find_typeSubs t1 of SOME x => SOME x
+                              | NONE   => find_typeSubs t2)
+  in
+    case find_typeSubs t of
+      SOME typeSubs =>
+      monomorphic_term typeSubs t
+    | NONE =>
+      (* no match found - perhaps due to sort constraints *)
+      raise Type.TYPE_MATCH
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* is_const_of_class: returns 'true' iff 'Const (s, T)' is a constant that   *)
 (*                    denotes membership to an axiomatic type class          *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)
+  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)
-	fun is_const_of_class thy (s, T) =
-	let
-		val class_const_names = map Logic.const_of_class (Sign.all_classes thy)
-	in
-		(* I'm not quite sure if checking the name 's' is sufficient, *)
-		(* or if we should also check the type 'T'.                   *)
-		s mem_string class_const_names
-	end;
+  fun is_const_of_class thy (s, T) =
+  let
+    val class_const_names = map Logic.const_of_class (Sign.all_classes thy)
+  in
+    (* I'm not quite sure if checking the name 's' is sufficient, *)
+    (* or if we should also check the type 'T'.                   *)
+    s mem_string class_const_names
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* is_IDT_constructor: returns 'true' iff 'Const (s, T)' is the constructor  *)
 (*                     of an inductive datatype in 'thy'                     *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)
+  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)
-	fun is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T) =
-		(case body_type T of
-		  Type (s', _) =>
-			(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype_constrs thy s' of
-			  SOME constrs =>
-				List.exists (fn (cname, cty) =>
-					cname = s andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (T, cty)) constrs
-			| NONE =>
-				false)
-		| _  =>
-			false);
+  fun is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T) =
+    (case body_type T of
+      Type (s', _) =>
+      (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype_constrs thy s' of
+        SOME constrs =>
+        List.exists (fn (cname, cty) =>
+          cname = s andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (T, cty)) constrs
+      | NONE =>
+        false)
+    | _  =>
+      false);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* is_IDT_recursor: returns 'true' iff 'Const (s, T)' is the recursion       *)
 (*                  operator of an inductive datatype in 'thy'               *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)
+  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)
-	fun is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) =
-	let
-		val rec_names = Symtab.fold (append o #rec_names o snd)
-			(DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy) []
-	in
-		(* I'm not quite sure if checking the name 's' is sufficient, *)
-		(* or if we should also check the type 'T'.                   *)
-		s mem_string rec_names
-	end;
+  fun is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) =
+  let
+    val rec_names = Symtab.fold (append o #rec_names o snd)
+      (DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy) []
+  in
+    (* I'm not quite sure if checking the name 's' is sufficient, *)
+    (* or if we should also check the type 'T'.                   *)
+    s mem_string rec_names
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* get_def: looks up the definition of a constant, as created by "constdefs" *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> string * Term.typ -> (string * Term.term) option *)
+  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> (string * Term.term) option *)
-	fun get_def thy (s, T) =
-	let
-		(* maps  f ?t1 ... ?tn == rhs  to rhs *)
-		fun norm_rhs eqn =
-		let
-			fun lambda (v as Var ((x, _), T)) t = Abs (x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
-			  | lambda v t                      = raise TERM ("lambda", [v, t])
-			val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals eqn
-			val (_, args)  = Term.strip_comb lhs
-		in
-			fold lambda (rev args) rhs
-		end
-		(* (string * Term.term) list -> (string * Term.term) option *)
-		fun get_def_ax [] = NONE
-		  | get_def_ax ((axname, ax) :: axioms) =
-			(let
-				val (lhs, _) = Logic.dest_equals ax  (* equations only *)
-				val c        = Term.head_of lhs
-				val (s', T') = Term.dest_Const c
-			in
-				if s=s' then
-					let
-						val typeSubs = Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty
-						val ax'      = monomorphic_term typeSubs ax
-						val rhs      = norm_rhs ax'
-					in
-						SOME (axname, rhs)
-					end
-				else
-					get_def_ax axioms
-			end handle ERROR _         => get_def_ax axioms
-			         | TERM _          => get_def_ax axioms
-			         | Type.TYPE_MATCH => get_def_ax axioms)
-	in
-		get_def_ax (Theory.all_axioms_of thy)
-	end;
+  fun get_def thy (s, T) =
+  let
+    (* maps  f ?t1 ... ?tn == rhs  to rhs *)
+    fun norm_rhs eqn =
+    let
+      fun lambda (v as Var ((x, _), T)) t = Abs (x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
+        | lambda v t                      = raise TERM ("lambda", [v, t])
+      val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals eqn
+      val (_, args)  = Term.strip_comb lhs
+    in
+      fold lambda (rev args) rhs
+    end
+    (* (string * Term.term) list -> (string * Term.term) option *)
+    fun get_def_ax [] = NONE
+      | get_def_ax ((axname, ax) :: axioms) =
+      (let
+        val (lhs, _) = Logic.dest_equals ax  (* equations only *)
+        val c        = Term.head_of lhs
+        val (s', T') = Term.dest_Const c
+      in
+        if s=s' then
+          let
+            val typeSubs = Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty
+            val ax'      = monomorphic_term typeSubs ax
+            val rhs      = norm_rhs ax'
+          in
+            SOME (axname, rhs)
+          end
+        else
+          get_def_ax axioms
+      end handle ERROR _         => get_def_ax axioms
+               | TERM _          => get_def_ax axioms
+               | Type.TYPE_MATCH => get_def_ax axioms)
+  in
+    get_def_ax (Theory.all_axioms_of thy)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* get_typedef: looks up the definition of a type, as created by "typedef"   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * Term.typ) -> (string * Term.term) option *)
+  (* theory -> (string * Term.typ) -> (string * Term.term) option *)
-	fun get_typedef thy T =
-	let
-		(* (string * Term.term) list -> (string * Term.term) option *)
-		fun get_typedef_ax [] = NONE
-		  | get_typedef_ax ((axname, ax) :: axioms) =
-			(let
-				(* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
-				fun type_of_type_definition (Const (s', T')) =
-					if s'="Typedef.type_definition" then
-						SOME T'
-					else
-						NONE
-				  | type_of_type_definition (Free _)           = NONE
-				  | type_of_type_definition (Var _)            = NONE
-				  | type_of_type_definition (Bound _)          = NONE
-				  | type_of_type_definition (Abs (_, _, body)) =
-					type_of_type_definition body
-				  | type_of_type_definition (t1 $ t2)          =
-					(case type_of_type_definition t1 of
-					  SOME x => SOME x
-					| NONE   => type_of_type_definition t2)
-			in
-				case type_of_type_definition ax of
-				  SOME T' =>
-					let
-						val T''      = (domain_type o domain_type) T'
-						val typeSubs = Sign.typ_match thy (T'', T) Vartab.empty
-					in
-						SOME (axname, monomorphic_term typeSubs ax)
-					end
-				| NONE =>
-					get_typedef_ax axioms
-			end handle ERROR _         => get_typedef_ax axioms
-			         | MATCH           => get_typedef_ax axioms
-			         | Type.TYPE_MATCH => get_typedef_ax axioms)
-	in
-		get_typedef_ax (Theory.all_axioms_of thy)
-	end;
+  fun get_typedef thy T =
+  let
+    (* (string * Term.term) list -> (string * Term.term) option *)
+    fun get_typedef_ax [] = NONE
+      | get_typedef_ax ((axname, ax) :: axioms) =
+      (let
+        (* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
+        fun type_of_type_definition (Const (s', T')) =
+          if s'="Typedef.type_definition" then
+            SOME T'
+          else
+            NONE
+          | type_of_type_definition (Free _)           = NONE
+          | type_of_type_definition (Var _)            = NONE
+          | type_of_type_definition (Bound _)          = NONE
+          | type_of_type_definition (Abs (_, _, body)) =
+          type_of_type_definition body
+          | type_of_type_definition (t1 $ t2)          =
+          (case type_of_type_definition t1 of
+            SOME x => SOME x
+          | NONE   => type_of_type_definition t2)
+      in
+        case type_of_type_definition ax of
+          SOME T' =>
+          let
+            val T''      = (domain_type o domain_type) T'
+            val typeSubs = Sign.typ_match thy (T'', T) Vartab.empty
+          in
+            SOME (axname, monomorphic_term typeSubs ax)
+          end
+        | NONE =>
+          get_typedef_ax axioms
+      end handle ERROR _         => get_typedef_ax axioms
+               | MATCH           => get_typedef_ax axioms
+               | Type.TYPE_MATCH => get_typedef_ax axioms)
+  in
+    get_typedef_ax (Theory.all_axioms_of thy)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* get_classdef: looks up the defining axiom for an axiomatic type class, as *)
 (*               created by the "axclass" command                            *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> string -> (string * Term.term) option *)
+  (* theory -> string -> (string * Term.term) option *)
-	fun get_classdef thy class =
-	let
-		val axname = class ^ "_class_def"
-	in
- (pair axname)
-			(AList.lookup (op =) (Theory.all_axioms_of thy) axname)
-	end;
+  fun get_classdef thy class =
+  let
+    val axname = class ^ "_class_def"
+  in
+ (pair axname)
+      (AList.lookup (op =) (Theory.all_axioms_of thy) axname)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* unfold_defs: unfolds all defined constants in a term 't', beta-eta        *)
@@ -664,293 +664,293 @@
 (*              that definition does not need to be unfolded                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> Term.term -> Term.term *)
+  (* theory -> Term.term -> Term.term *)
-	(* Note: we could intertwine unfolding of constants and beta-(eta-)       *)
-	(*       normalization; this would save some unfolding for terms where    *)
-	(*       constants are eliminated by beta-reduction (e.g. 'K c1 c2').  On *)
-	(*       the other hand, this would cause additional work for terms where *)
-	(*       constants are duplicated by beta-reduction (e.g. 'S c1 c2 c3').  *)
+  (* Note: we could intertwine unfolding of constants and beta-(eta-)       *)
+  (*       normalization; this would save some unfolding for terms where    *)
+  (*       constants are eliminated by beta-reduction (e.g. 'K c1 c2').  On *)
+  (*       the other hand, this would cause additional work for terms where *)
+  (*       constants are duplicated by beta-reduction (e.g. 'S c1 c2 c3').  *)
-	fun unfold_defs thy t =
-	let
-		(* Term.term -> Term.term *)
-		fun unfold_loop t =
-			case t of
-			(* Pure *)
-			  Const ("all", _)                => t
-			| Const ("==", _)                 => t
-			| Const ("==>", _)                => t
-			| Const ("TYPE", _)               => t  (* axiomatic type classes *)
-			(* HOL *)
-			| Const ("Trueprop", _)           => t
-			| Const ("Not", _)                => t
-			| (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
-			  Const ("True", _)               => t
-			| (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
-			  Const ("False", _)              => t
-			| Const ("arbitrary", _)          => t
-			| Const ("The", _)                => t
-			| Const ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps", _) => t
-			| Const ("All", _)                => t
-			| Const ("Ex", _)                 => t
-			| Const ("op =", _)               => t
-			| Const ("op &", _)               => t
-			| Const ("op |", _)               => t
-			| Const ("op -->", _)             => t
-			(* sets *)
-			| Const ("Collect", _)            => t
-			| Const ("op :", _)               => t
-			(* other optimizations *)
-			| Const ("Finite_Set.card", _)    => t
-			| Const ("Finite_Set.Finites", _) => t
-			| Const ("Finite_Set.finite", _)  => t
-			| Const ("Orderings.less", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) => t
-			| Const ("", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
-			| Const ("HOL.minus", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
-			| Const ("HOL.times", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
-			| Const ("List.op @", _)          => t
-			| Const ("Lfp.lfp", _)            => t
-			| Const ("Gfp.gfp", _)            => t
-			| Const ("fst", _)                => t
-			| Const ("snd", _)                => t
-			(* simply-typed lambda calculus *)
-			| Const (s, T) =>
-				(if is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T)
-					orelse is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) then
-					t  (* do not unfold IDT constructors/recursors *)
-				(* unfold the constant if there is a defining equation *)
-				else case get_def thy (s, T) of
-				  SOME (axname, rhs) =>
-					(* Note: if the term to be unfolded (i.e. 'Const (s, T)')  *)
-					(* occurs on the right-hand side of the equation, i.e. in  *)
-					(* 'rhs', we must not use this equation to unfold, because *)
-					(* that would loop.  Here would be the right place to      *)
-					(* check this.  However, getting this really right seems   *)
-					(* difficult because the user may state arbitrary axioms,  *)
-					(* which could interact with overloading to create loops.  *)
-					((*immediate_output (" unfolding: " ^ axname);*)unfold_loop rhs)
-				| NONE => t)
-			| Free _           => t
-			| Var _            => t
-			| Bound _          => t
-			| Abs (s, T, body) => Abs (s, T, unfold_loop body)
-			| t1 $ t2          => (unfold_loop t1) $ (unfold_loop t2)
-		val result = Envir.beta_eta_contract (unfold_loop t)
-	in
-		result
-	end;
+  fun unfold_defs thy t =
+  let
+    (* Term.term -> Term.term *)
+    fun unfold_loop t =
+      case t of
+      (* Pure *)
+        Const ("all", _)                => t
+      | Const ("==", _)                 => t
+      | Const ("==>", _)                => t
+      | Const ("TYPE", _)               => t  (* axiomatic type classes *)
+      (* HOL *)
+      | Const ("Trueprop", _)           => t
+      | Const ("Not", _)                => t
+      | (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
+        Const ("True", _)               => t
+      | (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
+        Const ("False", _)              => t
+      | Const ("arbitrary", _)          => t
+      | Const ("The", _)                => t
+      | Const ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps", _) => t
+      | Const ("All", _)                => t
+      | Const ("Ex", _)                 => t
+      | Const ("op =", _)               => t
+      | Const ("op &", _)               => t
+      | Const ("op |", _)               => t
+      | Const ("op -->", _)             => t
+      (* sets *)
+      | Const ("Collect", _)            => t
+      | Const ("op :", _)               => t
+      (* other optimizations *)
+      | Const ("Finite_Set.card", _)    => t
+      | Const ("Finite_Set.Finites", _) => t
+      | Const ("Finite_Set.finite", _)  => t
+      | Const ("Orderings.less", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) => t
+      | Const ("", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
+      | Const ("HOL.minus", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
+      | Const ("HOL.times", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
+      | Const ("List.op @", _)          => t
+      | Const ("Lfp.lfp", _)            => t
+      | Const ("Gfp.gfp", _)            => t
+      | Const ("fst", _)                => t
+      | Const ("snd", _)                => t
+      (* simply-typed lambda calculus *)
+      | Const (s, T) =>
+        (if is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T)
+          orelse is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) then
+          t  (* do not unfold IDT constructors/recursors *)
+        (* unfold the constant if there is a defining equation *)
+        else case get_def thy (s, T) of
+          SOME (axname, rhs) =>
+          (* Note: if the term to be unfolded (i.e. 'Const (s, T)')  *)
+          (* occurs on the right-hand side of the equation, i.e. in  *)
+          (* 'rhs', we must not use this equation to unfold, because *)
+          (* that would loop.  Here would be the right place to      *)
+          (* check this.  However, getting this really right seems   *)
+          (* difficult because the user may state arbitrary axioms,  *)
+          (* which could interact with overloading to create loops.  *)
+          ((*immediate_output (" unfolding: " ^ axname);*)unfold_loop rhs)
+        | NONE => t)
+      | Free _           => t
+      | Var _            => t
+      | Bound _          => t
+      | Abs (s, T, body) => Abs (s, T, unfold_loop body)
+      | t1 $ t2          => (unfold_loop t1) $ (unfold_loop t2)
+    val result = Envir.beta_eta_contract (unfold_loop t)
+  in
+    result
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* collect_axioms: collects (monomorphic, universally quantified, unfolded   *)
 (*                 versions of) all HOL axioms that are relevant w.r.t 't'   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Note: to make the collection of axioms more easily extensible, this    *)
-	(*       function could be based on user-supplied "axiom collectors",     *)
-	(*       similar to 'interpret'/interpreters or 'print'/printers          *)
+  (* Note: to make the collection of axioms more easily extensible, this    *)
+  (*       function could be based on user-supplied "axiom collectors",     *)
+  (*       similar to 'interpret'/interpreters or 'print'/printers          *)
-	(* Note: currently we use "inverse" functions to the definitional         *)
-	(*       mechanisms provided by Isabelle/HOL, e.g. for "axclass",         *)
-	(*       "typedef", "constdefs".  A more general approach could consider  *)
-	(*       *every* axiom of the theory and collect it if it has a constant/ *)
-	(*       type/typeclass in common with the term 't'.                      *)
+  (* Note: currently we use "inverse" functions to the definitional         *)
+  (*       mechanisms provided by Isabelle/HOL, e.g. for "axclass",         *)
+  (*       "typedef", "constdefs".  A more general approach could consider  *)
+  (*       *every* axiom of the theory and collect it if it has a constant/ *)
+  (*       type/typeclass in common with the term 't'.                      *)
-	(* theory -> Term.term -> Term.term list *)
+  (* theory -> Term.term -> Term.term list *)
-	(* Which axioms are "relevant" for a particular term/type goes hand in    *)
-	(* hand with the interpretation of that term/type by its interpreter (see *)
-	(* way below): if the interpretation respects an axiom anyway, the axiom  *)
-	(* does not need to be added as a constraint here.                        *)
+  (* Which axioms are "relevant" for a particular term/type goes hand in    *)
+  (* hand with the interpretation of that term/type by its interpreter (see *)
+  (* way below): if the interpretation respects an axiom anyway, the axiom  *)
+  (* does not need to be added as a constraint here.                        *)
-	(* To avoid collecting the same axiom multiple times, we use an           *)
-	(* accumulator 'axs' which contains all axioms collected so far.          *)
+  (* To avoid collecting the same axiom multiple times, we use an           *)
+  (* accumulator 'axs' which contains all axioms collected so far.          *)
-	fun collect_axioms thy t =
-	let
-		val _ = immediate_output "Adding axioms..."
-		(* (string * Term.term) list *)
-		val axioms = Theory.all_axioms_of thy
-		(* string * Term.term -> Term.term list -> Term.term list *)
-		fun collect_this_axiom (axname, ax) axs =
-		let
-			val ax' = unfold_defs thy ax
-		in
-			if member (op aconv) axs ax' then
-				axs
-			else (
-				immediate_output (" " ^ axname);
-				collect_term_axioms (ax' :: axs, ax')
-			)
-		end
-		(* Term.term list * Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
-		and collect_sort_axioms (axs, T) =
-		let
-			(* string list *)
-			val sort = (case T of
-				  TFree (_, sort) => sort
-				| TVar (_, sort)  => sort
-				| _               => raise REFUTE ("collect_axioms", "type " ^
-					Sign.string_of_typ thy T ^ " is not a variable"))
-			(* obtain axioms for all superclasses *)
-			val superclasses = sort @ (maps (Sign.super_classes thy) sort)
-			(* merely an optimization, because 'collect_this_axiom' disallows *)
-			(* duplicate axioms anyway:                                       *)
-			val superclasses = distinct (op =) superclasses
-			val class_axioms = maps (fn class => map (fn ax =>
-				("<" ^ class ^ ">", Thm.prop_of ax))
-				(#axioms (AxClass.get_definition thy class) handle ERROR _ => []))
-				superclasses
-			(* replace the (at most one) schematic type variable in each axiom *)
-			(* by the actual type 'T'                                          *)
-			val monomorphic_class_axioms = map (fn (axname, ax) =>
-				(case Term.term_tvars ax of
-				  [] =>
-					(axname, ax)
-				| [(idx, S)] =>
-					(axname, monomorphic_term (Vartab.make [(idx, (S, T))]) ax)
-				| _ =>
-					raise REFUTE ("collect_axioms", "class axiom " ^ axname ^ " (" ^
-						Sign.string_of_term thy ax ^
-						") contains more than one type variable")))
-				class_axioms
-		in
-			fold collect_this_axiom monomorphic_class_axioms axs
-		end
-		(* Term.term list * Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
-		and collect_type_axioms (axs, T) =
-			case T of
-			(* simple types *)
-			  Type ("prop", [])      => axs
-			| Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) => collect_type_axioms
-				(collect_type_axioms (axs, T1), T2)
-			| Type ("set", [T1])     => collect_type_axioms (axs, T1)
-			(* axiomatic type classes *)
-			| Type ("itself", [T1])  => collect_type_axioms (axs, T1)
-			| Type (s, Ts)           =>
-				(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
-				  SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
-						(* only collect relevant type axioms for the argument types *)
-						Library.foldl collect_type_axioms (axs, Ts)
-				| NONE =>
-					(case get_typedef thy T of
-					  SOME (axname, ax) =>
-						collect_this_axiom (axname, ax) axs
-					| NONE =>
-						(* unspecified type, perhaps introduced with "typedecl" *)
-						(* at least collect relevant type axioms for the argument types *)
-						Library.foldl collect_type_axioms (axs, Ts)))
-			(* axiomatic type classes *)
-			| TFree _                => collect_sort_axioms (axs, T)
-			(* axiomatic type classes *)
-			| TVar _                 => collect_sort_axioms (axs, T)
-		(* Term.term list * Term.term -> Term.term list *)
-		and collect_term_axioms (axs, t) =
-			case t of
-			(* Pure *)
-			  Const ("all", _)                => axs
-			| Const ("==", _)                 => axs
-			| Const ("==>", _)                => axs
-			(* axiomatic type classes *)
-			| Const ("TYPE", T)               => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			(* HOL *)
-			| Const ("Trueprop", _)           => axs
-			| Const ("Not", _)                => axs
-			(* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
-			| Const ("True", _)               => axs
-			(* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
-			| Const ("False", _)              => axs
-			| Const ("arbitrary", T)          => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("The", T)                =>
-				let
-					val ax = specialize_type thy ("The", T)
-						(lookup axioms "HOL.the_eq_trivial")
-				in
-					collect_this_axiom ("HOL.the_eq_trivial", ax) axs
-				end
-			| Const ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps", T) =>
-				let
-					val ax = specialize_type thy ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps", T)
-						(lookup axioms "Hilbert_Choice.someI")
-				in
-					collect_this_axiom ("Hilbert_Choice.someI", ax) axs
-				end
-			| Const ("All", T)                => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("Ex", T)                 => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("op =", T)               => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("op &", _)               => axs
-			| Const ("op |", _)               => axs
-			| Const ("op -->", _)             => axs
-			(* sets *)
-			| Const ("Collect", T)            => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("op :", T)               => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			(* other optimizations *)
-			| Const ("Finite_Set.card", T)    => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("Finite_Set.Finites", T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("Finite_Set.finite", T)  => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("Orderings.less", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) =>
-					collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
-					collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("HOL.minus", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
-					collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("HOL.times", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
-					collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("List.op @", T)          => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("Lfp.lfp", T)            => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("Gfp.gfp", T)            => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("fst", T)                => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Const ("snd", T)                => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			(* simply-typed lambda calculus *)
-			| Const (s, T)                    =>
-					if is_const_of_class thy (s, T) then
-						(* axiomatic type classes: add "OFCLASS(?'a::c, c_class)" *)
-						(* and the class definition                               *)
-						let
-							val class   = Logic.class_of_const s
-							val inclass = Logic.mk_inclass (TVar (("'a", 0), [class]), class)
-							val ax_in   = SOME (specialize_type thy (s, T) inclass)
-								(* type match may fail due to sort constraints *)
-								handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
-							val ax_1 = (fn ax => (Sign.string_of_term thy ax, ax))
-								ax_in
-							val ax_2 = (apsnd (specialize_type thy (s, T)))
-								(get_classdef thy class)
-						in
-							collect_type_axioms (fold collect_this_axiom
-								(map_filter I [ax_1, ax_2]) axs, T)
-						end
-					else if is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T)
-						orelse is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) then
-						(* only collect relevant type axioms *)
-						collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-					else
-						(* other constants should have been unfolded, with some *)
-						(* exceptions: e.g. Abs_xxx/Rep_xxx functions for       *)
-						(* typedefs, or type-class related constants            *)
-						(* only collect relevant type axioms *)
-						collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Free (_, T)      => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Var (_, T)       => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
-			| Bound i          => axs
-			| Abs (_, T, body) => collect_term_axioms
-				(collect_type_axioms (axs, T), body)
-			| t1 $ t2          => collect_term_axioms
-				(collect_term_axioms (axs, t1), t2)
-		(* Term.term list *)
-		val result = map close_form (collect_term_axioms ([], t))
-		val _ = writeln " ...done."
-	in
-		result
-	end;
+  fun collect_axioms thy t =
+  let
+    val _ = immediate_output "Adding axioms..."
+    (* (string * Term.term) list *)
+    val axioms = Theory.all_axioms_of thy
+    (* string * Term.term -> Term.term list -> Term.term list *)
+    fun collect_this_axiom (axname, ax) axs =
+    let
+      val ax' = unfold_defs thy ax
+    in
+      if member (op aconv) axs ax' then
+        axs
+      else (
+        immediate_output (" " ^ axname);
+        collect_term_axioms (ax' :: axs, ax')
+      )
+    end
+    (* Term.term list * Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
+    and collect_sort_axioms (axs, T) =
+    let
+      (* string list *)
+      val sort = (case T of
+          TFree (_, sort) => sort
+        | TVar (_, sort)  => sort
+        | _               => raise REFUTE ("collect_axioms", "type " ^
+          Sign.string_of_typ thy T ^ " is not a variable"))
+      (* obtain axioms for all superclasses *)
+      val superclasses = sort @ (maps (Sign.super_classes thy) sort)
+      (* merely an optimization, because 'collect_this_axiom' disallows *)
+      (* duplicate axioms anyway:                                       *)
+      val superclasses = distinct (op =) superclasses
+      val class_axioms = maps (fn class => map (fn ax =>
+        ("<" ^ class ^ ">", Thm.prop_of ax))
+        (#axioms (AxClass.get_definition thy class) handle ERROR _ => []))
+        superclasses
+      (* replace the (at most one) schematic type variable in each axiom *)
+      (* by the actual type 'T'                                          *)
+      val monomorphic_class_axioms = map (fn (axname, ax) =>
+        (case Term.term_tvars ax of
+          [] =>
+          (axname, ax)
+        | [(idx, S)] =>
+          (axname, monomorphic_term (Vartab.make [(idx, (S, T))]) ax)
+        | _ =>
+          raise REFUTE ("collect_axioms", "class axiom " ^ axname ^ " (" ^
+            Sign.string_of_term thy ax ^
+            ") contains more than one type variable")))
+        class_axioms
+    in
+      fold collect_this_axiom monomorphic_class_axioms axs
+    end
+    (* Term.term list * Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
+    and collect_type_axioms (axs, T) =
+      case T of
+      (* simple types *)
+        Type ("prop", [])      => axs
+      | Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) => collect_type_axioms
+        (collect_type_axioms (axs, T1), T2)
+      | Type ("set", [T1])     => collect_type_axioms (axs, T1)
+      (* axiomatic type classes *)
+      | Type ("itself", [T1])  => collect_type_axioms (axs, T1)
+      | Type (s, Ts)           =>
+        (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
+          SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
+            (* only collect relevant type axioms for the argument types *)
+            Library.foldl collect_type_axioms (axs, Ts)
+        | NONE =>
+          (case get_typedef thy T of
+            SOME (axname, ax) =>
+            collect_this_axiom (axname, ax) axs
+          | NONE =>
+            (* unspecified type, perhaps introduced with "typedecl" *)
+            (* at least collect relevant type axioms for the argument types *)
+            Library.foldl collect_type_axioms (axs, Ts)))
+      (* axiomatic type classes *)
+      | TFree _                => collect_sort_axioms (axs, T)
+      (* axiomatic type classes *)
+      | TVar _                 => collect_sort_axioms (axs, T)
+    (* Term.term list * Term.term -> Term.term list *)
+    and collect_term_axioms (axs, t) =
+      case t of
+      (* Pure *)
+        Const ("all", _)                => axs
+      | Const ("==", _)                 => axs
+      | Const ("==>", _)                => axs
+      (* axiomatic type classes *)
+      | Const ("TYPE", T)               => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      (* HOL *)
+      | Const ("Trueprop", _)           => axs
+      | Const ("Not", _)                => axs
+      (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
+      | Const ("True", _)               => axs
+      (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
+      | Const ("False", _)              => axs
+      | Const ("arbitrary", T)          => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("The", T)                =>
+        let
+          val ax = specialize_type thy ("The", T)
+            (lookup axioms "HOL.the_eq_trivial")
+        in
+          collect_this_axiom ("HOL.the_eq_trivial", ax) axs
+        end
+      | Const ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps", T) =>
+        let
+          val ax = specialize_type thy ("Hilbert_Choice.Eps", T)
+            (lookup axioms "Hilbert_Choice.someI")
+        in
+          collect_this_axiom ("Hilbert_Choice.someI", ax) axs
+        end
+      | Const ("All", T)                => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("Ex", T)                 => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("op =", T)               => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("op &", _)               => axs
+      | Const ("op |", _)               => axs
+      | Const ("op -->", _)             => axs
+      (* sets *)
+      | Const ("Collect", T)            => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("op :", T)               => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      (* other optimizations *)
+      | Const ("Finite_Set.card", T)    => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("Finite_Set.Finites", T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("Finite_Set.finite", T)  => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("Orderings.less", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) =>
+          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
+          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("HOL.minus", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
+          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("HOL.times", T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
+          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("List.op @", T)          => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("Lfp.lfp", T)            => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("Gfp.gfp", T)            => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("fst", T)                => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Const ("snd", T)                => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      (* simply-typed lambda calculus *)
+      | Const (s, T)                    =>
+          if is_const_of_class thy (s, T) then
+            (* axiomatic type classes: add "OFCLASS(?'a::c, c_class)" *)
+            (* and the class definition                               *)
+            let
+              val class   = Logic.class_of_const s
+              val inclass = Logic.mk_inclass (TVar (("'a", 0), [class]), class)
+              val ax_in   = SOME (specialize_type thy (s, T) inclass)
+                (* type match may fail due to sort constraints *)
+                handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
+              val ax_1 = (fn ax => (Sign.string_of_term thy ax, ax))
+                ax_in
+              val ax_2 = (apsnd (specialize_type thy (s, T)))
+                (get_classdef thy class)
+            in
+              collect_type_axioms (fold collect_this_axiom
+                (map_filter I [ax_1, ax_2]) axs, T)
+            end
+          else if is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T)
+            orelse is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) then
+            (* only collect relevant type axioms *)
+            collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+          else
+            (* other constants should have been unfolded, with some *)
+            (* exceptions: e.g. Abs_xxx/Rep_xxx functions for       *)
+            (* typedefs, or type-class related constants            *)
+            (* only collect relevant type axioms *)
+            collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Free (_, T)      => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Var (_, T)       => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
+      | Bound i          => axs
+      | Abs (_, T, body) => collect_term_axioms
+        (collect_type_axioms (axs, T), body)
+      | t1 $ t2          => collect_term_axioms
+        (collect_term_axioms (axs, t1), t2)
+    (* Term.term list *)
+    val result = map close_form (collect_term_axioms ([], t))
+    val _ = writeln " ...done."
+  in
+    result
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* ground_types: collects all ground types in a term (including argument     *)
@@ -960,61 +960,61 @@
 (*               are considered.                                             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> Term.term -> Term.typ list *)
+  (* theory -> Term.term -> Term.typ list *)
-	fun ground_types thy t =
-	let
-		(* Term.typ * Term.typ list -> Term.typ list *)
-		fun collect_types (T, acc) =
-			if T mem acc then
-				acc  (* prevent infinite recursion (for IDTs) *)
-			else
-				(case T of
-				  Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) => collect_types (T1, collect_types (T2, acc))
-				| Type ("prop", [])      => acc
-				| Type ("set", [T1])     => collect_types (T1, acc)
-				| Type (s, Ts)           =>
-					(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
-					  SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
-						let
-							val index               = #index info
-							val descr               = #descr info
-							val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
-							val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
-							(* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
-							val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
-									case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
-								then
-									raise REFUTE ("ground_types", "datatype argument (for type "
-										^ Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s, Ts))
-										^ ") is not a variable")
-								else
-									())
-							(* if the current type is a recursive IDT (i.e. a depth is *)
-							(* required), add it to 'acc'                              *)
-							val acc' = (if Library.exists (fn (_, ds) => Library.exists
-								DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds) constrs then
-									insert (op =) T acc
-								else
-									acc)
-							(* collect argument types *)
-							val acc_args = foldr collect_types acc' Ts
-							(* collect constructor types *)
-							val acc_constrs = foldr collect_types acc_args (List.concat
-								(map (fn (_, ds) => map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
-									constrs))
-						in
-							acc_constrs
-						end
-					| NONE =>
-						(* not an inductive datatype, e.g. defined via "typedef" or *)
-						(* "typedecl"                                               *)
-						insert (op =) T (foldr collect_types acc Ts))
-				| TFree _                => insert (op =) T acc
-				| TVar _                 => insert (op =) T acc)
-	in
-		it_term_types collect_types (t, [])
-	end;
+  fun ground_types thy t =
+  let
+    (* Term.typ * Term.typ list -> Term.typ list *)
+    fun collect_types (T, acc) =
+      if T mem acc then
+        acc  (* prevent infinite recursion (for IDTs) *)
+      else
+        (case T of
+          Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) => collect_types (T1, collect_types (T2, acc))
+        | Type ("prop", [])      => acc
+        | Type ("set", [T1])     => collect_types (T1, acc)
+        | Type (s, Ts)           =>
+          (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
+            SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
+            let
+              val index               = #index info
+              val descr               = #descr info
+              val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
+              val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
+              (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
+              val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
+                  case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
+                then
+                  raise REFUTE ("ground_types", "datatype argument (for type "
+                    ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s, Ts))
+                    ^ ") is not a variable")
+                else
+                  ())
+              (* if the current type is a recursive IDT (i.e. a depth is *)
+              (* required), add it to 'acc'                              *)
+              val acc' = (if Library.exists (fn (_, ds) => Library.exists
+                DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds) constrs then
+                  insert (op =) T acc
+                else
+                  acc)
+              (* collect argument types *)
+              val acc_args = foldr collect_types acc' Ts
+              (* collect constructor types *)
+              val acc_constrs = foldr collect_types acc_args (List.concat
+                (map (fn (_, ds) => map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
+                  constrs))
+            in
+              acc_constrs
+            end
+          | NONE =>
+            (* not an inductive datatype, e.g. defined via "typedef" or *)
+            (* "typedecl"                                               *)
+            insert (op =) T (foldr collect_types acc Ts))
+        | TFree _                => insert (op =) T acc
+        | TVar _                 => insert (op =) T acc)
+  in
+    it_term_types collect_types (t, [])
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* string_of_typ: (rather naive) conversion from types to strings, used to   *)
@@ -1023,11 +1023,11 @@
 (*                list") are identified.                                     *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Term.typ -> string *)
+  (* Term.typ -> string *)
-	fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _))     = s
-	  | string_of_typ (TFree (s, _))    = s
-	  | string_of_typ (TVar ((s,_), _)) = s;
+  fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _))     = s
+    | string_of_typ (TFree (s, _))    = s
+    | string_of_typ (TVar ((s,_), _)) = s;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* first_universe: returns the "first" (i.e. smallest) universe by assigning *)
@@ -1035,17 +1035,17 @@
 (*                 'sizes'                                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Term.typ list -> (string * int) list -> int -> (Term.typ * int) list *)
+  (* Term.typ list -> (string * int) list -> int -> (Term.typ * int) list *)
-	fun first_universe xs sizes minsize =
-	let
-		fun size_of_typ T =
-			case AList.lookup (op =) sizes (string_of_typ T) of
-			  SOME n => n
-			| NONE   => minsize
-	in
-		map (fn T => (T, size_of_typ T)) xs
-	end;
+  fun first_universe xs sizes minsize =
+  let
+    fun size_of_typ T =
+      case AList.lookup (op =) sizes (string_of_typ T) of
+        SOME n => n
+      | NONE   => minsize
+  in
+    map (fn T => (T, size_of_typ T)) xs
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* next_universe: enumerates all universes (i.e. assignments of sizes to     *)
@@ -1054,70 +1054,70 @@
 (*                type may have a fixed size given in 'sizes'                *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* (Term.typ * int) list -> (string * int) list -> int -> int ->
-		(Term.typ * int) list option *)
+  (* (Term.typ * int) list -> (string * int) list -> int -> int ->
+    (Term.typ * int) list option *)
-	fun next_universe xs sizes minsize maxsize =
-	let
-		(* creates the "first" list of length 'len', where the sum of all list *)
-		(* elements is 'sum', and the length of the list is 'len'              *)
-		(* int -> int -> int -> int list option *)
-		fun make_first _ 0 sum =
-			if sum=0 then
-				SOME []
-			else
-				NONE
-		  | make_first max len sum =
-			if sum<=max orelse max<0 then
- (fn xs' => sum :: xs') (make_first max (len-1) 0)
-			else
- (fn xs' => max :: xs') (make_first max (len-1) (sum-max))
-		(* enumerates all int lists with a fixed length, where 0<=x<='max' for *)
-		(* all list elements x (unless 'max'<0)                                *)
-		(* int -> int -> int -> int list -> int list option *)
-		fun next max len sum [] =
-			NONE
-		  | next max len sum [x] =
-			(* we've reached the last list element, so there's no shift possible *)
-			make_first max (len+1) (sum+x+1)  (* increment 'sum' by 1 *)
-		  | next max len sum (x1::x2::xs) =
-			if x1>0 andalso (x2<max orelse max<0) then
-				(* we can shift *)
-				SOME (valOf (make_first max (len+1) (sum+x1-1)) @ (x2+1) :: xs)
-			else
-				(* continue search *)
-				next max (len+1) (sum+x1) (x2::xs)
-		(* only consider those types for which the size is not fixed *)
-		val mutables = List.filter
-			(not o (AList.defined (op =) sizes) o string_of_typ o fst) xs
-		(* subtract 'minsize' from every size (will be added again at the end) *)
-		val diffs = map (fn (_, n) => n-minsize) mutables
-	in
-		case next (maxsize-minsize) 0 0 diffs of
-		  SOME diffs' =>
-			(* merge with those types for which the size is fixed *)
-			SOME (snd (foldl_map (fn (ds, (T, _)) =>
-				case AList.lookup (op =) sizes (string_of_typ T) of
-				(* return the fixed size *)
-				  SOME n => (ds, (T, n))
-				(* consume the head of 'ds', add 'minsize' *)
-				| NONE   => (tl ds, (T, minsize + hd ds)))
-				(diffs', xs)))
-		| NONE =>
-			NONE
-	end;
+  fun next_universe xs sizes minsize maxsize =
+  let
+    (* creates the "first" list of length 'len', where the sum of all list *)
+    (* elements is 'sum', and the length of the list is 'len'              *)
+    (* int -> int -> int -> int list option *)
+    fun make_first _ 0 sum =
+      if sum=0 then
+        SOME []
+      else
+        NONE
+      | make_first max len sum =
+      if sum<=max orelse max<0 then
+ (fn xs' => sum :: xs') (make_first max (len-1) 0)
+      else
+ (fn xs' => max :: xs') (make_first max (len-1) (sum-max))
+    (* enumerates all int lists with a fixed length, where 0<=x<='max' for *)
+    (* all list elements x (unless 'max'<0)                                *)
+    (* int -> int -> int -> int list -> int list option *)
+    fun next max len sum [] =
+      NONE
+      | next max len sum [x] =
+      (* we've reached the last list element, so there's no shift possible *)
+      make_first max (len+1) (sum+x+1)  (* increment 'sum' by 1 *)
+      | next max len sum (x1::x2::xs) =
+      if x1>0 andalso (x2<max orelse max<0) then
+        (* we can shift *)
+        SOME (valOf (make_first max (len+1) (sum+x1-1)) @ (x2+1) :: xs)
+      else
+        (* continue search *)
+        next max (len+1) (sum+x1) (x2::xs)
+    (* only consider those types for which the size is not fixed *)
+    val mutables = List.filter
+      (not o (AList.defined (op =) sizes) o string_of_typ o fst) xs
+    (* subtract 'minsize' from every size (will be added again at the end) *)
+    val diffs = map (fn (_, n) => n-minsize) mutables
+  in
+    case next (maxsize-minsize) 0 0 diffs of
+      SOME diffs' =>
+      (* merge with those types for which the size is fixed *)
+      SOME (snd (foldl_map (fn (ds, (T, _)) =>
+        case AList.lookup (op =) sizes (string_of_typ T) of
+        (* return the fixed size *)
+          SOME n => (ds, (T, n))
+        (* consume the head of 'ds', add 'minsize' *)
+        | NONE   => (tl ds, (T, minsize + hd ds)))
+        (diffs', xs)))
+    | NONE =>
+      NONE
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* toTrue: converts the interpretation of a Boolean value to a propositional *)
 (*         formula that is true iff the interpretation denotes "true"        *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation -> prop_formula *)
+  (* interpretation -> prop_formula *)
-	fun toTrue (Leaf [fm, _]) =
-		fm
-	  | toTrue _              =
-		raise REFUTE ("toTrue", "interpretation does not denote a Boolean value");
+  fun toTrue (Leaf [fm, _]) =
+    fm
+    | toTrue _              =
+    raise REFUTE ("toTrue", "interpretation does not denote a Boolean value");
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* toFalse: converts the interpretation of a Boolean value to a              *)
@@ -1125,12 +1125,12 @@
 (*          denotes "false"                                                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation -> prop_formula *)
+  (* interpretation -> prop_formula *)
-	fun toFalse (Leaf [_, fm]) =
-		fm
-	  | toFalse _              =
-		raise REFUTE ("toFalse", "interpretation does not denote a Boolean value");
+  fun toFalse (Leaf [_, fm]) =
+    fm
+    | toFalse _              =
+    raise REFUTE ("toFalse", "interpretation does not denote a Boolean value");
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* find_model: repeatedly calls 'interpret' with appropriate parameters,     *)
@@ -1142,121 +1142,121 @@
 (* negate    : if true, find a model that makes 't' false (rather than true) *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> params -> Term.term -> bool -> unit *)
+  (* theory -> params -> Term.term -> bool -> unit *)
-	fun find_model thy {sizes, minsize, maxsize, maxvars, maxtime, satsolver} t
-		negate =
-	let
-		(* unit -> unit *)
-		fun wrapper () =
-		let
-			val u      = unfold_defs thy t
-			val _      = writeln ("Unfolded term: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy u)
-			val axioms = collect_axioms thy u
-			(* Term.typ list *)
-			val types = Library.foldl (fn (acc, t') =>
-				acc union (ground_types thy t')) ([], u :: axioms)
-			val _     = writeln ("Ground types: "
-				^ (if null types then "none."
-				   else commas (map (Sign.string_of_typ thy) types)))
-			(* we can only consider fragments of recursive IDTs, so we issue a  *)
-			(* warning if the formula contains a recursive IDT                  *)
-			(* TODO: no warning needed for /positive/ occurrences of IDTs       *)
-			val _ = if Library.exists (fn
-				  Type (s, _) =>
-					(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
-					  SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
-						let
-							val index           = #index info
-							val descr           = #descr info
-							val (_, _, constrs) = lookup descr index
-						in
-							(* recursive datatype? *)
-							Library.exists (fn (_, ds) =>
-								Library.exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds) constrs
-						end
-					| NONE => false)
-				| _ => false) types then
-					warning ("Term contains a recursive datatype; "
-						^ "countermodel(s) may be spurious!")
-				else
-					()
-			(* (Term.typ * int) list -> unit *)
-			fun find_model_loop universe =
-			let
-				val init_model = (universe, [])
-				val init_args  = {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = false, next_idx = 1,
-					bounds = [], wellformed = True}
-				val _          = immediate_output ("Translating term (sizes: "
-					^ commas (map (fn (_, n) => string_of_int n) universe) ^ ") ...")
-				(* translate 'u' and all axioms *)
-				val ((model, args), intrs) = foldl_map (fn ((m, a), t') =>
-					let
-						val (i, m', a') = interpret thy m a t'
-					in
-						(* set 'def_eq' to 'true' *)
-						((m', {maxvars = #maxvars a', def_eq = true,
-							next_idx = #next_idx a', bounds = #bounds a',
-							wellformed = #wellformed a'}), i)
-					end) ((init_model, init_args), u :: axioms)
-				(* make 'u' either true or false, and make all axioms true, and *)
-				(* add the well-formedness side condition                       *)
-				val fm_u  = (if negate then toFalse else toTrue) (hd intrs)
-				val fm_ax = PropLogic.all (map toTrue (tl intrs))
-				val fm    = PropLogic.all [#wellformed args, fm_ax, fm_u]
-			in
-				immediate_output " invoking SAT solver...";
-				(case SatSolver.invoke_solver satsolver fm of
-				  SatSolver.SATISFIABLE assignment =>
-					(writeln " model found!";
-					writeln ("*** Model found: ***\n" ^ print_model thy model
-						(fn i => case assignment i of SOME b => b | NONE => true)))
-				| SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE _ =>
-					(immediate_output " no model exists.\n";
-					case next_universe universe sizes minsize maxsize of
-					  SOME universe' => find_model_loop universe'
-					| NONE           => writeln
-						"Search terminated, no larger universe within the given limits.")
-				| SatSolver.UNKNOWN =>
-					(immediate_output " no model found.\n";
-					case next_universe universe sizes minsize maxsize of
-					  SOME universe' => find_model_loop universe'
-					| NONE           => writeln
-						"Search terminated, no larger universe within the given limits.")
-				) handle SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED =>
-					error ("SAT solver " ^ quote satsolver ^ " is not configured.")
-			end handle MAXVARS_EXCEEDED =>
-				writeln ("\nSearch terminated, number of Boolean variables ("
-					^ string_of_int maxvars ^ " allowed) exceeded.")
-			in
-				find_model_loop (first_universe types sizes minsize)
-			end
-		in
-			(* some parameter sanity checks *)
-			assert (minsize>=1)
-				("\"minsize\" is " ^ string_of_int minsize ^ ", must be at least 1");
-			assert (maxsize>=1)
-				("\"maxsize\" is " ^ string_of_int maxsize ^ ", must be at least 1");
-			assert (maxsize>=minsize)
-				("\"maxsize\" (=" ^ string_of_int maxsize ^
-				") is less than \"minsize\" (=" ^ string_of_int minsize ^ ").");
-			assert (maxvars>=0)
-				("\"maxvars\" is " ^ string_of_int maxvars ^ ", must be at least 0");
-			assert (maxtime>=0)
-				("\"maxtime\" is " ^ string_of_int maxtime ^ ", must be at least 0");
-			(* enter loop with or without time limit *)
-			writeln ("Trying to find a model that "
-				^ (if negate then "refutes" else "satisfies") ^ ": "
-				^ Sign.string_of_term thy t);
-			if maxtime>0 then (
-				interrupt_timeout (Time.fromSeconds (Int.toLarge maxtime))
-					wrapper ()
-				handle Interrupt =>
-					writeln ("\nSearch terminated, time limit (" ^ string_of_int maxtime
-						^ (if maxtime=1 then " second" else " seconds") ^ ") exceeded.")
-			) else
-				wrapper ()
-		end;
+  fun find_model thy {sizes, minsize, maxsize, maxvars, maxtime, satsolver} t
+    negate =
+  let
+    (* unit -> unit *)
+    fun wrapper () =
+    let
+      val u      = unfold_defs thy t
+      val _      = writeln ("Unfolded term: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy u)
+      val axioms = collect_axioms thy u
+      (* Term.typ list *)
+      val types = Library.foldl (fn (acc, t') =>
+        acc union (ground_types thy t')) ([], u :: axioms)
+      val _     = writeln ("Ground types: "
+        ^ (if null types then "none."
+           else commas (map (Sign.string_of_typ thy) types)))
+      (* we can only consider fragments of recursive IDTs, so we issue a  *)
+      (* warning if the formula contains a recursive IDT                  *)
+      (* TODO: no warning needed for /positive/ occurrences of IDTs       *)
+      val _ = if Library.exists (fn
+          Type (s, _) =>
+          (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
+            SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
+            let
+              val index           = #index info
+              val descr           = #descr info
+              val (_, _, constrs) = lookup descr index
+            in
+              (* recursive datatype? *)
+              Library.exists (fn (_, ds) =>
+                Library.exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds) constrs
+            end
+          | NONE => false)
+        | _ => false) types then
+          warning ("Term contains a recursive datatype; "
+            ^ "countermodel(s) may be spurious!")
+        else
+          ()
+      (* (Term.typ * int) list -> unit *)
+      fun find_model_loop universe =
+      let
+        val init_model = (universe, [])
+        val init_args  = {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = false, next_idx = 1,
+          bounds = [], wellformed = True}
+        val _          = immediate_output ("Translating term (sizes: "
+          ^ commas (map (fn (_, n) => string_of_int n) universe) ^ ") ...")
+        (* translate 'u' and all axioms *)
+        val ((model, args), intrs) = foldl_map (fn ((m, a), t') =>
+          let
+            val (i, m', a') = interpret thy m a t'
+          in
+            (* set 'def_eq' to 'true' *)
+            ((m', {maxvars = #maxvars a', def_eq = true,
+              next_idx = #next_idx a', bounds = #bounds a',
+              wellformed = #wellformed a'}), i)
+          end) ((init_model, init_args), u :: axioms)
+        (* make 'u' either true or false, and make all axioms true, and *)
+        (* add the well-formedness side condition                       *)
+        val fm_u  = (if negate then toFalse else toTrue) (hd intrs)
+        val fm_ax = PropLogic.all (map toTrue (tl intrs))
+        val fm    = PropLogic.all [#wellformed args, fm_ax, fm_u]
+      in
+        immediate_output " invoking SAT solver...";
+        (case SatSolver.invoke_solver satsolver fm of
+          SatSolver.SATISFIABLE assignment =>
+          (writeln " model found!";
+          writeln ("*** Model found: ***\n" ^ print_model thy model
+            (fn i => case assignment i of SOME b => b | NONE => true)))
+        | SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE _ =>
+          (immediate_output " no model exists.\n";
+          case next_universe universe sizes minsize maxsize of
+            SOME universe' => find_model_loop universe'
+          | NONE           => writeln
+            "Search terminated, no larger universe within the given limits.")
+        | SatSolver.UNKNOWN =>
+          (immediate_output " no model found.\n";
+          case next_universe universe sizes minsize maxsize of
+            SOME universe' => find_model_loop universe'
+          | NONE           => writeln
+            "Search terminated, no larger universe within the given limits.")
+        ) handle SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED =>
+          error ("SAT solver " ^ quote satsolver ^ " is not configured.")
+      end handle MAXVARS_EXCEEDED =>
+        writeln ("\nSearch terminated, number of Boolean variables ("
+          ^ string_of_int maxvars ^ " allowed) exceeded.")
+      in
+        find_model_loop (first_universe types sizes minsize)
+      end
+    in
+      (* some parameter sanity checks *)
+      minsize>=1 orelse
+        error ("\"minsize\" is " ^ string_of_int minsize ^ ", must be at least 1");
+      maxsize>=1 orelse
+        error ("\"maxsize\" is " ^ string_of_int maxsize ^ ", must be at least 1");
+      maxsize>=minsize orelse
+        error ("\"maxsize\" (=" ^ string_of_int maxsize ^
+        ") is less than \"minsize\" (=" ^ string_of_int minsize ^ ").");
+      maxvars>=0 orelse
+        error ("\"maxvars\" is " ^ string_of_int maxvars ^ ", must be at least 0");
+      maxtime>=0 orelse
+        error ("\"maxtime\" is " ^ string_of_int maxtime ^ ", must be at least 0");
+      (* enter loop with or without time limit *)
+      writeln ("Trying to find a model that "
+        ^ (if negate then "refutes" else "satisfies") ^ ": "
+        ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t);
+      if maxtime>0 then (
+        interrupt_timeout (Time.fromSeconds (Int.toLarge maxtime))
+          wrapper ()
+        handle Interrupt =>
+          writeln ("\nSearch terminated, time limit (" ^ string_of_int maxtime
+            ^ (if maxtime=1 then " second" else " seconds") ^ ") exceeded.")
+      ) else
+        wrapper ()
+    end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1269,10 +1269,10 @@
 (*               parameters                                                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit *)
+  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit *)
-	fun satisfy_term thy params t =
-		find_model thy (actual_params thy params) t false;
+  fun satisfy_term thy params t =
+    find_model thy (actual_params thy params) t false;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* refute_term: calls 'find_model' to find a model that refutes 't'          *)
@@ -1280,57 +1280,57 @@
 (*              parameters                                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit *)
+  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit *)
-	fun refute_term thy params t =
-	let
-		(* disallow schematic type variables, since we cannot properly negate  *)
-		(* terms containing them (their logical meaning is that there EXISTS a *)
-		(* type s.t. ...; to refute such a formula, we would have to show that *)
-		(* for ALL types, not ...)                                             *)
-		val _ = assert (null (term_tvars t))
-			"Term to be refuted contains schematic type variables"
+  fun refute_term thy params t =
+  let
+    (* disallow schematic type variables, since we cannot properly negate  *)
+    (* terms containing them (their logical meaning is that there EXISTS a *)
+    (* type s.t. ...; to refute such a formula, we would have to show that *)
+    (* for ALL types, not ...)                                             *)
+    val _ = null (term_tvars t) orelse
+      error "Term to be refuted contains schematic type variables"
-		(* existential closure over schematic variables *)
-		(* (Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *)
-		val vars = sort_wrt (fst o fst) (map dest_Var (term_vars t))
-		(* Term.term *)
-		val ex_closure = Library.foldl (fn (t', ((x, i), T)) =>
-			(HOLogic.exists_const T) $
-				Abs (x, T, abstract_over (Var ((x, i), T), t')))
-			(t, vars)
-		(* Note: If 't' is of type 'propT' (rather than 'boolT'), applying   *)
-		(* 'HOLogic.exists_const' is not type-correct.  However, this is not *)
-		(* really a problem as long as 'find_model' still interprets the     *)
-		(* resulting term correctly, without checking its type.              *)
+    (* existential closure over schematic variables *)
+    (* (Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *)
+    val vars = sort_wrt (fst o fst) (map dest_Var (term_vars t))
+    (* Term.term *)
+    val ex_closure = Library.foldl (fn (t', ((x, i), T)) =>
+      (HOLogic.exists_const T) $
+        Abs (x, T, abstract_over (Var ((x, i), T), t')))
+      (t, vars)
+    (* Note: If 't' is of type 'propT' (rather than 'boolT'), applying   *)
+    (* 'HOLogic.exists_const' is not type-correct.  However, this is not *)
+    (* really a problem as long as 'find_model' still interprets the     *)
+    (* resulting term correctly, without checking its type.              *)
-		(* replace outermost universally quantified variables by Free's:     *)
-		(* refuting a term with Free's is generally faster than refuting a   *)
-		(* term with (nested) quantifiers, because quantifiers are expanded, *)
-		(* while the SAT solver searches for an interpretation for Free's.   *)
-		(* Also we get more information back that way, namely an             *)
-		(* interpretation which includes values for the (formerly)           *)
-		(* quantified variables.                                             *)
-		(* maps  !!x1...xn. !xk...xm. t   to   t  *)
-		fun strip_all_body (Const ("all", _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = strip_all_body t
-		  | strip_all_body (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ t)        = strip_all_body t
-		  | strip_all_body (Const ("All", _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = strip_all_body t
-		  | strip_all_body t                                  = t
-		(* maps  !!x1...xn. !xk...xm. t   to   [x1, ..., xn, xk, ..., xm]  *)
-		fun strip_all_vars (Const ("all", _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
-			(a, T) :: strip_all_vars t
-		  | strip_all_vars (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ t)        =
-			strip_all_vars t
-		  | strip_all_vars (Const ("All", _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
-			(a, T) :: strip_all_vars t
-		  | strip_all_vars t                                  =
-			[] : (string * typ) list
-		val strip_t = strip_all_body ex_closure
-		val frees   = Term.rename_wrt_term strip_t (strip_all_vars ex_closure)
-		val subst_t = Term.subst_bounds (map Free frees, strip_t)
-	in
-		find_model thy (actual_params thy params) subst_t true
-	end;
+    (* replace outermost universally quantified variables by Free's:     *)
+    (* refuting a term with Free's is generally faster than refuting a   *)
+    (* term with (nested) quantifiers, because quantifiers are expanded, *)
+    (* while the SAT solver searches for an interpretation for Free's.   *)
+    (* Also we get more information back that way, namely an             *)
+    (* interpretation which includes values for the (formerly)           *)
+    (* quantified variables.                                             *)
+    (* maps  !!x1...xn. !xk...xm. t   to   t  *)
+    fun strip_all_body (Const ("all", _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = strip_all_body t
+      | strip_all_body (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ t)        = strip_all_body t
+      | strip_all_body (Const ("All", _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) = strip_all_body t
+      | strip_all_body t                                  = t
+    (* maps  !!x1...xn. !xk...xm. t   to   [x1, ..., xn, xk, ..., xm]  *)
+    fun strip_all_vars (Const ("all", _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
+      (a, T) :: strip_all_vars t
+      | strip_all_vars (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ t)        =
+      strip_all_vars t
+      | strip_all_vars (Const ("All", _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
+      (a, T) :: strip_all_vars t
+      | strip_all_vars t                                  =
+      [] : (string * typ) list
+    val strip_t = strip_all_body ex_closure
+    val frees   = Term.rename_wrt_term strip_t (strip_all_vars ex_closure)
+    val subst_t = Term.subst_bounds (map Free frees, strip_t)
+  in
+    find_model thy (actual_params thy params) subst_t true
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* refute_subgoal: calls 'refute_term' on a specific subgoal                 *)
@@ -1339,10 +1339,10 @@
 (* subgoal       : 0-based index specifying the subgoal number               *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (string * string) list -> Thm.thm -> int -> unit *)
+  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> Thm.thm -> int -> unit *)
-	fun refute_subgoal thy params thm subgoal =
-		refute_term thy params (List.nth (Thm.prems_of thm, subgoal));
+  fun refute_subgoal thy params thm subgoal =
+    refute_term thy params (List.nth (Thm.prems_of thm, subgoal));
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1355,71 +1355,71 @@
 (*                 'True'/'False' only (no Boolean variables)                *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation -> interpretation list *)
+  (* interpretation -> interpretation list *)
-	fun make_constants intr =
-	let
-		(* returns a list with all unit vectors of length n *)
-		(* int -> interpretation list *)
-		fun unit_vectors n =
-		let
-			(* returns the k-th unit vector of length n *)
-			(* int * int -> interpretation *)
-			fun unit_vector (k,n) =
-				Leaf ((replicate (k-1) False) @ (True :: (replicate (n-k) False)))
-			(* int -> interpretation list -> interpretation list *)
-			fun unit_vectors_acc k vs =
-				if k>n then [] else (unit_vector (k,n))::(unit_vectors_acc (k+1) vs)
-		in
-			unit_vectors_acc 1 []
-		end
-		(* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of n (possibly *)
-		(* identical) elements from 'xs'                               *)
-		(* int -> 'a list -> 'a list list *)
-		fun pick_all 1 xs =
-			map single xs
-		  | pick_all n xs =
-			let val rec_pick = pick_all (n-1) xs in
-				Library.foldl (fn (acc, x) => map (cons x) rec_pick @ acc) ([], xs)
-			end
-	in
-		case intr of
-		  Leaf xs => unit_vectors (length xs)
-		| Node xs => map (fn xs' => Node xs') (pick_all (length xs)
-			(make_constants (hd xs)))
-	end;
+  fun make_constants intr =
+  let
+    (* returns a list with all unit vectors of length n *)
+    (* int -> interpretation list *)
+    fun unit_vectors n =
+    let
+      (* returns the k-th unit vector of length n *)
+      (* int * int -> interpretation *)
+      fun unit_vector (k,n) =
+        Leaf ((replicate (k-1) False) @ (True :: (replicate (n-k) False)))
+      (* int -> interpretation list -> interpretation list *)
+      fun unit_vectors_acc k vs =
+        if k>n then [] else (unit_vector (k,n))::(unit_vectors_acc (k+1) vs)
+    in
+      unit_vectors_acc 1 []
+    end
+    (* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of n (possibly *)
+    (* identical) elements from 'xs'                               *)
+    (* int -> 'a list -> 'a list list *)
+    fun pick_all 1 xs =
+      map single xs
+      | pick_all n xs =
+      let val rec_pick = pick_all (n-1) xs in
+        Library.foldl (fn (acc, x) => map (cons x) rec_pick @ acc) ([], xs)
+      end
+  in
+    case intr of
+      Leaf xs => unit_vectors (length xs)
+    | Node xs => map (fn xs' => Node xs') (pick_all (length xs)
+      (make_constants (hd xs)))
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* size_of_type: returns the number of constants in a type (i.e. 'length     *)
 (*               (make_constants intr)', but implemented more efficiently)   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation -> int *)
+  (* interpretation -> int *)
-	fun size_of_type intr =
-	let
-		(* power (a, b) computes a^b, for a>=0, b>=0 *)
-		(* int * int -> int *)
-		fun power (a, 0) = 1
-		  | power (a, 1) = a
-		  | power (a, b) = let val ab = power(a, b div 2) in
-				ab * ab * power(a, b mod 2)
-			end
-	in
-		case intr of
-		  Leaf xs => length xs
-		| Node xs => power (size_of_type (hd xs), length xs)
-	end;
+  fun size_of_type intr =
+  let
+    (* power (a, b) computes a^b, for a>=0, b>=0 *)
+    (* int * int -> int *)
+    fun power (a, 0) = 1
+      | power (a, 1) = a
+      | power (a, b) = let val ab = power(a, b div 2) in
+        ab * ab * power(a, b mod 2)
+      end
+  in
+    case intr of
+      Leaf xs => length xs
+    | Node xs => power (size_of_type (hd xs), length xs)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* TT/FF: interpretations that denote "true" or "false", respectively        *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation *)
+  (* interpretation *)
-	val TT = Leaf [True, False];
+  val TT = Leaf [True, False];
-	val FF = Leaf [False, True];
+  val FF = Leaf [False, True];
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* make_equality: returns an interpretation that denotes (extensional)       *)
@@ -1432,51 +1432,51 @@
 (*   'not_equal' to another interpretation                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* We could in principle represent '=' on a type T by a particular        *)
-	(* interpretation.  However, the size of that interpretation is quadratic *)
-	(* in the size of T.  Therefore comparing the interpretations 'i1' and    *)
-	(* 'i2' directly is more efficient than constructing the interpretation   *)
-	(* for equality on T first, and "applying" this interpretation to 'i1'    *)
-	(* and 'i2' in the usual way (cf. 'interpretation_apply') then.           *)
+  (* We could in principle represent '=' on a type T by a particular        *)
+  (* interpretation.  However, the size of that interpretation is quadratic *)
+  (* in the size of T.  Therefore comparing the interpretations 'i1' and    *)
+  (* 'i2' directly is more efficient than constructing the interpretation   *)
+  (* for equality on T first, and "applying" this interpretation to 'i1'    *)
+  (* and 'i2' in the usual way (cf. 'interpretation_apply') then.           *)
-	(* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-	fun make_equality (i1, i2) =
-	let
-		(* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
-		fun equal (i1, i2) =
-			(case i1 of
-			  Leaf xs =>
-				(case i2 of
-				  Leaf ys => PropLogic.dot_product (xs, ys)  (* defined and equal *)
-				| Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
-					"second interpretation is higher"))
-			| Node xs =>
-				(case i2 of
-				  Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
-					"first interpretation is higher")
-				| Node ys => PropLogic.all (map equal (xs ~~ ys))))
-		(* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
-		fun not_equal (i1, i2) =
-			(case i1 of
-			  Leaf xs =>
-				(case i2 of
-				  (* defined and not equal *)
-				  Leaf ys => PropLogic.all ((PropLogic.exists xs)
-					:: (PropLogic.exists ys)
-					:: (map (fn (x,y) => SOr (SNot x, SNot y)) (xs ~~ ys)))
-				| Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
-					"second interpretation is higher"))
-			| Node xs =>
-				(case i2 of
-				  Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
-					"first interpretation is higher")
-				| Node ys => PropLogic.exists (map not_equal (xs ~~ ys))))
-	in
-		(* a value may be undefined; therefore 'not_equal' is not just the *)
-		(* negation of 'equal'                                             *)
-		Leaf [equal (i1, i2), not_equal (i1, i2)]
-	end;
+  fun make_equality (i1, i2) =
+  let
+    (* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
+    fun equal (i1, i2) =
+      (case i1 of
+        Leaf xs =>
+        (case i2 of
+          Leaf ys => PropLogic.dot_product (xs, ys)  (* defined and equal *)
+        | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
+          "second interpretation is higher"))
+      | Node xs =>
+        (case i2 of
+          Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
+          "first interpretation is higher")
+        | Node ys => PropLogic.all (map equal (xs ~~ ys))))
+    (* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
+    fun not_equal (i1, i2) =
+      (case i1 of
+        Leaf xs =>
+        (case i2 of
+          (* defined and not equal *)
+          Leaf ys => PropLogic.all ((PropLogic.exists xs)
+          :: (PropLogic.exists ys)
+          :: (map (fn (x,y) => SOr (SNot x, SNot y)) (xs ~~ ys)))
+        | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
+          "second interpretation is higher"))
+      | Node xs =>
+        (case i2 of
+          Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
+          "first interpretation is higher")
+        | Node ys => PropLogic.exists (map not_equal (xs ~~ ys))))
+  in
+    (* a value may be undefined; therefore 'not_equal' is not just the *)
+    (* negation of 'equal'                                             *)
+    Leaf [equal (i1, i2), not_equal (i1, i2)]
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* make_def_equality: returns an interpretation that denotes (extensional)   *)
@@ -1487,30 +1487,30 @@
 (* to an undefined interpretation.                                           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-	fun make_def_equality (i1, i2) =
-	let
-		(* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
-		fun equal (i1, i2) =
-			(case i1 of
-			  Leaf xs =>
-				(case i2 of
-				  (* defined and equal, or both undefined *)
-				  Leaf ys => SOr (PropLogic.dot_product (xs, ys),
-					SAnd (PropLogic.all (map SNot xs), PropLogic.all (map SNot ys)))
-				| Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_def_equality",
-					"second interpretation is higher"))
-			| Node xs =>
-				(case i2 of
-				  Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_def_equality",
-					"first interpretation is higher")
-				| Node ys => PropLogic.all (map equal (xs ~~ ys))))
-		(* interpretation *)
-		val eq = equal (i1, i2)
-	in
-		Leaf [eq, SNot eq]
-	end;
+  fun make_def_equality (i1, i2) =
+  let
+    (* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
+    fun equal (i1, i2) =
+      (case i1 of
+        Leaf xs =>
+        (case i2 of
+          (* defined and equal, or both undefined *)
+          Leaf ys => SOr (PropLogic.dot_product (xs, ys),
+          SAnd (PropLogic.all (map SNot xs), PropLogic.all (map SNot ys)))
+        | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_def_equality",
+          "second interpretation is higher"))
+      | Node xs =>
+        (case i2 of
+          Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_def_equality",
+          "first interpretation is higher")
+        | Node ys => PropLogic.all (map equal (xs ~~ ys))))
+    (* interpretation *)
+    val eq = equal (i1, i2)
+  in
+    Leaf [eq, SNot eq]
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* interpretation_apply: returns an interpretation that denotes the result   *)
@@ -1518,86 +1518,86 @@
 (*                       argument denoted by 'i2'                            *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-	fun interpretation_apply (i1, i2) =
-	let
-		(* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-		fun interpretation_disjunction (tr1,tr2) =
-			tree_map (fn (xs,ys) => map (fn (x,y) => SOr(x,y)) (xs ~~ ys))
-				(tree_pair (tr1,tr2))
-		(* prop_formula * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-		fun prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr) =
-			tree_map (map (fn x => SAnd (fm,x))) tr
-		(* prop_formula list * interpretation list -> interpretation *)
-		fun prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list ([fm],[tr]) =
-			prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr)
-		  | prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (fm::fms,tr::trees) =
-			interpretation_disjunction (prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr),
-				prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (fms,trees))
-		  | prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (_,_) =
-			raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "empty list (in dot product)")
-		(* concatenates 'x' with every list in 'xss', returning a new list of *)
-		(* lists                                                              *)
-		(* 'a -> 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
-		fun cons_list x xss =
-			map (cons x) xss
-		(* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of one element from each *)
-		(* element of 'xss'                                                      *)
-		(* 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
-		fun pick_all [xs] =
-			map single xs
-		  | pick_all (xs::xss) =
-			let val rec_pick = pick_all xss in
-				Library.foldl (fn (acc, x) => (cons_list x rec_pick) @ acc) ([], xs)
-			end
-		  | pick_all _ =
-			raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "empty list (in pick_all)")
-		(* interpretation -> prop_formula list *)
-		fun interpretation_to_prop_formula_list (Leaf xs) =
-			xs
-		  | interpretation_to_prop_formula_list (Node trees) =
-			map PropLogic.all (pick_all
-				(map interpretation_to_prop_formula_list trees))
-	in
-		case i1 of
-		  Leaf _ =>
-			raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "first interpretation is a leaf")
-		| Node xs =>
-			prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list
-				(interpretation_to_prop_formula_list i2, xs)
-	end;
+  fun interpretation_apply (i1, i2) =
+  let
+    (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+    fun interpretation_disjunction (tr1,tr2) =
+      tree_map (fn (xs,ys) => map (fn (x,y) => SOr(x,y)) (xs ~~ ys))
+        (tree_pair (tr1,tr2))
+    (* prop_formula * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+    fun prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr) =
+      tree_map (map (fn x => SAnd (fm,x))) tr
+    (* prop_formula list * interpretation list -> interpretation *)
+    fun prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list ([fm],[tr]) =
+      prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr)
+      | prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (fm::fms,tr::trees) =
+      interpretation_disjunction (prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr),
+        prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (fms,trees))
+      | prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (_,_) =
+      raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "empty list (in dot product)")
+    (* concatenates 'x' with every list in 'xss', returning a new list of *)
+    (* lists                                                              *)
+    (* 'a -> 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
+    fun cons_list x xss =
+      map (cons x) xss
+    (* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of one element from each *)
+    (* element of 'xss'                                                      *)
+    (* 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
+    fun pick_all [xs] =
+      map single xs
+      | pick_all (xs::xss) =
+      let val rec_pick = pick_all xss in
+        Library.foldl (fn (acc, x) => (cons_list x rec_pick) @ acc) ([], xs)
+      end
+      | pick_all _ =
+      raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "empty list (in pick_all)")
+    (* interpretation -> prop_formula list *)
+    fun interpretation_to_prop_formula_list (Leaf xs) =
+      xs
+      | interpretation_to_prop_formula_list (Node trees) =
+      map PropLogic.all (pick_all
+        (map interpretation_to_prop_formula_list trees))
+  in
+    case i1 of
+      Leaf _ =>
+      raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "first interpretation is a leaf")
+    | Node xs =>
+      prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list
+        (interpretation_to_prop_formula_list i2, xs)
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* eta_expand: eta-expands a term 't' by adding 'i' lambda abstractions      *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Term.term -> int -> Term.term *)
+  (* Term.term -> int -> Term.term *)
-	fun eta_expand t i =
-	let
-		val Ts = Term.binder_types (Term.fastype_of t)
-		val t' = Term.incr_boundvars i t
-	in
-		foldr (fn (T, term) => Abs ("<eta_expand>", T, term))
-			(Term.list_comb (t', map Bound (i-1 downto 0))) (List.take (Ts, i))
-	end;
+  fun eta_expand t i =
+  let
+    val Ts = Term.binder_types (Term.fastype_of t)
+    val t' = Term.incr_boundvars i t
+  in
+    foldr (fn (T, term) => Abs ("<eta_expand>", T, term))
+      (Term.list_comb (t', map Bound (i-1 downto 0))) (List.take (Ts, i))
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* sum: returns the sum of a list 'xs' of integers                           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* int list -> int *)
+  (* int list -> int *)
-	fun sum xs = foldl op+ 0 xs;
+  fun sum xs = foldl op+ 0 xs;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* product: returns the product of a list 'xs' of integers                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* int list -> int *)
+  (* int list -> int *)
-	fun product xs = foldl op* 1 xs;
+  fun product xs = foldl op* 1 xs;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* size_of_dtyp: the size of (an initial fragment of) an inductive data type *)
@@ -1605,1594 +1605,1594 @@
 (*               their arguments) of the size of the argument types          *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> (Term.typ * int) list -> DatatypeAux.descr ->
-		(DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
-		(string * DatatypeAux.dtyp list) list -> int *)
+  (* theory -> (Term.typ * int) list -> DatatypeAux.descr ->
+    (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
+    (string * DatatypeAux.dtyp list) list -> int *)
-	fun size_of_dtyp thy typ_sizes descr typ_assoc constructors =
-		sum (map (fn (_, dtyps) =>
-			product (map (fn dtyp =>
-				let
-					val T         = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc dtyp
-					val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typ_sizes, [])
-						{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-						(Free ("dummy", T))
-				in
-					size_of_type i
-				end) dtyps)) constructors);
+  fun size_of_dtyp thy typ_sizes descr typ_assoc constructors =
+    sum (map (fn (_, dtyps) =>
+      product (map (fn dtyp =>
+        let
+          val T         = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc dtyp
+          val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typ_sizes, [])
+            {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+            (Free ("dummy", T))
+        in
+          size_of_type i
+        end) dtyps)) constructors);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* INTERPRETERS: Actual Interpreters                                         *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* simply typed lambda calculus: Isabelle's basic term syntax, with type *)
-	(* variables, function types, and propT                                  *)
+  (* simply typed lambda calculus: Isabelle's basic term syntax, with type *)
+  (* variables, function types, and propT                                  *)
-	fun stlc_interpreter thy model args t =
-	let
-		val (typs, terms)                                   = model
-		val {maxvars, def_eq, next_idx, bounds, wellformed} = args
-		(* Term.typ -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-		fun interpret_groundterm T =
-		let
-			(* unit -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-			fun interpret_groundtype () =
-			let
-				(* the model must specify a size for ground types *)
-				val size = (if T = Term.propT then 2 else lookup typs T)
-				val next = next_idx+size
-				(* check if 'maxvars' is large enough *)
-				val _    = (if next-1>maxvars andalso maxvars>0 then
-					raise MAXVARS_EXCEEDED else ())
-				(* prop_formula list *)
-				val fms  = map BoolVar (next_idx upto (next_idx+size-1))
-				(* interpretation *)
-				val intr = Leaf fms
-				(* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
-				fun one_of_two_false []      = True
-				  | one_of_two_false (x::xs) = SAnd (PropLogic.all (map (fn x' =>
-					SOr (SNot x, SNot x')) xs), one_of_two_false xs)
-				(* prop_formula *)
-				val wf   = one_of_two_false fms
-			in
-				(* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
-				(* condition                                                  *)
-				SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = maxvars,
-					def_eq = def_eq, next_idx = next, bounds = bounds,
-					wellformed = SAnd (wellformed, wf)})
-			end
-		in
-			case T of
-			  Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
-				let
-					(* we create 'size_of_type (interpret (... T1))' different copies *)
-					(* of the interpretation for 'T2', which are then combined into a *)
-					(* single new interpretation                                      *)
-					val (i1, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-						next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T1))
-					(* make fresh copies, with different variable indices *)
-					(* 'idx': next variable index                         *)
-					(* 'n'  : number of copies                            *)
-					(* int -> int -> (int * interpretation list * prop_formula *)
-					fun make_copies idx 0 =
-						(idx, [], True)
-					  | make_copies idx n =
-						let
-							val (copy, _, new_args) = interpret thy (typs, [])
-								{maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = false, next_idx = idx,
-								bounds = [], wellformed = True} (Free ("dummy", T2))
-							val (idx', copies, wf') = make_copies (#next_idx new_args) (n-1)
-						in
-							(idx', copy :: copies, SAnd (#wellformed new_args, wf'))
-						end
-					val (next, copies, wf) = make_copies next_idx (size_of_type i1)
-					(* combine copies into a single interpretation *)
-					val intr = Node copies
-				in
-					(* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
-					(* condition                                                  *)
-					SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = maxvars,
-						def_eq = def_eq, next_idx = next, bounds = bounds,
-						wellformed = SAnd (wellformed, wf)})
-				end
-			| Type _  => interpret_groundtype ()
-			| TFree _ => interpret_groundtype ()
-			| TVar  _ => interpret_groundtype ()
-		end
-	in
-		case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
-		  SOME intr =>
-			(* return an existing interpretation *)
-			SOME (intr, model, args)
-		| NONE =>
-			(case t of
-			  Const (_, T)     =>
-				interpret_groundterm T
-			| Free (_, T)      =>
-				interpret_groundterm T
-			| Var (_, T)       =>
-				interpret_groundterm T
-			| Bound i          =>
-				SOME (List.nth (#bounds args, i), model, args)
-			| Abs (x, T, body) =>
-				let
-					(* create all constants of type 'T' *)
-					val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-						next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
-					val constants = make_constants i
-					(* interpret the 'body' separately for each constant *)
-					val ((model', args'), bodies) = foldl_map
-						(fn ((m, a), c) =>
-							let
-								(* add 'c' to 'bounds' *)
-								val (i', m', a') = interpret thy m {maxvars = #maxvars a,
-									def_eq = #def_eq a, next_idx = #next_idx a,
-									bounds = (c :: #bounds a), wellformed = #wellformed a} body
-							in
-								(* keep the new model m' and 'next_idx' and 'wellformed', *)
-								(* but use old 'bounds'                                   *)
-								((m', {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = def_eq,
-									next_idx = #next_idx a', bounds = bounds,
-									wellformed = #wellformed a'}), i')
-							end)
-						((model, args), constants)
-				in
-					SOME (Node bodies, model', args')
-				end
-			| t1 $ t2          =>
-				let
-					(* interpret 't1' and 't2' separately *)
-					val (intr1, model1, args1) = interpret thy model args t1
-					val (intr2, model2, args2) = interpret thy model1 args1 t2
-				in
-					SOME (interpretation_apply (intr1, intr2), model2, args2)
-				end)
-	end;
+  fun stlc_interpreter thy model args t =
+  let
+    val (typs, terms)                                   = model
+    val {maxvars, def_eq, next_idx, bounds, wellformed} = args
+    (* Term.typ -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+    fun interpret_groundterm T =
+    let
+      (* unit -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+      fun interpret_groundtype () =
+      let
+        (* the model must specify a size for ground types *)
+        val size = (if T = Term.propT then 2 else lookup typs T)
+        val next = next_idx+size
+        (* check if 'maxvars' is large enough *)
+        val _    = (if next-1>maxvars andalso maxvars>0 then
+          raise MAXVARS_EXCEEDED else ())
+        (* prop_formula list *)
+        val fms  = map BoolVar (next_idx upto (next_idx+size-1))
+        (* interpretation *)
+        val intr = Leaf fms
+        (* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
+        fun one_of_two_false []      = True
+          | one_of_two_false (x::xs) = SAnd (PropLogic.all (map (fn x' =>
+          SOr (SNot x, SNot x')) xs), one_of_two_false xs)
+        (* prop_formula *)
+        val wf   = one_of_two_false fms
+      in
+        (* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
+        (* condition                                                  *)
+        SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = maxvars,
+          def_eq = def_eq, next_idx = next, bounds = bounds,
+          wellformed = SAnd (wellformed, wf)})
+      end
+    in
+      case T of
+        Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
+        let
+          (* we create 'size_of_type (interpret (... T1))' different copies *)
+          (* of the interpretation for 'T2', which are then combined into a *)
+          (* single new interpretation                                      *)
+          val (i1, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+            next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T1))
+          (* make fresh copies, with different variable indices *)
+          (* 'idx': next variable index                         *)
+          (* 'n'  : number of copies                            *)
+          (* int -> int -> (int * interpretation list * prop_formula *)
+          fun make_copies idx 0 =
+            (idx, [], True)
+            | make_copies idx n =
+            let
+              val (copy, _, new_args) = interpret thy (typs, [])
+                {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = false, next_idx = idx,
+                bounds = [], wellformed = True} (Free ("dummy", T2))
+              val (idx', copies, wf') = make_copies (#next_idx new_args) (n-1)
+            in
+              (idx', copy :: copies, SAnd (#wellformed new_args, wf'))
+            end
+          val (next, copies, wf) = make_copies next_idx (size_of_type i1)
+          (* combine copies into a single interpretation *)
+          val intr = Node copies
+        in
+          (* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
+          (* condition                                                  *)
+          SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = maxvars,
+            def_eq = def_eq, next_idx = next, bounds = bounds,
+            wellformed = SAnd (wellformed, wf)})
+        end
+      | Type _  => interpret_groundtype ()
+      | TFree _ => interpret_groundtype ()
+      | TVar  _ => interpret_groundtype ()
+    end
+  in
+    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
+      SOME intr =>
+      (* return an existing interpretation *)
+      SOME (intr, model, args)
+    | NONE =>
+      (case t of
+        Const (_, T)     =>
+        interpret_groundterm T
+      | Free (_, T)      =>
+        interpret_groundterm T
+      | Var (_, T)       =>
+        interpret_groundterm T
+      | Bound i          =>
+        SOME (List.nth (#bounds args, i), model, args)
+      | Abs (x, T, body) =>
+        let
+          (* create all constants of type 'T' *)
+          val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+            next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
+          val constants = make_constants i
+          (* interpret the 'body' separately for each constant *)
+          val ((model', args'), bodies) = foldl_map
+            (fn ((m, a), c) =>
+              let
+                (* add 'c' to 'bounds' *)
+                val (i', m', a') = interpret thy m {maxvars = #maxvars a,
+                  def_eq = #def_eq a, next_idx = #next_idx a,
+                  bounds = (c :: #bounds a), wellformed = #wellformed a} body
+              in
+                (* keep the new model m' and 'next_idx' and 'wellformed', *)
+                (* but use old 'bounds'                                   *)
+                ((m', {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = def_eq,
+                  next_idx = #next_idx a', bounds = bounds,
+                  wellformed = #wellformed a'}), i')
+              end)
+            ((model, args), constants)
+        in
+          SOME (Node bodies, model', args')
+        end
+      | t1 $ t2          =>
+        let
+          (* interpret 't1' and 't2' separately *)
+          val (intr1, model1, args1) = interpret thy model args t1
+          val (intr2, model2, args2) = interpret thy model1 args1 t2
+        in
+          SOME (interpretation_apply (intr1, intr2), model2, args2)
+        end)
+  end;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	fun Pure_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("all", _) $ t1 =>
-			let
-				val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
-			in
-				case i of
-				  Node xs =>
-					(* 3-valued logic *)
-					let
-						val fmTrue  = PropLogic.all (map toTrue xs)
-						val fmFalse = PropLogic.exists (map toFalse xs)
-					in
-						SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
-					end
-				| _ =>
-					raise REFUTE ("Pure_interpreter",
-						"\"all\" is followed by a non-function")
-			end
-		| Const ("all", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("==", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-			let
-				val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
-				val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
-			in
-				(* we use either 'make_def_equality' or 'make_equality' *)
-				SOME ((if #def_eq args then make_def_equality else make_equality)
-					(i1, i2), m2, a2)
-			end
-		| Const ("==", _) $ t1 =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("==", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-		| Const ("==>", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-			(* 3-valued logic *)
-			let
-				val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
-				val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
-				val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toTrue i2)
-				val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toFalse i2)
-			in
-				SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
-			end
-		| Const ("==>", _) $ t1 =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("==>", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-		| _ => NONE;
+  fun Pure_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("all", _) $ t1 =>
+      let
+        val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
+      in
+        case i of
+          Node xs =>
+          (* 3-valued logic *)
+          let
+            val fmTrue  = PropLogic.all (map toTrue xs)
+            val fmFalse = PropLogic.exists (map toFalse xs)
+          in
+            SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
+          end
+        | _ =>
+          raise REFUTE ("Pure_interpreter",
+            "\"all\" is followed by a non-function")
+      end
+    | Const ("all", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("==", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+      let
+        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
+        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
+      in
+        (* we use either 'make_def_equality' or 'make_equality' *)
+        SOME ((if #def_eq args then make_def_equality else make_equality)
+          (i1, i2), m2, a2)
+      end
+    | Const ("==", _) $ t1 =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("==", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+    | Const ("==>", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+      (* 3-valued logic *)
+      let
+        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
+        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
+        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toTrue i2)
+        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toFalse i2)
+      in
+        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
+      end
+    | Const ("==>", _) $ t1 =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("==>", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+    | _ => NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	fun HOLogic_interpreter thy model args t =
-	(* Providing interpretations directly is more efficient than unfolding the *)
-	(* logical constants.  In HOL however, logical constants can themselves be *)
-	(* arguments.  They are then translated using eta-expansion.               *)
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Trueprop", _) =>
-			SOME (Node [TT, FF], model, args)
-		| Const ("Not", _) =>
-			SOME (Node [FF, TT], model, args)
-		(* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
-		| Const ("True", _) =>
-			SOME (TT, model, args)
-		(* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
-		| Const ("False", _) =>
-			SOME (FF, model, args)
-		| Const ("All", _) $ t1 =>  (* similar to "all" (Pure) *)
-			let
-				val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
-			in
-				case i of
-				  Node xs =>
-					(* 3-valued logic *)
-					let
-						val fmTrue  = PropLogic.all (map toTrue xs)
-						val fmFalse = PropLogic.exists (map toFalse xs)
-					in
-						SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
-					end
-				| _ =>
-					raise REFUTE ("HOLogic_interpreter",
-						"\"All\" is followed by a non-function")
-			end
-		| Const ("All", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("Ex", _) $ t1 =>
-			let
-				val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
-			in
-				case i of
-				  Node xs =>
-					(* 3-valued logic *)
-					let
-						val fmTrue  = PropLogic.exists (map toTrue xs)
-						val fmFalse = PropLogic.all (map toFalse xs)
-					in
-						SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
-					end
-				| _ =>
-					raise REFUTE ("HOLogic_interpreter",
-						"\"Ex\" is followed by a non-function")
-			end
-		| Const ("Ex", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("op =", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>  (* similar to "==" (Pure) *)
-			let
-				val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
-				val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
-			in
-				SOME (make_equality (i1, i2), m2, a2)
-			end
-		| Const ("op =", _) $ t1 =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("op =", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-		| Const ("op &", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-			(* 3-valued logic *)
-			let
-				val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
-				val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
-				val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toTrue i2)
-				val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toFalse i2)
-			in
-				SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
-			end
-		| Const ("op &", _) $ t1 =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("op &", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-			(* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
-			(* "False & undef":                                          *)
-			(* SOME (Node [Node [TT, FF], Node [FF, FF]], model, args) *)
-		| Const ("op |", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-			(* 3-valued logic *)
-			let
-				val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
-				val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
-				val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toTrue i1, toTrue i2)
-				val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toFalse i1, toFalse i2)
-			in
-				SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
-			end
-		| Const ("op |", _) $ t1 =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("op |", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-			(* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
-			(* "True | undef":                                           *)
-			(* SOME (Node [Node [TT, TT], Node [TT, FF]], model, args) *)
-		| Const ("op -->", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>  (* similar to "==>" (Pure) *)
-			(* 3-valued logic *)
-			let
-				val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
-				val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
-				val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toTrue i2)
-				val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toFalse i2)
-			in
-				SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
-			end
-		| Const ("op -->", _) $ t1 =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-		| Const ("op -->", _) =>
-			SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-			(* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
-			(* "False --> undef":                                        *)
-			(* SOME (Node [Node [TT, FF], Node [TT, TT]], model, args) *)
-		| _ => NONE;
+  fun HOLogic_interpreter thy model args t =
+  (* Providing interpretations directly is more efficient than unfolding the *)
+  (* logical constants.  In HOL however, logical constants can themselves be *)
+  (* arguments.  They are then translated using eta-expansion.               *)
+    case t of
+      Const ("Trueprop", _) =>
+      SOME (Node [TT, FF], model, args)
+    | Const ("Not", _) =>
+      SOME (Node [FF, TT], model, args)
+    (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
+    | Const ("True", _) =>
+      SOME (TT, model, args)
+    (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
+    | Const ("False", _) =>
+      SOME (FF, model, args)
+    | Const ("All", _) $ t1 =>  (* similar to "all" (Pure) *)
+      let
+        val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
+      in
+        case i of
+          Node xs =>
+          (* 3-valued logic *)
+          let
+            val fmTrue  = PropLogic.all (map toTrue xs)
+            val fmFalse = PropLogic.exists (map toFalse xs)
+          in
+            SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
+          end
+        | _ =>
+          raise REFUTE ("HOLogic_interpreter",
+            "\"All\" is followed by a non-function")
+      end
+    | Const ("All", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("Ex", _) $ t1 =>
+      let
+        val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
+      in
+        case i of
+          Node xs =>
+          (* 3-valued logic *)
+          let
+            val fmTrue  = PropLogic.exists (map toTrue xs)
+            val fmFalse = PropLogic.all (map toFalse xs)
+          in
+            SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
+          end
+        | _ =>
+          raise REFUTE ("HOLogic_interpreter",
+            "\"Ex\" is followed by a non-function")
+      end
+    | Const ("Ex", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("op =", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>  (* similar to "==" (Pure) *)
+      let
+        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
+        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
+      in
+        SOME (make_equality (i1, i2), m2, a2)
+      end
+    | Const ("op =", _) $ t1 =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("op =", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+    | Const ("op &", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+      (* 3-valued logic *)
+      let
+        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
+        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
+        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toTrue i2)
+        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toFalse i2)
+      in
+        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
+      end
+    | Const ("op &", _) $ t1 =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("op &", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+      (* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
+      (* "False & undef":                                          *)
+      (* SOME (Node [Node [TT, FF], Node [FF, FF]], model, args) *)
+    | Const ("op |", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+      (* 3-valued logic *)
+      let
+        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
+        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
+        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toTrue i1, toTrue i2)
+        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toFalse i1, toFalse i2)
+      in
+        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
+      end
+    | Const ("op |", _) $ t1 =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("op |", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+      (* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
+      (* "True | undef":                                           *)
+      (* SOME (Node [Node [TT, TT], Node [TT, FF]], model, args) *)
+    | Const ("op -->", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>  (* similar to "==>" (Pure) *)
+      (* 3-valued logic *)
+      let
+        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
+        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
+        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toTrue i2)
+        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toFalse i2)
+      in
+        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
+      end
+    | Const ("op -->", _) $ t1 =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+    | Const ("op -->", _) =>
+      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+      (* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
+      (* "False --> undef":                                        *)
+      (* SOME (Node [Node [TT, FF], Node [TT, TT]], model, args) *)
+    | _ => NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	fun set_interpreter thy model args t =
-	(* "T set" is isomorphic to "T --> bool" *)
-	let
-		val (typs, terms) = model
-	in
-		case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
-		  SOME intr =>
-			(* return an existing interpretation *)
-			SOME (intr, model, args)
-		| NONE =>
-			(case t of
-			  Free (x, Type ("set", [T])) =>
-				let
-					val (intr, _, args') =
-						interpret thy (typs, []) args (Free (x, T --> HOLogic.boolT))
-				in
-					SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), args')
-				end
-			| Var ((x, i), Type ("set", [T])) =>
-				let
-					val (intr, _, args') =
-						interpret thy (typs, []) args (Var ((x,i), T --> HOLogic.boolT))
-				in
-					SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), args')
-				end
-			| Const (s, Type ("set", [T])) =>
-				let
-					val (intr, _, args') =
-						interpret thy (typs, []) args (Const (s, T --> HOLogic.boolT))
-				in
-					SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), args')
-				end
-			(* 'Collect' == identity *)
-			| Const ("Collect", _) $ t1 =>
-				SOME (interpret thy model args t1)
-			| Const ("Collect", _) =>
-				SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-			(* 'op :' == application *)
-			| Const ("op :", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-				SOME (interpret thy model args (t2 $ t1))
-			| Const ("op :", _) $ t1 =>
-				SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
-			| Const ("op :", _) =>
-				SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
-			| _ => NONE)
-	end;
+  fun set_interpreter thy model args t =
+  (* "T set" is isomorphic to "T --> bool" *)
+  let
+    val (typs, terms) = model
+  in
+    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
+      SOME intr =>
+      (* return an existing interpretation *)
+      SOME (intr, model, args)
+    | NONE =>
+      (case t of
+        Free (x, Type ("set", [T])) =>
+        let
+          val (intr, _, args') =
+            interpret thy (typs, []) args (Free (x, T --> HOLogic.boolT))
+        in
+          SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), args')
+        end
+      | Var ((x, i), Type ("set", [T])) =>
+        let
+          val (intr, _, args') =
+            interpret thy (typs, []) args (Var ((x,i), T --> HOLogic.boolT))
+        in
+          SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), args')
+        end
+      | Const (s, Type ("set", [T])) =>
+        let
+          val (intr, _, args') =
+            interpret thy (typs, []) args (Const (s, T --> HOLogic.boolT))
+        in
+          SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), args')
+        end
+      (* 'Collect' == identity *)
+      | Const ("Collect", _) $ t1 =>
+        SOME (interpret thy model args t1)
+      | Const ("Collect", _) =>
+        SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+      (* 'op :' == application *)
+      | Const ("op :", _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+        SOME (interpret thy model args (t2 $ t1))
+      | Const ("op :", _) $ t1 =>
+        SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
+      | Const ("op :", _) =>
+        SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
+      | _ => NONE)
+  end;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* interprets variables and constants whose type is an IDT; *)
-	(* constructors of IDTs however are properly interpreted by *)
-	(* 'IDT_constructor_interpreter'                            *)
+  (* interprets variables and constants whose type is an IDT; *)
+  (* constructors of IDTs however are properly interpreted by *)
+  (* 'IDT_constructor_interpreter'                            *)
-	fun IDT_interpreter thy model args t =
-	let
-		val (typs, terms) = model
-		(* Term.typ -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-		fun interpret_term (Type (s, Ts)) =
-			(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
-			  SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
-				let
-					(* int option -- only recursive IDTs have an associated depth *)
-					val depth = AList.lookup (op =) typs (Type (s, Ts))
-				in
-					(* termination condition to avoid infinite recursion *)
-					if depth = (SOME 0) then
-						(* return a leaf of size 0 *)
-						SOME (Leaf [], model, args)
-					else
-						let
-							val index               = #index info
-							val descr               = #descr info
-							val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
-							val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
-							(* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
-							val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
-									case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
-								then
-									raise REFUTE ("IDT_interpreter",
-										"datatype argument (for type "
-										^ Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s, Ts))
-										^ ") is not a variable")
-								else
-									())
-							(* if the model specifies a depth for the current type, *)
-							(* decrement it to avoid infinite recursion             *)
-							val typs'    = case depth of NONE => typs | SOME n =>
-								AList.update (op =) (Type (s, Ts), n-1) typs
-							(* recursively compute the size of the datatype *)
-							val size     = size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs
-							val next_idx = #next_idx args
-							val next     = next_idx+size
-							(* check if 'maxvars' is large enough *)
-							val _        = (if next-1 > #maxvars args andalso
-								#maxvars args > 0 then raise MAXVARS_EXCEEDED else ())
-							(* prop_formula list *)
-							val fms      = map BoolVar (next_idx upto (next_idx+size-1))
-							(* interpretation *)
-							val intr     = Leaf fms
-							(* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
-							fun one_of_two_false []      = True
-							  | one_of_two_false (x::xs) = SAnd (PropLogic.all (map (fn x' =>
-								SOr (SNot x, SNot x')) xs), one_of_two_false xs)
-							(* prop_formula *)
-							val wf       = one_of_two_false fms
-						in
-							(* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
-							(* condition                                                  *)
-							SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = #maxvars args,
-								def_eq = #def_eq args, next_idx = next, bounds = #bounds args,
-								wellformed = SAnd (#wellformed args, wf)})
-						end
-				end
-			| NONE =>  (* not an inductive datatype *)
-				NONE)
-		  | interpret_term _ =  (* a (free or schematic) type variable *)
-			NONE
-	in
-		case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
-		  SOME intr =>
-			(* return an existing interpretation *)
-			SOME (intr, model, args)
-		| NONE =>
-			(case t of
-			  Free (_, T)  => interpret_term T
-			| Var (_, T)   => interpret_term T
-			| Const (_, T) => interpret_term T
-			| _            => NONE)
-	end;
+  fun IDT_interpreter thy model args t =
+  let
+    val (typs, terms) = model
+    (* Term.typ -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+    fun interpret_term (Type (s, Ts)) =
+      (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
+        SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
+        let
+          (* int option -- only recursive IDTs have an associated depth *)
+          val depth = AList.lookup (op =) typs (Type (s, Ts))
+        in
+          (* termination condition to avoid infinite recursion *)
+          if depth = (SOME 0) then
+            (* return a leaf of size 0 *)
+            SOME (Leaf [], model, args)
+          else
+            let
+              val index               = #index info
+              val descr               = #descr info
+              val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
+              val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
+              (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
+              val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
+                  case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
+                then
+                  raise REFUTE ("IDT_interpreter",
+                    "datatype argument (for type "
+                    ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s, Ts))
+                    ^ ") is not a variable")
+                else
+                  ())
+              (* if the model specifies a depth for the current type, *)
+              (* decrement it to avoid infinite recursion             *)
+              val typs'    = case depth of NONE => typs | SOME n =>
+                AList.update (op =) (Type (s, Ts), n-1) typs
+              (* recursively compute the size of the datatype *)
+              val size     = size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs
+              val next_idx = #next_idx args
+              val next     = next_idx+size
+              (* check if 'maxvars' is large enough *)
+              val _        = (if next-1 > #maxvars args andalso
+                #maxvars args > 0 then raise MAXVARS_EXCEEDED else ())
+              (* prop_formula list *)
+              val fms      = map BoolVar (next_idx upto (next_idx+size-1))
+              (* interpretation *)
+              val intr     = Leaf fms
+              (* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
+              fun one_of_two_false []      = True
+                | one_of_two_false (x::xs) = SAnd (PropLogic.all (map (fn x' =>
+                SOr (SNot x, SNot x')) xs), one_of_two_false xs)
+              (* prop_formula *)
+              val wf       = one_of_two_false fms
+            in
+              (* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
+              (* condition                                                  *)
+              SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = #maxvars args,
+                def_eq = #def_eq args, next_idx = next, bounds = #bounds args,
+                wellformed = SAnd (#wellformed args, wf)})
+            end
+        end
+      | NONE =>  (* not an inductive datatype *)
+        NONE)
+      | interpret_term _ =  (* a (free or schematic) type variable *)
+      NONE
+  in
+    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
+      SOME intr =>
+      (* return an existing interpretation *)
+      SOME (intr, model, args)
+    | NONE =>
+      (case t of
+        Free (_, T)  => interpret_term T
+      | Var (_, T)   => interpret_term T
+      | Const (_, T) => interpret_term T
+      | _            => NONE)
+  end;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	fun IDT_constructor_interpreter thy model args t =
-	let
-		val (typs, terms) = model
-	in
-		case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
-		  SOME intr =>
-			(* return an existing interpretation *)
-			SOME (intr, model, args)
-		| NONE =>
-			(case t of
-			  Const (s, T) =>
-				(case body_type T of
-				  Type (s', Ts') =>
-					(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s' of
-					  SOME info =>  (* body type is an inductive datatype *)
-						let
-							val index               = #index info
-							val descr               = #descr info
-							val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
-							val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts'
-							(* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
-							val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
-									case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
-								then
-									raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
-										"datatype argument (for type "
-										^ Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s', Ts'))
-										^ ") is not a variable")
-								else
-									())
-							(* split the constructors into those occuring before/after *)
-							(* 'Const (s, T)'                                          *)
-							val (constrs1, constrs2) = take_prefix (fn (cname, ctypes) =>
-								not (cname = s andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (T,
-									map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ctypes
-										---> Type (s', Ts')))) constrs
-						in
-							case constrs2 of
-							  [] =>
-								(* 'Const (s, T)' is not a constructor of this datatype *)
-								NONE
-							| (_, ctypes)::cs =>
-								let
-									(* compute the total size of the datatype (with the *)
-									(* current depth)                                   *)
-									val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-										def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-										(Free ("dummy", Type (s', Ts')))
-									val total     = size_of_type i
-									(* int option -- only /recursive/ IDTs have an associated *)
-									(*               depth                                    *)
-									val depth = AList.lookup (op =) typs (Type (s', Ts'))
-									val typs' = (case depth of NONE => typs | SOME n =>
-										AList.update (op =) (Type (s', Ts'), n-1) typs)
-									(* returns an interpretation where everything is mapped to *)
-									(* "undefined"                                             *)
-									(* DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> interpretation *)
-									fun make_undef [] =
-										Leaf (replicate total False)
-									  | make_undef (d::ds) =
-										let
-											(* compute the current size of the type 'd' *)
-											val T           = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
-											val (i, _, _)   = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-												def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-												(Free ("dummy", T))
-											val size        = size_of_type i
-										in
-											Node (replicate size (make_undef ds))
-										end
-									(* returns the interpretation for a constructor at depth 1 *)
-									(* int * DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> int * interpretation *)
-									fun make_constr (offset, []) =
-										if offset<total then
-											(offset+1, Leaf ((replicate offset False) @ True ::
-												(replicate (total-offset-1) False)))
-										else
-											raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
-												"offset >= total")
-									  | make_constr (offset, d::ds) =
-										let
-											(* compute the current and the old size of the type 'd' *)
-											val T           = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
-											val (i, _, _)   = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-												def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-												(Free ("dummy", T))
-											val size        = size_of_type i
-											val (i', _, _)  = interpret thy (typs', []) {maxvars=0,
-												def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-												(Free ("dummy", T))
-											val size'       = size_of_type i'
-											(* sanity check *)
-											val _           = if size < size' then
-													raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
-														"current size is less than old size")
-												else ()
-											(* int * interpretation list *)
-											val (new_offset, intrs) = foldl_map make_constr
-												(offset, replicate size' ds)
-											(* interpretation list *)
-											val undefs = replicate (size - size') (make_undef ds)
-										in
-											(* elements that exist at the previous depth are      *)
-											(* mapped to a defined value, while new elements are  *)
-											(* mapped to "undefined" by the recursive constructor *)
-											(new_offset, Node (intrs @ undefs))
-										end
-									(* extends the interpretation for a constructor (both      *)
-									(* recursive and non-recursive) obtained at depth n (n>=1) *)
-									(* to depth n+1                                            *)
-									(* int * DatatypeAux.dtyp list * interpretation
-										-> int * interpretation *)
-									fun extend_constr (offset, [], Leaf xs) =
-										let
-											(* returns the k-th unit vector of length n *)
-											(* int * int -> interpretation *)
-											fun unit_vector (k, n) =
-												Leaf ((replicate (k-1) False) @ True ::
-													(replicate (n-k) False))
-											(* int *)
-											val k = find_index_eq True xs
-										in
-											if k=(~1) then
-												(* if the element was mapped to "undefined" before, *)
-												(* map it to the value given by 'offset' now (and   *)
-												(* extend the length of the leaf)                   *)
-												(offset+1, unit_vector (offset+1, total))
-											else
-												(* if the element was already mapped to a defined  *)
-												(* value, map it to the same value again, just     *)
-												(* extend the length of the leaf, do not increment *)
-												(* the 'offset'                                    *)
-												(offset, unit_vector (k+1, total))
-										end
-									  | extend_constr (_, [], Node _) =
-										raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
-											"interpretation for constructor (with no arguments left)"
-											^ " is a node")
-									  | extend_constr (offset, d::ds, Node xs) =
-										let
-											(* compute the size of the type 'd' *)
-											val T          = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
-											val (i, _, _)  = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-												def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-												(Free ("dummy", T))
-											val size       = size_of_type i
-											(* sanity check *)
-											val _          = if size < length xs then
-													raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
-														"new size of type is less than old size")
-												else ()
-											(* extend the existing interpretations *)
-											(* int * interpretation list *)
-											val (new_offset, intrs) = foldl_map (fn (off, i) =>
-												extend_constr (off, ds, i)) (offset, xs)
-											(* new elements of the type 'd' are mapped to *)
-											(* "undefined"                                *)
-											val undefs = replicate (size - length xs) (make_undef ds)
-										in
-											(new_offset, Node (intrs @ undefs))
-										end
-									  | extend_constr (_, d::ds, Leaf _) =
-										raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
-											"interpretation for constructor (with arguments left)"
-											^ " is a leaf")
-									(* returns 'true' iff the constructor has a recursive *)
-									(* argument                                           *)
-									(* DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> bool *)
-									fun is_rec_constr ds =
-										Library.exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds
-									(* constructors before 'Const (s, T)' generate elements of *)
-									(* the datatype                                            *)
-									val offset = size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs1
-								in
-									case depth of
-									  NONE =>  (* equivalent to a depth of 1 *)
-										SOME (snd (make_constr (offset, ctypes)), model, args)
-									| SOME 0 =>
-										raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter", "depth is 0")
-									| SOME 1 =>
-										SOME (snd (make_constr (offset, ctypes)), model, args)
-									| SOME n =>  (* n > 1 *)
-										let
-											(* interpret the constructor at depth-1 *)
-											val (iC, _, _) = interpret thy (typs', []) {maxvars=0,
-												def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-												(Const (s, T))
-											(* elements generated by the constructor at depth-1 *)
-											(* must be added to 'offset'                        *)
-											(* interpretation -> int *)
-											fun number_of_defined_elements (Leaf xs) =
-												if find_index_eq True xs = (~1) then 0 else 1
-											  | number_of_defined_elements (Node xs) =
-												sum (map number_of_defined_elements xs)
-											(* int *)
-											val offset' = offset + number_of_defined_elements iC
-										in
-											SOME (snd (extend_constr (offset', ctypes, iC)), model,
-												args)
-										end
-								end
-						end
-					| NONE =>  (* body type is not an inductive datatype *)
-						NONE)
-				| _ =>  (* body type is a (free or schematic) type variable *)
-					NONE)
-			| _ =>  (* term is not a constant *)
-				NONE)
-	end;
+  fun IDT_constructor_interpreter thy model args t =
+  let
+    val (typs, terms) = model
+  in
+    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
+      SOME intr =>
+      (* return an existing interpretation *)
+      SOME (intr, model, args)
+    | NONE =>
+      (case t of
+        Const (s, T) =>
+        (case body_type T of
+          Type (s', Ts') =>
+          (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s' of
+            SOME info =>  (* body type is an inductive datatype *)
+            let
+              val index               = #index info
+              val descr               = #descr info
+              val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
+              val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts'
+              (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
+              val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
+                  case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
+                then
+                  raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
+                    "datatype argument (for type "
+                    ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s', Ts'))
+                    ^ ") is not a variable")
+                else
+                  ())
+              (* split the constructors into those occuring before/after *)
+              (* 'Const (s, T)'                                          *)
+              val (constrs1, constrs2) = take_prefix (fn (cname, ctypes) =>
+                not (cname = s andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (T,
+                  map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ctypes
+                    ---> Type (s', Ts')))) constrs
+            in
+              case constrs2 of
+                [] =>
+                (* 'Const (s, T)' is not a constructor of this datatype *)
+                NONE
+              | (_, ctypes)::cs =>
+                let
+                  (* compute the total size of the datatype (with the *)
+                  (* current depth)                                   *)
+                  val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                    def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                    (Free ("dummy", Type (s', Ts')))
+                  val total     = size_of_type i
+                  (* int option -- only /recursive/ IDTs have an associated *)
+                  (*               depth                                    *)
+                  val depth = AList.lookup (op =) typs (Type (s', Ts'))
+                  val typs' = (case depth of NONE => typs | SOME n =>
+                    AList.update (op =) (Type (s', Ts'), n-1) typs)
+                  (* returns an interpretation where everything is mapped to *)
+                  (* "undefined"                                             *)
+                  (* DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> interpretation *)
+                  fun make_undef [] =
+                    Leaf (replicate total False)
+                    | make_undef (d::ds) =
+                    let
+                      (* compute the current size of the type 'd' *)
+                      val T           = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
+                      val (i, _, _)   = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                        def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                        (Free ("dummy", T))
+                      val size        = size_of_type i
+                    in
+                      Node (replicate size (make_undef ds))
+                    end
+                  (* returns the interpretation for a constructor at depth 1 *)
+                  (* int * DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> int * interpretation *)
+                  fun make_constr (offset, []) =
+                    if offset<total then
+                      (offset+1, Leaf ((replicate offset False) @ True ::
+                        (replicate (total-offset-1) False)))
+                    else
+                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
+                        "offset >= total")
+                    | make_constr (offset, d::ds) =
+                    let
+                      (* compute the current and the old size of the type 'd' *)
+                      val T           = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
+                      val (i, _, _)   = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                        def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                        (Free ("dummy", T))
+                      val size        = size_of_type i
+                      val (i', _, _)  = interpret thy (typs', []) {maxvars=0,
+                        def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                        (Free ("dummy", T))
+                      val size'       = size_of_type i'
+                      (* sanity check *)
+                      val _           = if size < size' then
+                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
+                            "current size is less than old size")
+                        else ()
+                      (* int * interpretation list *)
+                      val (new_offset, intrs) = foldl_map make_constr
+                        (offset, replicate size' ds)
+                      (* interpretation list *)
+                      val undefs = replicate (size - size') (make_undef ds)
+                    in
+                      (* elements that exist at the previous depth are      *)
+                      (* mapped to a defined value, while new elements are  *)
+                      (* mapped to "undefined" by the recursive constructor *)
+                      (new_offset, Node (intrs @ undefs))
+                    end
+                  (* extends the interpretation for a constructor (both      *)
+                  (* recursive and non-recursive) obtained at depth n (n>=1) *)
+                  (* to depth n+1                                            *)
+                  (* int * DatatypeAux.dtyp list * interpretation
+                    -> int * interpretation *)
+                  fun extend_constr (offset, [], Leaf xs) =
+                    let
+                      (* returns the k-th unit vector of length n *)
+                      (* int * int -> interpretation *)
+                      fun unit_vector (k, n) =
+                        Leaf ((replicate (k-1) False) @ True ::
+                          (replicate (n-k) False))
+                      (* int *)
+                      val k = find_index_eq True xs
+                    in
+                      if k=(~1) then
+                        (* if the element was mapped to "undefined" before, *)
+                        (* map it to the value given by 'offset' now (and   *)
+                        (* extend the length of the leaf)                   *)
+                        (offset+1, unit_vector (offset+1, total))
+                      else
+                        (* if the element was already mapped to a defined  *)
+                        (* value, map it to the same value again, just     *)
+                        (* extend the length of the leaf, do not increment *)
+                        (* the 'offset'                                    *)
+                        (offset, unit_vector (k+1, total))
+                    end
+                    | extend_constr (_, [], Node _) =
+                    raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
+                      "interpretation for constructor (with no arguments left)"
+                      ^ " is a node")
+                    | extend_constr (offset, d::ds, Node xs) =
+                    let
+                      (* compute the size of the type 'd' *)
+                      val T          = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
+                      val (i, _, _)  = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                        def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                        (Free ("dummy", T))
+                      val size       = size_of_type i
+                      (* sanity check *)
+                      val _          = if size < length xs then
+                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
+                            "new size of type is less than old size")
+                        else ()
+                      (* extend the existing interpretations *)
+                      (* int * interpretation list *)
+                      val (new_offset, intrs) = foldl_map (fn (off, i) =>
+                        extend_constr (off, ds, i)) (offset, xs)
+                      (* new elements of the type 'd' are mapped to *)
+                      (* "undefined"                                *)
+                      val undefs = replicate (size - length xs) (make_undef ds)
+                    in
+                      (new_offset, Node (intrs @ undefs))
+                    end
+                    | extend_constr (_, d::ds, Leaf _) =
+                    raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
+                      "interpretation for constructor (with arguments left)"
+                      ^ " is a leaf")
+                  (* returns 'true' iff the constructor has a recursive *)
+                  (* argument                                           *)
+                  (* DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> bool *)
+                  fun is_rec_constr ds =
+                    Library.exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds
+                  (* constructors before 'Const (s, T)' generate elements of *)
+                  (* the datatype                                            *)
+                  val offset = size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs1
+                in
+                  case depth of
+                    NONE =>  (* equivalent to a depth of 1 *)
+                    SOME (snd (make_constr (offset, ctypes)), model, args)
+                  | SOME 0 =>
+                    raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter", "depth is 0")
+                  | SOME 1 =>
+                    SOME (snd (make_constr (offset, ctypes)), model, args)
+                  | SOME n =>  (* n > 1 *)
+                    let
+                      (* interpret the constructor at depth-1 *)
+                      val (iC, _, _) = interpret thy (typs', []) {maxvars=0,
+                        def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                        (Const (s, T))
+                      (* elements generated by the constructor at depth-1 *)
+                      (* must be added to 'offset'                        *)
+                      (* interpretation -> int *)
+                      fun number_of_defined_elements (Leaf xs) =
+                        if find_index_eq True xs = (~1) then 0 else 1
+                        | number_of_defined_elements (Node xs) =
+                        sum (map number_of_defined_elements xs)
+                      (* int *)
+                      val offset' = offset + number_of_defined_elements iC
+                    in
+                      SOME (snd (extend_constr (offset', ctypes, iC)), model,
+                        args)
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+          | NONE =>  (* body type is not an inductive datatype *)
+            NONE)
+        | _ =>  (* body type is a (free or schematic) type variable *)
+          NONE)
+      | _ =>  (* term is not a constant *)
+        NONE)
+  end;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* Difficult code ahead.  Make sure you understand the                *)
-	(* 'IDT_constructor_interpreter' and the order in which it enumerates *)
-	(* elements of an IDT before you try to understand this function.     *)
+  (* Difficult code ahead.  Make sure you understand the                *)
+  (* 'IDT_constructor_interpreter' and the order in which it enumerates *)
+  (* elements of an IDT before you try to understand this function.     *)
-	fun IDT_recursion_interpreter thy model args t =
-		(* careful: here we descend arbitrarily deep into 't', possibly before *)
-		(* any other interpreter for atomic terms has had a chance to look at  *)
-		(* 't'                                                                 *)
-		case strip_comb t of
-		  (Const (s, T), params) =>
-			(* iterate over all datatypes in 'thy' *)
-			Symtab.fold (fn (_, info) => fn result =>
-				case result of
-				  SOME _ =>
-					result  (* just keep 'result' *)
-				| NONE =>
-					if member (op =) (#rec_names info) s then
-						(* we do have a recursion operator of the datatype given by *)
-						(* 'info', or of a mutually recursive datatype              *)
-						let
-							val index              = #index info
-							val descr              = #descr info
-							val (dtname, dtyps, _) = lookup descr index
-							(* number of all constructors, including those of different  *)
-							(* (mutually recursive) datatypes within the same descriptor *)
-							(* 'descr'                                                   *)
-							val mconstrs_count = sum (map (fn (_, (_, _, cs)) => length cs)
-								descr)
-							val params_count   = length params
-							(* the type of a recursion operator: *)
-							(* [T1, ..., Tn, IDT] ---> Tresult   *)
-							val IDT = List.nth (binder_types T, mconstrs_count)
-						in
-							if (fst o dest_Type) IDT <> dtname then
-								(* recursion operator of a mutually recursive datatype *)
-								NONE
-							else if mconstrs_count < params_count then
-								(* too many actual parameters; for now we'll use the *)
-								(* 'stlc_interpreter' to strip off one application   *)
-								NONE
-							else if mconstrs_count > params_count then
-								(* too few actual parameters; we use eta expansion          *)
-								(* Note that the resulting expansion of lambda abstractions *)
-								(* by the 'stlc_interpreter' may be rather slow (depending  *)
-								(* on the argument types and the size of the IDT, of        *)
-								(* course).                                                 *)
-								SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t
-									(mconstrs_count - params_count)))
-							else  (* mconstrs_count = params_count *)
-								let
-									(* interpret each parameter separately *)
-									val ((model', args'), p_intrs) = foldl_map (fn ((m, a), p) =>
-										let
-											val (i, m', a') = interpret thy m a p
-										in
-											((m', a'), i)
-										end) ((model, args), params)
-									val (typs, _) = model'
-									val typ_assoc = dtyps ~~ (snd o dest_Type) IDT
-									(* interpret each constructor in the descriptor (including *)
-									(* those of mutually recursive datatypes)                  *)
-									(* (int * interpretation list) list *)
-									val mc_intrs = map (fn (idx, (_, _, cs)) =>
-										let
-											val c_return_typ = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc
-												(DatatypeAux.DtRec idx)
-										in
-											(idx, map (fn (cname, cargs) =>
-												(#1 o interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-													def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[],
-													wellformed=True}) (Const (cname, map (typ_of_dtyp
-													descr typ_assoc) cargs ---> c_return_typ))) cs)
-										end) descr
-									(* the recursion operator is a function that maps every   *)
-									(* element of the inductive datatype (and of mutually     *)
-									(* recursive types) to an element of some result type; an *)
-									(* array entry of NONE means that the actual result has   *)
-									(* not been computed yet                                  *)
-									(* (int * interpretation option Array.array) list *)
-									val INTRS = map (fn (idx, _) =>
-										let
-											val T         = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc
-												(DatatypeAux.DtRec idx)
-											val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-												def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-												(Free ("dummy", T))
-											val size      = size_of_type i
-										in
-											(idx, Array.array (size, NONE))
-										end) descr
-									(* takes an interpretation, and if some leaf of this     *)
-									(* interpretation is the 'elem'-th element of the type,  *)
-									(* the indices of the arguments leading to this leaf are *)
-									(* returned                                              *)
-									(* interpretation -> int -> int list option *)
-									fun get_args (Leaf xs) elem =
-										if find_index_eq True xs = elem then
-											SOME []
-										else
-											NONE
-									  | get_args (Node xs) elem =
-										let
-											(* interpretation * int -> int list option *)
-											fun search ([], _) =
-												NONE
-											  | search (x::xs, n) =
-												(case get_args x elem of
-												  SOME result => SOME (n::result)
-												| NONE        => search (xs, n+1))
-										in
-											search (xs, 0)
-										end
-									(* returns the index of the constructor and indices for *)
-									(* its arguments that generate the 'elem'-th element of *)
-									(* the datatype given by 'idx'                          *)
-									(* int -> int -> int * int list *)
-									fun get_cargs idx elem =
-										let
-											(* int * interpretation list -> int * int list *)
-											fun get_cargs_rec (_, []) =
-												raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
-													"no matching constructor found for element "
-													^ string_of_int elem ^ " in datatype "
-													^ Sign.string_of_typ thy IDT ^ " (datatype index "
-													^ string_of_int idx ^ ")")
-											  | get_cargs_rec (n, x::xs) =
-												(case get_args x elem of
-												  SOME args => (n, args)
-												| NONE      => get_cargs_rec (n+1, xs))
-										in
-											get_cargs_rec (0, lookup mc_intrs idx)
-										end
-									(* returns the number of constructors in datatypes that *)
-									(* occur in the descriptor 'descr' before the datatype  *)
-									(* given by 'idx'                                       *)
-									fun get_coffset idx =
-										let
-											fun get_coffset_acc _ [] =
-												raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter", "index "
-													^ string_of_int idx ^ " not found in descriptor")
-											  | get_coffset_acc sum ((i, (_, _, cs))::descr') =
-												if i=idx then
-													sum
-												else
-													get_coffset_acc (sum + length cs) descr'
-										in
-											get_coffset_acc 0 descr
-										end
-									(* computes one entry in INTRS, and recursively all      *)
-									(* entries needed for it, where 'idx' gives the datatype *)
-									(* and 'elem' the element of it                          *)
-									(* int -> int -> interpretation *)
-									fun compute_array_entry idx elem =
-										case Array.sub (lookup INTRS idx, elem) of
-										  SOME result =>
-											(* simply return the previously computed result *)
-											result
-										| NONE =>
-											let
-												(* int * int list *)
-												val (c, args) = get_cargs idx elem
-												(* interpretation * int list -> interpretation *)
-												fun select_subtree (tr, []) =
-													tr  (* return the whole tree *)
-												  | select_subtree (Leaf _, _) =
-													raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
-														"interpretation for parameter is a leaf; "
-														^ "cannot select a subtree")
-												  | select_subtree (Node tr, x::xs) =
-													select_subtree (List.nth (tr, x), xs)
-												(* select the correct subtree of the parameter *)
-												(* corresponding to constructor 'c'            *)
-												val p_intr = select_subtree (List.nth
-													(p_intrs, get_coffset idx + c), args)
-												(* find the indices of the constructor's recursive *)
-												(* arguments                                       *)
-												val (_, _, constrs) = lookup descr idx
-												val constr_args     = (snd o List.nth) (constrs, c)
-												val rec_args        = List.filter
-													(DatatypeAux.is_rec_type o fst) (constr_args ~~ args)
-												val rec_args'       = map (fn (dtyp, elem) =>
-													(DatatypeAux.dest_DtRec dtyp, elem)) rec_args
-												(* apply 'p_intr' to recursively computed results *)
-												val result = foldl (fn ((idx, elem), intr) =>
-													interpretation_apply (intr,
-													compute_array_entry idx elem)) p_intr rec_args'
-												(* update 'INTRS' *)
-												val _ = Array.update (lookup INTRS idx, elem,
-													SOME result)
-											in
-												result
-											end
-									(* compute all entries in INTRS for the current datatype *)
-									(* (given by 'index')                                    *)
-									(* TODO: we can use Array.modifyi instead once PolyML's *)
-									(*       Array signature conforms to the ML standard    *)
-									(* (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> unit *)
-									fun modifyi f arr =
-										let
-											val size = Array.length arr
-											fun modifyi_loop i =
-												if i < size then (
-													Array.update (arr, i, f (i, Array.sub (arr, i)));
-													modifyi_loop (i+1)
-												) else
-													()
-										in
-											modifyi_loop 0
-										end
-									val _ = modifyi (fn (i, _) =>
-										SOME (compute_array_entry index i)) (lookup INTRS index)
-									(* 'a Array.array -> 'a list *)
-									fun toList arr =
-										Array.foldr op:: [] arr
-								in
-									(* return the part of 'INTRS' that corresponds to the *)
-									(* current datatype                                   *)
-									SOME ((Node o map Option.valOf o toList o lookup INTRS)
-										index, model', args')
-								end
-						end
-					else
-						NONE  (* not a recursion operator of this datatype *)
-				) (DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy) NONE
-		| _ =>  (* head of term is not a constant *)
-			NONE;
+  fun IDT_recursion_interpreter thy model args t =
+    (* careful: here we descend arbitrarily deep into 't', possibly before *)
+    (* any other interpreter for atomic terms has had a chance to look at  *)
+    (* 't'                                                                 *)
+    case strip_comb t of
+      (Const (s, T), params) =>
+      (* iterate over all datatypes in 'thy' *)
+      Symtab.fold (fn (_, info) => fn result =>
+        case result of
+          SOME _ =>
+          result  (* just keep 'result' *)
+        | NONE =>
+          if member (op =) (#rec_names info) s then
+            (* we do have a recursion operator of the datatype given by *)
+            (* 'info', or of a mutually recursive datatype              *)
+            let
+              val index              = #index info
+              val descr              = #descr info
+              val (dtname, dtyps, _) = lookup descr index
+              (* number of all constructors, including those of different  *)
+              (* (mutually recursive) datatypes within the same descriptor *)
+              (* 'descr'                                                   *)
+              val mconstrs_count = sum (map (fn (_, (_, _, cs)) => length cs)
+                descr)
+              val params_count   = length params
+              (* the type of a recursion operator: *)
+              (* [T1, ..., Tn, IDT] ---> Tresult   *)
+              val IDT = List.nth (binder_types T, mconstrs_count)
+            in
+              if (fst o dest_Type) IDT <> dtname then
+                (* recursion operator of a mutually recursive datatype *)
+                NONE
+              else if mconstrs_count < params_count then
+                (* too many actual parameters; for now we'll use the *)
+                (* 'stlc_interpreter' to strip off one application   *)
+                NONE
+              else if mconstrs_count > params_count then
+                (* too few actual parameters; we use eta expansion          *)
+                (* Note that the resulting expansion of lambda abstractions *)
+                (* by the 'stlc_interpreter' may be rather slow (depending  *)
+                (* on the argument types and the size of the IDT, of        *)
+                (* course).                                                 *)
+                SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t
+                  (mconstrs_count - params_count)))
+              else  (* mconstrs_count = params_count *)
+                let
+                  (* interpret each parameter separately *)
+                  val ((model', args'), p_intrs) = foldl_map (fn ((m, a), p) =>
+                    let
+                      val (i, m', a') = interpret thy m a p
+                    in
+                      ((m', a'), i)
+                    end) ((model, args), params)
+                  val (typs, _) = model'
+                  val typ_assoc = dtyps ~~ (snd o dest_Type) IDT
+                  (* interpret each constructor in the descriptor (including *)
+                  (* those of mutually recursive datatypes)                  *)
+                  (* (int * interpretation list) list *)
+                  val mc_intrs = map (fn (idx, (_, _, cs)) =>
+                    let
+                      val c_return_typ = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc
+                        (DatatypeAux.DtRec idx)
+                    in
+                      (idx, map (fn (cname, cargs) =>
+                        (#1 o interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                          def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[],
+                          wellformed=True}) (Const (cname, map (typ_of_dtyp
+                          descr typ_assoc) cargs ---> c_return_typ))) cs)
+                    end) descr
+                  (* the recursion operator is a function that maps every   *)
+                  (* element of the inductive datatype (and of mutually     *)
+                  (* recursive types) to an element of some result type; an *)
+                  (* array entry of NONE means that the actual result has   *)
+                  (* not been computed yet                                  *)
+                  (* (int * interpretation option Array.array) list *)
+                  val INTRS = map (fn (idx, _) =>
+                    let
+                      val T         = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc
+                        (DatatypeAux.DtRec idx)
+                      val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                        def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                        (Free ("dummy", T))
+                      val size      = size_of_type i
+                    in
+                      (idx, Array.array (size, NONE))
+                    end) descr
+                  (* takes an interpretation, and if some leaf of this     *)
+                  (* interpretation is the 'elem'-th element of the type,  *)
+                  (* the indices of the arguments leading to this leaf are *)
+                  (* returned                                              *)
+                  (* interpretation -> int -> int list option *)
+                  fun get_args (Leaf xs) elem =
+                    if find_index_eq True xs = elem then
+                      SOME []
+                    else
+                      NONE
+                    | get_args (Node xs) elem =
+                    let
+                      (* interpretation * int -> int list option *)
+                      fun search ([], _) =
+                        NONE
+                        | search (x::xs, n) =
+                        (case get_args x elem of
+                          SOME result => SOME (n::result)
+                        | NONE        => search (xs, n+1))
+                    in
+                      search (xs, 0)
+                    end
+                  (* returns the index of the constructor and indices for *)
+                  (* its arguments that generate the 'elem'-th element of *)
+                  (* the datatype given by 'idx'                          *)
+                  (* int -> int -> int * int list *)
+                  fun get_cargs idx elem =
+                    let
+                      (* int * interpretation list -> int * int list *)
+                      fun get_cargs_rec (_, []) =
+                        raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
+                          "no matching constructor found for element "
+                          ^ string_of_int elem ^ " in datatype "
+                          ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy IDT ^ " (datatype index "
+                          ^ string_of_int idx ^ ")")
+                        | get_cargs_rec (n, x::xs) =
+                        (case get_args x elem of
+                          SOME args => (n, args)
+                        | NONE      => get_cargs_rec (n+1, xs))
+                    in
+                      get_cargs_rec (0, lookup mc_intrs idx)
+                    end
+                  (* returns the number of constructors in datatypes that *)
+                  (* occur in the descriptor 'descr' before the datatype  *)
+                  (* given by 'idx'                                       *)
+                  fun get_coffset idx =
+                    let
+                      fun get_coffset_acc _ [] =
+                        raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter", "index "
+                          ^ string_of_int idx ^ " not found in descriptor")
+                        | get_coffset_acc sum ((i, (_, _, cs))::descr') =
+                        if i=idx then
+                          sum
+                        else
+                          get_coffset_acc (sum + length cs) descr'
+                    in
+                      get_coffset_acc 0 descr
+                    end
+                  (* computes one entry in INTRS, and recursively all      *)
+                  (* entries needed for it, where 'idx' gives the datatype *)
+                  (* and 'elem' the element of it                          *)
+                  (* int -> int -> interpretation *)
+                  fun compute_array_entry idx elem =
+                    case Array.sub (lookup INTRS idx, elem) of
+                      SOME result =>
+                      (* simply return the previously computed result *)
+                      result
+                    | NONE =>
+                      let
+                        (* int * int list *)
+                        val (c, args) = get_cargs idx elem
+                        (* interpretation * int list -> interpretation *)
+                        fun select_subtree (tr, []) =
+                          tr  (* return the whole tree *)
+                          | select_subtree (Leaf _, _) =
+                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
+                            "interpretation for parameter is a leaf; "
+                            ^ "cannot select a subtree")
+                          | select_subtree (Node tr, x::xs) =
+                          select_subtree (List.nth (tr, x), xs)
+                        (* select the correct subtree of the parameter *)
+                        (* corresponding to constructor 'c'            *)
+                        val p_intr = select_subtree (List.nth
+                          (p_intrs, get_coffset idx + c), args)
+                        (* find the indices of the constructor's recursive *)
+                        (* arguments                                       *)
+                        val (_, _, constrs) = lookup descr idx
+                        val constr_args     = (snd o List.nth) (constrs, c)
+                        val rec_args        = List.filter
+                          (DatatypeAux.is_rec_type o fst) (constr_args ~~ args)
+                        val rec_args'       = map (fn (dtyp, elem) =>
+                          (DatatypeAux.dest_DtRec dtyp, elem)) rec_args
+                        (* apply 'p_intr' to recursively computed results *)
+                        val result = foldl (fn ((idx, elem), intr) =>
+                          interpretation_apply (intr,
+                          compute_array_entry idx elem)) p_intr rec_args'
+                        (* update 'INTRS' *)
+                        val _ = Array.update (lookup INTRS idx, elem,
+                          SOME result)
+                      in
+                        result
+                      end
+                  (* compute all entries in INTRS for the current datatype *)
+                  (* (given by 'index')                                    *)
+                  (* TODO: we can use Array.modifyi instead once PolyML's *)
+                  (*       Array signature conforms to the ML standard    *)
+                  (* (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> unit *)
+                  fun modifyi f arr =
+                    let
+                      val size = Array.length arr
+                      fun modifyi_loop i =
+                        if i < size then (
+                          Array.update (arr, i, f (i, Array.sub (arr, i)));
+                          modifyi_loop (i+1)
+                        ) else
+                          ()
+                    in
+                      modifyi_loop 0
+                    end
+                  val _ = modifyi (fn (i, _) =>
+                    SOME (compute_array_entry index i)) (lookup INTRS index)
+                  (* 'a Array.array -> 'a list *)
+                  fun toList arr =
+                    Array.foldr op:: [] arr
+                in
+                  (* return the part of 'INTRS' that corresponds to the *)
+                  (* current datatype                                   *)
+                  SOME ((Node o map Option.valOf o toList o lookup INTRS)
+                    index, model', args')
+                end
+            end
+          else
+            NONE  (* not a recursion operator of this datatype *)
+        ) (DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy) NONE
+    | _ =>  (* head of term is not a constant *)
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'card' could in principle be interpreted with *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                             *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'card' could in principle be interpreted with *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                             *)
-	fun Finite_Set_card_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Finite_Set.card",
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("nat", [])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
-				val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
-				val (i_set, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
-				val constants     = make_constants i_set
-				(* interpretation -> int *)
-				fun number_of_elements (Node xs) =
-					Library.foldl (fn (n, x) =>
-						if x=TT then
-							n+1
-						else if x=FF then
-							n
-						else
-							raise REFUTE ("Finite_Set_card_interpreter",
-								"interpretation for set type does not yield a Boolean"))
-						(0, xs)
-				  | number_of_elements (Leaf _) =
-					raise REFUTE ("Finite_Set_card_interpreter",
-						"interpretation for set type is a leaf")
-				(* takes an interpretation for a set and returns an interpretation *)
-				(* for a 'nat'                                                     *)
-				(* interpretation -> interpretation *)
-				fun card i =
-					let
-						val n = number_of_elements i
-					in
-						if n<size_nat then
-							Leaf ((replicate n False) @ True ::
-								(replicate (size_nat-n-1) False))
-						else
-							Leaf (replicate size_nat False)
-					end
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map card constants), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Finite_Set_card_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("Finite_Set.card",
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("nat", [])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
+        val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
+        val (i_set, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
+        val constants     = make_constants i_set
+        (* interpretation -> int *)
+        fun number_of_elements (Node xs) =
+          Library.foldl (fn (n, x) =>
+            if x=TT then
+              n+1
+            else if x=FF then
+              n
+            else
+              raise REFUTE ("Finite_Set_card_interpreter",
+                "interpretation for set type does not yield a Boolean"))
+            (0, xs)
+          | number_of_elements (Leaf _) =
+          raise REFUTE ("Finite_Set_card_interpreter",
+            "interpretation for set type is a leaf")
+        (* takes an interpretation for a set and returns an interpretation *)
+        (* for a 'nat'                                                     *)
+        (* interpretation -> interpretation *)
+        fun card i =
+          let
+            val n = number_of_elements i
+          in
+            if n<size_nat then
+              Leaf ((replicate n False) @ True ::
+                (replicate (size_nat-n-1) False))
+            else
+              Leaf (replicate size_nat False)
+          end
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map card constants), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'Finites' could in principle be interpreted with *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code    *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                                *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'Finites' could in principle be interpreted with *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code    *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                                *)
-	fun Finite_Set_Finites_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Finite_Set.Finites", Type ("set", [Type ("set", [T])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_set, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
-				val size_set      = size_of_type i_set
-			in
-				(* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is in *)
-				(* "Finites"                                                    *)
-				SOME (Node (replicate size_set TT), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Finite_Set_Finites_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("Finite_Set.Finites", Type ("set", [Type ("set", [T])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_set, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
+        val size_set      = size_of_type i_set
+      in
+        (* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is in *)
+        (* "Finites"                                                    *)
+        SOME (Node (replicate size_set TT), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'finite' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code    *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                                *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'finite' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code    *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                                *)
-	fun Finite_Set_finite_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Finite_Set.finite",
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("bool", [])])) $ _ =>
-				(* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is *)
-				(* "finite"                                                  *)
-				SOME (TT, model, args)
-		| Const ("Finite_Set.finite",
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("bool", [])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_set, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
-				val size_set      = size_of_type i_set
-			in
-				(* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is *)
-				(* "finite"                                                  *)
-				SOME (Node (replicate size_set TT), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Finite_Set_finite_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("Finite_Set.finite",
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("bool", [])])) $ _ =>
+        (* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is *)
+        (* "finite"                                                  *)
+        SOME (TT, model, args)
+    | Const ("Finite_Set.finite",
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("bool", [])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_set, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
+        val size_set      = size_of_type i_set
+      in
+        (* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is *)
+        (* "finite"                                                  *)
+        SOME (Node (replicate size_set TT), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'Orderings.less' could in principle be            *)
-	(* interpreted with interpreters available already (using its definition), *)
-	(* but the code below is more efficient                                    *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'Orderings.less' could in principle be            *)
+  (* interpreted with interpreters available already (using its definition), *)
+  (* but the code below is more efficient                                    *)
-	fun Nat_less_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Orderings.less", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
-				val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
-				(* int -> interpretation *)
-				(* the 'n'-th nat is not less than the first 'n' nats, while it *)
-				(* is less than the remaining 'size_nat - n' nats               *)
-				fun less n = Node ((replicate n FF) @ (replicate (size_nat - n) TT))
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map less (1 upto size_nat)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Nat_less_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("Orderings.less", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
+        val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
+        (* int -> interpretation *)
+        (* the 'n'-th nat is not less than the first 'n' nats, while it *)
+        (* is less than the remaining 'size_nat - n' nats               *)
+        fun less n = Node ((replicate n FF) @ (replicate (size_nat - n) TT))
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map less (1 upto size_nat)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: '' could in principle be interpreted with *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code     *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                                 *)
+  (* only an optimization: '' could in principle be interpreted with *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code     *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                                 *)
-	fun Nat_plus_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
-				val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
-				(* int -> int -> interpretation *)
-				fun plus m n =
-					let
-						val element = (m+n)+1
-					in
-						if element > size_nat then
-							Leaf (replicate size_nat False)
-						else
-							Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
-								(replicate (size_nat - element) False))
-					end
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (plus m) (0 upto size_nat-1)))
-					(0 upto size_nat-1)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Nat_plus_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
+        val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
+        (* int -> int -> interpretation *)
+        fun plus m n =
+          let
+            val element = (m+n)+1
+          in
+            if element > size_nat then
+              Leaf (replicate size_nat False)
+            else
+              Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
+                (replicate (size_nat - element) False))
+          end
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (plus m) (0 upto size_nat-1)))
+          (0 upto size_nat-1)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'HOL.minus' could in principle be interpreted *)
-	(* with interpreters available already (using its definition), but the *)
-	(* code below is more efficient                                        *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'HOL.minus' could in principle be interpreted *)
+  (* with interpreters available already (using its definition), but the *)
+  (* code below is more efficient                                        *)
-	fun Nat_minus_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("HOL.minus", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
-				val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
-				(* int -> int -> interpretation *)
-				fun minus m n =
-					let
-						val element = Int.max (m-n, 0) + 1
-					in
-						Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
-							(replicate (size_nat - element) False))
-					end
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (minus m) (0 upto size_nat-1)))
-					(0 upto size_nat-1)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Nat_minus_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("HOL.minus", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
+        val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
+        (* int -> int -> interpretation *)
+        fun minus m n =
+          let
+            val element = Int.max (m-n, 0) + 1
+          in
+            Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
+              (replicate (size_nat - element) False))
+          end
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (minus m) (0 upto size_nat-1)))
+          (0 upto size_nat-1)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'HOL.times' could in principle be interpreted with *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code      *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                                  *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'HOL.times' could in principle be interpreted with *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code      *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                                  *)
-	fun Nat_times_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("HOL.times", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
-				Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
-				val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
-				(* nat -> nat -> interpretation *)
-				fun mult m n =
-					let
-						val element = (m*n)+1
-					in
-						if element > size_nat then
-							Leaf (replicate size_nat False)
-						else
-							Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
-								(replicate (size_nat - element) False))
-					end
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (mult m) (0 upto size_nat-1)))
-					(0 upto size_nat-1)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Nat_times_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("HOL.times", Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
+        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_nat, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("nat", [])))
+        val size_nat      = size_of_type i_nat
+        (* nat -> nat -> interpretation *)
+        fun mult m n =
+          let
+            val element = (m*n)+1
+          in
+            if element > size_nat then
+              Leaf (replicate size_nat False)
+            else
+              Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
+                (replicate (size_nat - element) False))
+          end
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (mult m) (0 upto size_nat-1)))
+          (0 upto size_nat-1)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'op @' could in principle be interpreted with *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                             *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'op @' could in principle be interpreted with *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                             *)
-	fun List_append_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("List.op @", Type ("fun", [Type ("List.list", [T]), Type ("fun",
-				[Type ("List.list", [_]), Type ("List.list", [_])])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_elem, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", T))
-				val size_elem      = size_of_type i_elem
-				val (i_list, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("List.list", [T])))
-				val size_list      = size_of_type i_list
-				(* power (a, b) computes a^b, for a>=0, b>=0 *)
-				(* int * int -> int *)
-				fun power (a, 0) = 1
-				  | power (a, 1) = a
-				  | power (a, b) =
-					let val ab = power(a, b div 2) in ab * ab * power(a, b mod 2) end
-				(* log (a, b) computes floor(log_a(b)), i.e. the largest integer x *)
-				(* s.t. a^x <= b, for a>=2, b>=1                                   *)
-				(* int * int -> int *)
-				fun log (a, b) =
-					let
-						fun logloop (ax, x) =
-							if ax > b then x-1 else logloop (a * ax, x+1)
-					in
-						logloop (1, 0)
-					end
-				(* nat -> nat -> interpretation *)
-				fun append m n =
-					let
-						(* The following formula depends on the order in which lists are *)
-						(* enumerated by the 'IDT_constructor_interpreter'.  It took me  *)
-						(* a little while to come up with this formula.                  *)
-						val element = n + m * (if size_elem = 1 then 1
-							else power (size_elem, log (size_elem, n+1))) + 1
-					in
-						if element > size_list then
-							Leaf (replicate size_list False)
-						else
-							Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
-								(replicate (size_list - element) False))
-					end
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (append m) (0 upto size_list-1)))
-					(0 upto size_list-1)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun List_append_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("List.op @", Type ("fun", [Type ("List.list", [T]), Type ("fun",
+        [Type ("List.list", [_]), Type ("List.list", [_])])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_elem, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", T))
+        val size_elem      = size_of_type i_elem
+        val (i_list, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("List.list", [T])))
+        val size_list      = size_of_type i_list
+        (* power (a, b) computes a^b, for a>=0, b>=0 *)
+        (* int * int -> int *)
+        fun power (a, 0) = 1
+          | power (a, 1) = a
+          | power (a, b) =
+          let val ab = power(a, b div 2) in ab * ab * power(a, b mod 2) end
+        (* log (a, b) computes floor(log_a(b)), i.e. the largest integer x *)
+        (* s.t. a^x <= b, for a>=2, b>=1                                   *)
+        (* int * int -> int *)
+        fun log (a, b) =
+          let
+            fun logloop (ax, x) =
+              if ax > b then x-1 else logloop (a * ax, x+1)
+          in
+            logloop (1, 0)
+          end
+        (* nat -> nat -> interpretation *)
+        fun append m n =
+          let
+            (* The following formula depends on the order in which lists are *)
+            (* enumerated by the 'IDT_constructor_interpreter'.  It took me  *)
+            (* a little while to come up with this formula.                  *)
+            val element = n + m * (if size_elem = 1 then 1
+              else power (size_elem, log (size_elem, n+1))) + 1
+          in
+            if element > size_list then
+              Leaf (replicate size_list False)
+            else
+              Leaf ((replicate (element-1) False) @ True ::
+                (replicate (size_list - element) False))
+          end
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (append m) (0 upto size_list-1)))
+          (0 upto size_list-1)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'lfp' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                             *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'lfp' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                             *)
-	fun Lfp_lfp_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Lfp.lfp", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun",
-				[Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [_])]), Type ("set", [_])])) =>
-			let
-				val (i_elem, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", T))
-				val size_elem      = size_of_type i_elem
-				(* the universe (i.e. the set that contains every element) *)
-				val i_univ         = Node (replicate size_elem TT)
-				(* all sets with elements from type 'T' *)
-				val (i_set, _, _)  = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
-				val i_sets         = make_constants i_set
-				(* all functions that map sets to sets *)
-				val (i_fun, _, _)  = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy",
-					Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [T])])))
-				val i_funs         = make_constants i_fun
-				(* "lfp(f) == Inter({u. f(u) <= u})" *)
-				(* interpretation * interpretation -> bool *)
-				fun is_subset (Node subs, Node sups) =
-					List.all (fn (sub, sup) => (sub = FF) orelse (sup = TT))
-						(subs ~~ sups)
-				  | is_subset (_, _) =
-					raise REFUTE ("Lfp_lfp_interpreter",
-						"is_subset: interpretation for set is not a node")
-				(* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-				fun intersection (Node xs, Node ys) =
-					Node (map (fn (x, y) => if x=TT andalso y=TT then TT else FF)
-						(xs ~~ ys))
-				  | intersection (_, _) =
-					raise REFUTE ("Lfp_lfp_interpreter",
-						"intersection: interpretation for set is not a node")
-				(* interpretation -> interpretaion *)
-				fun lfp (Node resultsets) =
-					foldl (fn ((set, resultset), acc) =>
-						if is_subset (resultset, set) then
-							intersection (acc, set)
-						else
-							acc) i_univ (i_sets ~~ resultsets)
-				  | lfp _ =
-						raise REFUTE ("Lfp_lfp_interpreter",
-							"lfp: interpretation for function is not a node")
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map lfp i_funs), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Lfp_lfp_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("Lfp.lfp", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun",
+        [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [_])]), Type ("set", [_])])) =>
+      let
+        val (i_elem, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", T))
+        val size_elem      = size_of_type i_elem
+        (* the universe (i.e. the set that contains every element) *)
+        val i_univ         = Node (replicate size_elem TT)
+        (* all sets with elements from type 'T' *)
+        val (i_set, _, _)  = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
+        val i_sets         = make_constants i_set
+        (* all functions that map sets to sets *)
+        val (i_fun, _, _)  = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy",
+          Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [T])])))
+        val i_funs         = make_constants i_fun
+        (* "lfp(f) == Inter({u. f(u) <= u})" *)
+        (* interpretation * interpretation -> bool *)
+        fun is_subset (Node subs, Node sups) =
+          List.all (fn (sub, sup) => (sub = FF) orelse (sup = TT))
+            (subs ~~ sups)
+          | is_subset (_, _) =
+          raise REFUTE ("Lfp_lfp_interpreter",
+            "is_subset: interpretation for set is not a node")
+        (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+        fun intersection (Node xs, Node ys) =
+          Node (map (fn (x, y) => if x=TT andalso y=TT then TT else FF)
+            (xs ~~ ys))
+          | intersection (_, _) =
+          raise REFUTE ("Lfp_lfp_interpreter",
+            "intersection: interpretation for set is not a node")
+        (* interpretation -> interpretaion *)
+        fun lfp (Node resultsets) =
+          foldl (fn ((set, resultset), acc) =>
+            if is_subset (resultset, set) then
+              intersection (acc, set)
+            else
+              acc) i_univ (i_sets ~~ resultsets)
+          | lfp _ =
+            raise REFUTE ("Lfp_lfp_interpreter",
+              "lfp: interpretation for function is not a node")
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map lfp i_funs), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'gfp' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                             *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'gfp' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                             *)
-	fun Gfp_gfp_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("Gfp.gfp", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun",
-				[Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [_])]), Type ("set", [_])])) =>
-			let nonfix union (* because "union" is used below *)
-				val (i_elem, _, _) = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", T))
-				val size_elem      = size_of_type i_elem
-				(* the universe (i.e. the set that contains every element) *)
-				val i_univ         = Node (replicate size_elem TT)
-				(* all sets with elements from type 'T' *)
-				val (i_set, _, _)  = interpret thy model
-					{maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-					(Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
-				val i_sets         = make_constants i_set
-				(* all functions that map sets to sets *)
-				val (i_fun, _, _)  = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy",
-					Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [T])])))
-				val i_funs         = make_constants i_fun
-				(* "gfp(f) == Union({u. u <= f(u)})" *)
-				(* interpretation * interpretation -> bool *)
-				fun is_subset (Node subs, Node sups) =
-					List.all (fn (sub, sup) => (sub = FF) orelse (sup = TT))
-						(subs ~~ sups)
-				  | is_subset (_, _) =
-					raise REFUTE ("Gfp_gfp_interpreter",
-						"is_subset: interpretation for set is not a node")
-				(* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
-				fun union (Node xs, Node ys) =
-					  Node (map (fn (x,y) => if x=TT orelse y=TT then TT else FF)
-					       (xs ~~ ys))
-				  | union (_, _) =
-					raise REFUTE ("Gfp_gfp_interpreter",
-						"union: interpretation for set is not a node")
-				(* interpretation -> interpretaion *)
-				fun gfp (Node resultsets) =
-					foldl (fn ((set, resultset), acc) =>
-						if is_subset (set, resultset) then
-							union (acc, set)
-						else
-							acc) i_univ (i_sets ~~ resultsets)
-				  | gfp _ =
-						raise REFUTE ("Gfp_gfp_interpreter",
-							"gfp: interpretation for function is not a node")
-			in
-				SOME (Node (map gfp i_funs), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Gfp_gfp_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("Gfp.gfp", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun",
+        [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [_])]), Type ("set", [_])])) =>
+      let nonfix union (* because "union" is used below *)
+        val (i_elem, _, _) = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", T))
+        val size_elem      = size_of_type i_elem
+        (* the universe (i.e. the set that contains every element) *)
+        val i_univ         = Node (replicate size_elem TT)
+        (* all sets with elements from type 'T' *)
+        val (i_set, _, _)  = interpret thy model
+          {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+          (Free ("dummy", Type ("set", [T])))
+        val i_sets         = make_constants i_set
+        (* all functions that map sets to sets *)
+        val (i_fun, _, _)  = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy",
+          Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [T])])))
+        val i_funs         = make_constants i_fun
+        (* "gfp(f) == Union({u. u <= f(u)})" *)
+        (* interpretation * interpretation -> bool *)
+        fun is_subset (Node subs, Node sups) =
+          List.all (fn (sub, sup) => (sub = FF) orelse (sup = TT))
+            (subs ~~ sups)
+          | is_subset (_, _) =
+          raise REFUTE ("Gfp_gfp_interpreter",
+            "is_subset: interpretation for set is not a node")
+        (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
+        fun union (Node xs, Node ys) =
+            Node (map (fn (x,y) => if x=TT orelse y=TT then TT else FF)
+                 (xs ~~ ys))
+          | union (_, _) =
+          raise REFUTE ("Gfp_gfp_interpreter",
+            "union: interpretation for set is not a node")
+        (* interpretation -> interpretaion *)
+        fun gfp (Node resultsets) =
+          foldl (fn ((set, resultset), acc) =>
+            if is_subset (set, resultset) then
+              union (acc, set)
+            else
+              acc) i_univ (i_sets ~~ resultsets)
+          | gfp _ =
+            raise REFUTE ("Gfp_gfp_interpreter",
+              "gfp: interpretation for function is not a node")
+      in
+        SOME (Node (map gfp i_funs), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'fst' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                             *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'fst' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                             *)
-	fun Product_Type_fst_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("fst", Type ("fun", [Type ("*", [T, U]), _])) =>
-			let
-				val (iT, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
-				val is_T       = make_constants iT
-				val (iU, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", U))
-				val size_U     = size_of_type iU
-			in
-				SOME (Node (List.concat (map (replicate size_U) is_T)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Product_Type_fst_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("fst", Type ("fun", [Type ("*", [T, U]), _])) =>
+      let
+        val (iT, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
+        val is_T       = make_constants iT
+        val (iU, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", U))
+        val size_U     = size_of_type iU
+      in
+        SOME (Node (List.concat (map (replicate size_U) is_T)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
-	(* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
-		(interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
+    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
-	(* only an optimization: 'snd' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
-	(* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
-	(* below is more efficient                                             *)
+  (* only an optimization: 'snd' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
+  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
+  (* below is more efficient                                             *)
-	fun Product_Type_snd_interpreter thy model args t =
-		case t of
-		  Const ("snd", Type ("fun", [Type ("*", [T, U]), _])) =>
-			let
-				val (iT, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
-				val size_T     = size_of_type iT
-				val (iU, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", U))
-				val is_U       = make_constants iU
-			in
-				SOME (Node (List.concat (replicate size_T is_U)), model, args)
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE;
+  fun Product_Type_snd_interpreter thy model args t =
+    case t of
+      Const ("snd", Type ("fun", [Type ("*", [T, U]), _])) =>
+      let
+        val (iT, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
+        val size_T     = size_of_type iT
+        val (iU, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", U))
+        val is_U       = make_constants iU
+      in
+        SOME (Node (List.concat (replicate size_T is_U)), model, args)
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* PRINTERS                                                                  *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
-		Term.term option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
+    Term.term option *)
-	fun stlc_printer thy model t intr assignment =
-	let
-		(* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
-		fun typeof (Free (_, T))  = SOME T
-		  | typeof (Var (_, T))   = SOME T
-		  | typeof (Const (_, T)) = SOME T
-		  | typeof _              = NONE
-		(* string -> string *)
-		fun strip_leading_quote s =
-			(implode o (fn [] => [] | x::xs => if x="'" then xs else x::xs)
-				o explode) s
-		(* Term.typ -> string *)
-		fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _))     = s
-		  | string_of_typ (TFree (x, _))    = strip_leading_quote x
-		  | string_of_typ (TVar ((x,i), _)) =
-			strip_leading_quote x ^ string_of_int i
-		(* interpretation -> int *)
-		fun index_from_interpretation (Leaf xs) =
-			find_index (PropLogic.eval assignment) xs
-		  | index_from_interpretation _ =
-			raise REFUTE ("stlc_printer",
-				"interpretation for ground type is not a leaf")
-	in
-		case typeof t of
-		  SOME T =>
-			(case T of
-			  Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
-				let
-					(* create all constants of type 'T1' *)
-					val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-						next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T1))
-					val constants = make_constants i
-					(* interpretation list *)
-					val results = (case intr of
-						  Node xs => xs
-						| _       => raise REFUTE ("stlc_printer",
-							"interpretation for function type is a leaf"))
-					(* Term.term list *)
-					val pairs = map (fn (arg, result) =>
-						HOLogic.mk_prod
-							(print thy model (Free ("dummy", T1)) arg assignment,
-							 print thy model (Free ("dummy", T2)) result assignment))
-						(constants ~~ results)
-					(* Term.typ *)
-					val HOLogic_prodT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T1, T2)
-					val HOLogic_setT  = HOLogic.mk_setT HOLogic_prodT
-					(* Term.term *)
-					val HOLogic_empty_set = Const ("{}", HOLogic_setT)
-					val HOLogic_insert    =
-						Const ("insert", HOLogic_prodT --> HOLogic_setT --> HOLogic_setT)
-				in
-					SOME (foldr (fn (pair, acc) => HOLogic_insert $ pair $ acc)
-						HOLogic_empty_set pairs)
-				end
-			| Type ("prop", [])      =>
-				(case index_from_interpretation intr of
-				  ~1 => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const ("arbitrary", HOLogic.boolT)))
-				| 0  => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.true_const)
-				| 1  => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.false_const)
-				| _  => raise REFUTE ("stlc_interpreter",
-					"illegal interpretation for a propositional value"))
-			| Type _  => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
-					SOME (Const ("arbitrary", T))
-				else
-					SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
-						string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))
-			| TFree _ => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
-					SOME (Const ("arbitrary", T))
-				else
-					SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
-						string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))
-			| TVar _  => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
-					SOME (Const ("arbitrary", T))
-				else
-					SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
-						string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T)))
-		| NONE =>
-			NONE
-	end;
+  fun stlc_printer thy model t intr assignment =
+  let
+    (* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
+    fun typeof (Free (_, T))  = SOME T
+      | typeof (Var (_, T))   = SOME T
+      | typeof (Const (_, T)) = SOME T
+      | typeof _              = NONE
+    (* string -> string *)
+    fun strip_leading_quote s =
+      (implode o (fn [] => [] | x::xs => if x="'" then xs else x::xs)
+        o explode) s
+    (* Term.typ -> string *)
+    fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _))     = s
+      | string_of_typ (TFree (x, _))    = strip_leading_quote x
+      | string_of_typ (TVar ((x,i), _)) =
+      strip_leading_quote x ^ string_of_int i
+    (* interpretation -> int *)
+    fun index_from_interpretation (Leaf xs) =
+      find_index (PropLogic.eval assignment) xs
+      | index_from_interpretation _ =
+      raise REFUTE ("stlc_printer",
+        "interpretation for ground type is not a leaf")
+  in
+    case typeof t of
+      SOME T =>
+      (case T of
+        Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
+        let
+          (* create all constants of type 'T1' *)
+          val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+            next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T1))
+          val constants = make_constants i
+          (* interpretation list *)
+          val results = (case intr of
+              Node xs => xs
+            | _       => raise REFUTE ("stlc_printer",
+              "interpretation for function type is a leaf"))
+          (* Term.term list *)
+          val pairs = map (fn (arg, result) =>
+            HOLogic.mk_prod
+              (print thy model (Free ("dummy", T1)) arg assignment,
+               print thy model (Free ("dummy", T2)) result assignment))
+            (constants ~~ results)
+          (* Term.typ *)
+          val HOLogic_prodT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T1, T2)
+          val HOLogic_setT  = HOLogic.mk_setT HOLogic_prodT
+          (* Term.term *)
+          val HOLogic_empty_set = Const ("{}", HOLogic_setT)
+          val HOLogic_insert    =
+            Const ("insert", HOLogic_prodT --> HOLogic_setT --> HOLogic_setT)
+        in
+          SOME (foldr (fn (pair, acc) => HOLogic_insert $ pair $ acc)
+            HOLogic_empty_set pairs)
+        end
+      | Type ("prop", [])      =>
+        (case index_from_interpretation intr of
+          ~1 => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const ("arbitrary", HOLogic.boolT)))
+        | 0  => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.true_const)
+        | 1  => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.false_const)
+        | _  => raise REFUTE ("stlc_interpreter",
+          "illegal interpretation for a propositional value"))
+      | Type _  => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
+          SOME (Const ("arbitrary", T))
+        else
+          SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
+            string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))
+      | TFree _ => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
+          SOME (Const ("arbitrary", T))
+        else
+          SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
+            string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))
+      | TVar _  => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
+          SOME (Const ("arbitrary", T))
+        else
+          SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
+            string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T)))
+    | NONE =>
+      NONE
+  end;
-	(* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
-		string option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
+    string option *)
-	fun set_printer thy model t intr assignment =
-	let
-		(* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
-		fun typeof (Free (_, T))  = SOME T
-		  | typeof (Var (_, T))   = SOME T
-		  | typeof (Const (_, T)) = SOME T
-		  | typeof _              = NONE
-	in
-		case typeof t of
-		  SOME (Type ("set", [T])) =>
-			let
-				(* create all constants of type 'T' *)
-				val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
-					next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
-				val constants = make_constants i
-				(* interpretation list *)
-				val results = (case intr of
-					  Node xs => xs
-					| _       => raise REFUTE ("set_printer",
-						"interpretation for set type is a leaf"))
-				(* Term.term list *)
-				val elements = List.mapPartial (fn (arg, result) =>
-					case result of
-					  Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse] =>
-						if PropLogic.eval assignment fmTrue then
-							SOME (print thy model (Free ("dummy", T)) arg assignment)
-						else (* if PropLogic.eval assignment fmFalse then *)
-							NONE
-					| _ =>
-						raise REFUTE ("set_printer",
-							"illegal interpretation for a Boolean value"))
-					(constants ~~ results)
-				(* Term.typ *)
-				val HOLogic_setT  = HOLogic.mk_setT T
-				(* Term.term *)
-				val HOLogic_empty_set = Const ("{}", HOLogic_setT)
-				val HOLogic_insert    =
-					Const ("insert", T --> HOLogic_setT --> HOLogic_setT)
-			in
-				SOME (Library.foldl (fn (acc, elem) => HOLogic_insert $ elem $ acc)
-					(HOLogic_empty_set, elements))
-			end
-		| _ =>
-			NONE
-	end;
+  fun set_printer thy model t intr assignment =
+  let
+    (* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
+    fun typeof (Free (_, T))  = SOME T
+      | typeof (Var (_, T))   = SOME T
+      | typeof (Const (_, T)) = SOME T
+      | typeof _              = NONE
+  in
+    case typeof t of
+      SOME (Type ("set", [T])) =>
+      let
+        (* create all constants of type 'T' *)
+        val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false,
+          next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
+        val constants = make_constants i
+        (* interpretation list *)
+        val results = (case intr of
+            Node xs => xs
+          | _       => raise REFUTE ("set_printer",
+            "interpretation for set type is a leaf"))
+        (* Term.term list *)
+        val elements = List.mapPartial (fn (arg, result) =>
+          case result of
+            Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse] =>
+            if PropLogic.eval assignment fmTrue then
+              SOME (print thy model (Free ("dummy", T)) arg assignment)
+            else (* if PropLogic.eval assignment fmFalse then *)
+              NONE
+          | _ =>
+            raise REFUTE ("set_printer",
+              "illegal interpretation for a Boolean value"))
+          (constants ~~ results)
+        (* Term.typ *)
+        val HOLogic_setT  = HOLogic.mk_setT T
+        (* Term.term *)
+        val HOLogic_empty_set = Const ("{}", HOLogic_setT)
+        val HOLogic_insert    =
+          Const ("insert", T --> HOLogic_setT --> HOLogic_setT)
+      in
+        SOME (Library.foldl (fn (acc, elem) => HOLogic_insert $ elem $ acc)
+          (HOLogic_empty_set, elements))
+      end
+    | _ =>
+      NONE
+  end;
-	(* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
-		Term.term option *)
+  (* theory -> model -> Term.term -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
+    Term.term option *)
-	fun IDT_printer thy model t intr assignment =
-	let
-		(* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
-		fun typeof (Free (_, T))  = SOME T
-		  | typeof (Var (_, T))   = SOME T
-		  | typeof (Const (_, T)) = SOME T
-		  | typeof _              = NONE
-	in
-		case typeof t of
-		  SOME (Type (s, Ts)) =>
-			(case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
-			  SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
-				let
-					val (typs, _)           = model
-					val index               = #index info
-					val descr               = #descr info
-					val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
-					val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
-					(* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
-					val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
-							case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
-						then
-							raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer", "datatype argument (for type " ^
-								Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s, Ts)) ^ ") is not a variable")
-						else
-							())
-					(* the index of the element in the datatype *)
-					val element = (case intr of
-						  Leaf xs => find_index (PropLogic.eval assignment) xs
-						| Node _  => raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer",
-							"interpretation is not a leaf"))
-				in
-					if element < 0 then
-						SOME (Const ("arbitrary", Type (s, Ts)))
-					else let
-						(* takes a datatype constructor, and if for some arguments this  *)
-						(* constructor generates the datatype's element that is given by *)
-						(* 'element', returns the constructor (as a term) as well as the *)
-						(* indices of the arguments                                      *)
-						(* string * DatatypeAux.dtyp list ->
-							(Term.term * int list) option *)
-						fun get_constr_args (cname, cargs) =
-							let
-								val cTerm      = Const (cname,
-									map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) cargs ---> Type (s, Ts))
-								val (iC, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-									def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} cTerm
-								(* interpretation -> int list option *)
-								fun get_args (Leaf xs) =
-									if find_index_eq True xs = element then
-										SOME []
-									else
-										NONE
-								  | get_args (Node xs) =
-									let
-										(* interpretation * int -> int list option *)
-										fun search ([], _) =
-											NONE
-										  | search (x::xs, n) =
-											(case get_args x of
-											  SOME result => SOME (n::result)
-											| NONE        => search (xs, n+1))
-									in
-										search (xs, 0)
-									end
-							in
- (fn args => (cTerm, cargs, args)) (get_args iC)
-							end
-						(* Term.term * DatatypeAux.dtyp list * int list *)
-						val (cTerm, cargs, args) =
-							(case get_first get_constr_args constrs of
-							  SOME x => x
-							| NONE   => raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer",
-								"no matching constructor found for element " ^
-								string_of_int element))
-						val argsTerms = map (fn (d, n) =>
-							let
-								val dT        = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
-								val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
-									def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
-									(Free ("dummy", dT))
-								(* we only need the n-th element of this list, so there   *)
-								(* might be a more efficient implementation that does not *)
-								(* generate all constants                                 *)
-								val consts    = make_constants i
-							in
-								print thy (typs, []) (Free ("dummy", dT))
-									(List.nth (consts, n)) assignment
-							end) (cargs ~~ args)
-					in
-						SOME (Library.foldl op$ (cTerm, argsTerms))
-					end
-				end
-			| NONE =>  (* not an inductive datatype *)
-				NONE)
-		| _ =>  (* a (free or schematic) type variable *)
-			NONE
-	end;
+  fun IDT_printer thy model t intr assignment =
+  let
+    (* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
+    fun typeof (Free (_, T))  = SOME T
+      | typeof (Var (_, T))   = SOME T
+      | typeof (Const (_, T)) = SOME T
+      | typeof _              = NONE
+  in
+    case typeof t of
+      SOME (Type (s, Ts)) =>
+      (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
+        SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
+        let
+          val (typs, _)           = model
+          val index               = #index info
+          val descr               = #descr info
+          val (_, dtyps, constrs) = lookup descr index
+          val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
+          (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
+          val _ = (if Library.exists (fn d =>
+              case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
+            then
+              raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer", "datatype argument (for type " ^
+                Sign.string_of_typ thy (Type (s, Ts)) ^ ") is not a variable")
+            else
+              ())
+          (* the index of the element in the datatype *)
+          val element = (case intr of
+              Leaf xs => find_index (PropLogic.eval assignment) xs
+            | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer",
+              "interpretation is not a leaf"))
+        in
+          if element < 0 then
+            SOME (Const ("arbitrary", Type (s, Ts)))
+          else let
+            (* takes a datatype constructor, and if for some arguments this  *)
+            (* constructor generates the datatype's element that is given by *)
+            (* 'element', returns the constructor (as a term) as well as the *)
+            (* indices of the arguments                                      *)
+            (* string * DatatypeAux.dtyp list ->
+              (Term.term * int list) option *)
+            fun get_constr_args (cname, cargs) =
+              let
+                val cTerm      = Const (cname,
+                  map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) cargs ---> Type (s, Ts))
+                val (iC, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                  def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} cTerm
+                (* interpretation -> int list option *)
+                fun get_args (Leaf xs) =
+                  if find_index_eq True xs = element then
+                    SOME []
+                  else
+                    NONE
+                  | get_args (Node xs) =
+                  let
+                    (* interpretation * int -> int list option *)
+                    fun search ([], _) =
+                      NONE
+                      | search (x::xs, n) =
+                      (case get_args x of
+                        SOME result => SOME (n::result)
+                      | NONE        => search (xs, n+1))
+                  in
+                    search (xs, 0)
+                  end
+              in
+       (fn args => (cTerm, cargs, args)) (get_args iC)
+              end
+            (* Term.term * DatatypeAux.dtyp list * int list *)
+            val (cTerm, cargs, args) =
+              (case get_first get_constr_args constrs of
+                SOME x => x
+              | NONE   => raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer",
+                "no matching constructor found for element " ^
+                string_of_int element))
+            val argsTerms = map (fn (d, n) =>
+              let
+                val dT        = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
+                val (i, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
+                  def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True}
+                  (Free ("dummy", dT))
+                (* we only need the n-th element of this list, so there   *)
+                (* might be a more efficient implementation that does not *)
+                (* generate all constants                                 *)
+                val consts    = make_constants i
+              in
+                print thy (typs, []) (Free ("dummy", dT))
+                  (List.nth (consts, n)) assignment
+              end) (cargs ~~ args)
+          in
+            SOME (Library.foldl op$ (cTerm, argsTerms))
+          end
+        end
+      | NONE =>  (* not an inductive datatype *)
+        NONE)
+    | _ =>  (* a (free or schematic) type variable *)
+      NONE
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -3207,31 +3207,31 @@
 (*       subterms that are then passed to other interpreters!                *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* (theory -> theory) list *)
+  (* (theory -> theory) list *)
-	val setup =
-		 RefuteData.init #>
-		 add_interpreter "stlc"    stlc_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Pure"    Pure_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "HOLogic" HOLogic_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "set"     set_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "IDT"             IDT_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "IDT_constructor" IDT_constructor_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "IDT_recursion"   IDT_recursion_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Finite_Set.card"    Finite_Set_card_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Finite_Set.Finites" Finite_Set_Finites_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Finite_Set.finite"  Finite_Set_finite_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Nat_Orderings.less" Nat_less_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter ""       Nat_plus_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Nat_HOL.minus"      Nat_minus_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Nat_HOL.times"      Nat_times_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "List.op @" List_append_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Lfp.lfp" Lfp_lfp_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "Gfp.gfp" Gfp_gfp_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "fst" Product_Type_fst_interpreter #>
-		 add_interpreter "snd" Product_Type_snd_interpreter #>
-		 add_printer "stlc" stlc_printer #>
-		 add_printer "set"  set_printer #>
-		 add_printer "IDT"  IDT_printer;
+  val setup =
+     RefuteData.init #>
+     add_interpreter "stlc"    stlc_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Pure"    Pure_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "HOLogic" HOLogic_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "set"     set_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "IDT"             IDT_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "IDT_constructor" IDT_constructor_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "IDT_recursion"   IDT_recursion_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Finite_Set.card"    Finite_Set_card_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Finite_Set.Finites" Finite_Set_Finites_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Finite_Set.finite"  Finite_Set_finite_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Nat_Orderings.less" Nat_less_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter ""       Nat_plus_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Nat_HOL.minus"      Nat_minus_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Nat_HOL.times"      Nat_times_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "List.op @" List_append_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Lfp.lfp" Lfp_lfp_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "Gfp.gfp" Gfp_gfp_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "fst" Product_Type_fst_interpreter #>
+     add_interpreter "snd" Product_Type_snd_interpreter #>
+     add_printer "stlc" stlc_printer #>
+     add_printer "set"  set_printer #>
+     add_printer "IDT"  IDT_printer;
 end  (* structure Refute *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -8,47 +8,47 @@
 signature SAT_SOLVER =
-	exception NOT_CONFIGURED
+  exception NOT_CONFIGURED
-	type assignment = int -> bool option
-	type proof      = int list Inttab.table * int
-	datatype result = SATISFIABLE of assignment
-	                | UNSATISFIABLE of proof option
-	                | UNKNOWN
-	type solver     = PropLogic.prop_formula -> result
+  type assignment = int -> bool option
+  type proof      = int list Inttab.table * int
+  datatype result = SATISFIABLE of assignment
+                  | UNSATISFIABLE of proof option
+                  | UNKNOWN
+  type solver     = PropLogic.prop_formula -> result
-	(* auxiliary functions to create external SAT solvers *)
-	val write_dimacs_cnf_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit
-	val write_dimacs_sat_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit
-	val read_std_result_file  : Path.T -> string * string * string -> result
-	val make_external_solver  : string -> (PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit) -> (unit -> result) -> solver
+  (* auxiliary functions to create external SAT solvers *)
+  val write_dimacs_cnf_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit
+  val write_dimacs_sat_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit
+  val read_std_result_file  : Path.T -> string * string * string -> result
+  val make_external_solver  : string -> (PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit) -> (unit -> result) -> solver
-	val read_dimacs_cnf_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula
+  val read_dimacs_cnf_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula
-	(* generic solver interface *)
-	val solvers       : (string * solver) list ref
-	val add_solver    : string * solver -> unit
-	val invoke_solver : string -> solver  (* exception Option *)
+  (* generic solver interface *)
+  val solvers       : (string * solver) list ref
+  val add_solver    : string * solver -> unit
+  val invoke_solver : string -> solver  (* exception Option *)
 structure SatSolver : SAT_SOLVER =
-	open PropLogic;
+  open PropLogic;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* should be raised by an external SAT solver to indicate that the solver is *)
 (* not configured properly                                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	exception NOT_CONFIGURED;
+  exception NOT_CONFIGURED;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* type of partial (satisfying) assignments: 'a i = NONE' means that 'a' is  *)
 (*      a satisfying assignment regardless of the value of variable 'i'      *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type assignment = int -> bool option;
+  type assignment = int -> bool option;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* a proof of unsatisfiability, to be interpreted as follows: each integer   *)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 (*      but do not need to be consecutive.                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type proof = int list Inttab.table * int;
+  type proof = int list Inttab.table * int;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* return type of SAT solvers: if the result is 'SATISFIABLE', a satisfying  *)
@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@
 (*      'UNSATISFIABLE', a proof of unsatisfiability may be returned         *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	datatype result = SATISFIABLE of assignment
-	                | UNSATISFIABLE of proof option
-	                | UNKNOWN;
+  datatype result = SATISFIABLE of assignment
+                  | UNSATISFIABLE of proof option
+                  | UNKNOWN;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* type of SAT solvers: given a propositional formula, a satisfying          *)
 (*      assignment may be returned                                           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	type solver = prop_formula -> result;
+  type solver = prop_formula -> result;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* write_dimacs_cnf_file: serializes a formula 'fm' of propositional logic   *)
@@ -92,56 +92,56 @@
 (* Note: 'fm' must be given in CNF.                                          *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Path.T -> prop_formula -> unit *)
+  (* Path.T -> prop_formula -> unit *)
-	fun write_dimacs_cnf_file path fm =
-	let
-		(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-		fun cnf_True_False_elim True =
-			Or (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1))
-		  | cnf_True_False_elim False =
-			And (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1))
-		  | cnf_True_False_elim fm =
-			fm  (* since 'fm' is in CNF, either 'fm'='True'/'False', or 'fm' does not contain 'True'/'False' at all *)
-		(* prop_formula -> int *)
-		fun cnf_number_of_clauses (And (fm1,fm2)) =
-			(cnf_number_of_clauses fm1) + (cnf_number_of_clauses fm2)
-		  | cnf_number_of_clauses _ =
-			1
-		(* prop_formula -> string list *)
-		fun cnf_string fm =
-		let
-			(* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
-			fun cnf_string_acc True acc =
-				error "formula is not in CNF"
-			  | cnf_string_acc False acc =
-				error "formula is not in CNF"
-			  | cnf_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc =
-				(assert (i>=1) "formula contains a variable index less than 1";
-				string_of_int i :: acc)
-			  | cnf_string_acc (Not (BoolVar i)) acc =
-				"-" :: cnf_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc
-			  | cnf_string_acc (Not _) acc =
-				error "formula is not in CNF"
-			  | cnf_string_acc (Or (fm1,fm2)) acc =
-				cnf_string_acc fm1 (" " :: cnf_string_acc fm2 acc)
-			  | cnf_string_acc (And (fm1,fm2)) acc =
-				cnf_string_acc fm1 (" 0\n" :: cnf_string_acc fm2 acc)
-		in
-			cnf_string_acc fm []
-		end
-		val fm'               = cnf_True_False_elim fm
-		val number_of_vars    = maxidx fm'
-		val number_of_clauses = cnf_number_of_clauses fm'
-	in
-		File.write path
-			("c This file was generated by SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file\n" ^
-			 "p cnf " ^ string_of_int number_of_vars ^ " " ^ string_of_int number_of_clauses ^ "\n");
-		File.append_list path
-			(cnf_string fm');
-		File.append path
-			" 0\n"
-	end;
+  fun write_dimacs_cnf_file path fm =
+  let
+    (* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+    fun cnf_True_False_elim True =
+      Or (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1))
+      | cnf_True_False_elim False =
+      And (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1))
+      | cnf_True_False_elim fm =
+      fm  (* since 'fm' is in CNF, either 'fm'='True'/'False', or 'fm' does not contain 'True'/'False' at all *)
+    (* prop_formula -> int *)
+    fun cnf_number_of_clauses (And (fm1,fm2)) =
+      (cnf_number_of_clauses fm1) + (cnf_number_of_clauses fm2)
+      | cnf_number_of_clauses _ =
+      1
+    (* prop_formula -> string list *)
+    fun cnf_string fm =
+    let
+      (* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
+      fun cnf_string_acc True acc =
+        error "formula is not in CNF"
+        | cnf_string_acc False acc =
+        error "formula is not in CNF"
+        | cnf_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc =
+        (i>=1 orelse error "formula contains a variable index less than 1";
+        string_of_int i :: acc)
+        | cnf_string_acc (Not (BoolVar i)) acc =
+        "-" :: cnf_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc
+        | cnf_string_acc (Not _) acc =
+        error "formula is not in CNF"
+        | cnf_string_acc (Or (fm1,fm2)) acc =
+        cnf_string_acc fm1 (" " :: cnf_string_acc fm2 acc)
+        | cnf_string_acc (And (fm1,fm2)) acc =
+        cnf_string_acc fm1 (" 0\n" :: cnf_string_acc fm2 acc)
+    in
+      cnf_string_acc fm []
+    end
+    val fm'               = cnf_True_False_elim fm
+    val number_of_vars    = maxidx fm'
+    val number_of_clauses = cnf_number_of_clauses fm'
+  in
+    File.write path
+      ("c This file was generated by SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file\n" ^
+       "p cnf " ^ string_of_int number_of_vars ^ " " ^ string_of_int number_of_clauses ^ "\n");
+    File.append_list path
+      (cnf_string fm');
+    File.append path
+      " 0\n"
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* write_dimacs_sat_file: serializes a formula 'fm' of propositional logic   *)
@@ -150,54 +150,54 @@
 (* Note: 'fm' must not contain a variable index less than 1.                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Path.T -> prop_formula -> unit *)
+  (* Path.T -> prop_formula -> unit *)
-	fun write_dimacs_sat_file path fm =
-	let
-		(* prop_formula -> string list *)
-		fun sat_string fm =
-		let
-			(* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
-			fun sat_string_acc True acc =
-				"*()" :: acc
-			  | sat_string_acc False acc =
-				"+()" :: acc
-			  | sat_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc =
-				(assert (i>=1) "formula contains a variable index less than 1";
-				string_of_int i :: acc)
-			  | sat_string_acc (Not (BoolVar i)) acc =
-				"-" :: sat_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc
-			  | sat_string_acc (Not fm) acc =
-				"-(" :: sat_string_acc fm (")" :: acc)
-			  | sat_string_acc (Or (fm1,fm2)) acc =
-				"+(" :: sat_string_acc_or fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_or fm2 (")" :: acc))
-			  | sat_string_acc (And (fm1,fm2)) acc =
-				"*(" :: sat_string_acc_and fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_and fm2 (")" :: acc))
-			(* optimization to make use of n-ary disjunction/conjunction *)
-			(* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
-			and sat_string_acc_or (Or (fm1,fm2)) acc =
-				sat_string_acc_or fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_or fm2 acc)
-			  | sat_string_acc_or fm acc =
-				sat_string_acc fm acc
-			(* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
-			and sat_string_acc_and (And (fm1,fm2)) acc =
-				sat_string_acc_and fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_and fm2 acc)
-			  | sat_string_acc_and fm acc =
-				sat_string_acc fm acc
-		in
-			sat_string_acc fm []
-		end
-		val number_of_vars = Int.max (maxidx fm, 1)
-	in
-		File.write path
-			("c This file was generated by SatSolver.write_dimacs_sat_file\n" ^
-			 "p sat " ^ string_of_int number_of_vars ^ "\n" ^
-			 "(");
-		File.append_list path
-			(sat_string fm);
-		File.append path
-			")\n"
-	end;
+  fun write_dimacs_sat_file path fm =
+  let
+    (* prop_formula -> string list *)
+    fun sat_string fm =
+    let
+      (* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
+      fun sat_string_acc True acc =
+        "*()" :: acc
+        | sat_string_acc False acc =
+        "+()" :: acc
+        | sat_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc =
+        (i>=1 orelse error "formula contains a variable index less than 1";
+        string_of_int i :: acc)
+        | sat_string_acc (Not (BoolVar i)) acc =
+        "-" :: sat_string_acc (BoolVar i) acc
+        | sat_string_acc (Not fm) acc =
+        "-(" :: sat_string_acc fm (")" :: acc)
+        | sat_string_acc (Or (fm1,fm2)) acc =
+        "+(" :: sat_string_acc_or fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_or fm2 (")" :: acc))
+        | sat_string_acc (And (fm1,fm2)) acc =
+        "*(" :: sat_string_acc_and fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_and fm2 (")" :: acc))
+      (* optimization to make use of n-ary disjunction/conjunction *)
+      (* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
+      and sat_string_acc_or (Or (fm1,fm2)) acc =
+        sat_string_acc_or fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_or fm2 acc)
+        | sat_string_acc_or fm acc =
+        sat_string_acc fm acc
+      (* prop_formula -> string list -> string list *)
+      and sat_string_acc_and (And (fm1,fm2)) acc =
+        sat_string_acc_and fm1 (" " :: sat_string_acc_and fm2 acc)
+        | sat_string_acc_and fm acc =
+        sat_string_acc fm acc
+    in
+      sat_string_acc fm []
+    end
+    val number_of_vars = Int.max (maxidx fm, 1)
+  in
+    File.write path
+      ("c This file was generated by SatSolver.write_dimacs_sat_file\n" ^
+       "p sat " ^ string_of_int number_of_vars ^ "\n" ^
+       "(");
+    File.append_list path
+      (sat_string fm);
+    File.append path
+      ")\n"
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* read_std_result_file: scans a SAT solver's output file for a satisfying   *)
@@ -213,149 +213,149 @@
 (*      value of i is taken to be unspecified.                               *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Path.T -> string * string * string -> result *)
+  (* Path.T -> string * string * string -> result *)
-	fun read_std_result_file path (satisfiable, assignment_prefix, unsatisfiable) =
-	let
-		(* string -> int list *)
-		fun int_list_from_string s =
-			List.mapPartial Int.fromString (space_explode " " s)
-		(* int list -> assignment *)
-		fun assignment_from_list [] i =
-			NONE  (* the SAT solver didn't provide a value for this variable *)
-		  | assignment_from_list (x::xs) i =
-			if x=i then (SOME true)
-			else if x=(~i) then (SOME false)
-			else assignment_from_list xs i
-		(* int list -> string list -> assignment *)
-		fun parse_assignment xs [] =
-			assignment_from_list xs
-		  | parse_assignment xs (line::lines) =
-			if String.isPrefix assignment_prefix line then
-				parse_assignment (xs @ int_list_from_string line) lines
-			else
-				assignment_from_list xs
-		(* string -> string -> bool *)
-		fun is_substring needle haystack =
-		let
-			val length1 = String.size needle
-			val length2 = String.size haystack
-		in
-			if length2 < length1 then
-				false
-			else if needle = String.substring (haystack, 0, length1) then
-				true
-			else is_substring needle (String.substring (haystack, 1, length2-1))
-		end
-		(* string list -> result *)
-		fun parse_lines [] =
-		  | parse_lines (line::lines) =
-			if is_substring unsatisfiable line then
-			else if is_substring satisfiable line then
-				SATISFIABLE (parse_assignment [] lines)
-			else
-				parse_lines lines
-	in
-		(parse_lines o (List.filter (fn l => l <> "")) o split_lines o path
-	end;
+  fun read_std_result_file path (satisfiable, assignment_prefix, unsatisfiable) =
+  let
+    (* string -> int list *)
+    fun int_list_from_string s =
+      List.mapPartial Int.fromString (space_explode " " s)
+    (* int list -> assignment *)
+    fun assignment_from_list [] i =
+      NONE  (* the SAT solver didn't provide a value for this variable *)
+      | assignment_from_list (x::xs) i =
+      if x=i then (SOME true)
+      else if x=(~i) then (SOME false)
+      else assignment_from_list xs i
+    (* int list -> string list -> assignment *)
+    fun parse_assignment xs [] =
+      assignment_from_list xs
+      | parse_assignment xs (line::lines) =
+      if String.isPrefix assignment_prefix line then
+        parse_assignment (xs @ int_list_from_string line) lines
+      else
+        assignment_from_list xs
+    (* string -> string -> bool *)
+    fun is_substring needle haystack =
+    let
+      val length1 = String.size needle
+      val length2 = String.size haystack
+    in
+      if length2 < length1 then
+        false
+      else if needle = String.substring (haystack, 0, length1) then
+        true
+      else is_substring needle (String.substring (haystack, 1, length2-1))
+    end
+    (* string list -> result *)
+    fun parse_lines [] =
+      UNKNOWN
+      | parse_lines (line::lines) =
+      if is_substring unsatisfiable line then
+      else if is_substring satisfiable line then
+        SATISFIABLE (parse_assignment [] lines)
+      else
+        parse_lines lines
+  in
+    (parse_lines o (List.filter (fn l => l <> "")) o split_lines o path
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* make_external_solver: call 'writefn', execute 'cmd', call 'readfn'        *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* string -> (PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit) -> (unit -> result) -> solver *)
+  (* string -> (PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit) -> (unit -> result) -> solver *)
-	fun make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm =
-		(writefn fm; system cmd; readfn ());
+  fun make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm =
+    (writefn fm; system cmd; readfn ());
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* read_dimacs_cnf_file: returns a propositional formula that corresponds to *)
 (*      a SAT problem given in DIMACS CNF format                             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
+  (* Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
-	fun read_dimacs_cnf_file path =
-	let
-		(* string list -> string list *)
-		fun filter_preamble [] =
-			error "problem line not found in DIMACS CNF file"
-		  | filter_preamble (line::lines) =
-			if String.isPrefix "c " line orelse line = "c" then
-				(* ignore comments *)
-				filter_preamble lines
-			else if String.isPrefix "p " line then
-				(* ignore the problem line (which must be the last line of the preamble) *)
-				(* Ignoring the problem line implies that if the file contains more clauses *)
-				(* or variables than specified in its preamble, we will accept it anyway.   *)
-				lines
-			else
-				error "preamble in DIMACS CNF file contains a line that does not begin with \"c \" or \"p \""
-		(* string -> int *)
-		fun int_from_string s =
-			case Int.fromString s of
-			  SOME i => i
-			| NONE   => error ("token " ^ quote s ^ "in DIMACS CNF file is not a number")
-		(* int list -> int list list *)
-		fun clauses xs =
-			let
-				val (xs1, xs2) = take_prefix (fn i => i <> 0) xs
-			in
-				case xs2 of
-				  []      => [xs1]
-				| (0::[]) => [xs1]
-				| (0::tl) => xs1 :: clauses tl
-				| _       => sys_error "this cannot happen"
-			end
-		(* int -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
-		fun literal_from_int i =
-			(assert (i<>0) "variable index in DIMACS CNF file is 0";
-			if i>0 then
-				PropLogic.BoolVar i
-			else
-				PropLogic.Not (PropLogic.BoolVar (~i)))
-		(* PropLogic.prop_formula list -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
-		fun disjunction [] =
-			error "empty clause in DIMACS CNF file"
-		  | disjunction (x::xs) =
-			(case xs of
-			  [] => x
-			| _  => PropLogic.Or (x, disjunction xs))
-		(* PropLogic.prop_formula list -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
-		fun conjunction [] =
-			error "no clause in DIMACS CNF file"
-		  | conjunction (x::xs) =
-			(case xs of
-			  [] => x
-			| _  => PropLogic.And (x, conjunction xs))
-	in
-		(conjunction
-		o (map disjunction)
-		o (map (map literal_from_int))
-		o clauses
-		o (map int_from_string)
-		o List.concat
-		o (map (String.fields (fn c => c mem [#" ", #"\t", #"\n"])))
-		o filter_preamble
-		o (List.filter (fn l => l <> ""))
-		o split_lines
-		o
-			path
-	end;
+  fun read_dimacs_cnf_file path =
+  let
+    (* string list -> string list *)
+    fun filter_preamble [] =
+      error "problem line not found in DIMACS CNF file"
+      | filter_preamble (line::lines) =
+      if String.isPrefix "c " line orelse line = "c" then
+        (* ignore comments *)
+        filter_preamble lines
+      else if String.isPrefix "p " line then
+        (* ignore the problem line (which must be the last line of the preamble) *)
+        (* Ignoring the problem line implies that if the file contains more clauses *)
+        (* or variables than specified in its preamble, we will accept it anyway.   *)
+        lines
+      else
+        error "preamble in DIMACS CNF file contains a line that does not begin with \"c \" or \"p \""
+    (* string -> int *)
+    fun int_from_string s =
+      case Int.fromString s of
+        SOME i => i
+      | NONE   => error ("token " ^ quote s ^ "in DIMACS CNF file is not a number")
+    (* int list -> int list list *)
+    fun clauses xs =
+      let
+        val (xs1, xs2) = take_prefix (fn i => i <> 0) xs
+      in
+        case xs2 of
+          []      => [xs1]
+        | (0::[]) => [xs1]
+        | (0::tl) => xs1 :: clauses tl
+        | _       => sys_error "this cannot happen"
+      end
+    (* int -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
+    fun literal_from_int i =
+      (i<>0 orelse error "variable index in DIMACS CNF file is 0";
+      if i>0 then
+        PropLogic.BoolVar i
+      else
+        PropLogic.Not (PropLogic.BoolVar (~i)))
+    (* PropLogic.prop_formula list -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
+    fun disjunction [] =
+      error "empty clause in DIMACS CNF file"
+      | disjunction (x::xs) =
+      (case xs of
+        [] => x
+      | _  => PropLogic.Or (x, disjunction xs))
+    (* PropLogic.prop_formula list -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
+    fun conjunction [] =
+      error "no clause in DIMACS CNF file"
+      | conjunction (x::xs) =
+      (case xs of
+        [] => x
+      | _  => PropLogic.And (x, conjunction xs))
+  in
+    (conjunction
+    o (map disjunction)
+    o (map (map literal_from_int))
+    o clauses
+    o (map int_from_string)
+    o List.concat
+    o (map (String.fields (fn c => c mem [#" ", #"\t", #"\n"])))
+    o filter_preamble
+    o (List.filter (fn l => l <> ""))
+    o split_lines
+    o
+      path
+  end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* solvers: a (reference to a) table of all registered SAT solvers           *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	val solvers = ref ([] : (string * solver) list);
+  val solvers = ref ([] : (string * solver) list);
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* add_solver: updates 'solvers' by adding a new solver                      *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* string * solver -> unit *)
+  (* string * solver -> unit *)
     fun add_solver (name, new_solver) =
@@ -371,10 +371,10 @@
 (*       raised.                                                             *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* string -> solver *)
+  (* string -> solver *)
-	fun invoke_solver name =
-		(the o AList.lookup (op =) (!solvers)) name;
+  fun invoke_solver name =
+    (the o AList.lookup (op =) (!solvers)) name;
 end;  (* SatSolver *)
@@ -389,40 +389,40 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	fun enum_solver fm =
-	let
-		(* int list *)
-		val indices = PropLogic.indices fm
-		(* int list -> int list -> int list option *)
-		(* binary increment: list 'xs' of current bits, list 'ys' of all bits (lower bits first) *)
-		fun next_list _ ([]:int list) =
-			NONE
-		  | next_list [] (y::ys) =
-			SOME [y]
-		  | next_list (x::xs) (y::ys) =
-			if x=y then
-				(* reset the bit, continue *)
-				next_list xs ys
-			else
-				(* set the lowest bit that wasn't set before, keep the higher bits *)
-				SOME (y::x::xs)
-		(* int list -> int -> bool *)
-		fun assignment_from_list xs i =
-			i mem xs
-		(* int list -> SatSolver.result *)
-		fun solver_loop xs =
-			if PropLogic.eval (assignment_from_list xs) fm then
-				SatSolver.SATISFIABLE (SOME o (assignment_from_list xs))
-			else
-				(case next_list xs indices of
-				  SOME xs' => solver_loop xs'
-				| NONE     => SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE)
-	in
-		(* start with the "first" assignment (all variables are interpreted as 'false') *)
-		solver_loop []
-	end
+  fun enum_solver fm =
+  let
+    (* int list *)
+    val indices = PropLogic.indices fm
+    (* int list -> int list -> int list option *)
+    (* binary increment: list 'xs' of current bits, list 'ys' of all bits (lower bits first) *)
+    fun next_list _ ([]:int list) =
+      NONE
+      | next_list [] (y::ys) =
+      SOME [y]
+      | next_list (x::xs) (y::ys) =
+      if x=y then
+        (* reset the bit, continue *)
+        next_list xs ys
+      else
+        (* set the lowest bit that wasn't set before, keep the higher bits *)
+        SOME (y::x::xs)
+    (* int list -> int -> bool *)
+    fun assignment_from_list xs i =
+      i mem xs
+    (* int list -> SatSolver.result *)
+    fun solver_loop xs =
+      if PropLogic.eval (assignment_from_list xs) fm then
+        SatSolver.SATISFIABLE (SOME o (assignment_from_list xs))
+      else
+        (case next_list xs indices of
+          SOME xs' => solver_loop xs'
+        | NONE     => SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE)
+  in
+    (* start with the "first" assignment (all variables are interpreted as 'false') *)
+    solver_loop []
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("enumerate", enum_solver)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("enumerate", enum_solver)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -432,86 +432,86 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	local
-		open PropLogic
-	in
-		fun dpll_solver fm =
-		let
-			(* We could use 'PropLogic.defcnf fm' instead of 'PropLogic.nnf fm' *)
-			(* but that sometimes leads to worse performance due to the         *)
-			(* introduction of additional variables.                            *)
-			val fm' = PropLogic.nnf fm
-			(* int list *)
-			val indices = PropLogic.indices fm'
-			(* int list -> int -> prop_formula *)
-			fun partial_var_eval []      i = BoolVar i
-			  | partial_var_eval (x::xs) i = if x=i then True else if x=(~i) then False else partial_var_eval xs i
-			(* int list -> prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
-			fun partial_eval xs True             = True
-			  | partial_eval xs False            = False
-			  | partial_eval xs (BoolVar i)      = partial_var_eval xs i
-			  | partial_eval xs (Not fm)         = SNot (partial_eval xs fm)
-			  | partial_eval xs (Or (fm1, fm2))  = SOr (partial_eval xs fm1, partial_eval xs fm2)
-			  | partial_eval xs (And (fm1, fm2)) = SAnd (partial_eval xs fm1, partial_eval xs fm2)
-			(* prop_formula -> int list *)
-			fun forced_vars True              = []
-			  | forced_vars False             = []
-			  | forced_vars (BoolVar i)       = [i]
-			  | forced_vars (Not (BoolVar i)) = [~i]
-			  | forced_vars (Or (fm1, fm2))   = (forced_vars fm1) inter_int (forced_vars fm2)
-			  | forced_vars (And (fm1, fm2))  = (forced_vars fm1) union_int (forced_vars fm2)
-			  (* Above, i *and* ~i may be forced.  In this case the first occurrence takes   *)
-			  (* precedence, and the next partial evaluation of the formula returns 'False'. *)
-			  | forced_vars _                 = error "formula is not in negation normal form"
-			(* int list -> prop_formula -> (int list * prop_formula) *)
-			fun eval_and_force xs fm =
-			let
-				val fm' = partial_eval xs fm
-				val xs' = forced_vars fm'
-			in
-				if null xs' then
-					(xs, fm')
-				else
-					eval_and_force (xs@xs') fm'  (* xs and xs' should be distinct, so '@' here should have *)
-					                             (* the same effect as 'union_int'                         *)
-			end
-			(* int list -> int option *)
-			fun fresh_var xs =
-				Library.find_first (fn i => not (i mem_int xs) andalso not ((~i) mem_int xs)) indices
-			(* int list -> prop_formula -> int list option *)
-			(* partial assignment 'xs' *)
-			fun dpll xs fm =
-			let
-				val (xs', fm') = eval_and_force xs fm
-			in
-				case fm' of
-				  True  => SOME xs'
-				| False => NONE
-				| _     =>
-					let
-						val x = valOf (fresh_var xs')  (* a fresh variable must exist since 'fm' did not evaluate to 'True'/'False' *)
-					in
-						case dpll (x::xs') fm' of  (* passing fm' rather than fm should save some simplification work *)
-						  SOME xs'' => SOME xs''
-						| NONE      => dpll ((~x)::xs') fm'  (* now try interpreting 'x' as 'False' *)
-					end
-			end
-			(* int list -> assignment *)
-			fun assignment_from_list [] i =
-				NONE  (* the DPLL procedure didn't provide a value for this variable *)
-			  | assignment_from_list (x::xs) i =
-				if x=i then (SOME true)
-				else if x=(~i) then (SOME false)
-				else assignment_from_list xs i
-		in
-			(* initially, no variable is interpreted yet *)
-			case dpll [] fm' of
-			  SOME assignment => SatSolver.SATISFIABLE (assignment_from_list assignment)
-			| NONE            => SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE
-		end
-	end  (* local *)
+  local
+    open PropLogic
+  in
+    fun dpll_solver fm =
+    let
+      (* We could use 'PropLogic.defcnf fm' instead of 'PropLogic.nnf fm' *)
+      (* but that sometimes leads to worse performance due to the         *)
+      (* introduction of additional variables.                            *)
+      val fm' = PropLogic.nnf fm
+      (* int list *)
+      val indices = PropLogic.indices fm'
+      (* int list -> int -> prop_formula *)
+      fun partial_var_eval []      i = BoolVar i
+        | partial_var_eval (x::xs) i = if x=i then True else if x=(~i) then False else partial_var_eval xs i
+      (* int list -> prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+      fun partial_eval xs True             = True
+        | partial_eval xs False            = False
+        | partial_eval xs (BoolVar i)      = partial_var_eval xs i
+        | partial_eval xs (Not fm)         = SNot (partial_eval xs fm)
+        | partial_eval xs (Or (fm1, fm2))  = SOr (partial_eval xs fm1, partial_eval xs fm2)
+        | partial_eval xs (And (fm1, fm2)) = SAnd (partial_eval xs fm1, partial_eval xs fm2)
+      (* prop_formula -> int list *)
+      fun forced_vars True              = []
+        | forced_vars False             = []
+        | forced_vars (BoolVar i)       = [i]
+        | forced_vars (Not (BoolVar i)) = [~i]
+        | forced_vars (Or (fm1, fm2))   = (forced_vars fm1) inter_int (forced_vars fm2)
+        | forced_vars (And (fm1, fm2))  = (forced_vars fm1) union_int (forced_vars fm2)
+        (* Above, i *and* ~i may be forced.  In this case the first occurrence takes   *)
+        (* precedence, and the next partial evaluation of the formula returns 'False'. *)
+        | forced_vars _                 = error "formula is not in negation normal form"
+      (* int list -> prop_formula -> (int list * prop_formula) *)
+      fun eval_and_force xs fm =
+      let
+        val fm' = partial_eval xs fm
+        val xs' = forced_vars fm'
+      in
+        if null xs' then
+          (xs, fm')
+        else
+          eval_and_force (xs@xs') fm'  (* xs and xs' should be distinct, so '@' here should have *)
+                                       (* the same effect as 'union_int'                         *)
+      end
+      (* int list -> int option *)
+      fun fresh_var xs =
+        Library.find_first (fn i => not (i mem_int xs) andalso not ((~i) mem_int xs)) indices
+      (* int list -> prop_formula -> int list option *)
+      (* partial assignment 'xs' *)
+      fun dpll xs fm =
+      let
+        val (xs', fm') = eval_and_force xs fm
+      in
+        case fm' of
+          True  => SOME xs'
+        | False => NONE
+        | _     =>
+          let
+            val x = valOf (fresh_var xs')  (* a fresh variable must exist since 'fm' did not evaluate to 'True'/'False' *)
+          in
+            case dpll (x::xs') fm' of  (* passing fm' rather than fm should save some simplification work *)
+              SOME xs'' => SOME xs''
+            | NONE      => dpll ((~x)::xs') fm'  (* now try interpreting 'x' as 'False' *)
+          end
+      end
+      (* int list -> assignment *)
+      fun assignment_from_list [] i =
+        NONE  (* the DPLL procedure didn't provide a value for this variable *)
+        | assignment_from_list (x::xs) i =
+        if x=i then (SOME true)
+        else if x=(~i) then (SOME false)
+        else assignment_from_list xs i
+    in
+      (* initially, no variable is interpreted yet *)
+      case dpll [] fm' of
+        SOME assignment => SatSolver.SATISFIABLE (assignment_from_list assignment)
+      | NONE            => SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE
+    end
+  end  (* local *)
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("dpll", dpll_solver)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("dpll", dpll_solver)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -521,28 +521,28 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	fun auto_solver fm =
-	let
-		fun loop [] =
-			SatSolver.UNKNOWN
-		  | loop ((name, solver)::solvers) =
-			if name="auto" then
-				(* do not call solver "auto" from within "auto" *)
-				loop solvers
-			else (
-				(if name="dpll" orelse name="enumerate" then
-					warning ("Using SAT solver " ^ quote name ^ "; for better performance, consider using an external solver.")
-				else
-					tracing ("Using SAT solver " ^ quote name ^ "."));
-				(* apply 'solver' to 'fm' *)
-				solver fm
-					handle SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED => loop solvers
-			)
-	in
-		loop (!SatSolver.solvers)
-	end
+  fun auto_solver fm =
+  let
+    fun loop [] =
+      SatSolver.UNKNOWN
+      | loop ((name, solver)::solvers) =
+      if name="auto" then
+        (* do not call solver "auto" from within "auto" *)
+        loop solvers
+      else (
+        (if name="dpll" orelse name="enumerate" then
+          warning ("Using SAT solver " ^ quote name ^ "; for better performance, consider using an external solver.")
+        else
+          tracing ("Using SAT solver " ^ quote name ^ "."));
+        (* apply 'solver' to 'fm' *)
+        solver fm
+          handle SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED => loop solvers
+      )
+  in
+    loop (!SatSolver.solvers)
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("auto", auto_solver)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("auto", auto_solver)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -565,210 +565,210 @@
 (* from 0 to n-1 (where n is the number of clauses in the formula).          *)
-	exception INVALID_PROOF of string
-	fun minisat_with_proofs fm =
-	let
-		val _          = if (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
-		val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
-		val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
-		val proofpath  = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result.prf")
-		val cmd        = (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") ^ "/minisat " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " -r " ^ (Path.implode outpath) ^ " -t " ^ (Path.implode proofpath) ^ "> /dev/null"
-		fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath fm
-		fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("SAT", "", "UNSAT")
-		val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
-		val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
-		val cnf        = PropLogic.defcnf fm
-		val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn cnf
-		val _          = try File.rm inpath
-		val _          = try File.rm outpath
-	in  case result of
-		(let
-			(* string list *)
-			val proof_lines = (split_lines o proofpath
-				handle IO.Io _ => raise INVALID_PROOF "Could not read file \"result.prf\""
-			(* representation of clauses as ordered lists of literals (with duplicates removed) *)
-			(* prop_formula -> int list *)
-			fun clause_to_lit_list (PropLogic.Or (fm1, fm2)) =
-				OrdList.union int_ord (clause_to_lit_list fm1) (clause_to_lit_list fm2)
-			  | clause_to_lit_list (PropLogic.BoolVar i) =
-				[i]
-			  | clause_to_lit_list (PropLogic.Not (PropLogic.BoolVar i)) =
-				[~i]
-			  | clause_to_lit_list _ =
-				raise INVALID_PROOF "Error: invalid clause in CNF formula."
-			(* prop_formula -> int *)
-			fun cnf_number_of_clauses (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2)) =
-				cnf_number_of_clauses fm1 + cnf_number_of_clauses fm2
-			  | cnf_number_of_clauses _ =
-				1
-			val number_of_clauses = cnf_number_of_clauses cnf
-			(* int list array *)
-			val clauses = Array.array (number_of_clauses, [])
-			(* initialize the 'clauses' array *)
-			(* prop_formula * int -> int *)
-			fun init_array (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2), n) =
-				init_array (fm2, init_array (fm1, n))
-			  | init_array (fm, n) =
-				(Array.update (clauses, n, clause_to_lit_list fm); n+1)
-			val _ = init_array (cnf, 0)
-			(* optimization for the common case where MiniSat "R"s clauses in their *)
-			(* original order:                                                      *)
-			val last_ref_clause = ref (number_of_clauses - 1)
-			(* search the 'clauses' array for the given list of literals 'lits', *)
-			(* starting at index '!last_ref_clause + 1'                          *)
-			(* int list -> int option *)
-			fun original_clause_id lits =
-			let
-				fun original_clause_id_from index =
-					if index = number_of_clauses then
-						(* search from beginning again *)
-						original_clause_id_from 0
-					(* both 'lits' and the list of literals used in 'clauses' are sorted, so *)
-					(* testing for equality should suffice -- barring duplicate literals     *)
-					else if Array.sub (clauses, index) = lits then (
-						(* success *)
-						last_ref_clause := index;
-						SOME index
-					) else if index = !last_ref_clause then
-						(* failure *)
-						NONE
-					else
-						(* continue search *)
-						original_clause_id_from (index + 1)
-			in
-				original_clause_id_from (!last_ref_clause + 1)
-			end
-			(* string -> int *)
-			fun int_from_string s = (
-				case Int.fromString s of
-				  SOME i => i
-				| NONE   => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: number expected (" ^ quote s ^ " encountered).")
-			)
-			(* parse the proof file *)
-			val clause_table  = ref (Inttab.empty : int list Inttab.table)
-			val empty_id      = ref ~1
-			(* contains a mapping from clause IDs as used by MiniSat to clause IDs in *)
-			(* our proof format, where original clauses are numbered starting from 0  *)
-			val clause_id_map = ref (Inttab.empty : int Inttab.table)
-			fun sat_to_proof id = (
-				case Inttab.lookup (!clause_id_map) id of
-				  SOME id' => id'
-				| NONE     => raise INVALID_PROOF ("Clause ID " ^ Int.toString id ^ " used, but not defined.")
-			)
-			val next_id = ref (number_of_clauses - 1)
-			(* string list -> unit *)
-			fun process_tokens [] =
-				()
-			  | process_tokens (tok::toks) =
-				if tok="R" then (
-					case toks of
-					  id::sep::lits =>
-						let
-							val _        = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"R\" disallowed after \"X\"."
-							val cid      = int_from_string id
-							val _        = if sep = "<=" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"<=\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
-							val ls       = sort int_ord (map int_from_string lits)
-							val proof_id = case original_clause_id ls of
-							                 SOME orig_id => orig_id
-							               | NONE         => raise INVALID_PROOF ("Original clause (new ID is " ^ id ^ ") not found.")
-						in
-							(* extend the mapping of clause IDs with this newly defined ID *)
-							clause_id_map := Inttab.update_new (cid, proof_id) (!clause_id_map)
-								handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ id ^ " defined more than once (in \"R\").")
-							(* the proof itself doesn't change *)
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"R\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
-				) else if tok="C" then (
-					case toks of
-					  id::sep::ids =>
-						let
-							val _        = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"C\" disallowed after \"X\"."
-							val cid      = int_from_string id
-							val _        = if sep = "<=" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"<=\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
-							(* ignore the pivot literals in MiniSat's trace *)
-							fun unevens []             = raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"C\" followed by an even number of IDs."
-							  | unevens (x :: [])      = x :: []
-							  | unevens (x :: _ :: xs) = x :: unevens xs
-							val rs       = (map sat_to_proof o unevens o map int_from_string) ids
-							(* extend the mapping of clause IDs with this newly defined ID *)
-							val proof_id = inc next_id
-							val _        = clause_id_map := Inttab.update_new (cid, proof_id) (!clause_id_map)
-							                 handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ id ^ " defined more than once (in \"C\").")
-						in
-							(* update clause table *)
-							clause_table := Inttab.update_new (proof_id, rs) (!clause_table)
-								handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("Error: internal ID for clause " ^ id ^ " already used.")
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"C\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
-				) else if tok="D" then (
-					case toks of
-					  [id] =>
-						let
-							val _ = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"D\" disallowed after \"X\"."
-							val _ = sat_to_proof (int_from_string id)
-						in
-							(* simply ignore "D" *)
-							()
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"D\" followed by an illegal number of tokens."
-				) else if tok="X" then (
-					case toks of
-					  [id1, id2] =>
-						let
-							val _            = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: more than one end-of-proof statement."
-							val _            = sat_to_proof (int_from_string id1)
-							val new_empty_id = sat_to_proof (int_from_string id2)
-						in
-							(* update conflict id *)
-							empty_id := new_empty_id
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"X\" followed by an illegal number of tokens."
-				) else
-					raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: unknown token " ^ quote tok ^ " encountered.")
-			(* string list -> unit *)
-			fun process_lines [] =
-				()
-			  | process_lines (l::ls) = (
-					process_tokens (String.tokens (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\t") l);
-					process_lines ls
-				)
-			(* proof *)
-			val _ = process_lines proof_lines
-			val _ = if !empty_id <> ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: no conflicting clause specified."
-		in
-			SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (!clause_table, !empty_id))
-		end handle INVALID_PROOF reason => (warning reason; SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE))
-	| result =>
-		result
-	end
+  exception INVALID_PROOF of string
+  fun minisat_with_proofs fm =
+  let
+    val _          = if (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
+    val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
+    val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
+    val proofpath  = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result.prf")
+    val cmd        = (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") ^ "/minisat " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " -r " ^ (Path.implode outpath) ^ " -t " ^ (Path.implode proofpath) ^ "> /dev/null"
+    fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath fm
+    fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("SAT", "", "UNSAT")
+    val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
+    val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
+    val cnf        = PropLogic.defcnf fm
+    val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn cnf
+    val _          = try File.rm inpath
+    val _          = try File.rm outpath
+  in  case result of
+    (let
+      (* string list *)
+      val proof_lines = (split_lines o proofpath
+        handle IO.Io _ => raise INVALID_PROOF "Could not read file \"result.prf\""
+      (* representation of clauses as ordered lists of literals (with duplicates removed) *)
+      (* prop_formula -> int list *)
+      fun clause_to_lit_list (PropLogic.Or (fm1, fm2)) =
+        OrdList.union int_ord (clause_to_lit_list fm1) (clause_to_lit_list fm2)
+        | clause_to_lit_list (PropLogic.BoolVar i) =
+        [i]
+        | clause_to_lit_list (PropLogic.Not (PropLogic.BoolVar i)) =
+        [~i]
+        | clause_to_lit_list _ =
+        raise INVALID_PROOF "Error: invalid clause in CNF formula."
+      (* prop_formula -> int *)
+      fun cnf_number_of_clauses (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2)) =
+        cnf_number_of_clauses fm1 + cnf_number_of_clauses fm2
+        | cnf_number_of_clauses _ =
+        1
+      val number_of_clauses = cnf_number_of_clauses cnf
+      (* int list array *)
+      val clauses = Array.array (number_of_clauses, [])
+      (* initialize the 'clauses' array *)
+      (* prop_formula * int -> int *)
+      fun init_array (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2), n) =
+        init_array (fm2, init_array (fm1, n))
+        | init_array (fm, n) =
+        (Array.update (clauses, n, clause_to_lit_list fm); n+1)
+      val _ = init_array (cnf, 0)
+      (* optimization for the common case where MiniSat "R"s clauses in their *)
+      (* original order:                                                      *)
+      val last_ref_clause = ref (number_of_clauses - 1)
+      (* search the 'clauses' array for the given list of literals 'lits', *)
+      (* starting at index '!last_ref_clause + 1'                          *)
+      (* int list -> int option *)
+      fun original_clause_id lits =
+      let
+        fun original_clause_id_from index =
+          if index = number_of_clauses then
+            (* search from beginning again *)
+            original_clause_id_from 0
+          (* both 'lits' and the list of literals used in 'clauses' are sorted, so *)
+          (* testing for equality should suffice -- barring duplicate literals     *)
+          else if Array.sub (clauses, index) = lits then (
+            (* success *)
+            last_ref_clause := index;
+            SOME index
+          ) else if index = !last_ref_clause then
+            (* failure *)
+            NONE
+          else
+            (* continue search *)
+            original_clause_id_from (index + 1)
+      in
+        original_clause_id_from (!last_ref_clause + 1)
+      end
+      (* string -> int *)
+      fun int_from_string s = (
+        case Int.fromString s of
+          SOME i => i
+        | NONE   => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: number expected (" ^ quote s ^ " encountered).")
+      )
+      (* parse the proof file *)
+      val clause_table  = ref (Inttab.empty : int list Inttab.table)
+      val empty_id      = ref ~1
+      (* contains a mapping from clause IDs as used by MiniSat to clause IDs in *)
+      (* our proof format, where original clauses are numbered starting from 0  *)
+      val clause_id_map = ref (Inttab.empty : int Inttab.table)
+      fun sat_to_proof id = (
+        case Inttab.lookup (!clause_id_map) id of
+          SOME id' => id'
+        | NONE     => raise INVALID_PROOF ("Clause ID " ^ Int.toString id ^ " used, but not defined.")
+      )
+      val next_id = ref (number_of_clauses - 1)
+      (* string list -> unit *)
+      fun process_tokens [] =
+        ()
+        | process_tokens (tok::toks) =
+        if tok="R" then (
+          case toks of
+            id::sep::lits =>
+            let
+              val _        = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"R\" disallowed after \"X\"."
+              val cid      = int_from_string id
+              val _        = if sep = "<=" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"<=\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
+              val ls       = sort int_ord (map int_from_string lits)
+              val proof_id = case original_clause_id ls of
+                               SOME orig_id => orig_id
+                             | NONE         => raise INVALID_PROOF ("Original clause (new ID is " ^ id ^ ") not found.")
+            in
+              (* extend the mapping of clause IDs with this newly defined ID *)
+              clause_id_map := Inttab.update_new (cid, proof_id) (!clause_id_map)
+                handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ id ^ " defined more than once (in \"R\").")
+              (* the proof itself doesn't change *)
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"R\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
+        ) else if tok="C" then (
+          case toks of
+            id::sep::ids =>
+            let
+              val _        = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"C\" disallowed after \"X\"."
+              val cid      = int_from_string id
+              val _        = if sep = "<=" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"<=\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
+              (* ignore the pivot literals in MiniSat's trace *)
+              fun unevens []             = raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"C\" followed by an even number of IDs."
+                | unevens (x :: [])      = x :: []
+                | unevens (x :: _ :: xs) = x :: unevens xs
+              val rs       = (map sat_to_proof o unevens o map int_from_string) ids
+              (* extend the mapping of clause IDs with this newly defined ID *)
+              val proof_id = inc next_id
+              val _        = clause_id_map := Inttab.update_new (cid, proof_id) (!clause_id_map)
+                               handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ id ^ " defined more than once (in \"C\").")
+            in
+              (* update clause table *)
+              clause_table := Inttab.update_new (proof_id, rs) (!clause_table)
+                handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("Error: internal ID for clause " ^ id ^ " already used.")
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"C\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
+        ) else if tok="D" then (
+          case toks of
+            [id] =>
+            let
+              val _ = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"D\" disallowed after \"X\"."
+              val _ = sat_to_proof (int_from_string id)
+            in
+              (* simply ignore "D" *)
+              ()
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"D\" followed by an illegal number of tokens."
+        ) else if tok="X" then (
+          case toks of
+            [id1, id2] =>
+            let
+              val _            = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: more than one end-of-proof statement."
+              val _            = sat_to_proof (int_from_string id1)
+              val new_empty_id = sat_to_proof (int_from_string id2)
+            in
+              (* update conflict id *)
+              empty_id := new_empty_id
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"X\" followed by an illegal number of tokens."
+        ) else
+          raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: unknown token " ^ quote tok ^ " encountered.")
+      (* string list -> unit *)
+      fun process_lines [] =
+        ()
+        | process_lines (l::ls) = (
+          process_tokens (String.tokens (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\t") l);
+          process_lines ls
+        )
+      (* proof *)
+      val _ = process_lines proof_lines
+      val _ = if !empty_id <> ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: no conflicting clause specified."
+    in
+      SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (!clause_table, !empty_id))
+    end handle INVALID_PROOF reason => (warning reason; SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE))
+  | result =>
+    result
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("minisat_with_proofs", minisat_with_proofs)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("minisat_with_proofs", minisat_with_proofs)
-	fun minisat fm =
-	let
-		val _          = if (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
-		val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
-		val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
-		val cmd        = (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") ^ "/minisat " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " -r " ^ (Path.implode outpath) ^ " > /dev/null"
-		fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
-		fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("SAT", "", "UNSAT")
-		val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
-		val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
-		val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
-		val _          = try File.rm inpath
-		val _          = try File.rm outpath
-	in
-		result
-	end
+  fun minisat fm =
+  let
+    val _          = if (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
+    val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
+    val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
+    val cmd        = (getenv "MINISAT_HOME") ^ "/minisat " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " -r " ^ (Path.implode outpath) ^ " > /dev/null"
+    fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
+    fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("SAT", "", "UNSAT")
+    val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
+    val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
+    val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
+    val _          = try File.rm inpath
+    val _          = try File.rm outpath
+  in
+    result
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("minisat", minisat)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("minisat", minisat)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -787,150 +787,150 @@
 (* that the latter is preferred by the "auto" solver                         *)
-	exception INVALID_PROOF of string
-	fun zchaff_with_proofs fm =
-	case SatSolver.invoke_solver "zchaff" fm of
-		(let
-			(* string list *)
-			val proof_lines = ((split_lines o (Path.explode "resolve_trace"))
-				handle IO.Io _ => raise INVALID_PROOF "Could not read file \"resolve_trace\""
-			(* PropLogic.prop_formula -> int *)
-			fun cnf_number_of_clauses (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2)) = cnf_number_of_clauses fm1 + cnf_number_of_clauses fm2
-			  | cnf_number_of_clauses _                          = 1
-			(* string -> int *)
-			fun int_from_string s = (
-				case Int.fromString s of
-				  SOME i => i
-				| NONE   => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: number expected (" ^ quote s ^ " encountered).")
-			)
-			(* parse the "resolve_trace" file *)
-			val clause_offset = ref ~1
-			val clause_table  = ref (Inttab.empty : int list Inttab.table)
-			val empty_id      = ref ~1
-			(* string list -> unit *)
-			fun process_tokens [] =
-				()
-			  | process_tokens (tok::toks) =
-				if tok="CL:" then (
-					case toks of
-					  id::sep::ids =>
-						let
-							val _   = if !clause_offset = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"CL:\" disallowed after \"VAR:\".")
-							val _   = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"CL:\" disallowed after \"CONF:\".")
-							val cid = int_from_string id
-							val _   = if sep = "<=" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"<=\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
-							val rs  = map int_from_string ids
-						in
-							(* update clause table *)
-							clause_table := Inttab.update_new (cid, rs) (!clause_table)
-								handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ id ^ " defined more than once.")
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"CL:\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
-				) else if tok="VAR:" then (
-					case toks of
-					  id::levsep::levid::valsep::valid::antesep::anteid::litsep::lits =>
-						let
-							val _   = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"VAR:\" disallowed after \"CONF:\".")
-							(* set 'clause_offset' to the largest used clause ID *)
-							val _   = if !clause_offset = ~1 then clause_offset :=
-								(case Inttab.max_key (!clause_table) of
-								  SOME id => id
-								| NONE    => cnf_number_of_clauses (PropLogic.defcnf fm) - 1  (* the first clause ID is 0, not 1 *))
-								else
-									()
-							val vid = int_from_string id
-							val _   = if levsep = "L:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"L:\" expected (" ^ quote levsep ^ " encountered).")
-							val _   = int_from_string levid
-							val _   = if valsep = "V:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"V:\" expected (" ^ quote valsep ^ " encountered).")
-							val _   = int_from_string valid
-							val _   = if antesep = "A:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"A:\" expected (" ^ quote antesep ^ " encountered).")
-							val aid = int_from_string anteid
-							val _   = if litsep = "Lits:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"Lits:\" expected (" ^ quote litsep ^ " encountered).")
-							val ls  = map int_from_string lits
-							(* convert the data provided by zChaff to our resolution-style proof format *)
-							(* each "VAR:" line defines a unit clause, the resolvents are implicitly    *)
-							(* given by the literals in the antecedent clause                           *)
-							(* we use the sum of '!clause_offset' and the variable ID as clause ID for the unit clause *)
-							val cid = !clause_offset + vid
-							(* the low bit of each literal gives its sign (positive/negative), therefore  *)
-							(* we have to divide each literal by 2 to obtain the proper variable ID; then *)
-							(* we add '!clause_offset' to obtain the ID of the corresponding unit clause  *)
-							val vids = filter (not_equal vid) (map (fn l => l div 2) ls)
-							val rs   = aid :: map (fn v => !clause_offset + v) vids
-						in
-							(* update clause table *)
-							clause_table := Inttab.update_new (cid, rs) (!clause_table)
-								handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ string_of_int cid ^ " (derived from antecedent for variable " ^ id ^ ") already defined.")
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"VAR:\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
-				) else if tok="CONF:" then (
-					case toks of
-					  id::sep::ids =>
-						let
-							val _   = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: more than one conflicting clause specified."
-							val cid = int_from_string id
-							val _   = if sep = "==" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"==\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
-							val ls  = map int_from_string ids
-							(* the conflict clause must be resolved with the unit clauses *)
-							(* for its literals to obtain the empty clause                *)
-							val vids         = map (fn l => l div 2) ls
-							val rs           = cid :: map (fn v => !clause_offset + v) vids
-							val new_empty_id = getOpt (Inttab.max_key (!clause_table), !clause_offset) + 1
-						in
-							(* update clause table and conflict id *)
-							clause_table := Inttab.update_new (new_empty_id, rs) (!clause_table)
-								handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ string_of_int new_empty_id ^ " (empty clause derived from clause " ^ id ^ ") already defined.");
-							empty_id     := new_empty_id
-						end
-					| _ =>
-						raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"CONF:\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
-				) else
-					raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: unknown token " ^ quote tok ^ " encountered.")
-			(* string list -> unit *)
-			fun process_lines [] =
-				()
-			  | process_lines (l::ls) = (
-					process_tokens (String.tokens (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\t") l);
-					process_lines ls
-				)
-			(* proof *)
-			val _ = process_lines proof_lines
-			val _ = if !empty_id <> ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: no conflicting clause specified."
-		in
-			SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (!clause_table, !empty_id))
-		end handle INVALID_PROOF reason => (warning reason; SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE))
-	| result =>
-		result
+  exception INVALID_PROOF of string
+  fun zchaff_with_proofs fm =
+  case SatSolver.invoke_solver "zchaff" fm of
+    (let
+      (* string list *)
+      val proof_lines = ((split_lines o (Path.explode "resolve_trace"))
+        handle IO.Io _ => raise INVALID_PROOF "Could not read file \"resolve_trace\""
+      (* PropLogic.prop_formula -> int *)
+      fun cnf_number_of_clauses (PropLogic.And (fm1, fm2)) = cnf_number_of_clauses fm1 + cnf_number_of_clauses fm2
+        | cnf_number_of_clauses _                          = 1
+      (* string -> int *)
+      fun int_from_string s = (
+        case Int.fromString s of
+          SOME i => i
+        | NONE   => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: number expected (" ^ quote s ^ " encountered).")
+      )
+      (* parse the "resolve_trace" file *)
+      val clause_offset = ref ~1
+      val clause_table  = ref (Inttab.empty : int list Inttab.table)
+      val empty_id      = ref ~1
+      (* string list -> unit *)
+      fun process_tokens [] =
+        ()
+        | process_tokens (tok::toks) =
+        if tok="CL:" then (
+          case toks of
+            id::sep::ids =>
+            let
+              val _   = if !clause_offset = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"CL:\" disallowed after \"VAR:\".")
+              val _   = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"CL:\" disallowed after \"CONF:\".")
+              val cid = int_from_string id
+              val _   = if sep = "<=" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"<=\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
+              val rs  = map int_from_string ids
+            in
+              (* update clause table *)
+              clause_table := Inttab.update_new (cid, rs) (!clause_table)
+                handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ id ^ " defined more than once.")
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"CL:\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
+        ) else if tok="VAR:" then (
+          case toks of
+            id::levsep::levid::valsep::valid::antesep::anteid::litsep::lits =>
+            let
+              val _   = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"VAR:\" disallowed after \"CONF:\".")
+              (* set 'clause_offset' to the largest used clause ID *)
+              val _   = if !clause_offset = ~1 then clause_offset :=
+                (case Inttab.max_key (!clause_table) of
+                  SOME id => id
+                | NONE    => cnf_number_of_clauses (PropLogic.defcnf fm) - 1  (* the first clause ID is 0, not 1 *))
+                else
+                  ()
+              val vid = int_from_string id
+              val _   = if levsep = "L:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"L:\" expected (" ^ quote levsep ^ " encountered).")
+              val _   = int_from_string levid
+              val _   = if valsep = "V:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"V:\" expected (" ^ quote valsep ^ " encountered).")
+              val _   = int_from_string valid
+              val _   = if antesep = "A:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"A:\" expected (" ^ quote antesep ^ " encountered).")
+              val aid = int_from_string anteid
+              val _   = if litsep = "Lits:" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"Lits:\" expected (" ^ quote litsep ^ " encountered).")
+              val ls  = map int_from_string lits
+              (* convert the data provided by zChaff to our resolution-style proof format *)
+              (* each "VAR:" line defines a unit clause, the resolvents are implicitly    *)
+              (* given by the literals in the antecedent clause                           *)
+              (* we use the sum of '!clause_offset' and the variable ID as clause ID for the unit clause *)
+              val cid = !clause_offset + vid
+              (* the low bit of each literal gives its sign (positive/negative), therefore  *)
+              (* we have to divide each literal by 2 to obtain the proper variable ID; then *)
+              (* we add '!clause_offset' to obtain the ID of the corresponding unit clause  *)
+              val vids = filter (not_equal vid) (map (fn l => l div 2) ls)
+              val rs   = aid :: map (fn v => !clause_offset + v) vids
+            in
+              (* update clause table *)
+              clause_table := Inttab.update_new (cid, rs) (!clause_table)
+                handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ string_of_int cid ^ " (derived from antecedent for variable " ^ id ^ ") already defined.")
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"VAR:\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
+        ) else if tok="CONF:" then (
+          case toks of
+            id::sep::ids =>
+            let
+              val _   = if !empty_id = ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: more than one conflicting clause specified."
+              val cid = int_from_string id
+              val _   = if sep = "==" then () else raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: \"==\" expected (" ^ quote sep ^ " encountered).")
+              val ls  = map int_from_string ids
+              (* the conflict clause must be resolved with the unit clauses *)
+              (* for its literals to obtain the empty clause                *)
+              val vids         = map (fn l => l div 2) ls
+              val rs           = cid :: map (fn v => !clause_offset + v) vids
+              val new_empty_id = getOpt (Inttab.max_key (!clause_table), !clause_offset) + 1
+            in
+              (* update clause table and conflict id *)
+              clause_table := Inttab.update_new (new_empty_id, rs) (!clause_table)
+                handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: clause " ^ string_of_int new_empty_id ^ " (empty clause derived from clause " ^ id ^ ") already defined.");
+              empty_id     := new_empty_id
+            end
+          | _ =>
+            raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: \"CONF:\" followed by an insufficient number of tokens."
+        ) else
+          raise INVALID_PROOF ("File format error: unknown token " ^ quote tok ^ " encountered.")
+      (* string list -> unit *)
+      fun process_lines [] =
+        ()
+        | process_lines (l::ls) = (
+          process_tokens (String.tokens (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\t") l);
+          process_lines ls
+        )
+      (* proof *)
+      val _ = process_lines proof_lines
+      val _ = if !empty_id <> ~1 then () else raise INVALID_PROOF "File format error: no conflicting clause specified."
+    in
+      SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (!clause_table, !empty_id))
+    end handle INVALID_PROOF reason => (warning reason; SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE NONE))
+  | result =>
+    result
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("zchaff_with_proofs", zchaff_with_proofs)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("zchaff_with_proofs", zchaff_with_proofs)
-	fun zchaff fm =
-	let
-		val _          = if (getenv "ZCHAFF_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
-		val _          = if (getenv "ZCHAFF_VERSION") <> "2004.5.13" andalso
-		                    (getenv "ZCHAFF_VERSION") <> "2004.11.15" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
-			(* both versions of zChaff appear to have the same interface, so we do *)
-			(* not actually need to distinguish between them in the following code *)
-		val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
-		val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
-		val cmd        = (getenv "ZCHAFF_HOME") ^ "/zchaff " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.implode outpath)
-		fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
-		fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("Instance Satisfiable", "", "Instance Unsatisfiable")
-		val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
-		val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
-		val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
-		val _          = try File.rm inpath
-		val _          = try File.rm outpath
-	in
-		result
-	end
+  fun zchaff fm =
+  let
+    val _          = if (getenv "ZCHAFF_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
+    val _          = if (getenv "ZCHAFF_VERSION") <> "2004.5.13" andalso
+                        (getenv "ZCHAFF_VERSION") <> "2004.11.15" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
+      (* both versions of zChaff appear to have the same interface, so we do *)
+      (* not actually need to distinguish between them in the following code *)
+    val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
+    val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
+    val cmd        = (getenv "ZCHAFF_HOME") ^ "/zchaff " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.implode outpath)
+    fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
+    fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("Instance Satisfiable", "", "Instance Unsatisfiable")
+    val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
+    val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
+    val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
+    val _          = try File.rm inpath
+    val _          = try File.rm outpath
+  in
+    result
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("zchaff", zchaff)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("zchaff", zchaff)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -938,24 +938,24 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	fun berkmin fm =
-	let
-		val _          = if (getenv "BERKMIN_HOME") = "" orelse (getenv "BERKMIN_EXE") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
-		val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
-		val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
-		val cmd        = (getenv "BERKMIN_HOME") ^ "/" ^ (getenv "BERKMIN_EXE") ^ " " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.implode outpath)
-		fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
-		fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("Satisfiable          !!", "solution =", "UNSATISFIABLE          !!")
-		val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
-		val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
-		val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
-		val _          = try File.rm inpath
-		val _          = try File.rm outpath
-	in
-		result
-	end
+  fun berkmin fm =
+  let
+    val _          = if (getenv "BERKMIN_HOME") = "" orelse (getenv "BERKMIN_EXE") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
+    val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
+    val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
+    val cmd        = (getenv "BERKMIN_HOME") ^ "/" ^ (getenv "BERKMIN_EXE") ^ " " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.implode outpath)
+    fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
+    fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("Satisfiable          !!", "solution =", "UNSATISFIABLE          !!")
+    val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
+    val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
+    val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
+    val _          = try File.rm inpath
+    val _          = try File.rm outpath
+  in
+    result
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("berkmin", berkmin)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("berkmin", berkmin)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -963,24 +963,24 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	fun jerusat fm =
-	let
-		val _          = if (getenv "JERUSAT_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
-		val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
-		val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
-		val cmd        = (getenv "JERUSAT_HOME") ^ "/Jerusat1.3 " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.implode outpath)
-		fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
-		fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("s SATISFIABLE", "v ", "s UNSATISFIABLE")
-		val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
-		val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
-		val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
-		val _          = try File.rm inpath
-		val _          = try File.rm outpath
-	in
-		result
-	end
+  fun jerusat fm =
+  let
+    val _          = if (getenv "JERUSAT_HOME") = "" then raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED else ()
+    val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "isabelle.cnf")
+    val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "result")
+    val cmd        = (getenv "JERUSAT_HOME") ^ "/Jerusat1.3 " ^ (Path.implode inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.implode outpath)
+    fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath (PropLogic.defcnf fm)
+    fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.read_std_result_file outpath ("s SATISFIABLE", "v ", "s UNSATISFIABLE")
+    val _          = if File.exists inpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode inpath)) else ()
+    val _          = if File.exists outpath then warning ("overwriting existing file " ^ quote (Path.implode outpath)) else ()
+    val result     = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
+    val _          = try File.rm inpath
+    val _          = try File.rm outpath
+  in
+    result
+  end
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("jerusat", jerusat)
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("jerusat", jerusat)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -989,9 +989,9 @@
-	fun mysolver fm = ...
+  fun mysolver fm = ...
-	SatSolver.add_solver ("myname", (fn fm => if mysolver_is_configured then mysolver fm else raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED));  -- register the solver
+  SatSolver.add_solver ("myname", (fn fm => if mysolver_is_configured then mysolver fm else raise SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED));  -- register the solver
 -- the solver is now available as SatSolver.invoke_solver "myname"
--- a/src/Pure/General/secure.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/secure.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
   val set_secure: unit -> unit
   val is_secure: unit -> bool
-  val deny_secure: string -> unit
   val use_text: string -> (string -> unit) * (string -> 'a) -> bool -> string -> unit
   val use_file: (string -> unit) * (string -> 'a) -> bool -> string -> unit
   val use: string -> unit
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
 fun set_secure () = secure := true;
 fun is_secure () = ! secure;
-fun deny_secure msg = deny (is_secure ()) msg;
+fun deny_secure msg = if is_secure () then error msg else ();
 (** critical operations **)
--- a/src/Pure/library.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/library.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
   exception ERROR of string
   val error: string -> 'a
   val cat_error: string -> string -> 'a
-  val assert: bool -> string -> unit
-  val deny: bool -> string -> unit
   val assert_all: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> ('a -> string) -> unit
@@ -327,9 +325,6 @@
 fun cat_error "" msg = error msg
   | cat_error msg1 msg2 = error (msg1 ^ "\n" ^ msg2);
-fun assert p msg = if p then () else error msg;
-fun deny p msg = if p then error msg else ();
 fun assert_all pred list msg =
     fun ass [] = ()
--- a/src/ZF/Tools/inductive_package.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Tools/inductive_package.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
   val fp_rhs = Fp.oper $ dom_sum $ fp_abs
-  val dummy = (fn rec_hd => deny (Logic.occs (rec_hd, fp_rhs))
-                             "Illegal occurrence of recursion operator")
+  val dummy = (fn rec_hd => (Logic.occs (rec_hd, fp_rhs) andalso
+                             error "Illegal occurrence of recursion operator"; ()))
   (*** Make the new theory ***)
@@ -153,12 +153,6 @@
       writeln ((if coind then "Coind" else "Ind") ^ "uctive definition " ^ quote big_rec_name)
     else ();
-  (*Forbid the inductive definition structure from clashing with a theory
-    name.  This restriction may become obsolete as ML is de-emphasized.*)
-  val dummy = deny (big_rec_base_name mem (Context.names_of thy))
-               ("Definition " ^ big_rec_base_name ^
-                " would clash with the theory of the same name!");
   (*Big_rec... is the union of the mutually recursive sets*)
   val big_rec_tm = list_comb(Const(big_rec_name,recT), rec_params);
--- a/src/ZF/ind_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/ind_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 03 19:24:11 2007 +0200
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
 fun chk_prem rec_hd (Const("op &",_) $ _ $ _) =
         error"Premises may not be conjuctive"
   | chk_prem rec_hd (Const("op :",_) $ t $ X) = 
-        deny (Logic.occs(rec_hd,t)) "Recursion term on left of member symbol"
+        (Logic.occs(rec_hd,t) andalso error "Recursion term on left of member symbol"; ())
   | chk_prem rec_hd t = 
-        deny (Logic.occs(rec_hd,t)) "Recursion term in side formula";
+        (Logic.occs(rec_hd,t) andalso error "Recursion term in side formula"; ());
 (*Return the conclusion of a rule, of the form t:X*)
 fun rule_concl rl =