--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/profiling.scala Wed Jul 12 15:20:01 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+/* Author: Makarius
+ LICENSE: Isabelle (BSD-3)
+Isabelle/Scala command-line tool for AutoCorres profiling.
+package isabelle.autocorres
+import isabelle._
+import java.util.Locale
+object AutoCorres_Profiling {
+ /* percentage: precision in permille */
+ def percentage(a: Long, b: Long): Percentage =
+ new Percentage(if (b == 0L) 0 else ((a.toDouble / b.toDouble) * 1000.0).round.toInt)
+ def percentage(a: Int, b: Int): Percentage = percentage(a.toLong, b.toLong)
+ def percentage_space(a: Space, b: Space): Percentage = percentage(a.bytes, b.bytes)
+ final class Percentage private[AutoCorres_Profiling](val permille: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ def percent: Double = permille.toDouble / 10
+ override def toString: String = (permille / 10).toString + "." + (permille % 10).toString + "%"
+ }
+ /* session and theory statistics */
+ object Theory_Statistics {
+ def sum(name: String, theories: List[Theory_Statistics]): Theory_Statistics =
+ theories.foldLeft(Theory_Statistics(name = name))(_ + _)
+ val header: List[String] =
+ List("name", "locales", "locale_thms", "global_thms",
+ "locale_thms_percentage", "global_thms_percentage")
+ }
+ sealed case class Theory_Statistics(
+ name: String = "",
+ locales: Int = 0,
+ locale_thms: Int = 0,
+ global_thms: Int = 0
+ ) {
+ def + (other: Theory_Statistics): Theory_Statistics =
+ copy(
+ locales = other.locales + locales,
+ locale_thms = other.locale_thms + locale_thms,
+ global_thms = other.global_thms + global_thms)
+ def thms: Int = locale_thms + global_thms
+ def fields: List[Any] =
+ List(name, locales, locale_thms, global_thms,
+ percentage(locale_thms, thms), percentage(global_thms, thms))
+ }
+ sealed case class Session_Statistics(
+ sizeof_thys_id: Space = Space.zero,
+ sizeof_thms_id: Space = Space.zero,
+ sizeof_terms: Space = Space.zero,
+ sizeof_types: Space = Space.zero,
+ sizeof_spaces: Space = Space.zero)
+ object Statistics {
+ private val encode_args: XML.Encode.T[List[String]] =
+ (args: List[String]) =>
+ { import XML.Encode._; list(string)(args) }
+ private val decode_theories_result: XML.Decode.T[List[Theory_Statistics]] =
+ (body: XML.Body) =>
+ { import XML.Decode._; list(pair(string, pair(int, pair(int, int))))(body) } map {
+ case (a, (b, (c, d))) =>
+ Theory_Statistics(
+ name = a,
+ locales = b,
+ locale_thms = c,
+ global_thms = d)
+ }
+ private val decode_session_result: XML.Decode.T[Session_Statistics] =
+ (body: XML.Body) =>
+ {
+ val (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))) = {
+ import XML.Decode._
+ pair(long, pair(long, pair(long, pair(long, long))))(body)
+ }
+ Session_Statistics(
+ sizeof_thys_id = Space.bytes(a),
+ sizeof_thms_id = Space.bytes(b),
+ sizeof_terms = Space.bytes(c),
+ sizeof_types = Space.bytes(d),
+ sizeof_spaces = Space.bytes(e))
+ }
+ private val decode_result: XML.Decode.T[(List[Theory_Statistics], Session_Statistics)] =
+ (body: XML.Body) =>
+ { import XML.Decode._; pair(decode_theories_result, decode_session_result)(body) }
+ def make(
+ store: Sessions.Store,
+ session_base_info: Sessions.Base_Info,
+ parent: Option[Statistics] = None,
+ anonymous_theories: Boolean = false
+ ): Statistics = {
+ val session_base = session_base_info.base
+ val session_name = session_base.session_name
+ val sessions_structure = session_base_info.sessions_structure
+ val theories_name = session_base.used_theories.map(p => p._1.theory)
+ val theories_index =
+ Map.from(
+ for ((name, i) <- theories_name.zipWithIndex)
+ yield name -> String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s.%04d", session_name, i + 1))
+ val (theories0, session) = {
+ val args = theories_name
+ val eval_args =
+ List("--eval", "use_thy " +
+ ML_Syntax.print_string_bytes("$AUTOCORRES_HOME/autocorres/profiling/Statistics"))
+ Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("statistics") { dir =>
+ val put_env = List("AUTOCORRES_STATISTICS" -> dir.implode)
+ File.write(dir + Path.explode("args.yxml"), YXML.string_of_body(encode_args(args)))
+ ML_Process(store.options, sessions_structure, store, logic = session_name,
+ session_base = Some(session_base), args = eval_args,
+ env = Isabelle_System.settings(put_env)).result().check
+ decode_result(YXML.parse_body(File.read(dir + Path.explode("result.yxml"))))
+ }
+ }
+ val theories =
+ if (anonymous_theories) theories0.map(a => a.copy(name = theories_index(a.name)))
+ else theories0
+ new Statistics(parent = parent, session_name = session_name, theories = theories,
+ heap_size = Space.bytes(store.the_heap(session_name).file.length),
+ thys_id_size = session.sizeof_thys_id,
+ thms_id_size = session.sizeof_thms_id,
+ terms_size = session.sizeof_terms,
+ types_size = session.sizeof_types,
+ spaces_size = session.sizeof_spaces)
+ }
+ val empty: Statistics = new Statistics()
+ val header: List[String] =
+ Theory_Statistics.header :::
+ List("heap_size",
+ "thys_id_size_percentage",
+ "thms_id_size_percentage",
+ "terms_size_percentage",
+ "types_size_percentage",
+ "spaces_size_percentage")
+ val header_cumulative: List[String] = header ::: header.tail.map(_ + "_cumulative")
+ }
+ final class Statistics private(
+ val parent: Option[Statistics] = None,
+ val session_name: String = "",
+ val theories: List[Theory_Statistics] = Nil,
+ val heap_size: Space = Space.zero,
+ val thys_id_size: Space = Space.zero,
+ val thms_id_size: Space = Space.zero,
+ val terms_size: Space = Space.zero,
+ val types_size: Space = Space.zero,
+ val spaces_size: Space = Space.zero
+ ) {
+ private def size_percentage(space: Space): Percentage =
+ percentage_space(space, heap_size)
+ def fields: List[Any] =
+ session.fields :::
+ List(heap_size.print,
+ size_percentage(thys_id_size).toString,
+ size_percentage(thms_id_size).toString,
+ size_percentage(terms_size).toString,
+ size_percentage(types_size).toString,
+ size_percentage(spaces_size).toString)
+ def fields_cumulative: List[Any] = fields ::: cumulative.fields.tail
+ lazy val session: Theory_Statistics =
+ Theory_Statistics.sum(session_name, theories)
+ lazy val cumulative: Statistics =
+ parent match {
+ case None => this
+ case Some(other) =>
+ new Statistics(parent = None,
+ session_name = session_name,
+ theories = other.cumulative.theories ::: theories,
+ heap_size = other.cumulative.heap_size + heap_size,
+ thys_id_size = other.cumulative.thys_id_size + thys_id_size,
+ thms_id_size = other.cumulative.thms_id_size + thms_id_size,
+ terms_size = other.cumulative.terms_size + terms_size,
+ types_size = other.cumulative.types_size + types_size,
+ spaces_size = other.cumulative.spaces_size + spaces_size)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = "Statistics(" + session_name + ")"
+ }
+ /* autocorres profiling */
+ sealed case class Results(build_results: Build.Results, sessions: List[Statistics]) {
+ def output(
+ output_dir: Path = default_output_dir,
+ progress: Progress = new Progress
+ ): Unit = {
+ progress.echo("Output directory " + output_dir.absolute)
+ Isabelle_System.make_directory(output_dir)
+ val sessions_records =
+ for (stats <- sessions) yield {
+ CSV.File("session_" + stats.session_name, Theory_Statistics.header,
+ stats.theories.map(thy => CSV.Record(thy.fields:_*))).write(output_dir)
+ CSV.Record(stats.fields_cumulative:_*)
+ }
+ CSV.File("all_sessions", Statistics.header_cumulative, sessions_records).write(output_dir)
+ }
+ }
+ def autocorres_profiling(
+ options: Options,
+ selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty,
+ progress: Progress = new Progress,
+ dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+ select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+ numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
+ max_jobs: Int = 1,
+ anonymous_theories: Boolean = false,
+ verbose: Boolean = false
+ ): Results = {
+ /* sessions structure */
+ val sessions_dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs
+ val sessions_structure =
+ Sessions.load_structure(options, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs)
+ val selected_sessions = sessions_structure.imports_selection(selection)
+ val cumulative_sessions = sessions_structure.build_requirements(selected_sessions)
+ val sessions_selection = Sessions.Selection(sessions = selected_sessions)
+ /* build session */
+ val store = Sessions.store(options)
+ def build(
+ selection: Sessions.Selection,
+ build_heap: Boolean = false,
+ clean_build: Boolean = false
+ ): Build.Results = {
+ val results =
+ Build.build(options, progress = progress,
+ selection = selection, build_heap = build_heap, clean_build = clean_build,
+ dirs = sessions_dirs, numa_shuffling = numa_shuffling,
+ max_jobs = max_jobs, verbose = verbose)
+ if (results.ok) results else error("Build failed")
+ }
+ /* session builds and profiling */
+ progress.echo("Build session requirements:")
+ build(sessions_selection.copy(requirements = true), build_heap = true)
+ progress.echo("DONE")
+ progress.echo("Build sessions:")
+ val build_results = build(sessions_selection, build_heap = true, clean_build = true)
+ progress.echo("DONE")
+ val sessions = {
+ var seen = Map.empty[String, Statistics]
+ for (session_name <- cumulative_sessions)
+ yield {
+ progress.echo("Profiling " + session_name + " ...")
+ val parent =
+ for {
+ info <- sessions_structure.get(session_name)
+ parent_name <- info.parent
+ parent_stats <- seen.get(parent_name)
+ } yield parent_stats
+ val stats =
+ Statistics.make(store,
+ build_results.deps.base_info(session_name),
+ parent = parent,
+ anonymous_theories = anonymous_theories)
+ seen += (session_name -> stats)
+ stats
+ }
+ }
+ progress.echo("DONE")
+ Results(build_results, sessions)
+ }
+ /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
+ val default_output_dir: Path = Path.explode("autocorres_profiling")
+ val isabelle_tool =
+ Isabelle_Tool("autocorres_profiling", "profiling for AutoCorres",
+ Scala_Project.here, { args =>
+ val build_options = Word.explode(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS"))
+ var base_sessions: List[String] = Nil
+ var select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
+ var numa_shuffling = false
+ var output_dir = default_output_dir
+ var exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil
+ var all_sessions = false
+ var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
+ var session_groups: List[String] = Nil
+ var max_jobs = 1
+ var anonymous_theories = false
+ var options = Options.init(opts = build_options)
+ var verbose = false
+ var exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil
+ val getopts = Getopts("""
+Usage: isabelle autocorres_profiling [OPTIONS] [SESSIONS ...]
+ Options are:
+ -B NAME include session NAME and all descendants
+ -D DIR include session directory and select its sessions
+ -N cyclic shuffling of NUMA CPU nodes (performance tuning)
+ -O DIR output directory (default: """ + default_output_dir + """)
+ -X NAME exclude sessions from group NAME and all descendants
+ -a select all sessions
+ -d DIR include session directory
+ -g NAME select session group NAME
+ -j INT maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1)
+ -n anonymous theories: suppress details of private projects
+ -o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
+ -v verbose
+ -x NAME exclude session NAME and all descendants
+ Build specified sessions, with options similar to "isabelle build" and
+ implicit modifications for profiling of AutoCorress sessions.""",
+ "B:" -> (arg => base_sessions = base_sessions ::: List(arg)),
+ "D:" -> (arg => select_dirs = select_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
+ "N" -> (_ => numa_shuffling = true),
+ "O:" -> (arg => output_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
+ "X:" -> (arg => exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups ::: List(arg)),
+ "a" -> (_ => all_sessions = true),
+ "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
+ "g:" -> (arg => session_groups = session_groups ::: List(arg)),
+ "j:" -> (arg => max_jobs = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
+ "n" -> (_ => anonymous_theories = true),
+ "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
+ "v" -> (_ => verbose = true),
+ "x:" -> (arg => exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions ::: List(arg)))
+ val sessions = getopts(args)
+ val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
+ val results =
+ progress.interrupt_handler {
+ autocorres_profiling(options,
+ selection = Sessions.Selection(
+ all_sessions = all_sessions,
+ base_sessions = base_sessions,
+ exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups,
+ exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions,
+ session_groups = session_groups,
+ sessions = sessions),
+ progress = progress,
+ dirs = dirs,
+ select_dirs = select_dirs,
+ numa_shuffling = NUMA.enabled_warning(progress, numa_shuffling),
+ max_jobs = max_jobs,
+ anonymous_theories = anonymous_theories,
+ verbose = verbose)
+ }
+ results.output(output_dir = output_dir.absolute, progress = progress)
+ })
+class Tools extends Isabelle_Scala_Tools(AutoCorres_Profiling.isabelle_tool)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/profiling.ML Wed Jul 12 15:20:01 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+(* Author: Makarius
+ LICENSE: Isabelle (BSD-3)
+Statistics for theory content.
+type theory_statistics =
+ {theory: string,
+ locales: int,
+ locale_thms: int,
+ global_thms: int};
+type session_statistics =
+ {sizeof_thys_id: int,
+ sizeof_thms_id: int,
+ sizeof_terms: int,
+ sizeof_types: int,
+ sizeof_spaces: int};
+structure Statistics:
+ val locale_names: theory -> string list
+ val locale_thms: theory -> string -> thm list
+ val global_thms: theory -> thm list
+ val all_thms: theory -> thm list
+ val statistics: string list -> theory_statistics list * session_statistics
+ val main: unit -> unit
+end =
+(* theory content *)
+fun locale_names thy =
+ let
+ val parent_spaces = map Locale.locale_space (Theory.parents_of thy);
+ fun add name =
+ if exists (fn space => Name_Space.declared space name) parent_spaces then I
+ else cons name;
+ in fold add (Locale.get_locales thy) [] end;
+fun proper_thm thm = not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (Drule.dummy_thm, thm));
+fun locale_thms thy loc =
+ (Locale.locale_notes thy loc, []) |->
+ (fold (#2 #> fold (#2 #> (fold (#1 #> fold (fn thm => proper_thm thm ? cons thm ))))));
+fun global_thms thy =
+ Facts.dest_static true
+ (map Global_Theory.facts_of (Theory.parents_of thy)) (Global_Theory.facts_of thy)
+ |> maps #2;
+fun all_thms thy =
+ let val locales = locale_names thy
+ in maps (locale_thms thy) locales @ global_thms thy end;
+(* session content *)
+fun theories_content thys =
+ let
+ val thms = maps all_thms thys;
+ val thys_id = map Context.theory_id thys;
+ val thms_id = map Thm.theory_id thms;
+ val terms = (fold o Thm.fold_terms {hyps = true}) cons thms [];
+ val types = (fold o fold_types) cons terms [];
+ val spaces =
+ maps (fn f => map f thys)
+ [Sign.class_space,
+ Sign.type_space,
+ Sign.const_space,
+ Theory.axiom_space,
+ Thm.oracle_space,
+ Global_Theory.fact_space,
+ Locale.locale_space,
+ Attrib.attribute_space o Context.Theory,
+ Method.method_space o Context.Theory];
+ in {thys_id = thys_id, thms_id = thms_id, terms = terms, types = types, spaces = spaces} end;
+fun sizeof_diff (a, b) = ML_Heap.sizeof a - ML_Heap.sizeof b;
+(* collect statistics *)
+fun theory_statistics thy : theory_statistics =
+ let
+ val locales = locale_names thy;
+ in
+ {theory = Context.theory_long_name thy,
+ locales = length locales,
+ locale_thms = length (maps (locale_thms thy) locales),
+ global_thms = length (global_thms thy)}
+ end;
+fun statistics theories =
+ let
+ val theories_member = Symtab.defined (Symtab.make_set theories) o Context.theory_long_name;
+ val context_thys =
+ #contexts (Context.finish_tracing ())
+ |> map_filter (fn (Context.Theory thy, _) => SOME thy | _ => NONE);
+ val loader_thys = map Thy_Info.get_theory (Thy_Info.get_names ());
+ val loaded_thys = filter theories_member loader_thys;
+ val all_thys = loader_thys @ context_thys;
+ val base_thys = filter theories_member all_thys;
+ val {thys_id = all_thys_id, thms_id = all_thms_id, terms = all_terms,
+ types = all_types, spaces = all_spaces} = theories_content all_thys;
+ val {thys_id = base_thys_id, thms_id = base_thms_id, terms = base_terms,
+ types = base_types, spaces = base_spaces} = theories_content base_thys;
+ val session_statistics =
+ {sizeof_thys_id = sizeof_diff (all_thys_id, base_thys_id),
+ sizeof_thms_id = sizeof_diff (all_thms_id, base_thms_id),
+ sizeof_terms = sizeof_diff (all_terms, base_terms),
+ sizeof_types = sizeof_diff (all_types, base_types),
+ sizeof_spaces = sizeof_diff (all_spaces, base_spaces)};
+ in (map theory_statistics loaded_thys, session_statistics) end;
+(* main entry point for "isabelle process" *)
+val decode_args : string list XML.Decode.T =
+ let open XML.Decode in list string end;
+val encode_theories_result : theory_statistics list XML.Encode.T =
+ map (fn {theory = a, locales = b, locale_thms = c, global_thms = d} => (a, (b, (c, d))))
+ #> let open XML.Encode in list (pair string (pair int (pair int int))) end;
+val encode_session_result : session_statistics XML.Encode.T =
+ (fn {sizeof_thys_id = a,
+ sizeof_thms_id = b,
+ sizeof_terms = c,
+ sizeof_types = d,
+ sizeof_spaces = e} => (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))))
+ #> let open XML.Encode in pair int (pair int (pair int (pair int int))) end;
+val encode_result = let open XML.Encode in pair encode_theories_result encode_session_result end;
+fun main () =
+ (case getenv "AUTOCORRES_STATISTICS" of
+ "" => ()
+ | dir_name =>
+ let
+ val dir = Path.explode dir_name;
+ val args = decode_args (YXML.parse_body (File.read (dir + \<^path>\<open>args.yxml\<close>)));
+ val result = statistics args;
+ in File.write (dir + \<^path>\<open>result.yxml\<close>) (YXML.string_of_body (encode_result result)) end);