misc tuning: more uniform;
Tue, 31 Dec 2024 15:09:36 +0100
changeset 81697 1629c2ff4880
parent 81696 b540572e3fd2
child 81698 17f1a78af3f5
misc tuning: more uniform;
--- a/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML	Mon Dec 30 21:36:58 2024 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML	Tue Dec 31 15:09:36 2024 +0100
@@ -378,6 +378,8 @@
   | force_next ((prt as Break _) :: prts) = force_break prt :: prts
   | force_next (prt :: prts) = prt :: force_next prts;
+nonfix before;
 fun format_tree (ops: output_ops) input =
@@ -406,39 +408,41 @@
         val ind' = Buffer.add s Buffer.empty;
       in {markups = markups, tx = tx', ind = ind', pos = n, nl = nl + 1} end;
-    (*blockin is the indentation of the current block;
-      after is the width of the following context until next break.*)
-    fun format ([], _, _) text = text
-      | format (prt :: prts, block as (_, blockin), after) (text as {ind, pos, nl, ...}) =
-          (case prt of
-            End => format (prts, block, after) (pop text)
-          | Block {markup, open_block = true, body, ...} =>
-              text |> push markup |> format (body @ End :: prts, block, after)
-          | Block {markup, consistent, indent, body, length = blen, ...} =>
-              let
-                val pos' = pos + indent;
-                val pos'' = pos' mod emergencypos;
-                val block' =
-                  if pos' < emergencypos
-                  then (add_indent indent ind, pos')
-                  else (add_indent pos'' Buffer.empty, pos'');
-                val after' = break_dist (prts, after)
-                val body' = body
-                  |> (consistent andalso pos + blen > margin - after') ? map force_break;
-                val btext: text =
-                  text |> push markup |> format (body' @ [End], block', after');
-                (*if this block was broken then force the next break*)
-                val prts' = if nl < #nl btext then force_next prts else prts;
-              in format (prts', block, after) btext end
-          | Break (force, wd, ind) =>
-              (*no break if text to next break fits on this line
-                or if breaking would add only breakgain to space*)
-              format (prts, block, after)
-                (if not force andalso
-                    pos + wd <= Int.max (margin - break_dist (prts, after), blockin + breakgain)
-                 then text |> blanks wd  (*just insert wd blanks*)
-                 else text |> break_indent block |> blanks ind)
-          | Str str => format (prts, block, after) (string str text));
+    nonfix before;
+    (*'before' is the indentation context of the current block*)
+    (*'after' is the width of the input context until the next break*)
+    fun format (trees, before, after) (text as {pos, ...}) =
+      (case trees of
+        [] => text
+      | End :: ts => format (ts, before, after) (pop text)
+      | Block {markup, open_block = true, body, ...} :: ts =>
+          text |> push markup |> format (body @ End :: ts, before, after)
+      | Block {markup, consistent, indent, body, length = blen, ...} :: ts =>
+          let
+            val pos' = pos + indent;
+            val pos'' = pos' mod emergencypos;
+            val before' =
+              if pos' < emergencypos
+              then (add_indent indent (#ind text), pos')
+              else (add_indent pos'' Buffer.empty, pos'');
+            val after' = break_dist (ts, after)
+            val body' = body
+              |> (consistent andalso pos + blen > margin - after') ? map force_break;
+            val btext: text =
+              text |> push markup |> format (body' @ [End], before', after');
+            (*if this block was broken then force the next break*)
+            val ts' = if #nl text < #nl btext then force_next ts else ts;
+          in format (ts', before, after) btext end
+      | Break (force, wd, ind) :: ts =>
+          (*no break if text to next break fits on this line
+            or if breaking would add only breakgain to space*)
+          format (ts, before, after)
+            (if not force andalso
+                pos + wd <= Int.max (margin - break_dist (ts, after), #2 before + breakgain)
+             then text |> blanks wd  (*just insert wd blanks*)
+             else text |> break_indent before |> blanks ind)
+      | Str str :: ts => format (ts, before, after) (string str text));
     #tx (format ([output_tree ops true input], (Buffer.empty, 0), 0) empty)
--- a/src/Pure/General/pretty.scala	Mon Dec 30 21:36:58 2024 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/pretty.scala	Tue Dec 31 15:09:36 2024 +0100
@@ -217,41 +217,35 @@
           Library.separate(FBreak, split_lines(text).map(s => Str(s, metric(s))))
-    def format(trees: List[Tree], blockin: Int, after: Double, text: Text): Text =
+    def format(trees: List[Tree], before: Int, after: Double, text: Text): Text =
       trees match {
         case Nil => text
-        case End :: ts =>
-          format(ts, blockin, after, text.pop)
+        case End :: ts => format(ts, before, after, text.pop)
         case (block: Block) :: ts if block.open_block =>
-          format(block.body ::: End :: ts, blockin, after, text.push(block.markup))
+          format(block.body ::: End :: ts, before, after, text.push(block.markup))
         case (block: Block) :: ts =>
           val pos1 = (text.pos + block.indent).ceil.toInt
           val pos2 = pos1 % emergencypos
-          val blockin1 = if (pos1 < emergencypos) pos1 else pos2
+          val before1 = if (pos1 < emergencypos) pos1 else pos2
           val after1 = break_dist(ts, after)
           val body1 =
             if (block.consistent && text.pos + block.length > margin - after1) force_all(block.body)
             else block.body
           val btext1 =
-            if (block.markup == no_markup) format(body1, blockin1, after1, text)
+            if (block.markup == no_markup) format(body1, before1, after1, text)
             else {
-              val btext = format(body1, blockin1, after1, text.reset)
+              val btext = format(body1, before1, after1, text.reset)
               val elem = markup_elem(block.markup, btext.result)
           val ts1 = if (text.nl < btext1.nl) force_next(ts) else ts
-          format(ts1, blockin, after, btext1)
+          format(ts1, before, after, btext1)
         case Break(force, wd, ind) :: ts =>
           if (!force &&
-              text.pos + wd <= ((margin - break_dist(ts, after)) max (blockin + breakgain)))
-            format(ts, blockin, after, text.blanks(wd))
-          else format(ts, blockin, after, text.newline.blanks(blockin + ind))
-        case Str(s, len) :: ts => format(ts, blockin, after, text.string(s, len))
+              text.pos + wd <= ((margin - break_dist(ts, after)) max (before + breakgain)))
+            format(ts, before, after, text.blanks(wd))
+          else format(ts, before, after, text.newline.blanks(before + ind))
+        case Str(s, len) :: ts => format(ts, before, after, text.string(s, len))
     format(make_tree(input), 0, 0.0, Text()).result