accomodate change of TheoryDataFun;
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 18:33:05 +0200
changeset 16424 18a07ad8fea8
parent 16423 24abe4c0e4b4
child 16425 2427be27cc60
accomodate change of TheoryDataFun;
--- a/src/HOL/Import/hol4rews.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/hol4rews.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
 type T = ImportStatus
 val empty = NoImport
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-fun merge (NoImport,NoImport) = NoImport
-  | merge _ = (warning "Import status set during merge"; NoImport)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ (NoImport,NoImport) = NoImport
+  | merge _ _ = (warning "Import status set during merge"; NoImport)
 fun print sg import_status =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str (case import_status of NoImport => "No current import" | Generating thyname => ("Generating " ^ thyname) | Replaying thyname => ("Replaying " ^ thyname)))
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
 type T = string
 val empty = ""
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-fun merge ("",arg) = arg
-  | merge (arg,"") = arg
-  | merge (s1,s2) =
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ ("",arg) = arg
+  | merge _ (arg,"") = arg
+  | merge _ (s1,s2) =
     if s1 = s2
     then s1
     else error "Trying to merge two different import segments"
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
 type T = string list
 val empty = []
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-fun merge ([],[]) = []
-  | merge _ = error "Used names not empty during merge"
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ ([],[]) = []
+  | merge _ _ = error "Used names not empty during merge"
 fun print sg used_names =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str "Printing of HOL4/used_names Not implemented")
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
 type T = string * string * string list
 val empty = ("","",[])
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-fun merge (("","",[]),("","",[])) = ("","",[])
-  | merge _ = error "Dump data not empty during merge"
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ (("","",[]),("","",[])) = ("","",[])
+  | merge _ _ = error "Dump data not empty during merge"
 fun print sg dump_data =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str "Printing of HOL4/dump_data Not implemented")
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
 type T = string Symtab.table
 val empty = Symtab.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = Symtab.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = Symtab.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 moves:"
 	(Symtab.foldl (fn (xl,(bef,aft)) => (Pretty.str (bef ^ " --> " ^ aft)::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
 type T = string Symtab.table
 val empty = Symtab.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = Symtab.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = Symtab.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 imports:"
 	(Symtab.foldl (fn (xl,(thyname,segname)) => (Pretty.str (thyname ^ " imported from segment " ^ segname)::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
 type T = string Symtab.table
 val empty = Symtab.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = Symtab.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = Symtab.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 constant moves:"
 	(Symtab.foldl (fn (xl,(bef,aft)) => (Pretty.str (bef ^ " --> " ^ aft)::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
 type T = (string option) StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 mappings:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bthm),isathm)) => (Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bthm ^ (case isathm of SOME th => " --> " ^ th | NONE => "IGNORED"))::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
 type T = holthm StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 mappings:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bthm),(_,thm))) => (Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bthm ^ ":")::(Display.pretty_thm thm)::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
 type T = (bool * string * typ option) StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 constant mappings:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst,_))) => (Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " --> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@
 type T = string StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 constant renamings:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bconst),newname)) => (Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " --> " ^ newname)::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@
 type T = string StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 constant definitions:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bconst),newname)) => (Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ ": " ^ newname)::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@
 type T = (bool * string) StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 type mappings:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst))) => (Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " --> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@
 type T = ((term * term) list * thm) StringPair.table
 val empty = StringPair.empty
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ : T * T -> T = StringPair.merge (K true)
 fun print sg tab =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 pending theorems:"
 	(StringPair.foldl (fn (xl,((bthy,bthm),(_,th))) => (Pretty.chunks [Pretty.str (bthy ^ "." ^ bthm ^ ":"),Display.pretty_thm th]::xl)) ([],tab)))
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@
 type T = thm list
 val empty = []
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-val merge = Library.gen_union Thm.eq_thm
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ = Library.gen_union Thm.eq_thm
 fun print sg thms =
     Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "HOL4 rewrite rules:"
 				    (map Display.pretty_thm thms))
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
 	fun process (thy,((bthy,bthm),hth as (_,thm))) =
 		val sg      = sign_of thy
-		val thm1 = rewrite_rule (map (transfer_sg sg) rews) (transfer_sg sg thm)
+		val thm1 = rewrite_rule (map (Thm.transfer sg) rews) (Thm.transfer sg thm)
 		val thm2 = standard thm1
 		val (thy2,_) = PureThy.store_thm((bthm,thm2),[]) thy
 		val thy5 = add_hol4_theorem bthy bthm hth thy2
--- a/src/HOL/Import/import_package.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_package.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
 type T = ProofKernel.thm option array option
 val empty = NONE
 val copy = I
-val prep_ext = I
-fun merge _ = NONE
-fun print sg import_segment =
-    Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str ("Pretty printing of importer data not implemented"))
+val extend = I
+fun merge _ _ = NONE
+fun print _ _ = ()
 structure ImportData = TheoryDataFun(ImportDataArgs)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 (**** theory data ****)
-structure CodegenArgs =
+structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "HOL/inductive_codegen";
   type T =
     {intros : thm list Symtab.table,
@@ -28,16 +28,15 @@
   val empty =
     {intros = Symtab.empty, graph = Graph.empty, eqns = Symtab.empty};
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  fun merge ({intros=intros1, graph=graph1, eqns=eqns1},
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ ({intros=intros1, graph=graph1, eqns=eqns1},
     {intros=intros2, graph=graph2, eqns=eqns2}) =
     {intros = Symtab.merge_multi Drule.eq_thm_prop (intros1, intros2),
      graph = Graph.merge (K true) (graph1, graph2),
      eqns = Symtab.merge_multi Drule.eq_thm_prop (eqns1, eqns2)};
   fun print _ _ = ();
-structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun(CodegenArgs);
 fun warn thm = warning ("InductiveCodegen: Not a proper clause:\n" ^
   string_of_thm thm);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/recfun_codegen.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/recfun_codegen.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -16,18 +16,17 @@
 open Codegen;
-structure CodegenArgs =
+structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "HOL/recfun_codegen";
   type T = thm list Symtab.table;
   val empty = Symtab.empty;
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  val merge = Symtab.merge_multi' Drule.eq_thm_prop;
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ = Symtab.merge_multi' Drule.eq_thm_prop;
   fun print _ _ = ();
-structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun(CodegenArgs);
 val dest_eqn = HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop;
 val lhs_of = fst o dest_eqn o prop_of;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@
 			 parameters: string Symtab.table};
 		val empty = {interpreters = [], printers = [], parameters = Symtab.empty};
 		val copy = I;
-		val prep_ext = I;
-		fun merge
+		val extend = I;
+		fun merge _
 			({interpreters = in1, printers = pr1, parameters = pa1},
 			 {interpreters = in2, printers = pr2, parameters = pa2}) =
 			{interpreters = rev (merge_alists (rev in1) (rev in2)),
--- a/src/HOL/arith_data.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/arith_data.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -201,24 +201,22 @@
 (* arith theory data *)
-structure ArithTheoryDataArgs =
+structure ArithTheoryData = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "HOL/arith";
   type T = {splits: thm list, inj_consts: (string * typ)list, discrete: string  list, presburger: (int -> tactic) option};
   val empty = {splits = [], inj_consts = [], discrete = [], presburger = NONE};
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  fun merge ({splits= splits1, inj_consts= inj_consts1, discrete= discrete1, presburger= presburger1},
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ ({splits= splits1, inj_consts= inj_consts1, discrete= discrete1, presburger= presburger1},
              {splits= splits2, inj_consts= inj_consts2, discrete= discrete2, presburger= presburger2}) =
    {splits = Drule.merge_rules (splits1, splits2),
     inj_consts = merge_lists inj_consts1 inj_consts2,
     discrete = merge_lists discrete1 discrete2,
     presburger = (case presburger1 of NONE => presburger2 | p => p)};
   fun print _ _ = ();
-structure ArithTheoryData = TheoryDataFun(ArithTheoryDataArgs);
 fun arith_split_add (thy, thm) = ( (fn {splits,inj_consts,discrete,presburger} =>
   {splits= thm::splits, inj_consts= inj_consts, discrete= discrete, presburger= presburger}) thy, thm);
@@ -360,7 +358,7 @@
   | decomp2 data _ = NONE
 fun decomp sg =
-  let val {discrete, inj_consts, ...} = ArithTheoryData.get_sg sg
+  let val {discrete, inj_consts, ...} = ArithTheoryData.get sg
   in decomp2 (sg,discrete,inj_consts) end
 fun number_of(n,T) = HOLogic.number_of_const T $ (HOLogic.mk_bin n)
@@ -458,12 +456,12 @@
 fun raw_arith_tac ex i st =
   refute_tac (K true)
-   (REPEAT o split_tac (#splits (ArithTheoryData.get_sg (Thm.sign_of_thm st))))
+   (REPEAT o split_tac (#splits (ArithTheoryData.get (Thm.sign_of_thm st))))
    ((REPEAT_DETERM o etac linorder_neqE) THEN' fast_ex_arith_tac ex)
    i st;
 fun presburger_tac i st =
-  (case ArithTheoryData.get_sg (sign_of_thm st) of
+  (case ArithTheoryData.get (sign_of_thm st) of
      {presburger = SOME tac, ...} =>
        (tracing "Simple arithmetic decision procedure failed.\nNow trying full Presburger arithmetic..."; tac i st)
    | _ => no_tac st);
--- a/src/Provers/classical.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/classical.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@
   val appSWrappers      : claset -> wrapper
   val appWrappers       : claset -> wrapper
-  val claset_ref_of_sg: -> claset ref
   val claset_ref_of: theory -> claset ref
-  val claset_of_sg: -> claset
+  val claset_ref_of_sg: theory -> claset ref    (*obsolete*)
   val claset_of: theory -> claset
+  val claset_of_sg: theory -> claset            (*obsolete*)
   val CLASET: (claset -> tactic) -> tactic
   val CLASET': (claset -> 'a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
   val claset: unit -> claset
@@ -826,23 +826,22 @@
 (* theory data kind 'Provers/claset' *)
-structure GlobalClasetArgs =
+structure GlobalClaset = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "Provers/claset";
   type T = claset ref * context_cs;
   val empty = (ref empty_cs, empty_context_cs);
-  fun copy (ref cs, ctxt_cs) = (ref cs, ctxt_cs): T;            (*create new reference!*)
-  val prep_ext = copy;
-  fun merge ((ref cs1, ctxt_cs1), (ref cs2, ctxt_cs2)) =
+  fun copy (ref cs, ctxt_cs) = (ref cs, ctxt_cs): T;
+  val extend = copy;
+  fun merge _ ((ref cs1, ctxt_cs1), (ref cs2, ctxt_cs2)) =
     (ref (merge_cs (cs1, cs2)), merge_context_cs (ctxt_cs1, ctxt_cs2));
   fun print _ (ref cs, _) = print_cs cs;
-structure GlobalClaset = TheoryDataFun(GlobalClasetArgs);
 val print_claset = GlobalClaset.print;
-val claset_ref_of_sg = #1 o GlobalClaset.get_sg;
 val claset_ref_of = #1 o GlobalClaset.get;
+val claset_ref_of_sg = claset_ref_of;
 val get_context_cs = #2 o GlobalClaset.get o ProofContext.theory_of;
 fun map_context_cs f = (apsnd
@@ -851,14 +850,14 @@
 (* access claset *)
-val claset_of_sg = ! o claset_ref_of_sg;
-val claset_of = claset_of_sg o Theory.sign_of;
+val claset_of = ! o claset_ref_of;
+val claset_of_sg = claset_of;
-fun CLASET tacf state = tacf (claset_of_sg (Thm.sign_of_thm state)) state;
-fun CLASET' tacf i state = tacf (claset_of_sg (Thm.sign_of_thm state)) i state;
+fun CLASET tacf state = tacf (claset_of (Thm.theory_of_thm state)) state;
+fun CLASET' tacf i state = tacf (claset_of (Thm.theory_of_thm state)) i state;
 val claset = claset_of o Context.the_context;
-val claset_ref = claset_ref_of_sg o Theory.sign_of o Context.the_context;
+val claset_ref = claset_ref_of o Context.the_context;
 (* change claset *)
@@ -885,15 +884,14 @@
 (* proof data kind 'Provers/claset' *)
-structure LocalClasetArgs =
+structure LocalClaset = ProofDataFun
   val name = "Provers/claset";
   type T = claset;
   val init = claset_of;
   fun print ctxt cs = print_cs (context_cs ctxt cs (get_context_cs ctxt));
-structure LocalClaset = ProofDataFun(LocalClasetArgs);
 val print_local_claset = LocalClaset.print;
 val get_local_claset = LocalClaset.get;
 val put_local_claset = LocalClaset.put;
@@ -921,7 +919,7 @@
   in (ctxt', #2 (DeltaClasetData.get ctxt'))
 fun rename_thm' (ctxt,thm) =
   let val (new_ctxt, new_id) = delta_increment ctxt
       val new_name = "anon_cla_" ^ (string_of_int new_id)
@@ -935,7 +933,7 @@
 fun rename_thm (ctxt,thm) = if (!Proof.call_atp) then rename_thm' (ctxt,thm) else (ctxt, thm);
 (* attributes *)
@@ -961,60 +959,60 @@
     let val thm_name = Thm.name_of_thm th
         val (ctxt', th') = if (thm_name = "") then rename_thm (ctxt,th)  else (ctxt, th)
         val delta_cs = get_delta_claset ctxt'
-	val new_dcs = delta_cs addSDs [th']
-	val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
+        val new_dcs = delta_cs addSDs [th']
+        val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
-	change_local_cs (op addSDs) (ctxt'',th)
+        change_local_cs (op addSDs) (ctxt'',th)
-fun safe_elim_local (ctxt, th)= 
+fun safe_elim_local (ctxt, th)=
     let val thm_name = Thm.name_of_thm th
         val (ctxt', th') = if (thm_name = "") then rename_thm (ctxt,th) else (ctxt, th)
         val delta_cs = get_delta_claset ctxt'
-	val new_dcs = delta_cs addSEs [th']
-	val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt' 
+        val new_dcs = delta_cs addSEs [th']
+        val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
-	change_local_cs (op addSEs) (ctxt'',th)
+        change_local_cs (op addSEs) (ctxt'',th)
-fun safe_intro_local (ctxt, th) = 
+fun safe_intro_local (ctxt, th) =
     let val thm_name = Thm.name_of_thm th
         val (ctxt', th') = if (thm_name = "") then rename_thm (ctxt,th) else (ctxt, th)
         val delta_cs = get_delta_claset ctxt'
-	val new_dcs = delta_cs addSIs [th']
-	val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
+        val new_dcs = delta_cs addSIs [th']
+        val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
-	change_local_cs (op addSIs) (ctxt'',th)
+        change_local_cs (op addSIs) (ctxt'',th)
-fun haz_dest_local (ctxt, th)= 
+fun haz_dest_local (ctxt, th)=
     let val thm_name = Thm.name_of_thm th
         val (ctxt', th') = if (thm_name = "") then rename_thm (ctxt,th)else (ctxt, th)
         val delta_cs = get_delta_claset ctxt'
-	val new_dcs = delta_cs addDs [th']
-	val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
+        val new_dcs = delta_cs addDs [th']
+        val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
-	change_local_cs (op addDs) (ctxt'',th)
+        change_local_cs (op addDs) (ctxt'',th)
 fun haz_elim_local (ctxt,th) =
     let val thm_name = Thm.name_of_thm th
         val (ctxt', th') = if (thm_name = "") then rename_thm (ctxt,th)  else (ctxt, th)
         val delta_cs = get_delta_claset ctxt'
-	val new_dcs = delta_cs addEs [th']
-	val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
-    in 
-	change_local_cs (op addEs) (ctxt'',th)
+        val new_dcs = delta_cs addEs [th']
+        val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
+    in
+        change_local_cs (op addEs) (ctxt'',th)
-fun haz_intro_local (ctxt,th) = 
+fun haz_intro_local (ctxt,th) =
     let val thm_name = Thm.name_of_thm th
         val (ctxt', th') = if (thm_name = "") then rename_thm (ctxt,th)  else (ctxt, th)
         val delta_cs = get_delta_claset ctxt'
-	val new_dcs = delta_cs addIs [th']
-	val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
-    in 
-	change_local_cs (op addIs) (ctxt'',th)
+        val new_dcs = delta_cs addIs [th']
+        val ctxt'' = put_delta_claset new_dcs ctxt'
+    in
+        change_local_cs (op addIs) (ctxt'',th)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/calculation.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/calculation.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -32,43 +32,41 @@
 (** global and local calculation data **)
-(* theory data kind 'Isar/calculation' *)
+(* global calculation *)
 fun print_rules prt x (trans, sym) =
   [Pretty.big_list "transitivity rules:" (map (prt x) (NetRules.rules trans)),
     Pretty.big_list "symmetry rules:" (map (prt x) sym)]
   |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln;
-structure GlobalCalculationArgs =
+structure GlobalCalculation = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "Isar/calculation";
   type T = thm NetRules.T * thm list
   val empty = (NetRules.elim, []);
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  fun merge ((trans1, sym1), (trans2, sym2)) =
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ ((trans1, sym1), (trans2, sym2)) =
     (NetRules.merge (trans1, trans2), Drule.merge_rules (sym1, sym2));
   val print = print_rules Display.pretty_thm_sg;
-structure GlobalCalculation = TheoryDataFun(GlobalCalculationArgs);
 val _ = Context.add_setup [GlobalCalculation.init];
 val print_global_rules = GlobalCalculation.print;
-(* proof data kind 'Isar/calculation' *)
+(* local calculation *)
-structure LocalCalculationArgs =
+structure LocalCalculation = ProofDataFun
   val name = "Isar/calculation";
   type T = (thm NetRules.T * thm list) * (thm list * int) option;
   fun init thy = (GlobalCalculation.get thy, NONE);
   fun print ctxt (rs, _) = print_rules ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt rs;
-structure LocalCalculation = ProofDataFun(LocalCalculationArgs);
 val _ = Context.add_setup [LocalCalculation.init];
 val get_local_rules = #1 o LocalCalculation.get o Proof.context_of;
 val print_local_rules = LocalCalculation.print;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/context_rules.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/context_rules.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@
   val empty = make_rules ~1 [] empty_netpairs ([], []);
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
+  val extend = I;
-  fun merge (Rules {rules = rules1, wrappers = (ws1, ws1'), ...},
+  fun merge _ (Rules {rules = rules1, wrappers = (ws1, ws1'), ...},
       Rules {rules = rules2, wrappers = (ws2, ws2'), ...}) =
       val wrappers = (gen_merge_lists' eq_snd ws1 ws2, gen_merge_lists' eq_snd ws1' ws2');
@@ -147,15 +147,14 @@
 val _ = Context.add_setup [GlobalRules.init];
 val print_global_rules = GlobalRules.print;
-structure LocalRulesArgs =
+structure LocalRules = ProofDataFun
   val name =;
   type T = GlobalRulesArgs.T;
   val init = GlobalRules.get;
   val print = print_rules ProofContext.pretty_thm;
-structure LocalRules = ProofDataFun(LocalRulesArgs);
 val _ = Context.add_setup [LocalRules.init];
 val print_local_rules = LocalRules.print;
@@ -175,22 +174,25 @@
       if k = k' then untaglist rest
       else x :: untaglist rest;
-fun orderlist brls = 
-    untaglist (sort (prod_ord o pairself fst) brls);
-fun orderlist_no_weight brls = 
-    untaglist (sort ( o pairself (snd o fst)) brls);
+fun orderlist brls =
+  untaglist (sort (prod_ord o pairself fst) brls);
+fun orderlist_no_weight brls =
+  untaglist (sort ( o pairself (snd o fst)) brls);
 fun may_unify weighted t net =
   map snd ((if weighted then orderlist else orderlist_no_weight) (Net.unify_term net t));
 fun find_erules _ [] = K []
   | find_erules w (fact :: _) = may_unify w (Logic.strip_assums_concl (Thm.prop_of fact));
 fun find_irules w goal = may_unify w (Logic.strip_assums_concl goal);
 fun find_rules_netpair weighted facts goal (inet, enet) =
   find_erules weighted facts enet @ find_irules weighted goal inet;
-fun find_rules weighted facts goals = map (find_rules_netpair weighted facts goals) o netpairs;
+fun find_rules weighted facts goals =
+  map (find_rules_netpair weighted facts goals) o netpairs;
 (* wrappers *)
@@ -268,5 +270,4 @@
 val addXDs_local = modifier (dest_query_local NONE);
 val delrules_local = modifier rule_del_local;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/induct_attrib.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/induct_attrib.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   NetRules.init (fn ((s1: string, th1), (s2, th2)) => s1 = s2 andalso
     Drule.eq_thm_prop (th1, th2));
-fun lookup_rule (rs: rules) name = Library.assoc (NetRules.rules rs, name);
+fun lookup_rule (rs: rules) name = assoc_string (NetRules.rules rs, name);
 fun print_rules prt kind x rs =
   let val thms = map snd (NetRules.rules rs)
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
     ((init_rules (first_var o #2), init_rules (Thm.major_prem_of o #2)),
      (init_rules (last_var o #2), init_rules (Thm.major_prem_of o #2)));
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  fun merge (((casesT1, casesS1), (inductT1, inductS1)),
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ (((casesT1, casesS1), (inductT1, inductS1)),
       ((casesT2, casesS2), (inductT2, inductS2))) =
     ((NetRules.merge (casesT1, casesT2), NetRules.merge (casesS1, casesS2)),
       (NetRules.merge (inductT1, inductT2), NetRules.merge (inductS1, inductS2)));
@@ -132,16 +132,15 @@
 (* proof data kind 'Isar/induction' *)
-structure LocalInductArgs =
+structure LocalInduct = ProofDataFun
   val name = "Isar/induction";
   type T = GlobalInductArgs.T;
   fun init thy = GlobalInduct.get thy;
   fun print x = print_all_rules ProofContext.pretty_thm x;
-structure LocalInduct = ProofDataFun(LocalInductArgs);
 val _ = Context.add_setup [LocalInduct.init];
 val print_local_rules = LocalInduct.print;
 val dest_local_rules = GlobalInductArgs.dest o LocalInduct.get;
@@ -229,5 +228,4 @@
   [(casesN, cases_attr, "declaration of cases rule for type or set"),
    (inductN, induct_attr, "declaration of induction rule for type or set")]];
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/term_style.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/term_style.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -20,19 +20,18 @@
 fun err_dup_styles names =
   error ("Duplicate declaration of antiquote style(s): " ^ commas_quote names);
-structure StyleArgs =
+structure StyleData = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "Isar/style";
   type T = ((Proof.context -> term -> term) * stamp) Symtab.table;
   val empty = Symtab.empty;
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  fun merge tabs = Symtab.merge eq_snd tabs
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ tabs = Symtab.merge eq_snd tabs
     handle Symtab.DUPS dups => err_dup_styles dups;
   fun print _ tab = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.strs ("antiquote styles:" :: Symtab.keys tab));
-structure StyleData = TheoryDataFun(StyleArgs);
 val _ = Context.add_setup [StyleData.init];
 val print_styles = StyleData.print;
@@ -52,16 +51,19 @@
 (* predefined styles *)
 fun style_binargs ctxt t =
-  let val concl = ObjectLogic.drop_judgment (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt) (Logic.strip_imp_concl t) in
+  let
+    val concl = ObjectLogic.drop_judgment (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
+      (Logic.strip_imp_concl t)
+  in
     case concl of (_ $ l $ r) => (l, r)
     | _ => error ("Binary operator expected in term: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt concl)
 fun style_parm_premise i ctxt t =
-  let val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t
-  in if i <= length prems then List.nth(prems, i-1)
-     else error ("Not enough premises for prem" ^ string_of_int i ^
-                 " in propositon: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t)
+  let val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t in
+    if i <= length prems then List.nth (prems, i - 1)
+    else error ("Not enough premises for prem" ^ string_of_int i ^
+      " in propositon: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t)
 val _ = Context.add_setup
--- a/src/ZF/Tools/ind_cases.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:03 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/Tools/ind_cases.ML	Fri Jun 17 18:33:05 2005 +0200
@@ -18,19 +18,18 @@
 (* theory data *)
-structure IndCasesArgs =
+structure IndCasesData = TheoryDataFun
   val name = "ZF/ind_cases";
   type T = (simpset -> cterm -> thm) Symtab.table;
   val empty = Symtab.empty;
   val copy = I;
-  val prep_ext = I;
-  fun merge (tab1, tab2) = Symtab.merge (K true) (tab1, tab2);
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ tabs : T = Symtab.merge (K true) tabs;
   fun print _ _ = ();
-structure IndCasesData = TheoryDataFun(IndCasesArgs);
 fun declare name f = (fn tab => Symtab.update ((name, f), tab));