--- a/src/HOL/Lambda/WeakNorm.thy Fri Oct 13 15:01:34 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Lambda/WeakNorm.thy Fri Oct 13 16:52:46 2006 +0200
@@ -579,4 +579,75 @@
val ct2' = cterm_of thy (term_of_dB [] (#T (rep_cterm ct2)) dB2);
+text {*
+The same story again for code next generation.
+ type_NF (SML -) (SML _)
+ML {*
+structure Norm = ROOT.WeakNorm;
+structure Type = ROOT.Type;
+structure Lambda = ROOT.Lambda;
+fun nat_of_int 0 = ROOT.IntDef.Zero_nat
+ | nat_of_int n = ROOT.IntDef.Succ_nat (nat_of_int (n-1));
+fun int_of_nat ROOT.IntDef.Zero_nat = 0
+ | int_of_nat (ROOT.IntDef.Succ_nat n) = 1 + int_of_nat n;
+fun dBtype_of_typ (Type ("fun", [T, U])) =
+ Type.Fun (dBtype_of_typ T, dBtype_of_typ U)
+ | dBtype_of_typ (TFree (s, _)) = (case explode s of
+ ["'", a] => Type.Atom (nat_of_int (ord a - 97))
+ | _ => error "dBtype_of_typ: variable name")
+ | dBtype_of_typ _ = error "dBtype_of_typ: bad type";
+fun dB_of_term (Bound i) = Lambda.Var (nat_of_int i)
+ | dB_of_term (t $ u) = Lambda.App (dB_of_term t, dB_of_term u)
+ | dB_of_term (Abs (_, _, t)) = Lambda.Abs (dB_of_term t)
+ | dB_of_term _ = error "dB_of_term: bad term";
+fun term_of_dB Ts (Type ("fun", [T, U])) (Lambda.Abs dBt) =
+ Abs ("x", T, term_of_dB (T :: Ts) U dBt)
+ | term_of_dB Ts _ dBt = term_of_dB' Ts dBt
+and term_of_dB' Ts (Lambda.Var n) = Bound (int_of_nat n)
+ | term_of_dB' Ts (Lambda.App (dBt, dBu)) =
+ let val t = term_of_dB' Ts dBt
+ in case fastype_of1 (Ts, t) of
+ Type ("fun", [T, U]) => t $ term_of_dB Ts T dBu
+ | _ => error "term_of_dB: function type expected"
+ end
+ | term_of_dB' _ _ = error "term_of_dB: term not in normal form";
+fun typing_of_term Ts e (Bound i) =
+ Norm.Var (e, nat_of_int i, dBtype_of_typ (nth Ts i))
+ | typing_of_term Ts e (t $ u) = (case fastype_of1 (Ts, t) of
+ Type ("fun", [T, U]) => Norm.App_1 (e, dB_of_term t,
+ dBtype_of_typ T, dBtype_of_typ U, dB_of_term u,
+ typing_of_term Ts e t, typing_of_term Ts e u)
+ | _ => error "typing_of_term: function type expected")
+ | typing_of_term Ts e (Abs (s, T, t)) =
+ let val dBT = dBtype_of_typ T
+ in Norm.Abs_1 (e, dBT, dB_of_term t,
+ dBtype_of_typ (fastype_of1 (T :: Ts, t)),
+ typing_of_term (T :: Ts) (Type.shift e ROOT.IntDef.Zero_nat dBT) t)
+ end
+ | typing_of_term _ _ _ = error "typing_of_term: bad term";
+fun dummyf _ = error "dummy";
+ML {*
+val ct1 = rd "%f. ((%f x. f (f (f x))) ((%f x. f (f (f (f x)))) f))";
+val (dB1, _) = ROOT.WeakNorm.type_NF (typing_of_term [] dummyf (term_of ct1));
+val ct1' = cterm_of thy (term_of_dB [] (#T (rep_cterm ct1)) dB1);
+val ct2 = rd
+ "%f x. (%x. f x x) ((%x. f x x) ((%x. f x x) ((%x. f x x) ((%x. f x x) ((%x. f x x) x)))))";
+val (dB2, _) = Norm.type_NF (typing_of_term [] dummyf (term_of ct2));
+val ct2' = cterm_of thy (term_of_dB [] (#T (rep_cterm ct2)) dB2);