Wed, 04 Aug 2010 10:52:29 +0200
changeset 38192 1a1973c00531
parent 38140 05691ad74079 (current diff)
parent 38191 deaef70a8c05 (diff)
child 38193 44d635ce6da4
--- a/doc-src/Nitpick/nitpick.tex	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Nitpick/nitpick.tex	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -247,22 +247,22 @@
 The free variable $x$ and the bound variable $y$ have type $'a$. For formulas
 containing type variables, Nitpick enumerates the possible domains for each type
-variable, up to a given cardinality (8 by default), looking for a finite
+variable, up to a given cardinality (10 by default), looking for a finite
 \textbf{nitpick} [\textit{verbose}] \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Trying 8 scopes: \nopagebreak \\
+Trying 10 scopes: \nopagebreak \\
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card}~$'a$~= 1; \\
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card}~$'a$~= 2; \\
 \hbox{}\qquad $\qquad\vdots$ \\[.5\smallskipamount]
-\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card}~$'a$~= 8. \\[2\smallskipamount]
+\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card}~$'a$~= 10. \\[2\smallskipamount]
 Nitpick found a counterexample for \textit{card} $'a$~= 3: \\[2\smallskipamount]
 \hbox{}\qquad Free variables: \nopagebreak \\
 \hbox{}\qquad\qquad $P = \{a_2,\, a_3\}$ \\
 \hbox{}\qquad\qquad $x = a_3$ \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Total time: 580 ms.
+Total time: 768 ms.
 Nitpick found a counterexample in which $'a$ has cardinality 3. (For
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
 \slshape Nitpick found no counterexample.
-Let's see if Sledgehammer \cite{sledgehammer-2009} can find a proof:
+Let's see if Sledgehammer can find a proof:
 \textbf{sledgehammer} \\[2\smallskipamount]
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
 cannot find a genuine counterexample for \textit{card~nat}~= $k$, it is very
 unlikely that one could be found for smaller domains. (The $P~(\textit{op}~{+})$
 example above is an exception to this principle.) Nitpick nonetheless enumerates
-all cardinalities from 1 to 8 for \textit{nat}, mainly because smaller
+all cardinalities from 1 to 10 for \textit{nat}, mainly because smaller
 cardinalities are fast to handle and give rise to simpler counterexamples. This
 is explained in more detail in \S\ref{scope-monotonicity}.
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
 Inductively defined predicates (and sets) are particularly problematic for
 counterexample generators. They can make Quickcheck~\cite{berghofer-nipkow-2004}
 loop forever and Refute~\cite{weber-2008} run out of resources. The crux of
-the problem is that they are defined using a least fixed point construction.
+the problem is that they are defined using a least fixed-point construction.
 Nitpick's philosophy is that not all inductive predicates are equal. Consider
 the \textit{even} predicate below:
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
 Wellfoundedness is desirable because it enables Nitpick to use a very efficient
-fixed point computation.%
+fixed-point computation.%
 \footnote{If an inductive predicate is
 well-founded, then it has exactly one fixed point, which is simultaneously the
 least and the greatest fixed point. In these circumstances, the computation of
@@ -818,8 +818,8 @@
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card nat}~= 50. \\[2\smallskipamount]
 Nitpick found a potential counterexample for \textit{card nat}~= 50: \\[2\smallskipamount]
 \hbox{}\qquad Empty assignment \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Nitpick could not find a better counterexample. It checked 1 of 1 scope. \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Total time: 2274 ms.
+Nitpick could not find a better counterexample. It checked 0 of 1 scope. \\[2\smallskipamount]
+Total time: 1439 ms.
 No genuine counterexample is possible because Nitpick cannot rule out the
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
 & 2 := \{0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1^\Q, 3^\Q, 5^\Q, 7^\Q, 9^\Q\}, \\[-2pt]
 & 1 := \{0, 2, 4, 1^\Q, 3^\Q, 5^\Q, 6^\Q, 7^\Q, 8^\Q, 9^\Q\}, \\[-2pt]
 & 0 := \{0, 2, 1^\Q, 3^\Q, 4^\Q, 5^\Q, 6^\Q, 7^\Q, 8^\Q, 9^\Q\})\end{aligned}$ \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Total time: 1140 ms.
+Total time: 2420 ms.
 Nitpick's output is very instructive. First, it tells us that the predicate is
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@
 predicate evaluates to $\unk$. Thus, $\textit{even}'$ evaluates to either
 \textit{True} or $\unk$, never \textit{False}.
-When unrolling a predicate, Nitpick tries 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 24
+When unrolling a predicate, Nitpick tries 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28
 iterations. However, these numbers are bounded by the cardinality of the
 predicate's domain. With \textit{card~nat}~= 10, no more than 9 iterations are
 ever needed to compute the value of a \textit{nat} predicate. You can specify
@@ -1019,12 +1019,12 @@
 \textbf{nitpick} [\textit{verbose}] \\[2\smallskipamount]
 \slshape The type ``\kern1pt$'a$'' passed the monotonicity test. Nitpick might be able to skip
 some scopes. \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Trying 8 scopes: \\
+Trying 10 scopes: \\
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card} $'a$~= 1, \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'a~\textit{list\/}$''~= 1,
 and \textit{bisim\_depth}~= 0. \\
 \hbox{}\qquad $\qquad\vdots$ \\[.5\smallskipamount]
-\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card} $'a$~= 8, \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'a~\textit{list\/}$''~= 8,
-and \textit{bisim\_depth}~= 7. \\[2\smallskipamount]
+\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card} $'a$~= 10, \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'a~\textit{list\/}$''~= 10,
+and \textit{bisim\_depth}~= 9. \\[2\smallskipamount]
 Nitpick found a counterexample for {\itshape card}~$'a$ = 2,
 \textit{card}~``\kern1pt$'a~\textit{list\/}$''~= 2, and \textit{bisim\_\allowbreak
 depth}~= 1:
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@
 \hbox{}\qquad\qquad $\textit{b} = a_2$ \\
 \hbox{}\qquad\qquad $\textit{xs} = \textsl{THE}~\omega.\; \omega = \textit{LCons}~a_1~\omega$ \\
 \hbox{}\qquad\qquad $\textit{ys} = \textit{LCons}~a_2~(\textsl{THE}~\omega.\; \omega = \textit{LCons}~a_1~\omega)$ \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Total time: 726 ms.
+Total time: 1027 ms.
 The lazy list $\textit{xs}$ is simply $[a_1, a_1, a_1, \ldots]$, whereas
@@ -1166,11 +1166,11 @@
 \textbf{lemma}~``$\lnot\,\textit{loose}~t~0 \,\Longrightarrow\, \textit{subst}~\sigma~t = t$'' \\
 \textbf{nitpick} [\textit{verbose}] \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Trying 8 scopes: \nopagebreak \\
+Trying 10 scopes: \nopagebreak \\
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card~nat}~= 1, \textit{card tm}~= 1, and \textit{card} ``$\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$'' = 1; \\
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card~nat}~= 2, \textit{card tm}~= 2, and \textit{card} ``$\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$'' = 2; \\
 \hbox{}\qquad $\qquad\vdots$ \\[.5\smallskipamount]
-\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card~nat}~= 8, \textit{card tm}~= 8, and \textit{card} ``$\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$'' = 8. \\[2\smallskipamount]
+\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card~nat}~= 10, \textit{card tm}~= 10, and \textit{card} ``$\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$'' = 10. \\[2\smallskipamount]
 Nitpick found a counterexample for \textit{card~nat}~= 6, \textit{card~tm}~= 6,
 and \textit{card}~``$\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$''~= 6: \\[2\smallskipamount]
 \hbox{}\qquad Free variables: \nopagebreak \\
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@
   4 := \textit{Var}~0,\>
   5 := \textit{Var}~0)\end{aligned}$ \\
 \hbox{}\qquad\qquad $t = \textit{Lam}~(\textit{Lam}~(\textit{Var}~1))$ \\[2\smallskipamount]
-Total time: $4679$ ms.
+Total time: $3560$ ms.
 Using \textit{eval}, we find out that $\textit{subst}~\sigma~t =
@@ -1193,14 +1193,14 @@
 replaced with $\textit{lift}~(\sigma~m)~0$.
 An interesting aspect of Nitpick's verbose output is that it assigned inceasing
-cardinalities from 1 to 8 to the type $\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$.
+cardinalities from 1 to 10 to the type $\textit{nat} \Rightarrow \textit{tm}$.
 For the formula of interest, knowing 6 values of that type was enough to find
 the counterexample. Without boxing, $46\,656$ ($= 6^6$) values must be
 considered, a hopeless undertaking:
 \textbf{nitpick} [\textit{dont\_box}] \\[2\smallskipamount]
-{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 4 of 8 scopes.}
+{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 3 of 10 scopes.}
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@
 exhaust all models below a certain cardinality bound, the number of scopes that
 Nitpick must consider increases exponentially with the number of type variables
 (and \textbf{typedecl}'d types) occurring in the formula. Given the default
-cardinality specification of 1--8, no fewer than $8^4 = 4096$ scopes must be
+cardinality specification of 1--10, no fewer than $10^4 = 10\,000$ scopes must be
 considered for a formula involving $'a$, $'b$, $'c$, and $'d$.
 Fortunately, many formulas exhibit a property called \textsl{scope
@@ -1235,8 +1235,8 @@
 where \textit{xs} is of type $'a~\textit{list}$ and \textit{ys} is of type
-$'b~\textit{list}$. A priori, Nitpick would need to consider 512 scopes to
-exhaust the specification \textit{card}~= 1--8. However, our intuition tells us
+$'b~\textit{list}$. A priori, Nitpick would need to consider $1\,000$ scopes to
+exhaust the specification \textit{card}~= 1--10. However, our intuition tells us
 that any counterexample found with a small scope would still be a counterexample
 in a larger scope---by simply ignoring the fresh $'a$ and $'b$ values provided
 by the larger scope. Nitpick comes to the same conclusion after a careful
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@
 The types ``\kern1pt$'a$'' and ``\kern1pt$'b$'' passed the monotonicity test.
 Nitpick might be able to skip some scopes.
-Trying 8 scopes: \\
+Trying 10 scopes: \\
 \hbox{}\qquad \textit{card} $'a$~= 1, \textit{card} $'b$~= 1,
 \textit{card} \textit{nat}~= 1, \textit{card} ``$('a \times {'}b)$
 \textit{list\/}''~= 1, \\
@@ -1260,11 +1260,11 @@
 \hbox{}\qquad\quad \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'a$ \textit{list\/}''~= 2, and
 \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'b$ \textit{list\/}''~= 2. \\
 \hbox{}\qquad $\qquad\vdots$ \\[.5\smallskipamount]
-\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card} $'a$~= 8, \textit{card} $'b$~= 8,
-\textit{card} \textit{nat}~= 8, \textit{card} ``$('a \times {'}b)$
-\textit{list\/}''~= 8, \\
-\hbox{}\qquad\quad \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'a$ \textit{list\/}''~= 8, and
-\textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'b$ \textit{list\/}''~= 8.
+\hbox{}\qquad \textit{card} $'a$~= 10, \textit{card} $'b$~= 10,
+\textit{card} \textit{nat}~= 10, \textit{card} ``$('a \times {'}b)$
+\textit{list\/}''~= 10, \\
+\hbox{}\qquad\quad \textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'a$ \textit{list\/}''~= 10, and
+\textit{card} ``\kern1pt$'b$ \textit{list\/}''~= 10.
 Nitpick found a counterexample for
 \textit{card} $'a$~= 5, \textit{card} $'b$~= 5,
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@
 In theory, it should be sufficient to test a single scope:
-\textbf{nitpick}~[\textit{card}~= 8]
+\textbf{nitpick}~[\textit{card}~= 10]
 However, this is often less efficient in practice and may lead to overly complex
@@ -1312,9 +1312,9 @@
 \S\ref{inductive-datatypes}, \textit{nat}, \textit{int}, and inductive datatypes
 are normally monotonic and treated as such. The same is true for record types,
 \textit{rat}, \textit{real}, and some \textbf{typedef}'d types. Thus, given the
-cardinality specification 1--8, a formula involving \textit{nat}, \textit{int},
+cardinality specification 1--10, a formula involving \textit{nat}, \textit{int},
 \textit{int~list}, \textit{rat}, and \textit{rat~list} will lead Nitpick to
-consider only 8~scopes instead of $32\,768$.
+consider only 10~scopes instead of $10\,000$.
 \subsection{Inductive Properties}
@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@
 ``$w \in A \longleftrightarrow \textit{length}~[x \mathbin{\leftarrow} w.\; x = a] = \textit{length}~[x \mathbin{\leftarrow} w.\; x = b] + 1$'' \\
 ``$w \in B \longleftrightarrow \textit{length}~[x \mathbin{\leftarrow} w.\; x = b] = \textit{length}~[x \mathbin{\leftarrow} w.\; x = a] + 1$'' \\
 \textbf{nitpick} \\[2\smallskipamount]
-\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 7 of 8 scopes.
+\slshape Nitpick found no counterexample.
 \subsection{AA Trees}
@@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@
 ``$\textit{dataset}~(\textit{skew}~t) = \textit{dataset}~t$'' \\
 ``$\textit{dataset}~(\textit{split}~t) = \textit{dataset}~t$'' \\
 \textbf{nitpick} \\[2\smallskipamount]
-{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 7 of 8 scopes.}
+{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 9 of 10 scopes.}
 Furthermore, applying \textit{skew} or \textit{split} to a well-formed tree
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@
 \textbf{theorem}~\textit{wf\_insort\/}:\kern.4em ``$\textit{wf}~t\,\Longrightarrow\, \textit{wf}~(\textit{insort}~t~x)$'' \\
 \textbf{nitpick} \\[2\smallskipamount]
-{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 7 of 8 scopes.}
+{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 8 of 10 scopes.}
 Insertion should transform the set of elements represented by the tree in the
@@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@
 \textbf{theorem} \textit{dataset\_insort\/}:\kern.4em
 ``$\textit{dataset}~(\textit{insort}~t~x) = \{x\} \cup \textit{dataset}~t$'' \\
 \textbf{nitpick} \\[2\smallskipamount]
-{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 6 of 8 scopes.}
+{\slshape Nitpick ran out of time after checking 7 of 10 scopes.}
 We could continue like this and sketch a complete theory of AA trees. Once the
@@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@
 {\small See also \textit{box} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}) and \textit{mono}
 Specifies the default sequence of cardinalities to use. This can be overridden
 on a per-type basis using the \textit{card}~\qty{type} option described above.
@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@
 {\small See also \textit{bits} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}) and
 \textit{show\_datatypes} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
 Specifies the number of bits to use to represent natural numbers and integers in
 binary, excluding the sign bit. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 31.
@@ -2056,7 +2056,7 @@
 \item[$\bullet$] \textbf{\textit{smart}:} Try to prove that the inductive
 predicate is well-founded using Isabelle's \textit{lexicographic\_order} and
 \textit{size\_change} tactics. If this succeeds (or the predicate occurs with an
-appropriate polarity in the formula to falsify), use an efficient fixed point
+appropriate polarity in the formula to falsify), use an efficient fixed-point
 equation as specification of the predicate; otherwise, unroll the predicates
 according to the \textit{iter}~\qty{const} and \textit{iter} options.
@@ -2082,12 +2082,12 @@
 {\small See also \textit{wf} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}) and
 \textit{star\_linear\_preds} (\S\ref{optimizations}).}
 Specifies the sequence of iteration counts to use when unrolling (co)in\-duc\-tive
 predicates. This can be overridden on a per-predicate basis using the
 \textit{iter} \qty{const} option above.
 Specifies the sequence of iteration counts to use when unrolling the
 bisimilarity predicate generated by Nitpick for coinductive datatypes. A value
 of $-1$ means that no predicate is generated, in which case Nitpick performs an
@@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@
 together ensures that Kodkodi is launched less often, but it makes the verbose
 output less readable and is sometimes detrimental to performance. If
 \textit{batch\_size} is set to \textit{smart}, the actual value used is 1 if
-\textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) is set and 64 otherwise.
+\textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) is set and 50 otherwise.
 Specifies whether formulas involving (co)in\-duc\-tive datatype constructors should
@@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@
 and \textbf{nominal\_\allowbreak primrec} packages, this corresponds to the
 \textit{simps} rules. The equations must be of the form
-\qquad $c~t_1~\ldots\ t_n \,=\, u.$
+\qquad $c~t_1~\ldots\ t_n \;\bigl[{=}\; u\bigr].$
@@ -2595,14 +2595,13 @@
 corresponds to the \textit{psimps} rules. The conditional equations must be of
 the form
-\qquad $\lbrakk P_1;\> \ldots;\> P_m\rbrakk \,\Longrightarrow\, c\ t_1\ \ldots\ t_n \,=\, u$.
+\qquad $\lbrakk P_1;\> \ldots;\> P_m\rbrakk \,\Longrightarrow\, c\ t_1\ \ldots\ t_n \;\bigl[{=}\; u\bigr]$.
 This attribute specifies the (free-form) specification of a constant defined
 using the \hbox{(\textbf{ax\_})}\allowbreak\textbf{specification} command.
 When faced with a constant, Nitpick proceeds as follows:
@@ -2623,17 +2622,24 @@
 \item[4.] Otherwise, it looks up the definition of the constant:
-\item[1.] If the \textit{nitpick\_def} set associated with the constant
-is not empty, it uses the latest rule added to the set as the definition of the
-constant; otherwise it uses the actual definition axiom.
+\item[1.] If the \textit{nitpick\_def} set associated with the constant is not
+empty, it uses the latest rule added to the set as the definition of the
+constant; otherwise it uses the actual definition axiom. In addition, the
+constant is \textsl{unfolded} wherever it appears (as opposed to defined
 \item[2.] If the definition is of the form
-\qquad $c~{?}x_1~\ldots~{?}x_m \,\equiv\, \lambda y_1~\ldots~y_n.\; \textit{lfp}~(\lambda f.\; t)$,
-then Nitpick assumes that the definition was made using an inductive package and
-based on the introduction rules marked with \textit{nitpick\_\allowbreak
-\allowbreak intros} tries to determine whether the definition is
+\qquad $c~{?}x_1~\ldots~{?}x_m \,\equiv\, \lambda y_1~\ldots~y_n.\; \textit{lfp}~(\lambda f.\; t)$
+\qquad $c~{?}x_1~\ldots~{?}x_m \,\equiv\, \lambda y_1~\ldots~y_n.\; \textit{gfp}~(\lambda f.\; t)$
+Nitpick assumes that the definition was made using a (co)inductive package
+based on the user-specified introduction rules registered in Isabelle's internal
+\textit{Spec\_Rules} table. The tool uses the introduction rules to ascertain
+whether the definition is well-founded and the definition to generate a
+fixed-point equation or an unrolled equation.
@@ -2646,18 +2652,18 @@
 By default, Nitpick uses the \textit{lfp}-based definition in conjunction with
-the introduction rules. To override this, we can specify an alternative
+the introduction rules. To override this, you can specify an alternative
 definition as follows:
-\textbf{lemma} $\mathit{odd\_def}'$ [\textit{nitpick\_def}]:\kern.4em ``$\textit{odd}~n \,\equiv\, n~\textrm{mod}~2 = 1$''
+\textbf{lemma} $\mathit{odd\_alt\_def}$ [\textit{nitpick\_def}]:\kern.4em ``$\textit{odd}~n \,\equiv\, n~\textrm{mod}~2 = 1$''
 Nitpick then expands all occurrences of $\mathit{odd}~n$ to $n~\textrm{mod}~2
-= 1$. Alternatively, we can specify an equational specification of the constant:
+= 1$. Alternatively, you can specify an equational specification of the constant:
-\textbf{lemma} $\mathit{odd\_simp}'$ [\textit{nitpick\_simp}]:\kern.4em ``$\textit{odd}~n = (n~\textrm{mod}~2 = 1)$''
+\textbf{lemma} $\mathit{odd\_simp}$ [\textit{nitpick\_simp}]:\kern.4em ``$\textit{odd}~n = (n~\textrm{mod}~2 = 1)$''
 Such tweaks should be done with great care, because Nitpick will assume that the
@@ -2667,6 +2673,44 @@
 (\S\ref{output-format}) option is extremely useful to understand what is going
 on when experimenting with \textit{nitpick\_} attributes.
+Because of its internal three-valued logic, Nitpick tends to lose a
+lot of precision in the presence of partially specified constants. For example,
+\textbf{lemma} \textit{odd\_simp} [\textit{nitpick\_simp}]:\kern.4em ``$\textit{odd~x} = \lnot\, \textit{even}~x$''
+is superior to
+\textbf{lemma} \textit{odd\_psimps} [\textit{nitpick\_simp}]: \\
+``$\textit{even~x} \,\Longrightarrow\, \textit{odd~x} = \textit{False\/}$'' \\
+``$\lnot\, \textit{even~x} \,\Longrightarrow\, \textit{odd~x} = \textit{True\/}$''
+Because Nitpick unfolds definitions but not simplification rules, it often pays
+off to declare long-winded definitions as \textit{nitpick\_simp}. For example:
+\textbf{definition}~\textit{optimum} \textbf{where} [\textit{nitpick\_simp}]: \\
+``$\textit{optimum}~t =
+     (\forall u.\; \textit{consistent}~u \mathrel{\land} \textit{alphabet}~t = \textit{alphabet}~u$ \\
+\phantom{``$\textit{optimum}~t = (\forall u.\;$}${\mathrel{\land}}\; \textit{freq}~t = \textit{freq}~u \longrightarrow
+         \textit{cost}~t \le \textit{cost}~u)$''
+In some rare occasions, you might want to provide an inductive or coinductive
+view on top of an existing constant $c$. The easiest way to achieve this is to
+define a new constant $c'$ (co)inductively. Then prove that $c$ equals $c'$
+and let Nitpick know about it:
+\textbf{lemma} \textit{c\_alt\_def} [\textit{nitpick\_def}]:\kern.4em ``$c \equiv c'$\kern2pt ''
+This ensures that Nitpick will substitute $c'$ for $c$ and use the (co)inductive
 \section{Standard ML Interface}
--- a/src/HOL/Library/Nat_Infinity.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Nat_Infinity.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 instantiation inat :: comm_monoid_add
+definition [nitpick_simp]:
   "m + n = (case m of \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> \<infinity> | Fin m \<Rightarrow> (case n of \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> \<infinity> | Fin n \<Rightarrow> Fin (m + n)))"
 lemma plus_inat_simps [simp, code]:
@@ -176,8 +176,7 @@
 instantiation inat :: comm_semiring_1
-  times_inat_def:
+definition times_inat_def [nitpick_simp]:
   "m * n = (case m of \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> if n = 0 then 0 else \<infinity> | Fin m \<Rightarrow>
     (case n of \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> if m = 0 then 0 else \<infinity> | Fin n \<Rightarrow> Fin (m * n)))"
@@ -237,11 +236,11 @@
 instantiation inat :: linordered_ab_semigroup_add
+definition [nitpick_simp]:
   "m \<le> n = (case n of Fin n1 \<Rightarrow> (case m of Fin m1 \<Rightarrow> m1 \<le> n1 | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> False)
     | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> True)"
+definition [nitpick_simp]:
   "m < n = (case m of Fin m1 \<Rightarrow> (case n of Fin n1 \<Rightarrow> m1 < n1 | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> True)
     | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> False)"
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Core_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Core_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 imports Main
-nitpick_params [unary_ints, max_potential = 0, sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI,
-                max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
+nitpick_params [card = 1\<midarrow>6, unary_ints, max_potential = 0,
+                sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
 subsection {* Curry in a Hurry *}
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Datatype_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Datatype_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 imports Main
-nitpick_params [max_potential = 0, sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1,
-                timeout = 60 s]
+nitpick_params [card = 1\<midarrow>8, max_potential = 0,
+                sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
 primrec rot where
 "rot Nibble0 = Nibble1" | "rot Nibble1 = Nibble2" | "rot Nibble2 = Nibble3" |
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Hotel_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Hotel_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 theorem safe: "s \<in> reach \<Longrightarrow> safe s r \<Longrightarrow> g \<in> isin s r \<Longrightarrow> owns s r = Some g"
 nitpick [card room = 1, card guest = 2, card "guest option" = 3,
          card key = 4, card state = 6, expect = genuine]
-nitpick [card room = 1, card guest = 2, expect = genuine]
+(* nitpick [card room = 1, card guest = 2, expect = genuine] *)
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Induct_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Induct_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 imports Main
-nitpick_params [sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
+nitpick_params [card = 1\<midarrow>8, unary_ints, sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI,
+                max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
 inductive p1 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
 "p1 0" |
@@ -114,58 +115,42 @@
 lemma "p3 = q3"
 nitpick [expect = none]
-nitpick [dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_box, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
+nitpick [non_wf, expect = none]
 lemma "p4 = q4"
 nitpick [expect = none]
-nitpick [dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_box, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
+nitpick [non_wf, expect = none]
 lemma "p3 = UNIV - p4"
 nitpick [expect = none]
-nitpick [dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_box, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
+nitpick [non_wf, expect = none]
 lemma "q3 = UNIV - q4"
 nitpick [expect = none]
-nitpick [dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
 nitpick [non_wf, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_box, expect = none]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = none]
 lemma "p3 \<inter> q4 \<noteq> {}"
 nitpick [expect = potential]
 nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = potential]
 lemma "q3 \<inter> p4 \<noteq> {}"
 nitpick [expect = potential]
 nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = potential]
 lemma "p3 \<union> q4 \<noteq> UNIV"
 nitpick [expect = potential]
 nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = potential]
 lemma "q3 \<union> p4 \<noteq> UNIV"
 nitpick [expect = potential]
 nitpick [non_wf, expect = potential]
-nitpick [non_wf, dont_star_linear_preds, expect = potential]
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Integer_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Integer_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 imports Nitpick
-nitpick_params [sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s,
-                card = 1\<midarrow>6, bits = 1,2,3,4,6,8]
+nitpick_params [card = 1\<midarrow>6, bits = 1,2,3,4,6,8,
+                sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
 lemma "Suc x = x + 1"
 nitpick [unary_ints, expect = none]
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Manual_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Manual_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 lemma "\<exists>n \<le> 49. even n \<and> even (Suc n)"
-nitpick [card nat = 50, unary_ints, verbose, expect = genuine]
+nitpick [card nat = 50, unary_ints, expect = genuine]
 inductive even' where
@@ -192,8 +192,9 @@
 subsection {* 3.9. Coinductive Datatypes *}
 (* Lazy lists are defined in Andreas Lochbihler's "Coinductive" AFP entry. Since
-we cannot rely on its presence, we expediently provide our own axiomatization.
-The examples also work unchanged with Lochbihler's "Coinductive_List" theory. *)
+   we cannot rely on its presence, we expediently provide our own
+   axiomatization. The examples also work unchanged with Lochbihler's
+   "Coinductive_List" theory. *)
 typedef 'a llist = "UNIV\<Colon>('a list + (nat \<Rightarrow> 'a)) set" by auto
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@
 lemma "\<lbrakk>xs = LCons a xs; ys = LCons a ys\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs = ys"
 nitpick [bisim_depth = -1, show_datatypes, expect = quasi_genuine]
-nitpick [expect = none]
+nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>5, expect = none]
 subsection {* 3.10. Boxing *}
@@ -268,7 +269,6 @@
 lemma "length xs = length ys \<Longrightarrow> rev (zip xs ys) = zip xs (rev ys)"
 nitpick [verbose, expect = genuine]
-nitpick [card = 8, verbose, expect = genuine]
 lemma "\<exists>g. \<forall>x\<Colon>'b. g (f x) = x \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>y\<Colon>'a. \<exists>x. y = f x"
@@ -284,19 +284,19 @@
 "n \<in> reach \<Longrightarrow> n + 2 \<in> reach"
 lemma "n \<in> reach \<Longrightarrow> 2 dvd n"
-nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>5, bits = 1\<midarrow>5, expect = none]
+(* nitpick *)
 apply (induct set: reach)
   apply auto
- nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>5, bits = 1\<midarrow>5, expect = none]
+ nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>4, bits = 1\<midarrow>4, expect = none]
  apply (thin_tac "n \<in> reach")
  nitpick [expect = genuine]
 lemma "n \<in> reach \<Longrightarrow> 2 dvd n \<and> n \<noteq> 0"
-nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>5, bits = 1\<midarrow>5, expect = none]
+(* nitpick *)
 apply (induct set: reach)
   apply auto
- nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>5, bits = 1\<midarrow>5, expect = none]
+ nitpick [card = 1\<midarrow>4, bits = 1\<midarrow>4, expect = none]
  apply (thin_tac "n \<in> reach")
  nitpick [expect = genuine]
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
   case Leaf thus ?case by simp
   case (Branch t u) thus ?case
-  nitpick [non_std, card = 1\<midarrow>5, expect = none]
+  nitpick [non_std, card = 1\<midarrow>4, expect = none]
   by auto
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Record_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Record_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 imports Main
-nitpick_params [max_potential = 0, sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1,
-                timeout = 60 s]
+nitpick_params [card = 1\<midarrow>6, max_potential = 0,
+                sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
 record point2d =
   xc :: int
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Refute_Nits.thy	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Refute_Nits.thy	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 imports Main
-nitpick_params [max_potential = 0, sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1,
-                timeout = 60 s]
+nitpick_params [card = 1\<midarrow>6, max_potential = 0,
+                sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1, timeout = 60 s]
 lemma "P \<and> Q"
 apply (rule conjI)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -1106,8 +1106,9 @@
 fun solve_any_problem overlord deadline max_threads max_solutions problems =
-    fun do_solve () = uncached_solve_any_problem overlord deadline max_threads
-                                                 max_solutions problems
+    fun do_solve () =
+      uncached_solve_any_problem overlord deadline max_threads max_solutions
+                                 problems
     if overlord then
       do_solve ()
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/minipick.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/minipick.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 fun check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) = (check_type ctxt) Ts
-  | check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name}, Ts)) =
+  | check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) = (check_type ctxt) Ts
   | check_type _ @{typ bool} = ()
   | check_type _ (TFree (_, @{sort "{}"})) = ()
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     atom_schema_of SRep card T1
   | atom_schema_of RRep card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     atom_schema_of SRep card T1 @ atom_schema_of RRep card T2
-  | atom_schema_of _ card (Type (@{type_name}, Ts)) =
+  | atom_schema_of _ card (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
     maps (atom_schema_of SRep card) Ts
   | atom_schema_of _ card T = [card T]
 val arity_of = length ooo atom_schema_of
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
     fun card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
         reasonable_power (card T2) (card T1)
-      | card (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) = card T1 * card T2
+      | card (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) = card T1 * card T2
       | card @{typ bool} = 2
       | card T = Int.max (1, raw_card T)
     val neg_t = @{const Not} $ Object_Logic.atomize_term thy t
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
 fun plazy f = Pretty.blk (0, pstrs (f ()))
 fun pick_them_nits_in_term deadline state (params : params) auto i n step
-                           subst orig_assm_ts orig_t =
+                           subst assm_ts orig_t =
     val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
       if passed_deadline deadline then raise TimeLimit.TimeOut
       else raise Interrupt
-    val orig_assm_ts = if assms orelse auto then orig_assm_ts else []
+    val assm_ts = if assms orelse auto then assm_ts else []
     val _ =
       if step = 0 then
         print_m (fn () => "Nitpicking formula...")
@@ -233,13 +233,18 @@
                 (if i <> 1 orelse n <> 1 then
                    "subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ " of " ^ string_of_int n
-                   "goal")) [Logic.list_implies (orig_assm_ts, orig_t)]))
+                   "goal")) [Logic.list_implies (assm_ts, orig_t)]))
     val neg_t = if falsify then Logic.mk_implies (orig_t, @{prop False})
                 else orig_t
-    val assms_t = Logic.mk_conjunction_list (neg_t :: orig_assm_ts)
-    val (assms_t, evals) =
-      assms_t :: evals |> merge_type_vars ? merge_type_vars_in_terms
-                       |> pairf hd tl
+    val tfree_table =
+      if merge_type_vars then
+        merged_type_var_table_for_terms (neg_t :: assm_ts @ evals)
+      else
+        []
+    val neg_t = merge_type_vars_in_term merge_type_vars tfree_table neg_t
+    val assm_ts = map (merge_type_vars_in_term merge_type_vars tfree_table)
+                      assm_ts
+    val evals = map (merge_type_vars_in_term merge_type_vars tfree_table) evals
     val original_max_potential = max_potential
     val original_max_genuine = max_genuine
     val max_bisim_depth = fold Integer.max bisim_depths ~1
@@ -269,11 +274,12 @@
        skolems = Unsynchronized.ref [], special_funs = Unsynchronized.ref [],
        unrolled_preds = Unsynchronized.ref [], wf_cache = Unsynchronized.ref [],
        constr_cache = Unsynchronized.ref []}
-    val frees = Term.add_frees assms_t []
-    val _ = null (Term.add_tvars assms_t []) orelse
+    val pseudo_frees = fold Term.add_frees assm_ts []
+    val real_frees = subtract (op =) pseudo_frees (Term.add_frees neg_t [])
+    val _ = null (fold Term.add_tvars (neg_t :: assm_ts) []) orelse
             raise NOT_SUPPORTED "schematic type variables"
     val (nondef_ts, def_ts, got_all_mono_user_axioms, no_poly_user_axioms,
-         binarize) = preprocess_term hol_ctxt finitizes monos assms_t
+         binarize) = preprocess_formulas hol_ctxt finitizes monos assm_ts neg_t
     val got_all_user_axioms =
       got_all_mono_user_axioms andalso no_poly_user_axioms
@@ -288,9 +294,10 @@
                    "\" could not be proved well-founded. Nitpick might need to \
                    \unroll it.")))
     val _ = if verbose then print_wf (!wf_cache) else ()
+    val das_wort_formula = if falsify then "Negated conjecture" else "Formula"
     val _ =
       pprint_d (fn () => Pretty.chunks
-          (pretties_for_formulas ctxt "Preprocessed formula" [hd nondef_ts] @
+          (pretties_for_formulas ctxt das_wort_formula [hd nondef_ts] @
            pretties_for_formulas ctxt "Relevant definitional axiom" def_ts @
            pretties_for_formulas ctxt "Relevant nondefinitional axiom"
                                  (tl nondef_ts)))
@@ -314,14 +321,16 @@
     val unique_scope = forall (curry (op =) 1 o length o snd) cards_assigns
     fun monotonicity_message Ts extra =
-      let val ss = map (quote o string_for_type ctxt) Ts in
-        "The type" ^ plural_s_for_list ss ^ " " ^
-        space_implode " " (serial_commas "and" ss) ^ " " ^
-        (if none_true monos then
-           "passed the monotonicity test"
-         else
-           (if length ss = 1 then "is" else "are") ^ " considered monotonic") ^
-        ". " ^ extra
+      let val pretties = map (pretty_maybe_quote o pretty_for_type ctxt) Ts in
+        Pretty.blk (0,
+          pstrs ("The type" ^ plural_s_for_list pretties ^ " ") @
+          pretty_serial_commas "and" pretties @
+          pstrs (" " ^
+          (if none_true monos then
+             "passed the monotonicity test"
+           else
+             (if length pretties = 1 then "is" else "are") ^ " considered monotonic") ^
+          ". " ^ extra))
     fun is_type_fundamentally_monotonic T =
       (is_datatype ctxt stds T andalso not (is_quot_type thy T) andalso
@@ -366,8 +375,8 @@
         case filter_out is_type_fundamentally_monotonic mono_Ts of
           [] => ()
         | interesting_mono_Ts =>
-          print_v (K (monotonicity_message interesting_mono_Ts
-                         "Nitpick might be able to skip some scopes."))
+          pprint_v (K (monotonicity_message interesting_mono_Ts
+                          "Nitpick might be able to skip some scopes."))
     val (deep_dataTs, shallow_dataTs) =
@@ -378,8 +387,8 @@
                      |> filter is_shallow_datatype_finitizable
     val _ =
       if verbose andalso not (null finitizable_dataTs) then
-        print_v (K (monotonicity_message finitizable_dataTs
-                        "Nitpick can use a more precise finite encoding."))
+        pprint_v (K (monotonicity_message finitizable_dataTs
+                         "Nitpick can use a more precise finite encoding."))
     (* This detection code is an ugly hack. Fortunately, it is used only to
@@ -446,7 +455,6 @@
                          (Typtab.dest ofs)
         val all_exact = forall (is_exact_type datatypes true) all_Ts
-        val repify_consts = choose_reps_for_consts scope all_exact
         val main_j0 = offset_of_type ofs bool_T
         val (nat_card, nat_j0) = spec_of_type scope nat_T
         val (int_card, int_j0) = spec_of_type scope int_T
@@ -455,15 +463,20 @@
                            "bad offsets")
         val kk = kodkod_constrs peephole_optim nat_card int_card main_j0
         val (free_names, rep_table) =
-          choose_reps_for_free_vars scope free_names NameTable.empty
+          choose_reps_for_free_vars scope pseudo_frees free_names
+                                    NameTable.empty
         val (sel_names, rep_table) = choose_reps_for_all_sels scope rep_table
-        val (nonsel_names, rep_table) = repify_consts nonsel_names rep_table
-        val min_highest_arity =
-          NameTable.fold (Integer.max o arity_of_rep o snd) rep_table 1
+        val (nonsel_names, rep_table) =
+          choose_reps_for_consts scope all_exact nonsel_names rep_table
+        val (guiltiest_party, min_highest_arity) =
+          NameTable.fold (fn (name, R) => fn (s, n) =>
+                             let val n' = arity_of_rep R in
+                               if n' > n then (nickname_of name, n') else (s, n)
+                             end) rep_table ("", 1)
         val min_univ_card =
           NameTable.fold (Integer.max o min_univ_card_of_rep o snd) rep_table
                          (univ_card nat_card int_card main_j0 [] KK.True)
-        val _ = check_arity min_univ_card min_highest_arity
+        val _ = check_arity guiltiest_party min_univ_card min_highest_arity
         val def_us = map (choose_reps_in_nut scope unsound rep_table true)
@@ -525,7 +538,7 @@
         val formula = fold_rev s_and axioms formula
         val _ = if bits = 0 then () else check_bits bits formula
         val _ = if formula = KK.False then ()
-                else check_arity univ_card highest_arity
+                else check_arity "" univ_card highest_arity
         SOME ({comment = comment, settings = settings, univ_card = univ_card,
                tuple_assigns = [], bounds = bounds,
@@ -584,11 +597,12 @@
         val (reconstructed_model, codatatypes_ok) =
           reconstruct_hol_model {show_datatypes = show_datatypes,
                                  show_consts = show_consts}
-              scope formats atomss frees free_names sel_names nonsel_names
-              rel_table bounds
+              scope formats atomss real_frees pseudo_frees free_names sel_names
+              nonsel_names rel_table bounds
         val genuine_means_genuine =
           got_all_user_axioms andalso none_true wfs andalso
           sound_finitizes andalso codatatypes_ok
+        fun assms_prop () = Logic.mk_conjunction_list (neg_t :: assm_ts)
         (pprint (Pretty.chunks
              [Pretty.blk (0,
@@ -604,7 +618,7 @@
          if genuine then
            (if check_genuine andalso standard then
               case prove_hol_model scope tac_timeout free_names sel_names
-                                   rel_table bounds assms_t of
+                                   rel_table bounds (assms_prop ()) of
                 SOME true =>
                 print ("Confirmation by \"auto\": The above " ^
                        das_wort_model ^ " is really genuine.")
@@ -648,7 +662,7 @@
                   print ("Try again with " ^
-                         space_implode " " (serial_commas "and" ss) ^
+                         implode (serial_commas "and" ss) ^
                          " to confirm that the " ^ das_wort_model ^
                          " is genuine.")
@@ -665,7 +679,8 @@
               if check_potential then
                   val status = prove_hol_model scope tac_timeout free_names
-                                              sel_names rel_table bounds assms_t
+                                               sel_names rel_table bounds
+                                               (assms_prop ())
                   (case status of
                      SOME true => print ("Confirmation by \"auto\": The \
@@ -953,7 +968,7 @@
              error "Nitpick was interrupted."
 fun pick_nits_in_term state (params as {debug, timeout, expect, ...}) auto i n
-                      step subst orig_assm_ts orig_t =
+                      step subst assm_ts orig_t =
   let val warning_m = if auto then K () else warning in
     if getenv "KODKODI" = "" then
       (* The "expect" argument is deliberately ignored if Kodkodi is missing so
@@ -967,7 +982,7 @@
         val outcome as (outcome_code, _) =
           time_limit (if debug then NONE else timeout)
               (pick_them_nits_in_term deadline state params auto i n step subst
-                                      orig_assm_ts) orig_t
+                                      assm_ts) orig_t
           handle TOO_LARGE (_, details) =>
                  (warning ("Limit reached: " ^ details ^ "."); unknown_outcome)
                | TOO_SMALL (_, details) =>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
   val unarize_unbox_etc_type : typ -> typ
   val uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type : typ -> typ
   val string_for_type : Proof.context -> typ -> string
+  val pretty_for_type : Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T
   val prefix_name : string -> string -> string
   val shortest_name : string -> string
   val short_name : string -> string
@@ -210,7 +211,8 @@
   val unrolled_inductive_pred_const : hol_context -> bool -> styp -> term
   val equational_fun_axioms : hol_context -> styp -> term list
   val is_equational_fun_surely_complete : hol_context -> styp -> bool
-  val merge_type_vars_in_terms : term list -> term list
+  val merged_type_var_table_for_terms : term list -> (sort * string) list
+  val merge_type_vars_in_term : bool -> (sort * string) list -> term -> term
   val ground_types_in_type : hol_context -> bool -> typ -> typ list
   val ground_types_in_terms : hol_context -> bool -> term list -> typ list
@@ -398,7 +400,6 @@
    (@{const_name "op -->"}, 2),
    (@{const_name If}, 3),
    (@{const_name Let}, 2),
-   (@{const_name Unity}, 0),
    (@{const_name Pair}, 2),
    (@{const_name fst}, 1),
    (@{const_name snd}, 1),
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
   | unarize_unbox_etc_type (Type (@{type_name fun_box}, Ts)) =
     unarize_unbox_etc_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts))
   | unarize_unbox_etc_type (Type (@{type_name pair_box}, Ts)) =
-    Type (@{type_name}, map unarize_unbox_etc_type Ts)
+    Type (@{type_name prod}, map unarize_unbox_etc_type Ts)
   | unarize_unbox_etc_type @{typ "unsigned_bit word"} = nat_T
   | unarize_unbox_etc_type @{typ "signed_bit word"} = int_T
   | unarize_unbox_etc_type (Type (s, Ts as _ :: _)) =
@@ -466,6 +467,7 @@
 val uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type = uniterize_type o unarize_unbox_etc_type
 fun string_for_type ctxt = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt o unarize_unbox_etc_type
+fun pretty_for_type ctxt = Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt o unarize_unbox_etc_type
 val prefix_name = Long_Name.qualify o Long_Name.base_name
 fun shortest_name s = List.last (space_explode "." s) handle List.Empty => ""
@@ -509,7 +511,7 @@
   | is_fun_type _ = false
 fun is_set_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}])) = true
   | is_set_type _ = false
-fun is_pair_type (Type (@{type_name}, _)) = true
+fun is_pair_type (Type (@{type_name prod}, _)) = true
   | is_pair_type _ = false
 fun is_lfp_iterator_type (Type (s, _)) = String.isPrefix lfp_iterator_prefix s
   | is_lfp_iterator_type _ = false
@@ -546,7 +548,7 @@
   | strip_n_binders _ T = raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.strip_n_binders", [T], [])
 val nth_range_type = snd oo strip_n_binders
-fun num_factors_in_type (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) =
+fun num_factors_in_type (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) =
     fold (Integer.add o num_factors_in_type) [T1, T2] 0
   | num_factors_in_type _ = 1
 fun num_binder_types (Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, T2])) =
@@ -557,7 +559,7 @@
   (if is_pair_type (body_type T) then binder_types else curried_binder_types) T
 fun mk_flat_tuple _ [t] = t
-  | mk_flat_tuple (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) (t :: ts) =
+  | mk_flat_tuple (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) (t :: ts) =
     HOLogic.pair_const T1 T2 $ t $ (mk_flat_tuple T2 ts)
   | mk_flat_tuple T ts = raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.mk_flat_tuple", [T], ts)
 fun dest_n_tuple 1 t = [t]
@@ -595,8 +597,8 @@
 (* FIXME: Use antiquotation for "code_numeral" below or detect "rep_datatype",
    e.g., by adding a field to "". *)
 fun is_basic_datatype thy stds s =
-  member (op =) [@{type_name}, @{type_name bool}, @{type_name unit},
-                 @{type_name int}, "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"] s orelse
+  member (op =) [@{type_name prod}, @{type_name bool}, @{type_name int},
+                 "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"] s orelse
   (s = @{type_name nat} andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T)
 fun instantiate_type thy T1 T1' T2 =
@@ -792,7 +794,7 @@
     Type (@{type_name fun}, _) =>
     (boxy = InPair orelse boxy = InFunLHS) andalso
     not (is_boolean_type (body_type T))
-  | Type (@{type_name}, Ts) =>
+  | Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts) =>
     boxy = InPair orelse boxy = InFunRHS1 orelse boxy = InFunRHS2 orelse
     ((boxy = InExpr orelse boxy = InFunLHS) andalso
      exists (is_boxing_worth_it hol_ctxt InPair)
@@ -812,12 +814,12 @@
       box_type hol_ctxt (in_fun_lhs_for boxy) T1
       --> box_type hol_ctxt (in_fun_rhs_for boxy) T2
-  | Type (z as (@{type_name}, Ts)) =>
+  | Type (z as (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =>
     if boxy <> InConstr andalso boxy <> InSel
        andalso should_box_type hol_ctxt boxy z then
       Type (@{type_name pair_box}, map (box_type hol_ctxt InSel) Ts)
-      Type (@{type_name},
+      Type (@{type_name prod},
             map (box_type hol_ctxt
                           (if boxy = InConstr orelse boxy = InSel then boxy
                            else InPair)) Ts)
@@ -979,7 +981,7 @@
       Const (nth_sel_for_constr x n)
-        fun aux m (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) =
+        fun aux m (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) =
               val (m, t1) = aux m T1
               val (m, t2) = aux m T2
@@ -1069,7 +1071,7 @@
     | (Type (new_s, new_Ts as [new_T1, new_T2]),
        Type (old_s, old_Ts as [old_T1, old_T2])) =>
       if old_s = @{type_name fin_fun} orelse old_s = @{type_name fun_box} orelse
-         old_s = @{type_name pair_box} orelse old_s = @{type_name} then
+         old_s = @{type_name pair_box} orelse old_s = @{type_name prod} then
         case constr_expand hol_ctxt old_T t of
           Const (old_s, _) $ t1 =>
           if new_s = @{type_name fun} then
@@ -1081,7 +1083,7 @@
                              (Type (@{type_name fun}, old_Ts)) t1]
         | Const _ $ t1 $ t2 =>
           construct_value ctxt stds
-              (if new_s = @{type_name} then @{const_name Pair}
+              (if new_s = @{type_name prod} then @{const_name Pair}
                else @{const_name PairBox}, new_Ts ---> new_T)
               (map3 (coerce_term hol_ctxt Ts) [new_T1, new_T2] [old_T1, old_T2]
                     [t1, t2])
@@ -1092,12 +1094,11 @@
 fun card_of_type assigns (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     reasonable_power (card_of_type assigns T2) (card_of_type assigns T1)
-  | card_of_type assigns (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) =
+  | card_of_type assigns (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) =
     card_of_type assigns T1 * card_of_type assigns T2
   | card_of_type _ (Type (@{type_name itself}, _)) = 1
   | card_of_type _ @{typ prop} = 2
   | card_of_type _ @{typ bool} = 2
-  | card_of_type _ @{typ unit} = 1
   | card_of_type assigns T =
     case AList.lookup (op =) assigns T of
       SOME k => k
@@ -1113,7 +1114,7 @@
       else Int.min (max, reasonable_power k2 k1)
   | bounded_card_of_type max default_card assigns
-                         (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) =
+                         (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) =
       val k1 = bounded_card_of_type max default_card assigns T1
       val k2 = bounded_card_of_type max default_card assigns T2
@@ -1143,7 +1144,7 @@
            else if k1 >= max orelse k2 >= max then max
            else Int.min (max, reasonable_power k2 k1)
-       | Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2]) =>
+       | Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2]) =>
            val k1 = aux avoid T1
            val k2 = aux avoid T2
@@ -1155,7 +1156,6 @@
        | Type (@{type_name itself}, _) => 1
        | @{typ prop} => 2
        | @{typ bool} => 2
-       | @{typ unit} => 1
        | Type _ =>
          (case datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T of
             [] => if is_integer_type T orelse is_bit_type T then 0
@@ -1195,9 +1195,10 @@
 fun special_bounds ts =
   fold Term.add_vars ts [] |> sort (Term_Ord.fast_indexname_ord o pairself fst)
+(* FIXME: detect "rep_datatype"? *)
 fun is_funky_typedef_name thy s =
-  member (op =) [@{type_name unit}, @{type_name}, @{type_name Sum_Type.sum},
-                 @{type_name int}] s orelse
+  member (op =) [@{type_name unit}, @{type_name prod},
+                 @{type_name Sum_Type.sum}, @{type_name int}] s orelse
   is_frac_type thy (Type (s, []))
 fun is_funky_typedef thy (Type (s, _)) = is_funky_typedef_name thy s
   | is_funky_typedef _ _ = false
@@ -1373,7 +1374,8 @@
     case t |> strip_abs_body |> strip_comb of
       (Const x, ts as (_ :: _)) =>
       (case def_of_const thy table x of
-         SOME t' => fixpoint_kind_of_rhs t' <> NoFp andalso forall is_good_arg ts
+         SOME t' => fixpoint_kind_of_rhs t' <> NoFp andalso
+                    forall is_good_arg ts
        | NONE => false)
     | _ => false
@@ -1725,25 +1727,41 @@
 (** Axiom extraction/generation **)
+fun equationalize t =
+  case Logic.strip_horn t of
+    (_, @{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ _ $ _)) => t
+  | (prems, @{const Trueprop} $ t') =>
+    Logic.list_implies (prems,
+                        @{const Trueprop} $ HOLogic.mk_eq (t', @{const True}))
+  | _ => t
 fun pair_for_prop t =
   case term_under_def t of
     Const (s, _) => (s, t)
   | t' => raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.pair_for_prop", [t, t'])
 fun def_table_for get ctxt subst =
   ctxt |> get |> map (pair_for_prop o subst_atomic subst)
        |> (op =) |> Symtab.make
-fun paired_with_consts t = map (rpair t) (Term.add_const_names t [])
 fun const_def_table ctxt subst ts =
   def_table_for (map prop_of o Nitpick_Defs.get) ctxt subst
   |> fold (fn (s, t) => Symtab.map_default (s, []) (cons t))
           (map pair_for_prop ts)
+fun paired_with_consts t = map (rpair t) (Term.add_const_names t [])
 fun const_nondef_table ts =
   fold (append o paired_with_consts) ts [] |> (op =) |> Symtab.make
-val const_simp_table = def_table_for (map prop_of o Nitpick_Simps.get)
-val const_psimp_table = def_table_for (map prop_of o Nitpick_Psimps.get)
+val const_simp_table =
+  def_table_for (map (equationalize o prop_of) o Nitpick_Simps.get)
+val const_psimp_table =
+  def_table_for (map (equationalize o prop_of) o Nitpick_Psimps.get)
 fun const_choice_spec_table ctxt subst =
   map (subst_atomic subst o prop_of) (Nitpick_Choice_Specs.get ctxt)
   |> const_nondef_table
 fun inductive_intro_table ctxt subst def_table =
   let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt in
@@ -1753,6 +1771,7 @@
                                   cat = Spec_Rules.Co_Inductive)
          o Spec_Rules.get) ctxt subst
 fun ground_theorem_table thy =
   fold ((fn @{const Trueprop} $ t1 =>
             is_ground_term t1 ? Inttab.map_default (hash_term t1, []) (cons t1)
@@ -1842,7 +1861,6 @@
     val xs = datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T
     val set_T = T --> bool_T
     val iter_T = @{typ bisim_iterator}
-    val bisim_const = Const (@{const_name bisim}, iter_T --> T --> T --> bool_T)
     val bisim_max = @{const bisim_iterator_max}
     val n_var = Var (("n", 0), iter_T)
     val n_var_minus_1 =
@@ -1851,8 +1869,10 @@
                           $ (suc_const iter_T $ Bound 0) $ n_var)
     val x_var = Var (("x", 0), T)
     val y_var = Var (("y", 0), T)
+    fun bisim_const T =
+      Const (@{const_name bisim}, iter_T --> T --> T --> bool_T)
     fun nth_sub_bisim x n nth_T =
-      (if is_codatatype thy nth_T then bisim_const $ n_var_minus_1
+      (if is_codatatype thy nth_T then bisim_const nth_T $ n_var_minus_1
        else HOLogic.eq_const nth_T)
       $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x x_var n nth_T
       $ select_nth_constr_arg ctxt stds x y_var n nth_T
@@ -1865,12 +1885,12 @@
           |> foldr1 s_conj
       in List.foldr absdummy core_t arg_Ts end
-    [HOLogic.eq_const bool_T $ (bisim_const $ n_var $ x_var $ y_var)
-     $ (@{term "op |"} $ (HOLogic.eq_const iter_T $ n_var $ zero_const iter_T)
-        $ (s_betapply []
-                      (optimized_case_def hol_ctxt T bool_T (map case_func xs),
-                       x_var))),
-     HOLogic.eq_const set_T $ (bisim_const $ bisim_max $ x_var)
+    [HOLogic.mk_imp
+       (HOLogic.mk_disj (HOLogic.eq_const iter_T $ n_var $ zero_const iter_T,
+            s_betapply [] (optimized_case_def hol_ctxt T bool_T
+                                              (map case_func xs), x_var)),
+        bisim_const T $ n_var $ x_var $ y_var),
+     HOLogic.eq_const set_T $ (bisim_const T $ bisim_max $ x_var)
      $ (Const (@{const_name insert}, T --> set_T --> set_T)
         $ x_var $ Const (@{const_name}, set_T))]
     |> map HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
@@ -2066,7 +2086,7 @@
     val tuple_T = HOLogic.mk_tupleT tuple_arg_Ts
     val set_T = tuple_T --> bool_T
     val curried_T = tuple_T --> set_T
-    val uncurried_T = Type (@{type_name}, [tuple_T, tuple_T]) --> bool_T
+    val uncurried_T = Type (@{type_name prod}, [tuple_T, tuple_T]) --> bool_T
     val (base_rhs, step_rhs) = linear_pred_base_and_step_rhss fp_app
     val base_x as (base_s, _) = (base_prefix ^ s, outer_Ts ---> set_T)
     val base_eq = HOLogic.mk_eq (list_comb (Const base_x, outer_vars), base_rhs)
@@ -2087,6 +2107,10 @@
     |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
+fun is_good_starred_linear_pred_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =
+    forall (not o (is_fun_type orf is_pair_type)) Ts
+  | is_good_starred_linear_pred_type _ = false
 fun unrolled_inductive_pred_const (hol_ctxt as {thy, star_linear_preds,
                                                 def_table, simp_table, ...})
                                   gfp (x as (s, T)) =
@@ -2098,8 +2122,9 @@
     if is_equational_fun hol_ctxt x' then
       unrolled_const (* already done *)
-    else if not gfp andalso is_linear_inductive_pred_def def andalso
-         star_linear_preds then
+    else if not gfp andalso star_linear_preds andalso
+         is_linear_inductive_pred_def def andalso
+         is_good_starred_linear_pred_type T then
       starred_linear_pred_const hol_ctxt x def
@@ -2166,7 +2191,7 @@
 (** Type preprocessing **)
-fun merge_type_vars_in_terms ts =
+fun merged_type_var_table_for_terms ts =
     fun add_type (TFree (s, S)) table =
         (case AList.lookup (op =) table S of
@@ -2175,21 +2200,23 @@
            else table
          | NONE => (S, s) :: table)
       | add_type _ table = table
-    val table = fold (fold_types (fold_atyps add_type)) ts []
-    fun coalesce (TFree (_, S)) = TFree (AList.lookup (op =) table S |> the, S)
-      | coalesce T = T
-  in map (map_types (map_atyps coalesce)) ts end
+  in fold (fold_types (fold_atyps add_type)) ts [] end
+fun merge_type_vars_in_term merge_type_vars table =
+  merge_type_vars
+  ? map_types (map_atyps
+        (fn TFree (_, S) => TFree (AList.lookup (op =) table S |> the, S)
+          | T => T))
 fun add_ground_types hol_ctxt binarize =
     fun aux T accum =
       case T of
         Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts) => fold aux Ts accum
-      | Type (@{type_name}, Ts) => fold aux Ts accum
+      | Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts) => fold aux Ts accum
       | Type (@{type_name itself}, [T1]) => aux T1 accum
       | Type (_, Ts) =>
-        if member (op =) (@{typ prop} :: @{typ bool} :: @{typ unit} :: accum)
-                  T then
+        if member (op =) (@{typ prop} :: @{typ bool} :: accum) T then
           T :: accum
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
 type raw_param = string * string list
 val default_default_params =
-  [("card", "1\<midarrow>8"),
-   ("iter", "0,1,2,4,8,12,16,24"),
-   ("bits", "1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12"),
-   ("bisim_depth", "7"),
+  [("card", "1\<midarrow>10"),
+   ("iter", "0,1,2,4,8,12,16,20,24,28"),
+   ("bits", "1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16"),
+   ("bisim_depth", "9"),
    ("box", "smart"),
    ("finitize", "smart"),
    ("mono", "smart"),
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
     val batch_size =
       case lookup_int_option "batch_size" of
         SOME n => Int.max (1, n)
-      | NONE => if debug then 1 else 64
+      | NONE => if debug then 1 else 50
     val expect = lookup_string "expect"
     {cards_assigns = cards_assigns, maxes_assigns = maxes_assigns,
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   val univ_card :
     int -> int -> int -> Kodkod.bound list -> Kodkod.formula -> int
   val check_bits : int -> Kodkod.formula -> unit
-  val check_arity : int -> int -> unit
+  val check_arity : string -> int -> int -> unit
   val kk_tuple : bool -> int -> int list -> Kodkod.tuple
   val tuple_set_from_atom_schema : (int * int) list -> Kodkod.tuple_set
   val sequential_int_bounds : int -> Kodkod.int_bound list
@@ -93,11 +93,17 @@
                   int_expr_func = int_expr_func}
   in KK.fold_formula expr_F formula () end
-fun check_arity univ_card n =
+fun check_arity guilty_party univ_card n =
   if n > KK.max_arity univ_card then
     raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Kodkod.check_arity",
-                     "arity " ^ string_of_int n ^ " too large for universe of \
-                     \cardinality " ^ string_of_int univ_card)
+                     "arity " ^ string_of_int n ^
+                     (if guilty_party = "" then
+                        ""
+                      else
+                        " of Kodkod relation associated with " ^
+                        quote guilty_party) ^
+                     " too large for universe of cardinality " ^
+                     string_of_int univ_card)
@@ -200,7 +206,7 @@
 fun tabulate_built_in_rel debug ofs univ_card nat_card int_card j0
                           (x as (n, _)) =
-  (check_arity univ_card n;
+  (check_arity "" univ_card n;
    if x = not3_rel then
      ("not3", tabulate_func1 debug univ_card (2, j0) (curry (op -) 1))
    else if x = suc_rel then
@@ -259,8 +265,10 @@
 fun axiom_for_built_in_rel (x as (n, j)) =
   if n = 2 andalso j <= suc_rels_base then
     let val (y as (k, j0), tabulate) = atom_seq_for_suc_rel x in
-      if tabulate orelse k < 2 then
+      if tabulate then
+      else if k < 2 then
+        SOME (KK.No (KK.Rel x))
         SOME (KK.TotalOrdering (x, KK.AtomSeq y, KK.Atom j0, KK.Atom (j0 + 1)))
@@ -434,13 +442,11 @@
   case arity_of_rep R1 of
     1 => kk_join r1 r2
   | arity1 =>
-    let
-      val unpacked_rs1 =
-        if inline_rel_expr r1 then unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1 arity1 r1
-        else unpack_products r1
-    in
+    let val unpacked_rs1 = unpack_products r1 in
       if one andalso length unpacked_rs1 = arity1 then
         fold kk_join unpacked_rs1 r2
+      else if one andalso inline_rel_expr r1 then
+        fold kk_join (unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1 arity1 r1) r2
             (kk_intersect (kk_product r1 (full_rel_for_rep res_R)) r2)
@@ -486,24 +492,19 @@
   case old_R of
     Atom _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
   | Struct Rs' =>
-    let
-      val Rs = filter (not_equal Unit) Rs
-      val Rs' = filter (not_equal Unit) Rs'
-    in
-      if Rs' = Rs then
-        r
-      else if map card_of_rep Rs' = map card_of_rep Rs then
-        let
-          val old_arities = map arity_of_rep Rs'
-          val old_offsets = offset_list old_arities
-          val old_rs = map2 (#kk_project_seq kk r) old_offsets old_arities
-        in
-          fold1 (#kk_product kk)
-                (map3 (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk) Rs Rs' old_rs)
-        end
-      else
-        lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
-    end
+    if Rs' = Rs then
+      r
+    else if map card_of_rep Rs' = map card_of_rep Rs then
+      let
+        val old_arities = map arity_of_rep Rs'
+        val old_offsets = offset_list old_arities
+        val old_rs = map2 (#kk_project_seq kk r) old_offsets old_arities
+      in
+        fold1 (#kk_product kk)
+              (map3 (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk) Rs Rs' old_rs)
+      end
+    else
+      lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
   | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.struct_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
 and vect_from_rel_expr kk k R old_R r =
   case old_R of
@@ -519,7 +520,6 @@
                  (all_singletons_for_rep R1))
       raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.vect_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
-  | Func (Unit, R2) => rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R R2 r
   | Func (R1, R2) =>
     fold1 (#kk_product kk)
           (map (fn arg_r =>
@@ -535,20 +535,6 @@
       func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2 (Vect (dom_card, R2'))
                                 (vect_from_rel_expr kk dom_card R2' (Atom x) r)
-  | func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk Unit R2 old_R r =
-    (case old_R of
-       Vect (_, R') => rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R2 R' r
-     | Func (Unit, R2') => rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R2 R2' r
-     | Func (Atom (1, _), Formula Neut) =>
-       (case unopt_rep R2 of
-          Atom (2, j0) => atom_from_formula kk j0 (#kk_some kk r)
-        | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
-                          [old_R, Func (Unit, R2)]))
-     | Func (R1', R2') =>
-       rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R2 R2' (#kk_project_seq kk r (arity_of_rep R1')
-                              (arity_of_rep R2'))
-     | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
-                       [old_R, Func (Unit, R2)]))
   | func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 (Formula Neut) old_R r =
     (case old_R of
        Vect (k, Atom (2, j0)) =>
@@ -572,9 +558,6 @@
            #kk_comprehension kk (decls_for_atom_schema ~1 schema) (kk_xeq r1 r)
-     | Func (Unit, (Atom (2, j0))) =>
-       #kk_rel_if kk (#kk_rel_eq kk r (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)))
-                  (full_rel_for_rep R1) (empty_rel_for_rep R1)
      | Func (R1', Atom (2, j0)) =>
        func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 (Formula Neut)
            (Func (R1', Formula Neut)) (#kk_join kk r (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)))
@@ -609,11 +592,6 @@
          | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
                            [old_R, Func (R1, R2)]))
-    | Func (Unit, R2') =>
-      let val j0 = some_j0 in
-        func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2 (Func (Atom (1, j0), R2'))
-                                  (#kk_product kk (KK.Atom j0) r)
-      end
     | Func (R1', R2') =>
       if R1 = R1' andalso R2 = R2' then
@@ -819,10 +797,9 @@
 fun sym_break_axioms_for_constr_pair hol_ctxt binarize
        (kk as {kk_all, kk_or, kk_iff, kk_implies, kk_and, kk_some, kk_subset,
                kk_intersect, kk_join, kk_project, ...}) rel_table nfas dtypes
-       (constr1 as {const = const1 as (_, T1), delta = delta1,
-                    epsilon = epsilon1, ...},
-        constr2 as {const = const2 as (_, T2), delta = delta2,
-                    epsilon = epsilon2, ...}) =
+       (({const = const1 as (_, T1), delta = delta1, epsilon = epsilon1, ...},
+         {const = const2 as (_, T2), delta = delta2, epsilon = epsilon2, ...})
+        : constr_spec * constr_spec) =
     val dataT = body_type T1
     val nfa = nfas |> find_first (exists (curry (op =) dataT o fst)) |> these
@@ -1093,9 +1070,7 @@
              val R2 = rep_of u2
              val (dom_R, ran_R) =
                case min_rep R1 R2 of
-                 Func (Unit, R') =>
-                 (Atom (1, offset_of_type ofs dom_T), R')
-               | Func Rp => Rp
+                 Func Rp => Rp
                | R => (Atom (card_of_domain_from_rep 2 R,
                              offset_of_type ofs dom_T),
                        if is_opt_rep R then Opt bool_atom_R else Formula Neut)
@@ -1120,8 +1095,7 @@
          | Op2 (DefEq, _, _, u1, u2) =>
            (case min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2) of
-              Unit => KK.True
-            | Formula polar =>
+              Formula polar =>
               kk_iff (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
             | min_R =>
@@ -1139,8 +1113,7 @@
          | Op2 (Eq, _, _, u1, u2) =>
            (case min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2) of
-              Unit => KK.True
-            | Formula polar =>
+              Formula polar =>
               kk_iff (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
             | min_R =>
               if is_opt_rep min_R then
@@ -1420,11 +1393,10 @@
             rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R R' (kk_closure (to_rep R' u1))
       | Op1 (SingletonSet, _, Func (R1, Opt _), Cst (Unrep, _, _)) =>
-        (if R1 = Unit then I else kk_product (full_rel_for_rep R1)) false_atom
+        kk_product (full_rel_for_rep R1) false_atom
       | Op1 (SingletonSet, _, R, u1) =>
         (case R of
            Func (R1, Formula Neut) => to_rep R1 u1
-         | Func (Unit, Opt R) => to_guard [u1] R true_atom
          | Func (R1, Opt _) =>
            single_rel_rel_let kk
                (fn r => kk_rel_if (kk_no r) (empty_rel_for_rep R)
@@ -1670,10 +1642,8 @@
            Struct Rs => to_product Rs us
          | Vect (k, R) => to_product (replicate k R) us
          | Atom (1, j0) =>
-           (case filter (not_equal Unit o rep_of) us of
-              [] => KK.Atom j0
-            | us' => kk_rel_if (kk_some (fold1 kk_product (map to_r us')))
-                               (KK.Atom j0) KK.None)
+           kk_rel_if (kk_some (fold1 kk_product (map to_r us)))
+                     (KK.Atom j0) KK.None
          | _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Tuple)", [u]))
       | Construct ([u'], _, _, []) => to_r u'
       | Construct (discr_u :: sel_us, _, _, arg_us) =>
@@ -1709,21 +1679,10 @@
     and to_atom (x as (k, j0)) u =
       case rep_of u of
         Formula _ => atom_from_formula kk j0 (to_f u)
-      | Unit => if k = 1 then KK.Atom j0
-                else raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_atom", [u])
       | R => atom_from_rel_expr kk x R (to_r u)
-    and to_struct Rs u =
-      case rep_of u of
-        Unit => full_rel_for_rep (Struct Rs)
-      | R' => struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs R' (to_r u)
-    and to_vect k R u =
-      case rep_of u of
-        Unit => full_rel_for_rep (Vect (k, R))
-      | R' => vect_from_rel_expr kk k R R' (to_r u)
-    and to_func R1 R2 u =
-      case rep_of u of
-        Unit => full_rel_for_rep (Func (R1, R2))
-      | R' => rel_expr_to_func kk R1 R2 R' (to_r u)
+    and to_struct Rs u = struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs (rep_of u) (to_r u)
+    and to_vect k R u = vect_from_rel_expr kk k R (rep_of u) (to_r u)
+    and to_func R1 R2 u = rel_expr_to_func kk R1 R2 (rep_of u) (to_r u)
     and to_opt R u =
       let val old_R = rep_of u in
         if is_opt_rep old_R then
@@ -1758,10 +1717,7 @@
     and to_project new_R old_R r j0 =
       rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk new_R old_R
                              (kk_project_seq r j0 (arity_of_rep old_R))
-    and to_product Rs us =
-      case map (uncurry to_opt) (filter (not_equal Unit o fst) (Rs ~~ us)) of
-        [] => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_product", Rs)
-      | rs => fold1 kk_product rs
+    and to_product Rs us = fold1 kk_product (map (uncurry to_opt) (Rs ~~ us))
     and to_nth_pair_sel n res_T res_R u =
       case u of
         Tuple (_, _, us) => to_rep res_R (nth us n)
@@ -1783,12 +1739,7 @@
                val nth_R = nth Rs n
                val j0 = if n = 0 then 0 else arity_of_rep (hd Rs)
-             in
-               case arity_of_rep nth_R of
-                 0 => to_guard [u] res_R
-                               (to_rep res_R (Cst (Unity, res_T, Unit)))
-               | _ => to_project res_R nth_R (to_rep (Opt (Struct Rs)) u) j0
-             end
+             in to_project res_R nth_R (to_rep (Opt (Struct Rs)) u) j0 end
     and to_set_bool_op connective set_oper u1 u2 =
         val min_R = min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2)
@@ -1798,8 +1749,6 @@
         case min_R of
           Vect (k, Atom _) => kk_vect_set_bool_op connective k r1 r2
         | Func (_, Formula Neut) => set_oper r1 r2
-        | Func (Unit, Atom (2, j0)) =>
-          connective (formula_from_atom j0 r1) (formula_from_atom j0 r2)
         | Func (_, Atom _) => set_oper (kk_join r1 true_atom)
                                        (kk_join r2 true_atom)
         | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_set_bool_op", [min_R])
@@ -1837,12 +1786,7 @@
         raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_apply", [R])
       | to_apply res_R func_u arg_u =
         case unopt_rep (rep_of func_u) of
-          Unit =>
-          let val j0 = offset_of_type ofs (type_of func_u) in
-            to_guard [arg_u] res_R
-                     (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R (Atom (1, j0)) (KK.Atom j0))
-          end
-        | Atom (1, j0) =>
+          Atom (1, j0) =>
           to_guard [arg_u] res_R
                    (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R (Atom (1, j0)) (to_r func_u))
         | Atom (k, _) =>
@@ -1861,9 +1805,6 @@
         | Func (R, Formula Neut) =>
           to_guard [arg_u] res_R (rel_expr_from_formula kk res_R
                                       (kk_subset (to_opt R arg_u) (to_r func_u)))
-        | Func (Unit, R2) =>
-          to_guard [arg_u] res_R
-                   (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R R2 (to_r func_u))
         | Func (R1, R2) =>
           rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R R2
               (kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 (to_opt R1 arg_u) (to_r func_u))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
   val dest_plain_fun : term -> bool * (term list * term list)
   val reconstruct_hol_model :
     params -> scope -> (term option * int list) list
-    -> (typ option * string list) list -> styp list -> nut list -> nut list
-    -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table -> Kodkod.raw_bound list
+    -> (typ option * string list) list -> styp list -> styp list -> nut list
+    -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table -> Kodkod.raw_bound list
     -> Pretty.T * bool
   val prove_hol_model :
     scope -> Time.time option -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
                 Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, Type (@{type_name fun}, [T2, _])]))
          $ t1 $ t2) =
     let val Ts = map uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type [T1, T2] in
-      Const (@{const_name Pair}, Ts ---> Type (@{type_name}, Ts))
+      Const (@{const_name Pair}, Ts ---> Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts))
       $ unarize_unbox_etc_term t1 $ unarize_unbox_etc_term t2
   | unarize_unbox_etc_term (Const (s, T)) =
@@ -185,27 +185,27 @@
   | unarize_unbox_etc_term (Abs (s, T, t')) =
     Abs (s, uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type T, unarize_unbox_etc_term t')
-fun factor_out_types (T1 as Type (@{type_name}, [T11, T12]))
-                     (T2 as Type (@{type_name}, [T21, T22])) =
+fun factor_out_types (T1 as Type (@{type_name prod}, [T11, T12]))
+                     (T2 as Type (@{type_name prod}, [T21, T22])) =
     let val (n1, n2) = pairself num_factors_in_type (T11, T21) in
       if n1 = n2 then
           val ((T11', opt_T12'), (T21', opt_T22')) = factor_out_types T12 T22
-          ((Type (@{type_name}, [T11, T11']), opt_T12'),
-           (Type (@{type_name}, [T21, T21']), opt_T22'))
+          ((Type (@{type_name prod}, [T11, T11']), opt_T12'),
+           (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T21, T21']), opt_T22'))
       else if n1 < n2 then
         case factor_out_types T1 T21 of
           (p1, (T21', NONE)) => (p1, (T21', SOME T22))
         | (p1, (T21', SOME T22')) =>
-          (p1, (T21', SOME (Type (@{type_name}, [T22', T22]))))
+          (p1, (T21', SOME (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T22', T22]))))
         swap (factor_out_types T2 T1)
-  | factor_out_types (Type (@{type_name}, [T11, T12])) T2 =
+  | factor_out_types (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T11, T12])) T2 =
     ((T11, SOME T12), (T2, NONE))
-  | factor_out_types T1 (Type (@{type_name}, [T21, T22])) =
+  | factor_out_types T1 (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T21, T22])) =
     ((T1, NONE), (T21, SOME T22))
   | factor_out_types T1 T2 = ((T1, NONE), (T2, NONE))
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
     val (ps1, ps2) = pairself HOLogic.flat_tupleT_paths (T1, T2)
     val (ts1, ts2) = t |> HOLogic.strip_ptuple ps |> chop cut
   in (HOLogic.mk_ptuple ps1 T1 ts1, HOLogic.mk_ptuple ps2 T2 ts2) end
-fun pair_up (Type (@{type_name}, [T1', T2']))
+fun pair_up (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1', T2']))
             (t1 as Const (@{const_name Pair},
                           Type (@{type_name fun},
                                 [_, Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, T1])]))
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@
       and do_term (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1', T2']))
                   (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) t =
           do_fun T1' T2' T1 T2 t
-        | do_term (T' as Type (@{type_name}, Ts' as [T1', T2']))
-                  (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2]))
+        | do_term (T' as Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts' as [T1', T2']))
+                  (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2]))
                   (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2) =
           Const (@{const_name Pair}, Ts' ---> T')
           $ do_term T1' T1 t1 $ do_term T2' T2 t2
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
   | truth_const_sort_key @{const False} = "2"
   | truth_const_sort_key _ = "1"
-fun mk_tuple (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) ts =
+fun mk_tuple (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) ts =
     HOLogic.mk_prod (mk_tuple T1 ts,
         mk_tuple T2 (List.drop (ts, length (HOLogic.flatten_tupleT T1))))
   | mk_tuple _ (t :: _) = t
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
                             signed_string_of_int j ^ " for " ^
                             string_for_rep (Vect (k1, Atom (k2, 0))))
-      | term_for_atom seen (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) _ j k =
+      | term_for_atom seen (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) _ j k =
           val k1 = card_of_type card_assigns T1
           val k2 = k div k1
@@ -476,7 +476,6 @@
         HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (term_for_atom seen bool_T bool_T j k)
       | term_for_atom _ @{typ bool} _ j _ =
         if j = 0 then @{const False} else @{const True}
-      | term_for_atom _ @{typ unit} _ _ _ = @{const Unity}
       | term_for_atom seen T _ j k =
         if T = nat_T andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T then
           HOLogic.mk_number nat_T j
@@ -588,11 +587,10 @@
                (map (fn j => term_for_atom seen T1 T1 j k) (index_seq 0 k))
                (map (term_for_rep true seen T2 T2 R o single)
                     (batch_list (arity_of_rep R) js))
-    and term_for_rep _ seen T T' Unit [[]] = term_for_atom seen T T' 0 1
-      | term_for_rep _ seen T T' (R as Atom (k, j0)) [[j]] =
+    and term_for_rep _ seen T T' (R as Atom (k, j0)) [[j]] =
         if j >= j0 andalso j < j0 + k then term_for_atom seen T T' (j - j0) k
         else raise REP ("Nitpick_Model.reconstruct_term.term_for_rep", [R])
-      | term_for_rep _ seen (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) _
+      | term_for_rep _ seen (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) _
                      (Struct [R1, R2]) [js] =
           val arity1 = arity_of_rep R1
@@ -861,8 +859,8 @@
                       ground_thm_table, ersatz_table, skolems, special_funs,
                       unrolled_preds, wf_cache, constr_cache},
          binarize, card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth, datatypes, ofs} : scope)
-        formats atomss all_frees free_names sel_names nonsel_names rel_table
-        bounds =
+        formats atomss real_frees pseudo_frees free_names sel_names nonsel_names
+        rel_table bounds =
     val pool = Unsynchronized.ref []
     val (wacky_names as (_, base_step_names), ctxt) =
@@ -937,7 +935,7 @@
     fun pretty_for_datatype ({typ, card, complete, ...} : datatype_spec) =
       Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
-          (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type typ) ::
+          (pretty_for_type ctxt typ ::
            (case typ of
               Type (@{type_name fin_fun}, _) => [Pretty.str "[finite]"]
             | Type (@{type_name fun_box}, _) => [Pretty.str "[boxed]"]
@@ -977,6 +975,14 @@
                (sort_wrt (original_name o nickname_of) names)
+    fun free_name_for_term keep_all (x as (s, T)) =
+      case filter (curry (op =) x
+                   o pairf nickname_of (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type
+                                        o type_of)) free_names of
+        [name] => SOME name
+      | [] => if keep_all then SOME (FreeName (s, T, Any)) else NONE
+      | _ => raise TERM ("Nitpick_Model.reconstruct_hol_model.\
+                         \free_name_for_term", [Const x])
     val (skolem_names, nonskolem_nonsel_names) =
       List.partition is_skolem_name nonsel_names
     val (eval_names, noneval_nonskolem_nonsel_names) =
@@ -985,17 +991,9 @@
       ||> filter_out (member (op =) [@{const_name bisim},
                                      @{const_name bisim_iterator_max}]
                       o nickname_of)
-    val free_names =
-      map (fn x as (s, T) =>
-              case filter (curry (op =) x
-                       o pairf nickname_of
-                               (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type o type_of))
-                       free_names of
-                [name] => name
-              | [] => FreeName (s, T, Any)
-              | _ => raise TERM ("Nitpick_Model.reconstruct_hol_model",
-                                 [Const x])) all_frees
-    val chunks = block_of_names true "Free variable" free_names @
+      ||> append (map_filter (free_name_for_term false) pseudo_frees)
+    val real_free_names = map_filter (free_name_for_term true) real_frees
+    val chunks = block_of_names true "Free variable" real_free_names @
                  block_of_names true "Skolem constant" skolem_names @
                  block_of_names true "Evaluated term" eval_names @
                  block_of_datatypes @ block_of_codatatypes @
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
   type hol_context = Nitpick_HOL.hol_context
+  val trace : bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val formulas_monotonic :
     hol_context -> bool -> typ -> term list * term list -> bool
   val finitize_funs :
@@ -54,9 +55,8 @@
 exception MTYPE of string * mtyp list * typ list
 exception MTERM of string * mterm list
-val debug_mono = false
-fun print_g f = () |> debug_mono ? tracing o f
+val trace = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun trace_msg msg = if !trace then tracing (msg ()) else ()
 val string_for_var = signed_string_of_int
 fun string_for_vars sep [] = "0\<^bsub>" ^ sep ^ "\<^esub>"
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
       else case T of
         Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2]) =>
         MFun (fresh_mfun_for_fun_type mdata false T1 T2)
-      | Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2]) => MPair (pairself do_type (T1, T2))
+      | Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2]) => MPair (pairself do_type (T1, T2))
       | Type (z as (s, _)) =>
         if could_exist_alpha_sub_mtype ctxt alpha_T T then
           case AList.lookup (op =) (!datatype_mcache) z of
@@ -402,10 +402,10 @@
                  [M1, M2], [])
 fun add_mtype_comp cmp M1 M2 ((lits, comps, sexps) : constraint_set) =
-    (print_g (fn () => "*** Add " ^ string_for_mtype M1 ^ " " ^
-                       string_for_comp_op cmp ^ " " ^ string_for_mtype M2);
+    (trace_msg (fn () => "*** Add " ^ string_for_mtype M1 ^ " " ^
+                         string_for_comp_op cmp ^ " " ^ string_for_mtype M2);
      case do_mtype_comp cmp [] M1 M2 (SOME (lits, comps)) of
-       NONE => (print_g (K "**** Unsolvable"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
+       NONE => (trace_msg (K "**** Unsolvable"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
      | SOME (lits, comps) => (lits, comps, sexps))
 val add_mtypes_equal = add_mtype_comp Eq
@@ -447,11 +447,11 @@
     raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.do_notin_mtype_fv", [M], [])
 fun add_notin_mtype_fv sn M ((lits, comps, sexps) : constraint_set) =
-    (print_g (fn () => "*** Add " ^ string_for_mtype M ^ " is " ^
-                       (case sn of Minus => "concrete" | Plus => "complete") ^
-                       ".");
+    (trace_msg (fn () => "*** Add " ^ string_for_mtype M ^ " is " ^
+                         (case sn of Minus => "concrete" | Plus => "complete") ^
+                         ".");
      case do_notin_mtype_fv sn [] M (SOME (lits, sexps)) of
-       NONE => (print_g (K "**** Unsolvable"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
+       NONE => (trace_msg (K "**** Unsolvable"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
      | SOME (lits, sexps) => (lits, comps, sexps))
 val add_mtype_is_concrete = add_notin_mtype_fv Minus
@@ -493,16 +493,16 @@
   subscript_string_for_vars " \<and> " xs ^ " " ^ string_for_sign_atom a2
 fun print_problem lits comps sexps =
-  print_g (fn () => "*** Problem:\n" ^
-                    cat_lines (map string_for_literal lits @
-                               map string_for_comp comps @
-                               map string_for_sign_expr sexps))
+  trace_msg (fn () => "*** Problem:\n" ^
+                      cat_lines (map string_for_literal lits @
+                                 map string_for_comp comps @
+                                 map string_for_sign_expr sexps))
 fun print_solution lits =
   let val (pos, neg) = List.partition (curry (op =) Plus o snd) lits in
-    print_g (fn () => "*** Solution:\n" ^
-                      "+: " ^ commas (map (string_for_var o fst) pos) ^ "\n" ^
-                      "-: " ^ commas (map (string_for_var o fst) neg))
+    trace_msg (fn () => "*** Solution:\n" ^
+                        "+: " ^ commas (map (string_for_var o fst) pos) ^ "\n" ^
+                        "-: " ^ commas (map (string_for_var o fst) neg))
 fun solve max_var (lits, comps, sexps) =
@@ -628,8 +628,8 @@
     and do_term t (accum as (gamma as {bound_Ts, bound_Ms, frees, consts},
                              cset)) =
-        (print_g (fn () => "  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
-                           Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " : _?");
+        (trace_msg (fn () => "  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
+                             Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " : _?");
          case t of
            Const (x as (s, T)) =>
            (case AList.lookup (op =) consts x of
@@ -652,9 +652,9 @@
               | @{const_name "op ="} => do_equals T accum
               | @{const_name The} =>
-                (print_g (K "*** The"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
+                (trace_msg (K "*** The"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
               | @{const_name Eps} =>
-                (print_g (K "*** Eps"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
+                (trace_msg (K "*** Eps"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
               | @{const_name If} =>
                 do_robust_set_operation (range_type T) accum
                 |>> curry3 MFun bool_M (S Minus)
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@
                 (M, ({bound_Ts = bound_Ts, bound_Ms = bound_Ms,
                       frees = (x, M) :: frees, consts = consts}, cset))
               end) |>> curry MRaw t
-         | Var _ => (print_g (K "*** Var"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
+         | Var _ => (trace_msg (K "*** Var"); raise UNSOLVABLE ())
          | Bound j => (MRaw (t, nth bound_Ms j), accum)
          | Abs (s, T, t') =>
            (case fin_fun_body T (fastype_of1 (T :: bound_Ts, t')) t' of
@@ -793,8 +793,8 @@
                val M2 = mtype_of_mterm m2
              in (MApp (m1, m2), accum ||> add_is_sub_mtype M2 M11) end
-        |> tap (fn (m, _) => print_g (fn () => "  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
-                                               string_for_mterm ctxt m))
+        |> tap (fn (m, _) => trace_msg (fn () => "  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
+                                                 string_for_mterm ctxt m))
   in do_term end
 fun force_minus_funs 0 _ = I
@@ -848,9 +848,9 @@
               Plus => do_term t accum
             | Minus => consider_general_equals mdata false x t1 t2 accum
-          (print_g (fn () => "  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
-                           Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " : o\<^sup>" ^
-                           string_for_sign sn ^ "?");
+          (trace_msg (fn () => "  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
+                               Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " : o\<^sup>" ^
+                               string_for_sign sn ^ "?");
            case t of
              Const (x as (@{const_name all}, _)) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1) =>
              do_quantifier x s1 T1 t1
@@ -898,9 +898,9 @@
            | _ => do_term t accum)
         |> tap (fn (m, _) =>
-                   print_g (fn () => "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
-                                     string_for_mterm ctxt m ^ " : o\<^sup>" ^
-                                     string_for_sign sn))
+                   trace_msg (fn () => "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> " ^
+                                       string_for_mterm ctxt m ^ " : o\<^sup>" ^
+                                       string_for_sign sn))
   in do_formula end
 (* The harmless axiom optimization below is somewhat too aggressive in the face
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@
   Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " : " ^ string_for_mtype (resolve_mtype lits M)
 fun print_mtype_context ctxt lits ({frees, consts, ...} : mtype_context) =
-  print_g (fn () =>
+  trace_msg (fn () =>
       map (fn (x, M) => string_for_mtype_of_term ctxt lits (Free x) M) frees @
       map (fn (x, M) => string_for_mtype_of_term ctxt lits (Const x) M) consts
       |> cat_lines)
@@ -994,9 +994,9 @@
 fun infer which no_harmless (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) binarize alpha_T
           (nondef_ts, def_ts) =
-    val _ = print_g (fn () => "****** " ^ which ^ " analysis: " ^
-                              string_for_mtype MAlpha ^ " is " ^
-                              Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt alpha_T)
+    val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "****** " ^ which ^ " analysis: " ^
+                                string_for_mtype MAlpha ^ " is " ^
+                                Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt alpha_T)
     val mdata as {max_fresh, constr_mcache, ...} =
       initial_mdata hol_ctxt binarize no_harmless alpha_T
     val accum = (initial_gamma, ([], [], []))
@@ -1043,8 +1043,8 @@
           | (MFun (M1, a, M2), Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =>
             Type (if should_finitize T a then @{type_name fin_fun}
                   else @{type_name fun}, map2 type_from_mtype Ts [M1, M2])
-          | (MPair (M1, M2), Type (@{type_name}, Ts)) =>
-            Type (@{type_name}, map2 type_from_mtype Ts [M1, M2])
+          | (MPair (M1, M2), Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =>
+            Type (@{type_name prod}, map2 type_from_mtype Ts [M1, M2])
           | (MType _, _) => T
           | _ => raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.finitize_funs.type_from_mtype",
                               [M], [T])
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_nut.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_nut.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 signature NITPICK_NUT =
+  type styp = Nitpick_Util.styp
   type hol_context = Nitpick_HOL.hol_context
   type scope = Nitpick_Scope.scope
   type name_pool = Nitpick_Peephole.name_pool
   type rep = Nitpick_Rep.rep
   datatype cst =
-    Unity |
     False |
     True |
     Iden |
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@
   val nut_from_term : hol_context -> op2 -> term -> nut
   val is_fully_representable_set : nut -> bool
   val choose_reps_for_free_vars :
-    scope -> nut list -> rep NameTable.table -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
+    scope -> styp list -> nut list -> rep NameTable.table
+    -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
   val choose_reps_for_consts :
     scope -> bool -> nut list -> rep NameTable.table
     -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
@@ -130,7 +131,6 @@
 structure KK = Kodkod
 datatype cst =
-  Unity |
   False |
   True |
   Iden |
@@ -200,8 +200,7 @@
 exception NUT of string * nut list
-fun string_for_cst Unity = "Unity"
-  | string_for_cst False = "False"
+fun string_for_cst False = "False"
   | string_for_cst True = "True"
   | string_for_cst Iden = "Iden"
   | string_for_cst (Num j) = "Num " ^ signed_string_of_int j
@@ -427,7 +426,7 @@
     let val res_T = snd (HOLogic.dest_prodT T) in
       (res_T, Const (@{const_name snd}, T --> res_T) $ t)
-fun factorize (z as (Type (@{type_name}, _), _)) =
+fun factorize (z as (Type (@{type_name prod}, _), _)) =
     maps factorize [mk_fst z, mk_snd z]
   | factorize z = [z]
@@ -532,7 +531,6 @@
                sub t1, sub_abs s T' t2)
         | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Let}, _), [t1, t2]) =>
           sub (t0 $ t1 $ eta_expand Ts t2 1)
-        | (@{const Unity}, []) => Cst (Unity, @{typ unit}, Any)
         | (Const (@{const_name Pair}, T), [t1, t2]) =>
           Tuple (nth_range_type 2 T, Any, map sub [t1, t2])
         | (Const (@{const_name fst}, T), [t1]) =>
@@ -671,9 +669,12 @@
     Func (R1, (card_of_rep R1 <> card_of_rep R2 ? Opt) R2)
-fun choose_rep_for_free_var scope v (vs, table) =
+fun choose_rep_for_free_var scope pseudo_frees v (vs, table) =
-    val R = best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (type_of v)
+    val R = (if exists (curry (op =) (nickname_of v) o fst) pseudo_frees then
+               best_opt_set_rep_for_type
+             else
+               best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type) scope (type_of v)
     val v = modify_name_rep v R
   in (v :: vs, NameTable.update (v, R) table) end
 fun choose_rep_for_const (scope as {hol_ctxt = {ctxt, ...}, ...}) all_exact v
@@ -701,8 +702,8 @@
     val v = modify_name_rep v R
   in (v :: vs, NameTable.update (v, R) table) end
-fun choose_reps_for_free_vars scope vs table =
-  fold (choose_rep_for_free_var scope) vs ([], table)
+fun choose_reps_for_free_vars scope pseudo_frees vs table =
+  fold (choose_rep_for_free_var scope pseudo_frees) vs ([], table)
 fun choose_reps_for_consts scope all_exact vs table =
   fold (choose_rep_for_const scope all_exact) vs ([], table)
@@ -741,8 +742,7 @@
   (not (is_fun_type (type_of u)) andalso not (is_opt_rep (rep_of u))) orelse
   case u of
     Cst (Num _, _, _) => true
-  | Cst (cst, T, _) =>
-    cst = Suc orelse (body_type T = nat_T andalso cst = Add)
+  | Cst (cst, T, _) => body_type T = nat_T andalso (cst = Suc orelse cst = Add)
   | Op2 (Apply, _, _, u1, u2) => forall is_constructive [u1, u2]
   | Op3 (If, _, _, u1, u2, u3) =>
     not (is_opt_rep (rep_of u1)) andalso forall is_constructive [u2, u3]
@@ -750,8 +750,6 @@
   | Construct (_, _, _, us) => forall is_constructive us
   | _ => false
-fun optimize_unit u =
-  if rep_of u = Unit then Cst (Unity, type_of u, Unit) else u
 fun unknown_boolean T R =
   Cst (case R of Formula Pos => False | Formula Neg => True | _ => Unknown,
        T, R)
@@ -764,7 +762,6 @@
       raise SAME ())
    handle SAME () => Op1 (oper, T, R, u1))
-  |> optimize_unit
 fun s_op2 oper T R u1 u2 =
   ((case oper of
       All => if is_subnut_of u1 u2 then Op2 (All, T, R, u1, u2) else u2
@@ -806,7 +803,6 @@
         raise SAME ()
     | _ => raise SAME ())
    handle SAME () => Op2 (oper, T, R, u1, u2))
-  |> optimize_unit
 fun s_op3 oper T R u1 u2 u3 =
   ((case oper of
       Let =>
@@ -816,13 +812,11 @@
         raise SAME ()
     | _ => raise SAME ())
    handle SAME () => Op3 (oper, T, R, u1, u2, u3))
-  |> optimize_unit
 fun s_tuple T R us =
-  (if exists (is_Cst Unrep) us then Cst (Unrep, T, R) else Tuple (T, R, us))
-  |> optimize_unit
+  if exists (is_Cst Unrep) us then Cst (Unrep, T, R) else Tuple (T, R, us)
 fun untuple f (Tuple (_, _, us)) = maps (untuple f) us
-  | untuple f u = if rep_of u = Unit then [] else [f u]
+  | untuple f u = [f u]
 fun choose_reps_in_nut (scope as {card_assigns, bits, datatypes, ofs, ...})
                        unsound table def =
@@ -851,17 +845,14 @@
             Cst (if is_twos_complement_representable bits j then Num j
                  else Unrep, T, best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T)
-            (case spec_of_type scope T of
-               (1, j0) => if j = 0 then Cst (Unity, T, Unit)
-                          else Cst (Unrep, T, Opt (Atom (1, j0)))
-             | (k, j0) =>
-               let
-                 val ok = (if T = int_T then atom_for_int (k, j0) j <> ~1
-                           else j < k)
-               in
-                 if ok then Cst (Num j, T, Atom (k, j0))
-                 else Cst (Unrep, T, Opt (Atom (k, j0)))
-               end)
+             let
+               val (k, j0) = spec_of_type scope T
+               val ok = (if T = int_T then atom_for_int (k, j0) j <> ~1
+                         else j < k)
+             in
+               if ok then Cst (Num j, T, Atom (k, j0))
+               else Cst (Unrep, T, Opt (Atom (k, j0)))
+             end
         | Cst (Suc, T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, _]), _) =>
           let val R = Atom (spec_of_type scope T1) in
             Cst (Suc, T, Func (R, Opt R))
@@ -1031,8 +1022,7 @@
           in s_op2 Apply T ran_R u1 u2 end
         | Op2 (Lambda, T, _, u1, u2) =>
           (case best_set_rep_for_type scope T of
-             Unit => Cst (Unity, T, Unit)
-           | R as Func (R1, _) =>
+             R as Func (R1, _) =>
                val table' = NameTable.update (u1, R1) table
                val u1' = aux table' false Neut u1
@@ -1145,8 +1135,8 @@
             val Rs = map (best_one_rep_for_type scope o type_of) us
             val us = map sub us
-            val R = if forall (curry (op =) Unit) Rs then Unit else Struct Rs
-            val R' = (exists (is_opt_rep o rep_of) us ? opt_rep ofs T) R
+            val R' = Struct Rs
+                     |> exists (is_opt_rep o rep_of) us ? opt_rep ofs T
           in s_tuple T R' us end
         | Construct (us', T, _, us) =>
@@ -1166,7 +1156,6 @@
               s_op1 Cast (type_of u) (Formula polar) u
-      |> optimize_unit
   in aux table def Pos end
 fun fresh_n_ary_index n [] ys = (0, (n, 1) :: ys)
@@ -1199,7 +1188,7 @@
     val w = constr (j, type_of v, rep_of v)
   in (w :: ws, pool, NameTable.update (v, w) table) end
-fun shape_tuple (T as Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) (R as Struct [R1, R2])
+fun shape_tuple (T as Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) (R as Struct [R1, R2])
                 us =
     let val arity1 = arity_of_rep R1 in
       Tuple (T, R, [shape_tuple T1 R1 (List.take (us, arity1)),
@@ -1209,7 +1198,6 @@
     Tuple (T, R, map (shape_tuple T2 R') (batch_list (length us div k) us))
   | shape_tuple T _ [u] =
     if type_of u = T then u else raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.shape_tuple", [u])
-  | shape_tuple T Unit [] = Cst (Unity, T, Unit)
   | shape_tuple _ _ us = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.shape_tuple", us)
 fun rename_n_ary_var rename_free v (ws, pool, table) =
@@ -1255,7 +1243,6 @@
 fun rename_free_vars vs pool table =
-    val vs = filter (not_equal Unit o rep_of) vs
     val (vs, pool, table) = fold (rename_n_ary_var true) vs ([], pool, table)
   in (rev vs, pool, table) end
@@ -1276,7 +1263,7 @@
       Op2 (oper, T, R, rename_vars_in_nut pool table u1,
            rename_vars_in_nut pool table u2)
   | Op3 (Let, T, R, u1, u2, u3) =>
-    if rep_of u2 = Unit orelse inline_nut u2 then
+    if inline_nut u2 then
         val u2 = rename_vars_in_nut pool table u2
         val table = NameTable.update (u1, u2) table
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_preproc.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_preproc.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 signature NITPICK_PREPROC =
   type hol_context = Nitpick_HOL.hol_context
-  val preprocess_term :
+  val preprocess_formulas :
     hol_context -> (typ option * bool option) list
-    -> (typ option * bool option) list -> term
+    -> (typ option * bool option) list -> term list -> term
     -> term list * term list * bool * bool * bool
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
     fun box_relational_operator_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =
         Type (@{type_name fun}, map box_relational_operator_type Ts)
-      | box_relational_operator_type (Type (@{type_name}, Ts)) =
-        Type (@{type_name}, map (box_type hol_ctxt InPair) Ts)
+      | box_relational_operator_type (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
+        Type (@{type_name prod}, map (box_type hol_ctxt InPair) Ts)
       | box_relational_operator_type T = T
     fun add_boxed_types_for_var (z as (_, T)) (T', t') =
       case t' of
@@ -583,11 +583,9 @@
           handle SAME () =>
                  Const (quant_s, quant_T)
                  $ Abs (abs_s, abs_T,
-                        if is_higher_order_type abs_T then
-                          t
-                        else
-                          aux (abs_s :: ss) (abs_T :: Ts) (0 :: incrs js)
-                              skolemizable polar t)
+                        aux (abs_s :: ss) (abs_T :: Ts) (0 :: incrs js)
+                            (skolemizable andalso
+                             not (is_higher_order_type abs_T)) polar t)
         case t of
           Const (s0 as @{const_name all}, T0) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1) =>
@@ -642,8 +640,8 @@
             Const x
         | t1 $ t2 =>
-          s_betapply Ts (aux ss Ts [] false polar t1,
-                         aux ss Ts [] skolemizable Neut t2)
+          s_betapply Ts (aux ss Ts js false polar t1,
+                         aux ss Ts js false Neut t2)
         | Abs (s, T, t1) =>
           Abs (s, T, aux ss Ts (incrs js) skolemizable polar t1)
         | _ => t
@@ -728,6 +726,10 @@
 val bound_var_prefix = "b"
+fun special_fun_aconv ((x1, js1, ts1), (x2, js2, ts2)) =
+  x1 = x2 andalso js1 = js2 andalso length ts1 = length ts2 andalso
+  forall (op aconv) (ts1 ~~ ts2)
 fun specialize_consts_in_term (hol_ctxt as {specialize, simp_table,
                                             special_funs, ...}) depth t =
   if not specialize orelse depth > special_max_depth then
@@ -769,7 +771,7 @@
                              (map var_for_bound_no (index_seq 0 (length Ts))))
-                case AList.lookup (op =) (!special_funs)
+                case AList.lookup special_fun_aconv (!special_funs)
                                   (x, fixed_js, fixed_args_in_axiom) of
                   SOME x' => list_comb (Const x', extra_args)
                 | NONE =>
@@ -819,25 +821,25 @@
                         apsnd (pairself (cons v))
                       end) (max_j downto 0) ([], ([], []))
-    Logic.list_implies (eqs |> filter_out (op =) |> distinct (op =)
+    Logic.list_implies (eqs |> filter_out (op aconv) |> distinct (op =)
                             |> map Logic.mk_equals,
                         Logic.mk_equals (list_comb (Const x1, bounds1 @ args1),
                                          list_comb (Const x2, bounds2 @ args2)))
-    |> close_form (* TODO: needed? *)
-fun special_congruence_axioms (hol_ctxt as {special_funs, ...}) xs =
+fun special_congruence_axioms (hol_ctxt as {special_funs, ...}) ts =
     val groups =
       |> map (fn ((x, js, ts), x') => (x, (js, ts, x')))
       |> (op =)
       |> filter_out (is_equational_fun_surely_complete hol_ctxt o fst)
-      |> map (fn (x, zs) => (x, zs |> member (op =) xs x ? cons ([], [], x)))
+      |> map (fn (x, zs) =>
+                 (x, zs |> member (op =) ts (Const x) ? cons ([], [], x)))
     fun generality (js, _, _) = ~(length js)
     fun is_more_specific (j1, t1, x1) (j2, t2, x2) =
-      x1 <> x2 andalso OrdList.subset (prod_ord int_ord Term_Ord.term_ord)
-                                      (j2 ~~ t2, j1 ~~ t1)
+      x1 <> x2 andalso length j2 < length j1 andalso
+      OrdList.subset (prod_ord int_ord Term_Ord.term_ord) (j2 ~~ t2, j1 ~~ t1)
     fun do_pass_1 _ [] [_] [_] = I
       | do_pass_1 T skipped _ [] = do_pass_2 T skipped
       | do_pass_1 T skipped all (z :: zs) =
@@ -853,6 +855,25 @@
 (** Axiom selection **)
+fun defined_free_by_assumption t =
+  let
+    fun do_equals x def =
+      if exists_subterm (curry (op aconv) (Free x)) def then NONE else SOME x
+  in
+    case t of
+      Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ Free x $ def => do_equals x def
+    | @{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ Free x $ def) =>
+      do_equals x def
+    | _ => NONE
+  end
+fun assumption_exclusively_defines_free assm_ts t =
+  case defined_free_by_assumption t of
+    SOME x =>
+    length (filter ((fn SOME x' => x = x' | NONE => false)
+                     o defined_free_by_assumption) assm_ts) = 1
+  | NONE => false
 fun all_table_entries table = Symtab.fold (append o snd) table []
 fun extra_table table s = Symtab.make [(s, all_table_entries table)]
@@ -867,20 +888,23 @@
 fun axioms_for_term
         (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, stds, user_axioms,
                       fast_descrs, evals, def_table, nondef_table,
-                      choice_spec_table, user_nondefs, ...}) t =
+                      choice_spec_table, user_nondefs, ...}) assm_ts neg_t =
+    val (def_assm_ts, nondef_assm_ts) =
+      List.partition (assumption_exclusively_defines_free assm_ts) assm_ts
+    val def_assm_table = map (`(the o defined_free_by_assumption)) def_assm_ts
     type accumulator = styp list * (term list * term list)
-    fun add_axiom get app depth t (accum as (xs, axs)) =
+    fun add_axiom get app depth t (accum as (seen, axs)) =
         val t = t |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
-                  |> skolemize_term_and_more hol_ctxt ~1
+                  |> skolemize_term_and_more hol_ctxt ~1 (*### why ~1? *)
         if is_trivial_equation t then
           let val t' = t |> specialize_consts_in_term hol_ctxt depth in
             if exists (member (op aconv) (get axs)) [t, t'] then accum
-            else add_axioms_for_term (depth + 1) t' (xs, app (cons t') axs)
+            else add_axioms_for_term (depth + 1) t' (seen, app (cons t') axs)
     and add_def_axiom depth = add_axiom fst apfst depth
@@ -891,15 +915,15 @@
     and add_eq_axiom depth t =
       (if is_constr_pattern_formula ctxt t then add_def_axiom
        else add_nondef_axiom) depth t
-    and add_axioms_for_term depth t (accum as (xs, axs)) =
+    and add_axioms_for_term depth t (accum as (seen, axs)) =
       case t of
         t1 $ t2 => accum |> fold (add_axioms_for_term depth) [t1, t2]
       | Const (x as (s, T)) =>
-        (if member (op =) xs x orelse
+        (if member (op aconv) seen t orelse
             is_built_in_const thy stds fast_descrs x then
-           let val accum = (x :: xs, axs) in
+           let val accum = (t :: seen, axs) in
              if depth > axioms_max_depth then
                raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Preproc.axioms_for_term.\
@@ -962,7 +986,13 @@
                                (nondef_props_for_const thy false nondef_table x)
         |> add_axioms_for_type depth T
-      | Free (_, T) => add_axioms_for_type depth T accum
+      | Free (x as (_, T)) =>
+        (if member (op aconv) seen t then
+           accum
+         else case AList.lookup (op =) def_assm_table x of
+           SOME t => add_def_axiom depth t accum
+         | NONE => accum)
+        |> add_axioms_for_type depth T
       | Var (_, T) => add_axioms_for_type depth T accum
       | Bound _ => accum
       | Abs (_, T, t) => accum |> add_axioms_for_term depth t
@@ -970,10 +1000,9 @@
     and add_axioms_for_type depth T =
       case T of
         Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts) => fold (add_axioms_for_type depth) Ts
-      | Type (@{type_name}, Ts) => fold (add_axioms_for_type depth) Ts
+      | Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts) => fold (add_axioms_for_type depth) Ts
       | @{typ prop} => I
       | @{typ bool} => I
-      | @{typ unit} => I
       | TFree (_, S) => add_axioms_for_sort depth T S
       | TVar (_, S) => add_axioms_for_sort depth T S
       | Type (z as (_, Ts)) =>
@@ -1007,15 +1036,18 @@
       List.partition (null o Term.hidden_polymorphism) user_nondefs
     val eval_axioms = map2 eval_axiom_for_term (index_seq 0 (length evals))
-    val (xs, (defs, nondefs)) =
-      ([], ([], [])) |> add_axioms_for_term 1 t 
-                     |> fold_rev (add_def_axiom 1) eval_axioms
-                     |> user_axioms = SOME true
-                        ? fold (add_nondef_axiom 1) mono_user_nondefs
-    val defs = defs @ special_congruence_axioms hol_ctxt xs
+    val (seen, (defs, nondefs)) =
+      ([], ([], []))
+      |> add_axioms_for_term 1 neg_t
+      |> fold_rev (add_nondef_axiom 1) nondef_assm_ts
+      |> fold_rev (add_def_axiom 1) eval_axioms
+      |> user_axioms = SOME true ? fold (add_nondef_axiom 1) mono_user_nondefs
+    val defs = defs @ special_congruence_axioms hol_ctxt seen
     val got_all_mono_user_axioms =
       (user_axioms = SOME true orelse null mono_user_nondefs)
-  in (t :: nondefs, defs, got_all_mono_user_axioms, null poly_user_nondefs) end
+  in
+    (neg_t :: nondefs, defs, got_all_mono_user_axioms, null poly_user_nondefs)
+  end
 (** Simplification of constructor/selector terms **)
@@ -1234,15 +1266,16 @@
 val max_skolem_depth = 3
-fun preprocess_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, binary_ints, destroy_constrs,
-                                  boxes, ...}) finitizes monos t =
+fun preprocess_formulas
+        (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, binary_ints, destroy_constrs, boxes,
+                      ...}) finitizes monos assm_ts neg_t =
     val (nondef_ts, def_ts, got_all_mono_user_axioms, no_poly_user_axioms) =
-      t |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
-        |> close_form
-        |> skolemize_term_and_more hol_ctxt max_skolem_depth
-        |> specialize_consts_in_term hol_ctxt 0
-        |> axioms_for_term hol_ctxt
+      neg_t |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
+            |> close_form
+            |> skolemize_term_and_more hol_ctxt max_skolem_depth
+            |> specialize_consts_in_term hol_ctxt 0
+            |> axioms_for_term hol_ctxt assm_ts
     val binarize =
       is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T andalso
       case binary_ints of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_rep.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_rep.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
   datatype rep =
     Any |
     Formula of polarity |
-    Unit |
     Atom of int * int |
     Struct of rep list |
     Vect of int * rep |
@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@
 datatype rep =
   Any |
   Formula of polarity |
-  Unit |
   Atom of int * int |
   Struct of rep list |
   Vect of int * rep |
@@ -88,7 +86,6 @@
 and string_for_rep Any = "X"
   | string_for_rep (Formula polar) = "F" ^ string_for_polarity polar
-  | string_for_rep Unit = "U"
   | string_for_rep (Atom (k, j0)) =
     "A" ^ string_of_int k ^ (if j0 = 0 then "" else "@" ^ string_of_int j0)
   | string_for_rep (Struct rs) = "[" ^ commas (map string_for_rep rs) ^ "]"
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@
 fun card_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.card_of_rep", [Any])
   | card_of_rep (Formula _) = 2
-  | card_of_rep Unit = 1
   | card_of_rep (Atom (k, _)) = k
   | card_of_rep (Struct rs) = (map card_of_rep rs)
   | card_of_rep (Vect (k, R)) = reasonable_power (card_of_rep R) k
@@ -117,7 +113,6 @@
   | card_of_rep (Opt R) = card_of_rep R
 fun arity_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.arity_of_rep", [Any])
   | arity_of_rep (Formula _) = 0
-  | arity_of_rep Unit = 0
   | arity_of_rep (Atom _) = 1
   | arity_of_rep (Struct Rs) = Integer.sum (map arity_of_rep Rs)
   | arity_of_rep (Vect (k, R)) = k * arity_of_rep R
@@ -126,7 +121,6 @@
 fun min_univ_card_of_rep Any =
     raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.min_univ_card_of_rep", [Any])
   | min_univ_card_of_rep (Formula _) = 0
-  | min_univ_card_of_rep Unit = 0
   | min_univ_card_of_rep (Atom (k, j0)) = k + j0 + 1
   | min_univ_card_of_rep (Struct Rs) =
     fold Integer.max (map min_univ_card_of_rep Rs) 0
@@ -135,8 +129,7 @@
     Int.max (min_univ_card_of_rep R1, min_univ_card_of_rep R2)
   | min_univ_card_of_rep (Opt R) = min_univ_card_of_rep R
-fun is_one_rep Unit = true
-  | is_one_rep (Atom _) = true
+fun is_one_rep (Atom _) = true
   | is_one_rep (Struct _) = true
   | is_one_rep (Vect _) = true
   | is_one_rep _ = false
@@ -145,8 +138,7 @@
 fun dest_Func (Func z) = z
   | dest_Func R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.dest_Func", [R])
-fun lazy_range_rep _ _ _ Unit = Unit
-  | lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Vect (_, R)) = R
+fun lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Vect (_, R)) = R
   | lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Func (_, R2)) = R2
   | lazy_range_rep ofs T ran_card (Opt R) =
     Opt (lazy_range_rep ofs T ran_card R)
@@ -201,8 +193,6 @@
     Formula (min_polarity polar1 polar2)
   | min_rep (Formula polar) _ = Formula polar
   | min_rep _ (Formula polar) = Formula polar
-  | min_rep Unit _ = Unit
-  | min_rep _ Unit = Unit
   | min_rep (Atom x) _ = Atom x
   | min_rep _ (Atom x) = Atom x
   | min_rep (Struct Rs1) (Struct Rs2) = Struct (min_reps Rs1 Rs2)
@@ -231,8 +221,7 @@
 fun card_of_domain_from_rep ran_card R =
   case R of
-    Unit => 1
-  | Atom (k, _) => exact_log ran_card k
+    Atom (k, _) => exact_log ran_card k
   | Vect (k, _) => k
   | Func (R1, _) => card_of_rep R1
   | Opt R => card_of_domain_from_rep ran_card R
@@ -246,24 +235,12 @@
 fun best_one_rep_for_type (scope as {card_assigns, ...} : scope)
                           (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
-    (case best_one_rep_for_type scope T2 of
-       Unit => Unit
-     | R2 => Vect (card_of_type card_assigns T1, R2))
-  | best_one_rep_for_type scope (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) =
-    (case (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1, best_one_rep_for_type scope T2) of
-       (Unit, Unit) => Unit
-     | (R1, R2) => Struct [R1, R2])
+    Vect (card_of_type card_assigns T1, (best_one_rep_for_type scope T2))
+  | best_one_rep_for_type scope (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
+    Struct (map (best_one_rep_for_type scope) Ts)
   | best_one_rep_for_type {card_assigns, datatypes, ofs, ...} T =
-    (case card_of_type card_assigns T of
-       1 => if is_some (datatype_spec datatypes T) orelse
-               is_iterator_type T then
-              Atom (1, offset_of_type ofs T)
-            else
-              Unit
-     | k => Atom (k, offset_of_type ofs T))
+    Atom (card_of_type card_assigns T, offset_of_type ofs T)
-(* Datatypes are never represented by Unit, because it would confuse
-   "nfa_transitions_for_ctor". *)
 fun best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     Func (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1, best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T2)
   | best_opt_set_rep_for_type (scope as {ofs, ...}) T =
@@ -272,10 +249,7 @@
                                   (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     (case (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1,
            best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T2) of
-       (_, Unit) => Unit
-     | (Unit, Atom (2, _)) =>
-       Func (Atom (1, offset_of_type ofs T1), Formula Neut)
-     | (R1, Atom (2, _)) => Func (R1, Formula Neut)
+       (R1, Atom (2, _)) => Func (R1, Formula Neut)
      | z => Func z)
   | best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T = best_one_rep_for_type scope T
 fun best_set_rep_for_type (scope as {datatypes, ...}) T =
@@ -290,7 +264,6 @@
 fun atom_schema_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.atom_schema_of_rep", [Any])
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Formula _) = []
-  | atom_schema_of_rep Unit = []
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Atom x) = [x]
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Struct Rs) = atom_schema_of_reps Rs
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Vect (k, R)) = replicate_list k (atom_schema_of_rep R)
@@ -300,9 +273,8 @@
 and atom_schema_of_reps Rs = maps atom_schema_of_rep Rs
 fun type_schema_of_rep _ (Formula _) = []
-  | type_schema_of_rep _ Unit = []
   | type_schema_of_rep T (Atom _) = [T]
-  | type_schema_of_rep (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) (Struct [R1, R2]) =
+  | type_schema_of_rep (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) (Struct [R1, R2]) =
     type_schema_of_reps [T1, T2] [R1, R2]
   | type_schema_of_rep (Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, T2])) (Vect (k, R)) =
     replicate_list k (type_schema_of_rep T2 R)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
     is_concrete_type dtypes facto T1 andalso is_complete_type dtypes facto T2
   | is_complete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name fin_fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     is_exact_type dtypes facto T1 andalso is_complete_type dtypes facto T2
-  | is_complete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name}, Ts)) =
+  | is_complete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
     forall (is_complete_type dtypes facto) Ts
   | is_complete_type dtypes facto T =
     not (is_integer_like_type T) andalso not (is_bit_type T) andalso
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
     is_complete_type dtypes facto T1 andalso is_concrete_type dtypes facto T2
   | is_concrete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name fin_fun}, [_, T2])) =
     is_concrete_type dtypes facto T2
-  | is_concrete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name}, Ts)) =
+  | is_concrete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
     forall (is_concrete_type dtypes facto) Ts
   | is_concrete_type dtypes facto T =
     fun_from_pair (#concrete (the (datatype_spec dtypes T))) facto
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
   (card_of_type card_assigns T
    handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) => ~1, offset_of_type ofs T)
-fun quintuple_for_scope quote
+fun quintuple_for_scope code_type code_term code_string
         ({hol_ctxt = {ctxt, stds, ...}, card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth,
          datatypes, ...} : scope) =
@@ -154,26 +154,26 @@
       |> List.partition ((is_integer_type orf is_datatype ctxt stds) o fst)
     val cards =
-      map (fn (T, k) => quote (string_for_type ctxt T) ^ " = " ^
-                        string_of_int k)
+      map (fn (T, k) =>
+              [code_type ctxt T, code_string (" = " ^ string_of_int k)])
     fun maxes () =
       maps (map_filter
                 (fn {const, explicit_max, ...} =>
                     if explicit_max < 0 then
-                      SOME (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Const const) ^ " = " ^
-                            string_of_int explicit_max))
+                      SOME [code_term ctxt (Const const),
+                            code_string (" = " ^ string_of_int explicit_max)])
                  o #constrs) datatypes
     fun iters () =
       map (fn (T, k) =>
-              quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt
-                         (Const (const_for_iterator_type T))) ^ " = " ^
-              string_of_int (k - 1)) iter_assigns
+              [code_term ctxt (Const (const_for_iterator_type T)),
+               code_string (" = " ^ string_of_int (k - 1))]) iter_assigns
     fun miscs () =
-      (if bits = 0 then [] else ["bits = " ^ string_of_int bits]) @
+      (if bits = 0 then []
+       else [code_string ("bits = " ^ string_of_int bits)]) @
       (if bisim_depth < 0 andalso forall (not o #co) datatypes then []
-       else ["bisim_depth = " ^ signed_string_of_int bisim_depth])
+       else [code_string ("bisim_depth = " ^ signed_string_of_int bisim_depth)])
         (fn () => (cards primary_card_assigns, cards secondary_card_assigns,
@@ -182,31 +182,33 @@
 fun pretties_for_scope scope verbose =
-    val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, bisim_depths) =
-      quintuple_for_scope maybe_quote scope
-    val ss = map (prefix "card ") primary_cards @
-             (if verbose then
-                map (prefix "card ") secondary_cards @
-                map (prefix "max ") maxes @
-                map (prefix "iter ") iters @
-                bisim_depths
-              else
-                [])
+    fun standard_blocks s = map (Pretty.block o cons (Pretty.str (s ^ " ")))
+    val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, miscs) =
+      quintuple_for_scope (pretty_maybe_quote oo pretty_for_type)
+                          (pretty_maybe_quote oo Syntax.pretty_term)
+                          Pretty.str scope
-    if null ss then []
-    else serial_commas "and" ss |> map Pretty.str |> Pretty.breaks
+    standard_blocks "card" primary_cards @
+    (if verbose then
+       standard_blocks "card" secondary_cards @
+       standard_blocks "max" maxes @
+       standard_blocks "iter" iters @
+       miscs
+     else
+       [])
+    |> pretty_serial_commas "and"
 fun multiline_string_for_scope scope =
-    val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, bisim_depths) =
-      quintuple_for_scope I scope
+    val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, miscs) =
+      quintuple_for_scope Syntax.string_of_typ Syntax.string_of_term I scope
     val cards = primary_cards @ secondary_cards
-    case (if null cards then [] else ["card: " ^ commas cards]) @
-         (if null maxes then [] else ["max: " ^ commas maxes]) @
-         (if null iters then [] else ["iter: " ^ commas iters]) @
-         bisim_depths of
+    case (if null cards then [] else ["card: " ^ commas (map implode cards)]) @
+         (if null maxes then [] else ["max: " ^ commas (map implode maxes)]) @
+         (if null iters then [] else ["iter: " ^ commas (map implode iters)]) @
+         miscs of
       [] => "empty"
     | lines => space_implode "\n" lines
@@ -272,27 +274,20 @@
   in mono_block :: nonmono_blocks end
 val sync_threshold = 5
+val linearity = 5
-fun all_combinations_ordered_smartly ks =
+val all_combinations_ordered_smartly =
-    fun cost_with_monos [] = 0
-      | cost_with_monos (k :: ks) =
+    fun cost [] = 0
+      | cost [k] = k
+      | cost (k :: ks) =
         if k < sync_threshold andalso forall (curry (op =) k) ks then
           k - sync_threshold
-          k * (k + 1) div 2 + Integer.sum ks
-    fun cost_without_monos [] = 0
-      | cost_without_monos [k] = k
-      | cost_without_monos (_ :: k :: ks) =
-        if k < sync_threshold andalso forall (curry (op =) k) ks then
-          k - sync_threshold
-        else
-          Integer.sum (k :: ks)
+          k :: ks |> map (fn k => (k + linearity) * (k + linearity))
+                  |> Integer.sum
-    ks |> all_combinations
-       |> map (`(if fst (hd ks) > 1 then cost_with_monos
-                 else cost_without_monos))
-       |> sort (int_ord o pairself fst) |> map snd
+    all_combinations #> map (`cost) #> sort (int_ord o pairself fst) #> map snd
 fun is_self_recursive_constr_type T =
@@ -387,7 +382,7 @@
 fun domain_card max card_assigns = o map (bounded_card_of_type max max card_assigns) o binder_types
-fun add_constr_spec (card_assigns, max_assigns) co card sum_dom_cards
+fun add_constr_spec (card_assigns, max_assigns) acyclic card sum_dom_cards
                     num_self_recs num_non_self_recs (self_rec, x as (_, T))
                     constrs =
@@ -398,7 +393,7 @@
         let val delta = next_delta () in
           {delta = delta, epsilon = delta, exclusive = true, total = false}
-      else if not co andalso num_self_recs > 0 then
+      else if num_self_recs > 0 then
         (if num_self_recs = 1 andalso num_non_self_recs = 1 then
            if self_rec then
              case constrs of
@@ -407,7 +402,7 @@
              | _ => raise SAME ()
              if domain_card 2 card_assigns T = 1 then
-               {delta = 0, epsilon = 1, exclusive = true, total = true}
+               {delta = 0, epsilon = 1, exclusive = acyclic, total = acyclic}
                raise SAME ()
@@ -457,8 +452,8 @@
     fun sum_dom_cards max =
       map (domain_card max card_assigns o snd) xs |> Integer.sum
     val constrs =
-      fold_rev (add_constr_spec desc co card sum_dom_cards num_self_recs
-                                num_non_self_recs)
+      fold_rev (add_constr_spec desc (not co andalso standard) card
+                                sum_dom_cards num_self_recs num_non_self_recs)
                (sort (bool_ord o swap o pairself fst) (self_recs ~~ xs)) []
     {typ = T, card = card, co = co, standard = standard, self_rec = self_rec,
@@ -493,8 +488,8 @@
   | repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing_etc thy Ts ((NONE, ks) :: cards_assigns) =
     (NONE, ks) :: repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing_etc thy Ts cards_assigns
-val max_scopes = 4096
-val distinct_threshold = 512
+val max_scopes = 5000
+val distinct_threshold = 1000
 fun all_scopes (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) binarize cards_assigns maxes_assigns
                iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts deep_dataTs
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -23,10 +23,8 @@
 fun cast_to_rep R u = Op1 (Cast, type_of u, R, u)
-val unit_T = @{typ unit}
 val dummy_T = @{typ 'a}
-val unity = Cst (Unity, unit_T, Unit)
 val atom1_v1 = FreeName ("atom1_v1", dummy_T, Atom (1, 0))
 val atom2_v1 = FreeName ("atom2_v1", dummy_T, Atom (2, 0))
 val atom6_v1 = FreeName ("atom6_v1", dummy_T, Atom (6, 0))
@@ -36,19 +34,14 @@
 val atom81_v1 = FreeName ("atom81_v1", dummy_T, Atom (81, 0))
 val struct_atom1_atom1_v1 =
   FreeName ("struct_atom1_atom1_v1", dummy_T, Struct [Atom (1, 0), Atom (1, 0)])
-val struct_atom1_unit_v1 =
-  FreeName ("struct_atom1_atom1_v1", dummy_T, Struct [Atom (1, 0), Unit])
-val struct_unit_atom1_v1 =
-  FreeName ("struct_atom1_atom1_v1", dummy_T, Struct [Unit, Atom (1, 0)])
-              Formula    Unit   Atom    Struct    Vect    Func
-    Formula      X       N/A     X        X       N/A     N/A
-    Unit        N/A      N/A    N/A      N/A      N/A     N/A
-    Atom         X       N/A     X        X        X       X
-    Struct      N/A      N/A     X        X       N/A     N/A
-    Vect        N/A      N/A     X       N/A       X       X
-    Func        N/A      N/A     X       N/A       X       X
+              Formula    Atom    Struct    Vect    Func
+    Formula      X       X        X       N/A     N/A
+    Atom         X       X        X        X       X
+    Struct      N/A      X        X       N/A     N/A
+    Vect        N/A      X       N/A       X       X
+    Func        N/A      X       N/A       X       X
 val tests =
@@ -77,22 +70,6 @@
                                    Struct [Atom (2, 0), Atom (3, 0)]])
-   ("rep_conversion_struct_struct_4",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (24, 0), Unit])
-             (cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (24, 0), Atom (1, 0)]) atom24_v1),
-         atom24_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_struct_struct_5",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (24, 0), Atom (1, 0)])
-             (cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (24, 0), Unit]) atom24_v1),
-         atom24_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_struct_struct_6",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (1, 0), Atom (1, 0)])
-             (cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (1, 0), Unit])
-                 (cast_to_rep (Struct [Unit, Atom (1, 0)]) atom1_v1)),
-         atom1_v1)),
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
@@ -133,50 +110,10 @@
                                 Struct [Atom (2, 0), Atom (3, 0)]))
-   ("rep_conversion_func_func_3",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (36, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Struct [Atom (6, 0), Atom (6, 0)]))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (1, 0), Atom (36, 0))) atom36_v1)),
-         atom36_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_func_func_4",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (36, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (1, 0), Atom (36, 0)))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Struct [Atom (6, 0), Atom (6, 0)]))
-                       atom36_v1)),
-         atom36_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_func_func_5",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (36, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Vect (2, Atom (6, 0))))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (1, 0), Atom (36, 0))) atom36_v1)),
-         atom36_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_func_func_6",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (36, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (1, 0), Atom (36, 0)))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Vect (2, Atom (6, 0))))
-                       atom36_v1)),
-         atom36_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_func_func_7",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (2, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Atom (2, 0)))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (1, 0), Formula Neut)) atom2_v1)),
-         atom2_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_func_func_8",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (2, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (1, 0), Formula Neut))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Atom (2, 0))) atom2_v1)),
-         atom2_v1)),
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Atom (2, 0)) (cast_to_rep (Formula Neut) atom2_v1),
-   ("rep_conversion_unit_atom",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut, cast_to_rep (Atom (1, 0)) unity, unity)),
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Atom (6, 0))
@@ -188,17 +125,6 @@
              (cast_to_rep (Struct [Struct [Atom (3, 0), Atom (4, 0)],
                                    Atom (2, 0)]) atom24_v1),
-   ("rep_conversion_atom_struct_atom_3",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (6, 0))
-                     (cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (6, 0), Unit]) atom6_v1),
-         atom6_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_atom_struct_atom_4",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (6, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Struct [Struct [Atom (3, 0), Unit], Atom (2, 0)]) 
-             atom6_v1),
-         atom6_v1)),
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
@@ -217,18 +143,6 @@
              (cast_to_rep (Vect (4, Atom (2, 0)))
                   (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (4, 0), Formula Neut)) atom16_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_atom_vect_func_atom_4",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Vect (1, Atom (16, 0)))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Atom (16, 0))) atom16_v1)),
-         atom16_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_atom_vect_func_atom_5",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Vect (1, Atom (16, 0)))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Atom (16, 0))) atom16_v1)),
-         atom16_v1)),
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
@@ -247,12 +161,6 @@
              (cast_to_rep (Func (Atom (4, 0), Formula Neut))
                   (cast_to_rep (Vect (4, Atom (2, 0))) atom16_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_atom_func_vect_atom_4",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
-             (cast_to_rep (Func (Unit, Atom (16, 0)))
-                  (cast_to_rep (Vect (1, Atom (16, 0))) atom16_v1)),
-         atom16_v1)),
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Atom (16, 0))
@@ -274,23 +182,7 @@
     Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
          cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (1, 0), Atom (1, 0)]) atom1_v1,
-                      struct_atom1_atom1_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_struct_atom1_2",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (1, 0), Unit]) atom1_v1,
-                      struct_atom1_unit_v1)),
-   ("rep_conversion_struct_atom1_3",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Struct [Unit, Atom (1, 0)]) atom1_v1,
-                      struct_unit_atom1_v1))
-   ("rep_conversion_struct_formula_struct_1",
-    Op2 (Eq, bool_T, Formula Neut,
-         cast_to_rep (Struct [Atom (2, 0), Unit])
-             (cast_to_rep (Formula Neut) struct_atom_2_unit_v1),
-         struct_atom_2_unit_v1))
-  ]
+                      struct_atom1_atom1_v1))]
 fun problem_for_nut ctxt (name, u) =
@@ -318,9 +210,15 @@
 fun run_all_tests () =
-  case Kodkod.solve_any_problem false NONE 0 1
-                                (map (problem_for_nut @{context}) tests) of
-    Kodkod.Normal ([], _, _) => ()
-  | _ => error "Tests failed."
+  let
+    val {overlord, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params @{theory} []
+    val max_threads = 1
+    val max_solutions = 1
+  in
+    case Kodkod.solve_any_problem overlord NONE max_threads max_solutions
+                                  (map (problem_for_nut @{context}) tests) of
+      Kodkod.Normal ([], _, _) => ()
+    | _ => error "Tests failed."
+  end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_util.ML	Tue Aug 03 18:52:42 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_util.ML	Wed Aug 04 10:52:29 2010 +0200
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
   val plural_s : int -> string
   val plural_s_for_list : 'a list -> string
   val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
+  val pretty_serial_commas : string -> Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T list
   val parse_bool_option : bool -> string -> string -> bool option
   val parse_time_option : string -> string -> Time.time option
   val flip_polarity : polarity -> polarity
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
   val indent_size : int
   val pstrs : string -> Pretty.T list
   val unyxml : string -> string
-  val maybe_quote : string -> string
+  val pretty_maybe_quote : Pretty.T -> Pretty.T
   val hashw : word * word -> word
   val hashw_string : string * word -> word
@@ -222,6 +223,16 @@
 val serial_commas = Sledgehammer_Util.serial_commas
+fun pretty_serial_commas _ [] = []
+  | pretty_serial_commas _ [p] = [p]
+  | pretty_serial_commas conj [p1, p2] =
+    [p1, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str conj, Pretty.brk 1, p2]
+  | pretty_serial_commas conj [p1, p2, p3] =
+    [p1, Pretty.str ",", Pretty.brk 1, p2, Pretty.str ",", Pretty.brk 1,
+     Pretty.str conj, Pretty.brk 1, p3]
+  | pretty_serial_commas conj (p :: ps) =
+    p :: Pretty.str "," :: Pretty.brk 1 :: pretty_serial_commas conj ps
 val parse_bool_option = Sledgehammer_Util.parse_bool_option
 val parse_time_option = Sledgehammer_Util.parse_time_option
@@ -262,14 +273,19 @@
 fun setmp_show_all_types f =
   setmp_CRITICAL show_all_types
-                 (! show_types orelse ! show_sorts orelse ! show_all_types) f
+                 (!show_types orelse !show_sorts orelse !show_all_types) f
 val indent_size = 2
 val pstrs = Pretty.breaks o map Pretty.str o space_explode " "
 val unyxml = Sledgehammer_Util.unyxml
 val maybe_quote = Sledgehammer_Util.maybe_quote
+fun pretty_maybe_quote pretty =
+  let val s = Pretty.str_of pretty in
+    if maybe_quote s = s then pretty else Pretty.enum "" "\"" "\"" [pretty]
+  end
 (* This hash function is recommended in Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
    Tools, by Aho, Sethi, and Ullman. The "hashpjw" function, which they