--- a/src/Provers/blast.ML Wed Apr 30 12:13:17 1997 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/blast.ML Wed Apr 30 12:59:24 1997 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* Title: Provers/blast
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
+ Copyright 1997 University of Cambridge
Generic tableau prover with proof reconstruction
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
val toTerm : int -> term -> Term.term
val readGoal : Sign.sg -> string -> term
val tryInThy : theory -> int -> string ->
- branch list list * (int*int*exn) list * (int -> tactic) list
+ (int->tactic) list * branch list list * (int*int*exn) list
val trygl : claset -> int -> int ->
- branch list list * (int*int*exn) list * (int -> tactic) list
- val Trygl : int -> int ->
- branch list list * (int*int*exn) list * (int -> tactic) list
+ (int->tactic) list * branch list list * (int*int*exn) list
+ val Trygl : int -> int ->
+ (int->tactic) list * branch list list * (int*int*exn) list
val normBr : branch -> branch
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
(*Restore the trail to some previous state: for backtracking*)
fun clearTo n =
- while !ntrail>n do
+ while !ntrail<>n do
(hd(!trail) := None;
trail := tl (!trail);
ntrail := !ntrail - 1);
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
(*NB: can yield unifiers having dangling Bound vars!*)
| (f$t', g$u') => (unifyAux(f,g); unifyAux(t',u'))
| (nt, nu) => if nt aconv nu then () else raise UNIFY
- in unifyAux(t,u) handle UNIFY => (clearTo n; raise UNIFY)
+ in (unifyAux(t,u); true) handle UNIFY => (clearTo n; false)
@@ -477,6 +477,8 @@
fun TRACE rl tac st i = if !trace then (prth rl; tac st i) else tac st i;
+local open General in (*make available the Basis type "option"*)
(*Tableau rule from elimination rule. Flag "dup" requests duplication of the
affected formula.*)
fun fromRule vars rl =
@@ -492,6 +494,7 @@
print_thm rl)
else ();
(*** Conversion of Introduction Rules (needed for efficiency in
@@ -627,7 +630,8 @@
in if nlit aconv lit then subLits (lits, Gs, nlit::nlits)
else subLits (lits, (nlit,true)::Gs, nlits)
- in subLits (rev lits, [], [])
+ in if !trace then writeln "substitution in branch" else ();
+ subLits (rev lits, [], [])
@@ -643,32 +647,34 @@
val fullTrace = ref[] : branch list list ref;
(*Normalize a branch--for tracing*)
- fun norm2 (G,md) = (norm G, md);
+fun norm2 (G,md) = (norm G, md);
- fun normLev (Gs,Hs) = (map norm2 Gs, map norm2 Hs);
+fun normLev (Gs,Hs) = (map norm2 Gs, map norm2 Hs);
fun normBr (br, lits, vars, lim) =
(map normLev br, map norm lits, vars, lim);
+val dummyVar2 = Term.Var(("var",0), dummyT);
(*Convert from prototerms to ordinary terms with dummy types for tracing*)
-fun showTerm 0 _ = dummyVar
- | showTerm d (Const a) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
+fun showTerm d (Const a) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (OConst(a,_)) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (Skolem(a,_)) = Term.Const (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (Free a) = Term.Free (a,dummyT)
| showTerm d (Bound i) = Term.Bound i
- | showTerm d (Var _) = dummyVar
- | showTerm d (Abs(a,t)) = Term.Abs(a, dummyT, showTerm (d-1) t)
- | showTerm d (f $ u) = Term.$ (showTerm d f, showTerm (d-1) u);
+ | showTerm d (Var _) = dummyVar2
+ | showTerm d (Abs(a,t)) = if d=0 then dummyVar
+ else Term.Abs(a, dummyT, showTerm (d-1) t)
+ | showTerm d (f $ u) = if d=0 then dummyVar
+ else Term.$ (showTerm d f, showTerm (d-1) u);
+(*Print tracing information at each iteration of prover*)
fun tracing sign brs =
- let fun pr t = prs (Sign.string_of_term sign (showTerm 5 t))
+ let fun pr t = prs (Sign.string_of_term sign (showTerm 8 t))
fun printPairs (((G,_)::_,_)::_) = pr G
- | printPairs (([],(H,_)::_)::_) = (prs"Haz: "; pr H)
+ | printPairs (([],(H,_)::_)::_) = (pr H; prs"\t (Unsafe)")
| printPairs _ = ()
fun printBrs (brs0 as (pairs, lits, _, lim) :: brs) =
(fullTrace := brs0 :: !fullTrace;
@@ -679,7 +685,15 @@
in if !trace then printBrs (map normBr brs) else ()
+fun traceNew prems =
+ if !trace then
+ case length prems of
+ 0 => writeln"branch closed by rule"
+ | 1 => writeln"branch extended (1 new subgoal)"
+ | n => writeln("branch split: "^ Int.toString n ^
+ " new subgoals")
+ else ();
exception PROVE;
@@ -690,11 +704,15 @@
val eAssume_tac = TRACE asm_rl (eq_assume_tac ORELSE' assume_tac);
(*Try to unify complementary literals and return the corresponding tactic. *)
-fun tryClose (Const"*Goal*" $ G, L) = (unify(true,[],G,L); eAssume_tac)
- | tryClose (G, Const"*Goal*" $ L) = (unify(true,[],G,L); eAssume_tac)
- | tryClose (Const"Not" $ G, L) = (unify(true,[],G,L); eContr_tac)
- | tryClose (G, Const"Not" $ L) = (unify(true,[],G,L); eContr_tac)
- | tryClose _ = raise UNIFY;
+fun tryClose (Const"*Goal*" $ G, L) =
+ if unify(true,[],G,L) then Some eAssume_tac else None
+ | tryClose (G, Const"*Goal*" $ L) =
+ if unify(true,[],G,L) then Some eAssume_tac else None
+ | tryClose (Const"Not" $ G, L) =
+ if unify(true,[],G,L) then Some eContr_tac else None
+ | tryClose (G, Const"Not" $ L) =
+ if unify(true,[],G,L) then Some eContr_tac else None
+ | tryClose _ = None;
(*Were there Skolem terms in the premise? Must NOT chase Vars*)
@@ -746,12 +764,12 @@
let val ll = length last
and lc = length choices
in if !trace andalso ll<lc then
- (writeln("PRUNING " ^ Int.toString(lc-ll) ^ " LEVELS");
+ (writeln("Pruning " ^ Int.toString(lc-ll) ^ " levels");
else last
fun pruneAux (last, _, _, []) = last
- | pruneAux (last, ntrl, trl, ch' as (ntrl',nbrs',exn) :: choices) =
+ | pruneAux (last, ntrl, trl, (ntrl',nbrs',exn) :: choices) =
if nbrs' < nbrs
then last (*don't backtrack beyond first solution of goal*)
else if nbrs' > nbrs then pruneAux (last, ntrl, trl, choices)
@@ -763,10 +781,14 @@
in traceIt (pruneAux (choices, !ntrail, !trail, choices)) end;
fun nextVars ((br, lits, vars, lim) :: _) = map Var vars
- | nextVars [] = [];
+ | nextVars [] = [];
-fun backtrack ((_, _, exn)::_) = raise exn
- | backtrack _ = raise PROVE;
+fun backtrack (choices as (ntrl, nbrs, exn)::_) =
+ (if !trace then (writeln ("Backtracking; now there are " ^
+ Int.toString nbrs ^ " branches"))
+ else ();
+ raise exn)
+ | backtrack _ = raise PROVE;
(*Add the literal G, handling *Goal* and detecting duplicates.*)
fun addLit (Const "*Goal*" $ G, lits) =
@@ -790,7 +812,7 @@
(*For calculating the "penalty" to assess on a branching factor of n
log2 seems a little too severe*)
-fun log4 n = if n<4 then 0 else 1 + log4(n div 4);
+fun log n = if n<4 then 0 else 1 + log(n div 4);
(*match(t,u) says whether the term u might be an instance of the pattern t
@@ -814,7 +836,7 @@
let val {safe0_netpair, safep_netpair, haz_netpair, ...} = Data.rep_claset cs
val safeList = [safe0_netpair, safep_netpair]
and hazList = [haz_netpair]
- fun prv (tacs, trs, choices, []) = (cont (trs,choices,tacs))
+ fun prv (tacs, trs, choices, []) = cont (tacs, trs, choices)
| prv (tacs, trs, choices,
brs0 as (((G,md)::br, haz)::pairs, lits, vars, lim) :: brs) =
let exception PRV (*backtrack to precisely this recursion!*)
@@ -839,59 +861,62 @@
to branch.*)
fun deeper [] = raise NEWBRANCHES
| deeper (((P,prems),tac)::grls) =
- let val dummy = unify(false, add_term_vars(P,[]), P, G)
- (*P comes from the rule; G comes from the branch.*)
- val ntrl' = !ntrail
- val lim' = if ntrl < !ntrail
- then lim - (1+log4(length rules))
- else lim (*discourage branching updates*)
- val vars = vars_in_vars vars
- val vars' = foldr add_terms_vars (prems, vars)
- val choices' = (ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices
- val tacs' = (DETERM o (tac false)) :: tacs
- (*no duplication*)
- in
- if null prems then (*closed the branch: prune!*)
- prv(tacs', brs0::trs,
- prune (nbrs, nxtVars, choices'),
- brs)
- handle PRV => (*reset Vars and try another rule*)
- (clearTo ntrl; deeper grls)
- else
- if lim'<0 (*it's faster to kill ALL the alternatives*)
- then raise NEWBRANCHES
- else
- prv(tacs', brs0::trs, choices',
- newBr (vars',lim') prems)
- handle PRV =>
- if ntrl < ntrl' (*Vars have been updated*)
- then
- (*Backtrack at this level.
- Reset Vars and try another rule*)
- (clearTo ntrl; deeper grls)
- else (*backtrack to previous level*)
- backtrack choices
- end
- handle UNIFY => deeper grls
+ if unify(false, add_term_vars(P,[]), P, G)
+ then (*P comes from the rule; G comes from the branch.*)
+ let val ntrl' = !ntrail
+ val lim' = if ntrl < !ntrail
+ then lim - (1+log(length rules))
+ else lim (*discourage branching updates*)
+ val vars = vars_in_vars vars
+ val vars' = foldr add_terms_vars (prems, vars)
+ val choices' = (ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices
+ val tacs' = (DETERM o (tac false)) :: tacs
+ (*no duplication*)
+ in
+ traceNew prems;
+ (if null prems then (*closed the branch: prune!*)
+ prv(tacs', brs0::trs,
+ prune (nbrs, nxtVars, choices'),
+ brs)
+ else
+ if lim'<0 (*faster to kill ALL the alternatives*)
+ then raise NEWBRANCHES
+ else
+ prv(tacs', brs0::trs, choices',
+ newBr (vars',lim') prems))
+ handle PRV =>
+ if ntrl < ntrl' (*Vars have been updated*)
+ then
+ (*Backtrack at this level.
+ Reset Vars and try another rule*)
+ (clearTo ntrl; deeper grls)
+ else (*backtrack to previous level*)
+ backtrack choices
+ end
+ else deeper grls
(*Try to close branch by unifying with head goal*)
fun closeF [] = raise CLOSEF
| closeF (L::Ls) =
- let val tacs' = tryClose(G,L)::tacs
- val choices' = prune (nbrs, nxtVars,
- (ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices)
- in prv (tacs', brs0::trs, choices', brs)
- handle PRV =>
- (*reset Vars and try another literal
- [this handler is pruned if possible!]*)
- (clearTo ntrl; closeF Ls)
- end
- handle UNIFY => closeF Ls
+ case tryClose(G,L) of
+ None => closeF Ls
+ | Some tac =>
+ let val choices' =
+ (if !trace then writeln"branch closed"
+ else ();
+ prune (nbrs, nxtVars,
+ (ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices))
+ in prv (tac::tacs, brs0::trs, choices', brs)
+ handle PRV =>
+ (*reset Vars and try another literal
+ [this handler is pruned if possible!]*)
+ (clearTo ntrl; closeF Ls)
+ end
fun closeFl [] = raise CLOSEF
| closeFl ((br, haz)::pairs) =
closeF (map fst br)
handle CLOSEF => closeF (map fst haz)
handle CLOSEF => closeFl pairs
- in tracing sign brs0;
+ in tracing sign brs0;
if lim<0 then backtrack choices
prv (Data.vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac false :: tacs,
@@ -938,44 +963,46 @@
to branch.*)
fun deeper [] = raise NEWBRANCHES
| deeper (((P,prems),tac)::grls) =
- let val dummy = unify(false, add_term_vars(P,[]), P, H)
- val ntrl' = !ntrail
- val vars = vars_in_vars vars
- val vars' = foldr add_terms_vars (prems, vars)
- (*duplicate H if md and the subgoal has new vars*)
- val dup = md andalso vars' <> vars
- (*any instances of P in the subgoals?*)
- and recur = exists (exists (match P)) prems
- val lim' = (*Decrement "lim" extra if updates occur*)
- if ntrl < !ntrail then lim - (1+log4(length rules))
- else lim-1
- (*It is tempting to leave "lim" UNCHANGED if
- both dup and recur are false. Proofs are
- found at shallower depths, but looping
- occurs too often...*)
- val mayUndo = not (null grls) (*other rules to try?*)
- orelse ntrl < ntrl' (*variables updated?*)
- orelse vars=vars' (*no new Vars?*)
- val tac' = if mayUndo then tac dup
- else DETERM o (tac dup)
- in
- if lim'<0 andalso not (null prems)
- then (*it's faster to kill ALL the alternatives*)
- else
- prv(tac dup :: tacs,
- brs0::trs,
- (ntrl, length brs0, PRV) :: choices,
- newBr (vars', recur, dup, lim') prems)
- handle PRV =>
- if mayUndo
- then (*reset Vars and try another rule*)
- (clearTo ntrl; deeper grls)
- else (*backtrack to previous level*)
- backtrack choices
- end
- handle UNIFY => deeper grls
- in tracing sign brs0;
+ if unify(false, add_term_vars(P,[]), P, H)
+ then
+ let val ntrl' = !ntrail
+ val vars = vars_in_vars vars
+ val vars' = foldr add_terms_vars (prems, vars)
+ (*duplicate H if md and the subgoal has new vars*)
+ val dup = md andalso vars' <> vars
+ (*any instances of P in the subgoals?*)
+ and recur = exists (exists (match P)) prems
+ val lim' = (*Decrement "lim" extra if updates occur*)
+ if ntrl < !ntrail then lim - (1+log(length rules))
+ else lim-1
+ (*It is tempting to leave "lim" UNCHANGED if
+ both dup and recur are false. Proofs are
+ found at shallower depths, but looping
+ occurs too often...*)
+ val mayUndo = not(null grls) (*other rules to try?*)
+ orelse ntrl < ntrl' (*variables updated?*)
+ orelse vars=vars' (*no new Vars?*)
+ val tac' = if mayUndo then tac dup
+ else DETERM o (tac dup)
+ in
+ if lim'<0 andalso not (null prems)
+ then (*it's faster to kill ALL the alternatives*)
+ else
+ traceNew prems;
+ prv(tac dup :: tacs,
+ brs0::trs,
+ (ntrl, length brs0, PRV) :: choices,
+ newBr (vars', recur, dup, lim') prems)
+ handle PRV =>
+ if mayUndo
+ then (*reset Vars and try another rule*)
+ (clearTo ntrl; deeper grls)
+ else (*backtrack to previous level*)
+ backtrack choices
+ end
+ else deeper grls
+ in tracing sign brs0;
if lim<1 then backtrack choices
else deeper rules
@@ -1062,7 +1089,7 @@
val skoprem = fromSubgoal tsig (List.nth(prems_of st, i-1))
val hyps = strip_imp_prems skoprem
and concl = strip_imp_concl skoprem
- fun cont (_,choices,tacs) =
+ fun cont (tacs,_,choices) =
(case Sequence.pull(EVERY' (rev tacs) i st) of
None => (writeln ("PROOF FAILED for depth " ^
Int.toString lim);