--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_thmdecls.ML Tue Feb 06 00:41:54 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+(* ID: "$Id$"
+ Authors: Julien Narboux and Christian Urban
+ This file introduces the infrastructure for the lemma
+ declaration "eqvt" "bij" and "fresh".
+ By attaching [eqvt] [bij] or [fresh] to a lemma, the lemma gets stored
+ in a data-slot in the theory context. Possible modifiers
+ are [attribute add] and [attribute del] for adding and deleting,
+ respectively the lemma from the data-slot.
+ val print_eqvtset: Proof.context -> unit
+ val eqvt_add: attribute
+ val eqvt_del: attribute
+ val setup: theory -> theory
+ val NOMINAL_EQVT_DEBUG : bool ref
+structure NominalThmDecls: NOMINAL_THMDECLS =
+structure Data = GenericDataFun
+ val name = "HOL/Nominal/eqvt";
+ type T = {eqvt:thm list, fresh:thm list, bij:thm list};
+ val empty = {eqvt=[], fresh=[], bij=[]};
+ val extend = I;
+ fun merge _ (r1,r2) = {eqvt = Drule.merge_rules (#eqvt r1, #eqvt r2),
+ fresh = Drule.merge_rules (#fresh r1, #fresh r2),
+ bij = Drule.merge_rules (#bij r1, #bij r2)}
+ fun print context rules =
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "Equivariance lemmas:"
+ (map (ProofContext.pretty_thm (Context.proof_of context)) (#eqvt rules)));
+(* Exception for when a theorem does not conform with form of an equivariance lemma. *)
+(* There are two forms: one is an implication (for relations) and the other is an *)
+(* equality (for functions). In the implication-case, say P ==> Q, Q must be equal *)
+(* to P except that every free variable of Q, say x, is replaced by pi o x. In the *)
+(* equality case, say lhs = rhs, the lhs must be of the form pi o t and the rhs must *)
+(* be equal to t except that every free variable, say x, is replaced by pi o x. In *)
+(* the implicational case it is also checked that the variables and permutation fit *)
+(* together, i.e. are of the right "pt_class", so that a stronger version of the *)
+(* eqality-lemma can be derived. *)
+exception EQVT_FORM;
+val print_eqvtset = Data.print o Context.Proof;
+(* FIXME: should be a function in a library *)
+fun mk_permT T = HOLogic.listT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, T));
+val perm_bool = thm "perm_bool";
+val NOMINAL_EQVT_DEBUG = ref false;
+fun tactic (msg,tac) =
+ then (EVERY [tac, print_tac ("after "^msg)])
+ else tac
+fun tactic_eqvt ctx orig_thm pi typi =
+ let
+ val mypi = Thm.cterm_of ctx (Var (pi,typi))
+ val mypifree = Thm.cterm_of ctx (Const ("List.rev",typi --> typi) $ Free (fst pi,typi))
+ val perm_pi_simp = PureThy.get_thms ctx (Name "perm_pi_simp")
+ in
+ EVERY [tactic ("iffI applied",rtac iffI 1),
+ tactic ("simplifies with orig_thm and perm_bool",
+ asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [perm_bool,orig_thm]) 1),
+ tactic ("applies orig_thm instantiated with rev pi",
+ dtac (Drule.cterm_instantiate [(mypi,mypifree)] orig_thm) 1),
+ tactic ("getting rid of all remaining perms",
+ full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps (perm_bool::perm_pi_simp)) 1)]
+ end;
+fun get_derived_thm thy hyp concl orig_thm pi typi =
+ let
+ val lhs = (Const("Nominal.perm", typi --> HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT) $ Var(pi,typi) $ hyp)
+ val goal_term = Logic.unvarify (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs,concl)))
+ val _ = Display.print_cterm (cterm_of thy goal_term)
+ in
+ Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal_term (fn _ => (tactic_eqvt thy orig_thm pi typi))
+ end
+(* FIXME: something naughty here, but as long as there is no infrastructure to expose *)
+(* the eqvt_thm_list to the user, we have to manually update the context and the *)
+(* thm-list eqvt *)
+fun update_context flag thms context =
+ let
+ val context' = fold (fn thm => Data.map (flag thm)) thms context
+ in
+ Context.mapping (snd o PureThy.add_thmss [(("eqvt",(#eqvt (Data.get context'))),[])]) I context'
+ end;
+(* replaces every variable x in t with pi o x *)
+fun apply_pi trm (pi,typi) =
+ let
+ fun only_vars t =
+ (case t of
+ Var (n,ty) => (Const ("Nominal.perm",typi --> ty --> ty) $ (Var (pi,typi)) $ (Var (n,ty)))
+ | _ => t)
+ in
+ map_aterms only_vars trm
+ end;
+(* returns *the* pi which is in front of all variables, provided there *)
+(* exists such a pi; otherwise raises EQVT_FORM *)
+fun get_pi t thy =
+ let fun get_pi_aux s =
+ (case s of
+ (Const ("Nominal.perm",typrm) $
+ (Var (pi,typi as Type("List.list",[Type ("*",[Type (tyatm,[]),_])]))) $
+ (Var (n,ty))) =>
+ let
+ (* FIXME: this should be an operation the library *)
+ val class_name = (NameSpace.map_base (fn s => "pt_"^s) tyatm)
+ in
+ if (Type.of_sort (Sign.tsig_of thy) (ty,[class_name]))
+ then [(pi,typi)]
+ else raise EQVT_FORM
+ end
+ | Abs (_,_,t1) => get_pi_aux t1
+ | (t1 $ t2) => get_pi_aux t1 @ get_pi_aux t2
+ | _ => [])
+ in
+ (* collect first all pi's in front of variables in t and then use distinct *)
+ (* to ensure that all pi's must have been the same, i.e. distinct returns *)
+ (* a singleton-list *)
+ (case (distinct (op =) (get_pi_aux t)) of
+ [(pi,typi)] => (pi,typi)
+ | _ => raise EQVT_FORM)
+ end;
+(* Either adds a theorem (orig_thm) to or deletes one from the equivaraince *)
+(* lemma list depending on flag. To be added the lemma has to satisfy a *)
+(* certain form. *)
+fun eqvt_add_del_aux flag orig_thm context =
+ let
+ val thy = Context.theory_of context
+ val thms_to_be_added = (case (prop_of orig_thm) of
+ (* case: eqvt-lemma is of the implicational form *)
+ (Const("==>", _) $ (Const ("Trueprop",_) $ hyp) $ (Const ("Trueprop",_) $ concl)) =>
+ let
+ val (pi,typi) = get_pi concl thy
+ in
+ if (apply_pi hyp (pi,typi) = concl)
+ then
+ (warning ("equivariance lemma of the relational form");
+ [orig_thm, get_derived_thm thy hyp concl orig_thm pi typi])
+ else raise EQVT_FORM
+ end
+ (* case: eqvt-lemma is of the equational form *)
+ | (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ (Const ("op =", _) $
+ (Const ("Nominal.perm",_) $ Var (pi,typi) $ lhs) $ rhs)) =>
+ (if (apply_pi lhs (pi,typi)) = rhs
+ then [orig_thm]
+ else raise EQVT_FORM)
+ | _ => raise EQVT_FORM)
+ in
+ update_context flag thms_to_be_added context
+ end
+ handle EQVT_FORM =>
+ error (string_of_thm orig_thm ^ " does not comply with the form of an equivariance lemma.")
+(* in cases of bij- and freshness, we just add the lemmas to the *)
+(* data-slot *)
+fun simple_add_del_aux record_access name flag th context =
+ let
+ val context' = Data.map (flag th) context
+ in
+ Context.mapping (snd o PureThy.add_thmss [((name,(record_access (Data.get context'))),[])]) I context'
+ end
+fun simple_add_del_aux record_access name flag th context =
+ let
+ val context' = Data.map th context
+ in
+ Context.mapping (snd o PureThy.add_thmss [((name,(record_access (Data.get context'))),[])]) I context'
+ end
+val bij_add_del_aux = simple_add_del_aux #bij "bij"
+val fresh_add_del_aux = simple_add_del_aux #fresh "fresh"
+fun eqvt_map f th r = {eqvt = (f th (#eqvt r)), fresh = #fresh r, bij = #bij r};
+fun fresh_map f th r = {eqvt = #eqvt r, fresh = (f th (#fresh r)), bij = #bij r};
+fun bij_map f th r = {eqvt = #eqvt r, fresh = #fresh r, bij = (f th (#bij r))};
+val eqvt_add = Thm.declaration_attribute (eqvt_add_del_aux (eqvt_map Drule.add_rule));
+val eqvt_del = Thm.declaration_attribute (eqvt_add_del_aux (eqvt_map Drule.del_rule));
+val bij_add = Thm.declaration_attribute (bij_add_del_aux (bij_map Drule.add_rule));
+val bij_del = Thm.declaration_attribute (bij_add_del_aux (bij_map Drule.del_rule));
+val fresh_add = Thm.declaration_attribute (fresh_add_del_aux (fresh_map Drule.add_rule));
+val fresh_del = Thm.declaration_attribute (fresh_add_del_aux (fresh_map Drule.del_rule));
+val setup =
+ Data.init #>
+ Attrib.add_attributes
+ [("eqvt", Attrib.add_del_args eqvt_add eqvt_del, "equivariance theorem declaration"),
+ ("fresh", Attrib.add_del_args fresh_add fresh_del, "freshness theorem declaration"),
+ ("bij", Attrib.add_del_args bij_add bij_del, "bijection theorem declaration")];
+(* Thm.declaration_attribute has type (thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic) -> attribute *)
+(* Drule.add_rule has type thm -> thm list -> thm list *)
+(* Data.map has type thm list -> thm list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic *)
+(* add_del_args is of type attribute -> attribute -> src -> attribute *)
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