--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_waldmeister.ML Fri Oct 25 14:06:02 2019 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_waldmeister.ML
- Author: Albert Steckermeier, TU Muenchen
- Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-General-purpose functions used by the Sledgehammer modules.
-exception FailureMessage of string
- val skolemize : bool -> Proof.context -> term -> (Proof.context * (term list * term))
- val encode_type : typ -> string
- val decode_type_string : string -> typ
- val encode_types : typ list -> string
- val decode_types : string -> typ list
- val encode_const : string * typ list -> string
- val decode_const : string -> string * typ list
-signature ATP_WALDMEISTER =
- type 'a atp_problem = 'a ATP_Problem.atp_problem
- type ('a, 'b) atp_step = ('a, 'b) ATP_Proof.atp_step
- type 'a atp_proof = 'a ATP_Proof.atp_proof
- type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
- type waldmeister_info = (string * (term list * (term option * term))) list
- val waldmeister_skolemize_rule : string
- val generate_waldmeister_problem : Proof.context -> term list -> term ->
- ((string * stature) * term) list ->
- string atp_problem * string Symtab.table * (string * term) list * int Symtab.table *
- waldmeister_info
- val termify_waldmeister_proof : Proof.context -> string Symtab.table -> string atp_proof ->
- (term, string) atp_step list
- val introduce_waldmeister_skolems : waldmeister_info -> (term, string) atp_step list ->
- (term, string) atp_step list
-structure ATP_Waldmeister_Skolemizer : ATP_WALDMEISTER_SKOLEMIZER =
-open HOLogic
-fun contains_quantor (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Ex\<close>, _) $ _) = true
- | contains_quantor (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>All\<close>, _) $ _) = true
- | contains_quantor (t1 $ t2) = contains_quantor t1 orelse contains_quantor t2
- | contains_quantor _ = false
-fun mk_fun_for_bvar ctxt1 ctxt2 arg_trms (bound_name, ty) =
- let
- val fun_type = (map type_of arg_trms) ---> ty
- val (fun_name, _) = singleton (Variable.variant_frees ctxt2 []) ("sko_" ^ bound_name,fun_type)
- val (_, ctxt1_new) = Variable.add_fixes [fun_name] ctxt1
- val (_, ctxt2_new) = Variable.add_fixes [fun_name] ctxt2
- in
- (Term.list_comb (Free (fun_name,fun_type), arg_trms), ctxt1_new, ctxt2_new)
- end
-fun skolem_free ctxt1 ctxt2 vars (bound_name, ty, trm) =
- let
- val (fun_trm, ctxt1_new, ctxt2_new) =
- mk_fun_for_bvar ctxt1 ctxt2 (List.rev vars) (bound_name,ty)
- in
- (Term.subst_bounds ([fun_trm], trm), ctxt1_new, ctxt2_new)
- end
-fun skolem_var ctxt (bound_name, ty, trm) =
- let
- val (var_name, _) = singleton (Variable.variant_frees ctxt []) (bound_name, ty)
- val (_, ctxt') = Variable.add_fixes [var_name] ctxt
- val var = Var ((var_name, 0), ty)
- in
- (Term.subst_bounds ([var], trm), ctxt', var)
- end
-fun skolem_bound is_free ctxt1 ctxt2 spets vars x =
- if is_free then
- let
- val (trm', ctxt1', ctxt2') = skolem_free ctxt1 ctxt2 vars x
- in
- (ctxt1', ctxt2',spets, trm', vars)
- end
- else
- let
- val (trm', ctxt2', var) = skolem_var ctxt2 x
- in
- (ctxt1, ctxt2', spets, trm', var :: vars)
- end
-fun skolemize' pos ctxt1 ctxt2 spets vars (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Not\<close>, _) $ trm') =
- let
- val (ctxt1', ctxt2', spets', trm'') = skolemize' (not pos) ctxt1 ctxt2 spets vars trm'
- in
- (ctxt1', ctxt2', map mk_not spets', mk_not trm'')
- end
- | skolemize' pos ctxt1 ctxt2 spets vars (trm as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, t) $ a $ b)) =
- if t = \<^typ>\<open>bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool\<close> andalso contains_quantor trm then
- skolemize' pos ctxt1 ctxt2 (trm :: spets) vars (mk_conj (mk_imp (a, b), mk_imp (b, a)))
- else
- (ctxt1, ctxt2, spets, trm)
- | skolemize' pos ctxt1 ctxt2 spets vars (trm as (Const (name, _) $ Abs x)) =
- if name = \<^const_name>\<open>Ex\<close> orelse name = \<^const_name>\<open>All\<close> then
- let
- val is_free = (name = \<^const_name>\<open>Ex\<close> andalso pos)
- orelse (name = \<^const_name>\<open>All\<close> andalso not pos)
- val (ctxt1', ctxt2', spets', trm', vars') =
- skolem_bound is_free ctxt1 ctxt2 (if is_free then trm :: spets else spets) vars x
- in
- skolemize' pos ctxt1' ctxt2' spets' vars' trm'
- end
- else
- (ctxt1, ctxt2, spets, trm)
- | skolemize' pos ctxt1 ctxt2 spets vars ((c as Const (name, _)) $ a $ b) =
- if name = \<^const_name>\<open>conj\<close> orelse name = \<^const_name>\<open>disj\<close> orelse
- name = \<^const_name>\<open>implies\<close> then
- let
- val pos_a = if name = \<^const_name>\<open>implies\<close> then not pos else pos
- val (ctxt1', ctxt2', spets', a') = skolemize' pos_a ctxt1 ctxt2 [] vars a
- val (ctxt1'', ctxt2'', spets'', b') = skolemize' pos ctxt1' ctxt2' [] vars b
- in
- (ctxt1'', ctxt2'',
- map (fn trm => c $ a' $ trm) spets'' @ map (fn trm => c $ trm $ b) spets' @ spets,
- c $ a' $ b')
- end
- else
- (ctxt1,ctxt2,spets,c $ a $ b)
- | skolemize' _ ctxt1 ctxt2 spets _ trm = (ctxt1, ctxt2, spets, trm)
- fun vars_of trm =
- rev (distinct (op =) (Term.fold_aterms (fn t as Var _ => cons t | _ => I) trm []));
- fun skolemize positve ctxt trm =
- let
- val (ctxt1, _, spets, skolemized_trm) = skolemize' positve ctxt ctxt [] (vars_of trm) trm
- in
- (ctxt1, (trm :: List.rev spets, skolemized_trm))
- end
-structure ATP_Waldmeister_Type_Encoder : ATP_WALDMEISTER_TYPE_ENCODER =
-val delimiter = ";"
-val open_paranthesis = "["
-val close_parathesis = "]"
-val type_prefix = "Type"
-val tfree_prefix = "TFree"
-val tvar_prefix = "TVar"
-val identifier_character = not o member (op =) [delimiter, open_paranthesis, close_parathesis]
-fun encode_type (Type (name, types)) =
- type_prefix ^ open_paranthesis ^ name ^ delimiter ^
- (map encode_type types |> space_implode delimiter) ^ close_parathesis
-| encode_type (TFree (name, sorts)) =
- tfree_prefix ^ open_paranthesis ^ name ^ delimiter ^ space_implode delimiter sorts ^
- close_parathesis
-| encode_type (TVar ((name, i), sorts)) =
- tvar_prefix ^ open_paranthesis ^ open_paranthesis ^ name ^ delimiter ^ Int.toString i ^
- close_parathesis ^ delimiter ^ space_implode delimiter sorts ^ close_parathesis
-fun encode_types types = space_implode delimiter (map encode_type types)
-fun parse_identifier x =
- (Scan.many identifier_character >> implode) x
-fun parse_star delim scanner x =
- (Scan.optional (scanner ::: Scan.repeat ($$ delim |-- scanner)) []) x
-fun parse_type x = (Scan.this_string type_prefix |-- $$ open_paranthesis |-- parse_identifier --|
- $$ delimiter -- parse_star delimiter parse_any_type --| $$ close_parathesis >> Type) x
-and parse_tfree x = (Scan.this_string tfree_prefix |-- $$ open_paranthesis |-- parse_identifier --|
- $$ delimiter -- parse_star delimiter parse_identifier --| $$ close_parathesis >> TFree) x
-and parse_tvar x = (Scan.this_string tvar_prefix |-- $$ open_paranthesis |-- $$ open_paranthesis
- |-- parse_identifier --| $$ delimiter -- (parse_identifier >> (Int.fromString #> the)) --| $$
- close_parathesis --| $$ delimiter -- parse_star delimiter parse_identifier --|
- $$ close_parathesis >> TVar) x
-and parse_any_type x = (parse_type || parse_tfree || parse_tvar) x
-fun parse_types x = parse_star delimiter parse_any_type x
-fun decode_type_string s = Scan.finite Symbol.stopper
- (Scan.error (!! (fn _ => raise FailureMessage ("unrecognized type encoding" ^
- quote s)) parse_type)) (Symbol.explode s) |> fst
-fun decode_types s = Scan.finite Symbol.stopper
- (Scan.error (!! (fn _ => raise FailureMessage ("unrecognized type encoding" ^
- quote s))) parse_types) (Symbol.explode s) |> fst
-fun encode_const (name,tys) = name ^ delimiter ^ encode_types tys
-fun parse_const s = (parse_identifier --| $$ delimiter -- parse_types) s
-fun decode_const s = Scan.finite Symbol.stopper
- (Scan.error (!! (fn _ => raise FailureMessage ("unrecognized const encoding" ^
- quote s))) parse_const) (Symbol.explode s) |> fst
-structure ATP_Waldmeister (*** : ATP_WALDMEISTER *) =
-open ATP_Util
-open ATP_Problem
-open ATP_Problem_Generate
-open ATP_Proof
-open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
-open ATP_Waldmeister_Skolemizer
-open ATP_Waldmeister_Type_Encoder
-open HOLogic
-type ('a, 'b) atp_term = ('a, 'b) ATP_Problem.atp_term
-type atp_connective = ATP_Problem.atp_connective
-type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) atp_formula = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) ATP_Problem.atp_formula
-type atp_format = ATP_Problem.atp_format
-type atp_formula_role = ATP_Problem.atp_formula_role
-type 'a atp_problem = 'a ATP_Problem.atp_problem
-type waldmeister_info = (string * (term list * (term option * term))) list
-val const_prefix = #"c"
-val var_prefix = #"V"
-val free_prefix = #"v"
-val conjecture_condition_name = "condition"
-val waldmeister_equals = "eq"
-val waldmeister_true = "true"
-val waldmeister_false = "false"
-val waldmeister_skolemize_rule = "waldmeister_skolemize"
-val lam_lift_waldmeister_prefix = "lambda_wm"
-val waldmeister_apply = "wm_apply"
-val factsN = "Relevant facts"
-val helpersN = "Helper facts"
-val conjN = "Conjecture"
-val conj_identifier = conjecture_prefix ^ "0"
-val WM_ERROR_MSG = "Waldmeister problem generator failed: "
- Some utilitary functions for translation.
-fun gen_ascii_tuple str = (str, ascii_of str)
-fun mk_eq_true (trm as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ _ $ _)) = (NONE,trm)
- | mk_eq_true trm = (SOME trm,HOLogic.mk_eq (trm, \<^term>\<open>True\<close>))
-val is_lambda_name = String.isPrefix lam_lifted_poly_prefix
-fun lookup table k =
- List.find (fn (key, _) => key = k) table
-fun dest_list' (f $ t) =
- let
- val (function, trms) = dest_list' f
- in
- (function, t :: trms)
- end
- | dest_list' t = (t,[]);
-fun dest_list trm = dest_list' trm ||> List.rev
-fun list_update x [] = [x]
- | list_update (a,b) ((c,d) :: xs) =
- if a = c andalso b < d then
- (a,b) :: xs
- else
- (c,d) :: list_update (a,b) xs
- Hiding partial applications in terms
-fun map_minimal_app' info (trm :: trms) =
- map_minimal_app' (minimal_app' info trm) trms
- | map_minimal_app' info _ = info
-and minimal_app' info (trm as _ $ _) =
- let
- val (function, trms) = dest_list trm
- val info' = map_minimal_app' info trms
- in
- case function of
- (Const _) => list_update (function, length trms) info' |
- (Free _) => list_update (function, length trms) info' |
- _ => info
- end
- | minimal_app' info (trm as Const _) =
- list_update (trm, 0) info
- | minimal_app' info (trm as Free _) =
- list_update (trm, 0) info
- | minimal_app' info _ = info;
-fun map_minimal_app trms = map_minimal_app' [] trms
-fun mk_waldmeister_app function [] = function
- | mk_waldmeister_app function (a :: args) =
- let
- val funT = type_of function
- val argT = type_of a
- val resT = dest_funT funT |> snd
- val newT = funT --> argT --> resT
- in
- mk_waldmeister_app (Const (waldmeister_apply ^ "," ^
- encode_types [resT, argT], newT) $ function $ a) args
- end
-fun hide_partial_applications info (trm as (_ $ _)) =
- let
- val (function, trms) = dest_list trm
- val trms' = map (hide_partial_applications info) trms
- in
- case function of
- Var _ => mk_waldmeister_app function trms' |
- _ =>
- let
- val min_args = lookup info function |> the |> snd
- val args0 = List.take (trms',min_args)
- val args1 = List.drop (trms',min_args)
- val function' = list_comb (function,args0)
- in
- mk_waldmeister_app function' args1
- end
- end
- | hide_partial_applications _ t = t;
-fun remove_waldmeister_app ((c as Const (name, _)) $ x $ y) =
- if String.isPrefix waldmeister_apply name then
- remove_waldmeister_app x $ remove_waldmeister_app y
- else
- c $ remove_waldmeister_app x $ remove_waldmeister_app y
- | remove_waldmeister_app (x $ y) = remove_waldmeister_app x $ remove_waldmeister_app y
- | remove_waldmeister_app x = x
- Translation from Isabelle terms to ATP terms.
-fun trm_to_atp'' thy (Const (x, ty)) args =
- let
- val ty_args = if is_lambda_name x orelse String.isPrefix waldmeister_apply x then
- [] else Sign.const_typargs thy (x, ty)
- in
- [ATerm ((gen_ascii_tuple (String.str const_prefix ^ encode_const (x, ty_args)), []), args)]
- end
- | trm_to_atp'' _ (Free (x, _)) args =
- [ATerm ((gen_ascii_tuple (String.str free_prefix ^ x), []), args)]
- | trm_to_atp'' _ (Var ((x, _), _)) args =
- [ATerm ((gen_ascii_tuple (String.str var_prefix ^ x), []), args)]
- | trm_to_atp'' thy (trm1 $ trm2) args = trm_to_atp'' thy trm1 (trm_to_atp'' thy trm2 [] @ args)
- | trm_to_atp'' _ _ _ = raise FailureMessage (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "Unexpected term")
-fun trm_to_atp' thy trm = trm_to_atp'' thy trm [] |> hd
-fun eq_trm_to_atp thy (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ lhs $ rhs) =
- ATerm ((("equal", "equal"), []), [trm_to_atp' thy lhs, trm_to_atp' thy rhs])
- | eq_trm_to_atp _ _ = raise FailureMessage (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "Non-eq term")
-(* Translation from ATP terms to Isabelle terms. *)
-fun construct_term thy (name, args) =
- let
- val prefix = String.sub (name, 0)
- val encoded_name = String.extract(name, 1, NONE)
- fun dummy_fun_type () = replicate (length args) dummyT ---> dummyT
- in
- if prefix = const_prefix then
- let
- val (const_name, ty_args) = if String.isPrefix waldmeister_apply encoded_name then
- (waldmeister_apply, []) else decode_const encoded_name
- val const_trans_name =
- if is_lambda_name const_name then
- lam_lift_waldmeister_prefix ^ (* ?? *)
- String.extract(const_name, size lam_lifted_poly_prefix, NONE)
- else
- const_name
- in
- Const (const_trans_name,
- if is_lambda_name const_name orelse String.isPrefix waldmeister_apply const_name then
- dummyT
- else
- Sign.const_instance thy (const_name, ty_args))
- end
- else if prefix = free_prefix then
- Free (encoded_name, dummy_fun_type ())
- else if Char.isUpper prefix then
- Var ((name, 0), dummy_fun_type ())
- (* Use name instead of encoded_name because Waldmeister renames free variables. *)
- else if name = waldmeister_equals then
- (case args of
- [_, _] => eq_const dummyT
- | _ => raise FailureMessage
- (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "waldmeister equals needs 2 arguments but has " ^
- Int.toString (length args)))
- else if name = waldmeister_true then
- \<^term>\<open>True\<close>
- else if name = waldmeister_false then
- \<^term>\<open>False\<close>
- else
- raise FailureMessage
- (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "Unknown name prefix when parsing Waldmeister proof: name = " ^ name)
- end
-and atp_to_trm' thy (ATerm ((name,_), args)) =
- (case args of
- [] => construct_term thy (name, args)
- | _ => Term.list_comb (construct_term thy (name, args), map (atp_to_trm' thy) args))
- | atp_to_trm' _ _ = raise FailureMessage (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "atp_to_trm' expects ATerm")
-fun atp_to_trm thy (ATerm (("equal", _), [lhs, rhs])) =
- mk_eq (atp_to_trm' thy lhs, atp_to_trm' thy rhs)
- | atp_to_trm _ (ATerm (("$true", _), _)) = \<^term>\<open>True\<close>
- | atp_to_trm _ _ = raise FailureMessage (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "atp_to_trm expects ATerm")
-fun formula_to_trm thy (AAtom aterm) = aterm |> atp_to_trm thy
- | formula_to_trm thy (AConn (ANot, [aterm])) =
- mk_not (formula_to_trm thy aterm)
- | formula_to_trm _ _ =
- raise FailureMessage (WM_ERROR_MSG ^ "formula_to_trm expects AAtom or AConn")
-(* Abstract translation *)
-fun mk_formula prefix_name name atype aterm =
- Formula ((prefix_name ^ ascii_of name, name), atype, AAtom aterm, NONE, [])
-fun problem_lines_of_fact thy prefix (s, (_, (_, t))) =
- mk_formula (prefix ^ "0_") s Axiom (eq_trm_to_atp thy t)
-fun make_nice problem = nice_atp_problem true CNF problem
-fun mk_conjecture aterm =
- let
- val formula = mk_anot (AAtom aterm)
- in
- Formula ((conj_identifier, ""), Hypothesis, formula, NONE, [])
- end
-fun generate_waldmeister_problem ctxt hyps_t0 concl_t0 facts0 =
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val preproc = Object_Logic.atomize_term ctxt
- val conditions = map preproc hyps_t0
- val consequence = preproc concl_t0
- val facts = map (apsnd preproc #> apfst fst) facts0 : (string * term) list
- fun map_ctxt' _ ctxt [] ys = (ctxt, ys)
- | map_ctxt' f ctxt (x :: xs) ys =
- let
- val (ctxt', x') = f ctxt x
- in
- map_ctxt' f ctxt' xs (x' :: ys)
- end
- fun map_ctxt f ctxt xs = map_ctxt' f ctxt xs []
- fun skolemize_fact ctxt (name, trm) =
- let
- val (ctxt', (steps, trm')) = skolemize true ctxt trm
- in
- (ctxt', (name, (steps, trm')))
- end
- fun name_list' _ [] _ = []
- | name_list' prefix (x :: xs) i = (prefix ^ Int.toString i, x) :: name_list' prefix xs (i + 1)
- fun name_list prefix xs = name_list' prefix xs 0
- (* Skolemization, hiding lambdas and translating formulas to equations *)
- val (ctxt', sko_facts) = map_ctxt skolemize_fact ctxt facts
- val (ctxt'', sko_conditions) = map_ctxt (skolemize true) ctxt' conditions
- val post_skolem = do_cheaply_conceal_lambdas []
- val sko_eq_facts0 = map (apsnd (apsnd (mk_eq_true #> apsnd post_skolem))) sko_facts
- val sko_eq_conditions0 = map (apsnd (mk_eq_true #> apsnd post_skolem)) sko_conditions
- |> name_list conjecture_condition_name
- val (_, eq_conseq as (_, (non_eq_consequence0, eq_consequence0))) =
- skolemize false ctxt'' consequence |> apsnd (apsnd (mk_eq_true #> apsnd post_skolem))
- val sko_eq_info =
- (((conj_identifier, eq_conseq) :: sko_eq_conditions0)
- @ map (apfst (fn name => fact_prefix ^ "0_" ^ name)) sko_eq_facts0)
- (* Translation of partial function applications *)
- val fun_app_info = map_minimal_app (map (snd o snd o snd) sko_eq_info)
- fun hide_partial_apps_in_last (x, (y, (z, term))) =
- (x, (y, (z, hide_partial_applications fun_app_info term)))
- val sko_eq_facts = map hide_partial_apps_in_last sko_eq_facts0
- val sko_eq_conditions = map hide_partial_apps_in_last sko_eq_conditions0
- val eq_consequence = hide_partial_applications fun_app_info eq_consequence0
- (* Problem creation *)
- val fact_lines = map (problem_lines_of_fact thy fact_prefix) sko_eq_facts
- val condition_lines =
- map (fn (name, (_, (_, trm))) =>
- mk_formula fact_prefix name Hypothesis (eq_trm_to_atp thy trm)) sko_eq_conditions
- val axiom_lines = fact_lines @ condition_lines
- val conj_line = mk_conjecture (eq_trm_to_atp thy eq_consequence)
- val helper_lemmas_needed = exists (snd #> snd #> fst #> is_some) sko_eq_facts
- orelse exists (snd #> snd #> fst #> is_some) sko_eq_conditions orelse
- is_some non_eq_consequence0
- val helper_lines =
- if helper_lemmas_needed then
- [(helpersN,
- @{thms waldmeister_fol}
- |> map (fn th => (("", (Global, General)), preproc (Thm.prop_of th)))
- |> map (fn ((s, _) ,t) => mk_formula helper_prefix s Axiom (eq_trm_to_atp thy t)))]
- else
- []
- val problem = (factsN, axiom_lines) :: helper_lines @ [(conjN, [conj_line])]
- val (nice_problem, pool) = make_nice problem
- in
- (nice_problem, Option.map snd pool |> the_default Symtab.empty, [], Symtab.empty, sko_eq_info)
- end
-fun termify_line ctxt (name, role, u, rule, deps) =
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val t = u |> formula_to_trm thy |> remove_waldmeister_app
- |> singleton (infer_formulas_types ctxt)
- |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
- in
- (name, role, t, rule, deps)
- end
-fun termify_waldmeister_proof ctxt pool =
- nasty_atp_proof pool
- #> map (termify_line ctxt)
- #> repair_waldmeister_endgame
-fun get_skolem_info info names = case map (lookup info) names |> List.find is_some of
- SOME x => x |
-fun fix_name name =
- if String.isPrefix fact_prefix name andalso String.isSuffix "_J" name then
- String.extract(name, size fact_prefix + 2,NONE) |> unascii_of |>
- (fn x => fact_prefix ^ "0_" ^ x)
- else
- name
-fun skolemization_steps info
- (proof_step as ((waldmeister_name, isabelle_names), _, trm, rule, _)) =
- case get_skolem_info info (map fix_name isabelle_names) of
- NONE => [proof_step] |
- SOME (_, ([], _)) => [proof_step] |
- SOME (_, (step :: steps,_)) =>
- let
- val raw_trm = dest_Trueprop trm
- val is_narrowing = raw_trm = \<^term>\<open>True = False\<close> orelse raw_trm = \<^term>\<open>False = True\<close>
- val is_conjecture = String.isPrefix "" waldmeister_name andalso not is_narrowing
- in
- if is_narrowing then
- [proof_step]
- else
- let
- fun mk_steps _ [] = []
- | mk_steps i (x :: xs) = (((waldmeister_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i),[]),
- Plain, mk_Trueprop ((is_conjecture ? mk_not) x), waldmeister_skolemize_rule,
- [(waldmeister_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString (i-1),
- if i = 1 then isabelle_names else [])])
- :: mk_steps (i+1) xs
- val first_step = ((waldmeister_name ^ "_0", isabelle_names), Unknown,
- mk_Trueprop ((is_conjecture ? mk_not) step), rule, [])
- val sub_steps = mk_steps 1 steps
- val skolem_steps = first_step :: sub_steps
- val num_of_steps = length skolem_steps
- in
- (skolem_steps @
- [((waldmeister_name, []), Unknown, trm, waldmeister_skolemize_rule,
- [(waldmeister_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString (num_of_steps - 1),
- if num_of_steps = 1 then isabelle_names else [])])])
- end
- end
-fun introduce_waldmeister_skolems info proof_steps = proof_steps
- |> maps (skolemization_steps info)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML Fri Oct 25 14:06:02 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML Fri Oct 25 14:14:56 2019 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
open ATP_Proof
open ATP_Problem_Generate
open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
-open ATP_Waldmeister
open ATP_Satallax
open ATP_Systems
open Sledgehammer_Util
@@ -143,7 +142,6 @@
val full_proofs = isar_proofs |> the_default (mode = Minimize)
val local_name = perhaps (try (unprefix remote_prefix)) name
- val waldmeister_new = (local_name = waldmeister_newN)
val spassy = (local_name = pirateN orelse local_name = spassN)
val completish = Config.get ctxt atp_completish
@@ -262,7 +260,7 @@
val readable_names = not (Config.get ctxt atp_full_names)
val lam_trans = lam_trans |> the_default best_lam_trans
val uncurried_aliases = uncurried_aliases |> the_default best_uncurried_aliases
- val value as (atp_problem, _, _, _, _) =
+ val value as (atp_problem, _, _, _) =
if cache_key = SOME key then
@@ -271,13 +269,8 @@
|> take num_facts
|> not (is_type_enc_polymorphic type_enc) ? monomorphize_facts
|> map (apsnd Thm.prop_of)
- |> (if waldmeister_new then
- generate_waldmeister_problem ctxt hyp_ts concl_t
- #> (fn (a, b, c, d, e) => (a, b, c, d, SOME e))
- else
- generate_atp_problem ctxt generate_info format prem_role type_enc atp_mode
- lam_trans uncurried_aliases readable_names true hyp_ts concl_t
- #> (fn (a, b, c, d) => (a, b, c, d, NONE)))
+ |> generate_atp_problem ctxt generate_info format prem_role type_enc atp_mode
+ lam_trans uncurried_aliases readable_names true hyp_ts concl_t
fun sel_weights () = atp_problem_selection_weights atp_problem
fun ord_info () = atp_problem_term_order_info atp_problem
@@ -340,7 +333,7 @@
| maybe_run_slice _ result = result
- ((NONE, ([], Symtab.empty, [], Symtab.empty,NONE)),
+ ((NONE, ([], Symtab.empty, [], Symtab.empty)),
("", Time.zeroTime, [], [], SOME InternalError), NONE)
|> fold maybe_run_slice actual_slices
@@ -352,7 +345,7 @@
if dest_dir = "" then ()
else File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode prob_path ^ "_proof")) output
- val ((_, (_, pool, lifted, sym_tab,wm_info)), (output, run_time, used_from, atp_proof, outcome),
+ val ((_, (_, pool, lifted, sym_tab)), (output, run_time, used_from, atp_proof, outcome),
SOME (format, type_enc)) =
with_cleanup clean_up run () |> tap export
@@ -385,10 +378,8 @@
if atp_proof_prefers_lifting atp_proof then SOME liftingN else NONE
val atp_proof =
- |> (if waldmeister_new then termify_waldmeister_proof ctxt pool
- else termify_atp_proof ctxt name format type_enc pool lifted sym_tab)
+ |> termify_atp_proof ctxt name format type_enc pool lifted sym_tab
|> spassy ? introduce_spassy_skolems
- |> (if waldmeister_new then introduce_waldmeister_skolems (the wm_info) else I)
|> factify_atp_proof (map fst used_from) hyp_ts concl_t
(verbose, (metis_type_enc, metis_lam_trans), preplay_timeout, compress, try0,