--- a/src/Pure/General/graph.ML Wed Nov 09 16:26:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/graph.ML Wed Nov 09 16:26:48 2005 +0100
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
val add_edge: key * key -> 'a T -> 'a T
val del_edge: key * key -> 'a T -> 'a T
val merge: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a T * 'a T -> 'a T (*exception DUPS*)
- val join: (key -> 'a * 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a T * 'a T -> 'a T (*exception DUPS*)
+ val join: (key -> 'a * 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a T * 'a T -> 'a T (*exception DUPS*)
exception CYCLES of key list list
val add_edge_acyclic: key * key -> 'a T -> 'a T (*exception CYCLES*)
val add_deps_acyclic: key * key list -> 'a T -> 'a T (*exception CYCLES*)
@@ -114,10 +114,12 @@
|> apfst Graph;
fun get_node G = #1 o get_entry G;
fun map_node x f = map_entry x (fn (i, ps) => (f i, ps));
fun map_node_yield x f = map_entry_yield x (fn (i, ps) =>
let val (a, i') = f i in (a, (i', ps)) end);
(* reachability *)
(*nodes reachable from xs -- topologically sorted for acyclic graphs*)
@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@
else tab'
in Table.empty |> Table.fold subg tab |> Graph end;
(* paths *)
fun find_paths G (x, y) =
@@ -204,25 +207,21 @@
(* join and merge *)
-fun gen_join add f (Graph tab1, G2 as Graph tab2) =
+fun no_edges (i, _) = (i, ([], []));
+fun join f (Graph tab1, G2 as Graph tab2) =
fun join_node key ((i1, edges1), (i2, _)) =
(Option.map (rpair edges1) o f key) (i1, i2);
- fun no_edges (i, _) = (i, ([], []));
- in fold add (edges G2) (Graph (Table.join join_node (tab1, Table.map no_edges tab2))) end;
-(* val join: (key -> 'a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a T * 'a T -> 'a T (*exception DUPS*) *)
-fun join f GG = gen_join add_edge f GG;
+ in fold add_edge (edges G2) (Graph (Table.join join_node (tab1, Table.map no_edges tab2))) end;
fun gen_merge add eq (Graph tab1, G2 as Graph tab2) =
- let
- fun eq_node ((i1, _), (i2, _)) = eq (i1, i2);
- fun no_edges (i, _) = (i, ([], []));
+ let fun eq_node ((i1, _), (i2, _)) = eq (i1, i2)
in fold add (edges G2) (Graph (Table.merge eq_node (tab1, Table.map no_edges tab2))) end;
fun merge eq GG = gen_merge add_edge eq GG;
(* maintain acyclic graphs *)
exception CYCLES of key list list;