--- a/src/Pure/goals.ML Wed Oct 31 22:05:37 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/goals.ML Thu Nov 01 21:09:53 2001 +0100
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
(* Title: Pure/goals.ML
ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson and Florian Kammueller, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Goal stack package. The goal stack initially holds a dummy proof, and can
-never become empty. Each goal stack consists of a list of levels. The
-undo list is a list of goal stacks. Finally, there may be a stack of
-pending proofs.
+Old-style locales and goal stack package. The goal stack initially
+holds a dummy proof, and can never become empty. Each goal stack
+consists of a list of levels. The undo list is a list of goal stacks.
+Finally, there may be a stack of pending proofs. Additional support
+for locales.
-signature GOALS =
+signature BASIC_GOALS =
+ val Open_locale: xstring -> unit
+ val Close_locale: xstring -> unit
+ val Print_scope: unit -> unit
+ val thm: xstring -> thm
+ val thms: xstring -> thm list
type proof
val reset_goals : unit -> unit
val atomic_goal : theory -> string -> thm list
@@ -94,9 +100,541 @@
val findE : int -> int -> (string * thm) list
+signature GOALS =
+ include BASIC_GOALS
+ type locale
+ val print_locales: theory -> unit
+ val get_thm: theory -> xstring -> thm
+ val get_thms: theory -> xstring -> thm list
+ val add_locale: bstring -> (bstring option) -> (string * string * mixfix) list ->
+ (string * string) list -> (string * string) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_locale_i: bstring -> (bstring option) -> (string * typ * mixfix) list ->
+ (string * term) list -> (string * term) list -> theory -> theory
+ val open_locale: xstring -> theory -> theory
+ val close_locale: xstring -> theory -> theory
+ val print_scope: theory -> unit
+ val read_cterm: Sign.sg -> string * typ -> cterm
+ val setup: (theory -> theory) list
structure Goals : GOALS =
+(*** Old-style locales ***)
+(* Locales. The theory section 'locale' declarings constants,
+assumptions and definitions that have local scope. Typical form is
+ locale Locale_name =
+ fixes (*variables that are fixed in the locale's scope*)
+ v :: T
+ assumes (*meta-hypothesis that hold in the locale*)
+ Asm_name "meta-formula"
+ defines (*local definitions of fixed variables in terms of others*)
+ v_def "v x == ...x..."
+(** type locale **)
+type locale =
+ {ancestor: string option,
+ consts: (string * typ) list,
+ nosyn: string list,
+ rules: (string * term) list,
+ defs: (string * term) list,
+ thms: (string * thm) list,
+ defaults: (string * sort) list * (string * typ) list * string list};
+fun make_locale ancestor consts nosyn rules defs thms defaults =
+ {ancestor = ancestor, consts = consts, nosyn = nosyn, rules = rules,
+ defs = defs, thms = thms, defaults = defaults}: locale;
+fun pretty_locale sg (name, {ancestor, consts, rules, defs, nosyn = _, thms = _, defaults = _}) =
+ let
+ val prt_typ = Pretty.quote o Sign.pretty_typ sg;
+ val prt_term = Pretty.quote o Sign.pretty_term sg;
+ fun pretty_const (c, T) = Pretty.block
+ [Pretty.str (c ^ " ::"), Pretty.brk 1, prt_typ T];
+ fun pretty_axiom (a, t) = Pretty.block
+ [Pretty.str (a ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 1, prt_term t];
+ val anc = case ancestor of
+ None => ""
+ | Some(loc) => ((Sign.base_name loc) ^ " +")
+ in
+ Pretty.big_list (name ^ " = " ^ anc)
+ [Pretty.big_list "consts:" (map pretty_const consts),
+ Pretty.big_list "rules:" (map pretty_axiom rules),
+ Pretty.big_list "defs:" (map pretty_axiom defs)]
+ end;
+(** theory data **)
+(* data kind 'Pure/old-locales' *)
+type locale_data =
+ {space: NameSpace.T,
+ locales: locale Symtab.table,
+ scope: (string * locale) list ref};
+fun make_locale_data space locales scope =
+ {space = space, locales = locales, scope = scope}: locale_data;
+structure LocalesArgs =
+ val name = "Pure/old-locales";
+ type T = locale_data;
+ val empty = make_locale_data NameSpace.empty Symtab.empty (ref []);
+ fun copy {space, locales, scope = ref locs} = make_locale_data space locales (ref locs);
+ fun prep_ext {space, locales, scope = _} = make_locale_data space locales (ref []);
+ fun merge ({space = space1, locales = locales1, scope = _},
+ {space = space2, locales = locales2, scope = _}) =
+ make_locale_data (NameSpace.merge (space1, space2))
+ (Symtab.merge (K true) (locales1, locales2))
+ (ref []);
+ fun print sg {space, locales, scope} =
+ let
+ fun extrn name =
+ if ! long_names then name else NameSpace.extern space name;
+ val locs = map (apfst extrn) (Symtab.dest locales);
+ val scope_names = rev (map (extrn o fst) (! scope));
+ in
+ [Display.pretty_name_space ("locale name space", space),
+ Pretty.big_list "locales:" (map (pretty_locale sg) locs),
+ Pretty.strs ("current scope:" :: scope_names)]
+ |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln
+ end;
+structure LocalesData = TheoryDataFun(LocalesArgs);
+val print_locales = LocalesData.print;
+(* access locales *)
+fun get_locale_sg sg name = Symtab.lookup (#locales (LocalesData.get_sg sg), name);
+val get_locale = get_locale_sg o Theory.sign_of;
+fun put_locale (name, locale) thy =
+ let
+ val {space, locales, scope} = LocalesData.get thy;
+ val space' = NameSpace.extend (space, [name]);
+ val locales' = Symtab.update ((name, locale), locales);
+ in thy |> LocalesData.put (make_locale_data space' locales' scope) end;
+fun lookup_locale thy xname =
+ let
+ val {space, locales, ...} = LocalesData.get thy;
+ val name = NameSpace.intern space xname;
+ in apsome (pair name) (get_locale thy name) end;
+(* access scope *)
+fun get_scope_sg sg =
+ if Sign.eq_sg (sg, Theory.sign_of ProtoPure.thy) then []
+ else ! (#scope (LocalesData.get_sg sg));
+val get_scope = get_scope_sg o Theory.sign_of;
+fun change_scope f thy =
+ let val {scope, ...} = LocalesData.get thy
+ in scope := f (! scope) end;
+(** scope operations **)
+(* change scope *)
+fun the_locale thy xname =
+ (case lookup_locale thy xname of
+ Some loc => loc
+ | None => error ("Unknown locale " ^ quote xname));
+fun open_locale xname thy =
+ let val loc = the_locale thy xname;
+ val anc = #ancestor(#2(loc));
+ val cur_sc = get_scope thy;
+ fun opn lc th = (change_scope (cons lc) th; th)
+ in case anc of
+ None => opn loc thy
+ | Some(loc') =>
+ if loc' mem (map fst cur_sc)
+ then opn loc thy
+ else (warning ("Opening locale " ^ quote loc' ^ ", required by " ^
+ quote xname);
+ opn loc (open_locale (Sign.base_name loc') thy))
+ end;
+fun pop_locale [] = error "Currently no open locales"
+ | pop_locale (_ :: locs) = locs;
+fun close_locale name thy =
+ let val lname = (case get_scope thy of (ln,_)::_ => ln
+ | _ => error "No locales are open!")
+ val ok = (name = Sign.base_name lname) handle _ => false
+ in if ok then (change_scope pop_locale thy; thy)
+ else error ("locale " ^ name ^ " is not top of scope; top is " ^ lname)
+ end;
+fun print_scope thy =
+Pretty.writeln (Pretty.strs ("current scope:" :: rev(map (Sign.base_name o fst) (get_scope thy))));
+(*implicit context versions*)
+fun Open_locale xname = (open_locale xname (Context.the_context ()); ());
+fun Close_locale xname = (close_locale xname (Context.the_context ()); ());
+fun Print_scope () = (print_scope (Context.the_context ()); ());
+(** functions for goals.ML **)
+(* in_locale: check if hyps (: term list) of a proof are contained in the
+ (current) scope. This function is needed in prepare_proof. It needs to
+ refer to the signature, because theory is not available in prepare_proof. *)
+fun in_locale hyps sg =
+ let val cur_sc = get_scope_sg sg;
+ val rule_lists = map (#rules o snd) cur_sc;
+ val def_lists = map (#defs o snd) cur_sc;
+ val rules = map snd (foldr (op union) (rule_lists, []));
+ val defs = map snd (foldr (op union) (def_lists, []));
+ val defnrules = rules @ defs;
+ in
+ hyps subset defnrules
+ end;
+(* is_open_loc: check if any locale is open, i.e. in the scope of the current thy *)
+fun is_open_loc_sg sign =
+ let val cur_sc = get_scope_sg sign
+ in not(null(cur_sc)) end;
+val is_open_loc = is_open_loc_sg o Theory.sign_of;
+(* get theorems *)
+fun get_thm_locale name ((_, {thms, ...}: locale)) = assoc (thms, name);
+fun get_thmx f get thy name =
+ (case get_first (get_thm_locale name) (get_scope thy) of
+ Some thm => f thm
+ | None => get thy name);
+val get_thm = get_thmx I PureThy.get_thm;
+val get_thms = get_thmx (fn x => [x]) PureThy.get_thms;
+fun thm name = get_thm (Context.the_context ()) name;
+fun thms name = get_thms (Context.the_context ()) name;
+(* get the defaults of a locale, for extension *)
+fun get_defaults thy name =
+ let val (lname, loc) = the_locale thy name;
+ in #defaults(loc)
+ end;
+(** define locales **)
+(* prepare types *)
+fun read_typ sg (envT, s) =
+ let
+ fun def_sort (x, ~1) = assoc (envT, x)
+ | def_sort _ = None;
+ val T = Type.no_tvars (Sign.read_typ (sg, def_sort) s) handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
+ in (Term.add_typ_tfrees (T, envT), T) end;
+fun cert_typ sg (envT, raw_T) =
+ let val T = Type.no_tvars (Sign.certify_typ sg raw_T) handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg
+ in (Term.add_typ_tfrees (T, envT), T) end;
+(* prepare props *)
+val add_frees = foldl_aterms (fn (vs, Free v) => v ins vs | (vs, _) => vs);
+fun enter_term t (envS, envT, used) =
+ (Term.add_term_tfrees (t, envS), add_frees (envT, t), Term.add_term_tfree_names (t, used));
+fun read_axm sg ((envS, envT, used), (name, s)) =
+ let
+ fun def_sort (x, ~1) = assoc (envS, x)
+ | def_sort _ = None;
+ fun def_type (x, ~1) = assoc (envT, x)
+ | def_type _ = None;
+ val (_, t) = Theory.read_def_axm (sg, def_type, def_sort) used (name, s);
+ in
+ (enter_term t (envS, envT, used), t)
+ end;
+fun cert_axm sg ((envS, envT, used), (name, raw_t)) =
+ let val (_, t) = Theory.cert_axm sg (name, raw_t)
+ in (enter_term t (envS, envT, used), t) end;
+(* read_cterm: read in a string as a certified term, and respect the bindings
+ that already exist for subterms. If no locale is open, this function is equal to
+ Thm.read_cterm *)
+fun read_cterm sign =
+ let val cur_sc = get_scope_sg sign;
+ val defaults = map (#defaults o snd) cur_sc;
+ val envS = flat (map #1 defaults);
+ val envT = flat (map #2 defaults);
+ val used = flat (map #3 defaults);
+ fun def_sort (x, ~1) = assoc (envS, x)
+ | def_sort _ = None;
+ fun def_type (x, ~1) = assoc (envT, x)
+ | def_type _ = None;
+ in (if (is_open_loc_sg sign)
+ then (#1 o read_def_cterm (sign, def_type, def_sort) used true)
+ else Thm.read_cterm sign)
+ end;
+(* basic functions needed for definitions and display *)
+(* collect all locale constants of a scope, i.e. a list of locales *)
+fun collect_consts sg =
+ let val cur_sc = get_scope_sg sg;
+ val locale_list = map snd cur_sc;
+ val const_list = flat (map #consts locale_list)
+ in map fst const_list end;
+(* filter out the Free's in a term *)
+fun list_frees t =
+ case t of Const(c,T) => []
+ | Var(v,T) => []
+ | Free(v,T)=> [Free(v,T)]
+ | Bound x => []
+ | Abs(a,T,u) => list_frees u
+ | t1 $ t2 => (list_frees t1) @ (list_frees t2);
+(* filter out all Free's in a term that are not contained
+ in a list of strings. Used to prepare definitions. The list of strings
+ will be the consts of the scope. We filter out the "free" Free's to be
+ able to bind them *)
+fun difflist term clist =
+ let val flist = list_frees term;
+ fun builddiff [] sl = []
+ | builddiff (t :: tl) sl =
+ let val Free(v,T) = t
+ in
+ if (v mem sl)
+ then builddiff tl sl
+ else t :: (builddiff tl sl)
+ end;
+ in distinct(builddiff flist clist) end;
+(* Bind a term with !! over a list of "free" Free's.
+ To enable definitions like x + y == .... (without quantifier).
+ Complications, because x and y have to be removed from defaults *)
+fun abs_over_free clist ((defaults: (string * sort) list * (string * typ) list * string list), (s, term)) =
+ let val diffl = rev(difflist term clist);
+ fun abs_o (t, (x as Free(v,T))) = all(T) $ Abs(v, T, abstract_over (x,t))
+ | abs_o (_ , _) = error ("Can't be: abs_over_free");
+ val diffl' = map (fn (Free (s, T)) => s) diffl;
+ val defaults' = (#1 defaults, filter (fn x => not((fst x) mem diffl')) (#2 defaults), #3 defaults)
+ in (defaults', (s, foldl abs_o (term, diffl))) end;
+(* assume a definition, i.e assume the cterm of a definiton term and then eliminate
+ the binding !!, so that the def can be applied as rewrite. The meta hyp will still contain !! *)
+fun prep_hyps clist sg = forall_elim_vars(0) o Thm.assume o (Thm.cterm_of sg);
+(* concrete syntax *)
+fun mark_syn c = "\\<^locale>" ^ c;
+fun mk_loc_tr c ts = list_comb (Free (c, dummyT), ts);
+(* add_locale *)
+fun gen_add_locale prep_typ prep_term bname bancestor raw_consts raw_rules raw_defs thy =
+ let val sign = Theory.sign_of thy;
+ val name = Sign.full_name sign bname;
+ val (envSb, old_loc_consts, _) =
+ case bancestor of
+ Some(loc) => (get_defaults thy loc)
+ | None => ([],[],[]);
+ val old_nosyn = case bancestor of
+ Some(loc) => #nosyn(#2(the_locale thy loc))
+ | None => [];
+ (* Get the full name of the ancestor *)
+ val ancestor = case bancestor of
+ Some(loc) => Some(#1(the_locale thy loc))
+ | None => None;
+ (* prepare locale consts *)
+ fun prep_const (envS, (raw_c, raw_T, raw_mx)) =
+ let
+ val c = Syntax.const_name raw_c raw_mx;
+ val c_syn = mark_syn c;
+ val mx = Syntax.fix_mixfix raw_c raw_mx;
+ val (envS', T) = prep_typ sign (envS, raw_T) handle ERROR =>
+ error ("The error(s) above occured in locale constant " ^ quote c);
+ val trfun = if mx = Syntax.NoSyn then None else Some (c_syn, mk_loc_tr c);
+ in (envS', ((c, T), (c_syn, T, mx), trfun)) end;
+ val (envS0, loc_consts_syn) = foldl_map prep_const (envSb, raw_consts);
+ val loc_consts = map #1 loc_consts_syn;
+ val loc_consts = old_loc_consts @ loc_consts;
+ val loc_syn = map #2 loc_consts_syn;
+ val nosyn = old_nosyn @ (map (#1 o #1) (filter (fn x => (#3(#2 x)) = NoSyn) loc_consts_syn));
+ val loc_trfuns = mapfilter #3 loc_consts_syn;
+ (* 1st stage: syntax_thy *)
+ val syntax_thy =
+ thy
+ |> Theory.add_modesyntax_i ("", true) loc_syn
+ |> Theory.add_trfuns ([], loc_trfuns, [], []);
+ val syntax_sign = Theory.sign_of syntax_thy;
+ (* prepare rules and defs *)
+ fun prep_axiom (env, (a, raw_t)) =
+ let
+ val (env', t) = prep_term syntax_sign (env, (a, raw_t)) handle ERROR =>
+ error ("The error(s) above occured in locale rule / definition " ^ quote a);
+ in (env', (a, t)) end;
+ val ((envS1, envT1, used1), loc_rules) =
+ foldl_map prep_axiom ((envS0, loc_consts, map fst envS0), raw_rules);
+ val (defaults, loc_defs) =
+ foldl_map prep_axiom ((envS1, envT1, used1), raw_defs);
+ val old_loc_consts = collect_consts syntax_sign;
+ val new_loc_consts = (map #1 loc_consts);
+ val all_loc_consts = old_loc_consts @ new_loc_consts;
+ val (defaults, loc_defs_terms) =
+ foldl_map (abs_over_free all_loc_consts) (defaults, loc_defs);
+ val loc_defs_thms =
+ map (apsnd (prep_hyps (map #1 loc_consts) syntax_sign)) loc_defs_terms;
+ val (defaults, loc_thms_terms) =
+ foldl_map (abs_over_free all_loc_consts) (defaults, loc_rules);
+ val loc_thms = map (apsnd (prep_hyps (map #1 loc_consts) syntax_sign))
+ (loc_thms_terms)
+ @ loc_defs_thms;
+ (* error messages *)
+ fun locale_error msg = error (msg ^ "\nFor locale " ^ quote name);
+ val err_dup_locale =
+ if is_none (get_locale thy name) then []
+ else ["Duplicate definition of locale " ^ quote name];
+ (* check if definientes are locale constants
+ (in the same locale, so no redefining!) *)
+ val err_def_head =
+ let fun peal_appl t =
+ case t of
+ t1 $ t2 => peal_appl t1
+ | Free(t) => t
+ | _ => locale_error ("Bad form of LHS in locale definition");
+ fun lhs (_, Const ("==" , _) $ d1 $ d2) = peal_appl d1
+ | lhs _ = locale_error ("Definitions must use the == relation");
+ val defs = map lhs loc_defs;
+ val check = defs subset loc_consts
+ in if check then []
+ else ["defined item not declared fixed in locale " ^ quote name]
+ end;
+ (* check that variables on rhs of definitions are either fixed or on lhs *)
+ val err_var_rhs =
+ let fun compare_var_sides (t, (_, Const ("==", _) $ d1 $ d2)) =
+ let val varl1 = difflist d1 all_loc_consts;
+ val varl2 = difflist d2 all_loc_consts
+ in t andalso (varl2 subset varl1)
+ end
+ | compare_var_sides (_,_) =
+ locale_error ("Definitions must use the == relation")
+ val check = foldl compare_var_sides (true, loc_defs)
+ in if check then []
+ else ["nonfixed variable on right hand side of a locale definition in locale " ^ quote name]
+ end;
+ val errs = err_dup_locale @ err_def_head @ err_var_rhs;
+ in
+ if null errs then ()
+ else error (cat_lines errs);
+ syntax_thy
+ |> put_locale (name,
+ make_locale ancestor loc_consts nosyn loc_thms_terms
+ loc_defs_terms loc_thms defaults)
+ end;
+val add_locale = gen_add_locale read_typ read_axm;
+val add_locale_i = gen_add_locale cert_typ cert_axm;
+(** print functions **)
+(* idea: substitute all locale contants (Free's) that are syntactical by their
+ "real" constant representation (i.e. \\<^locale>constname).
+ - function const_ssubst does this substitution
+ - function pretty_term:
+ if locale is open then do this substitution & then call Sign.pretty_term
+ else call Sign.pretty_term
+(* substitutes all Free variables s in t by Const's s *)
+fun const_ssubst t s =
+ case t of
+ Free(v,T) => if v = s then Const("\\<^locale>" ^ s,T) else Free(v,T)
+ | Const(c,T) => Const(c,T)
+ | Var(v,T) => Var(v,T)
+ | Bound x => Bound x
+ | Abs(a,T,u) => Abs(a,T, const_ssubst u s)
+ | t1 $ t2 => const_ssubst t1 s $ const_ssubst t2 s;
+(* FIXME: improve: can be expressed with foldl *)
+fun const_ssubst_list [] t = t
+ | const_ssubst_list (s :: l) t = const_ssubst_list l (const_ssubst t s);
+(* pretty_term *)
+fun pretty_term sign =
+ if (is_open_loc_sg sign) then
+ let val locale_list = map snd(get_scope_sg sign);
+ val nosyn = flat (map #nosyn locale_list);
+ val str_list = (collect_consts sign) \\ nosyn
+ in Sign.pretty_term sign o (const_ssubst_list str_list)
+ end
+ else Sign.pretty_term sign;
+(** locale theory setup **)
+val setup =
+ [LocalesData.init];
+(*** Goal package ***)
(*Each level of goal stack includes a proof state and alternative states,
the output of the tactic applied to the preceeding level. *)
type gstack = (thm * thm Seq.seq) list;
@@ -166,7 +704,7 @@
export_thy just goes one up. **)
fun get_top_scope_thms thy =
- let val sc = (Locale.get_scope_sg (Theory.sign_of thy))
+ let val sc = (get_scope_sg (Theory.sign_of thy))
in if (null sc) then (warning "No locale in theory"; [])
else map (#prop o rep_thm) (map #2 (#thms(snd(hd sc))))
@@ -232,12 +770,12 @@
sign_error (sign,sign'))
else if ngoals>0 then !result_error_fn state
(string_of_int ngoals ^ " unsolved goals!")
- else if (not (null hyps) andalso (not (Locale.in_locale hyps sign)))
+ else if (not (null hyps) andalso (not (in_locale hyps sign)))
then !result_error_fn state
("Additional hypotheses:\n" ^
(map (Sign.string_of_term sign)
- (filter (fn x => (not (Locale.in_locale [x] sign)))
+ (filter (fn x => (not (in_locale [x] sign)))
else if Pattern.matches (#tsig(Sign.rep_sg sign))
(Envir.beta_norm (term_of chorn), Envir.beta_norm prop)
@@ -413,7 +951,7 @@
(*Version taking the goal as a string*)
fun agoalw atomic thy rths agoal =
- agoalw_cterm atomic rths (Locale.read_cterm(Theory.sign_of thy)(agoal,propT))
+ agoalw_cterm atomic rths (read_cterm(Theory.sign_of thy)(agoal,propT))
handle ERROR => error (*from type_assign, etc via prepare_proof*)
("The error(s) above occurred for " ^ quote agoal);
@@ -700,4 +1238,5 @@
-open Goals;
+structure BasicGoals: BASIC_GOALS = Goals;
+open BasicGoals;