removed old stuff;
Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:15:15 +0200
changeset 48965 1fead823c7c6
parent 48964 3ec847562782
child 48966 6e15de7dd871
removed old stuff;
--- a/doc-src/CHANGES-93.txt	Tue Aug 28 13:12:03 2012 +0200
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-**** Isabelle-93 : a faster version of Isabelle-92 ****
-Isabelle now runs faster through a combination of improvements: pattern
-unification, discrimination nets and removal of assumptions during
-simplification.  A new simplifier, although less flexible than the old one,
-runs many times faster for large subgoals.  Classical reasoning
-(e.g. fast_tac) runs up to 30% faster when large numbers of rules are
-involved.  Incompatibilities are few, and mostly concern the simplifier.
-The new simplifier is described in the Reference Manual, Chapter 8.  See
-below for advice on converting.
-Pattern unification is completely invisible to users.  It efficiently
-handles a common case of higher-order unification.
-Discrimination nets replace the old stringtrees.  They provide fast lookup
-in a large set of rules for matching or unification.  New "net" tactics
-replace the "compat_..." tactics based on stringtrees.  Tactics
-biresolve_from_nets_tac, bimatch_from_nets_tac, resolve_from_net_tac and
-match_from_net_tac take a net, rather than a list of rules, and perform
-resolution or matching.  Tactics net_biresolve_tac, net_bimatch_tac
-net_resolve_tac and net_match_tac take a list of rules, build a net
-(internally) and perform resolution or matching.
-The tactical METAHYPS, which allows a subgoal's hypotheses to be taken as a
-list of theorems, has been extended to handle unknowns (although not type
-unknowns).  The simplification tactics now use METAHYPS to economise on
-storage consumption, and to avoid problems involving "parameters" bound in
-a subgoal.  The modified simplifier now requires the auto_tac to take an
-extra argument: a list of theorems, which represents the assumptions of the
-current subgoal.
-Apart from minor improvements in Pure Isabelle, the main other changes are
-extensions to object-logics.  HOL now contains a treatment of co-induction
-and co-recursion, while ZF contains a formalization of equivalence classes,
-the integers and binary arithmetic.  None of this material is documented.
-1.  Run a crude shell script to convert your ML-files:
-	change_simp *ML
-2.  Most congruence rules are no longer needed.  Hence you should remove all
-calls to mk_congs and mk_typed_congs (they no longer exist) and most
-occurrences of addcongs.  The only exception are congruence rules for special
-constants like (in FOL)
-[| ?P <-> ?P'; ?P' ==> ?Q <-> ?Q' |] ==> ?P --> ?Q = ?P' --> ?Q'
-[| A=A';  !!x. x:A' ==> P(x) <-> P'(x) |] ==>
-(ALL x:A. P(x)) <-> (ALL x:A'. P'(x))
-where some of the arguments are simplified under additional premises.  Most
-likely you don't have any constructs like that, or they are already included
-in the basic simpset.
-3.  In case you have used the addsplits facilities of the old simplifier:
-The case-splitting and simplification tactics have been separated.  If you
-want to interleave case-splitting with simplification, you have do so
-explicitly by the following command:
-ss setloop (split_tac split_thms)
-where ss is a simpset and split_thms the list of case-splitting theorems.
-The shell script in step 1 tries to convert to from addsplits to setloop
-4.  If you have used setauto, you have to change it to setsolver by hand.
-The solver is more delicate than the auto tactic used to be.  For details see
-the full description of the new simplifier.  One very slight incompatibility
-is the fact that the old auto tactic could sometimes see premises as part of
-the proof state, whereas now they are always passed explicit as arguments.
-5.  It is quite likely that a few proofs require further hand massaging.
-Known incompatibilities:
-- Applying a rewrite rule cannot instantiate a subgoal.  This rules out
-solving a premise of a conditional rewrite rule with extra unknowns by
-rewriting.  Only the solver can instantiate.
-Known bugs:
-- The names of bound variables can be changed by the simplifier.
--- a/doc-src/ERRATA.txt	Tue Aug 28 13:12:03 2012 +0200
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-ERRATA in the book "Isabelle: A Generic Theorem Prover"
-by Lawrence C. Paulson (contributions by Tobias Nipkow)
-Some of these errors are typographical but most of them are due to continuing
-changes to Isabelle.
-Thanks to Sara Kalvala, Tobias Nipkow
-Advanced Methods
-page 46: the theory sections can appear in any order
-page 48: theories may now contain a separate definition part
-page 52, middle: the declaration "types bool,nat" should be "types bool nat"
-page 57, bottom: should be addsimps in 
-	val add_ss = FOL_ss addrews [add_0, add_Suc]
-page 67: show_brackets is another flag, controlling display of bracketting
-show_sorts:=true forces display of types
-page 85: subgoals_tac is another tactic, for multiple calls to subgoal_tac
-page 117: the three lines of ML shown can be abbreviated to just
-	init_thy_reader();
-page 118: extend_theory has been replaced by numerous functions for adding
-types, constants, axioms, etc.
-Defining Logics
-page 127: type constraints ("::") now have a very low priority of 4.
-As in ML, they must usually be enclosed in paretheses.
-Syntax Transformations
-page 145, line -5: delete repeated "the" in "before the the .thy file"
-page 157 display: Union operator is too big
-page 158, "!": Isabelle now permits more general left-hand sides, so called
-higher-order patterns.
-Classical reasoner
-page 176: Classical sets may specify a "wrapper tactical", which can be used
-to define addss.  The package also provides tactics slow_tac, slow_best_tac,
-depth_tac and deepen_tac.
-First-Order Logic
-pages 191, 196: FOL_dup_cs is now deleted (use deepen_tac FOL_cs instead)
-Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory
-page 204: type i has class term, not (just) logic
-page 209: axioms have been renamed:
-	union_iff is now Union_iff
-	power_set is now Pow_iff
-page 215, bottom of figure 17.10: DiffD2 is now  "c : A - B ==> c ~: B"
-page 215, bottom: rules mem_anti_sym and mem_anti_refl are now mem_asym and
-page 222, top: missing braces in qconverse_def (around right-hand side)
-and QSigma_def (around <x;y>)
-page 223, top: lfp_def, gfp_def have missing braces around the argument of
-Inter, Union
-page 228: now there is also a theory of cardinal numbers and some
-developments involving the Axiom of Choice.
-page 229: now there is another examples directory, IMP (a semantics
-equivalence proof for an imperative language)
-Higher-Order Logic
-page 243: Pow is a new constant of type 'a set => 'a set set
-page 246: Pow is defined by   Pow(A) == {B. B <= A}
-empty_def should be  {} == {x.False}
-page 248: Pow has the rules
-	PowI     A<=B ==> A: Pow(B)
-	PowD     A: Pow(B) ==> A<=B
-page 251: split now has type [['a,'b] => 'c, 'a * 'b] => 'c
-Definition modified accordingly
-page 252: sum_case now has type ['a=>'c,'b=>'c, 'a+'b] =>'c
-Definition and rules modified accordingly
-page 252: HOL_dup_cs is now deleted (use deepen_tac HOL_cs instead)
-page 254: nat_case now has type ['a, nat=>'a, nat] =>'a
-Definition modified accordingly
-page 256,258: list_case now takes the list as its last argument, not the
-page 259: HOL theory files may now include datatype declarations, primitive
-recursive function definitions, and (co)inductive definitions.  These new
-sections are available separately at
-page 259: now there is another examples directory, IMP (a semantics
-equivalence proof for an imperative language)
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-\newblock {\em J. Auto. Reas. {\bf 6}}, 4 (1990), 389--402
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-  Study of Social Information Science, Fujitsu Laboratories, 1992
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-\newblock Paperback edition to *56, abridged from the 2nd edition (1927)
-Wos, L.,
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-\newblock In {\em Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of {Woody Bledsoe}},
-  R.~S. Boyer, Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp.~297--342
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-%% $ lcp Exp $
-%%  index{\(\w+\)\!meta-level     index{meta-\1
-%%% to index ids: \[\\tt \([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_'.]*\)    [\\ttindexbold{\1}
-%% run    sedindex springer    to prepare index file
-\title{Isabelle\\A Generic Theorem Prover}
-\author{Lawrence C. Paulson\\[2ex] With Contributions by Tobias Nipkow}
-\def\S{Sect.\thinspace}%This is how Springer like it
-\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}
-\binperiod     %%%treat . like a binary operator
-{\em To Nathan and Sarah}
-You can only find truth with logic\\
-if you have already found truth without it.}\\
-G.K. Chesterton, {\em The Man who was Orthodox}
-\part{Introduction to Isabelle}   
-\index{abstract syntax trees|see{ASTs}}
-\begingroup%things local to Intro -- especially, redefining \part!!
-\newcommand\qeq{\stackrel{?}{\equiv}}  %for disagreement pairs in unification
-\part{The Isabelle Reference Manual} 
-\part{Isabelle's Object-Logics} 
-\newcommand\subcaption[1]{\par {\centering\normalsize\sc#1\par}\bigskip
-  \hrule\bigskip}
-%%seealso's must be last so that they appear last in the index entries
-\index{backtracking|seealso{{\tt back} command, search}}
-\index{axioms|seealso{rules, theorems}}
-\bibliographystyle{springer} \small\raggedright\frenchspacing
--- a/doc-src/url.sty	Tue Aug 28 13:12:03 2012 +0200
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-% url.sty  ver 1.1    6-Feb-1996   Donald Arseneau
-% A form of \verb that allows linebreaks at certain characters or 
-% combinations of characters, accepts reconfiguration, and can usually
-% be used in the argument to another command.  It is intended for email
-% addresses, hypertext links, directories/paths, etc., which normally 
-% have no spaces.  The font may be selected using the \urlstyle command, 
-% and new url-like commands can be defined using \urldef.
-% Usage:    Conditions:
-% \url{ }   If the argument contains any "%", "#", or "^^", or ends with
-%           "\", it can't be used in the argument to another command.  
-%           The argument must not contain unbalanced braces.
-% \url|  |  ...where "|" is any character not used in the argument and not 
-%           "{".  The same restrictions as above except that the argument
-%           may contain unbalanced braces.
-% \xyz      for "\xyz" a defined-url;  this can be used anywhere, no matter
-%           what characters it contains.
-% See further instructions after "\endinput"
- \do\)\do\,\do\?\do\'\do\+\do\=\do@url@hyp}%
-\def\UrlNoBreaks{\do\(\do\[\do\{\do\<}% (unnecessary)
-\def\UrlSpecials{\do\ {\ }}%
-\def\UrlOrds{\do\*\do\-}% any ordinary characters that aren't usually
-  \do\+\do\=}%
-\def\UrlNoBreaks{\do\(\do\[\do\{}% prevents breaks after *next* character
- \penalty\@m}\do\|{\mid}\do\{{\lbrace}\do\}{\rbrace\penalty\relpenalty}\do
- \\{\mathbin{\backslash}}\do\~{\mathord{{}^{\textstyle\sim}}}\do\ {\ }}%
-\def\url@samestyle{\ifdim\fontdimen\thr@@\font=\z@ \url@ttstyle \else
-  \url@rmstyle \fi \def\UrlFont{}}
-\def\do@url@hyp{}% by default, no breaks after hyphens
- \UrlFont $\fam\z@ \textfont\z@\font 
- \let\do\@makeother \dospecials % verbatim catcodes
- \catcode`{\@ne \catcode`}\tw@ % except braces 
- \medmuskip0mu \thickmuskip\medmuskip \thinmuskip\medmuskip
- \@tempcnta\fam\multiply\@tempcnta\@cclvi 
- \let\do\set@mathcode \UrlOrds % ordinary characters that were special
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- \advance\@tempcnta 4096 \UrlBigBreaks % rel
- \advance\@tempcnta 4096 \UrlNoBreaks % open
- \let\do\set@mathact \UrlSpecials % active
- \let\do\set@mathnolig \verbatim@nolig@list % prevent ligatures 
- \@ifnextchar\bgroup\Url@z\Url@y}
-\def\Url@y#1{\catcode`{11 \catcode`}11
-  \def\@tempa##1#1{\Url@z{##1}}\@tempa}
-  \expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\@tempa\, \relax\m@th$\endgroup}
-\def\set@mathact#1#2{\mathcode`#132768 \lccode`\~`#1\lowercase{\def~{#2}}}
-   \lccode`\~`#1\lowercase{\edef~{\mathchar\number\mathcode`#1_{\/}}}%
-   \mathcode`#132768 \fi}
-\def\urldef#1#2{\begingroup \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup
-  \def\Url@z{\Url@def{#1}{#2}}#2}
-\expandafter\ifx\csname DeclareRobustCommand\endcsname\relax
-  \def\Url@def#1#2#3{\m@th$\endgroup\egroup\endgroup
-    \def#1{#2{#3}}}
-  \def\Url@def#1#2#3{\m@th$\endgroup\egroup\endgroup
-    \DeclareRobustCommand{#1}{#2{#3}}}
-\def\urlstyle#1{\csname url@#1style\endcsname}
-% Sample (and default) configuration:
-\newcommand\url{\begingroup \Url}
-\newcommand\path{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
-% too many styles define \email like \address, so I will not define it.
-% \newcommand\email{\begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}
-% Process LaTeX \package options
-  \ProvidesPackage{url}[1996/02/06 \space ver 1.1 \space 
-       Verb mode for urls, email addresses, and file names]
-  \DeclareOption{hyphens}{\def\do@url@hyp{\do\-}}% allow breaks after hyphens
-  \DeclareOption{obeyspaces}{\let\Url@use\relax}
-  \ProcessOptions
-\ifx\Url@use\relax \def\Url@use#1 #2{#1\ifx\relax#2\@empty\else
-  \penalty\relpenalty\ #2\expandafter\Url@use\fi}\fi
-% url.sty  ver 1.1    6-Feb-1996   Donald Arseneau
-% This package defines "\url", a form of "\verb" that allows linebreaks,
-% and can often be used in the argument to another command.  It can be
-% configured to print in different formats, and is particularly useful for 
-% hypertext links, email addresses, directories/paths, etc.  The font may 
-% be selected using the "\urlstyle" command and pre-defined text can be 
-% stored with the "\urldef" command. New url-like commands can be defined, 
-% and a "\path" command is provided this way. 
-% Usage:    Conditions:
-% \url{ }   If the argument contains any "%", "#", or "^^", or ends with 
-%           "\", it can't be used in the argument to another command.  
-%           The argument must not contain unbalanced braces.
-% \url|  |  ...where "|" is any character not used in the argument and not 
-%           "{".  The same restrictions as above except that the argument
-%           may contain unbalanced braces.
-% \xyz      for "\xyz" a defined-url;  this can be used anywhere, no matter
-%           what characters it contains.
-% The "\url" command is fragile, and its argument is likely to be very
-% fragile, but a defined-url is robust.
-% Package Option:  obeyspaces
-% Ordinarily, all spaces are ignored in the url-text.  The "[obeyspaces]" 
-% option allows spaces, but may introduce spurious spaces when a url
-% containing "\" characters is given in the argument to another command.  
-% So if you need to obey spaces should say "\usepackage[obeyspaces]{url}",
-% and if you need both spaces and backslashes, use a `defined-url' for 
-% anything with "\".
-% Package Option:  hyphens
-% Ordinarily, breaks are not allowed after "-" characters because this 
-% leads to confusion. (Is the "-" part of the address or just a hyphen?)  
-% The package option "[hyphens]" allows breaks after explicit hyphen 
-% characters.  The "\url" command will *never ever* hyphenate words.
-% Defining a defined-url:
-% Take for example the email address "" which could
-% not be given (using "\url" or "\verb") in a caption or parbox due to the
-% percent sign.  This address can be predefined with 
-%    \urldef{\myself}\url{}   or
-%    \urldef{\myself}\url||
-% and then you may use "\myself" instead of "\url{}"
-% in an argument, and even in a moving argument like a caption because a
-% defined-url is robust.
-% Style: 
-% You can switch the style of printing using "\urlstyle{tt}", where "tt"
-% can be any defined style.  The pre-defined styles are "tt", "rm", "sf", 
-% and "same" which all allow the same linebreaks but different fonts -- 
-% the first three select a specific font and the "same" style uses the
-% current text font.  You can define your own styles with different fonts 
-% and/or line-breaking by following the explanations below.  The "\url" 
-% command follows whatever the currently-set style dictates.
-% Alternate commands:
-% It may be desireable to have different things treated differently, each
-% in a predefined style; e.g., if you want directory paths to always be 
-% in tt and email addresses to be rm, then you would define new url-like
-% commands as follows:
-%    \newcommand\email{\begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}
-%    \newcommand\directory{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
-% You must follow this format closely, and NOTE that the final command is 
-% "\Url", not "\url".  In fact, the "\directory" example is exactly the 
-% "\path" definition which is pre-defined in the package.  If you look 
-% above, you will see that "\url" is defined with
-%    \newcommand\url{\begingroup \Url}
-% I.e., using whatever url-style has been selected.
-% You can make a defined-url for these other styles, using the usual 
-% "\urldef" command as in this example:
-%    \urldef{\myself}{\email}{}
-% which makes "\myself" act like "\email{}",
-% if the "\email" command is defined as above.  The "\myself" command is
-% robust.
-% Defining styles:
-% Before describing how to customize the printing style, it is best to 
-% mention something about the unusual implementation of "\url".  Although
-% the material is textual in nature, and the font specification required
-% is a text-font command, the text is actually typeset in *math* mode.
-% This allows the context-sensitive linebreaking, but also accounts for
-% the default behavior of ignoring spaces.  Now on to defining styles.
-% To change the font or the list of characters that allow linebreaks, you
-% could redefine the commands "\UrlFont", "\UrlBreaks", "\UrlSpecials" etc.
-% directly in the document, but it is better to define a new `url-style' 
-% (following the example of "\url@ttstyle" and "\url@rmstyle") which defines 
-% all of "\UrlBigbreaks", "\UrlNoBreaks", "\UrlBreaks", "\UrlSpecials", and 
-% "\UrlFont".
-% Changing font:
-% The "\UrlFont" command selects the font.  The definition of "\UrlFont"
-% done by the pre-defined styles varies to cope with a variety of LaTeX
-% font selection schemes, but it could be as simple as "\def\UrlFont{\tt}".
-% In addition to setting "\UrlFont", some characters will probably need 
-% to be defined in the "\UrlSpecials" list because most fonts don't have 
-% all the standard input characters.  See the definition of "\url@rmstyle", 
-% which implements "\urlstyle{rm}".  Or even better, follow the definition
-% of "\url@sfstyle", which executes "\url@rmstyle" and then redefines
-% just "\UrlFont".  The nominal format for each special character "c" 
-% in the "\UrlSpecials" list is: "\do\c{<definition>}", but you can 
-% include other definitions too.
-% Changing linebreaks:
-% The list of characters that allow line-breaks is given by "\UrlBreaks" 
-% and "\UrlBigBreaks", which have the format "\do\c" for character "c". 
-% The differences are that `BigBreaks' have a lower penalty and have 
-% different breakpoints when in sequence (as in "http://"): `BigBreaks' 
-% are treated as mathrels while `Breaks' are mathbins (see The TeXbook, 
-% p.170). In particular, a series of `BigBreak' characters will break at 
-% the end and only at the end; a series of `Break' characters will break 
-% after the first and after every following *pair*; there will be no 
-% break after a `Break' character if a `BigBreak' follows.  In the case 
-% of "http://" it doesn't matter whether ":" is a `Break' or `BigBreak' --
-% the breaks are the same in either case; but for DECnet nodes with "::"
-% it is important to prevent breaks *between* the colons, and that is why 
-% colons are `BigBreaks'.
-% It is possible for characters to prevent breaks after the next following 
-% character (I use this for parentheses).  Specify these in "\UrlNoBreaks". 
-% You can do arbitrarily complex things with characters by making them 
-% active in math mode (mathcode hex-8000) and specifying the definition(s)
-% in "\UrlSpecials".  This is used in the rm and sf styles to handle 
-% several characters that are not present in fonts.
-% If all this sounds confusing ... well, it is!  But I hope you won't need 
-% to redefine breakpoints -- the default assignments seem to work well for 
-% a wide variety of applications.  If you do need to make changes, you can 
-% test for breakpoints using regular math mode and the characters "+=(a".
-% Yet more flexibility:
-% You can also set up url.sty to do multiple things with the verbatim text
-% by defining "\Url@use", but the format of the definition is special:
-%    \def\Url@use#1\,{ ... do things with #1 ... }
-% Yes, that is "#1" followed by "\," then the definition.  For example, 
-% to put a hypertext link in the DVI file:
-%    \def\Url@use#1\,{\special{html:<a href="#1">}#1\special{html:</a>}}
-% The End
-% ver 1.1 6-Feb-1996:  
-% Fix hyphens that wouldn't break and ligatures that weren't suppressed.
-Test file integrity:  ASCII 32-57, 58-126:  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789