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Wed, 10 Nov 1993 05:06:55 +0100
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+++ b/doc-src/Intro/advanced.tex	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
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+%% $Id$
+\part{Advanced methods}
+Before continuing, it might be wise to try some of your own examples in
+Isabelle, reinforcing your knowledge of the basic functions.
+This paper is merely an introduction to Isabelle.  Two other documents
+  \item {\em The Isabelle Reference Manual\/} contains information about
+most of the facilities of Isabelle, apart from particular object-logics.
+  \item {\em Isabelle's Object-Logics\/} describes the various logics
+distributed with Isabelle.  It also explains how to define new logics in
+Look through {\em Isabelle's Object-Logics\/} and try proving some simple
+theorems.  You probably should begin with first-order logic ({\tt FOL}
+or~{\tt LK}).  Try working some of the examples provided, and others from
+the literature.  Set theory~({\tt ZF}) and Constructive Type Theory~({\tt
+  CTT}) form a richer world for mathematical reasoning and, again, many
+examples are in the literature.  Higher-order logic~({\tt HOL}) is
+Isabelle's most sophisticated logic, because its types and functions are
+identified with those of the meta-logic; this may cause difficulties for
+Choose a logic that you already understand.  Isabelle is a proof
+tool, not a teaching tool; if you do not know how to do a particular proof
+on paper, then you certainly will not be able to do it on the machine.
+Even experienced users plan large proofs on paper.
+We have covered only the bare essentials of Isabelle, but enough to perform
+substantial proofs.  By occasionally dipping into the {\em Reference
+Manual}, you can learn additional tactics, subgoal commands and tacticals.
+Isabelle's simplifier and classical theorem prover are
+difficult to learn, and can be ignored at first.
+\section{Deriving rules in Isabelle}
+A mathematical development goes through a progression of stages.  Each
+stage defines some concepts and derives rules about them.  We shall see how
+to derive rules, perhaps involving definitions, using Isabelle.  The
+following section will explain how to declare types, constants, axioms and
+\subsection{Deriving a rule using tactics} \label{deriving-example}
+\index{examples!of deriving rules}
+The subgoal module supports the derivation of rules.  The \ttindex{goal}
+command, when supplied a goal of the form $\List{\theta@1; \ldots;
+\theta@k} \Imp \phi$, creates $\phi\Imp\phi$ as the initial proof state and
+returns a list consisting of the theorems 
+${\theta@i\;[\theta@i]}$, for $i=1$, \ldots,~$k$.  These assumptions are
+also recorded internally, allowing \ttindex{result} to discharge them in the
+original order.
+Let us derive $\conj$ elimination~(\S\ref{deriving}) using Isabelle.
+Until now, calling \ttindex{goal} has returned an empty list, which we have
+thrown away.  In this example, the list contains the two premises of the
+rule.  We bind them to the \ML\ identifiers {\tt major} and {\tt
+minor}:\footnote{Some ML compilers will print a message such as {\em
+binding not exhaustive}.  This warns that {\tt goal} must return a
+2-element list.  Otherwise, the pattern-match will fail; ML will
+raise exception \ttindex{Match}.}
+val [major,minor] = goal FOL.thy
+    "[| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. R}
+{\out val major = "P & Q  [P & Q]" : thm}
+{\out val minor = "[| P; Q |] ==> R  [[| P; Q |] ==> R]" : thm}
+Look at the minor premise, recalling that meta-level assumptions are
+shown in brackets.  Using {\tt minor}, we reduce $R$ to the subgoals
+$P$ and~$Q$:
+by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. P}
+{\out  2. Q}
+Deviating from~\S\ref{deriving}, we apply $({\conj}E1)$ forwards from the
+assumption $P\conj Q$ to obtain the theorem~$P\;[P\conj Q]$.
+major RS conjunct1;
+{\out val it = "P  [P & Q]" : thm}
+by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct1] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. Q}
+Similarly, we solve the subgoal involving~$Q$.
+major RS conjunct2;
+{\out val it = "Q  [P & Q]" : thm}
+by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct2] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out R}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Calling \ttindex{topthm} returns the current proof state as a theorem.
+Note that it contains assumptions.  Calling \ttindex{result} discharges the
+assumptions --- both occurrences of $P\conj Q$ are discharged as one ---
+and makes the variables schematic.
+{\out val it = "R  [P & Q, P & Q, [| P; Q |] ==> R]" : thm}
+val conjE = result();
+{\out val conjE = "[| ?P & ?Q; [| ?P; ?Q |] ==> ?R |] ==> ?R" : thm}
+\subsection{Definitions and derived rules} \label{definitions}
+\index{Isabelle!definitions in}
+\index{definitions!reasoning about|bold}
+Definitions are expressed as meta-level equalities.  Let us define negation
+and the if-and-only-if connective:
+  \neg \Var{P}          & \equiv & \Var{P}\imp\bot \\
+  \Var{P}\bimp \Var{Q}  & \equiv & 
+                (\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}) \conj (\Var{Q}\imp \Var{P})
+Isabelle permits {\bf meta-level rewriting} using definitions such as
+these.  {\bf Unfolding} replaces every instance
+of $\neg \Var{P}$ by the corresponding instance of $\Var{P}\imp\bot$.  For
+example, $\forall x.\neg (P(x)\conj \neg R(x,0))$ unfolds to
+\[ \forall x.(P(x)\conj R(x,0)\imp\bot)\imp\bot.  \]
+{\bf Folding} a definition replaces occurrences of the right-hand side by
+the left.  The occurrences need not be free in the entire formula.
+Isabelle does not distinguish sensible definitions, like $1\equiv Suc(0)$, from
+equations like $1\equiv Suc(1)$.  However, meta-rewriting fails for
+equations like ${f(\Var{x})\equiv g(\Var{x},\Var{y})}$: all variables on
+the right-hand side must also be present on the left.
+When you define new concepts, you should derive rules asserting their
+abstract properties, and then forget their definitions.  This supports
+modularity: if you later change the definitions, without affecting their
+abstract properties, then most of your proofs will carry through without
+change.  Indiscriminate unfolding makes a subgoal grow exponentially,
+becoming unreadable.
+Taking this point of view, Isabelle does not unfold definitions
+automatically during proofs.  Rewriting must be explicit and selective.
+Isabelle provides tactics and meta-rules for rewriting, and a version of
+the {\tt goal} command that unfolds the conclusion and premises of the rule
+being derived.
+For example, the intuitionistic definition of negation given above may seem
+peculiar.  Using Isabelle, we shall derive pleasanter negation rules:
+\[  \infer[({\neg}I)]{\neg P}{\infer*{\bot}{[P]}}   \qquad
+    \infer[({\neg}E)]{Q}{\neg P & P}  \]
+This requires proving the following formulae:
+$$ (P\Imp\bot)    \Imp \neg P   \eqno(\neg I)$$
+$$ \List{\neg P; P} \Imp Q.       \eqno(\neg E)$$
+\subsubsection{Deriving the introduction rule}
+To derive $(\neg I)$, we may call \ttindex{goal} with the appropriate
+formula.  Again, {\tt goal} returns a list consisting of the rule's
+premises.  We bind this list, which contains the one element $P\Imp\bot$,
+to the \ML\ identifier {\tt prems}.
+val prems = goal FOL.thy "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out ~P}
+{\out  1. ~P}
+{\out val prems = ["P ==> False  [P ==> False]"] : thm list}
+Calling \ttindex{rewrite_goals_tac} with \ttindex{not_def}, which is the
+definition of negation, unfolds that definition in the subgoals.  It leaves
+the main goal alone.
+{\out val it = "~?P == ?P --> False" : thm}
+by (rewrite_goals_tac [not_def]);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out ~P}
+{\out  1. P --> False}
+Using \ttindex{impI} and the premise, we reduce subgoal~1 to a triviality:
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out ~P}
+{\out  1. P ==> False}
+by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out ~P}
+{\out  1. P ==> P}
+The rest of the proof is routine.
+by (assume_tac 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out ~P}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+val notI = result();
+{\out val notI = "(?P ==> False) ==> ~?P" : thm}
+There is a simpler way of conducting this proof.  The \ttindex{goalw}
+command starts a backward proof, as does \ttindex{goal}, but it also
+unfolds definitions:
+val prems = goalw FOL.thy [not_def]
+    "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out ~P}
+{\out  1. P --> False}
+{\out val prems = ["P ==> False  [P ==> False]"] : thm list}
+The proof continues as above, but without calling \ttindex{rewrite_goals_tac}.
+\subsubsection{Deriving the elimination rule}
+Let us derive $(\neg E)$.  The proof follows that of~{\tt conjE}
+(\S\ref{deriving-example}), with an additional step to unfold negation in
+the major premise.  Although the {\tt goalw} command is best for this, let
+us try~\ttindex{goal}.  As usual, we bind the premises to \ML\ identifiers.
+We then apply \ttindex{FalseE}, which stands for~$(\bot E)$:
+val [major,minor] = goal FOL.thy "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. R}
+{\out val major = "~ P  [~ P]" : thm}
+{\out val minor = "P  [P]" : thm}
+by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. False}
+by (resolve_tac [mp] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. ?P1 --> False}
+{\out  2. ?P1}
+For subgoal~1, we transform the major premise from~$\neg P$
+to~${P\imp\bot}$.  The function \ttindex{rewrite_rule}, given a list of
+definitions, unfolds them in a theorem.  Rewriting does {\bf not}
+affect the theorem's hypothesis, which remains~$\neg P$:
+rewrite_rule [not_def] major;
+{\out val it = "P --> False  [~P]" : thm}
+by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out R}
+{\out  1. P}
+Now {\tt?P1} has changed to~{\tt P}; we need only use the minor premise:
+by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out R}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+val notE = result();
+{\out val notE = "[| ~?P; ?P |] ==> ?R" : thm}
+Again, there is a simpler way of conducting this proof.  The
+\ttindex{goalw} command starts unfolds definitions in the premises, as well
+as the conclusion:
+val [major,minor] = goalw FOL.thy [not_def]
+    "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+{\out val major = "P --> False  [~ P]" : thm}
+{\out val minor = "P  [P]" : thm}
+Observe the difference in {\tt major}; the premises are now {\bf unfolded}
+and we need not call~\ttindex{rewrite_rule}.  Incidentally, the four calls
+to \ttindex{resolve_tac} above can be collapsed to one, with the help
+minor RS (major RS mp RS FalseE);
+{\out val it = "?P  [P, ~P]" : thm}
+by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out R}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\medskip Finally, here is a trick that is sometimes useful.  If the goal
+has an outermost meta-quantifier, then \ttindex{goal} and \ttindex{goalw}
+do not return the rule's premises in the list of theorems.  Instead, the
+premises become assumptions in subgoal~1:
+goalw FOL.thy [not_def] "!!P R. [| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
+{\out  1. !!P R. [| P --> False; P |] ==> R}
+val it = [] : thm list
+The proof continues as before.  But instead of referring to \ML\
+identifiers, we refer to assumptions using \ttindex{eresolve_tac} or
+by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
+{\out  1. !!P R. [| P --> False; P |] ==> False}
+by (eresolve_tac [mp] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
+{\out  1. !!P R. P ==> P}
+by (assume_tac 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Calling \ttindex{result} strips the meta-quantifiers, so the resulting
+theorem is the same as before.
+val notE = result();
+{\out val notE = "[| ~?P; ?P |] ==> ?R" : thm}
+Do not use the {\tt!!}\ trick if the premises contain meta-level
+connectives, because \ttindex{eresolve_tac} and \ttindex{assume_tac} would
+not be able to handle the resulting assumptions.  The trick is not suitable
+for deriving the introduction rule~$(\neg I)$.
+\section{Defining theories}
+Isabelle makes no distinction between simple extensions of a logic --- like
+defining a type~$bool$ with constants~$true$ and~$false$ --- and defining
+an entire logic.  A theory definition has the form
+\(T\) = \(S@1\) + \(\cdots\) + \(S@n\) +
+classes      {\it class declarations}
+default      {\it sort}
+types        {\it type declarations}
+arities      {\it arity declarations}
+consts       {\it constant declarations}
+rules        {\it rule declarations}
+translations {\it translation declarations}
+ML           {\it ML code}
+This declares the theory $T$ to extend the existing theories
+$S@1$,~\ldots,~$S@n$.  It may declare new classes, types, arities
+(overloadings of existing types), constants and rules; it can specify the
+default sort for type variables.  A constant declaration can specify an
+associated concrete syntax.  The translations section specifies rewrite
+rules on abstract syntax trees, for defining notations and abbreviations.
+The {\ML} section contains code to perform arbitrary syntactic
+transformations.  The main declaration forms are discussed below; see {\em
+  Isabelle's Object-Logics} for full details and examples.
+All the declaration parts can be omitted.  In the simplest case, $T$ is
+just the union of $S@1$,~\ldots,~$S@n$.  New theories always extend one
+or more other theories, inheriting their types, constants, syntax, etc.
+The theory \ttindexbold{Pure} contains nothing but Isabelle's meta-logic.
+Each theory definition must reside in a separate file, whose name is
+determined as follows: the theory name, say {\tt ListFn}, is converted to
+lower case and {\tt.thy} is appended, yielding the filename {\tt
+  listfn.thy}.  Isabelle uses this convention to locate the file containing
+a given theory; \ttindexbold{use_thy} automatically loads a theory's
+parents before loading the theory itself.
+Calling \ttindexbold{use_thy}~{\tt"}{\it tf\/}{\tt"} reads a theory from
+the file {\it tf}{\tt.thy}, writes the corresponding {\ML} code to the file
+{\tt.}{\it tf}{\tt.thy.ML}, and reads the latter file.  This declares the
+{\ML} structure~$T$, which contains a component {\tt thy} denoting the new
+theory, a component for each rule, and everything declared in {\it ML
+  code}.
+Errors may arise during the translation to {\ML} (say, a misspelled keyword)
+or during creation of the new theory (say, a type error in a rule).  But if
+all goes well, {\tt use_thy} will finally read the file {\it tf}{\tt.ML}, if
+it exists.  This file typically begins with the {\ML} declaration {\tt
+open}~$T$ and contains proofs that refer to the components of~$T$.
+Theories can be defined directly by issuing {\ML} declarations to Isabelle,
+but the calling sequences are extremely cumbersome.
+If theory~$T$ is later redeclared in order to delete an incorrect rule,
+bindings to the old rule may persist.  Isabelle ensures that the old and
+new versions of~$T$ are not involved in the same proof.  Attempting to
+combine different versions of~$T$ yields the fatal error
+Attempt to merge different versions of theory: \(T\)
+\subsection{Declaring constants and rules}
+Most theories simply declare constants and some rules.  The {\bf constant
+declaration part} has the form
+consts  \(c@1\) :: "\(\tau@1\)"
+        \vdots
+        \(c@n\) :: "\(\tau@n\)"
+where $c@1$, \ldots, $c@n$ are constants and $\tau@1$, \ldots, $\tau@n$ are
+types.  Each type {\em must\/} be enclosed in quotation marks.  Each
+constant must be enclosed in quotation marks unless it is a valid
+identifier.  To declare $c@1$, \ldots, $c@n$ as constants of type $\tau$,
+the $n$ declarations may be abbreviated to a single line:
+        \(c@1\), \ldots, \(c@n\) :: "\(\tau\)"
+The {\bf rule declaration part} has the form
+rules   \(id@1\) "\(rule@1\)"
+        \vdots
+        \(id@n\) "\(rule@n\)"
+where $id@1$, \ldots, $id@n$ are \ML{} identifiers and $rule@1$, \ldots,
+$rule@n$ are expressions of type~$prop$.  {\bf Definitions} are rules of
+the form $t\equiv u$.  Each rule {\em must\/} be enclosed in quotation marks.
+\index{examples!of theories}
+This theory extends first-order logic with two constants {\em nand} and
+{\em xor}, and two rules defining them:
+Gate = FOL +
+consts  nand,xor :: "[o,o] => o"
+rules   nand_def "nand(P,Q) == ~(P & Q)"
+        xor_def  "xor(P,Q)  == P & ~Q | ~P & Q"
+\subsection{Declaring type constructors}
+\indexbold{type constructors!declaring}\indexbold{arities!declaring}
+Types are composed of type variables and {\bf type constructors}.  Each
+type constructor has a fixed number of argument places.  For example,
+$list$ is a 1-place type constructor and $nat$ is a 0-place type
+The {\bf type declaration part} has the form
+types   \(id@1\) \(k@1\)
+        \vdots
+        \(id@n\) \(k@n\)
+where $id@1$, \ldots, $id@n$ are identifiers and $k@1$, \ldots, $k@n$ are
+natural numbers.  It declares each $id@i$ as a type constructor with $k@i$
+argument places.
+The {\bf arity declaration part} has the form
+arities \(tycon@1\) :: \(arity@1\)
+        \vdots
+        \(tycon@n\) :: \(arity@n\)
+where $tycon@1$, \ldots, $tycon@n$ are identifiers and $arity@1$, \ldots,
+$arity@n$ are arities.  Arity declarations add arities to existing
+types; they complement type declarations.
+In the simplest case, for an 0-place type constructor, an arity is simply
+the type's class.  Let us declare a type~$bool$ of class $term$, with
+constants $tt$ and~$ff$:\footnote{In first-order logic, booleans are
+distinct from formulae, which have type $o::logic$.}
+\index{examples!of theories}
+Bool = FOL +
+types   bool 0
+arities bool    :: term
+consts  tt,ff   :: "bool"
+In the general case, type constructors take arguments.  Each type
+constructor has an {\bf arity} with respect to
+classes~(\S\ref{polymorphic}).  A $k$-place type constructor may have
+arities of the form $(s@1,\ldots,s@k)c$, where $s@1,\ldots,s@n$ are sorts
+and $c$ is a class.  Each sort specifies a type argument; it has the form
+$\{c@1,\ldots,c@m\}$, where $c@1$, \dots,~$c@m$ are classes.  Mostly we
+deal with singleton sorts, and may abbreviate them by dropping the braces.
+The arity declaration $list{::}(term)term$ is short for
+A type constructor may be overloaded (subject to certain conditions) by
+appearing in several arity declarations.  For instance, the built-in type
+constructor~$\To$ has the arity $(logic,logic)logic$; in higher-order
+logic, it is declared also to have arity $(term,term)term$.
+Theory {\tt List} declares the 1-place type constructor $list$, gives
+it arity $list{::}(term)term$, and declares constants $Nil$ and $Cons$ with
+polymorphic types:
+\index{examples!of theories}
+List = FOL +
+types   list 1
+arities list    :: (term)term
+consts  Nil     :: "'a list"
+        Cons    :: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" 
+Multiple type and arity declarations may be abbreviated to a single line:
+types   \(id@1\), \ldots, \(id@n\) \(k\)
+arities \(tycon@1\), \ldots, \(tycon@n\) :: \(arity\)
+Arity declarations resemble constant declarations, but there are {\it no\/}
+quotation marks!  Types and rules must be quoted because the theory
+translator passes them verbatim to the {\ML} output file.
+\subsection{Infixes and Mixfixes}
+\indexbold{infix operators}\index{examples!of theories}
+The constant declaration part of the theory
+Gate2 = FOL +
+consts  "~&"     :: "[o,o] => o"         (infixl 35)
+        "#"      :: "[o,o] => o"         (infixl 30)
+rules   nand_def "P ~& Q == ~(P & Q)"    
+        xor_def  "P # Q  == P & ~Q | ~P & Q"
+declares two left-associating infix operators: $\nand$ of precedence~35 and
+$\xor$ of precedence~30.  Hence $P \xor Q \xor R$ is parsed as $(P\xor
+Q) \xor R$ and $P \xor Q \nand R$ as $P \xor (Q \nand R)$.  Note the
+quotation marks in \verb|"~&"| and \verb|"#"|.
+The constants \hbox{\verb|op ~&|} and \hbox{\verb|op #|} are declared
+automatically, just as in \ML.  Hence you may write propositions like
+\verb|op #(True) == op ~&(True)|, which asserts that the functions $\lambda
+Q.True \xor Q$ and $\lambda Q.True \nand Q$ are identical.
+\indexbold{mixfix operators}
+{\bf Mixfix} operators may have arbitrary context-free syntaxes.  For example
+    If :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _")
+declares a constant $If$ of type $[o,o,o] \To o$ with concrete syntax
+$if~P~then~Q~else~R$ instead of $If(P,Q,R)$.  Underscores denote argument
+positions.  Pretty-printing information can be specified in order to
+improve the layout of formulae with mixfix operations.  For details, see
+{\em Isabelle's Object-Logics}.
+Mixfix declarations can be annotated with precedences, just like
+infixes.  The example above is just a shorthand for
+    If :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _" [0,0,0] 1000)
+The numeric components determine precedences.  The list of integers
+defines, for each argument position, the minimal precedence an expression
+at that position must have.  The final integer is the precedence of the
+construct itself.  In the example above, any argument expression is
+acceptable because precedences are non-negative, and conditionals may
+appear everywhere because 1000 is the highest precedence.  On the other
+    If :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _" [100,0,0] 99)
+defines a conditional whose first argument cannot be a conditional because it
+must have a precedence of at least 100.  Precedences only apply to
+mixfix syntax: we may write $If(If(P,Q,R),S,T)$.
+Binary type constructors, like products and sums, may also be declared as
+infixes.  The type declaration below introduces a type constructor~$*$ with
+infix notation $\alpha*\beta$, together with the mixfix notation
+${<}\_,\_{>}$ for pairs.  
+\index{examples!of theories}
+Prod = FOL +
+types   "*" 2                                 (infixl 20)
+arities "*"     :: (term,term)term
+consts  fst     :: "'a * 'b => 'a"
+        snd     :: "'a * 'b => 'b"
+        Pair    :: "['a,'b] => 'a * 'b"       ("(1<_,/_>)")
+rules   fst     "fst(<a,b>) = a"
+        snd     "snd(<a,b>) = b"
+The name of the type constructor is~{\tt *} and not {\tt op~*}, as it would
+be in the case of an infix constant.  Only infix type constructors can have
+symbolic names like~{\tt *}.  There is no general mixfix syntax for types.
+\index{overloading}\index{examples!of theories}
+The {\bf class declaration part} has the form
+classes \(id@1\) < \(c@1\)
+        \vdots
+        \(id@n\) < \(c@n\)
+where $id@1$, \ldots, $id@n$ are identifiers and $c@1$, \ldots, $c@n$ are
+existing classes.  It declares each $id@i$ as a new class, a subclass
+of~$c@i$.  In the general case, an identifier may be declared to be a
+subclass of $k$ existing classes:
+        \(id\) < \(c@1\), \ldots, \(c@k\)
+Type classes allow constants to be overloaded~(\S\ref{polymorphic}).  As an
+example, we define the class $arith$ of ``arithmetic'' types with the
+constants ${+} :: [\alpha,\alpha]\To \alpha$ and $0,1 :: \alpha$, for
+$\alpha{::}arith$.  We introduce $arith$ as a subclass of $term$ and add
+the three polymorphic constants of this class.
+\index{examples!of theories}
+Arith = FOL +
+classes arith < term
+consts  "0"     :: "'a::arith"                  ("0")
+        "1"     :: "'a::arith"                  ("1")
+        "+"     :: "['a::arith,'a] => 'a"       (infixl 60)
+No rules are declared for these constants: we merely introduce their
+names without specifying properties.  On the other hand, classes
+with rules make it possible to prove {\bf generic} theorems.  Such
+theorems hold for all instances, all types in that class.
+We can now obtain distinct versions of the constants of $arith$ by
+declaring certain types to be of class $arith$.  For example, let us
+declare the 0-place type constructors $bool$ and $nat$:
+\index{examples!of theories}
+BoolNat = Arith +
+types   bool,nat    0
+arities bool,nat    :: arith
+consts  Suc         :: "nat=>nat"
+rules   add0        "0 + n = n::nat"
+        addS        "Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)"
+        nat1        "1 = Suc(0)"
+        or0l        "0 + x = x::bool"
+        or0r        "x + 0 = x::bool"
+        or1l        "1 + x = 1::bool"
+        or1r        "x + 1 = 1::bool"
+Because $nat$ and $bool$ have class $arith$, we can use $0$, $1$ and $+$ at
+either type.  The type constraints in the axioms are vital.  Without
+constraints, the $x$ in $1+x = x$ would have type $\alpha{::}arith$
+and the axiom would hold for any type of class $arith$.  This would
+collapse $nat$:
+\[ Suc(1) = Suc(0+1) = Suc(0)+1 = 1+1 = 1! \]
+The class $arith$ as defined above is more specific than necessary.  Many
+types come with a binary operation and identity~(0).  On lists,
+$+$ could be concatenation and 0 the empty list --- but what is 1?  Hence it
+may be better to define $+$ and 0 on $arith$ and introduce a separate
+class, say $k$, containing~1.  Should $k$ be a subclass of $term$ or of
+$arith$?  This depends on the structure of your theories; the design of an
+appropriate class hierarchy may require some experimentation.
+We will now work through a small example of formalized mathematics
+demonstrating many of the theory extension features.
+\subsection{Extending first-order logic with the natural numbers}
+\index{examples!of theories}
+The early part of this paper defines a first-order logic, including a
+type~$nat$ and the constants $0::nat$ and $Suc::nat\To nat$.  Let us
+introduce the Peano axioms for mathematical induction and the freeness of
+$0$ and~$Suc$:
+\[ \vcenter{\infer[(induct)*]{P[n/x]}{P[0/x] & \infer*{P[Suc(x)/x]}{[P]}}}
+ \qquad \parbox{4.5cm}{provided $x$ is not free in any assumption except~$P$}
+\[ \infer[(Suc\_inject)]{m=n}{Suc(m)=Suc(n)} \qquad
+   \infer[(Suc\_neq\_0)]{R}{Suc(m)=0}
+Mathematical induction asserts that $P(n)$ is true, for any $n::nat$,
+provided $P(0)$ holds and that $P(x)$ implies $P(Suc(x))$ for all~$x$.
+Some authors express the induction step as $\forall x. P(x)\imp P(Suc(x))$.
+To avoid making induction require the presence of other connectives, we
+formalize mathematical induction as
+$$ \List{P(0); \Forall x. P(x)\Imp P(Suc(x))} \Imp P(n). \eqno(induct) $$
+Similarly, to avoid expressing the other rules using~$\forall$, $\imp$
+and~$\neg$, we take advantage of the meta-logic;\footnote
+{On the other hand, the axioms $Suc(m)=Suc(n) \bimp m=n$
+and $\neg(Suc(m)=0)$ are logically equivalent to those given, and work
+better with Isabelle's simplifier.} 
+$(Suc\_neq\_0)$ is
+an elimination rule for $Suc(m)=0$:
+$$ Suc(m)=Suc(n) \Imp m=n  \eqno(Suc\_inject) $$
+$$ Suc(m)=0      \Imp R    \eqno(Suc\_neq\_0) $$
+We shall also define a primitive recursion operator, $rec$.  Traditionally,
+primitive recursion takes a natural number~$a$ and a 2-place function~$f$,
+and obeys the equations
+  rec(0,a,f)            & = & a \\
+  rec(Suc(m),a,f)       & = & f(m, rec(m,a,f))
+Addition, defined by $m+n \equiv rec(m,n,\lambda x\,y.Suc(y))$,
+should satisfy
+  0+n      & = & n \\
+  Suc(m)+n & = & Suc(m+n)
+This appears to pose difficulties: first-order logic has no functions.
+Following the previous examples, we take advantage of the meta-logic, which
+does have functions.  We also generalise primitive recursion to be
+polymorphic over any type of class~$term$, and declare the addition
+  rec   & :: & [nat, \alpha{::}term, [nat,\alpha]\To\alpha] \To\alpha \\
+  +     & :: & [nat,nat]\To nat 
+\subsection{Declaring the theory to Isabelle}
+\index{examples!of theories}
+Let us create the theory \ttindexbold{Nat} starting from theory~\verb$FOL$,
+which contains only classical logic with no natural numbers.  We declare
+the 0-place type constructor $nat$ and the constants $rec$ and~$Suc$:
+Nat = FOL +
+types   nat 0
+arities nat         :: term
+consts  "0"         :: "nat"    ("0")
+        Suc         :: "nat=>nat"
+        rec         :: "[nat, 'a, [nat,'a]=>'a] => 'a"
+        "+"         :: "[nat, nat] => nat"              (infixl 60)
+rules   induct      "[| P(0);  !!x. P(x) ==> P(Suc(x)) |]  ==> P(n)"
+        Suc_inject  "Suc(m)=Suc(n) ==> m=n"
+        Suc_neq_0   "Suc(m)=0      ==> R"
+        rec_0       "rec(0,a,f) = a"
+        rec_Suc     "rec(Suc(m), a, f) = f(m, rec(m,a,f))"
+        add_def     "m+n == rec(m, n, %x y. Suc(y))"
+In axiom {\tt add_def}, recall that \verb|%| stands for~$\lambda$.
+Opening the \ML\ structure {\tt Nat} permits reference to the axioms by \ML\
+identifiers; we may write {\tt induct} instead of {\tt Nat.induct}.
+open Nat;
+File {\tt FOL/ex/nat.ML} contains proofs involving this theory of the
+natural numbers.  As a trivial example, let us derive recursion equations
+for \verb$+$.  Here is the zero case:
+goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "0+n = n";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out 0 + n = n}
+{\out  1. rec(0,n,%x y. Suc(y)) = n}
+by (resolve_tac [rec_0] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out 0 + n = n}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+val add_0 = result();
+And here is the successor case:
+goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out Suc(m) + n = Suc(m + n)}
+{\out  1. rec(Suc(m),n,%x y. Suc(y)) = Suc(rec(m,n,%x y. Suc(y)))}
+by (resolve_tac [rec_Suc] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out Suc(m) + n = Suc(m + n)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+val add_Suc = result();
+The induction rule raises some complications, which are discussed next.
+\section{Refinement with explicit instantiation}
+\index{refinement!with instantiation|bold}
+In order to employ mathematical induction, we need to refine a subgoal by
+the rule~$(induct)$.  The conclusion of this rule is $\Var{P}(\Var{n})$,
+which is highly ambiguous in higher-order unification.  It matches every
+way that a formula can be regarded as depending on a subterm of type~$nat$.
+To get round this problem, we could make the induction rule conclude
+$\forall n.\Var{P}(n)$ --- but putting a subgoal into this form requires
+refinement by~$(\forall E)$, which is equally hard!
+The tactic {\tt res_inst_tac}, like {\tt resolve_tac}, refines a subgoal by
+a rule.  But it also accepts explicit instantiations for the rule's
+schematic variables.  
+\item[\ttindexbold{res_inst_tac} {\it insts} {\it thm} {\it i}]
+instantiates the rule {\it thm} with the instantiations {\it insts}, and
+then performs resolution on subgoal~$i$.
+and \ttindexbold{dres_inst_tac} are similar, but perform elim-resolution
+and destruct-resolution, respectively.
+The list {\it insts} consists of pairs $[(v@1,e@1), \ldots, (v@n,e@n)]$,
+where $v@1$, \ldots, $v@n$ are names of schematic variables in the rule ---
+with {\bf no} leading question marks!! --- and $e@1$, \ldots, $e@n$ are
+expressions giving their instantiations.  The expressions are type-checked
+in the context of a particular subgoal: free variables receive the same
+types as they have in the subgoal, and parameters may appear.  Type
+variable instantiations may appear in~{\it insts}, but they are seldom
+required: {\tt res_inst_tac} instantiates type variables automatically
+whenever the type of~$e@i$ is an instance of the type of~$\Var{v@i}$.
+\subsection{A simple proof by induction}
+\index{proof!by induction}\index{examples!of induction}
+Let us prove that no natural number~$k$ equals its own successor.  To
+use~$(induct)$, we instantiate~$\Var{n}$ to~$k$; Isabelle finds a good
+instantiation for~$\Var{P}$.
+goal Nat.thy "~ (Suc(k) = k)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out  1. ~Suc(k) = k}
+by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out  1. ~Suc(0) = 0}
+{\out  2. !!x. ~Suc(x) = x ==> ~Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)}
+We should check that Isabelle has correctly applied induction.  Subgoal~1
+is the base case, with $k$ replaced by~0.  Subgoal~2 is the inductive step,
+with $k$ replaced by~$Suc(x)$ and with an induction hypothesis for~$x$.
+The rest of the proof demonstrates~\ttindex{notI}, \ttindex{notE} and the
+other rules of~\ttindex{Nat.thy}.  The base case holds by~\ttindex{Suc_neq_0}:
+by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out  1. Suc(0) = 0 ==> False}
+{\out  2. !!x. ~Suc(x) = x ==> ~Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)}
+by (eresolve_tac [Suc_neq_0] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out  1. !!x. ~Suc(x) = x ==> ~Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)}
+The inductive step holds by the contrapositive of~\ttindex{Suc_inject}.
+Using the negation rule, we assume $Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)$ and prove $Suc(x)=x$:
+by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out  1. !!x. [| ~Suc(x) = x; Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x) |] ==> False}
+by (eresolve_tac [notE] 1);
+{\out Level 5}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out  1. !!x. Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x) ==> Suc(x) = x}
+by (eresolve_tac [Suc_inject] 1);
+{\out Level 6}
+{\out ~Suc(k) = k}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\subsection{An example of ambiguity in {\tt resolve_tac}}
+\index{examples!of induction}\index{unification!higher-order}
+If you try the example above, you may observe that {\tt res_inst_tac} is
+not actually needed.  Almost by chance, \ttindex{resolve_tac} finds the right
+instantiation for~$(induct)$ to yield the desired next state.  With more
+complex formulae, our luck fails.  
+goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+by (resolve_tac [induct] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. k + m + n = 0}
+{\out  2. !!x. k + m + n = x ==> k + m + n = Suc(x)}
+This proof requires induction on~$k$.  But the 0 in subgoal~1 indicates
+that induction has been applied to the term~$k+(m+n)$.  The
+\ttindex{back} command causes backtracking to an alternative
+outcome of the tactic.  
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. k + m + n = k + 0}
+{\out  2. !!x. k + m + n = k + x ==> k + m + n = k + Suc(x)}
+Now induction has been applied to~$m+n$.  Let us call \ttindex{back}
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. k + m + 0 = k + (m + 0)}
+{\out  2. !!x. k + m + x = k + (m + x) ==> k + m + Suc(x) = k + (m + Suc(x))}
+Now induction has been applied to~$n$.  What is the next alternative?
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. k + m + n = k + (m + 0)}
+{\out  2. !!x. k + m + n = k + (m + x) ==> k + m + n = k + (m + Suc(x))}
+Inspecting subgoal~1 reveals that induction has been applied to just the
+second occurrence of~$n$.  This perfectly legitimate induction is useless
+here.  The main goal admits fourteen different applications of induction.
+The number is exponential in the size of the formula.
+\subsection{Proving that addition is associative}
+\index{associativity of addition}
+\index{examples!of rewriting}
+Let us do the proof properly, using~\ttindex{res_inst_tac}.  At the same
+time, we shall have a glimpse at Isabelle's rewriting tactics, which are
+described in the {\em Reference Manual}.
+Isabelle's rewriting tactics repeatedly applies equations to a subgoal,
+simplifying or proving it.  For efficiency, the rewriting rules must be
+packaged into a \bfindex{simplification set}.  Let us include the equations
+for~{\tt add} proved in the previous section, namely $0+n=n$ and ${\tt
+  Suc}(m)+n={\tt Suc}(m+n)$: 
+val add_ss = FOL_ss addrews [add_0, add_Suc];
+We state the goal for associativity of addition, and
+use \ttindex{res_inst_tac} to invoke induction on~$k$:
+goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. 0 + m + n = 0 + (m + n)}
+{\out  2. !!x. x + m + n = x + (m + n) ==> Suc(x) + m + n = Suc(x) + (m + n)}
+The base case holds easily; both sides reduce to $m+n$.  The
+tactic~\ttindex{simp_tac} rewrites with respect to the given simplification
+set, applying the rewrite rules for~{\tt +}:
+by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out  1. !!x. x + m + n = x + (m + n) ==> Suc(x) + m + n = Suc(x) + (m + n)}
+The inductive step requires rewriting by the equations for~{\tt add}
+together the induction hypothesis, which is also an equation.  The
+tactic~\ttindex{asm_simp_tac} rewrites using a simplification set and any
+useful assumptions:
+by (asm_simp_tac add_ss 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\section{A {\sc Prolog} interpreter}
+\index{Prolog interpreter|bold}
+To demonstrate the power of tacticals, let us construct a {\sc Prolog}
+interpreter and execute programs involving lists.\footnote{To run these
+examples, see the file {\tt FOL/ex/prolog.ML}.} The {\sc Prolog} program
+consists of a theory.  We declare a type constructor for lists, with an
+arity declaration to say that $(\tau)list$ is of class~$term$
+provided~$\tau$ is:
+  list  & :: & (term)term
+We declare four constants: the empty list~$Nil$; the infix list
+constructor~{:}; the list concatenation predicate~$app$; the list reverse
+predicate~$rev$.  (In {\sc Prolog}, functions on lists are expressed as
+    Nil         & :: & \alpha list \\
+    {:}         & :: & [\alpha,\alpha list] \To \alpha list \\
+    app & :: & [\alpha list,\alpha list,\alpha list] \To o \\
+    rev & :: & [\alpha list,\alpha list] \To o 
+The predicate $app$ should satisfy the {\sc Prolog}-style rules
+\[ {app(Nil,ys,ys)} \qquad
+   {app(xs,ys,zs) \over app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)} \]
+We define the naive version of $rev$, which calls~$app$:
+\[ {rev(Nil,Nil)} \qquad
+   {rev(xs,ys)\quad  app(ys, x:Nil, zs) \over
+    rev(x:xs, zs)} 
+\index{examples!of theories}
+Theory \ttindex{Prolog} extends first-order logic in order to make use
+of the class~$term$ and the type~$o$.  The interpreter does not use the
+rules of~\ttindex{FOL}.
+Prolog = FOL +
+types   list 1
+arities list    :: (term)term
+consts  Nil     :: "'a list"
+        ":"     :: "['a, 'a list]=> 'a list"            (infixr 60)
+        app     :: "['a list, 'a list, 'a list] => o"
+        rev     :: "['a list, 'a list] => o"
+rules   appNil  "app(Nil,ys,ys)"
+        appCons "app(xs,ys,zs) ==> app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)"
+        revNil  "rev(Nil,Nil)"
+        revCons "[| rev(xs,ys); app(ys,x:Nil,zs) |] ==> rev(x:xs,zs)"
+\subsection{Simple executions}
+Repeated application of the rules solves {\sc Prolog} goals.  Let us
+append the lists $[a,b,c]$ and~$[d,e]$.  As the rules are applied, the
+answer builds up in~{\tt ?x}.
+goal Prolog.thy "app(a:b:c:Nil, d:e:Nil, ?x)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?x)}
+{\out  1. app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?x)}
+by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : ?zs1)}
+{\out  1. app(b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?zs1)}
+by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : b : ?zs2)}
+{\out  1. app(c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?zs2)}
+At this point, the first two elements of the result are~$a$ and~$b$.
+by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : b : c : ?zs3)}
+{\out  1. app(Nil, d : e : Nil, ?zs3)}
+by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : b : c : d : e : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+{\sc Prolog} can run functions backwards.  Which list can be appended
+with $[c,d]$ to produce $[a,b,c,d]$?
+Using \ttindex{REPEAT}, we find the answer at once, $[a,b]$:
+goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, c:d:Nil, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out app(?x, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out  1. app(?x, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(a : b : Nil, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Which lists $x$ and $y$ can be appended to form the list $[a,b,c,d]$?
+Using \ttindex{REPEAT} to apply the rules, we quickly find the solution
+$x=[]$ and $y=[a,b,c,d]$:
+goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, ?y, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out app(?x, ?y, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out  1. app(?x, ?y, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+The \ttindex{back} command returns the tactic's next outcome,
+$x=[a]$ and $y=[b,c,d]$:
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(a : Nil, b : c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+The other solutions are generated similarly.
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(a : b : Nil, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out app(a : b : c : d : Nil, Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\subsection{Depth-first search}
+Now let us try $rev$, reversing a list.
+Bundle the rules together as the \ML{} identifier {\tt rules}.  Naive
+reverse requires 120 inferences for this 14-element list, but the tactic
+terminates in a few seconds.
+goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:Nil, ?w)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out rev(a : b : c : d : e : f : g : h : i : j : k : l : m : n : Nil, ?w)}
+{\out  1. rev(a : b : c : d : e : f : g : h : i : j : k : l : m : n : Nil, ?w)}
+val rules = [appNil,appCons,revNil,revCons];
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev(a : b : c : d : e : f : g : h : i : j : k : l : m : n : Nil,}
+{\out     n : m : l : k : j : i : h : g : f : e : d : c : b : a : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+We may execute $rev$ backwards.  This, too, should reverse a list.  What
+is the reverse of $[a,b,c]$?
+goal Prolog.thy "rev(?x, a:b:c:Nil)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
+{\out  1. rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev(?x1 : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
+{\out  1. app(Nil, ?x1 : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
+The tactic has failed to find a solution!  It reached a dead end at
+subgoal~1: there is no~$\Var{x1}$ such that [] appended with~$[\Var{x1}]$
+equals~$[a,b,c]$.  Backtracking explores other outcomes.
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev(?x1 : a : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
+{\out  1. app(Nil, ?x1 : Nil, b : c : Nil)}
+This too is a dead end, but the next outcome is successful.
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev(c : b : a : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\ttindex{REPEAT} stops when it cannot continue, regardless of which state
+is reached.  The tactical \ttindex{DEPTH_FIRST} searches for a satisfactory
+state, as specified by an \ML{} predicate.  Below,
+\ttindex{has_fewer_prems} specifies that the proof state should have no
+val prolog_tac = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1) 
+                             (resolve_tac rules 1);
+Since {\sc Prolog} uses depth-first search, this tactic is a (slow!) {\sc
+Prolog} interpreter.  We return to the start of the proof (using
+\ttindex{choplev}), and apply {\tt prolog_tac}:
+choplev 0;
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
+{\out  1. rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
+by (DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1) (resolve_tac rules 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev(c : b : a : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Let us try {\tt prolog_tac} on one more example, containing four unknowns:
+goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:?x:c:?y:Nil, d:?z:b:?u)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out rev(a : ?x : c : ?y : Nil, d : ?z : b : ?u)}
+{\out  1. rev(a : ?x : c : ?y : Nil, d : ?z : b : ?u)}
+by prolog_tac;
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out rev(a : b : c : d : Nil, d : c : b : a : Nil)}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Although Isabelle is much slower than a {\sc Prolog} system, many
+Isabelle tactics exploit logic programming techniques.  For instance, the
+simplification tactics prove subgoals of the form $t=\Var{x}$, rewriting~$t$
+and placing the normalised result in~$\Var{x}$.
+% Local Variables: 
+% mode: latex
+% TeX-master: t
+% End: 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/arith.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Arith = FOL +
+classes arith < term
+consts  "0"     :: "'a::arith"                  ("0")
+        "1"     :: "'a::arith"                  ("1")
+        "+"     :: "['a::arith,'a] => 'a"       (infixl 60)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/bool.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Bool = FOL +
+types 	bool 0
+arities bool 	:: term
+consts tt,ff	:: "bool"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/bool_nat.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+BoolNat = Arith +
+types   bool,nat    0
+arities bool,nat    :: arith
+consts  Suc         :: "nat=>nat"
+rules   add0        "0 + n = n::nat"
+        addS        "Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)"
+        nat1        "1 = Suc(0)"
+        or0l        "0 + x = x::bool"
+        or0r        "x + 0 = x::bool"
+        or1l        "1 + x = 1::bool"
+        or1r        "x + 1 = 1::bool"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/deriv.txt	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+(* Deriving an inference rule *)
+Pretty.setmargin 72;  (*existing macros just allow this margin*)
+print_depth 0;
+val [major,minor] = goal Int_Rule.thy
+    "[| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R";
+prth minor;
+by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
+prth major;
+prth (major RS conjunct1);
+by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct1] 1);
+prth (major RS conjunct2);
+by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct2] 1);
+prth (topthm());
+val conjE = prth(result());
+- val [major,minor] = goal Int_Rule.thy
+=     "[| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R";
+Level 0
+ 1. R
+val major = Thm {hyps=#,maxidx=#,prop=#,sign=#} : thm
+val minor = Thm {hyps=#,maxidx=#,prop=#,sign=#} : thm
+- prth minor;
+[| P; Q |] ==> R  [[| P; Q |] ==> R]
+- by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
+Level 1
+ 1. P
+ 2. Q
+- prth major;
+P & Q  [P & Q]
+- prth (major RS conjunct1);
+P  [P & Q]
+- by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct1] 1);
+Level 2
+ 1. Q
+- prth (major RS conjunct2);
+Q  [P & Q]
+- by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct2] 1);
+Level 3
+No subgoals!
+- prth (topthm());
+R  [P & Q, P & Q, [| P; Q |] ==> R]
+- val conjE = prth(result());
+[| ?P & ?Q; [| ?P; ?Q |] ==> ?R |] ==> ?R
+val conjE = Thm {hyps=#,maxidx=#,prop=#,sign=#} : thm
+(*** Derived rules involving definitions ***)
+(** notI **)
+val prems = goal Int_Rule.thy "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
+prth not_def;
+by (rewrite_goals_tac [not_def]);
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+val notI = prth(result());
+val prems = goalw Int_Rule.thy [not_def]
+    "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
+- prth not_def;
+~?P == ?P --> False
+- val prems = goal Int_Rule.thy "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
+Level 0
+ 1. ~P
+- by (rewrite_goals_tac [not_def]);
+Level 1
+ 1. P --> False
+- by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+Level 2
+ 1. P ==> False
+- by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+Level 3
+ 1. P ==> P
+- by (assume_tac 1);
+Level 4
+No subgoals!
+- val notI = prth(result());
+(?P ==> False) ==> ~?P
+val notI = # : thm
+- val prems = goalw Int_Rule.thy [not_def]
+=     "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
+Level 0
+ 1. P --> False
+(** notE **)
+val [major,minor] = goal Int_Rule.thy "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [mp] 1);
+prth (rewrite_rule [not_def] major);
+by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
+val notE = prth(result());
+val [major,minor] = goalw Int_Rule.thy [not_def]
+    "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+prth (minor RS (major RS mp RS FalseE));
+by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
+val prems = goalw Int_Rule.thy [not_def]
+    "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+prths prems;
+by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [mp] 1);
+by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+val notE = prth(result());
+- val [major,minor] = goal Int_Rule.thy "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+Level 0
+ 1. R
+val major = # : thm
+val minor = # : thm
+- by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
+Level 1
+ 1. False
+- by (resolve_tac [mp] 1);
+Level 2
+ 1. ?P1 --> False
+ 2. ?P1
+- prth (rewrite_rule [not_def] major);
+P --> False  [~P]
+- by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
+Level 3
+ 1. P
+- by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
+Level 4
+No subgoals!
+- val notE = prth(result());
+[| ~?P; ?P |] ==> ?R
+val notE = # : thm
+- val [major,minor] = goalw Int_Rule.thy [not_def]
+=     "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+Level 0
+ 1. R
+val major = # : thm
+val minor = # : thm
+- prth (minor RS (major RS mp RS FalseE));
+?P  [P, ~P]
+- by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
+Level 1
+No subgoals!
+- goal Int_Rule.thy "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+Level 0
+ 1. R
+- prths (map (rewrite_rule [not_def]) it);
+P --> False  [~P]
+P  [P]
+- val prems = goalw Int_Rule.thy [not_def]
+=     "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
+Level 0
+ 1. R
+val prems = # : thm list
+- prths prems;
+P --> False  [~P]
+P  [P]
+- by (resolve_tac [mp RS FalseE] 1);
+Level 1
+ 1. ?P1 --> False
+ 2. ?P1
+- by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+Level 2
+ 1. P
+- by (resolve_tac prems 1);
+Level 3
+No subgoals!
+- val notE = prth(result());
+[| ~?P; ?P |] ==> ?R
+val notE = # : thm
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/foundations.tex	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+%% $Id$
+This Part presents Isabelle's logical foundations in detail:
+representing logical syntax in the typed $\lambda$-calculus; expressing
+inference rules in Isabelle's meta-logic; combining rules by resolution.
+Readers wishing to use Isabelle immediately may prefer to skip straight to
+Part~II, using this Part (via the index) for reference only.
+  \neg P   & \hbox{abbreviates} & P\imp\bot \\
+  P\bimp Q & \hbox{abbreviates} & (P\imp Q) \conj (Q\imp P)
+\vskip 4ex
+  \infer[({\conj}I)]{P\conj Q}{P & Q}  &
+  \infer[({\conj}E1)]{P}{P\conj Q} \qquad 
+  \infer[({\conj}E2)]{Q}{P\conj Q} \\[4ex]
+  \infer[({\disj}I1)]{P\disj Q}{P} \qquad 
+  \infer[({\disj}I2)]{P\disj Q}{Q} &
+  \infer[({\disj}E)]{R}{P\disj Q & \infer*{R}{[P]} & \infer*{R}{[Q]}}\\[4ex]
+  \infer[({\imp}I)]{P\imp Q}{\infer*{Q}{[P]}} &
+  \infer[({\imp}E)]{Q}{P\imp Q & P}  \\[4ex]
+  &
+  \infer[({\bot}E)]{P}{\bot}\\[4ex]
+  \infer[({\forall}I)*]{\forall x.P}{P} &
+  \infer[({\forall}E)]{P[t/x]}{\forall x.P} \\[3ex]
+  \infer[({\exists}I)]{\exists x.P}{P[t/x]} &
+  \infer[({\exists}E)*]{Q}{{\exists x.P} & \infer*{Q}{[P]} } \\[3ex]
+  {t=t} \,(refl)   &  \vcenter{\infer[(subst)]{P[u/x]}{t=u & P[t/x]}} 
+\end{array} \)
+*{\em Eigenvariable conditions\/}:
+$\forall I$: provided $x$ is not free in the assumptions
+$\exists E$: provided $x$ is not free in $Q$ or any assumption except $P$
+\caption{Intuitionistic first-order logic} \label{fol-fig}
+\section{Formalizing logical syntax in Isabelle}
+\index{Isabelle!formalizing syntax|bold}
+Figure~\ref{fol-fig} presents intuitionistic first-order logic,
+including equality and the natural numbers.  Let us see how to formalize
+this logic in Isabelle, illustrating the main features of Isabelle's
+polymorphic meta-logic.
+Isabelle represents syntax using the typed $\lambda$-calculus.  We declare
+a type for each syntactic category of the logic.  We declare a constant for
+each symbol of the logic, giving each $n$-ary operation an $n$-argument
+curried function type.  Most importantly, $\lambda$-abstraction represents
+variable binding in quantifiers.
+Isabelle has \ML-style type constructors such as~$(\alpha)list$, where
+$(bool)list$ is the type of lists of booleans.  Function types have the
+form $\sigma\To\tau$, where $\sigma$ and $\tau$ are types.  Functions
+taking $n$~arguments require curried function types; we may abbreviate
+\[  \sigma@1\To (\cdots \sigma@n\To \tau\cdots)  \quad \hbox{as} \quad
+   [\sigma@1, \ldots, \sigma@n] \To \tau. $$ 
+The syntax for terms is summarised below.  Note that function application is
+written $t(u)$ rather than the usual $t\,u$.
+  t :: \sigma   & \hbox{type constraint, on a term or variable} \\
+  \lambda x.t   & \hbox{abstraction} \\
+  \lambda x@1\ldots x@n.t
+        & \hbox{curried abstraction, $\lambda x@1. \ldots \lambda x@n.t$} \\
+  t(u)          & \hbox{application} \\
+  t (u@1, \ldots, u@n) & \hbox{curried application, $t(u@1)\ldots(u@n)$} 
+\subsection{Simple types and constants}
+The syntactic categories of our logic (Figure~\ref{fol-fig}) are 
+{\bf formulae} and {\bf terms}.  Formulae denote truth
+values, so (following logical tradition) we call their type~$o$.  Terms can
+be constructed using~0 and~$Suc$, requiring a type~$nat$ of natural
+numbers.  Later, we shall see how to admit terms of other types.
+After declaring the types~$o$ and~$nat$, we may declare constants for the
+symbols of our logic.  Since $\bot$ denotes a truth value (falsity) and 0
+denotes a number, we put \begin{eqnarray*}
+  \bot  & :: & o \\
+  0     & :: & nat.
+If a symbol requires operands, the corresponding constant must have a
+function type.  In our logic, the successor function
+($Suc$) is from natural numbers to natural numbers, negation ($\neg$) is a
+function from truth values to truth values, and the binary connectives are
+curried functions taking two truth values as arguments: 
+  Suc    & :: & nat\To nat  \\
+  {\neg} & :: & o\To o      \\
+  \conj,\disj,\imp,\bimp  & :: & [o,o]\To o 
+Isabelle allows us to declare the binary connectives as infixes, with
+appropriate precedences, so that we write $P\conj Q\disj R$ instead of
+$\disj(\conj(P,Q), R)$.
+\subsection{Polymorphic types and constants} \label{polymorphic}
+Which type should we assign to the equality symbol?  If we tried
+$[nat,nat]\To o$, then equality would be restricted to the natural
+numbers; we would have to declare different equality symbols for each
+type.  Isabelle's type system is polymorphic, so we could declare
+  {=}  & :: & [\alpha,\alpha]\To o.
+But this is also wrong.  The declaration is too polymorphic; $\alpha$
+ranges over all types, including~$o$ and $nat\To nat$.  Thus, it admits
+$\bot=\neg(\bot)$ and $Suc=Suc$ as formulae, which is acceptable in
+higher-order logic but not in first-order logic.
+Isabelle's \bfindex{classes} control polymorphism.  Each type variable
+belongs to a class, which denotes a set of types.  Classes are partially
+ordered by the subclass relation, which is essentially the subset relation
+on the sets of types.  They closely resemble the classes of the functional
+language Haskell~\cite{haskell-tutorial,haskell-report}.  Nipkow and
+Prehofer discuss type inference for type classes~\cite{nipkow-prehofer}.
+Isabelle provides the built-in class $logic$, which consists of the logical
+types: the ones we want to reason about.  Let us declare a class $term$, to
+consist of all legal types of terms in our logic.  The subclass structure
+is now $term\le logic$.
+We declare $nat$ to be in class $term$.  Type variables of class~$term$
+should resemble Standard~\ML's equality type variables, which range over
+those types that possess an equality test.  Thus, we declare the equality
+constant by
+  {=}  & :: & [\alpha{::}term,\alpha]\To o 
+We give function types and~$o$ the class $logic$ rather than~$term$, since
+they are not legal types for terms.  We may introduce new types of class
+$term$ --- for instance, type $string$ or $real$ --- at any time.  We can
+even declare type constructors such as $(\alpha)list$, and state that type
+$(\sigma)list$ belongs to class~$term$ provided $\sigma$ does;  equality
+applies to lists of natural numbers but not to lists of formulae.  We may
+summarize this paragraph by a set of {\bf arity declarations} for type
+  o     & :: & logic \\
+  {\To} & :: & (logic,logic)logic \\
+  nat, string, real     & :: & term \\
+  list  & :: & (term)term
+Higher-order logic, where equality does apply to truth values and
+functions, would require different arity declarations, namely ${o::term}$
+and ${{\To}::(term,term)term}$.  The class system can also handle
+overloading.\index{overloading|bold} We could declare $arith$ to be the
+subclass of $term$ consisting of the `arithmetic' types, such as~$nat$.
+Then we could declare the operators
+  {+},{-},{\times},{/}  & :: & [\alpha{::}arith,\alpha]\To \alpha
+If we declare new types $real$ and $complex$ of class $arith$, then we
+effectively have three sets of operators:
+  {+},{-},{\times},{/}  & :: & [nat,nat]\To nat \\
+  {+},{-},{\times},{/}  & :: & [real,real]\To real \\
+  {+},{-},{\times},{/}  & :: & [complex,complex]\To complex 
+Isabelle will regard these as distinct constants, each of which can be defined
+separately.  We could even introduce the type $(\alpha)vector$, make
+$(\sigma)vector$ belong to $arith$ provided $\sigma$ is in $arith$, and define
+  {+}  & :: & [(\sigma)vector,(\sigma)vector]\To (\sigma)vector 
+in terms of ${+} :: [\sigma,\sigma]\To \sigma$.
+Although we have pretended so far that a type variable belongs to only one
+class --- Isabelle's concrete syntax helps to uphold this illusion --- it
+may in fact belong to any finite number of classes.  For example suppose
+that we had declared yet another class $ord \le term$, the class of all
+`ordered' types, and a constant
+  {\le}  & :: & [\alpha{::}ord,\alpha]\To o.
+In this context the variable $x$ in $x \le (x+x)$ will be assigned type
+$\alpha{::}\{arith,ord\}$, i.e.\ $\alpha$ belongs to both $arith$ and $ord$.
+Semantically the set $\{arith,ord\}$ should be understood
+as the intersection of the sets of types represented by $arith$ and $ord$.
+Such intersections of classes are called \bfindex{sorts}.  The empty
+intersection of classes, $\{\}$, contains all types and is thus the
+{\bf universal sort}.
+The type checker handles overloading, assigning each term a unique type.  For
+this to be possible, the class and type declarations must satisfy certain
+technical constraints~\cite{nipkow-prehofer}.
+\subsection{Higher types and quantifiers}
+Quantifiers are regarded as operations upon functions.  Ignoring polymorphism
+for the moment, consider the formula $\forall x. P(x)$, where $x$ ranges
+over type~$nat$.  This is true if $P(x)$ is true for all~$x$.  Abstracting
+$P(x)$ into a function, this is the same as saying that $\lambda x.P(x)$
+returns true for all arguments.  Thus, the universal quantifier can be
+represented by a constant
+  \forall  & :: & (nat\To o) \To o,
+which is essentially an infinitary truth table.  The representation of $\forall
+x. P(x)$ is $\forall(\lambda x. P(x))$.  
+The existential quantifier is treated
+in the same way.  Other binding operators are also easily handled; for
+instance, the summation operator $\Sigma@{k=i}^j f(k)$ can be represented as
+$\Sigma(i,j,\lambda k.f(k))$, where
+  \Sigma  & :: & [nat,nat, nat\To nat] \To nat.
+Quantifiers may be polymorphic.  We may define $\forall$ and~$\exists$ over
+all legal types of terms, not just the natural numbers, and
+allow summations over all arithmetic types:
+   \forall,\exists      & :: & (\alpha{::}term\To o) \To o \\
+   \Sigma               & :: & [nat,nat, nat\To \alpha{::}arith] \To \alpha
+Observe that the index variables still have type $nat$, while the values
+being summed may belong to any arithmetic type.
+\section{Formalizing logical rules in Isabelle}
+\index{Isabelle!formalizing rules|bold}
+Object-logics are formalized by extending Isabelle's meta-logic, which is
+intuitionistic higher-order logic.  The meta-level connectives are {\bf
+implication}, the {\bf universal quantifier}, and {\bf equality}.
+  \item The implication \(\phi\Imp \psi\) means `\(\phi\) implies
+\(\psi\)', and expresses logical {\bf entailment}.  
+  \item The quantification \(\Forall x.\phi\) means `\(\phi\) is true for
+all $x$', and expresses {\bf generality} in rules and axiom schemes. 
+\item The equality \(a\equiv b\) means `$a$ equals $b$', for expressing
+  \bfindex{definitions} (see~\S\ref{definitions}).  Equalities left over
+  from the unification process, so called \bfindex{flex-flex equations},
+  are written $a\qeq b$.  The two equality symbols have the same logical
+  meaning. 
+The syntax of the meta-logic is formalized in precisely in the same manner
+as object-logics, using the typed $\lambda$-calculus.  Analogous to
+type~$o$ above, there is a built-in type $prop$ of meta-level truth values.
+Meta-level formulae will have this type.  Type $prop$ belongs to
+class~$logic$; also, $\sigma\To\tau$ belongs to $logic$ provided $\sigma$
+and $\tau$ do.  Here are the types of the built-in connectives:
+  \Imp     & :: & [prop,prop]\To prop \\
+  \Forall  & :: & (\alpha{::}logic\To prop) \To prop \\
+  {\equiv} & :: & [\alpha{::}\{\},\alpha]\To prop \\
+  \qeq & :: & [\alpha{::}\{\},\alpha]\To prop c
+The restricted polymorphism in $\Forall$ excludes certain types, those used
+just for parsing. 
+In our formalization of first-order logic, we declared a type~$o$ of
+object-level truth values, rather than using~$prop$ for this purpose.  If
+we declared the object-level connectives to have types such as
+${\neg}::prop\To prop$, then these connectives would be applicable to
+meta-level formulae.  Keeping $prop$ and $o$ as separate types maintains
+the distinction between the meta-level and the object-level.  To formalize
+the inference rules, we shall need to relate the two levels; accordingly,
+we declare the constant
+  Trueprop & :: & o\To prop.
+We may regard $Trueprop$ as a meta-level predicate, reading $Trueprop(P)$ as
+`$P$ is true at the object-level.'  Put another way, $Trueprop$ is a coercion
+from $o$ to $prop$.
+\subsection{Expressing propositional rules}
+We shall illustrate the use of the meta-logic by formalizing the rules of
+Figure~\ref{fol-fig}.  Each object-level rule is expressed as a meta-level
+One of the simplest rules is $(\conj E1)$.  Making
+everything explicit, its formalization in the meta-logic is
+$$ \Forall P\;Q. Trueprop(P\conj Q) \Imp Trueprop(P).   \eqno(\conj E1) $$
+This may look formidable, but it has an obvious reading: for all object-level
+truth values $P$ and~$Q$, if $P\conj Q$ is true then so is~$P$.  The
+reading is correct because the meta-logic has simple models, where
+types denote sets and $\Forall$ really means `for all.'
+Isabelle adopts notational conventions to ease the writing of rules.  We may
+hide the occurrences of $Trueprop$ by making it an implicit coercion.
+Outer universal quantifiers may be dropped.  Finally, the nested implication
+\[  \phi@1\Imp(\cdots \phi@n\Imp\psi\cdots) \]
+may be abbreviated as $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \psi$, which
+formalizes a rule of $n$~premises.
+Using these conventions, the conjunction rules become the following axioms.
+These fully specify the properties of~$\conj$:
+$$ \List{P; Q} \Imp P\conj Q                 \eqno(\conj I) $$
+$$ P\conj Q \Imp P  \qquad  P\conj Q \Imp Q  \eqno(\conj E1,2) $$
+Next, consider the disjunction rules.  The discharge of assumption in
+$(\disj E)$ is expressed  using $\Imp$:
+$$ P \Imp P\disj Q  \qquad  Q \Imp P\disj Q  \eqno(\disj I1,2) $$
+$$ \List{P\disj Q; P\Imp R; Q\Imp R} \Imp R  \eqno(\disj E) $$
+To understand this treatment of assumptions\index{assumptions} in natural
+deduction, look at implication.  The rule $({\imp}I)$ is the classic
+example of natural deduction: to prove that $P\imp Q$ is true, assume $P$
+is true and show that $Q$ must then be true.  More concisely, if $P$
+implies $Q$ (at the meta-level), then $P\imp Q$ is true (at the
+object-level).  Showing the coercion explicitly, this is formalized as
+\[ (Trueprop(P)\Imp Trueprop(Q)) \Imp Trueprop(P\imp Q). \]
+The rule $({\imp}E)$ is straightforward; hiding $Trueprop$, the axioms to
+specify $\imp$ are 
+$$ (P \Imp Q)  \Imp  P\imp Q   \eqno({\imp}I) $$
+$$ \List{P\imp Q; P}  \Imp Q.  \eqno({\imp}E) $$
+Finally, the intuitionistic contradiction rule is formalized as the axiom
+$$ \bot \Imp P.   \eqno(\bot E) $$
+Earlier versions of Isabelle, and certain
+papers~\cite{paulson89,paulson700}, use $\List{P}$ to mean $Trueprop(P)$.
+\subsection{Quantifier rules and substitution}
+Isabelle expresses variable binding using $\lambda$-abstraction; for instance,
+$\forall x.P$ is formalized as $\forall(\lambda x.P)$.  Recall that $F(t)$
+is Isabelle's syntax for application of the function~$F$ to the argument~$t$;
+it is not a meta-notation for substitution.  On the other hand, a substitution
+will take place if $F$ has the form $\lambda x.P$;  Isabelle transforms
+$(\lambda x.P)(t)$ to~$P[t/x]$ by $\beta$-conversion.  Thus, we can express
+inference rules that involve substitution for bound variables.
+A logic may attach provisos to certain of its rules, especially quantifier
+rules.  We cannot hope to formalize arbitrary provisos.  Fortunately, those
+typical of quantifier rules always have the same form, namely `$x$ not free in
+\ldots {\it (some set of formulae)},' where $x$ is a variable (called a {\bf
+parameter} or {\bf eigenvariable}) in some premise.  Isabelle treats
+provisos using~$\Forall$, its inbuilt notion of `for all'.
+The purpose of the proviso `$x$ not free in \ldots' is
+to ensure that the premise may not make assumptions about the value of~$x$,
+and therefore holds for all~$x$.  We formalize $(\forall I)$ by
+\[ \left(\Forall x. Trueprop(P(x))\right) \Imp Trueprop(\forall x.P(x)). \]
+This means, `if $P(x)$ is true for all~$x$, then $\forall x.P(x)$ is true.'
+The $\forall E$ rule exploits $\beta$-conversion.  Hiding $Trueprop$, the
+$\forall$ axioms are
+$$ \left(\Forall x. P(x)\right)  \Imp  \forall x.P(x)   \eqno(\forall I) $$
+$$ \forall x.P(x)  \Imp P(t).  \eqno(\forall E)$$
+We have defined the object-level universal quantifier~($\forall$)
+using~$\Forall$.  But we do not require meta-level counterparts of all the
+connectives of the object-logic!  Consider the existential quantifier: 
+$$ P(t)  \Imp  \exists x.P(x)  \eqno(\exists I)$$
+$$ \List{\exists x.P(x);\; \Forall x. P(x)\Imp Q} \Imp Q  \eqno(\exists E) $$
+Let us verify $(\exists E)$ semantically.  Suppose that the premises
+hold; since $\exists x.P(x)$ is true, we may choose $a$ such that $P(a)$ is
+true.  Instantiating $\Forall x. P(x)\Imp Q$ with $a$ yields $P(a)\Imp Q$, and
+we obtain the desired conclusion, $Q$.
+The treatment of substitution deserves mention.  The rule
+\[ \infer{P[u/t]}{t=u & P} \]
+would be hard to formalize in Isabelle.  It calls for replacing~$t$ by $u$
+throughout~$P$, which cannot be expressed using $\beta$-conversion.  Our
+rule~$(subst)$ uses the occurrences of~$x$ in~$P$ as a template for
+substitution, inferring $P[u/x]$ from~$P[t/x]$.  When we formalize this as
+an axiom, the template becomes a function variable:
+$$ \List{t=u; P(t)} \Imp P(u).  \eqno(subst)$$
+\subsection{Signatures and theories}
+A {\bf signature} contains the information necessary for type checking,
+parsing and pretty printing.  It specifies classes and their
+relationships; types, with their arities, and constants, with
+their types.  It also contains syntax rules, specified using mixfix
+Two signatures can be merged provided their specifications are compatible ---
+they must not, for example, assign different types to the same constant.
+Under similar conditions, a signature can be extended.  Signatures are
+managed internally by Isabelle; users seldom encounter them.
+A {\bf theory} consists of a signature plus a collection of axioms.  The
+{\bf pure} theory contains only the meta-logic.  Theories can be combined
+provided their signatures are compatible.  A theory definition extends an
+existing theory with further signature specifications --- classes, types,
+constants and mixfix declarations --- plus a list of axioms, expressed as
+strings to be parsed.  A theory can formalize a small piece of mathematics,
+such as lists and their operations, or an entire logic.  A mathematical
+development typically involves many theories in a hierarchy.  For example,
+the pure theory could be extended to form a theory for
+Figure~\ref{fol-fig}; this could be extended in two separate ways to form a
+theory for natural numbers and a theory for lists; the union of these two
+could be extended into a theory defining the length of a list:
+\[ \bf
+     {}   &     {} & \hbox{Length} &  {}   &     {}   \\
+     {}   &     {}   &  \uparrow &     {}   &     {}   \\
+     {}   &     {} &\hbox{Nat}+\hbox{List}&  {}   &     {}   \\
+     {}   & \nearrow &     {}    & \nwarrow &     {}   \\
+ \hbox{Nat} &   {}   &     {}    &     {}   & \hbox{List} \\
+     {}   & \nwarrow &     {}    & \nearrow &     {}   \\
+     {}   &     {}   &\hbox{FOL} &     {}   &     {}   \\
+     {}   &     {}   &  \uparrow &     {}   &     {}   \\
+     {}   &     {}   &\hbox{Pure}&     {}  &     {}
+Each Isabelle proof typically works within a single theory, which is
+associated with the proof state.  However, many different theories may
+coexist at the same time, and you may work in each of these during a single
+\section{Proof construction in Isabelle}
+\index{Isabelle!proof construction in|bold}
+There is a one-to-one correspondence between meta-level proofs and
+object-level proofs~\cite{paulson89}.  To each use of a meta-level axiom,
+such as $(\forall I)$, there is a use of the corresponding object-level
+rule.  Object-level assumptions and parameters have meta-level
+counterparts.  The meta-level formalization is {\bf faithful}, admitting no
+incorrect object-level inferences, and {\bf adequate}, admitting all
+correct object-level inferences.  These properties must be demonstrated
+separately for each object-logic.
+The meta-logic is defined by a collection of inference rules, including
+equational rules for the $\lambda$-calculus, and logical rules.  The rules
+for~$\Imp$ and~$\Forall$ resemble those for~$\imp$ and~$\forall$ in
+Figure~\ref{fol-fig}.  Proofs performed using the primitive meta-rules
+would be lengthy; Isabelle proofs normally use certain derived rules.
+{\bf Resolution}, in particular, is convenient for backward proof.
+Unification is central to theorem proving.  It supports quantifier
+reasoning by allowing certain `unknown' terms to be instantiated later,
+possibly in stages.  When proving that the time required to sort $n$
+integers is proportional to~$n^2$, we need not state the constant of
+proportionality; when proving that a hardware adder will deliver the sum of
+its inputs, we need not state how many clock ticks will be required.  Such
+quantities often emerge from the proof.
+Isabelle provides {\bf schematic variables}, or \bfindex{unknowns}, for
+unification.  Logically, unknowns are free variables.  Pragmatically, they
+may be instantiated during a proof, while ordinary variables remain fixed.
+Unknowns are written with a ?\ prefix and are frequently subscripted:
+$\Var{a}$, $\Var{a@1}$, $\Var{a@2}$, \ldots, $\Var{P}$, $\Var{P@1}$, \ldots.
+Recall that an inference rule of the form
+\[ \infer{\phi}{\phi@1 & \ldots & \phi@n} \]
+is formalized in Isabelle's meta-logic as the axiom
+$\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$.
+Such axioms resemble {\sc Prolog}'s Horn clauses, and can be combined by
+resolution --- Isabelle's principal proof method.  Resolution yields both
+forward and backward proof.  Backward proof works by unifying a goal with
+the conclusion of a rule, whose premises become new subgoals.  Forward proof
+works by unifying theorems with the premises of a rule, deriving a new theorem.
+Isabelle axioms will require an extended notion of resolution, because
+they differ from Horn clauses in two major respects:
+  \item They are written in the typed $\lambda$-calculus, and therefore must be
+resolved using higher-order unification.
+  \item Horn clauses are composed of atomic formulae.  Any formula of the form
+$Trueprop(\cdots)$ is atomic, but axioms such as ${\imp}I$ and $\forall I$
+contain non-atomic formulae.
+Isabelle should not be confused with classical resolution theorem provers
+such as Otter~\cite{wos-bledsoe}.  At the meta-level, Isabelle proves
+theorems in their positive form, not by refutation.  However, an
+object-logic that includes a contradiction rule may employ a refutation
+proof procedure.
+\subsection{Higher-order unification}
+Unification is equation solving.  The solution of $f(\Var{x},c) \qeq
+f(d,\Var{y})$ is $\Var{x}\equiv d$ and $\Var{y}\equiv c$.  {\bf
+Higher-order unification} is equation solving for typed $\lambda$-terms.
+To handle $\beta$-conversion, it must reduce $(\lambda x.t)u$ to $t[u/x]$.
+That is easy --- in the typed $\lambda$-calculus, all reduction sequences
+terminate at a normal form.  But it must guess the unknown
+function~$\Var{f}$ in order to solve the equation
+\begin{equation} \label{hou-eqn}
+ \Var{f}(t) \qeq g(u@1,\ldots,u@k).
+Huet's~\cite{huet75} search procedure solves equations by imitation and
+projection.  {\bf Imitation}\index{imitation|bold} makes~$\Var{f}$ apply
+leading symbol (if a constant) of the right-hand side.  To solve
+equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}), it guesses
+\[ \Var{f} \equiv \lambda x. g(\Var{h@1}(x),\ldots,\Var{h@k}(x)), \]
+where $\Var{h@1}$, \ldots, $\Var{h@k}$ are new unknowns.  Assuming there are no
+other occurrences of~$\Var{f}$, equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}) simplifies to the
+set of equations
+\[ \Var{h@1}(t)\qeq u@1 \quad\ldots\quad \Var{h@k}(t)\qeq u@k. \]
+If the procedure solves these equations, instantiating $\Var{h@1}$, \ldots,
+$\Var{h@k}$, then it yields an instantiation for~$\Var{f}$.
+{\bf Projection} makes $\Var{f}$ apply one of its arguments.  To solve
+equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}), if $t$ expects~$m$ arguments and delivers a
+result of suitable type, it guesses
+\[ \Var{f} \equiv \lambda x. x(\Var{h@1}(x),\ldots,\Var{h@m}(x)), \]
+where $\Var{h@1}$, \ldots, $\Var{h@m}$ are new unknowns.  Assuming there are no
+other occurrences of~$\Var{f}$, equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}) simplifies to the 
+\[ t(\Var{h@1}(t),\ldots,\Var{h@m}(t)) \qeq g(u@1,\ldots,u@k). $$ 
+Huet's unification procedure is complete.  Isabelle's polymorphic version,
+which solves for type unknowns as well as for term unknowns, is incomplete.
+The problem is that projection requires type information.  In
+equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}), if the type of~$t$ is unknown, then projections
+are possible for all~$m\geq0$, and the types of the $\Var{h@i}$ will be
+similarly unconstrained.  Therefore, Isabelle never attempts such
+projections, and may fail to find unifiers where a type unknown turns out
+to be a function type.
+\index{unknowns!of function type|bold}
+Given $\Var{f}(t@1,\ldots,t@n)\qeq u$, Huet's procedure could make up to
+$n+1$ guesses.  The search tree and set of unifiers may be infinite.  But
+higher-order unification can work effectively, provided you are careful
+with {\bf function unknowns}:
+  \item Equations with no function unknowns are solved using first-order
+unification, extended to treat bound variables.  For example, $\lambda x.x
+\qeq \lambda x.\Var{y}$ has no solution because $\Var{y}\equiv x$ would
+capture the free variable~$x$.
+  \item An occurrence of the term $\Var{f}(x,y,z)$, where the arguments are
+distinct bound variables, causes no difficulties.  Its projections can only
+match the corresponding variables.
+  \item Even an equation such as $\Var{f}(a)\qeq a+a$ is all right.  It has
+four solutions, but Isabelle evaluates them lazily, trying projection before
+imitation. The first solution is usually the one desired:
+\[ \Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. x+x \quad
+   \Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. a+x \quad
+   \Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. x+a \quad
+   \Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. a+a \]
+  \item  Equations such as $\Var{f}(\Var{x},\Var{y})\qeq t$ and
+$\Var{f}(\Var{g}(x))\qeq t$ admit vast numbers of unifiers, and must be
+In problematic cases, you may have to instantiate some unknowns before
+invoking unification. 
+\subsection{Joining rules by resolution} \label{joining}
+Let $\List{\psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m} \Imp \psi$ and $\List{\phi@1; \ldots;
+\phi@n} \Imp \phi$ be two Isabelle theorems, representing object-level rules. 
+Choosing some~$i$ from~1 to~$n$, suppose that $\psi$ and $\phi@i$ have a
+higher-order unifier.  Writing $Xs$ for the application of substitution~$s$ to
+expression~$X$, this means there is some~$s$ such that $\psi s\equiv \phi@i s$.
+By resolution, we may conclude
+\[ (\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m;
+          \phi@{i+1}; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s.
+The substitution~$s$ may instantiate unknowns in both rules.  In short,
+resolution is the following rule:
+\[ \infer[(\psi s\equiv \phi@i s)]
+         {(\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m;
+          \phi@{i+1}; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s}
+         {\List{\psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m} \Imp \psi & &
+          \List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi}
+It operates at the meta-level, on Isabelle theorems, and is justified by
+the properties of $\Imp$ and~$\Forall$.  It takes the number~$i$ (for
+$1\leq i\leq n$) as a parameter and may yield infinitely many conclusions,
+one for each unifier of $\psi$ with $\phi@i$.  Isabelle returns these
+conclusions as a sequence (lazy list).
+Resolution expects the rules to have no outer quantifiers~($\Forall$).  It
+may rename or instantiate any schematic variables, but leaves free
+variables unchanged.  When constructing a theory, Isabelle puts the rules
+into a standard form containing no free variables; for instance, $({\imp}E)$
+\[ \List{\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}; \Var{P}}  \Imp \Var{Q}. 
+When resolving two rules, the unknowns in the first rule are renamed, by
+subscripting, to make them distinct from the unknowns in the second rule.  To
+resolve $({\imp}E)$ with itself, the first copy of the rule would become
+\[ \List{\Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1}; \Var{P@1}}  \Imp \Var{Q@1}. \]
+Resolving this with $({\imp}E)$ in the first premise, unifying $\Var{Q@1}$ with
+$\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}$, is the meta-level inference
+\[ \infer{\List{\Var{P@1}\imp (\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}); \Var{P@1}; \Var{P}} 
+           \Imp\Var{Q}.}
+         {\List{\Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1}; \Var{P@1}}  \Imp \Var{Q@1} & &
+          \List{\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}; \Var{P}}  \Imp \Var{Q}}
+Renaming the unknowns in the resolvent, we have derived the
+object-level rule
+\[ \infer{Q.}{R\imp (P\imp Q)  &  R  &  P}  \]
+Joining rules in this fashion is a simple way of proving theorems.  The
+derived rules are conservative extensions of the object-logic, and may permit
+simpler proofs.  Let us consider another example.  Suppose we have the axiom
+$$ \forall x\,y. Suc(x)=Suc(y)\imp x=y. \eqno (inject) $$
+The standard form of $(\forall E)$ is
+$\forall x.\Var{P}(x)  \Imp \Var{P}(\Var{t})$.
+Resolving $(inject)$ with $(\forall E)$ replaces $\Var{P}$ by
+$\lambda x. \forall y. Suc(x)=Suc(y)\imp x=y$ and leaves $\Var{t}$
+unchanged, yielding  
+\[ \forall y. Suc(\Var{t})=Suc(y)\imp \Var{t}=y. \]
+Resolving this with $(\forall E)$ puts a subscript on~$\Var{t}$
+and yields
+\[ Suc(\Var{t@1})=Suc(\Var{t})\imp \Var{t@1}=\Var{t}. \]
+Resolving this with $({\imp}E)$ increases the subscripts and yields
+\[ Suc(\Var{t@2})=Suc(\Var{t@1})\Imp \Var{t@2}=\Var{t@1}. 
+We have derived the rule
+\[ \infer{m=n,}{Suc(m)=Suc(n)} \]
+which goes directly from $Suc(m)=Suc(n)$ to $m=n$.  It is handy for simplifying
+an equation like $Suc(Suc(Suc(m)))=Suc(Suc(Suc(0)))$.  
+\subsection{Lifting a rule into a context}
+The rules $({\imp}I)$ and $(\forall I)$ may seem unsuitable for
+resolution.  They have non-atomic premises, namely $P\Imp Q$ and $\Forall
+x.P(x)$, while the conclusions of all the rules are atomic (they have the form
+$Trueprop(\cdots)$).  Isabelle gets round the problem through a meta-inference
+called \bfindex{lifting}.  Let us consider how to construct proofs such as
+\[ \infer[({\imp}I)]{P\imp(Q\imp R)}
+         {\infer[({\imp}I)]{Q\imp R}
+                        {\infer*{R}{[P] & [Q]}}}
+   \qquad
+   \infer[(\forall I)]{\forall x\,y.P(x,y)}
+         {\infer[(\forall I)]{\forall y.P(x,y)}{P(x,y)}}
+\subsubsection{Lifting over assumptions}
+\index{lifting!over assumptions|bold}
+Lifting over $\theta\Imp{}$ is the following meta-inference rule:
+\[ \infer{\List{\theta\Imp\phi@1; \ldots; \theta\Imp\phi@n} \Imp
+          (\theta \Imp \phi)}
+         {\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi} \]
+This is clearly sound: if $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$ is true and
+$\theta\Imp\phi@1$, \ldots, $\theta\Imp\phi@n$, $\theta$ are all true then
+$\phi$ must be true.  Iterated lifting over a series of meta-formulae
+$\theta@k$, \ldots, $\theta@1$ yields an object-rule whose conclusion is
+$\List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k} \Imp \phi$.  Typically the $\theta@i$ are
+the assumptions in a natural deduction proof; lifting copies them into a rule's
+premises and conclusion.
+When resolving two rules, Isabelle lifts the first one if necessary.  The
+standard form of $({\imp}I)$ is
+\[ (\Var{P} \Imp \Var{Q})  \Imp  \Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}.   \]
+To resolve this rule with itself, Isabelle modifies one copy as follows: it
+renames the unknowns to $\Var{P@1}$ and $\Var{Q@1}$, then lifts the rule over
+\[ \List{\List{\Var{P}; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{Q@1}; \Var{P}} 
+   \Imp  \Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1}.   \]
+Unifying $\Var{P}\Imp \Var{P@1}\imp\Var{Q@1}$ with $\Var{P} \Imp
+\Var{Q}$ instantiates $\Var{Q}$ to ${\Var{P@1}\imp\Var{Q@1}}$.
+Resolution yields
+\[ (\List{\Var{P}; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{Q@1}) \Imp
+\Var{P}\imp(\Var{P@1}\imp\Var{Q@1}).   \]
+This represents the derived rule
+\[ \infer{P\imp(Q\imp R).}{\infer*{R}{[P,Q]}} \]
+\subsubsection{Lifting over parameters}
+\index{lifting!over parameters|bold}
+An analogous form of lifting handles premises of the form $\Forall x\ldots\,$. 
+Here, lifting prefixes an object-rule's premises and conclusion with $\Forall
+x$.  At the same time, lifting introduces a dependence upon~$x$.  It replaces
+each unknown $\Var{a}$ in the rule by $\Var{a'}(x)$, where $\Var{a'}$ is a new
+unknown (by subscripting) of suitable type --- necessarily a function type.  In
+short, lifting is the meta-inference
+\[ \infer{\List{\Forall x.\phi@1^x; \ldots; \Forall x.\phi@n^x} 
+           \Imp \Forall x.\phi^x,}
+         {\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi} \]
+where $\phi^x$ stands for the result of lifting unknowns over~$x$ in $\phi$. 
+It is not hard to verify that this meta-inference is sound.
+For example, $(\disj I)$ might be lifted to
+\[ (\Forall x.\Var{P@1}(x)) \Imp (\Forall x. \Var{P@1}(x)\disj \Var{Q@1}(x))\]
+and $(\forall I)$ to
+\[ (\Forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) \Imp (\Forall x. \forall y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)). \]
+Isabelle has renamed a bound variable in $(\forall I)$ from $x$ to~$y$,
+avoiding a clash.  Resolving the above with $(\forall I)$ is the meta-inference
+\[ \infer{\Forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) \Imp \forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) }
+         {(\Forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) \Imp 
+               (\Forall x. \forall y.\Var{P@1}(x,y))  &
+          (\Forall x.\Var{P}(x)) \Imp (\forall x.\Var{P}(x))} \]
+Here, $\Var{P}$ is replaced by $\lambda x.\forall y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)$; the
+resolvent expresses the derived rule
+\[ \vcenter{ \infer{\forall x\,y.Q(x,y)}{Q(x,y)} }
+   \quad\hbox{provided $x$, $y$ not free in the assumptions} 
+I discuss lifting and parameters at length elsewhere~\cite{paulson89}.
+Miller goes into even greater detail~\cite{miller-jsc}.
+\section{Backward proof by resolution}
+\index{resolution!in backward proof}\index{proof!backward|bold}
+Resolution is convenient for deriving simple rules and for reasoning
+forward from facts.  It can also support backward proof, where we start
+with a goal and refine it to progressively simpler subgoals until all have
+been solved.  {\sc lcf} (and its descendants {\sc hol} and Nuprl) provide
+tactics and tacticals, which constitute a high-level language for
+expressing proof searches.  \bfindex{Tactics} perform primitive refinements
+while \bfindex{tacticals} combine tactics.
+Isabelle's tactics and tacticals work differently from {\sc lcf}'s.  An
+Isabelle rule is {\bf bidirectional}: there is no distinction between
+inputs and outputs.  {\sc lcf} has a separate tactic for each rule;
+Isabelle performs refinement by any rule in a uniform fashion, using
+\index{subgoals|bold}\index{main goal|bold}
+Isabelle works with meta-level theorems of the form
+\( \List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi \).
+We have viewed this as the {\bf rule} with premises
+$\phi@1$,~\ldots,~$\phi@n$ and conclusion~$\phi$.  It can also be viewed as
+the \bfindex{proof state} with subgoals $\phi@1$,~\ldots,~$\phi@n$ and main
+To prove the formula~$\phi$, take $\phi\Imp \phi$ as the initial proof
+state.  This assertion is, trivially, a theorem.  At a later stage in the
+backward proof, a typical proof state is $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n}
+\Imp \phi$.  This proof state is a theorem, guaranteeing that the subgoals
+$\phi@1$,~\ldots,~$\phi@n$ imply~$\phi$.  If $m=0$ then we have
+proved~$\phi$ outright.  If $\phi$ contains unknowns, they may become
+instantiated during the proof; a proof state may be $\List{\phi@1; \ldots;
+\phi@n} \Imp \phi'$, where $\phi'$ is an instance of~$\phi$.
+\subsection{Refinement by resolution}
+To refine subgoal~$i$ of a proof state by a rule, perform the following
+\[ \infer{\hbox{new proof state}}{\hbox{rule} & & \hbox{proof state}} \]
+If the rule is $\List{\psi'@1; \ldots; \psi'@m} \Imp \psi'$ after lifting
+over subgoal~$i$, and the proof state is $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n}
+\Imp \phi$, then the new proof state is (for~$1\leq i\leq n$)
+\[ (\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \psi'@1;
+          \ldots; \psi'@m; \phi@{i+1}; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s.  \]
+Substitution~$s$ unifies $\psi'$ with~$\phi@i$.  In the proof state,
+subgoal~$i$ is replaced by $m$ new subgoals, the rule's instantiated premises.
+If some of the rule's unknowns are left un-instantiated, they become new
+unknowns in the proof state.  Refinement by~$(\exists I)$, namely
+\[ \Var{P}(\Var{t}) \Imp \exists x. \Var{P}(x), \]
+inserts a new unknown derived from~$\Var{t}$ by subscripting and lifting.
+We do not have to specify an `existential witness' when
+applying~$(\exists I)$.  Further resolutions may instantiate unknowns in
+the proof state.
+\subsection{Proof by assumption}
+\index{proof!by assumption|bold}
+In the course of a natural deduction proof, parameters $x@1$, \ldots,~$x@l$ and
+assumptions $\theta@1$, \ldots, $\theta@k$ accumulate, forming a context for
+each subgoal.  Repeated lifting steps can lift a rule into any context.  To
+aid readability, Isabelle puts contexts into a normal form, gathering the
+parameters at the front:
+\begin{equation} \label{context-eqn}
+\Forall x@1 \ldots x@l. \List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k}\Imp\theta. 
+Under the usual reading of the connectives, this expresses that $\theta$
+follows from $\theta@1$,~\ldots~$\theta@k$ for arbitrary
+$x@1$,~\ldots,~$x@l$.  It is trivially true if $\theta$ equals any of
+$\theta@1$,~\ldots~$\theta@k$, or is unifiable with any of them.  This
+models proof by assumption in natural deduction.
+Isabelle automates the meta-inference for proof by assumption.  Its arguments
+are the meta-theorem $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$, and some~$i$
+from~1 to~$n$, where $\phi@i$ has the form~(\ref{context-eqn}).  Its results
+are meta-theorems of the form
+\[ (\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \phi@{i+1}; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s \]
+for each $s$ and~$j$ such that $s$ unifies $\lambda x@1 \ldots x@l. \theta@j$
+with $\lambda x@1 \ldots x@l. \theta$.  Isabelle supplies the parameters
+$x@1$,~\ldots,~$x@l$ to higher-order unification as bound variables, which
+regards them as unique constants with a limited scope --- this enforces
+parameter provisos~\cite{paulson89}.
+The premise represents a proof state with~$n$ subgoals, of which the~$i$th is
+to be solved by assumption.  Isabelle searches the subgoal's context for an
+assumption, say $\theta@j$, that can solve it by unification.  For each
+unifier, the meta-inference returns an instantiated proof state from which the
+$i$th subgoal has been removed.  Isabelle searches for a unifying assumption;
+for readability and robustness, proofs do not refer to assumptions by number.
+Consider the proof state $(\List{P(a); P(b)} \Imp P(\Var{x})) \Imp Q(\Var{x})$.
+Proof by assumption (with $i=1$, the only possibility) yields two results:
+  \item $Q(a)$, instantiating $\Var{x}\equiv a$
+  \item $Q(b)$, instantiating $\Var{x}\equiv b$
+Here, proof by assumption affects the main goal.  It could also affect
+other subgoals.  Consider the effect of having the
+additional subgoal ${\List{P(b); P(c)} \Imp P(\Var{x})}$.
+\subsection{A propositional proof} \label{prop-proof}
+Our first example avoids quantifiers.  Given the main goal $P\disj P\imp
+P$, Isabelle creates the initial state
+\[ (P\disj P\imp P)\Imp (P\disj P\imp P). \]
+Bear in mind that every proof state we derive will be a meta-theorem,
+expressing that the subgoals imply the main goal.  The first step is to refine
+subgoal~1 by (${\imp}I)$, creating a new state where $P\disj P$ is an
+\[ (P\disj P\Imp P)\Imp (P\disj P\imp P) \]
+The next step is $(\disj E)$, which replaces subgoal~1 by three new subgoals. 
+Because of lifting, each subgoal contains a copy of the context --- the
+assumption $P\disj P$.  (In fact, this assumption is now redundant; we shall
+shortly see how to get rid of it!)  The new proof state is the following
+meta-theorem, laid out for clarity:
+\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l@{\qquad\qquad}l} 
+  \lbrakk\;& P\disj P\Imp \Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}; & \hbox{(subgoal 1)} \\
+           & \List{P\disj P; \Var{P@1}} \Imp P;    & \hbox{(subgoal 2)} \\
+           & \List{P\disj P; \Var{Q@1}} \Imp P     & \hbox{(subgoal 3)} \\
+  \rbrakk\;& \Imp (P\disj P\imp P)                 & \hbox{(main goal)}
+   \end{array} 
+Notice the unknowns in the proof state.  Because we have applied $(\disj E)$,
+we must prove some disjunction, $\Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}$.  Of course,
+subgoal~1 is provable by assumption.  This instantiates both $\Var{P@1}$ and
+$\Var{Q@1}$ to~$P$ throughout the proof state:
+\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l@{\qquad\qquad}l} 
+    \lbrakk\;& \List{P\disj P; P} \Imp P; & \hbox{(subgoal 1)} \\
+             & \List{P\disj P; P} \Imp P  & \hbox{(subgoal 2)} \\
+    \rbrakk\;& \Imp (P\disj P\imp P)      & \hbox{(main goal)}
+   \end{array} \]
+Both of the remaining subgoals can be proved by assumption.  After two such
+steps, the proof state is simply the meta-theorem $P\disj P\imp P$.  This is
+our desired result.
+\subsection{A quantifier proof}
+\index{examples!with quantifiers}
+To illustrate quantifiers and $\Forall$-lifting, let us prove
+$(\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))$.  The initial proof
+state is the trivial meta-theorem 
+\[ (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)) \Imp 
+   (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)). \]
+As above, the first step is refinement by (${\imp}I)$: 
+\[ (\exists x.P(f(x))\Imp \exists x.P(x)) \Imp 
+   (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)) 
+The next step is $(\exists E)$, which replaces subgoal~1 by two new subgoals.
+Both have the assumption $\exists x.P(f(x))$.  The new proof
+state is the meta-theorem  
+\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l@{\qquad\qquad}l} 
+   \lbrakk\;& \exists x.P(f(x)) \Imp \exists x.\Var{P@1}(x); & \hbox{(subgoal 1)} \\
+            & \Forall x.\List{\exists x.P(f(x)); \Var{P@1}(x)} \Imp 
+                       \exists x.P(x)  & \hbox{(subgoal 2)} \\
+    \rbrakk\;& \Imp (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))  & \hbox{(main goal)}
+   \end{array} 
+The unknown $\Var{P@1}$ appears in both subgoals.  Because we have applied
+$(\exists E)$, we must prove $\exists x.\Var{P@1}(x)$, where $\Var{P@1}(x)$ may
+become any formula possibly containing~$x$.  Proving subgoal~1 by assumption
+instantiates $\Var{P@1}$ to~$\lambda x.P(f(x))$:  
+\[ \left(\Forall x.\List{\exists x.P(f(x)); P(f(x))} \Imp 
+         \exists x.P(x)\right) 
+   \Imp (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)) 
+The next step is refinement by $(\exists I)$.  The rule is lifted into the
+context of the parameter~$x$ and the assumption $P(f(x))$.  This ensures that
+the context is copied to the subgoal and allows the existential witness to
+depend upon~$x$: 
+\[ \left(\Forall x.\List{\exists x.P(f(x)); P(f(x))} \Imp 
+         P(\Var{x@2}(x))\right) 
+   \Imp (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)) 
+The existential witness, $\Var{x@2}(x)$, consists of an unknown
+applied to a parameter.  Proof by assumption unifies $\lambda x.P(f(x))$ 
+with $\lambda x.P(\Var{x@2}(x))$, instantiating $\Var{x@2}$ to $f$.  The final
+proof state contains no subgoals: $(\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))$.
+\subsection{Tactics and tacticals}
+{\bf Tactics} perform backward proof.  Isabelle tactics differ from those
+of {\sc lcf}, {\sc hol} and Nuprl by operating on entire proof states,
+rather than on individual subgoals.  An Isabelle tactic is a function that
+takes a proof state and returns a sequence (lazy list) of possible
+successor states.  Sequences are coded in ML as functions, a standard
+technique~\cite{paulson91}.  Isabelle represents proof states by theorems.
+Basic tactics execute the meta-rules described above, operating on a
+given subgoal.  The {\bf resolution tactics} take a list of rules and
+return next states for each combination of rule and unifier.  The {\bf
+assumption tactic} examines the subgoal's assumptions and returns next
+states for each combination of assumption and unifier.  Lazy lists are
+essential because higher-order resolution may return infinitely many
+unifiers.  If there are no matching rules or assumptions then no next
+states are generated; a tactic application that returns an empty list is
+said to {\bf fail}.
+Sequences realize their full potential with {\bf tacticals} --- operators
+for combining tactics.  Depth-first search, breadth-first search and
+best-first search (where a heuristic function selects the best state to
+explore) return their outcomes as a sequence.  Isabelle provides such
+procedures in the form of tacticals.  Simpler procedures can be expressed
+directly using the basic tacticals {\it THEN}, {\it ORELSE} and {\it REPEAT}:
+\item[$tac1\;THEN\;tac2$] is a tactic for sequential composition.  Applied
+to a proof state, it returns all states reachable in two steps by applying
+$tac1$ followed by~$tac2$.
+\item[$tac1\;ORELSE\;tac2$] is a choice tactic.  Applied to a state, it
+tries~$tac1$ and returns the result if non-empty; otherwise, it uses~$tac2$.
+\item[$REPEAT\;tac$] is a repetition tactic.  Applied to a state, it
+returns all states reachable by applying~$tac$ as long as possible (until
+it would fail).  $REPEAT$ can be expressed in a few lines of \ML{} using
+{\it THEN} and~{\it ORELSE}.
+For instance, this tactic repeatedly applies $tac1$ and~$tac2$, giving
+$tac1$ priority:
+\[ REPEAT(tac1\;ORELSE\;tac2) \]
+\section{Variations on resolution}
+In principle, resolution and proof by assumption suffice to prove all
+theorems.  However, specialized forms of resolution are helpful for working
+with elimination rules.  Elim-resolution applies an elimination rule to an
+assumption; destruct-resolution is similar, but applies a rule in a forward
+The last part of the section shows how the techniques for proving theorems
+can also serve to derive rules.
+Consider proving the theorem $((R\disj R)\disj R)\disj R\imp R$.  By
+$({\imp}I)$, we prove $R$ from the assumption $((R\disj R)\disj R)\disj R$.
+Applying $(\disj E)$ to this assumption yields two subgoals, one that
+assumes~$R$ (and is therefore trivial) and one that assumes $(R\disj
+R)\disj R$.  This subgoal admits another application of $(\disj E)$.  Since
+natural deduction never discards assumptions, we eventually generate a
+subgoal containing much that is redundant:
+\[ \List{((R\disj R)\disj R)\disj R; (R\disj R)\disj R; R\disj R; R} \Imp R. \]
+In general, using $(\disj E)$ on the assumption $P\disj Q$ creates two new
+subgoals with the additional assumption $P$ or~$Q$.  In these subgoals,
+$P\disj Q$ is redundant.  It wastes space; worse, it could make a theorem
+prover repeatedly apply~$(\disj E)$, looping.  Other elimination rules pose
+similar problems.  In first-order logic, only universally quantified
+assumptions are sometimes needed more than once --- say, to prove
+$P(f(f(a)))$ from the assumptions $\forall x.P(x)\imp P(f(x))$ and~$P(a)$.
+Many logics can be formulated as sequent calculi that delete redundant
+assumptions after use.  The rule $(\disj E)$ might become
+\[ \infer[\disj\hbox{-left}]
+         {\Gamma,P\disj Q,\Delta \turn \Theta}
+         {\Gamma,P,\Delta \turn \Theta && \Gamma,Q,\Delta \turn \Theta}  \] 
+In backward proof, a goal containing $P\disj Q$ on the left of the~$\turn$
+(that is, as an assumption) splits into two subgoals, replacing $P\disj Q$
+by $P$ or~$Q$.  But the sequent calculus, with its explicit handling of
+assumptions, can be tiresome to use.
+Elim-resolution is Isabelle's way of getting sequent calculus behaviour
+from natural deduction rules.  It lets an elimination rule consume an
+assumption.  Elim-resolution takes a rule $\List{\psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m}
+\Imp \psi$ a proof state $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$, and a
+subgoal number~$i$.  The rule must have at least one premise, thus $m>0$.
+Write the rule's lifted form as $\List{\psi'@1; \ldots; \psi'@m} \Imp
+\psi'$.  Ordinary resolution would attempt to reduce~$\phi@i$,
+replacing subgoal~$i$ by $m$ new ones.  Elim-resolution tries {\bf
+simultaneously} to reduce~$\phi@i$ and to solve~$\psi'@1$ by assumption; it
+returns a sequence of next states.  Each of these replaces subgoal~$i$ by
+instances of $\psi'@2$, \ldots, $\psi'@m$ from which the selected
+assumption has been deleted.  Suppose $\phi@i$ has the parameter~$x$ and
+assumptions $\theta@1$,~\ldots,~$\theta@k$.  Then $\psi'@1$, the rule's first
+premise after lifting, will be
+\( \Forall x. \List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k}\Imp \psi^{x}@1 \).
+Elim-resolution tries to unify simultaneously $\psi'\qeq\phi@i$ and
+$\lambda x. \theta@j \qeq \lambda x. \psi^{x}@1$, for $j=1$,~\ldots,~$k$.
+Let us redo the example from~\S\ref{prop-proof}.  The elimination rule
+is~$(\disj E)$,
+\[ \List{\Var{P}\disj \Var{Q};\; \Var{P}\Imp \Var{R};\; \Var{Q}\Imp \Var{R}}
+      \Imp \Var{R}  \]
+and the proof state is $(P\disj P\Imp P)\Imp (P\disj P\imp P)$.  The
+lifted rule would be
+\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l}
+  \lbrakk\;& P\disj P \Imp \Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}; \\
+           & \List{P\disj P ;\; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{R@1};    \\
+           & \List{P\disj P ;\; \Var{Q@1}} \Imp \Var{R@1}     \\
+  \rbrakk\;& \Imp \Var{R@1}
+  \end{array} 
+Unification would take the simultaneous equations
+$P\disj P \qeq \Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}$ and $\Var{R@1} \qeq P$, yielding
+$\Var{P@1}\equiv\Var{Q@1}\equiv\Var{R@1} \equiv P$.  The new proof state
+would be simply
+\[ \List{P \Imp P;\; P \Imp P} \Imp (P\disj P\imp P). 
+Elim-resolution's simultaneous unification gives better control
+than ordinary resolution.  Recall the substitution rule:
+$$ \List{\Var{t}=\Var{u}; \Var{P}(\Var{t})} \Imp \Var{P}(\Var{u}) 
+   \eqno(subst) $$
+Unsuitable for ordinary resolution because $\Var{P}(\Var{u})$ admits many
+unifiers, $(subst)$ works well with elim-resolution.  It deletes some
+assumption of the form $x=y$ and replaces every~$y$ by~$x$ in the subgoal
+formula.  The simultaneous unification instantiates $\Var{u}$ to~$y$; if
+$y$ is not an unknown, then $\Var{P}(y)$ can easily be unified with another
+In logical parlance, the premise containing the connective to be eliminated
+is called the \bfindex{major premise}.  Elim-resolution expects the major
+premise to come first.  The order of the premises is significant in
+\subsection{Destruction rules} \label{destruct}
+\index{destruction rules|bold}\index{proof!forward}
+Looking back to Figure~\ref{fol-fig}, notice that there are two kinds of
+elimination rule.  The rules $({\conj}E1)$, $({\conj}E2)$, $({\imp}E)$ and
+$({\forall}E)$ extract the conclusion from the major premise.  In Isabelle
+parlance, such rules are called \bfindex{destruction rules}; they are readable
+and easy to use in forward proof.  The rules $({\disj}E)$, $({\bot}E)$ and
+$({\exists}E)$ work by discharging assumptions; they support backward proof
+in a style reminiscent of the sequent calculus.
+The latter style is the most general form of elimination rule.  In natural
+deduction, there is no way to recast $({\disj}E)$, $({\bot}E)$ or
+$({\exists}E)$ as destruction rules.  But we can write general elimination
+rules for $\conj$, $\imp$ and~$\forall$:
+\infer{R}{P\conj Q & \infer*{R}{[P,Q]}} \qquad
+\infer{R}{P\imp Q & P & \infer*{R}{[Q]}}  \qquad
+\infer{Q}{\forall x.P & \infer*{Q}{[P[t/x]]}} 
+Because they are concise, destruction rules are simpler to derive than the
+corresponding elimination rules.  To facilitate their use in backward
+proof, Isabelle provides a means of transforming a destruction rule such as
+\[ \infer[\quad\hbox{to the elimination rule}\quad]{Q}{P@1 & \ldots & P@m} 
+   \infer{R.}{P@1 & \ldots & P@m & \infer*{R}{[Q]}} 
+{\bf Destruct-resolution} combines this transformation with
+elim-resolution.  It applies a destruction rule to some assumption of a
+subgoal.  Given the rule above, it replaces the assumption~$P@1$ by~$Q$,
+with new subgoals of showing instances of $P@2$, \ldots,~$P@m$.
+Destruct-resolution works forward from a subgoal's assumptions.  Ordinary
+resolution performs forward reasoning from theorems, as illustrated
+\subsection{Deriving rules by resolution}  \label{deriving}
+The meta-logic, itself a form of the predicate calculus, is defined by a
+system of natural deduction rules.  Each theorem may depend upon
+meta-assumptions.  The theorem that~$\phi$ follows from the assumptions
+$\phi@1$, \ldots, $\phi@n$ is written
+\[ \phi \quad [\phi@1,\ldots,\phi@n]. \]
+A more conventional notation might be $\phi@1,\ldots,\phi@n \turn \phi$,
+but Isabelle's notation is more readable with large formulae.
+Meta-level natural deduction provides a convenient mechanism for deriving
+new object-level rules.  To derive the rule
+\[ \infer{\phi,}{\theta@1 & \ldots & \theta@k} \]
+assume the premises $\theta@1$,~\ldots,~$\theta@k$ at the
+meta-level.  Then prove $\phi$, possibly using these assumptions.
+Starting with a proof state $\phi\Imp\phi$, assumptions may accumulate,
+reaching a final state such as
+\[ \phi \quad [\theta@1,\ldots,\theta@k]. \]
+The meta-rule for $\Imp$ introduction discharges an assumption.
+Discharging them in the order $\theta@k,\ldots,\theta@1$ yields the
+meta-theorem $\List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k} \Imp \phi$, with no
+assumptions.  This represents the desired rule.
+Let us derive the general $\conj$ elimination rule:
+$$ \infer{R}{P\conj Q & \infer*{R}{[P,Q]}}  \eqno(\conj E)$$
+We assume $P\conj Q$ and $\List{P;Q}\Imp R$, and commence backward proof in
+the state $R\Imp R$.  Resolving this with the second assumption yields the
+\[ \phantom{\List{P\conj Q;\; P\conj Q}}
+   \llap{$\List{P;Q}$}\Imp R \quad [\,\List{P;Q}\Imp R\,]. \]
+Resolving subgoals~1 and~2 with $({\conj}E1)$ and $({\conj}E2)$,
+respectively, yields the state
+\[ \List{P\conj Q;\; P\conj Q}\Imp R \quad [\,\List{P;Q}\Imp R\,]. \]
+Resolving both subgoals with the assumption $P\conj Q$ yields
+\[ R \quad [\, \List{P;Q}\Imp R, P\conj Q \,]. \]
+The proof may use the meta-assumptions in any order, and as often as
+necessary; when finished, we discharge them in the correct order to
+obtain the desired form:
+\[ \List{P\conj Q;\; \List{P;Q}\Imp R} \Imp R \]
+We have derived the rule using free variables, which prevents their
+premature instantiation during the proof; we may now replace them by
+schematic variables.
+Schematic variables are not allowed in (meta) assumptions because they would
+complicate lifting.  Assumptions remain fixed throughout a proof.
+% Local Variables: 
+% mode: latex
+% TeX-master: t
+% End: 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/gate.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Gate = FOL +
+consts  nand,xor :: "[o,o] => o"
+rules   nand_def "nand(P,Q) == ~(P & Q)"
+        xor_def  "xor(P,Q)  == P & ~Q | ~P & Q"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/gate2.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Gate2 = FOL +
+consts  "~&"     :: "[o,o] => o" (infixl 35)
+        "#"      :: "[o,o] => o" (infixl 30)
+        If       :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _")
+rules   nand_def "P ~& Q == ~(P & Q)"    
+        xor_def  "P # Q  == P & ~Q | ~P & Q"
+        If_def   "if P then Q else R == P&Q | ~P&R"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/getting.tex	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+%% $Id$
+\part{Getting started with Isabelle}
+This Part describes how to perform simple proofs using Isabelle.  Although
+it frequently refers to concepts from the previous Part, a user can get
+started without understanding them in detail.
+As of this writing, Isabelle's user interface is \ML.  Proofs are conducted
+by applying certain \ML{} functions, which update a stored proof state.
+Logics are combined and extended by calling \ML{} functions.  All syntax
+must be expressed using {\sc ascii} characters.  Menu-driven graphical
+interfaces are under construction, but Isabelle users will always need to
+know some \ML, at least to use tacticals.
+Object-logics are built upon Pure Isabelle, which implements the meta-logic
+and provides certain fundamental data structures: types, terms, signatures,
+theorems and theories, tactics and tacticals.  These data structures have
+the corresponding \ML{} types {\tt typ}, {\tt term}, {\tt}, {\tt thm},
+{\tt theory} and {\tt tactic}; tacticals have function types such as {\tt
+tactic->tactic}.  Isabelle users can operate on these data structures by
+writing \ML{} programs.
+\section{Forward proof}
+\index{Isabelle!getting started}\index{ML}
+This section describes the concrete syntax for types, terms and theorems,
+and demonstrates forward proof.
+\subsection{Lexical matters}
+\index{identifiers|bold}\index{reserved words|bold} 
+An {\bf identifier} is a string of letters, digits, underscores~(\verb|_|)
+and single quotes~({\tt'}), beginning with a letter.  Single quotes are
+regarded as primes; for instance {\tt x'} is read as~$x'$.  Identifiers are
+separated by white space and special characters.  {\bf Reserved words} are
+identifiers that appear in Isabelle syntax definitions.
+An Isabelle theory can declare symbols composed of special characters, such
+as {\tt=}, {\tt==}, {\tt=>} and {\tt==>}.  (The latter three are part of
+the syntax of the meta-logic.)  Such symbols may be run together; thus if
+\verb|}| and \verb|{| are used for set brackets then \verb|{{a},{a,b}}| is
+valid notation for a set of sets --- but only if \verb|}}| and \verb|{{|
+have not been declared as symbols!  The parser resolves any ambiguity by
+taking the longest possible symbol that has been declared.  Thus the string
+{\tt==>} is read as a single symbol.  But \hbox{\tt= =>} is read as two
+symbols, as is \verb|}}|, as discussed above.
+Identifiers that are not reserved words may serve as free variables or
+constants.  A type identifier consists of an identifier prefixed by a
+prime, for example {\tt'a} and \hbox{\tt'hello}.  An unknown (or type
+unknown) consists of a question mark, an identifier (or type identifier),
+and a subscript.  The subscript, a non-negative integer, allows the
+renaming of unknowns prior to unification.
+The subscript may appear after the identifier, separated by a dot; this
+prevents ambiguity when the identifier ends with a digit.  Thus {\tt?z6.0}
+has identifier \verb|"z6"| and subscript~0, while {\tt?a0.5} has identifier
+\verb|"a0"| and subscript~5.  If the identifier does not end with a digit,
+then no dot appears and a subscript of~0 is omitted; for example,
+{\tt?hello} has identifier \verb|"hello"| and subscript zero, while
+{\tt?z6} has identifier \verb|"z"| and subscript~6.  The same conventions
+apply to type unknowns.  Note that the question mark is {\bf not} part of the
+\subsection{Syntax of types and terms}
+\index{Isabelle!syntax of}
+Classes are denoted by identifiers; the built-in class \ttindex{logic}
+contains the `logical' types.  Sorts are lists of classes enclosed in
+braces~\{ and \}; singleton sorts may be abbreviated by dropping the braces.
+Types are written with a syntax like \ML's.  The built-in type \ttindex{prop}
+is the type of propositions.  Type variables can be constrained to particular
+classes or sorts, for example {\tt 'a::term} and {\tt ?'b::\{ord,arith\}}.
+    \multicolumn{3}{c}{\hbox{ASCII Notation for Types}} \\ \hline
+  t "::" C              & t :: C        & \hbox{class constraint} \\
+  t "::" "\{"   C@1 "," \ldots "," C@n "\}" &
+     t :: \{C@1,\dots,C@n\}             & \hbox{sort constraint} \\
+  \sigma"=>"\tau        & \sigma\To\tau & \hbox{function type} \\
+  "[" \sigma@1 "," \ldots "," \sigma@n "] => " \tau &
+     [\sigma@1,\ldots,\sigma@n] \To\tau & \hbox{curried function type} \\
+  "(" \tau@1"," \ldots "," \tau@n ")" tycon & 
+     (\tau@1, \ldots, \tau@n)tycon      & \hbox{type construction}
+Terms are those of the typed $\lambda$-calculus.
+    \multicolumn{3}{c}{\hbox{ASCII Notation for Terms}} \\ \hline
+  t "::" \sigma         & t :: \sigma   & \hbox{type constraint} \\
+  "\%" x "." t          & \lambda x.t   & \hbox{abstraction} \\
+  "\%" x@1\ldots x@n "." t  & \lambda x@1\ldots x@n.t & 
+     \hbox{curried abstraction} \\
+  t "(" u@1"," \ldots "," u@n ")" & 
+  t (u@1, \ldots, u@n) & \hbox{curried application}
+The theorems and rules of an object-logic are represented by theorems in
+the meta-logic, which are expressed using meta-formulae.  Since the
+meta-logic is higher-order, meta-formulae~$\phi$, $\psi$, $\theta$,~\ldots{}
+are just terms of type~\ttindex{prop}.  
+  \begin{array}{l@{\quad}l@{\quad}l}
+    \multicolumn{3}{c}{\hbox{ASCII Notation for Meta-Formulae}} \\ \hline
+  a " == " b    & a\equiv b &   \hbox{meta-equality} \\
+  a " =?= " b   & a\qeq b &     \hbox{flex-flex constraint} \\
+  \phi " ==> " \psi & \phi\Imp \psi & \hbox{meta-implication} \\
+  "[|" \phi@1 ";" \ldots ";" \phi@n "|] ==> " \psi & 
+  \List{\phi@1;\ldots;\phi@n} \Imp \psi & \hbox{nested implication} \\
+  "!!" x "." \phi & \Forall x.\phi & \hbox{meta-quantification} \\
+  "!!" x@1\ldots x@n "." \phi & 
+  \Forall x@1. \ldots \Forall x@n.\phi & \hbox{nested quantification}
+  \end{array}
+Flex-flex constraints are meta-equalities arising from unification; they
+require special treatment.  See~\S\ref{flexflex}.
+\index{flex-flex equations}
+Most logics define the implicit coercion $Trueprop$ from object-formulae to
+This could cause an ambiguity: in $P\Imp Q$, do the variables $P$ and $Q$
+stand for meta-formulae or object-formulae?  If the latter, $P\Imp Q$
+really abbreviates $Trueprop(P)\Imp Trueprop(Q)$.  To prevent such
+ambiguities, Isabelle's syntax does not allow a meta-formula to consist of
+a variable.  Variables of type~\ttindex{prop} are seldom useful, but you
+can make a variable stand for a meta-formula by prefixing it with the
+keyword \ttindex{PROP}:
+PROP ?psi ==> PROP ?theta 
+Symbols of object-logics also must be rendered into {\sc ascii}, typically
+as follows:
+\[ \begin{tabular}{l@{\quad}l@{\quad}l}
+      \tt True          & $\top$        & true \\
+      \tt False         & $\bot$        & false \\
+      \tt $P$ \& $Q$    & $P\conj Q$    & conjunction \\
+      \tt $P$ | $Q$     & $P\disj Q$    & disjunction \\
+      \verb'~' $P$      & $\neg P$      & negation \\
+      \tt $P$ --> $Q$   & $P\imp Q$     & implication \\
+      \tt $P$ <-> $Q$   & $P\bimp Q$    & bi-implication \\
+      \tt ALL $x\,y\,z$ .\ $P$  & $\forall x\,y\,z.P$   & for all \\
+      \tt EX  $x\,y\,z$ .\ $P$  & $\exists x\,y\,z.P$   & there exists
+   \end{tabular}
+To illustrate the notation, consider two axioms for first-order logic:
+$$ \List{P; Q} \Imp P\conj Q                 \eqno(\conj I) $$
+$$ \List{\exists x.P(x);  \Forall x. P(x)\imp Q} \Imp Q  \eqno(\exists E) $$
+Using the {\tt [|\ldots|]} shorthand, $({\conj}I)$ translates literally into
+{\sc ascii} characters as
+[| ?P; ?Q |] ==> ?P & ?Q
+The schematic variables let unification instantiate the rule.  To
+avoid cluttering rules with question marks, Isabelle converts any free
+variables in a rule to schematic variables; we normally write $({\conj}I)$ as
+[| P; Q |] ==> P & Q
+This variables convention agrees with the treatment of variables in goals.
+Free variables in a goal remain fixed throughout the proof.  After the
+proof is finished, Isabelle converts them to scheme variables in the
+resulting theorem.  Scheme variables in a goal may be replaced by terms
+during the proof, supporting answer extraction, program synthesis, and so
+For a final example, the rule $(\exists E)$ is rendered in {\sc ascii} as
+[| EX x.P(x);  !!x. P(x) ==> Q |] ==> Q
+\subsection{Basic operations on theorems}
+\index{theorems!basic operations on|bold}
+Meta-level theorems have type \ttindex{thm} and represent the theorems and
+inference rules of object-logics.  Isabelle's meta-logic is implemented
+using the {\sc lcf} approach: each meta-level inference rule is represented by
+a function from theorems to theorems.  Object-level rules are taken as
+The main theorem printing commands are {\tt prth}, {\tt prths} and~{\tt
+  prthq}.  Of the other operations on theorems, most useful are {\tt RS}
+and {\tt RSN}, which perform resolution.
+\index{printing commands|bold}
+\item[\ttindexbold{prth} {\it thm}]  pretty-prints {\it thm\/} at the terminal.
+\item[\ttindexbold{prths} {\it thms}]  pretty-prints {\it thms}, a list of
+\item[\ttindexbold{prthq} {\it thmq}]  pretty-prints {\it thmq}, a sequence of
+theorems; this is useful for inspecting the output of a tactic.
+\item[\tt$thm1$ RS $thm2$] \indexbold{*RS} resolves the conclusion of $thm1$
+with the first premise of~$thm2$.
+\item[\tt$thm1$ RSN $(i,thm2)$] \indexbold{*RSN} resolves the conclusion of $thm1$
+with the $i$th premise of~$thm2$.
+\item[\ttindexbold{standard} $thm$]  puts $thm$ into a standard
+format.  It also renames schematic variables to have subscript zero,
+improving readability and reducing subscript growth.
+The rules of a theory are normally bound to \ML\ identifiers.  Suppose we
+are running an Isabelle session containing natural deduction first-order
+logic.  Let us try an example given in~\S\ref{joining}.  We first print
+\ttindex{mp}, which is the rule~$({\imp}E)$, then resolve it with itself.
+prth mp; 
+{\out [| ?P --> ?Q; ?P |] ==> ?Q}
+{\out val it = "[| ?P --> ?Q; ?P |] ==> ?Q" : thm}
+prth (mp RS mp);
+{\out [| ?P1 --> ?P --> ?Q; ?P1; ?P |] ==> ?Q}
+{\out val it = "[| ?P1 --> ?P --> ?Q; ?P1; ?P |] ==> ?Q" : thm}
+In the Isabelle documentation, user's input appears in {\tt typewriter
+  characters}, and output appears in {\sltt slanted typewriter characters}.
+\ML's response {\out val }~\ldots{} is compiler-dependent and will
+sometimes be suppressed.  This session illustrates two formats for the
+display of theorems.  Isabelle's top-level displays theorems as ML values,
+enclosed in quotes.\footnote{This works under both Poly/ML and Standard ML
+  of New Jersey.} Printing functions like {\tt prth} omit the quotes and
+the surrounding {\tt val \ldots :\ thm}.
+To contrast {\tt RS} with {\tt RSN}, we resolve
+\ttindex{conjunct1}, which stands for~$(\conj E1)$, with~\ttindex{mp}.
+conjunct1 RS mp;
+{\out val it = "[| (?P --> ?Q) & ?Q1; ?P |] ==> ?Q" : thm}
+conjunct1 RSN (2,mp);
+{\out val it = "[| ?P --> ?Q; ?P & ?Q1 |] ==> ?Q" : thm}
+These correspond to the following proofs:
+\[ \infer[({\imp}E)]{Q}{\infer[({\conj}E1)]{P\imp Q}{(P\imp Q)\conj Q@1} & P}
+   \qquad
+   \infer[({\imp}E)]{Q}{P\imp Q & \infer[({\conj}E1)]{P}{P\conj Q@1}} 
+The printing commands return their argument; the \ML{} identifier~{\tt it}
+denotes the value just printed.  You may derive a rule by pasting other
+rules together.  Below, \ttindex{spec} stands for~$(\forall E)$:
+{\out val it = "ALL x. ?P(x) ==> ?P(?x)" : thm}
+it RS mp;
+{\out val it = "[| ALL x. ?P3(x) --> ?Q2(x); ?P3(?x1) |] ==> ?Q2(?x1)" : thm}
+it RS conjunct1;
+{\out val it = "[| ALL x. ?P4(x) --> ?P6(x) & ?Q5(x); ?P4(?x2) |] ==> ?P6(?x2)"}
+standard it;
+{\out val it = "[| ALL x. ?P(x) --> ?Pa(x) & ?Q(x); ?P(?x) |] ==> ?Pa(?x)"}
+By resolving $(\forall E)$ with (${\imp}E)$ and (${\conj}E1)$, we have
+derived a destruction rule for formulae of the form $\forall x.
+P(x)\imp(Q(x)\conj R(x))$.  Used with destruct-resolution, such specialized
+rules provide a way of referring to particular assumptions.
+\subsection{Flex-flex equations} \label{flexflex}
+\index{flex-flex equations|bold}\index{unknowns!of function type}
+In higher-order unification, {\bf flex-flex} equations are those where both
+sides begin with a function unknown, such as $\Var{f}(0)\qeq\Var{g}(0)$.
+They admit a trivial unifier, here $\Var{f}\equiv \lambda x.\Var{a}$ and
+$\Var{g}\equiv \lambda y.\Var{a}$, where $\Var{a}$ is a new unknown.  They
+admit many other unifiers, such as $\Var{f} \equiv \lambda x.\Var{g}(0)$
+and $\{\Var{f} \equiv \lambda x.x,\, \Var{g} \equiv \lambda x.0\}$.  Huet's
+procedure does not enumerate the unifiers; instead, it retains flex-flex
+equations as constraints on future unifications.  Flex-flex constraints
+occasionally become attached to a proof state; more frequently, they appear
+during use of {\tt RS} and~{\tt RSN}:
+{\out val it = "?a = ?a" : thm}
+{\out val it = "?P(?x) ==> EX x. ?P(x)" : thm}
+refl RS exI;
+{\out val it = "?a3(?x) =?= ?a2(?x) ==> EX x. ?a3(x) = ?a2(x)" : thm}
+Renaming variables, this is $\exists x.\Var{f}(x)=\Var{g}(x)$ with
+the constraint ${\Var{f}(\Var{u})\qeq\Var{g}(\Var{u})}$.  Instances
+satisfying the constraint include $\exists x.\Var{f}(x)=\Var{f}(x)$ and
+$\exists x.x=\Var{u}$.  Calling \ttindex{flexflex_rule} removes all
+constraints by applying the trivial unifier:\index{*prthq}
+prthq (flexflex_rule it);
+{\out EX x. ?a4 = ?a4}
+Isabelle simplifies flex-flex equations to eliminate redundant bound
+variables.  In $\lambda x\,y.\Var{f}(k(y),x) \qeq \lambda x\,y.\Var{g}(y)$,
+there is no bound occurrence of~$x$ on the right side; thus, there will be
+none on the left, in a common instance of these terms.  Choosing a new
+variable~$\Var{h}$, Isabelle assigns $\Var{f}\equiv \lambda u\,v.?h(u)$,
+simplifying the left side to $\lambda x\,y.\Var{h}(k(y))$.  Dropping $x$
+from the equation leaves $\lambda y.\Var{h}(k(y)) \qeq \lambda
+y.\Var{g}(y)$.  By $\eta$-conversion, this simplifies to the assignment
+$\Var{g}\equiv\lambda y.?h(k(y))$.
+\ttindex{RS} and \ttindex{RSN} fail (by raising exception {\tt THM}) unless
+the resolution delivers {\bf exactly one} resolvent.  For multiple results,
+use \ttindex{RL} and \ttindex{RLN}, which operate on theorem lists.  The
+following example uses \ttindex{read_instantiate} to create an instance
+of \ttindex{refl} containing no schematic variables.
+val reflk = read_instantiate [("a","k")] refl;
+{\out val reflk = "k = k" : thm}
+A flex-flex constraint is no longer possible; resolution does not find a
+unique unifier:
+reflk RS exI;
+{\out uncaught exception THM}
+Using \ttindex{RL} this time, we discover that there are four unifiers, and
+four resolvents:
+[reflk] RL [exI];
+{\out val it = ["EX x. x = x", "EX x. k = x",}
+{\out           "EX x. x = k", "EX x. k = k"] : thm list}
+\section{Backward proof}
+Although {\tt RS} and {\tt RSN} are fine for simple forward reasoning,
+large proofs require tactics.  Isabelle provides a suite of commands for
+conducting a backward proof using tactics.
+\subsection{The basic tactics}
+The tactics {\tt assume_tac}, {\tt
+resolve_tac}, {\tt eresolve_tac}, and {\tt dresolve_tac} suffice for most
+single-step proofs.  Although {\tt eresolve_tac} and {\tt dresolve_tac} are
+not strictly necessary, they simplify proofs involving elimination and
+destruction rules.  All the tactics act on a subgoal designated by a
+positive integer~$i$, failing if~$i$ is out of range.  The resolution
+tactics try their list of theorems in left-to-right order.
+\item[\ttindexbold{assume_tac} {\it i}] is the tactic that attempts to solve
+subgoal~$i$ by assumption.  Proof by assumption is not a trivial step; it
+can falsify other subgoals by instantiating shared variables.  There may be
+several ways of solving the subgoal by assumption.
+\item[\ttindexbold{resolve_tac} {\it thms} {\it i}]
+is the basic resolution tactic, used for most proof steps.  The $thms$
+represent object-rules, which are resolved against subgoal~$i$ of the proof
+state.  For each rule, resolution forms next states by unifying the
+conclusion with the subgoal and inserting instantiated premises in its
+place.  A rule can admit many higher-order unifiers.  The tactic fails if
+none of the rules generates next states.
+\item[\ttindexbold{eresolve_tac} {\it thms} {\it i}] 
+performs elim-resolution.  Like
+\hbox{\tt resolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i}} followed by \hbox{\tt assume_tac
+{\it i}}, it applies a rule then solves its first premise by assumption.
+But {\tt eresolve_tac} additionally deletes that assumption from any
+subgoals arising from the resolution.
+\item[\ttindexbold{dresolve_tac} {\it thms} {\it i}] 
+performs destruct-resolution with the~$thms$, as described
+in~\S\ref{destruct}.  It is useful for forward reasoning from the
+\subsection{Commands for backward proof}
+\index{proof!commands for|bold}
+Tactics are normally applied using the subgoal module, which maintains a
+proof state and manages the proof construction.  It allows interactive
+backtracking through the proof space, going away to prove lemmas, etc.; of
+its many commands, most important are the following:
+\item[\ttindexbold{goal} {\it theory} {\it formula}; ] 
+begins a new proof, where $theory$ is usually an \ML\ identifier
+and the {\it formula\/} is written as an \ML\ string.
+\item[\ttindexbold{by} {\it tactic}; ] 
+applies the {\it tactic\/} to the current proof
+state, raising an exception if the tactic fails.
+\item[\ttindexbold{undo}(); ]  
+reverts to the previous proof state.  Undo can be repeated but cannot be
+undone.  Do not omit the parentheses; typing {\tt undo;} merely causes \ML\
+to echo the value of that function.
+returns the theorem just proved, in a standard format.  It fails if
+unproved subgoals are left or if the main goal does not match the one you
+started with.
+The commands and tactics given above are cumbersome for interactive use.
+Although our examples will use the full commands, you may prefer Isabelle's
+\begin{center} \tt
+\indexbold{*br} \indexbold{*be} \indexbold{*bd} \indexbold{*ba}
+\begin{tabular}{l@{\qquad\rm abbreviates\qquad}l}
+    ba {\it i};           & by (assume_tac {\it i}); \\
+    br {\it thm} {\it i}; & by (resolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i}); \\
+    be {\it thm} {\it i}; & by (eresolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i}); \\
+    bd {\it thm} {\it i}; & by (dresolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i}); 
+\subsection{A trivial example in propositional logic}
+Directory {\tt FOL} of the Isabelle distribution defines the \ML\
+identifier~\ttindex{FOL.thy}, which denotes the theory of first-order
+logic.  Let us try the example from~\S\ref{prop-proof}, entering the goal
+$P\disj P\imp P$ in that theory.\footnote{To run these examples, see the
+file {\tt FOL/ex/intro.ML}.}
+goal FOL.thy "P|P --> P"; 
+{\out Level 0} 
+{\out P | P --> P} 
+{\out 1. P | P --> P} 
+Isabelle responds by printing the initial proof state, which has $P\disj
+P\imp P$ as the main goal and the only subgoal.  The \bfindex{level} of the
+state is the number of {\tt by} commands that have been applied to reach
+it.  We now use \ttindex{resolve_tac} to apply the rule \ttindex{impI},
+or~$({\imp}I)$, to subgoal~1:
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1); 
+{\out Level 1} 
+{\out P | P --> P} 
+{\out 1. P | P ==> P}
+In the new proof state, subgoal~1 is $P$ under the assumption $P\disj P$.
+(The meta-implication {\tt==>} indicates assumptions.)  We apply
+\ttindex{disjE}, or~(${\disj}E)$, to that subgoal:
+by (resolve_tac [disjE] 1); 
+{\out Level 2} 
+{\out P | P --> P} 
+{\out 1. P | P ==> ?P1 | ?Q1} 
+{\out 2. [| P | P; ?P1 |] ==> P} 
+{\out 3. [| P | P; ?Q1 |] ==> P}
+At Level~2 there are three subgoals, each provable by
+assumption.  We deviate from~\S\ref{prop-proof} by tackling subgoal~3
+first, using \ttindex{assume_tac}.  This updates {\tt?Q1} to~{\tt P}.
+by (assume_tac 3); 
+{\out Level 3} 
+{\out P | P --> P} 
+{\out 1. P | P ==> ?P1 | P} 
+{\out 2. [| P | P; ?P1 |] ==> P}
+Next we tackle subgoal~2, instantiating {\tt?P1} to~{\tt P}.
+by (assume_tac 2); 
+{\out Level 4} 
+{\out P | P --> P} 
+{\out 1. P | P ==> P | P}
+Lastly we prove the remaining subgoal by assumption:
+by (assume_tac 1); 
+{\out Level 5} 
+{\out P | P --> P} 
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Isabelle tells us that there are no longer any subgoals: the proof is
+complete.  Calling \ttindex{result} returns the theorem.
+val mythm = result(); 
+{\out val mythm = "?P | ?P --> ?P" : thm} 
+Isabelle has replaced the free variable~{\tt P} by the scheme
+variable~{\tt?P}\@.  Free variables in the proof state remain fixed
+throughout the proof.  Isabelle finally converts them to scheme variables
+so that the resulting theorem can be instantiated with any formula.
+\subsection{Proving a distributive law}
+To demonstrate the tactics \ttindex{eresolve_tac}, \ttindex{dresolve_tac}
+and the tactical \ttindex{REPEAT}, we shall prove part of the distributive
+law $(P\conj Q)\disj R \iff (P\disj R)\conj (Q\disj R)$.
+We begin by stating the goal to Isabelle and applying~$({\imp}I)$ to it:
+goal FOL.thy "(P & Q) | R  --> (P | R)";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out  1. P & Q | R --> P | R}
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out  1. P & Q | R ==> P | R}
+Previously we applied~(${\disj}E)$ using {\tt resolve_tac}, but 
+\ttindex{eresolve_tac} deletes the assumption after use.  The resulting proof
+state is simpler.
+by (eresolve_tac [disjE] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out  1. P & Q ==> P | R}
+{\out  2. R ==> P | R}
+Using \ttindex{dresolve_tac}, we can apply~(${\conj}E1)$ to subgoal~1,
+replacing the assumption $P\conj Q$ by~$P$.  Normally we should apply the
+rule~(${\conj}E)$, given in~\S\ref{destruct}.  That is an elimination rule
+and requires {\tt eresolve_tac}; it would replace $P\conj Q$ by the two
+assumptions~$P$ and~$Q$.  The present example does not need~$Q$.
+by (dresolve_tac [conjunct1] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out  1. P ==> P | R}
+{\out  2. R ==> P | R}
+The next two steps apply~(${\disj}I1$) and~(${\disj}I2$) in an obvious manner.
+by (resolve_tac [disjI1] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out  1. P ==> P}
+{\out  2. R ==> P | R}
+by (resolve_tac [disjI2] 2);
+{\out Level 5}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out  1. P ==> P}
+{\out  2. R ==> R}
+Two calls of~\ttindex{assume_tac} can finish the proof.  The
+tactical~\ttindex{REPEAT} expresses a tactic that calls {\tt assume_tac~1}
+as many times as possible.  We can restrict attention to subgoal~1 because
+the other subgoals move up after subgoal~1 disappears.
+by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
+{\out Level 6}
+{\out P & Q | R --> P | R}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\section{Quantifier reasoning}
+\index{quantifiers!reasoning about}\index{parameters}\index{unknowns}
+This section illustrates how Isabelle enforces quantifier provisos.
+Quantifier rules create terms such as~$\Var{f}(x,z)$, where~$\Var{f}$ is a
+function unknown and $x$ and~$z$ are parameters.  This may be replaced by
+any term, possibly containing free occurrences of $x$ and~$z$.
+\subsection{Two quantifier proofs, successful and not}
+\index{examples!with quantifiers}
+Let us contrast a proof of the theorem $\forall x.\exists y.x=y$ with an
+attempted proof of the non-theorem $\exists y.\forall x.x=y$.  The former
+proof succeeds, and the latter fails, because of the scope of quantified
+variables~\cite{paulson89}.  Unification helps even in these trivial
+proofs. In $\forall x.\exists y.x=y$ the $y$ that `exists' is simply $x$,
+but we need never say so. This choice is forced by the reflexive law for
+equality, and happens automatically.
+\subsubsection{The successful proof}
+The proof of $\forall x.\exists y.x=y$ demonstrates the introduction rules
+$(\forall I)$ and~$(\exists I)$.  We state the goal and apply $(\forall I)$:
+goal FOL.thy "ALL x. EX y. x=y";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out ALL x. EX y. x = y}
+{\out  1. ALL x. EX y. x = y}
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out ALL x. EX y. x = y}
+{\out  1. !!x. EX y. x = y}
+The variable~{\tt x} is no longer universally quantified, but is a
+parameter in the subgoal; thus, it is universally quantified at the
+meta-level.  The subgoal must be proved for all possible values of~{\tt x}.
+We apply the rule $(\exists I)$:
+by (resolve_tac [exI] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out ALL x. EX y. x = y}
+{\out  1. !!x. x = ?y1(x)}
+The bound variable {\tt y} has become {\tt?y1(x)}.  This term consists of
+the function unknown~{\tt?y1} applied to the parameter~{\tt x}.
+Instances of {\tt?y1(x)} may or may not contain~{\tt x}.  We resolve the
+subgoal with the reflexivity axiom.
+by (resolve_tac [refl] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out ALL x. EX y. x = y}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Let us consider what has happened in detail.  The reflexivity axiom is
+lifted over~$x$ to become $\Forall x.\Var{f}(x)=\Var{f}(x)$, which is
+unified with $\Forall x.x=\Var{y@1}(x)$.  The function unknowns $\Var{f}$
+and~$\Var{y@1}$ are both instantiated to the identity function, and
+$x=\Var{y@1}(x)$ collapses to~$x=x$ by $\beta$-reduction.
+\subsubsection{The unsuccessful proof}
+We state the goal $\exists y.\forall x.x=y$, which is {\bf not} a theorem, and
+try~$(\exists I)$:
+goal FOL.thy "EX y. ALL x. x=y";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out EX y. ALL x. x = y}
+{\out  1. EX y. ALL x. x = y}
+by (resolve_tac [exI] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out EX y. ALL x. x = y}
+{\out  1. ALL x. x = ?y}
+The unknown {\tt ?y} may be replaced by any term, but this can never
+introduce another bound occurrence of~{\tt x}.  We now apply~$(\forall I)$:
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out EX y. ALL x. x = y}
+{\out  1. !!x. x = ?y}
+Compare our position with the previous Level~2.  Instead of {\tt?y1(x)} we
+have~{\tt?y}, whose instances may not contain the bound variable~{\tt x}.
+The reflexivity axiom does not unify with subgoal~1.
+by (resolve_tac [refl] 1);
+{\out by: tactic returned no results}
+No other choice of rules seems likely to complete the proof.  Of course,
+this is no guarantee that Isabelle cannot prove $\exists y.\forall x.x=y$
+or other invalid assertions.  We must appeal to the soundness of
+first-order logic and the faithfulness of its encoding in
+Isabelle~\cite{paulson89}, and must trust the implementation.
+\subsection{Nested quantifiers}
+\index{examples!with quantifiers}
+Multiple quantifiers create complex terms.  Proving $(\forall x\,y.P(x,y))
+\imp (\forall z\,w.P(w,z))$, will demonstrate how parameters and
+unknowns develop.  If they appear in the wrong order, the proof will fail.
+This section concludes with a demonstration of {\tt REPEAT}
+and~{\tt ORELSE}.  
+The start of the proof is routine.
+goal FOL.thy "(ALL x y.P(x,y))  -->  (ALL z w.P(w,z))";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> ALL z w. P(w,z)}
+\subsubsection{The wrong approach}
+Using \ttindex{dresolve_tac}, we apply the rule $(\forall E)$, bound to the
+\ML\ identifier \ttindex{spec}.  Then we apply $(\forall I)$.
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. ALL y. P(?x1,y) ==> ALL z w. P(w,z)}
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z. ALL y. P(?x1,y) ==> ALL w. P(w,z)}
+The unknown {\tt ?u} and the parameter {\tt z} have appeared.  We again
+apply $(\forall I)$ and~$(\forall E)$.
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z. P(?x1,?y3(z)) ==> ALL w. P(w,z)}
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+{\out Level 5}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z w. P(?x1,?y3(z)) ==> P(w,z)}
+The unknown {\tt ?y3} and the parameter {\tt w} have appeared.  Each
+unknown is applied to the parameters existing at the time of its creation;
+instances of {\tt ?x1} cannot contain~{\tt z} or~{\tt w}, while instances
+of {\tt?y3(z)} can only contain~{\tt z}.  Because of these restrictions,
+proof by assumption will fail.
+by (assume_tac 1);
+{\out by: tactic returned no results}
+{\out uncaught exception ERROR}
+\subsubsection{The right approach}
+To do this proof, the rules must be applied in the correct order.
+Eigenvariables should be created before unknowns.  The
+\ttindex{choplev} command returns to an earlier stage of the proof;
+let us return to the result of applying~$({\imp}I)$:
+choplev 1;
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> ALL z w. P(w,z)}
+Previously, we made the mistake of applying $(\forall E)$; this time, we
+apply $(\forall I)$ twice.
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> ALL w. P(w,z)}
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z w. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> P(w,z)}
+The parameters {\tt z} and~{\tt w} have appeared.  We now create the
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z w. ALL y. P(?x3(z,w),y) ==> P(w,z)}
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+{\out Level 5}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. !!z w. P(?x3(z,w),?y4(z,w)) ==> P(w,z)}
+Both {\tt?x3(z,w)} and~{\tt?y4(z,w)} could become any terms containing {\tt
+z} and~{\tt w}:
+by (assume_tac 1);
+{\out Level 6}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\subsubsection{A one-step proof using tacticals}
+\index{examples!of tacticals}
+Repeated application of rules can be an effective theorem-proving
+procedure, but the rules should be attempted in an order that delays the
+creation of unknowns.  As we have just seen, \ttindex{allI} should be
+attempted before~\ttindex{spec}, while \ttindex{assume_tac} generally can
+be attempted first.  Such priorities can easily be expressed
+using~\ttindex{ORELSE}, and repeated using~\ttindex{REPEAT}.  Let us return
+to the original goal using \ttindex{choplev}:
+choplev 0;
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out  1. (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+A repetitive procedure proves it:
+by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1
+     ORELSE resolve_tac [impI,allI] 1
+     ORELSE dresolve_tac [spec] 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\subsection{A realistic quantifier proof}
+\index{examples!with quantifiers}
+A proof of $(\forall x. P(x) \imp Q) \imp (\exists x. P(x)) \imp Q$
+demonstrates the practical use of parameters and unknowns. 
+Since $\imp$ is nested to the right, $({\imp}I)$ can be applied twice; we
+use \ttindex{REPEAT}:
+goal FOL.thy "(ALL x.P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x.P(x)) --> Q";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+{\out  1. (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [impI] 1));
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+{\out  1. [| ALL x. P(x) --> Q; EX x. P(x) |] ==> Q}
+We can eliminate the universal or the existential quantifier.  The
+existential quantifier should be eliminated first, since this creates a
+parameter.  The rule~$(\exists E)$ is bound to the
+by (eresolve_tac [exE] 1);
+{\out Level 2}
+{\out (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+{\out  1. !!x. [| ALL x. P(x) --> Q; P(x) |] ==> Q}
+The only possibility now is $(\forall E)$, a destruction rule.  We use 
+\ttindex{dresolve_tac}, which discards the quantified assumption; it is
+only needed once.
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+{\out Level 3}
+{\out (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+{\out  1. !!x. [| P(x); P(?x3(x)) --> Q |] ==> Q}
+Because the parameter~{\tt x} appeared first, the unknown
+term~{\tt?x3(x)} may depend upon it.  Had we eliminated the universal
+quantifier before the existential, this would not be so.
+Although $({\imp}E)$ is a destruction rule, it works with 
+\ttindex{eresolve_tac} to perform backward chaining.  This technique is
+frequently useful.  
+by (eresolve_tac [mp] 1);
+{\out Level 4}
+{\out (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+{\out  1. !!x. P(x) ==> P(?x3(x))}
+The tactic has reduced~{\tt Q} to~{\tt P(?x3(x))}, deleting the
+implication.  The final step is trivial, thanks to the occurrence of~{\tt x}.
+by (assume_tac 1);
+{\out Level 5}
+{\out (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+\subsection{The classical reasoning package}
+\index{classical reasoning package}
+Although Isabelle cannot compete with fully automatic theorem provers, it
+provides enough automation to tackle substantial examples.  The classical
+reasoning package can be set up for any classical natural deduction logic
+--- see the {\em Reference Manual}.
+Rules are packaged into bundles called \bfindex{classical sets}.  The package
+provides several tactics, which apply rules using naive algorithms, using
+unification to handle quantifiers.  The most useful tactic
+Let us solve problems~40 and~60 of Pelletier~\cite{pelletier86}.  (The
+backslashes~\hbox{\verb|\|\ldots\verb|\|} are an \ML{} string escape
+sequence, to break the long string over two lines.)
+goal FOL.thy "(EX y. ALL x. J(y,x) <-> ~J(x,x))  \ttback
+\ttback       -->  ~ (ALL x. EX y. ALL z. J(z,y) <-> ~ J(z,x))";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out (EX y. ALL x. J(y,x) <-> ~J(x,x)) -->}
+{\out ~(ALL x. EX y. ALL z. J(z,y) <-> ~J(z,x))}
+{\out  1. (EX y. ALL x. J(y,x) <-> ~J(x,x)) -->}
+{\out     ~(ALL x. EX y. ALL z. J(z,y) <-> ~J(z,x))}
+The rules of classical logic are bundled as {\tt FOL_cs}.  We may solve
+subgoal~1 at a stroke, using~\ttindex{fast_tac}.
+by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out (EX y. ALL x. J(y,x) <-> ~J(x,x)) -->}
+{\out ~(ALL x. EX y. ALL z. J(z,y) <-> ~J(z,x))}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+Sceptics may examine the proof by calling the package's single-step
+tactics, such as~{\tt step_tac}.  This would take up much space, however,
+so let us proceed to the next example:
+goal FOL.thy "ALL x. P(x,f(x)) <-> \ttback
+\ttback       (EX y. (ALL z. P(z,y) --> P(z,f(x))) & P(x,y))";
+{\out Level 0}
+{\out ALL x. P(x,f(x)) <-> (EX y. (ALL z. P(z,y) --> P(z,f(x))) & P(x,y))}
+{\out  1. ALL x. P(x,f(x)) <-> (EX y. (ALL z. P(z,y) --> P(z,f(x))) & P(x,y))}
+Again, subgoal~1 succumbs immediately.
+by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
+{\out Level 1}
+{\out ALL x. P(x,f(x)) <-> (EX y. (ALL z. P(z,y) --> P(z,f(x))) & P(x,y))}
+{\out No subgoals!}
+The classical reasoning package is not restricted to the usual logical
+connectives.  The natural deduction rules for unions and intersections in
+set theory resemble those for disjunction and conjunction, and in the
+infinitary case, for quantifiers.  The package is valuable for reasoning in
+set theory.
+% Local Variables: 
+% mode: latex
+% TeX-master: t
+% End: 
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+Antony Galton.
+\newblock {\em Logic for Information Technology}.
+\newblock Wiley, 1990.
+Michael J.~C. Gordon.
+\newblock {HOL}: A proof generating system for higher-order logic.
+\newblock In Graham Birtwistle and P.~A. Subrahmanyam, editors, {\em {VLSI}
+  Specification, Verification and Synthesis}, pages 73--128. Kluwer Academic
+  Publishers, 1988.
+Michael J.~C. Gordon, Robin Milner, and Christopher~P. Wadsworth.
+\newblock {\em Edinburgh {LCF}: A Mechanised Logic of Computation}.
+\newblock Springer LNCS 78, 1979.
+Paul Hudak and Joseph~H. Fasel.
+\newblock A gentle introduction to {Haskell}.
+\newblock {\em {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Notices}, 27(5), May 1992.
+Paul Hudak, Simon~Peyton Jones, and Philip Wadler.
+\newblock Report on the programming language {Haskell}: A non-strict, purely
+  functional language.
+\newblock {\em {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Notices}, 27(5), May 1992.
+\newblock Version 1.2.
+G.~P. Huet.
+\newblock A unification algorithm for typed $\lambda$-calculus.
+\newblock {\em Theoretical Computer Science}, 1:27--57, 1975.
+Dale Miller.
+\newblock Unification under a mixed prefix.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Symbolic Computation}, 14(4):321--358, 1992.
+Tobias Nipkow and Christian Prehofer.
+\newblock Type checking type classes.
+\newblock In {\em 20th ACM Symp.\ Principles of Programming Languages}, 1993.
+\newblock To appear.
+Bengt {Nordstr\"om}, Kent Petersson, and Jan Smith.
+\newblock {\em Programming in {Martin-L\"of}'s Type Theory. An Introduction}.
+\newblock Oxford, 1990.
+Lawrence~C. Paulson.
+\newblock Natural deduction as higher-order resolution.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Logic Programming}, 3:237--258, 1986.
+Lawrence~C. Paulson.
+\newblock {\em Logic and Computation: Interactive proof with Cambridge LCF}.
+\newblock Cambridge University Press, 1987.
+Lawrence~C. Paulson.
+\newblock The foundation of a generic theorem prover.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 5:363--397, 1989.
+Lawrence~C. Paulson.
+\newblock {Isabelle}: The next 700 theorem provers.
+\newblock In P.~Odifreddi, editor, {\em Logic and Computer Science}, pages
+  361--386. Academic Press, 1990.
+Lawrence~C. Paulson.
+\newblock {\em {ML} for the Working Programmer}.
+\newblock Cambridge University Press, 1991.
+Lawrence~C. Paulson.
+\newblock Designing a theorem prover.
+\newblock In S.~Abramsky, D.~M. Gabbay, and T.~S.~E. Maibaum, editors, {\em
+  Handbook of Logic in Computer Science}, volume~2, pages 415--475. Oxford
+  University Press, 1992.
+F.~J. Pelletier.
+\newblock Seventy-five problems for testing automatic theorem provers.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 2:191--216, 1986.
+\newblock Errata, JAR 4 (1988), 235--236.
+Steve Reeves and Michael Clarke.
+\newblock {\em Logic for Computer Science}.
+\newblock Addison-Wesley, 1990.
+Patrick Suppes.
+\newblock {\em Axiomatic Set Theory}.
+\newblock Dover, 1972.
+Larry Wos.
+\newblock Automated reasoning and {Bledsoe's} dream for the field.
+\newblock In Robert~S. Boyer, editor, {\em Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor
+  of {Woody Bledsoe}}, pages 297--342. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.
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+  \item $\Forall$, \bold{5}, 7
+  \item $\Imp$, \bold{5}
+  \item $\To$, \bold{1}, \bold{3}
+  \item $\equiv$, \bold{5}
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt allI}, 35
+  \item arities
+    \subitem declaring, 3, \bold{46}
+  \item {\tt asm_simp_tac}, 55
+  \item associativity of addition, 54
+  \item {\tt assume_tac}, \bold{27}, 29, 30, 35, 43, 44
+  \item assumptions, 6
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt ba}, \bold{28}
+  \item {\tt back}, 54, 57
+  \item backtracking, 57
+  \item {\tt bd}, \bold{28}
+  \item {\tt be}, \bold{28}
+  \item {\tt br}, \bold{28}
+  \item {\tt by}, \bold{28}
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt choplev}, 34, 35, 59
+  \item classes, \bold{3}
+    \subitem built-in, \bold{23}
+  \item classical reasoning package, 36
+  \item classical sets, \bold{36}
+  \item {\tt conjunct1}, 25
+  \item constants
+    \subitem declaring, \bold{45}
+  \indexspace
+  \item definitions, \bold{5}
+    \subitem reasoning about, \bold{40}
+  \item {\tt DEPTH_FIRST}, 59
+  \item destruct-resolution, \bold{20}
+  \item destruction rules, \bold{20}
+  \item {\tt disjE}, 29
+  \item {\tt dres_inst_tac}, \bold{52}
+  \item {\tt dresolve_tac}, \bold{28}, 30, 33, 36
+  \indexspace
+  \item eigenvariables, \see{parameters}{7}
+  \item elim-resolution, \bold{18}
+  \item equality
+    \subitem meta-level, \bold{5}
+  \item {\tt eres_inst_tac}, \bold{52}
+  \item {\tt eresolve_tac}, \bold{27}, 30, 36, 43, 44
+  \item examples
+    \subitem of deriving rules, 38
+    \subitem of induction, 52, 53
+    \subitem of rewriting, 54
+    \subitem of tacticals, 35
+    \subitem of theories, 45--51, 56
+    \subitem propositional, 16, 28, 30
+    \subitem with quantifiers, 17, 31, 33, 35
+  \item {\tt exE}, 35
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt FalseE}, 42
+  \item {\tt fast_tac}, 36, 37
+  \item flex-flex equations, \bold{5}, 23, \bold{26}
+  \item {\tt flexflex_rule}, 26
+  \item {\tt FOL}, 56
+  \item {\tt FOL.thy}, 28
+  \item folding, \bold{40}
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt goal}, \bold{28}, 38, 39, 41--43
+  \item {\tt goalw}, 42, 43
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt has_fewer_prems}, 59
+  \indexspace
+  \item identifiers, \bold{22}
+  \item imitation, \bold{10}
+  \item {\tt impI}, 29, 41
+  \item implication
+    \subitem meta-level, \bold{5}
+  \item infix operators, \bold{47}
+  \item instantiation
+    \subitem explicit, \bold{52}
+  \item Isabelle
+    \subitem definitions in, 40
+    \subitem formalizing rules, \bold{5}
+    \subitem formalizing syntax, \bold{1}
+    \subitem getting started, 22
+    \subitem object-logics supported, i
+    \subitem overview, i
+    \subitem proof construction in, \bold{9}
+    \subitem release history, i
+    \subitem syntax of, 23
+  \indexspace
+  \item LCF, i, 14, 24
+  \item level, \bold{29}
+  \item lifting, \bold{13}
+    \subitem over assumptions, \bold{13}
+    \subitem over parameters, \bold{13}
+  \item {\tt logic}, 23
+  \indexspace
+  \item main goal, \bold{14}
+  \item major premise, \bold{19}
+  \item {\tt Match}, 39
+  \item meta-formulae
+    \subitem syntax, \bold{23}
+  \item meta-logic, \bold{5}
+  \item mixfix operators, \bold{47}
+  \item ML, i, 22, 25
+  \item {\tt mp}, 25
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt Nat}, \bold{51}
+  \item {\tt Nat.thy}, 53
+  \item {\tt not_def}, 41
+  \item {\tt notE}, \bold{43}, 53
+  \item {\tt notI}, \bold{41}, 53
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt ORELSE}, 35
+  \item overloading, \bold{4}, 48
+  \indexspace
+  \item parameters, \bold{7}, 31
+  \item printing commands, \bold{25}
+  \item projection, \bold{10}
+  \item {\tt Prolog}, 56
+  \item Prolog interpreter, \bold{55}
+  \item proof
+    \subitem backward, \bold{14}
+    \subitem by assumption, \bold{15}
+    \subitem by induction, 52
+    \subitem commands for, \bold{28}
+    \subitem forward, 20
+  \item proof state, \bold{14}
+  \item {\tt PROP}, 24
+  \item {\tt prop}, 23, 24
+  \item {\tt prth}, \bold{25}
+  \item {\tt prthq}, \bold{25}, 26
+  \item {\tt prths}, \bold{25}
+  \item {\tt Pure}, \bold{44}
+  \indexspace
+  \item quantifiers
+    \subitem meta-level, \bold{5}
+    \subitem reasoning about, 31
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt read_instantiate}, 27
+  \item refinement, \bold{15}
+    \subitem with instantiation, \bold{52}
+  \item {\tt refl}, 27
+  \item {\tt REPEAT}, 30, 35, 57, 59
+  \item {\tt res_inst_tac}, \bold{52}, 54, 55
+  \item reserved words, \bold{22}
+  \item resolution, \bold{11}
+    \subitem in backward proof, 14
+  \item {\tt resolve_tac}, \bold{27}, 29, 43, 53
+  \item {\tt result}, \bold{28}, 29, 38, 39, 44
+  \item {\tt rewrite_goals_tac}, 41, 42
+  \item {\tt rewrite_rule}, 42, 43
+  \item rewriting
+    \subitem meta-level, 40, \bold{40}
+    \subitem object-level, 54
+  \item {\tt RL}, 27
+  \item {\tt RLN}, 27
+  \item {\tt RS}, \bold{25}, 27, 43
+  \item {\tt RSN}, \bold{25}, 27
+  \item rules
+    \subitem declaring, \bold{45}
+    \subitem derived, 12, \bold{20}, 38, 40
+    \subitem propositional, \bold{6}
+    \subitem quantifier, \bold{7}
+  \indexspace
+  \item search
+    \subitem depth-first, 58
+  \item signatures, \bold{8}
+  \item {\tt simp_tac}, 55
+  \item simplification set, \bold{54}
+  \item sorts, \bold{4}
+  \item {\tt spec}, 26, 33, 35
+  \item {\tt standard}, \bold{25}
+  \item subgoals, \bold{14}
+  \item substitution, \bold{7}
+  \item {\tt Suc_inject}, 53
+  \item {\tt Suc_neq_0}, 53
+  \indexspace
+  \item tacticals, \bold{14}, \bold{17}, 35
+  \item Tactics, \bold{14}
+  \item tactics, \bold{17}
+    \subitem basic, \bold{27}
+  \item terms
+    \subitem syntax, \bold{23}
+  \item theorems
+    \subitem basic operations on, \bold{24}
+  \item theories, \bold{8}
+    \subitem defining, 44--52
+  \item {\tt thm}, 24
+  \item {\tt topthm}, 39
+  \item {$Trueprop$}, 6, 7, 9, 23
+  \item type constructors
+    \subitem declaring, \bold{46}
+  \item types, 1
+    \subitem higher, \bold{4}
+    \subitem polymorphic, \bold{3}
+    \subitem simple, \bold{1}
+    \subitem syntax, \bold{23}
+  \indexspace
+  \item {\tt undo}, \bold{28}
+  \item unfolding, \bold{40}
+  \item unification
+    \subitem higher-order, \bold{10}, 53
+  \item unknowns, \bold{9}, 31
+    \subitem of function type, \bold{11}, 26
+  \item {\tt use_thy}, \bold{44, 45}
+  \indexspace
+  \item variables
+    \subitem bound, 7
+    \subitem schematic, \see{unknowns}{9}
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+%% $Id$
+%% run    bibtex intro         to prepare bibliography
+%% run    ../sedindex intro    to prepare index file
+%prth *(\(.*\));          \1;      
+%{\\out \(.*\)}          {\\out val it = "\1" : thm}
+\title{Introduction to Isabelle}   
+\author{{\em Lawrence C. Paulson}\\
+        Computer Laboratory \\ University of Cambridge \\[2ex]
+        {\small{\em Electronic mail\/}: {\tt}}
+\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}
+\binperiod     %%%treat . like a binary operator
+\newcommand\qeq{\stackrel{?}{\equiv}}  %for disagreement pairs in unification
+{\small Copyright \copyright{} \number\year{} by Lawrence C. Paulson}
+\index{Isabelle!object-logics supported}
+Isabelle~\cite{paulson86,paulson89,paulson700} is a generic theorem prover.
+It has been instantiated to support reasoning in several object-logics:
+\item first-order logic, constructive and classical versions
+\item higher-order logic, similar to that of Gordon's {\sc
+\item Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory~\cite{suppes72}
+\item an extensional version of Martin-L\"of's Type Theory~\cite{nordstrom90}
+\item the classical first-order sequent calculus, {\sc lk}
+\item the modal logics $T$, $S4$, and $S43$
+\item the Logic for Computable Functions~\cite{paulson87}
+A logic's syntax and inference rules are specified declaratively; this
+allows single-step proof construction.  Isabelle provides control
+structures for expressing search procedures.  Isabelle also provides
+several generic tools, such as simplifiers and classical theorem provers,
+which can be applied to object-logics.
+Isabelle is a large system, but beginners can get by with a small
+repertoire of commands and a basic knowledge of how Isabelle works.  Some
+knowledge of Standard~\ML{} is essential, because \ML{} is Isabelle's user
+interface.  Advanced Isabelle theorem proving can involve writing \ML{}
+code, possibly with Isabelle's sources at hand.  My book
+on~\ML{}~\cite{paulson91} covers much material connected with Isabelle,
+including a simple theorem prover.  Users must be familiar with logic as
+used in computer science; there are many good
+{\sc lcf}, developed by Robin Milner and colleagues~\cite{gordon79}, is an
+ancestor of {\sc hol}, Nuprl, and several other systems.  Isabelle borrows
+ideas from {\sc lcf}: formulae are~\ML{} values; theorems belong to an
+abstract type; tactics and tacticals support backward proof.  But {\sc lcf}
+represents object-level rules by functions, while Isabelle represents them
+by terms.  You may find my other writings~\cite{paulson87,paulson-handbook}
+helpful in understanding the relationship between {\sc lcf} and Isabelle.
+Isabelle does not keep a record of inference steps.  Each step is checked
+at run time to ensure that theorems can only be constructed by applying
+inference rules.  An Isabelle proof typically involves hundreds of
+primitive inferences, and would be unintelligible if displayed.
+Discarding proofs saves vast amounts of storage.  But can Isabelle be
+trusted?  If desired, object-logics can be formalized such that each
+theorem carries a proof term, which could be checked by another program.
+Proofs can also be traced.
+\index{Isabelle!release history} Isabelle was first distributed in 1986.
+The 1987 version introduced a higher-order meta-logic with an improved
+treatment of quantifiers.  The 1988 version added limited polymorphism and
+support for natural deduction.  The 1989 version included a parser and
+pretty printer generator.  The 1992 version introduced type classes, to
+support many-sorted and higher-order logics.  The current version provides
+greater support for theories and is much faster.  Isabelle is still under
+development and will continue to change.
+This manual consists of three parts.  
+Part~I discusses the Isabelle's foundations.
+Part~II, presents simple on-line sessions, starting with forward proof.
+It also covers basic tactics and tacticals, and some commands for invoking
+Part~III contains further examples for users with a bit of experience.
+It explains how to derive rules define theories, and concludes with an
+extended example: a Prolog interpreter.
+Isabelle's Reference Manual and Object-Logics manual contain more details.
+They assume familiarity with the concepts presented here.
+Tobias Nipkow contributed most of the section on ``Defining Theories''.
+Sara Kalvala and Markus Wenzel suggested improvements.
+Tobias Nipkow has made immense contributions to Isabelle, including the
+parser generator, type classes, and the simplifier.  Carsten Clasohm, Sonia
+Mahjoub, Karin Nimmermann and Markus Wenzel also made improvements.
+Isabelle was developed using Dave Matthews's Standard~{\sc ml} compiler,
+Poly/{\sc ml}.  Many people have contributed to Isabelle's standard
+object-logics, including Martin Coen, Philippe de Groote, Philippe No\"el.
+The research has been funded by the SERC (grants GR/G53279, GR/H40570) and
+by ESPRIT (projects 3245: Logical Frameworks, and 6453: Types).
+\pagestyle{plain} \tableofcontents 
+You can only find truth with logic\\
+if you have already found truth without it.}\\
+G.K. Chesterton, {\em The Man who was Orthodox}
+\clearfirst  \pagestyle{headings}
+\bibliographystyle{plain} \small\raggedright\frenchspacing
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+\contentsline {part}{\uppercase {i}\phspace {1em}Foundations}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Formalizing logical syntax in Isabelle}{1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}Simple types and constants}{1}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}Polymorphic types and constants}{3}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}Higher types and quantifiers}{4}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Formalizing logical rules in Isabelle}{5}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}Expressing propositional rules}{6}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}Quantifier rules and substitution}{7}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}Signatures and theories}{8}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Proof construction in Isabelle}{9}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1}Higher-order unification}{10}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.2}Joining rules by resolution}{11}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.3}Lifting a rule into a context}{13}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Lifting over assumptions}{13}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Lifting over parameters}{13}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Backward proof by resolution}{14}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}Refinement by resolution}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}Proof by assumption}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3}A propositional proof}{16}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.4}A quantifier proof}{17}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5}Tactics and tacticals}{17}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Variations on resolution}{18}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}Elim-resolution}{18}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}Destruction rules}{20}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}Deriving rules by resolution}{20}
+\contentsline {part}{\uppercase {ii}\phspace {1em}Getting started with Isabelle}{22}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Forward proof}{22}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Lexical matters}{22}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Syntax of types and terms}{23}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3}Basic operations on theorems}{24}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4}Flex-flex equations}{26}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Backward proof}{27}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.1}The basic tactics}{27}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.2}Commands for backward proof}{28}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.3}A trivial example in propositional logic}{28}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.4}Proving a distributive law}{30}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8}Quantifier reasoning}{31}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.1}Two quantifier proofs, successful and not}{31}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{The successful proof}{31}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{The unsuccessful proof}{32}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.2}Nested quantifiers}{33}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{The wrong approach}{33}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{The right approach}{34}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{A one-step proof using tacticals}{35}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.3}A realistic quantifier proof}{35}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.4}The classical reasoning package}{36}
+\contentsline {part}{\uppercase {iii}\phspace {1em}Advanced methods}{38}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9}Deriving rules in Isabelle}{38}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {9.1}Deriving a rule using tactics}{38}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {9.2}Definitions and derived rules}{40}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Deriving the introduction rule}{41}
+\contentsline {subsubsection}{Deriving the elimination rule}{42}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10}Defining theories}{44}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.1}Declaring constants and rules}{45}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.2}Declaring type constructors}{46}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.3}Infixes and Mixfixes}{47}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.4}Overloading}{48}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.5}Extending first-order logic with the natural numbers}{50}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.6}Declaring the theory to Isabelle}{51}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11}Refinement with explicit instantiation}{52}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.1}A simple proof by induction}{52}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.2}An example of ambiguity in {\ptt resolve_tac}}{53}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.3}Proving that addition is associative}{54}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12}A {\psc Prolog} interpreter}{55}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.1}Simple executions}{56}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.2}Backtracking}{57}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3}Depth-first search}{58}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/list.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+List = FOL +
+types 	list 1
+arities list	:: (term)term
+consts	Nil	:: "'a list"
+   	Cons	:: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/prod.thy	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Prod = FOL +
+types   "*" 2                                 (infixl 20)
+arities "*"     :: (term,term)term
+consts  fst     :: "'a * 'b => 'a"
+        snd     :: "'a * 'b => 'b"
+        Pair    :: "['a,'b] => 'a * 'b"       ("(1<_,/_>)")
+rules   fst     "fst(<a,b>) = a"
+        snd     "snd(<a,b>) = b"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/quant.txt	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+(**** quantifier examples -- process using Doc/tout quant.txt  ****)
+Pretty.setmargin 72;  (*existing macros just allow this margin*)
+print_depth 0;
+goal Int_Rule.thy "(ALL x y.P(x,y))  -->  (ALL z w.P(w,z))";
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+choplev 1;
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+choplev 0;
+by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1
+     ORELSE resolve_tac [impI,allI] 1
+     ORELSE dresolve_tac [spec] 1));
+- goal Int_Rule.thy "(ALL x y.P(x,y))  -->  (ALL z w.P(w,z))";
+Level 0
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+val it = [] : thm list
+- by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+Level 1
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> ALL z w. P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+Level 2
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. ALL y. P(?x1,y) ==> ALL z w. P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+Level 3
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z. ALL y. P(?x1,y) ==> ALL w. P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+Level 4
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z. P(?x1,?y3(z)) ==> ALL w. P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+Level 5
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z w. P(?x1,?y3(z)) ==> P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (assume_tac 1);
+by: tactic returned no results
+uncaught exception ERROR
+- choplev 1;
+Level 1
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> ALL z w. P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+Level 2
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> ALL w. P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+Level 3
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z w. ALL x y. P(x,y) ==> P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+Level 4
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z w. ALL y. P(?x3(z,w),y) ==> P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+Level 5
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. !!z w. P(?x3(z,w),?y4(z,w)) ==> P(w,z)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (assume_tac 1);
+Level 6
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+No subgoals!
+> choplev 0;
+Level 0
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+ 1. (ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+> by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1
+#      ORELSE resolve_tac [impI,allI] 1
+#      ORELSE dresolve_tac [spec] 1));
+Level 1
+(ALL x y. P(x,y)) --> (ALL z w. P(w,z))
+No subgoals!
+goal FOL_thy "ALL x. EX y. x=y";
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [exI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [refl] 1);
+- goal Int_Rule.thy "ALL x. EX y. x=y";
+Level 0
+ALL x. EX y. x = y
+ 1. ALL x. EX y. x = y
+val it = [] : thm list
+- by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+Level 1
+ALL x. EX y. x = y
+ 1. !!x. EX y. x = y
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [exI] 1);
+Level 2
+ALL x. EX y. x = y
+ 1. !!x. x = ?y1(x)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [refl] 1);
+Level 3
+ALL x. EX y. x = y
+No subgoals!
+val it = () : unit
+goal FOL_thy "EX y. ALL x. x=y";
+by (resolve_tac [exI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [refl] 1);
+- goal Int_Rule.thy "EX y. ALL x. x=y";
+Level 0
+EX y. ALL x. x = y
+ 1. EX y. ALL x. x = y
+val it = [] : thm list
+- by (resolve_tac [exI] 1);
+Level 1
+EX y. ALL x. x = y
+ 1. ALL x. x = ?y
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [allI] 1);
+Level 2
+EX y. ALL x. x = y
+ 1. !!x. x = ?y
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [refl] 1);
+by: tactic returned no results
+uncaught exception ERROR
+goal FOL_thy "EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)";
+by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+- goal Int_Rule.thy "EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)";
+Level 0
+EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+ 1. EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+val it = [] : thm list
+- by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+Level 1
+EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+ 1. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(?u,x,v,y,w)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+Level 2
+EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+ 1. !!x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(?u,x,v,y,w)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+Level 3
+EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+ 1. !!x. ALL y. EX w. P(?u,x,?v2(x),y,w)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+Level 4
+EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+ 1. !!x y. EX w. P(?u,x,?v2(x),y,w)
+val it = () : unit
+- by (resolve_tac [exI, allI] 1);
+Level 5
+EX u. ALL x. EX v. ALL y. EX w. P(u,x,v,y,w)
+ 1. !!x y. P(?u,x,?v2(x),y,?w4(x,y))
+val it = () : unit
+goal FOL_thy "(ALL x.P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x.P(x))-->Q";
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [impI] 1));
+by (eresolve_tac [exE] 1);
+by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+by (eresolve_tac [mp] 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+- goal Int_Rule.thy "(ALL x.P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x.P(x))-->Q";
+Level 0
+(ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+ 1. (ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+val it = [] : thm list
+- by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [impI] 1));
+Level 1
+(ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+ 1. [| ALL x. P(x) --> Q; EX x. P(x) |] ==> Q
+val it = () : unit
+- by (eresolve_tac [exE] 1);
+Level 2
+(ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+ 1. !!x. [| ALL x. P(x) --> Q; P(x) |] ==> Q
+val it = () : unit
+- by (dresolve_tac [spec] 1);
+Level 3
+(ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+ 1. !!x. [| P(x); P(?x3(x)) --> Q |] ==> Q
+val it = () : unit
+- by (eresolve_tac [mp] 1);
+Level 4
+(ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+ 1. !!x. P(x) ==> P(?x3(x))
+val it = () : unit
+- by (assume_tac 1);
+Level 5
+(ALL x. P(x) --> Q) --> (EX x. P(x)) --> Q
+No subgoals!
+goal FOL_thy "((EX x.P(x)) --> Q) --> (ALL x.P(x)-->Q)";
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [impI] 1));
+goal FOL_thy "(EX x.P(x) --> Q) --> (ALL x.P(x))-->Q";
+by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [impI] 1));
+by (eresolve_tac [exE] 1);
+by (eresolve_tac [mp] 1);
+by (eresolve_tac [spec] 1);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/theorems-out.txt	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+> goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
+Level 0
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+val it = [] : thm list
+> by (resolve_tac [induct] 1);
+Level 1
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. k + m + n = 0
+ 2. !!x. k + m + n = x ==> k + m + n = Suc(x)
+val it = () : unit
+> back();
+Level 1
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. k + m + n = k + 0
+ 2. !!x. k + m + n = k + x ==> k + m + n = k + Suc(x)
+val it = () : unit
+> back();
+Level 1
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. k + m + 0 = k + (m + 0)
+ 2. !!x. k + m + x = k + (m + x) ==> k + m + Suc(x) = k + (m + Suc(x))
+val it = () : unit
+> back();
+Level 1
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. k + m + n = k + (m + 0)
+ 2. !!x. k + m + n = k + (m + x) ==> k + m + n = k + (m + Suc(x))
+val it = () : unit
+> val nat_congs = prths (mk_congs Nat.thy ["Suc", "op +"]);
+?Xa = ?Ya ==> Suc(?Xa) = Suc(?Ya)
+[| ?Xa = ?Ya; ?Xb = ?Yb |] ==> ?Xa + ?Xb = ?Ya + ?Yb
+?Xa = ?Ya ==> Suc(?Xa) = Suc(?Ya)
+[| ?Xa = ?Ya; ?Xb = ?Yb |] ==> ?Xa + ?Xb = ?Ya + ?Yb
+val nat_congs = [, ] : thm list
+> val add_ss = FOL_ss  addcongs nat_congs
+#                    addrews  [add_0, add_Suc];
+val add_ss = ? : simpset
+> goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
+Level 0
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+val it = [] : thm list
+> by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
+Level 1
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. 0 + m + n = 0 + (m + n)
+ 2. !!x. x + m + n = x + (m + n) ==> Suc(x) + m + n = Suc(x) + (m + n)
+val it = () : unit
+> by (SIMP_TAC add_ss 1);
+Level 2
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+ 1. !!x. x + m + n = x + (m + n) ==> Suc(x) + m + n = Suc(x) + (m + n)
+val it = () : unit
+> by (ASM_SIMP_TAC add_ss 1);
+Level 3
+k + m + n = k + (m + n)
+No subgoals!
+val it = () : unit
+> val add_assoc = result();
+?k + ?m + ?n = ?k + (?m + ?n)
+val add_assoc =  : thm
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/theorems.txt	Wed Nov 10 05:06:55 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Pretty.setmargin 72;  (*existing macros just allow this margin*)
+print_depth 0;
+(*operations for "thm"*)
+prth mp; 
+prth (mp RS mp);
+prth (conjunct1 RS mp);
+prth (conjunct1 RSN (2,mp));
+prth (mp RS conjunct1);
+prth (spec RS it);
+prth (standard it);
+prth spec;
+prth (it RS mp);
+prth (it RS conjunct1);
+prth (standard it);
+- prth spec;
+ALL x. ?P(x) ==> ?P(?x)
+- prth (it RS mp);
+[| ALL x. ?P3(x) --> ?Q2(x); ?P3(?x1) |] ==> ?Q2(?x1)
+- prth (it RS conjunct1);
+[| ALL x. ?P4(x) --> ?P6(x) & ?Q5(x); ?P4(?x2) |] ==> ?P6(?x2)
+- prth (standard it);
+[| ALL x. ?P(x) --> ?Pa(x) & ?Q(x); ?P(?x) |] ==> ?Pa(?x)
+(*flexflex pairs*)
+- prth refl;
+?a = ?a
+- prth exI;
+?P(?x) ==> EX x. ?P(x)
+- prth (refl RS exI);
+?a3(?x) == ?a2(?x) ==> EX x. ?a3(x) = ?a2(x)
+- prthq (flexflex_rule it);
+EX x. ?a4 = ?a4
+(*Usage of RL*)
+- val reflk = prth (read_instantiate [("a","k")] refl);
+k = k
+val reflk = Thm {hyps=#,maxidx=#,prop=#,sign=#} : thm
+- prth (reflk RS exI);
+uncaught exception THM
+- prths ([reflk] RL [exI]);
+EX x. x = x
+EX x. k = x
+EX x. x = k
+EX x. k = k
+(*tactics *)
+goal cla_thy "P|P --> P";
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [disjE] 1);
+by (assume_tac 3);
+by (assume_tac 2);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+val mythm = prth(result());
+goal cla_thy "(P & Q) | R  --> (P | R)";
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+by (eresolve_tac [disjE] 1);
+by (dresolve_tac [conjunct1] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI1] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI2] 2);
+by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
+- goal cla_thy "(P & Q) | R  --> (P | R)";
+Level 0
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+ 1. P & Q | R --> P | R
+- by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+Level 1
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+ 1. P & Q | R ==> P | R
+- by (eresolve_tac [disjE] 1);
+Level 2
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+ 1. P & Q ==> P | R
+ 2. R ==> P | R
+- by (dresolve_tac [conjunct1] 1);
+Level 3
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+ 1. P ==> P | R
+ 2. R ==> P | R
+- by (resolve_tac [disjI1] 1);
+Level 4
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+ 1. P ==> P
+ 2. R ==> P | R
+- by (resolve_tac [disjI2] 2);
+Level 5
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+ 1. P ==> P
+ 2. R ==> R
+- by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
+Level 6
+P & Q | R --> P | R
+No subgoals!
+goal cla_thy "(P | Q) | R  -->  P | (Q | R)";
+by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
+by (eresolve_tac [disjE] 1);
+by (eresolve_tac [disjE] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI1] 1);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI2] 2);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI1] 2);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI2] 3);
+by (resolve_tac [disjI2] 3);
+by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));