--- a/src/Pure/library.ML Sat Jun 13 18:25:39 1998 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/library.ML Mon Jun 15 11:05:25 1998 +0200
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
(*print error message and abort to top level*)
exception ERROR;
-fun error_msg s = !error_fn s; (*promise to raise ERROR later!*)
+fun error_msg s = !error_fn s;
fun error s = (error_msg s; raise ERROR);
fun sys_error msg = error ("## SYSTEM ERROR ##\n" ^ msg);
@@ -1064,19 +1064,24 @@
fun get_ok (OK x) = Some x
| get_ok _ = None;
+datatype 'a result =
+ Result of 'a |
+ Exn of exn;
fun handle_error f x =
val buffer = ref ([]: string list);
fun capture s = buffer := ! buffer @ [s];
- val result = Some (setmp error_fn capture f x) handle ERROR => None;
+ fun err_msg () = if not (null (! buffer)) then error_msg (cat_lines (! buffer)) else ();
- (case result of
- None => Error (cat_lines (! buffer))
- | Some y => OK y)
+ (case Result (setmp error_fn capture f x) handle exn => Exn exn of
+ Result y => (err_msg (); OK y)
+ | Exn ERROR => Error (cat_lines (! buffer))
+ | Exn exn => (err_msg (); raise exn))
-(* transform ERROR into ERROR_MESSAGE, capturing the side-effect *)
+(* transform ERROR into ERROR_MESSAGE *)
exception ERROR_MESSAGE of string;