--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Mon Aug 23 18:32:49 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Mon Aug 23 18:33:55 2004 +0200
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
val use: string -> unit
val quiet_update_thy: bool -> string -> unit
val pretend_use_thy_only: string -> unit
- val begin_theory: (string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> theory -> theory) ->
+ val begin_theory: (Path.T option -> string -> string list ->
+ (Path.T * bool) list -> theory -> theory) ->
bool -> string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> theory
val end_theory: theory -> theory
val finish: unit -> unit
@@ -226,6 +227,10 @@
(* load_file *)
+val opt_path = apsome (Path.dir o fst o ThyLoad.get_thy);
+fun opt_path' (d : deps option) = if_none (apsome (opt_path o #master) d) None;
+fun opt_path'' d = if_none (apsome opt_path' d) None;
fun provide path name info (deps as Some {present, outdated, master, files}) =
@@ -237,10 +242,11 @@
fun run_file path =
(case apsome PureThy.get_name (Context.get_context ()) of
- None => (ThyLoad.load_file path; ())
- | Some name =>
- if known_thy name then change_deps name (provide path name (ThyLoad.load_file path))
- else (ThyLoad.load_file path; ()));
+ None => (ThyLoad.load_file None path; ())
+ | Some name => (case lookup_deps name of
+ Some deps => change_deps name (provide path name
+ (ThyLoad.load_file (opt_path' deps) path))
+ | None => (ThyLoad.load_file None path; ())));
@@ -297,14 +303,19 @@
let val (master, (parents, files)) = ThyLoad.deps_thy dir name ml
in (Some (init_deps (Some master) files), parents) end;
-fun file_current (_, None) = false
- | file_current (path, info) = (info = ThyLoad.check_file path);
+fun file_current master (_, None) = false
+ | file_current master (path, info) =
+ (info = ThyLoad.check_file (opt_path master) path);
fun current_deps ml strict dir name =
(case lookup_deps name of
None => (false, load_deps ml dir name)
| Some deps =>
- let val same_deps = (None, thy_graph Graph.imm_preds name) in
+ let
+ fun get_name s = (case opt_path'' (lookup_deps s) of None => s
+ | Some p => Path.pack (Path.append p (Path.basic s)));
+ val same_deps = (None, map get_name (thy_graph Graph.imm_preds name))
+ in
(case deps of
None => (true, same_deps)
| Some {present, outdated, master, files} =>
@@ -312,7 +323,7 @@
let val master' = Some (ThyLoad.check_thy dir name ml) in
if master <> master' then (false, load_deps ml dir name)
- else (not outdated andalso forall file_current files, same_deps)
+ else (not outdated andalso forall (file_current master') files, same_deps)
@@ -333,9 +344,7 @@
val (current, (new_deps, parents)) = current_deps ml strict dir name handle ERROR =>
error (loader_msg "the error(s) above occurred while examining theory" [name] ^
(if null initiators then "" else required_by "\n" initiators));
- val dir' = (case new_deps of
- None => dir
- | Some (Some {master = Some m, ...}) => Path.dir (fst (ThyLoad.get_thy m)));
+ val dir' = if_none (opt_path'' new_deps) dir;
val (visited', parent_results) = foldl_map (req_parent dir') (name :: visited, parents);
val thy = if not really then Some (get_theory name) else None;
@@ -350,16 +359,19 @@
in (visited', (result, name)) end
-fun gen_use_thy req s =
- let val (_, (_, name)) = req [] Path.current ([], s)
+fun gen_use_thy' req prfx s =
+ let val (_, (_, name)) = req [] prfx ([], s)
in Context.context (get_theory name) end;
+fun gen_use_thy req = gen_use_thy' req Path.current;
fun warn_finished f name = (check_unfinished warning name; f name);
-val weak_use_thy = gen_use_thy (require_thy true true false false false);
-fun quiet_update_thy ml = gen_use_thy (require_thy true ml false true true);
+val weak_use_thy = gen_use_thy' (require_thy true true false false false);
+fun quiet_update_thy' ml = gen_use_thy' (require_thy true ml false true true);
+fun quiet_update_thy ml = gen_use_thy (require_thy true ml false true true);
val use_thy = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true true false true false));
val time_use_thy = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true true true true false));
@@ -388,7 +400,9 @@
fun begin_theory present upd name parents paths =
val bparents = map base_of_path parents;
- val assert_thy = if upd then quiet_update_thy true else weak_use_thy;
+ val dir' = opt_path'' (lookup_deps name);
+ val dir = if_none dir' Path.current;
+ val assert_thy = if upd then quiet_update_thy' true dir else weak_use_thy dir;
val _ = check_unfinished error name;
val _ = seq assert_thy parents;
val theory = PureThy.begin_theory name (map get_theory bparents);
@@ -398,7 +412,7 @@
val use_paths = mapfilter (fn (x, true) => Some x | _ => None) paths;
val _ = change_thys (update_node name bparents (deps, Some (Theory.copy theory)));
- val theory' = theory |> present name bparents paths;
+ val theory' = theory |> present dir' name bparents paths;
val _ = put_theory name (Theory.copy theory');
val ((), theory'') = Context.pass_theory theory' (seq (load_file false)) use_paths;
val _ = put_theory name (Theory.copy theory'');