continued implementation of term ordering attributes
Tue, 20 Mar 2012 00:44:30 +0100
changeset 47038 2409b484e1cc
parent 47037 ea6695d58aad
child 47039 1b36a05a070d
continued implementation of term ordering attributes
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_theory_export.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_theory_export.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
@@ -118,19 +118,19 @@
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
     val prob_file = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "prob.tptp")
-    val {exec, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures, ...} =
-      get_atp thy (case format of DFG _ => spassN | _ => eN)
-    val _ = problem |> lines_for_atp_problem format (K [])
+    val atp = case format of DFG _ => spass_newN | _ => eN
+    val {exec, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures, ...} = get_atp thy atp
+    val ord = effective_term_order ctxt atp
+    val _ = problem |> lines_for_atp_problem format ord (K [])
                     |> File.write_list prob_file
     val command =
       File.shell_path (Path.explode (getenv (fst exec) ^ "/" ^ snd exec)) ^
-      " " ^ arguments ctxt false "" (seconds 1.0) (K []) ^ " " ^
+      " " ^ arguments ctxt false "" (seconds 1.0) (ord, K [], K []) ^ " " ^
       File.shell_path prob_file
     TimeLimit.timeLimit (seconds 0.3) Isabelle_System.bash_output command
     |> fst
-    |> extract_tstplike_proof_and_outcome false true proof_delims
-                                          known_failures
+    |> extract_tstplike_proof_and_outcome false true proof_delims known_failures
     |> snd
   handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => SOME TimedOut
@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@
       |> (case format of DFG _ => I | _ => add_inferences_to_problem infers)
       |> order_problem_facts name_ord
-    val ss = lines_for_atp_problem format (K []) atp_problem
+    val ord = effective_term_order ctxt eN (* dummy *)
+    val ss = lines_for_atp_problem format ord (K []) atp_problem
     val _ = app (File.append path) ss
   in () end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
     AFun of 'a ho_type * 'a ho_type |
     ATyAbs of 'a list * 'a ho_type
+  type term_order =
+    {is_lpo : bool,
+     gen_weights : bool,
+     gen_prec : bool,
+     gen_simp : bool}
   datatype tptp_polymorphism = TPTP_Monomorphic | TPTP_Polymorphic
   datatype tptp_explicitness = TPTP_Implicit | TPTP_Explicit
   datatype thf_flavor = THF_Without_Choice | THF_With_Choice
@@ -75,7 +81,7 @@
   val tptp_true : string
   val tptp_empty_list : string
   val isabelle_info_prefix : string
-  val isabelle_info : atp_format -> string -> int -> (string, 'a) ho_term list
+  val isabelle_info : string -> int -> (string, 'a) ho_term list
   val extract_isabelle_status : (string, 'a) ho_term list -> string option
   val extract_isabelle_rank : (string, 'a) ho_term list -> int
   val introN : string
@@ -112,7 +118,8 @@
   val is_format_higher_order : atp_format -> bool
   val is_format_typed : atp_format -> bool
   val lines_for_atp_problem :
-    atp_format -> (unit -> (string * int) list) -> string problem -> string list
+    atp_format -> term_order -> (unit -> (string * int) list) -> string problem
+    -> string list
   val ensure_cnf_problem :
     (string * string) problem -> (string * string) problem
   val filter_cnf_ueq_problem :
@@ -147,6 +154,12 @@
   AFun of 'a ho_type * 'a ho_type |
   ATyAbs of 'a list * 'a ho_type
+type term_order =
+  {is_lpo : bool,
+   gen_weights : bool,
+   gen_prec : bool,
+   gen_simp : bool}
 datatype tptp_polymorphism = TPTP_Monomorphic | TPTP_Polymorphic
 datatype tptp_explicitness = TPTP_Implicit | TPTP_Explicit
 datatype thf_flavor = THF_Without_Choice | THF_With_Choice
@@ -215,12 +228,11 @@
 (* Currently, only newer versions of SPASS, with sorted DFG format support, can
    process Isabelle metainformation. *)
-fun isabelle_info (DFG DFG_Sorted) status rank =
-    [] |> rank <> default_rank
-          ? cons (ATerm (isabelle_info_prefix ^ rankN,
-                         [ATerm (string_of_int rank, [])]))
-       |> status <> "" ? cons (ATerm (isabelle_info_prefix ^ status, []))
-  | isabelle_info _ _ _ = []
+fun isabelle_info status rank =
+  [] |> rank <> default_rank
+        ? cons (ATerm (isabelle_info_prefix ^ rankN,
+                       [ATerm (string_of_int rank, [])]))
+     |> status <> "" ? cons (ATerm (isabelle_info_prefix ^ status, []))
 fun extract_isabelle_status (ATerm (s, []) :: _) =
     try (unprefix isabelle_info_prefix) s
@@ -420,11 +432,6 @@
     |> enclose "(" ")"
   | tptp_string_for_formula format (AAtom tm) = tptp_string_for_term format tm
-fun the_source (SOME source) = source
-  | the_source NONE =
-    ATerm ("inference",
-           ATerm ("isabelle", []) :: replicate 2 (ATerm ("[]", [])))
 fun tptp_string_for_format CNF = tptp_cnf
   | tptp_string_for_format CNF_UEQ = tptp_cnf
   | tptp_string_for_format FOF = tptp_fof
@@ -436,17 +443,13 @@
     tptp_string_for_format format ^ "(" ^ ident ^ ", type,\n    " ^ sym ^
     " : " ^ string_for_type format ty ^ ").\n"
   | tptp_string_for_problem_line format
-                                 (Formula (ident, kind, phi, source, info)) =
+                                 (Formula (ident, kind, phi, source, _)) =
     tptp_string_for_format format ^ "(" ^ ident ^ ", " ^
     tptp_string_for_kind kind ^ ",\n    (" ^
     tptp_string_for_formula format phi ^ ")" ^
-    (case (source, info) of
-       (NONE, []) => ""
-     | (SOME tm, []) => ", " ^ tptp_string_for_term format tm
-     | (_, tms) =>
-       ", " ^ tptp_string_for_term format (the_source source) ^
-       ", " ^ tptp_string_for_term format (ATerm (tptp_empty_list, tms))) ^
-    ").\n"
+    (case source of
+       SOME tm => ", " ^ tptp_string_for_term format tm
+     | NONE => "") ^ ").\n"
 fun tptp_lines format =
   maps (fn (_, []) => []
@@ -460,13 +463,13 @@
 fun binder_atypes (AFun (ty1, ty2)) = ty1 :: binder_atypes ty2
   | binder_atypes _ = []
-fun dfg_string_for_formula flavor info =
+fun dfg_string_for_formula gen_simp flavor info =
     fun suffix_tag top_level s =
       if top_level then
         case extract_isabelle_status info of
-          SOME s' => if s' = simpN then s ^ ":lr"
-                     else if s' = spec_eqN then s ^ ":lt"
+          SOME s' => if s' = spec_eqN then s ^ ":lt"
+                     else if s' = simpN andalso gen_simp then s ^ ":lr"
                      else s
         | NONE => s
@@ -496,7 +499,11 @@
       | str_for_formula top_level (AAtom tm) = str_for_term top_level tm
   in str_for_formula true end
-fun dfg_lines flavor ord_weights problem =
+fun maybe_enclose bef aft "" = "% " ^ bef ^ aft
+  | maybe_enclose bef aft s = bef ^ s ^ aft
+fun dfg_lines flavor {is_lpo, gen_weights, gen_prec, gen_simp} ord_info
+              problem =
     val sorted = (flavor = DFG_Sorted)
     val format = DFG flavor
@@ -510,7 +517,8 @@
     fun formula pred (Formula (ident, kind, phi, _, info)) =
         if pred kind then
           let val rank = extract_isabelle_rank info in
-            "formula(" ^ dfg_string_for_formula flavor info phi ^ ", " ^ ident ^
+            "formula(" ^ dfg_string_for_formula gen_simp flavor info phi ^
+            ", " ^ ident ^
             (if rank = default_rank then "" else ", " ^ string_of_int rank) ^
             ")." |> SOME
@@ -522,19 +530,22 @@
       filt (fn Decl (_, sym, ty) =>
                if is_function_type ty then SOME (ary sym ty) else NONE
              | _ => NONE)
-      |> flat |> commas |> enclose "functions [" "]."
+      |> flat |> commas |> maybe_enclose "functions [" "]."
     val pred_aries =
       filt (fn Decl (_, sym, ty) =>
                if is_predicate_type ty then SOME (ary sym ty) else NONE
              | _ => NONE)
-      |> flat |> commas |> enclose "predicates [" "]."
+      |> flat |> commas |> maybe_enclose "predicates [" "]."
     fun sorts () =
       filt (fn Decl (_, sym, AType (s, [])) =>
                if s = tptp_type_of_types then SOME sym else NONE
              | _ => NONE) @ [[dfg_individual_type]]
-      |> flat |> commas |> enclose "sorts [" "]."
+      |> flat |> commas |> maybe_enclose "sorts [" "]."
+    val ord_info =
+      if sorted andalso (gen_weights orelse gen_prec) then ord_info () else []
     fun do_term_order_weights () =
-      ord_weights () |> map spair |> commas |> enclose "weights [" "]."
+      (if gen_weights then ord_info else [])
+      |> map spair |> commas |> maybe_enclose "weights [" "]."
     val syms =
       [func_aries] @ (if sorted then [do_term_order_weights ()] else []) @
       [pred_aries] @ (if sorted then [sorts ()] else [])
@@ -554,27 +565,37 @@
       filt (formula (curry (op <>) Conjecture)) |> separate [""] |> flat
     val conjs =
       filt (formula (curry (op =) Conjecture)) |> separate [""] |> flat
-    fun list_of _ [] = []
-      | list_of heading ss =
-        "list_of_" ^ heading ^ ".\n" :: map (suffix "\n") ss @
-        ["end_of_list.\n\n"]
+    (* The second layer of ")." is a temporary workaround for a quirk in SPASS's
+       parser. *)
+    val settings =
+      (if is_lpo then ["set_flag(Ordering, 1).)."] else []) @
+      (if gen_prec then
+         [ord_info |> map fst |> rev |> commas
+                   |> maybe_enclose "set_precedence(" ")."]
+       else
+         [])
+    fun list_of _ _ _ [] = []
+      | list_of heading bef aft ss =
+        "list_of_" ^ heading ^ ".\n" :: bef :: map (suffix "\n") ss @
+        [aft, "end_of_list.\n\n"]
     "\nbegin_problem(isabelle).\n\n" ::
-    list_of "descriptions"
+    list_of "descriptions" "" ""
             ["name({**}).", "author({**}).", "status(unknown).",
              "description({**})."] @
-    list_of "symbols" syms @
-    list_of "declarations" decls @
-    list_of "formulae(axioms)" axioms @
-    list_of "formulae(conjectures)" conjs @
+    list_of "symbols" "" "" syms @
+    list_of "declarations" "" "" decls @
+    list_of "formulae(axioms)" "" "" axioms @
+    list_of "formulae(conjectures)" "" "" conjs @
+    list_of "settings(SPASS)" "{*\n" "*}\n" settings @
-fun lines_for_atp_problem format ord_weights problem =
+fun lines_for_atp_problem format ord ord_info problem =
   "% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n\
   \% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ::
   (case format of
-     DFG flavor => dfg_lines flavor ord_weights
+     DFG flavor => dfg_lines flavor ord ord_info
    | _ => tptp_lines format) problem
@@ -739,7 +760,7 @@
         fun add j =
             val nice_name =
-              nice_prefix ^ (if j = 0 then "" else string_of_int j)
+              nice_prefix ^ (if j = 1 then "" else string_of_int j)
             case Symtab.lookup (snd the_pool) nice_name of
               SOME full_name' =>
@@ -750,7 +771,7 @@
                (Symtab.update_new (full_name, nice_name) (fst the_pool),
                 Symtab.update_new (nice_name, full_name) (snd the_pool)))
-      in add 0 |> apsnd SOME end
+      in add 1 |> apsnd SOME end
 fun avoid_clash_with_alt_ergo_type_vars s =
   if is_tptp_variable s then s else s ^ "_"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     -> string problem * string Symtab.table * (string * stature) list vector
        * (string * term) list * int Symtab.table
   val atp_problem_selection_weights : string problem -> (string * real) list
-  val atp_problem_term_order_weights : string problem -> (string * int) list
+  val atp_problem_term_order_info : string problem -> (string * int) list
 structure ATP_Problem_Generate : ATP_PROBLEM_GENERATE =
@@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@
 val type_tag = `(make_fixed_const NONE) type_tag_name
-fun type_tag_idempotence_fact format type_enc =
+fun type_tag_idempotence_fact type_enc =
     fun var s = ATerm (`I s, [])
     fun tag tm = ATerm (type_tag, [var "A", tm])
@@ -1679,7 +1679,7 @@
     Formula (type_tag_idempotence_helper_name, Axiom,
              eq_formula type_enc [] [] false (tag tagged_var) tagged_var,
-             NONE, isabelle_info format spec_eqN helper_rank)
+             NONE, isabelle_info spec_eqN helper_rank)
 fun should_specialize_helper type_enc t =
@@ -2006,15 +2006,15 @@
    let val rank = rank j in
      case snd stature of
-       Intro => isabelle_info format introN rank
-     | Elim => isabelle_info format elimN rank
-     | Simp => isabelle_info format simpN rank
-     | Spec_Eq => isabelle_info format spec_eqN rank
-     | _ => isabelle_info format "" rank
+       Intro => isabelle_info introN rank
+     | Elim => isabelle_info elimN rank
+     | Simp => isabelle_info simpN rank
+     | Spec_Eq => isabelle_info spec_eqN rank
+     | _ => isabelle_info "" rank
   |> Formula
-fun formula_line_for_class_rel_clause format type_enc
+fun formula_line_for_class_rel_clause type_enc
         ({name, subclass, superclass, ...} : class_rel_clause) =
   let val ty_arg = ATerm (tvar_a_name, []) in
     Formula (class_rel_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
@@ -2023,21 +2023,21 @@
                      type_class_formula type_enc superclass ty_arg])
              |> mk_aquant AForall
                           [(tvar_a_name, atype_of_type_vars type_enc)],
-             NONE, isabelle_info format introN helper_rank)
+             NONE, isabelle_info introN helper_rank)
 fun formula_from_arity_atom type_enc (class, t, args) =
   ATerm (t, map (fn arg => ATerm (arg, [])) args)
   |> type_class_formula type_enc class
-fun formula_line_for_arity_clause format type_enc
+fun formula_line_for_arity_clause type_enc
         ({name, prem_atoms, concl_atom} : arity_clause) =
   Formula (arity_clause_prefix ^ name, Axiom,
            mk_ahorn (map (formula_from_arity_atom type_enc) prem_atoms)
                     (formula_from_arity_atom type_enc concl_atom)
            |> mk_aquant AForall
                   (map (rpair (atype_of_type_vars type_enc)) (#3 concl_atom)),
-           NONE, isabelle_info format introN helper_rank)
+           NONE, isabelle_info introN helper_rank)
 fun formula_line_for_conjecture ctxt polym_constrs format mono type_enc
         ({name, kind, iformula, atomic_types, ...} : translated_formula) =
@@ -2246,7 +2246,7 @@
                                     always_guard_var_in_formula (SOME true)
            |> close_formula_universally
            |> bound_tvars type_enc true (atomic_types_of T),
-           NONE, isabelle_info format introN helper_rank)
+           NONE, isabelle_info introN helper_rank)
 fun formula_line_for_tags_mono_type ctxt format mono type_enc T =
   let val x_var = ATerm (`make_bound_var "X", []) in
@@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@
              eq_formula type_enc (atomic_types_of T) [] false
                   (tag_with_type ctxt format mono type_enc NONE T x_var) x_var,
-             NONE, isabelle_info format spec_eqN helper_rank)
+             NONE, isabelle_info spec_eqN helper_rank)
 fun problem_lines_for_mono_types ctxt format mono type_enc Ts =
@@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
              |> close_formula_universally
              |> bound_tvars type_enc (n > 1) (atomic_types_of T)
              |> maybe_negate,
-             NONE, isabelle_info format introN helper_rank)
+             NONE, isabelle_info introN helper_rank)
 fun formula_lines_for_tags_sym_decl ctxt format conj_sym_kind mono type_enc n s
@@ -2360,7 +2360,7 @@
           cons (Formula (ident_base ^ "_res", kind,
                          eq (tag_with res_T (cst bounds)) (cst tagged_bounds),
-                         NONE, isabelle_info format spec_eqN helper_rank))
+                         NONE, isabelle_info spec_eqN helper_rank))
@@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@
             cons (Formula (ident_base ^ "_arg" ^ string_of_int (k + 1), kind,
                            eq (cst (bounds1 @ tag_with arg_T bound :: bounds2))
                               (cst bounds),
-                           NONE, isabelle_info format spec_eqN helper_rank))
+                           NONE, isabelle_info spec_eqN helper_rank))
           | _ => raise Fail "expected nonempty tail"
@@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@
         ([tm1, tm2],
          [Formula (uncurried_alias_eq_prefix ^ s2, kind, eq |> maybe_negate,
-                   NONE, isabelle_info format spec_eqN helper_rank)])
+                   NONE, isabelle_info spec_eqN helper_rank)])
         |> (if ary - 1 = base_ary orelse Symtab.defined sym_tab s1 then I
             else pair_append (do_alias (ary - 1)))
@@ -2663,7 +2663,7 @@
       |> map (formula_line_for_fact ctxt polym_constrs format helper_prefix I
                                     false true mono type_enc (K default_rank))
       |> (if needs_type_tag_idempotence ctxt type_enc then
-            cons (type_tag_idempotence_fact format type_enc)
+            cons (type_tag_idempotence_fact type_enc)
     (* Reordering these might confuse the proof reconstruction code or the SPASS
@@ -2673,10 +2673,8 @@
        (uncurried_alias_eqsN, uncurried_alias_eq_lines),
        (factsN, fact_lines),
-        map (formula_line_for_class_rel_clause format type_enc)
-            class_rel_clauses),
-       (aritiesN,
-        map (formula_line_for_arity_clause format type_enc) arity_clauses),
+        map (formula_line_for_class_rel_clause type_enc) class_rel_clauses),
+       (aritiesN, map (formula_line_for_arity_clause type_enc) arity_clauses),
        (helpersN, helper_lines),
        (free_typesN, formula_lines_for_free_types type_enc (facts @ conjs)),
@@ -2756,22 +2754,26 @@
 val max_term_order_weight = 2147483647
-fun atp_problem_term_order_weights problem =
+fun atp_problem_term_order_info problem =
+    fun add_edge s s' =
+      Graph.default_node (s, ())
+      #> Graph.default_node (s', ())
+      #> Graph.add_edge_acyclic (s, s')
     fun add_term_deps head (ATerm (s, args)) =
-        is_tptp_user_symbol s ? perhaps (try (Graph.add_edge_acyclic (s, head)))
+        is_tptp_user_symbol s ? perhaps (try (add_edge s head))
         #> fold (add_term_deps head) args
       | add_term_deps head (AAbs (_, tm)) = add_term_deps head tm
     fun add_eq_deps (ATerm (s, [lhs as _, rhs])) =
         if is_tptp_equal s then
-          let val (head, rest) = make_head_roll lhs in
-            fold (add_term_deps head) (rhs :: rest)
-          end
+          case make_head_roll lhs of
+            (head, rest as _ :: _) =>
+            is_tptp_user_symbol head ? fold (add_term_deps head) (rhs :: rest)
+          | _ => I
       | add_eq_deps _ = I
-    fun add_line_deps _ (Decl (_, s, ty)) =
-        is_function_type ty ? Graph.default_node (s, ())
+    fun add_line_deps _ (Decl _) = I
       | add_line_deps status (Formula (_, _, phi, _, info)) =
         if extract_isabelle_status info = SOME status then
           formula_fold NONE (K add_eq_deps) phi
@@ -2787,6 +2789,8 @@
         #> add_weights (next_weight weight)
                (fold (union (op =) o Graph.immediate_succs graph) syms [])
+    (* Sorting is not just for aesthetics: It specifies the precedence order
+       for the term ordering (KBO or LPO), from smaller to larger values. *)
     [] |> add_weights 1 (Graph.minimals graph) |> sort (int_ord o pairself snd)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
@@ -7,22 +7,19 @@
 signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
+  type term_order = ATP_Problem.term_order
   type atp_format = ATP_Problem.atp_format
   type formula_kind = ATP_Problem.formula_kind
   type failure = ATP_Proof.failure
-  type term_order =
-    {is_lpo : bool,
-     generate_weights : bool,
-     generate_prec : bool,
-     generate_simp : bool}
   type slice_spec = int * atp_format * string * string * bool
   type atp_config =
     {exec : string * string,
      required_execs : (string * string) list,
      arguments :
        Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time
-       -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
+       -> term_order * (unit -> (string * int) list)
+          * (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
      proof_delims : (string * string) list,
      known_failures : (failure * string) list,
      conj_sym_kind : formula_kind,
@@ -88,7 +85,8 @@
    required_execs : (string * string) list,
    arguments :
      Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time
-     -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
+     -> term_order * (unit -> (string * int) list)
+        * (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
    proof_delims : (string * string) list,
    known_failures : (failure * string) list,
    conj_sym_kind : formula_kind,
@@ -175,29 +173,26 @@
 val xprecN = "_prec"
 val xsimpN = "_simp" (* SPASS-specific *)
+(* Possible values for "atp_term_order":
+   "smart", "(kbo(_weights)?|lpo)(_prec|_simp)?" *)
 val term_order =
   Attrib.setup_config_string @{binding atp_term_order} (K smartN)
-type term_order =
-  {is_lpo : bool,
-   generate_weights : bool,
-   generate_prec : bool,
-   generate_simp : bool}
 fun effective_term_order ctxt atp =
   let val ord = Config.get ctxt term_order in
     if ord = smartN then
       if atp = spass_newN then
-        {is_lpo = false, generate_weights = true, generate_prec = false,
-         generate_simp = true}
+        {is_lpo = false, gen_weights = true, gen_prec = false, gen_simp = true}
-        {is_lpo = false, generate_weights = false, generate_prec = false,
-         generate_simp = false}
+        {is_lpo = false, gen_weights = false, gen_prec = false,
+         gen_simp = false}
-      {is_lpo = String.isSubstring lpoN ord,
-       generate_weights = String.isSubstring xweightsN ord,
-       generate_prec = String.isSubstring xprecN ord,
-       generate_simp = String.isSubstring xsimpN ord}
+      let val is_lpo = String.isSubstring lpoN ord in
+        {is_lpo = is_lpo,
+         gen_weights = not is_lpo andalso String.isSubstring xweightsN ord,
+         gen_prec = String.isSubstring xprecN ord,
+         gen_simp = String.isSubstring xsimpN ord}
+      end
 (* Alt-Ergo *)
@@ -254,41 +249,56 @@
 val e_sym_offs_weight_span =
   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_sym_offs_weight_span} (K 60.0)
-fun e_selection_heuristic_case method fw sow =
-  if method = e_fun_weightN then fw
-  else if method = e_sym_offset_weightN then sow
-  else raise Fail ("unexpected " ^ quote method)
+fun e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic fw sow =
+  if heuristic = e_fun_weightN then fw
+  else if heuristic = e_sym_offset_weightN then sow
+  else raise Fail ("unexpected " ^ quote heuristic)
-fun scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt method w =
-  w * Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case method
+fun scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt heuristic w =
+  w * Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
                            e_fun_weight_span e_sym_offs_weight_span)
-  + Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case method
+  + Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
                          e_fun_weight_base e_sym_offs_weight_base)
   |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int
-fun e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt method sel_weights =
-  if method = e_autoN then
-    "-xAutoDev"
+fun e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt heuristic sel_weights =
+  if heuristic = e_autoN then
+    "-xAuto"
     (* supplied by Stephan Schulz *)
     "--split-clauses=4 --split-reuse-defs --simul-paramod --forward-context-sr \
     \--destructive-er-aggressive --destructive-er --presat-simplify \
     \--prefer-initial-clauses -tKBO6 -winvfreqrank -c1 -Ginvfreqconjmax -F1 \
     \--delete-bad-limit=150000000 -WSelectMaxLComplexAvoidPosPred \
-    \-H'(4*" ^ e_selection_heuristic_case method "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
+    \-H'(4*" ^
+    e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
     "(SimulateSOS, " ^
-    (e_selection_heuristic_case method
+    (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
          e_default_fun_weight e_default_sym_offs_weight
      |> Config.get ctxt |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int) ^
     ",20,1.5,1.5,1" ^
     (sel_weights ()
      |> map (fn (s, w) => "," ^ s ^ ":" ^
-                          scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt method w)
+                          scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt heuristic w)
      |> implode) ^
+val e_ord_weights =
+  map (fn (s, w) => s ^ ":" ^ string_of_int w) #> space_implode ","
+fun e_ord_precedence [_] = ""
+  | e_ord_precedence info = info |> map fst |> space_implode "<"
+fun e_term_order_info_arguments _ false false _ = ""
+  | e_term_order_info_arguments ctxt gen_weights gen_prec ord_info =
+    let val ord_info = ord_info () in
+      (if gen_weights then "--order-weights='" ^ e_ord_weights ord_info ^ "' "
+       else "") ^
+      (if gen_prec then "--precedence='" ^ e_ord_precedence ord_info ^ "' "
+       else "")
+    end
 fun effective_e_selection_heuristic ctxt =
   if is_old_e_version () then e_autoN else Config.get ctxt e_selection_heuristic
@@ -296,10 +306,13 @@
   {exec = ("E_HOME", "eproof"),
    required_execs = [],
    arguments =
-     fn ctxt => fn _ => fn method => fn timeout => fn sel_weights =>
-        "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 " ^
-        e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt method sel_weights ^
-        " -tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 2 timeout),
+     fn ctxt => fn _ => fn heuristic => fn timeout =>
+        fn ({is_lpo, gen_weights, gen_prec, ...}, ord_info, sel_weights) =>
+        "--tstp-in --tstp-out --output-level=5 --silent " ^
+        e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt heuristic sel_weights ^ " " ^
+        e_term_order_info_arguments ctxt gen_weights gen_prec ord_info ^ " " ^
+        "--term-ordering=" ^ (if is_lpo then "LPO4" else "Auto") ^ " " ^
+        "--cpu-limit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 2 timeout),
    proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
    known_failures =
      known_szs_status_failures @
@@ -309,14 +322,14 @@
    conj_sym_kind = Hypothesis,
    prem_kind = Conjecture,
    best_slices = fn ctxt =>
-     let val method = effective_e_selection_heuristic ctxt in
+     let val heuristic = effective_e_selection_heuristic ctxt in
        (* FUDGE *)
-       if method = e_smartN then
+       if heuristic = e_smartN then
          [(0.333, (true, ((500, FOF, "mono_tags??", combsN, false), e_fun_weightN))),
           (0.334, (true, ((50, FOF, "mono_guards??", combsN, false), e_fun_weightN))),
           (0.333, (true, ((1000, FOF, "mono_tags??", combsN, false), e_sym_offset_weightN)))]
-         [(1.0, (true, ((500, FOF, "mono_tags??", combsN, false), method)))]
+         [(1.0, (true, ((500, FOF, "mono_tags??", combsN, false), heuristic)))]
 val e = (eN, e_config)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML	Tue Mar 20 00:44:30 2012 +0100
@@ -651,7 +651,8 @@
                 Monomorph.monomorph atp_schematic_consts_of rths ctxt
                 |> fst |> tl
                 |> curry (map fst facts)
-                |> maps (fn (name, rths) => map (pair name o snd) rths)
+                |> maps (fn (name, rths) =>
+                            map (pair name o zero_var_indexes o snd) rths)
             fun run_slice time_left (cache_key, cache_value)
                     (slice, (time_frac, (complete,
@@ -710,20 +711,18 @@
                            type_enc false lam_trans uncurried_aliases
                            readable_names true hyp_ts concl_t
                 fun sel_weights () = atp_problem_selection_weights atp_problem
-                fun ord_weights () =
-                  if #generate_weights (effective_term_order ctxt name) then
-                    atp_problem_term_order_weights atp_problem
-                  else
-                    []
+                fun ord_info () = atp_problem_term_order_info atp_problem
+                val ord = effective_term_order ctxt name
                 val full_proof = debug orelse isar_proof
+                val args = arguments ctxt full_proof extra slice_timeout
+                                     (ord, ord_info, sel_weights)
                 val command =
-                  File.shell_path command ^ " " ^
-                  arguments ctxt full_proof extra slice_timeout sel_weights ^
-                  " " ^ File.shell_path prob_file
+                  File.shell_path command ^ " " ^ args ^ " " ^
+                  File.shell_path prob_file
                   |> enclose "TIMEFORMAT='%3R'; { time " " ; } 2>&1"
                 val _ =
-                  |> lines_for_atp_problem format ord_weights
+                  |> lines_for_atp_problem format ord ord_info
                   |> cons ("% " ^ command ^ "\n")
                   |> File.write_list prob_file
                 val ((output, run_time), (atp_proof, outcome)) =