Removal of redundant code (unused or already present in Isabelle.
Tue, 20 May 1997 11:49:57 +0200
changeset 3245 241838c01caf
parent 3244 71b760618f30
child 3246 7f783705c7a4
Removal of redundant code (unused or already present in Isabelle. This eliminates HOL compatibility but makes the code smaller and more readable
--- a/TFL/dcterm.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/dcterm.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
 structure Dcterm :
-    val caconv : cterm -> cterm -> bool
-    val mk_eq : cterm * cterm -> cterm
-    val mk_imp : cterm * cterm -> cterm
     val mk_conj : cterm * cterm -> cterm
     val mk_disj : cterm * cterm -> cterm
     val mk_select : cterm * cterm -> cterm
@@ -40,12 +37,9 @@
     val is_pair : cterm -> bool
     val is_select : cterm -> bool
     val is_var : cterm -> bool
-    val list_mk_comb : cterm * cterm list -> cterm
     val list_mk_abs : cterm list -> cterm -> cterm
-    val list_mk_imp : cterm list * cterm -> cterm
     val list_mk_exists : cterm list * cterm -> cterm
     val list_mk_forall : cterm list * cterm -> cterm
-    val list_mk_conj : cterm list -> cterm
     val list_mk_disj : cterm list -> cterm
     val strip_abs : cterm -> cterm list * cterm
     val strip_comb : cterm -> cterm * cterm list
@@ -68,7 +62,6 @@
 val can = Utils.can;
 val quote = Utils.quote;
 fun swap (x,y) = (y,x);
-val bool = Type("bool",[]);
 fun itlist f L base_value =
    let fun it [] = base_value
@@ -76,24 +69,7 @@
    in it L 
-fun end_itlist f =
-let fun endit [] = raise ERR"end_itlist" "list too short"
-      | endit alist = 
-         let val (base::ralist) = rev alist
-         in itlist f (rev ralist) base  end
-in endit
-fun rev_itlist f =
-   let fun rev_it [] base = base
-         | rev_it (a::rst) base = rev_it rst (f a base)
-   in rev_it
-   end;
- * Alpha conversion.
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
-fun caconv ctm1 ctm2 = Term.aconv(#t(rep_cterm ctm1),#t(rep_cterm ctm2));
+val end_itlist = Utils.end_itlist;
@@ -103,44 +79,30 @@
 fun mk_const sign pr = cterm_of sign (Const pr);
 val mk_hol_const = mk_const (sign_of HOL.thy);
-fun list_mk_comb (h,[]) = h
-  | list_mk_comb (h,L) = rev_itlist (fn t1 => fn t2 => capply t2 t1) L h;
-fun mk_eq(lhs,rhs) = 
-   let val ty = #T(rep_cterm lhs)
-       val c = mk_hol_const("op =", ty --> ty --> bool)
-   in list_mk_comb(c,[lhs,rhs])
-   end;
-local val c = mk_hol_const("op -->", bool --> bool --> bool)
-in fun mk_imp(ant,conseq) = list_mk_comb(c,[ant,conseq])
 fun mk_select (r as (Bvar,Body)) = 
   let val ty = #T(rep_cterm Bvar)
-      val c = mk_hol_const("Eps", (ty --> bool) --> ty)
+      val c = mk_hol_const("Eps", (ty --> HOLogic.boolT) --> ty)
   in capply c (uncurry cabs r)
 fun mk_forall (r as (Bvar,Body)) = 
   let val ty = #T(rep_cterm Bvar)
-      val c = mk_hol_const("All", (ty --> bool) --> bool)
+      val c = mk_hol_const("All", (ty --> HOLogic.boolT) --> HOLogic.boolT)
   in capply c (uncurry cabs r)
 fun mk_exists (r as (Bvar,Body)) = 
   let val ty = #T(rep_cterm Bvar)
-      val c = mk_hol_const("Ex", (ty --> bool) --> bool)
+      val c = mk_hol_const("Ex", (ty --> HOLogic.boolT) --> HOLogic.boolT)
   in capply c (uncurry cabs r)
-local val c = mk_hol_const("op &", bool --> bool --> bool)
+local val c = mk_hol_const("op &", HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT)
 in fun mk_conj(conj1,conj2) = capply (capply c conj1) conj2
-local val c = mk_hol_const("op |", bool --> bool --> bool)
+local val c = mk_hol_const("op |", HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT)
 in fun mk_disj(disj1,disj2) = capply (capply c disj1) disj2
@@ -226,10 +188,8 @@
 val list_mk_abs = itlist cabs;
-fun list_mk_imp(A,c) = itlist(fn a => fn tm => mk_imp(a,tm)) A c;
 fun list_mk_exists(V,t) = itlist(fn v => fn b => mk_exists(v, b)) V t;
 fun list_mk_forall(V,t) = itlist(fn v => fn b => mk_forall(v, b)) V t;
-val list_mk_conj = end_itlist(fn c1 => fn tm => mk_conj(c1, tm))
 val list_mk_disj = end_itlist(fn d1 => fn tm => mk_disj(d1, tm))
--- a/TFL/post.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/post.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+there are 3 postprocessors that get applied to the definition:
+    - a wellfoundedness prover (WF_TAC)
+    - a simplifier (tries to eliminate the language of termination expressions)
+    - a termination prover
 signature TFL = 
    structure Prim : TFL_sig
@@ -38,7 +46,7 @@
  * have a tactic directly applied to them.
 fun termination_goals rules = 
-    map (Logic.freeze_vars o S.drop_Trueprop)
+    map (Logic.freeze_vars o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop)
       (foldr (fn (th,A) => union_term (prems_of th, A)) (rules, []));
@@ -48,26 +56,23 @@
  fun tgoalw thy defs rules = 
     let val L = termination_goals rules
         open USyntax
-        val g = cterm_of (sign_of thy) (mk_prop(list_mk_conj L))
+        val g = cterm_of (sign_of thy) (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(list_mk_conj L))
     in goalw_cterm defs g
- val tgoal = Utils.C tgoalw [];
+ fun tgoal thy = tgoalw thy [];
   * Simple wellfoundedness prover.
  fun WF_TAC thms = REPEAT(FIRST1(map rtac thms))
- val WFtac = WF_TAC[wf_measure, wf_inv_image, wf_lex_prod, wf_less_than,
-                    wf_pred_nat, wf_pred_list, wf_trancl];
+ val WFtac = WF_TAC[wf_measure, wf_inv_image, wf_lex_prod, wf_less_than, 
+                    wf_pred_list, wf_trancl];
- val terminator = simp_tac(!simpset addsimps [less_than_def, pred_nat_def,
-					      pred_list_def]) 1
+ val terminator = simp_tac(!simpset addsimps [less_Suc_eq, pred_list_def]) 1
                   THEN TRY(best_tac
-			   (!claset addSDs [not0_implies_Suc]
-				    addIs [r_into_trancl,
-					   trans_trancl RS transD]
-				    addss (!simpset)) 1);
+                           (!claset addSDs [not0_implies_Suc]
+                                    addss (!simpset)) 1);
  val simpls = [less_eq RS eq_reflection,
                lex_prod_def, rprod_def, measure_def, inv_image_def];
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@
                                     simplifier = Prim.Rules.simpl_conv simpls};
  val simplifier = rewrite_rule (simpls @ #simps(rep_ss (!simpset)) @ 
-                                [less_than_def, pred_nat_def, pred_list_def]);
+                                [pred_list_def]);
  fun tflcongs thy = @ (#case_congs(Thry.extract_info thy));
@@ -102,12 +107,12 @@
 (*lcp's version: takes strings; doesn't return "thm" 
-	(whose signature is a draft and therefore useless) *)
+        (whose signature is a draft and therefore useless) *)
 fun define thy R eqs = 
   let fun read thy = readtm (sign_of thy) (TVar(("DUMMY",0),[])) 
       val (thy',(_,pats)) =
-	     define_i thy (read thy R) 
-	              (fold_bal (app Ind_Syntax.conj) (map (read thy) eqs))
+             define_i thy (read thy R) 
+                      (fold_bal (app Ind_Syntax.conj) (map (read thy) eqs))
   in  (thy',pats)  end
   handle Utils.ERR {mesg,...} => error mesg;
@@ -134,7 +139,7 @@
      Const("==",_)$_$_ => r
   |   _$(Const("op =",_)$_$_) => r RS eq_reflection
   |   _ => r RS P_imp_P_eq_True
-fun rewrite L = rewrite_rule (map mk_meta_eq (Utils.filter(not o id_thm) L))
+fun rewrite L = rewrite_rule (map mk_meta_eq (filter(not o id_thm) L))
 fun reducer thl = rewrite (map standard thl @ #simps(rep_ss HOL_ss))
 fun join_assums th = 
@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@
       val {lhs,rhs} = S.dest_eq(#2 (S.strip_forall (concl th)))
       val cntxtl = (#1 o S.strip_imp) lhs  (* cntxtl should = cntxtr *)
       val cntxtr = (#1 o S.strip_imp) rhs  (* but union is solider *)
-      val cntxt = U.union S.aconv cntxtl cntxtr
+      val cntxt = gen_union (op aconv) (cntxtl, cntxtr)
@@ -198,22 +203,22 @@
 fun simplify_defn (thy,(id,pats)) =
    let val dummy = deny (id  mem  map ! (stamps_of_thy thy))
                         ("Recursive definition " ^ id ^ 
-			 " would clash with the theory of the same name!")
+                         " would clash with the theory of the same name!")
        val def = freezeT(get_def thy id  RS  meta_eq_to_obj_eq)
        val {theory,rules,TCs,full_pats_TCs,patterns} = 
-		Prim.post_definition (thy,(def,pats))
+                Prim.post_definition (thy,(def,pats))
        val {lhs=f,rhs} = S.dest_eq(concl def)
        val (_,[R,_]) = S.strip_comb rhs
        val {induction, rules, tcs} = 
              proof_stage theory reducer
-	       {f = f, R = R, rules = rules,
-		full_pats_TCs = full_pats_TCs,
-		TCs = TCs}
+               {f = f, R = R, rules = rules,
+                full_pats_TCs = full_pats_TCs,
+                TCs = TCs}
        val rules' = map (standard o normalize_thm [RSmp]) (R.CONJUNCTS rules)
    in  {induct = meta_outer
-	          (normalize_thm [RSspec,RSmp] (induction RS spec')), 
-	rules = rules', 
-	tcs = (termination_goals rules') @ tcs}
+                  (normalize_thm [RSspec,RSmp] (induction RS spec')), 
+        rules = rules', 
+        tcs = (termination_goals rules') @ tcs}
   handle Utils.ERR {mesg,...} => error mesg
--- a/TFL/	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -10,23 +10,16 @@
 structure U  = Utils;
 structure D = Dcterm;
-type Type = USyntax.Type
-type Preterm  = USyntax.Preterm
-type Term = USyntax.Term
-type Thm = Thm.thm
-type Tactic = tactic;
 fun RULES_ERR{func,mesg} = Utils.ERR{module = "FastRules",func=func,mesg=mesg};
-nonfix ##;    val ## = Utils.##;      infix  4 ##; 
 fun cconcl thm = D.drop_prop(#prop(crep_thm thm));
 fun chyps thm = map D.drop_prop(#hyps(crep_thm thm));
 fun dest_thm thm = 
-   let val drop = S.drop_Trueprop
-       val {prop,hyps,...} = rep_thm thm
-   in (map drop hyps, drop prop)
+   let val {prop,hyps,...} = rep_thm thm
+   in (map HOLogic.dest_Trueprop hyps, HOLogic.dest_Trueprop prop)
@@ -46,11 +39,9 @@
    in equal_elim (transitive ctm2_eq ctm1_eq) thm
-val BETA_RULE = Utils.I;
- *        Type instantiation
+ *        typ instantiation
 fun INST_TYPE blist thm = 
   let val {sign,...} = rep_thm thm
@@ -82,9 +73,9 @@
- let fun check tm = U.holds P (S.drop_Trueprop (#t(rep_cterm tm)))
- in  U.itlist (fn tm => fn th => if (check tm) then DISCH tm th else th)
-              (chyps thm) thm
+ let fun check tm = U.holds P (#t(rep_cterm tm))
+ in  foldr (fn (tm,th) => if (check tm) then DISCH tm th else th)
+              (chyps thm, thm)
 (* freezeT expensive! *)
@@ -97,10 +88,10 @@
 fun PROVE_HYP ath bth =  MP (DISCH (cconcl ath) bth) ath;
 local val [p1,p2] = goal HOL.thy "(A-->B) ==> (B --> C) ==> (A-->C)"
-      val _ = by (rtac impI 1)
-      val _ = by (rtac (p2 RS mp) 1)
-      val _ = by (rtac (p1 RS mp) 1)
-      val _ = by (assume_tac 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac impI 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac (p2 RS mp) 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac (p1 RS mp) 1)
+      val dummy = by (assume_tac 1)
       val imp_trans = result()
 fun IMP_TRANS th1 th2 = th2 RS (th1 RS imp_trans)
@@ -167,11 +158,11 @@
 local val [p1,p2,p3] = goal HOL.thy "(P | Q) ==> (P --> R) ==> (Q --> R) ==> R"
-      val _ = by (rtac (p1 RS disjE) 1)
-      val _ = by (rtac (p2 RS mp) 1)
-      val _ = by (assume_tac 1)
-      val _ = by (rtac (p3 RS mp) 1)
-      val _ = by (assume_tac 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac (p1 RS disjE) 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac (p2 RS mp) 1)
+      val dummy = by (assume_tac 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac (p3 RS mp) 1)
+      val dummy = by (assume_tac 1)
       val tfl_exE = result()
 fun DISJ_CASES th1 th2 th3 = 
@@ -215,7 +206,9 @@
 (* freezeT expensive! *)
 fun DISJ_CASESL disjth thl =
    let val c = cconcl disjth
-       fun eq th atm = exists (D.caconv atm) (chyps th)
+       fun eq th atm = exists (fn t => HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t 
+			               aconv term_of atm)
+	                      (#hyps(rep_thm th))
        val tml = D.strip_disj c
        fun DL th [] = raise RULES_ERR{func="DISJ_CASESL",mesg="no cases"}
          | DL th [th1] = PROVE_HYP th th1
@@ -262,7 +255,7 @@
 fun GEN v th =
    let val gth = forall_intr v th
        val {prop=Const("all",_)$Abs(x,ty,rst),sign,...} = rep_thm gth
-       val P' = Abs(x,ty, S.drop_Trueprop rst)  (* get rid of trueprop *)
+       val P' = Abs(x,ty, HOLogic.dest_Trueprop rst)  (* get rid of trueprop *)
        val tsig = #tsig(Sign.rep_sg sign)
        val theta = Pattern.match tsig (P,P')
        val allI2 = instantiate (certify sign theta) allI
@@ -289,8 +282,8 @@
   let val fth = freezeT th
       val {prop,sign,...} = rep_thm fth
       fun mk_inst (Var(v,T)) = 
-	  (cterm_of sign (Var(v,T)),
-	   cterm_of sign (Free(string_of v, T)))
+          (cterm_of sign (Var(v,T)),
+           cterm_of sign (Free(string_of v, T)))
       val insts = map mk_inst (term_vars prop)
   in  instantiate ([],insts) fth  
@@ -318,10 +311,10 @@
 local val [p1,p2] = goal HOL.thy "(? x. P x) ==> (!x. P x --> Q) ==> Q"
-      val _ = by (rtac (p1 RS exE) 1)
-      val _ = by (rtac ((p2 RS allE) RS mp) 1)
-      val _ = by (assume_tac 2)
-      val _ = by (assume_tac 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac (p1 RS exE) 1)
+      val dummy = by (rtac ((p2 RS allE) RS mp) 1)
+      val dummy = by (assume_tac 2)
+      val dummy = by (assume_tac 1)
       val choose_thm = result()
 fun CHOOSE(fvar,exth) fact =
@@ -378,7 +371,7 @@
   U.itlist (fn (b as (r1 |-> r2)) => fn thm => 
-        EXISTS(?r2(S.subst[b] (S.drop_Trueprop(#prop(rep_thm thm)))), tych r1)
+        EXISTS(?r2(S.subst[b] (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop(#prop(rep_thm thm)))), tych r1)
        blist' th
@@ -426,10 +419,6 @@
-val bool = S.bool
-val prop = Type("prop",[]);
 (* Object language quantifier, i.e., "!" *)
 fun Forall v M = S.mk_forall{Bvar=v, Body=M};
@@ -452,8 +441,8 @@
   | dest_equal tm = S.dest_eq tm;
-fun get_rhs tm = #rhs(dest_equal (S.drop_Trueprop tm));
-fun get_lhs tm = #lhs(dest_equal (S.drop_Trueprop tm));
+fun get_rhs tm = #rhs(dest_equal (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop tm));
+fun get_lhs tm = #lhs(dest_equal (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop tm));
 fun variants FV vlist =
   rev(#1(U.rev_itlist (fn v => fn (V,W) =>
@@ -589,17 +578,11 @@
 local fun dest_pair M = let val {fst,snd} = S.dest_pair M in (fst,snd) end
       fun mk_fst tm = 
-          let val ty = S.type_of tm
-              val {Tyop="*",Args=[fty,sty]} = S.dest_type ty
-              val fst = S.mk_const{Name="fst",Ty = ty --> fty}
-          in S.mk_comb{Rator=fst, Rand=tm}
-          end
+          let val ty as Type("*", [fty,sty]) = type_of tm
+          in  Const ("fst", ty --> fty) $ tm  end
       fun mk_snd tm = 
-          let val ty = S.type_of tm
-              val {Tyop="*",Args=[fty,sty]} = S.dest_type ty
-              val snd = S.mk_const{Name="snd",Ty = ty --> sty}
-          in S.mk_comb{Rator=snd, Rand=tm}
-          end
+          let val ty as Type("*", [fty,sty]) = type_of tm
+          in  Const ("snd", ty --> sty) $ tm  end
 fun XFILL tych x vstruct = 
   let fun traverse p xocc L =
@@ -622,7 +605,7 @@
 fun VSTRUCT_ELIM tych a vstr th = 
   let val L = S.free_vars_lr vstr
-      val bind1 = tych (S.mk_prop (S.mk_eq{lhs=a, rhs=vstr}))
+      val bind1 = tych (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq(a,vstr)))
       val thm1 = implies_intr bind1 (SUBS [SYM(assume bind1)] th)
       val thm2 = forall_intr_list (map tych L) thm1
       val thm3 = forall_elim_list (XFILL tych a vstr) thm2
@@ -648,7 +631,7 @@
 fun dest_pbeta_redex M n = 
   let val (f,args) = dest_combn M n
-      val _ = dest_aabs f
+      val dummy = dest_aabs f
   in (strip_aabs f,args)
@@ -666,30 +649,30 @@
 fun CONTEXT_REWRITE_RULE(func,R){thms=[cut_lemma],congs,th} =
  let val tc_list = ref[]: term list ref
-     val _ = term_ref := []
-     val _ = thm_ref  := []
-     val _ = mss_ref  := []
+     val dummy = term_ref := []
+     val dummy = thm_ref  := []
+     val dummy = mss_ref  := []
      val cut_lemma' = (cut_lemma RS mp) RS eq_reflection
      fun prover mss thm =
      let fun cong_prover mss thm =
-         let val _ = say "cong_prover:\n"
+         let val dummy = say "cong_prover:\n"
              val cntxt = prems_of_mss mss
-             val _ = print_thms "cntxt:\n" cntxt
-             val _ = say "cong rule:\n"
-             val _ = say (string_of_thm thm^"\n")
-             val _ = thm_ref := (thm :: !thm_ref)
-             val _ = mss_ref := (mss :: !mss_ref)
+             val dummy = print_thms "cntxt:\n" cntxt
+             val dummy = say "cong rule:\n"
+             val dummy = say (string_of_thm thm^"\n")
+             val dummy = thm_ref := (thm :: !thm_ref)
+             val dummy = mss_ref := (mss :: !mss_ref)
              (* Unquantified eliminate *)
              fun uq_eliminate (thm,imp,sign) = 
                  let val tych = cterm_of sign
-                     val _ = print_cterms "To eliminate:\n" [tych imp]
+                     val dummy = print_cterms "To eliminate:\n" [tych imp]
                      val ants = map tych (Logic.strip_imp_prems imp)
                      val eq = Logic.strip_imp_concl imp
                      val lhs = tych(get_lhs eq)
                      val mss' = add_prems(mss, map ASSUME ants)
                      val lhs_eq_lhs1 = rewrite_cterm(false,true)mss' prover lhs
                        handle _ => reflexive lhs
-                     val _ = print_thms "proven:\n" [lhs_eq_lhs1]
+                     val dummy = print_thms "proven:\n" [lhs_eq_lhs1]
                      val lhs_eq_lhs2 = implies_intr_list ants lhs_eq_lhs1
                      val lhs_eeq_lhs2 = lhs_eq_lhs2 RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq
@@ -697,10 +680,12 @@
              fun pq_eliminate (thm,sign,vlist,imp_body,lhs_eq) =
               let val ((vstrl,_),args) = dest_pbeta_redex lhs_eq(length vlist)
-                  val true = forall (fn (tm1,tm2) => S.aconv tm1 tm2)
-                                   ( vlist args)
+                  val dummy = assert (forall (op aconv)
+                                      ( (vlist, args)))
+                               "assertion failed in CONTEXT_REWRITE_RULE"
 (*                val fbvs1 = variants (S.free_vars imp) fbvs *)
-                  val imp_body1 = S.subst (map (op|->) ( args vstrl))
+                  val imp_body1 = S.subst (map (op|->) 
+                                           ( (args, vstrl)))
                   val tych = cterm_of sign
                   val ants1 = map tych (Logic.strip_imp_prems imp_body1)
@@ -711,8 +696,8 @@
                   val mss' = add_prems(mss, map ASSUME ants1)
                   val Q1eeqQ2 = rewrite_cterm (false,true) mss' prover Q1
                                 handle _ => reflexive Q1
-                  val Q2 = get_rhs(S.drop_Trueprop(#prop(rep_thm Q1eeqQ2)))
-                  val Q3 = tych(S.list_mk_comb(list_mk_aabs(vstrl,Q2),vstrl))
+                  val Q2 = get_rhs(HOLogic.dest_Trueprop(#prop(rep_thm Q1eeqQ2)))
+                  val Q3 = tych(list_comb(list_mk_aabs(vstrl,Q2),vstrl))
                   val Q2eeqQ3 = symmetric(pbeta_reduce Q3 RS eq_reflection)
                   val thA = transitive(QeqQ1 RS eq_reflection) Q1eeqQ2
                   val QeeqQ3 = transitive thA Q2eeqQ3 handle _ =>
@@ -757,12 +742,12 @@
          end handle _ => None
         fun restrict_prover mss thm =
-          let val _ = say "restrict_prover:\n"
+          let val dummy = say "restrict_prover:\n"
               val cntxt = rev(prems_of_mss mss)
-              val _ = print_thms "cntxt:\n" cntxt
+              val dummy = print_thms "cntxt:\n" cntxt
               val {prop = Const("==>",_) $ (Const("Trueprop",_) $ A) $ _,
                    sign,...} = rep_thm thm
-              fun genl tm = let val vlist = U.set_diff (U.curry(op aconv))
+              fun genl tm = let val vlist = U.set_diff (curry(op aconv))
                                            (add_term_frees(tm,[])) [func,R]
                             in U.itlist Forall vlist tm
@@ -780,19 +765,19 @@
                                handle _ => false
               val nested = U.can(S.find_term is_func)
               val rcontext = rev cntxt
-              val cncl = S.drop_Trueprop o #prop o rep_thm
+              val cncl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o #prop o rep_thm
               val antl = case rcontext of [] => [] 
                          | _   => [S.list_mk_conj(map cncl rcontext)]
               val TC = genl(S.list_mk_imp(antl, A))
-              val _ = print_cterms "func:\n" [cterm_of sign func]
-              val _ = print_cterms "TC:\n" [cterm_of sign (S.mk_prop TC)]
-              val _ = tc_list := (TC :: !tc_list)
+              val dummy = print_cterms "func:\n" [cterm_of sign func]
+              val dummy = print_cterms "TC:\n" [cterm_of sign (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop TC)]
+              val dummy = tc_list := (TC :: !tc_list)
               val nestedp = nested TC
-              val _ = if nestedp then say "nested\n" else say "not_nested\n"
-              val _ = term_ref := ([func,TC]@(!term_ref))
+              val dummy = if nestedp then say "nested\n" else say "not_nested\n"
+              val dummy = term_ref := ([func,TC]@(!term_ref))
               val th' = if nestedp then raise RULES_ERR{func = "solver", 
                                                       mesg = "nested function"}
-                        else let val cTC = cterm_of sign (S.mk_prop TC)
+                        else let val cTC = cterm_of sign (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop TC)
                              in case rcontext of
                                 [] => SPEC_ALL(ASSUME cTC)
                                | _ => MP (SPEC_ALL (ASSUME cTC)) 
@@ -809,14 +794,14 @@
                             prover ctm
     val th2 = equal_elim th1 th
- (th2, U.filter (not o restricted) (!tc_list))
+ (th2, filter (not o restricted) (!tc_list))
 fun prove (tm,tac) = 
   let val {t,sign,...} = rep_cterm tm
-      val ptm = cterm_of sign(S.mk_prop t)
+      val ptm = cterm_of sign(HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t)
   freeze(prove_goalw_cterm [] ptm (fn _ => [tac]))
--- a/TFL/rules.sig	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/rules.sig	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -1,65 +1,59 @@
 signature Rules_sig =
 (*  structure USyntax : USyntax_sig *)
-  type Type
-  type Preterm
-  type Term
-  type Thm
-  type Tactic
   type 'a binding
-  val dest_thm : Thm -> Preterm list * Preterm
+  val dest_thm : thm -> term list * term
   (* Inference rules *)
-  val REFL      :Term -> Thm
-  val ASSUME    :Term -> Thm
-  val MP        :Thm -> Thm -> Thm
-  val MATCH_MP  :Thm -> Thm -> Thm
-  val CONJUNCT1 :Thm -> Thm
-  val CONJUNCT2 :Thm -> Thm
-  val CONJUNCTS :Thm -> Thm list
-  val DISCH     :Term -> Thm -> Thm
-  val UNDISCH   :Thm  -> Thm
-  val INST_TYPE :Type binding list -> Thm -> Thm
-  val SPEC      :Term -> Thm -> Thm
-  val ISPEC     :Term -> Thm -> Thm
-  val ISPECL    :Term list -> Thm -> Thm
-  val GEN       :Term -> Thm -> Thm
-  val GENL      :Term list -> Thm -> Thm
-  val BETA_RULE :Thm -> Thm
-  val LIST_CONJ :Thm list -> Thm
+  val REFL      :cterm -> thm
+  val ASSUME    :cterm -> thm
+  val MP        :thm -> thm -> thm
+  val MATCH_MP  :thm -> thm -> thm
+  val CONJUNCT1 :thm -> thm
+  val CONJUNCT2 :thm -> thm
+  val CONJUNCTS :thm -> thm list
+  val DISCH     :cterm -> thm -> thm
+  val UNDISCH   :thm  -> thm
+  val INST_TYPE :typ binding list -> thm -> thm
+  val SPEC      :cterm -> thm -> thm
+  val ISPEC     :cterm -> thm -> thm
+  val ISPECL    :cterm list -> thm -> thm
+  val GEN       :cterm -> thm -> thm
+  val GENL      :cterm list -> thm -> thm
+  val LIST_CONJ :thm list -> thm
-  val SYM : Thm -> Thm
-  val DISCH_ALL : Thm -> Thm
-  val FILTER_DISCH_ALL : (Preterm -> bool) -> Thm -> Thm
-  val SPEC_ALL  : Thm -> Thm
-  val GEN_ALL   : Thm -> Thm
-  val IMP_TRANS : Thm -> Thm -> Thm
-  val PROVE_HYP : Thm -> Thm -> Thm
+  val SYM : thm -> thm
+  val DISCH_ALL : thm -> thm
+  val FILTER_DISCH_ALL : (term -> bool) -> thm -> thm
+  val SPEC_ALL  : thm -> thm
+  val GEN_ALL   : thm -> thm
+  val IMP_TRANS : thm -> thm -> thm
+  val PROVE_HYP : thm -> thm -> thm
-  val CHOOSE : Term * Thm -> Thm -> Thm
-  val EXISTS : Term * Term -> Thm -> Thm
-  val EXISTL : Term list -> Thm -> Thm
-  val IT_EXISTS : Term binding list -> Thm -> Thm
+  val CHOOSE : cterm * thm -> thm -> thm
+  val EXISTS : cterm * cterm -> thm -> thm
+  val EXISTL : cterm list -> thm -> thm
+  val IT_EXISTS : cterm binding list -> thm -> thm
-  val EVEN_ORS : Thm list -> Thm list
-  val DISJ_CASESL : Thm -> Thm list -> Thm
+  val EVEN_ORS : thm list -> thm list
+  val DISJ_CASESL : thm -> thm list -> thm
-  val SUBS : Thm list -> Thm -> Thm
-  val simplify : Thm list -> Thm -> Thm
-  val simpl_conv : Thm list -> Term -> Thm
+  val SUBS : thm list -> thm -> thm
+  val simplify : thm list -> thm -> thm
+  val simpl_conv : thm list -> cterm -> thm
 (* For debugging my isabelle solver in the conditional rewriter *)
-  val term_ref : Preterm list ref
-  val thm_ref : Thm list ref
+  val term_ref : term list ref
+  val thm_ref : thm list ref
   val mss_ref : meta_simpset list ref
   val tracing :bool ref
-  val CONTEXT_REWRITE_RULE : Preterm * Preterm
-                             -> {thms:Thm list,congs: Thm list, th:Thm} 
-                             -> Thm * Preterm list
-  val RIGHT_ASSOC : Thm -> Thm 
+  val CONTEXT_REWRITE_RULE : term * term
+                             -> {thms:thm list,congs: thm list, th:thm} 
+                             -> thm * term list
+  val RIGHT_ASSOC : thm -> thm 
-  val prove : Term * Tactic -> Thm
+  val prove : cterm * tactic -> thm
--- a/TFL/sys.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/sys.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 (* Establish a base of common and/or helpful functions. *)
 use "utils.sig";
-use "utils.sml";
 (* Get the specifications - these are independent of any system *)
 use "usyntax.sig";
@@ -23,16 +22,16 @@
 use "tfl.sml";
-structure Utils = UTILS(val int_to_string = string_of_int);
+use "utils.sml";
  *      Supply implementations
-(* Ignore "Time" exception raised at end of building theory. *)
 use "usyntax.sml";
 use "thms.sml";
-use"dcterm.sml"; use"";
 use "thry.sml";
--- a/TFL/tfl.sig	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/tfl.sig	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -5,57 +5,51 @@
    structure Thry : Thry_sig
    structure USyntax : USyntax_sig
-   type Preterm
-   type Term
-   type Thm
-   type Thry
-   type Tactic
-   datatype pattern = GIVEN of Preterm * int
-                    | OMITTED of Preterm * int
+   datatype pattern = GIVEN of term * int
+                    | OMITTED of term * int
-   val mk_functional : Thry -> Preterm
-                       -> {functional:Preterm,
+   val mk_functional : theory -> term
+                       -> {functional:term,
                            pats: pattern list}
-   val wfrec_definition0 : Thry -> Preterm -> Preterm -> Thm * Thry
+   val wfrec_definition0 : theory -> term -> term -> thm * theory
-   val post_definition : Thry * (Thm * pattern list)
-                              -> {theory : Thry,
-                                  rules  : Thm, 
-                                    TCs  : Preterm list list,
-                          full_pats_TCs  : (Preterm * Preterm list) list, 
+   val post_definition : theory * (thm * pattern list)
+                              -> {theory : theory,
+                                  rules  : thm, 
+                                    TCs  : term list list,
+                          full_pats_TCs  : (term * term list) list, 
                                patterns  : pattern list}
-   val wfrec_eqns : Thry -> Preterm
-                     -> {WFR : Preterm, 
-                         proto_def : Preterm,
-                         extracta :(Thm * Preterm list) list,
+   val wfrec_eqns : theory -> term
+                     -> {WFR : term, 
+                         proto_def : term,
+                         extracta :(thm * term list) list,
                          pats  : pattern list}
-   val lazyR_def : Thry
-                   -> Preterm
-                   -> {theory:Thry,
-                       rules :Thm,
-                           R :Preterm,
-                       full_pats_TCs :(Preterm * Preterm list) list, 
+   val lazyR_def : theory
+                   -> term
+                   -> {theory:theory,
+                       rules :thm,
+                           R :term,
+                       full_pats_TCs :(term * term list) list, 
                        patterns: pattern list}
-   val mk_induction : Thry 
-                       -> Preterm -> Preterm 
-                         -> (Preterm * Preterm list) list
-                           -> Thm
+   val mk_induction : theory 
+                       -> term -> term 
+                         -> (term * term list) list
+                           -> thm
-   val postprocess: {WFtac:Tactic, terminator:Tactic, simplifier:Term -> Thm}
-                     -> Thry 
-                      -> {rules:Thm, induction:Thm, TCs:Preterm list list}
-                       -> {rules:Thm, induction:Thm, nested_tcs:Thm list}
+   val postprocess: {WFtac:tactic, terminator:tactic, simplifier:cterm -> thm}
+                     -> theory 
+                      -> {rules:thm, induction:thm, TCs:term list list}
+                       -> {rules:thm, induction:thm, nested_tcs:thm list}
    structure Context
      : sig
-         val read : unit -> Thm list
-         val write : Thm list -> unit
+         val read : unit -> thm list
+         val write : thm list -> unit
--- a/TFL/tfl.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/tfl.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -2,11 +2,7 @@
             structure Thry  : Thry_sig
             structure Thms  : Thms_sig
             sharing type Rules.binding = Thry.binding = 
-                         Thry.USyntax.binding = Mask.binding
-            sharing type Rules.Type = Thry.Type = Thry.USyntax.Type
-            sharing type Rules.Preterm = Thry.Preterm = Thry.USyntax.Preterm
-            sharing type Rules.Term = Thry.Term = Thry.USyntax.Term
-            sharing type Thms.Thm = Rules.Thm = Thry.Thm) : TFL_sig  =
+                         Thry.USyntax.binding = Mask.binding) : TFL_sig  =
 (* Declarations *)
@@ -15,12 +11,6 @@
 structure Thry = Thry;
 structure USyntax = Thry.USyntax;
-type Preterm = Thry.USyntax.Preterm;
-type Term = Thry.USyntax.Term;
-type Thm = Thms.Thm;
-type Thry = Thry.Thry;
-type Tactic = Rules.Tactic;
 (* Abbreviations *)
 structure R = Rules;
@@ -30,22 +20,16 @@
 (* Declares 'a binding datatype *)
 open Mask;
-nonfix mem --> |-> ##;
+nonfix mem --> |->;
 val --> = S.-->;
-val ##    = U.##;
 infixr 3 -->;
 infixr 7 |->;
-infix  4 ##; 
 val concl = #2 o R.dest_thm;
 val hyp = #1 o R.dest_thm;
-val list_mk_type = U.end_itlist (U.curry(op -->));
-fun flatten [] = []
-  | flatten (h::t) = h@flatten t;
+val list_mk_type = U.end_itlist (curry(op -->));
 fun gtake f =
   let fun grab(0,rst) = ([],rst)
@@ -59,8 +43,8 @@
  rev(#1(U.rev_itlist (fn x => fn (alist,i) => ((x,i)::alist, i+1)) L ([],0)));
 fun stringize [] = ""
-  | stringize [i] = U.int_to_string i
-  | stringize (h::t) = (U.int_to_string h^", "^stringize t);
+  | stringize [i] = Int.toString i
+  | stringize (h::t) = (Int.toString h^", "^stringize t);
 fun TFL_ERR{func,mesg} = U.ERR{module = "Tfl", func = func, mesg = mesg};
@@ -78,12 +62,12 @@
 fun gvvariant vlist =
   let val slist = ref (map (#Name o S.dest_var) vlist)
-      val mem = U.mem (U.curry (op=))
-      val _ = counter := 0
+      val mem = U.mem (curry (op=))
+      val dummy = counter := 0
       fun pass str = 
          if (mem str (!slist)) 
          then ( counter := !counter + 1;
-                pass (U.concat"v" (U.int_to_string(!counter))))
+                pass (U.concat"v" (Int.toString(!counter))))
          else (slist := str :: !slist; str)
   fn ty => S.mk_var{Name=pass "v",  Ty=ty}
@@ -111,7 +95,7 @@
                      then ((args@rst, rhs)::in_group, not_in_group)
                      else (in_group, row::not_in_group)
                   end)      rows ([],[])
-              val col_types = U.take S.type_of (length L, #1(hd in_group))
+              val col_types = U.take type_of (length L, #1(hd in_group))
           part{constrs = crst, rows = not_in_group, 
                A = {constructor = c, 
@@ -127,8 +111,8 @@
  * This datatype carries some information about the origin of a
  * clause in a function definition.
-datatype pattern = GIVEN   of S.Preterm * int
-                 | OMITTED of S.Preterm * int
+datatype pattern = GIVEN   of term * int
+                 | OMITTED of term * int
 fun psubst theta (GIVEN (tm,i)) = GIVEN(S.subst theta tm, i)
   | psubst theta (OMITTED (tm,i)) = OMITTED(S.subst theta tm, i);
@@ -195,13 +179,13 @@
  * Misc. routines used in mk_case
-fun mk_pat c =
-  let val L = length(#1(S.strip_type(S.type_of c)))
+fun mk_pat (c,l) =
+  let val L = length(#1(S.strip_type(type_of c)))
       fun build (prefix,tag,plist) =
-          let val (args,plist') = gtake U.I (L, plist)
-           in (prefix,tag,S.list_mk_comb(c,args)::plist') end
-  in map build 
-  end;
+          let val args   = take (L,plist)
+              and plist' = drop(L,plist)
+          in (prefix,tag,list_comb(c,args)::plist') end
+  in map build l end;
 fun v_to_prefix (prefix, v::pats) = (v::prefix,pats)
   | v_to_prefix _ = raise TFL_ERR{func="mk_case", mesg="v_to_prefix"};
@@ -228,7 +212,7 @@
        if (S.is_var p) 
        then let val fresh = fresh_constr ty_match ty fresh_var
                 fun expnd (c,gvs) = 
-                  let val capp = S.list_mk_comb(c,gvs)
+                  let val capp = list_comb(c,gvs)
                   in ((prefix, capp::rst), psubst[p |-> capp] rhs)
             in map expnd (map fresh constructors)  end
@@ -241,41 +225,44 @@
    | mk{path=[], rows = _::_} = mk_case_fail"blunder"
    | mk{path as u::rstp, rows as ((prefix, []), rhs)::rst} = 
         mk{path = path, 
-           rows = ((prefix, [fresh_var(S.type_of u)]), rhs)::rst}
+           rows = ((prefix, [fresh_var(type_of u)]), rhs)::rst}
    | mk{path = u::rstp, rows as ((_, p::_), _)::_} =
-     let val (pat_rectangle,rights) = U.unzip rows
+     let val (pat_rectangle,rights) = ListPair.unzip rows
          val col0 = map(hd o #2) pat_rectangle
-     if (U.all S.is_var col0) 
-     then let val rights' = map(fn(v,e) => psubst[v|->u] e) ( col0 rights)
+     if (forall S.is_var col0) 
+     then let val rights' = map (fn(v,e) => psubst[v|->u] e)
+                                ( (col0, rights))
               val pat_rectangle' = map v_to_prefix pat_rectangle
               val (pref_patl,tm) = mk{path = rstp,
-                                      rows = pat_rectangle' rights'}
+                                      rows = (pat_rectangle',
+                                                           rights')}
           in (map v_to_pats pref_patl, tm)
-     let val pty = S.type_of p
-         val ty_name = (#Tyop o S.dest_type) pty
+     let val pty as Type (ty_name,_) = type_of p
      case (ty_info ty_name)
-     of U.NONE => mk_case_fail("Not a known datatype: "^ty_name)
-      | U.SOME{case_const,constructors} =>
+     of None => mk_case_fail("Not a known datatype: "^ty_name)
+      | Some{case_const,constructors} =>
         let val case_const_name = #Name(S.dest_const case_const)
-            val nrows = flatten (map (expand constructors pty) rows)
+            val nrows = List_.concat (map (expand constructors pty) rows)
             val subproblems = divide(constructors, pty, range_ty, nrows)
             val groups      = map #group subproblems
             and new_formals = map #new_formals subproblems
             and constructors' = map #constructor subproblems
             val news = map (fn (nf,rows) => {path = nf@rstp, rows=rows})
-                           ( new_formals groups)
+                           ( (new_formals, groups))
             val rec_calls = map mk news
-            val (pat_rect,dtrees) = U.unzip rec_calls
-            val case_functions = map S.list_mk_abs( new_formals dtrees)
-            val types = map S.type_of (case_functions@[u]) @ [range_ty]
+            val (pat_rect,dtrees) = ListPair.unzip rec_calls
+            val case_functions = map S.list_mk_abs
+                                  ( (new_formals, dtrees))
+            val types = map type_of (case_functions@[u]) @ [range_ty]
             val case_const' = S.mk_const{Name = case_const_name,
                                          Ty   = list_mk_type types}
-            val tree = S.list_mk_comb(case_const', case_functions@[u])
-            val pat_rect1 = flatten(U.map2 mk_pat constructors' pat_rect)
+            val tree = list_comb(case_const', case_functions@[u])
+            val pat_rect1 = List_.concat
+                              ( mk_pat (constructors', pat_rect))
         in (pat_rect1,tree)
      end end
@@ -307,24 +294,26 @@
       and paired2{Rator,Rand} = (Rator,Rand)
       fun mk_functional_err s = raise TFL_ERR{func = "mk_functional", mesg=s}
       fun single [f] = f
-	| single fs  = mk_functional_err (Int.toString (length fs) ^ 
-					  " distinct function names!")
+        | single fs  = mk_functional_err (Int.toString (length fs) ^ 
+                                          " distinct function names!")
 fun mk_functional thy eqs =
  let val clauses = S.strip_conj eqs
-     val (L,R) = U.unzip (map (paired1 o S.dest_eq o U.snd o S.strip_forall)
-                              clauses)
-     val (funcs,pats) = U.unzip(map (paired2 o S.dest_comb) L)
+     val (L,R) = ListPair.unzip 
+                    (map (paired1 o S.dest_eq o #2 o S.strip_forall)
+                         clauses)
+     val (funcs,pats) = ListPair.unzip(map (paired2 o S.dest_comb) L)
      val f = single (U.mk_set (S.aconv) funcs)
      val fvar = if (S.is_var f) then f else S.mk_var(S.dest_const f)
-     val _ = map (no_repeat_vars thy) pats
-     val rows = (map (fn x => ([],[x])) pats) (map GIVEN (enumerate R))
+     val dummy = map (no_repeat_vars thy) pats
+     val rows = (map (fn x => ([],[x])) pats,
+                              map GIVEN (enumerate R))
      val fvs = S.free_varsl R
-     val a = S.variant fvs (S.mk_var{Name="a", Ty = S.type_of(hd pats)})
+     val a = S.variant fvs (S.mk_var{Name="a", Ty = type_of(hd pats)})
      val FV = a::fvs
      val ty_info = Thry.match_info thy
      val ty_match = Thry.match_type thy
-     val range_ty = S.type_of (hd R)
+     val range_ty = type_of (hd R)
      val (patts, case_tm) = mk_case ty_info ty_match FV range_ty 
                                     {path=[a], rows=rows}
      val patts1 = map (fn (_,(tag,i),[pat]) => tag (pat,i)) patts handle _ 
@@ -333,7 +322,7 @@
      val finals = map row_of_pat patts2
      val originals = map (row_of_pat o #2) rows
      fun int_eq i1 (i2:int) =  (i1=i2)
-     val _ = case (U.set_diff int_eq originals finals)
+     val dummy = case (U.set_diff int_eq originals finals)
              of [] => ()
           | L => mk_functional_err("The following rows (counting from zero)\
                                    \ are inaccessible: "^stringize L)
@@ -365,8 +354,8 @@
      val def_name = U.concat Name "_def"
      val (_,ty_theta) = Thry.match_term thy f (S.mk_var{Name=fname,Ty=Ty})
      val wfrec' = S.inst ty_theta wfrec
-     val wfrec_R_M' = S.list_mk_comb(wfrec',[R,functional])
-     val def_term = S.mk_eq{lhs=Bvar, rhs=wfrec_R_M'}
+     val wfrec_R_M' = list_comb(wfrec',[R,functional])
+     val def_term = HOLogic.mk_eq(Bvar, wfrec_R_M')
   Thry.make_definition thy def_name def_term
@@ -380,7 +369,7 @@
 structure Context =
-  val non_datatype_context = ref []:Rules.Thm list ref
+  val non_datatype_context = ref []: thm list ref
   fun read() = !non_datatype_context
   fun write L = (non_datatype_context := L)
@@ -430,14 +419,14 @@
                          {thms = [(R.ISPECL o map tych)[f,R] Thms.CUT_LEMMA],
                          congs = context_congs,
                             th = th}
-     val (rules, TCs) = U.unzip (map xtract corollaries')
+     val (rules, TCs) = ListPair.unzip (map xtract corollaries')
      val rules0 = map (R.simplify [Thms.CUT_DEF]) rules
      val mk_cond_rule = R.FILTER_DISCH_ALL(not o S.aconv WFR)
      val rules1 = R.LIST_CONJ(map mk_cond_rule rules0)
  {theory = theory,   (* holds def, if it's needed *)
   rules = rules1,
-  full_pats_TCs = merge (map pat_of pats) ( given_pats TCs), 
+  full_pats_TCs = merge (map pat_of pats) ( (given_pats, TCs)), 
   TCs = TCs, 
   patterns = pats}
@@ -452,8 +441,7 @@
      val given_pats = givens pats
      val {Bvar = f, Body} = S.dest_abs functional
      val {Bvar = x, ...} = S.dest_abs Body
-     val {Name,Ty = fty} = S.dest_var f
-     val {Tyop="fun", Args = [f_dty, f_rty]} = S.dest_type fty
+     val {Name, Ty = Type("fun", [f_dty, f_rty])} = S.dest_var f
      val (case_rewrites,context_congs) = extraction_thms thy
      val tych = Thry.typecheck thy
      val WFREC_THM0 = R.ISPEC (tych functional) Thms.WFREC_COROLLARY
@@ -487,8 +475,8 @@
      val R1 = S.rand WFR
      val f = S.lhs proto_def
      val {Name,...} = S.dest_var f
-     val (extractants,TCl) = U.unzip extracta
-     val TCs = U.Union S.aconv TCl
+     val (extractants,TCl) = ListPair.unzip extracta
+     val TCs = foldr (gen_union (op aconv)) (TCl, [])
      val full_rqt = WFR::TCs
      val R' = S.mk_select{Bvar=R1, Body=S.list_mk_conj full_rqt}
      val R'abs = S.rand R'
@@ -502,11 +490,11 @@
                              (R.SPEC (tych R') (R.GENL[tych R1, tych f] baz)))
      val body_th = R.LIST_CONJ (map (R.ASSUME o tych) full_rqt)
-     val bar = R.MP (R.BETA_RULE(R.ISPECL[tych R'abs, tych R1] Thms.SELECT_AX))
+     val bar = R.MP (R.ISPECL[tych R'abs, tych R1] Thms.SELECT_AX)
  in {theory = theory, R=R1,
      rules = U.rev_itlist (U.C R.MP) (R.CONJUNCTS bar) def',
-     full_pats_TCs = merge (map pat_of pats) ( (givens pats) TCl),
+     full_pats_TCs = merge (map pat_of pats) ( (givens pats, TCl)),
      patterns = pats}
@@ -538,22 +526,21 @@
  * pairing the incoming new variable with the term it gets beta-reduced into.
-fun alpha_ex_unroll xlist tm =
+fun alpha_ex_unroll (xlist, tm) =
   let val (qvars,body) = S.strip_exists tm
       val vlist = #2(S.strip_comb (S.rhs body))
-      val plist = vlist xlist
-      val args = map (U.C (U.assoc1 (U.uncurry S.aconv)) plist) qvars
-      val args' = map (fn U.SOME(_,v) => v 
-                        | U.NONE => raise TFL_ERR{func = "alpha_ex_unroll",
-                                       mesg = "no correspondence"}) args
+      val plist = (vlist, xlist)
+      val args = map (fn qv => the (gen_assoc (op aconv) (plist, qv))) qvars
+                   handle OPTION _ => error 
+                       "TFL fault [alpha_ex_unroll]: no correspondence"
       fun build ex [] = []
         | build ex (v::rst) =
            let val ex1 = S.beta_conv(S.mk_comb{Rator=S.rand ex, Rand=v})
            in ex1::build ex1 rst
-     val (nex::exl) = rev (tm::build tm args')
+     val (nex::exl) = rev (tm::build tm args)
-  (nex, args' (rev exl))
+  (nex, (args, rev exl))
@@ -574,27 +561,28 @@
    | mk{path=[], rows = [([], (thm, bindings))]} = 
                          R.IT_EXISTS (map tych_binding bindings) thm
    | mk{path = u::rstp, rows as (p::_, _)::_} =
-     let val (pat_rectangle,rights) = U.unzip rows
+     let val (pat_rectangle,rights) = ListPair.unzip rows
          val col0 = map hd pat_rectangle
          val pat_rectangle' = map tl pat_rectangle
-     if (U.all S.is_var col0) (* column 0 is all variables *)
+     if (forall S.is_var col0) (* column 0 is all variables *)
      then let val rights' = map (fn ((thm,theta),v) => (thm,theta@[u|->v]))
-                                ( rights col0)
-          in mk{path = rstp, rows = pat_rectangle' rights'}
+                                ( (rights, col0))
+          in mk{path = rstp, rows = (pat_rectangle', rights')}
      else                     (* column 0 is all constructors *)
-     let val ty_name = (#Tyop o S.dest_type o S.type_of) p
+     let val Type (ty_name,_) = type_of p
      case (ty_info ty_name)
-     of U.NONE => fail("Not a known datatype: "^ty_name)
-      | U.SOME{constructors,nchotomy} =>
+     of None => fail("Not a known datatype: "^ty_name)
+      | Some{constructors,nchotomy} =>
         let val thm' = R.ISPEC (tych u) nchotomy
             val disjuncts = S.strip_disj (concl thm')
             val subproblems = divide(constructors, rows)
             val groups      = map #group subproblems
             and new_formals = map #new_formals subproblems
-            val existentials = U.map2 alpha_ex_unroll new_formals disjuncts
+            val existentials = alpha_ex_unroll
+                                   (new_formals, disjuncts)
             val constraints = map #1 existentials
             val vexl = map #2 existentials
             fun expnd tm (pats,(th,b)) = (pats,(R.SUBS[R.ASSUME(tych tm)]th,b))
@@ -602,8 +590,10 @@
                                                rows = map (expnd c) rows})
                            (U.zip3 new_formals groups constraints)
             val recursive_thms = map mk news
-            val build_exists = U.itlist(R.CHOOSE o (tych##(R.ASSUME o tych)))
-            val thms' = U.map2 build_exists vexl recursive_thms
+            val build_exists = foldr
+                                (fn((x,t), th) => 
+                                 R.CHOOSE (tych x, R.ASSUME (tych t)) th)
+            val thms' = build_exists (vexl, recursive_thms)
             val same_concls = R.EVEN_ORS thms'
         in R.DISJ_CASESL thm' same_concls
@@ -618,11 +608,11 @@
      val ty_info = Thry.induct_info thy
  in fn pats =>
  let val FV0 = S.free_varsl pats
-     val a = S.variant FV0 (pmk_var "a" (S.type_of(hd pats)))
-     val v = S.variant (a::FV0) (pmk_var "v" (S.type_of a))
+     val a = S.variant FV0 (pmk_var "a" (type_of(hd pats)))
+     val v = S.variant (a::FV0) (pmk_var "v" (type_of a))
      val FV = a::v::FV0
-     val a_eq_v = S.mk_eq{lhs = a, rhs = v}
-     val ex_th0 = R.EXISTS ((tych##tych) (S.mk_exists{Bvar=v,Body=a_eq_v},a))
+     val a_eq_v = HOLogic.mk_eq(a,v)
+     val ex_th0 = R.EXISTS (tych (S.mk_exists{Bvar=v,Body=a_eq_v}), tych a)
                            (R.REFL (tych a))
      val th0 = R.ASSUME (tych a_eq_v)
      val rows = map (fn x => ([x], (th0,[]))) pats
@@ -665,7 +655,7 @@
  in case TCs
     of [] => (S.list_mk_forall(globals, P^pat), [])
-     |  _ => let val (ihs, TCs_locals) = U.unzip(map dest_TC TCs)
+     |  _ => let val (ihs, TCs_locals) = ListPair.unzip(map dest_TC TCs)
                  val ind_clause = S.list_mk_conj ihs ==> P^pat
              in (S.list_mk_forall(globals,ind_clause), TCs_locals)
@@ -725,15 +715,13 @@
         let val ex_tm = S.mk_exists{Bvar=v,Body=tm}
         in (ex_tm, R.CHOOSE(tych v, R.ASSUME (tych ex_tm)) thm)
-      val [veq] = U.filter (U.can S.dest_eq) (#1 (R.dest_thm thm))
+      val [veq] = filter (U.can S.dest_eq) (#1 (R.dest_thm thm))
       val {lhs,rhs} = S.dest_eq veq
       val L = S.free_vars_lr rhs
-  in U.snd(U.itlist CHOOSER L (veq,thm))
-  end;
+  in  #2 (U.itlist CHOOSER L (veq,thm))  end;
 fun combize M N = S.mk_comb{Rator=M,Rand=N};
-fun eq v tm = S.mk_eq{lhs=v,rhs=tm};
@@ -746,15 +734,15 @@
 fun mk_induction thy f R pat_TCs_list =
 let val tych = Thry.typecheck thy
     val Sinduction = R.UNDISCH (R.ISPEC (tych R) Thms.WF_INDUCTION_THM)
-    val (pats,TCsl) = U.unzip pat_TCs_list
+    val (pats,TCsl) = ListPair.unzip pat_TCs_list
     val case_thm = complete_cases thy pats
-    val domain = (S.type_of o hd) pats
-    val P = S.variant (S.all_varsl (pats@flatten TCsl))
-                      (S.mk_var{Name="P", Ty=domain --> S.bool})
+    val domain = (type_of o hd) pats
+    val P = S.variant (S.all_varsl (pats @ List_.concat TCsl))
+                      (S.mk_var{Name="P", Ty=domain --> HOLogic.boolT})
     val Sinduct = R.SPEC (tych P) Sinduction
     val Sinduct_assumf = S.rand ((#ant o S.dest_imp o concl) Sinduct)
     val Rassums_TCl' = map (build_ih f P) pat_TCs_list
-    val (Rassums,TCl') = U.unzip Rassums_TCl'
+    val (Rassums,TCl') = ListPair.unzip Rassums_TCl'
     val Rinduct_assum = R.ASSUME (tych (S.list_mk_conj Rassums))
     val cases = map (S.beta_conv o combize Sinduct_assumf) pats
     val tasks = U.zip3 cases TCl' (R.CONJUNCTS Rinduct_assum)
@@ -762,12 +750,13 @@
     val v = S.variant (S.free_varsl (map concl proved_cases))
                       (S.mk_var{Name="v", Ty=domain})
     val vtyped = tych v
-    val substs = map (R.SYM o R.ASSUME o tych o eq v) pats
-    val proved_cases1 = U.map2 (fn th => R.SUBS[th]) substs proved_cases
+    val substs = map (R.SYM o R.ASSUME o tych o (curry HOLogic.mk_eq v)) pats
+    val proved_cases1 = (fn (th,th') => R.SUBS[th]th') 
+                          (substs, proved_cases)
     val abs_cases = map (LEFT_ABS_VSTRUCT tych) proved_cases1
     val dant = R.GEN vtyped (R.DISJ_CASESL (R.ISPEC vtyped case_thm) abs_cases)
     val dc = R.MP Sinduct dant
-    val Parg_ty = S.type_of(#Bvar(S.dest_forall(concl dc)))
+    val Parg_ty = type_of(#Bvar(S.dest_forall(concl dc)))
     val vars = map (gvvariant[P]) (S.strip_prod_type Parg_ty)
     val dc' = U.itlist (R.GEN o tych) vars
                        (R.SPEC (tych(S.mk_vstruct Parg_ty vars)) dc)
@@ -880,11 +869,10 @@
             val r2 = R.FILTER_DISCH_ALL(not o S.is_WFR) r1
         in loop(rst, nthms@extra_tc_thms, r2::R, ind1)
-   val rules_tcs = (R.CONJUNCTS rules1) TCs
+   val rules_tcs = (R.CONJUNCTS rules1, TCs)
    val (rules2,ind2,extras) = loop(rules_tcs,[],[],induction1)
   {induction = ind2, rules = R.LIST_CONJ rules2, nested_tcs = extras}
 end; (* TFL *)
--- a/TFL/thms.sig	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/thms.sig	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 signature Thms_sig =
-   type Thm
-   val CUT_DEF         :Thm
-   val CUT_LEMMA       :Thm
-   val SELECT_AX       :Thm
+   val WF_INDUCTION_THM:thm
+   val WFREC_COROLLARY :thm
+   val CUT_DEF         :thm
+   val CUT_LEMMA       :thm
+   val SELECT_AX       :thm
-   val COND_CONG :Thm
-   val LET_CONG  :Thm
+   val COND_CONG :thm
+   val LET_CONG  :thm
-   val eqT       :Thm
-   val rev_eq_mp :Thm
-   val simp_thm  :Thm
+   val eqT       :thm
+   val rev_eq_mp :thm
+   val simp_thm  :thm
--- a/TFL/thms.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/thms.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 structure Thms : Thms_sig =
-   type Thm = Thm.thm
    val WFREC_COROLLARY = get_thm WF_Rel.thy "tfl_wfrec"
    val WF_INDUCTION_THM = get_thm WF_Rel.thy "tfl_wf_induct"
    val CUT_LEMMA = get_thm WF_Rel.thy "tfl_cut_apply"
--- a/TFL/thry.sig	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/thry.sig	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -1,30 +1,25 @@
 signature Thry_sig =
-  type Type
-  type Preterm
-  type Term
-  type Thm
-  type Thry
   type 'a binding
   structure USyntax : USyntax_sig
-  val match_term : Thry -> Preterm -> Preterm 
-                    -> Preterm binding list * Type binding list
+  val match_term : theory -> term -> term 
+                    -> term binding list * typ binding list
-  val match_type : Thry -> Type -> Type -> Type binding list
+  val match_type : theory -> typ -> typ -> typ binding list
-  val typecheck : Thry -> Preterm -> Term
+  val typecheck : theory -> term -> cterm
-  val make_definition: Thry -> string -> Preterm -> Thm * Thry
+  val make_definition: theory -> string -> term -> thm * theory
   (* Datatype facts of various flavours *)
-  val match_info: Thry -> string -> {constructors:Preterm list,
-                                     case_const:Preterm} USyntax.Utils.option
+  val match_info: theory -> string -> {constructors:term list,
+                                     case_const:term} option
-  val induct_info: Thry -> string -> {constructors:Preterm list,
-                                      nchotomy:Thm} USyntax.Utils.option
+  val induct_info: theory -> string -> {constructors:term list,
+                                      nchotomy:thm} option
-  val extract_info: Thry -> {case_congs:Thm list, case_rewrites:Thm list}
+  val extract_info: theory -> {case_congs:thm list, case_rewrites:thm list}
--- a/TFL/thry.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/thry.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
 structure USyntax  = USyntax;
-type Type = USyntax.Type
-type Preterm = USyntax.Preterm
-type Term = USyntax.Term
-type Thm = Thm.thm
-type Thry = theory;
 open Mask;
 structure S = USyntax;
@@ -66,9 +61,9 @@
        val {Name,Ty} = S.dest_var lhs
        val lhs1 = S.mk_const{Name = Name, Ty = Ty}
        val eeq1 = S.mk_const{Name = eeq_name, Ty = Ty --> Ty --> prop}
-       val dtm = S.list_mk_comb(eeq1,[lhs1,rhs])      (* Rename "=" to "==" *)
+       val dtm = list_comb(eeq1,[lhs1,rhs])      (* Rename "=" to "==" *)
        val (_, tm', _) = Sign.infer_types (sign_of parent)
-	             (K None) (K None) [] true ([dtm],propT)
+                     (K None) (K None) [] true ([dtm],propT)
        val new_thy = add_defs_i [(s,tm')] parent
    (freezeT((get_axiom new_thy s) RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq), new_thy)
@@ -112,24 +107,24 @@
  * is temporary, I hope!
 val match_info = fn thy =>
-    fn "*" => Utils.SOME({case_const = #case_const (#2 prod_record),
+    fn "*" => Some({case_const = #case_const (#2 prod_record),
                      constructors = #constructors (#2 prod_record)})
-     | "nat" => Utils.SOME({case_const = #case_const (#2 nat_record),
+     | "nat" => Some({case_const = #case_const (#2 nat_record),
                        constructors = #constructors (#2 nat_record)})
      | ty => case assoc(!datatypes,ty)
-               of None => Utils.NONE
+               of None => None
                 | Some{case_const,constructors, ...} =>
-                   Utils.SOME{case_const=case_const, constructors=constructors}
+                   Some{case_const=case_const, constructors=constructors}
 val induct_info = fn thy =>
-    fn "*" => Utils.SOME({nchotomy = #nchotomy (#2 prod_record),
+    fn "*" => Some({nchotomy = #nchotomy (#2 prod_record),
                      constructors = #constructors (#2 prod_record)})
-     | "nat" => Utils.SOME({nchotomy = #nchotomy (#2 nat_record),
+     | "nat" => Some({nchotomy = #nchotomy (#2 nat_record),
                        constructors = #constructors (#2 nat_record)})
      | ty => case assoc(!datatypes,ty)
-               of None => Utils.NONE
+               of None => None
                 | Some{nchotomy,constructors, ...} =>
-                  Utils.SOME{nchotomy=nchotomy, constructors=constructors}
+                  Some{nchotomy=nchotomy, constructors=constructors}
 val extract_info = fn thy => 
  let val case_congs = map (#case_cong o #2) (!datatypes)
@@ -140,5 +135,4 @@
                      #case_rewrites(#2 nat_record)@case_rewrites}
 end; (* Thry *)
--- a/TFL/usyntax.sig	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/usyntax.sig	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -2,133 +2,122 @@
   structure Utils : Utils_sig
-  type Type
-  type Term
-  type Preterm
   type 'a binding
-  datatype lambda = VAR   of {Name : string, Ty : Type}
-                  | CONST of {Name : string, Ty : Type}
-                  | COMB  of {Rator: Preterm, Rand : Preterm}
-                  | LAMB  of {Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm}
+  datatype lambda = VAR   of {Name : string, Ty : typ}
+                  | CONST of {Name : string, Ty : typ}
+                  | COMB  of {Rator: term, Rand : term}
+                  | LAMB  of {Bvar : term, Body : term}
-  val alpha : Type
-  val bool  : Type
-  val mk_preterm : Term -> Preterm
-  val drop_Trueprop : Preterm -> Preterm
+  val alpha : typ
+  val mk_preterm : cterm -> term
   (* Types *)
-  val type_vars  : Type -> Type list
-  val type_varsl : Type list -> Type list
-  val mk_type    : {Tyop: string, Args:Type list} -> Type
-  val dest_type  : Type -> {Tyop : string, Args : Type list}
-  val mk_vartype : string -> Type
-  val is_vartype : Type -> bool
-  val -->        : Type * Type -> Type
-  val strip_type : Type -> Type list * Type
-  val strip_prod_type : Type -> Type list
-  val match_type: Type -> Type -> Type binding list
+  val type_vars  : typ -> typ list
+  val type_varsl : typ list -> typ list
+  val mk_vartype : string -> typ
+  val is_vartype : typ -> bool
+  val -->        : typ * typ -> typ
+  val strip_type : typ -> typ list * typ
+  val strip_prod_type : typ -> typ list
+  val match_type: typ -> typ -> typ binding list
   (* Terms *)
-  val free_vars  : Preterm -> Preterm list
-  val free_varsl : Preterm list -> Preterm list
-  val free_vars_lr : Preterm -> Preterm list
-  val all_vars   : Preterm -> Preterm list
-  val all_varsl  : Preterm list -> Preterm list
-  val variant    : Preterm list -> Preterm -> Preterm
-  val type_of    : Preterm -> Type
-  val type_vars_in_term : Preterm -> Type list
-  val dest_term  : Preterm -> lambda
+  val free_vars  : term -> term list
+  val free_varsl : term list -> term list
+  val free_vars_lr : term -> term list
+  val all_vars   : term -> term list
+  val all_varsl  : term list -> term list
+  val variant    : term list -> term -> term
+  val type_vars_in_term : term -> typ list
+  val dest_term  : term -> lambda
   (* Prelogic *)
-  val aconv     : Preterm -> Preterm -> bool
-  val subst     : Preterm binding list -> Preterm -> Preterm
-  val inst      : Type binding list -> Preterm -> Preterm
-  val beta_conv : Preterm -> Preterm
+  val aconv     : term -> term -> bool
+  val subst     : term binding list -> term -> term
+  val inst      : typ binding list -> term -> term
+  val beta_conv : term -> term
   (* Construction routines *)
-  val mk_prop   :Preterm -> Preterm
-  val mk_var    :{Name : string, Ty : Type} -> Preterm
-  val mk_const  :{Name : string, Ty : Type} -> Preterm
-  val mk_comb   :{Rator : Preterm, Rand : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_abs    :{Bvar  : Preterm, Body : Preterm} -> Preterm
+  val mk_var    :{Name : string, Ty : typ} -> term
+  val mk_const  :{Name : string, Ty : typ} -> term
+  val mk_comb   :{Rator : term, Rand : term} -> term
+  val mk_abs    :{Bvar  : term, Body : term} -> term
-  val mk_eq     :{lhs : Preterm, rhs : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_imp    :{ant : Preterm, conseq :  Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_select :{Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_forall :{Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_exists :{Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_conj   :{conj1 : Preterm, conj2 : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_disj   :{disj1 : Preterm, disj2 : Preterm} -> Preterm
-  val mk_pabs   :{varstruct : Preterm, body : Preterm} -> Preterm
+  val mk_imp    :{ant : term, conseq :  term} -> term
+  val mk_select :{Bvar : term, Body : term} -> term
+  val mk_forall :{Bvar : term, Body : term} -> term
+  val mk_exists :{Bvar : term, Body : term} -> term
+  val mk_conj   :{conj1 : term, conj2 : term} -> term
+  val mk_disj   :{disj1 : term, disj2 : term} -> term
+  val mk_pabs   :{varstruct : term, body : term} -> term
   (* Destruction routines *)
-  val dest_var  : Preterm -> {Name : string, Ty : Type}
-  val dest_const: Preterm -> {Name : string, Ty : Type}
-  val dest_comb : Preterm -> {Rator : Preterm, Rand : Preterm}
-  val dest_abs  : Preterm -> {Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm}
-  val dest_eq     : Preterm -> {lhs : Preterm, rhs : Preterm}
-  val dest_imp    : Preterm -> {ant : Preterm, conseq : Preterm}
-  val dest_select : Preterm -> {Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm}
-  val dest_forall : Preterm -> {Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm}
-  val dest_exists : Preterm -> {Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm}
-  val dest_neg    : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val dest_conj   : Preterm -> {conj1 : Preterm, conj2 : Preterm}
-  val dest_disj   : Preterm -> {disj1 : Preterm, disj2 : Preterm}
-  val dest_pair   : Preterm -> {fst : Preterm, snd : Preterm}
-  val dest_pabs   : Preterm -> {varstruct : Preterm, body : Preterm}
+  val dest_var  : term -> {Name : string, Ty : typ}
+  val dest_const: term -> {Name : string, Ty : typ}
+  val dest_comb : term -> {Rator : term, Rand : term}
+  val dest_abs  : term -> {Bvar : term, Body : term}
+  val dest_eq     : term -> {lhs : term, rhs : term}
+  val dest_imp    : term -> {ant : term, conseq : term}
+  val dest_select : term -> {Bvar : term, Body : term}
+  val dest_forall : term -> {Bvar : term, Body : term}
+  val dest_exists : term -> {Bvar : term, Body : term}
+  val dest_neg    : term -> term
+  val dest_conj   : term -> {conj1 : term, conj2 : term}
+  val dest_disj   : term -> {disj1 : term, disj2 : term}
+  val dest_pair   : term -> {fst : term, snd : term}
+  val dest_pabs   : term -> {varstruct : term, body : term}
-  val lhs   : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val rhs   : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val rator : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val rand  : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val bvar  : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val body  : Preterm -> Preterm
+  val lhs   : term -> term
+  val rhs   : term -> term
+  val rator : term -> term
+  val rand  : term -> term
+  val bvar  : term -> term
+  val body  : term -> term
   (* Query routines *)
-  val is_var  : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_const: Preterm -> bool
-  val is_comb : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_abs  : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_eq     : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_imp    : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_forall : Preterm -> bool 
-  val is_exists : Preterm -> bool 
-  val is_neg    : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_conj   : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_disj   : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_pair   : Preterm -> bool
-  val is_pabs   : Preterm -> bool
+  val is_var  : term -> bool
+  val is_const: term -> bool
+  val is_comb : term -> bool
+  val is_abs  : term -> bool
+  val is_eq     : term -> bool
+  val is_imp    : term -> bool
+  val is_forall : term -> bool 
+  val is_exists : term -> bool 
+  val is_neg    : term -> bool
+  val is_conj   : term -> bool
+  val is_disj   : term -> bool
+  val is_pair   : term -> bool
+  val is_pabs   : term -> bool
-  (* Construction of a Preterm from a list of Preterms *)
-  val list_mk_comb   : (Preterm * Preterm list) -> Preterm
-  val list_mk_abs    : (Preterm list * Preterm) -> Preterm
-  val list_mk_imp    : (Preterm list * Preterm) -> Preterm
-  val list_mk_forall : (Preterm list * Preterm) -> Preterm
-  val list_mk_exists : (Preterm list * Preterm) -> Preterm
-  val list_mk_conj   : Preterm list -> Preterm
-  val list_mk_disj   : Preterm list -> Preterm
+  (* Construction of a term from a list of Preterms *)
+  val list_mk_abs    : (term list * term) -> term
+  val list_mk_imp    : (term list * term) -> term
+  val list_mk_forall : (term list * term) -> term
+  val list_mk_exists : (term list * term) -> term
+  val list_mk_conj   : term list -> term
+  val list_mk_disj   : term list -> term
-  (* Destructing a Preterm to a list of Preterms *)
-  val strip_comb     : Preterm -> (Preterm * Preterm list)
-  val strip_abs      : Preterm -> (Preterm list * Preterm)
-  val strip_imp      : Preterm -> (Preterm list * Preterm)
-  val strip_forall   : Preterm -> (Preterm list * Preterm)
-  val strip_exists   : Preterm -> (Preterm list * Preterm)
-  val strip_conj     : Preterm -> Preterm list
-  val strip_disj     : Preterm -> Preterm list
-  val strip_pair     : Preterm -> Preterm list
+  (* Destructing a term to a list of Preterms *)
+  val strip_comb     : term -> (term * term list)
+  val strip_abs      : term -> (term list * term)
+  val strip_imp      : term -> (term list * term)
+  val strip_forall   : term -> (term list * term)
+  val strip_exists   : term -> (term list * term)
+  val strip_conj     : term -> term list
+  val strip_disj     : term -> term list
+  val strip_pair     : term -> term list
   (* Miscellaneous *)
-  val mk_vstruct : Type -> Preterm list -> Preterm
-  val gen_all    : Preterm -> Preterm
-  val find_term  : (Preterm -> bool) -> Preterm -> Preterm
-  val find_terms : (Preterm -> bool) -> Preterm -> Preterm list
-  val dest_relation : Preterm -> Preterm * Preterm * Preterm
-  val is_WFR : Preterm -> bool
-  val ARB : Type -> Preterm
+  val mk_vstruct : typ -> term list -> term
+  val gen_all    : term -> term
+  val find_term  : (term -> bool) -> term -> term
+  val find_terms : (term -> bool) -> term -> term list
+  val dest_relation : term -> term * term * term
+  val is_WFR : term -> bool
+  val ARB : typ -> term
   (* Prettyprinting *)
-  val Term_to_string : Term -> string
+  val Term_to_string : cterm -> string
--- a/TFL/usyntax.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/usyntax.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -10,24 +10,15 @@
 fun ERR{func,mesg} = Utils.ERR{module = "USyntax", func = func, mesg = mesg};
-type Type = typ
-type Term = cterm
-type Preterm = term
  *                            Types 
-fun mk_type{Tyop, Args} = Type(Tyop,Args);
 val mk_prim_vartype = TVar;
 fun mk_vartype s = mk_prim_vartype((s,0),["term"]);
-fun dest_type(Type(ty,args)) = {Tyop = ty, Args = args}
-  | dest_type _ = raise ERR{func = "dest_type", mesg = "Not a compound type"};
 (* But internally, it's useful *)
 fun dest_vtype (TVar x) = x
   | dest_vtype _ = raise ERR{func = "dest_vtype", 
@@ -36,14 +27,12 @@
 val is_vartype = Utils.can dest_vtype;
 val type_vars  = map mk_prim_vartype o typ_tvars
-fun type_varsl L = Utils.mk_set (Utils.curry op=)
-                      (Utils.rev_itlist (Utils.curry op @ o type_vars) L []);
+fun type_varsl L = Utils.mk_set (curry op=)
+                      (Utils.rev_itlist (curry op @ o type_vars) L []);
 val alpha  = mk_vartype "'a"
 val beta   = mk_vartype "'b"
-val bool = Type("bool",[]);
 fun match_type ty1 ty2 = raise ERR{func="match_type",mesg="not implemented"};
@@ -52,19 +41,11 @@
 val --> = -->;
 infixr 3 -->;
-(* hol_type -> hol_type list * hol_type *)
-fun strip_type ty =
-   let val {Tyop = "fun", Args = [ty1,ty2]} = dest_type ty
-       val (D,r) = strip_type ty2
-   in (ty1::D, r)
-   end
-   handle _ => ([],ty);
+fun strip_type ty = (binder_types ty, body_type ty);
-(* hol_type -> hol_type list *)
-fun strip_prod_type ty =
-   let val {Tyop = "*", Args = [ty1,ty2]} = dest_type ty
-   in strip_prod_type ty1 @ strip_prod_type ty2
-   end handle _ => [ty];
+fun strip_prod_type (Type("*", [ty1,ty2])) =
+	strip_prod_type ty1 @ strip_prod_type ty2
+  | strip_prod_type ty = [ty];
@@ -74,7 +55,7 @@
 nonfix aconv;
-val aconv = Utils.curry (op aconv);
+val aconv = curry (op aconv);
 fun free_vars tm = add_term_frees(tm,[]);
@@ -94,9 +75,8 @@
 fun free_varsl L = Utils.mk_set aconv
-                      (Utils.rev_itlist (Utils.curry op @ o free_vars) L []);
+                      (Utils.rev_itlist (curry op @ o free_vars) L []);
-val type_of =  type_of;
 val type_vars_in_term = map mk_prim_vartype o term_tvars;
 (* Can't really be very exact in Isabelle *)
@@ -110,7 +90,7 @@
   in rev(add(tm,[]))
 fun all_varsl L = Utils.mk_set aconv
-                      (Utils.rev_itlist (Utils.curry op @ o all_vars) L []);
+                      (Utils.rev_itlist (curry op @ o all_vars) L []);
 (* Prelogic *)
@@ -151,52 +131,42 @@
   | mk_abs{Bvar as Free(s,ty),Body}  = Abs(s,ty,abstract_over(Bvar,Body))
   | mk_abs _ = raise ERR{func = "mk_abs", mesg = "Bvar is not a variable"};
-fun list_mk_comb (h,[]) = h
-  | list_mk_comb (h,L) =
-      rev_itlist (fn t1 => fn t2 => mk_comb{Rator = t2, Rand = t1}) L h;
-fun mk_eq{lhs,rhs} = 
-   let val ty = type_of lhs
-       val c = mk_const{Name = "op =", Ty = ty --> ty --> bool}
-   in list_mk_comb(c,[lhs,rhs])
-   end
 fun mk_imp{ant,conseq} = 
-   let val c = mk_const{Name = "op -->", Ty = bool --> bool --> bool}
-   in list_mk_comb(c,[ant,conseq])
+   let val c = mk_const{Name = "op -->", Ty = HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT}
+   in list_comb(c,[ant,conseq])
 fun mk_select (r as {Bvar,Body}) = 
   let val ty = type_of Bvar
-      val c = mk_const{Name = "Eps", Ty = (ty --> bool) --> ty}
-  in list_mk_comb(c,[mk_abs r])
+      val c = mk_const{Name = "Eps", Ty = (ty --> HOLogic.boolT) --> ty}
+  in list_comb(c,[mk_abs r])
 fun mk_forall (r as {Bvar,Body}) = 
   let val ty = type_of Bvar
-      val c = mk_const{Name = "All", Ty = (ty --> bool) --> bool}
-  in list_mk_comb(c,[mk_abs r])
+      val c = mk_const{Name = "All", Ty = (ty --> HOLogic.boolT) --> HOLogic.boolT}
+  in list_comb(c,[mk_abs r])
 fun mk_exists (r as {Bvar,Body}) = 
   let val ty = type_of Bvar 
-      val c = mk_const{Name = "Ex", Ty = (ty --> bool) --> bool}
-  in list_mk_comb(c,[mk_abs r])
+      val c = mk_const{Name = "Ex", Ty = (ty --> HOLogic.boolT) --> HOLogic.boolT}
+  in list_comb(c,[mk_abs r])
 fun mk_conj{conj1,conj2} =
-   let val c = mk_const{Name = "op &", Ty = bool --> bool --> bool}
-   in list_mk_comb(c,[conj1,conj2])
+   let val c = mk_const{Name = "op &", Ty = HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT}
+   in list_comb(c,[conj1,conj2])
 fun mk_disj{disj1,disj2} =
-   let val c = mk_const{Name = "op |", Ty = bool --> bool --> bool}
-   in list_mk_comb(c,[disj1,disj2])
+   let val c = mk_const{Name = "op |", Ty = HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT --> HOLogic.boolT}
+   in list_comb(c,[disj1,disj2])
-fun prod_ty ty1 ty2 = mk_type{Tyop = "*", Args = [ty1,ty2]};
+fun prod_ty ty1 ty2 = Type("*", [ty1,ty2]);
 fun mk_uncurry(xt,yt,zt) =
@@ -220,10 +190,10 @@
 (* Destruction routines *)
-datatype lambda = VAR   of {Name : string, Ty : Type}
-                | CONST of {Name : string, Ty : Type}
-                | COMB  of {Rator: Preterm, Rand : Preterm}
-                | LAMB  of {Bvar : Preterm, Body : Preterm};
+datatype lambda = VAR   of {Name : string, Ty : typ}
+                | CONST of {Name : string, Ty : typ}
+                | COMB  of {Rator: term, Rand : term}
+                | LAMB  of {Bvar : term, Body : term};
 fun dest_term(Var((s,i),ty)) = VAR{Name = s, Ty = ty}
@@ -279,25 +249,27 @@
    let val ty1 = type_of fst
        val ty2 = type_of snd
        val c = mk_const{Name = "Pair", Ty = ty1 --> ty2 --> prod_ty ty1 ty2}
-   in list_mk_comb(c,[fst,snd])
+   in list_comb(c,[fst,snd])
 fun dest_pair(Const("Pair",_) $ M $ N) = {fst=M, snd=N}
   | dest_pair _ = raise ERR{func = "dest_pair", mesg = "not a pair"};
-local  val ucheck = Utils.assert (curry (op =) "split" o #Name o dest_const)
+local  fun ucheck t = (if #Name(dest_const t) = "split" then t
+                       else raise Match)
 fun dest_pabs tm =
    let val {Bvar,Body} = dest_abs tm
    in {varstruct = Bvar, body = Body}
-   end handle _ 
-   => let val {Rator,Rand} = dest_comb tm
-          val _ = ucheck Rator
-          val {varstruct = lv,body} = dest_pabs Rand
-          val {varstruct = rv,body} = dest_pabs body
-      in {varstruct = mk_pair{fst = lv, snd = rv}, body = body}
-      end
+   end 
+    handle 
+     _ => let val {Rator,Rand} = dest_comb tm
+              val _ = ucheck Rator
+              val {varstruct = lv,body} = dest_pabs Rand
+              val {varstruct = rv,body} = dest_pabs body
+          in {varstruct = mk_pair{fst = lv, snd = rv}, body = body}
+          end
@@ -326,7 +298,7 @@
 val is_pabs   = can dest_pabs
-(* Construction of a Term from a list of Terms *)
+(* Construction of a cterm from a list of Terms *)
 fun list_mk_abs(L,tm) = itlist (fn v => fn M => mk_abs{Bvar=v, Body=M}) L tm;
@@ -341,7 +313,7 @@
 (* Need to reverse? *)
 fun gen_all tm = list_mk_forall(free_vars tm, tm);
-(* Destructing a Term to a list of Terms *)
+(* Destructing a cterm to a list of Terms *)
 fun strip_comb tm = 
    let fun dest(M$N, A) = dest(M, N::A)
          | dest x = x
@@ -359,7 +331,7 @@
 fun strip_imp fm =
    if (is_imp fm)
    then let val {ant,conseq} = dest_imp fm
-	    val (was,wb) = strip_imp conseq
+            val (was,wb) = strip_imp conseq
         in ((ant::was), wb)
    else ([],fm);
@@ -411,25 +383,15 @@
 fun mk_preterm tm = #t(rep_cterm tm);
-fun mk_prop (tm as Const("Trueprop",_) $ _) = tm
-  | mk_prop tm = mk_comb{Rator=mk_const{Name = "Trueprop", 
-                           Ty = bool --> mk_type{Tyop = "prop",Args=[]}},
-                         Rand = tm};
-fun drop_Trueprop (Const("Trueprop",_) $ X) = X
-  | drop_Trueprop X = X;
 (* Miscellaneous *)
 fun mk_vstruct ty V =
-  let fun follow_prod_type ty vs =
-      let val {Tyop = "*", Args = [ty1,ty2]} = dest_type ty
-          val (ltm,vs1) = follow_prod_type ty1 vs
-          val (rtm,vs2) = follow_prod_type ty2 vs1
-      in (mk_pair{fst=ltm, snd=rtm}, vs2)
-      end handle _ => (hd vs, tl vs)
- in fst(follow_prod_type ty V)
- end;
+  let fun follow_prod_type (Type("*",[ty1,ty2])) vs =
+	      let val (ltm,vs1) = follow_prod_type ty1 vs
+		  val (rtm,vs2) = follow_prod_type ty2 vs1
+	      in (mk_pair{fst=ltm, snd=rtm}, vs2) end
+	| follow_prod_type _ (v::vs) = (v,vs)
+  in #1 (follow_prod_type ty V)  end;
 (* Search a term for a sub-term satisfying the predicate p. *)
@@ -446,7 +408,7 @@
- * find_terms: (term -> bool) -> term -> term list
+ * find_terms: (term -> HOLogic.boolT) -> term -> term list
  *  Find all subterms in a term that satisfy a given predicate p.
@@ -467,7 +429,7 @@
 val Term_to_string = string_of_cterm;
 fun dest_relation tm =
-   if (type_of tm = bool)
+   if (type_of tm = HOLogic.boolT)
    then let val (Const("op :",_) $ (Const("Pair",_)$y$x) $ R) = tm
         in (R,y,x)
         end handle _ => raise ERR{func="dest_relation",
@@ -477,6 +439,6 @@
 fun is_WFR tm = (#Name(dest_const(rator tm)) = "wf") handle _ => false;
 fun ARB ty = mk_select{Bvar=mk_var{Name="v",Ty=ty},
-                       Body=mk_const{Name="True",Ty=bool}};
+                       Body=mk_const{Name="True",Ty=HOLogic.boolT}};
 end; (* Syntax *)
--- a/TFL/utils.sig	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/utils.sig	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -4,50 +4,25 @@
   exception ERR of {module:string,func:string, mesg:string}
   val Raise : exn -> 'a
-  (* infix 3 ## *)
-  val ## : ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'd) -> 'a * 'c -> 'b * 'd
   val can   : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> bool
   val holds : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> bool
-  val assert: ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a
-  val W : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
   val C : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c
-  val I : 'a -> 'a
-  val curry : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
-  val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c
-  val fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a
-  val snd : 'a * 'b -> 'b
-  (* option type *)
-  datatype 'a option = SOME of 'a | NONE
   (* Set operations *)
   val mem : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> bool
-  val union : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
-  val Union : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list list ->  'a list
-  val intersect : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
   val set_diff : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'a list
   val mk_set : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-  val set_eq : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
-  val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
   val itlist : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
   val rev_itlist : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
   val end_itlist : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a
   val itlist2 :('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c
-  val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
   val mapfilter : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
   val pluck : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
-  val assoc1 : ('a*'a->bool) -> 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) option
   val front_back : 'a list -> 'a list * 'a
-  val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
-  val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
-  val zip : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a*'b) list
   val zip3 : 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> ('a*'b*'c) list
-  val unzip : ('a*'b) list -> ('a list * 'b list)
   val take  : ('a -> 'b) -> int * 'a list -> 'b list
   val sort  : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-  val int_to_string : int -> string
   val concat : string -> string -> string
   val quote : string -> string
--- a/TFL/utils.sml	Tue May 20 11:47:33 1997 +0200
+++ b/TFL/utils.sml	Tue May 20 11:49:57 1997 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
- * Some common utilities. This strucuture is parameterized over
- * "int_to_string" because there is a difference between the string 
- * operations of SML/NJ versions 93 and 109.
+ * Some common utilities.
-functor UTILS (val int_to_string : int -> string) :Utils_sig = 
+structure Utils = 
 (* Standard exception for TFL. *)
@@ -19,40 +18,18 @@
 val MESG_string = info_string "Message"
-fun Raise (e as ERR sss) = (output(std_out, ERR_string sss);  raise e)
+fun Raise (e as ERR sss) = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, ERR_string sss);  
+                            raise e)
   | Raise e = raise e;
-(* option type *)
-datatype 'a option = SOME of 'a | NONE
 (* Simple combinators *)
-infix 3 ##
-fun f ## g = (fn (x,y) => (f x, g y))
-fun W f x = f x x
 fun C f x y = f y x
-fun I x = x
-fun curry f x y = f(x,y)
-fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
-fun fst(x,y) = x
-fun snd(x,y) = y;
 val concat = curry (op ^)
 fun quote s = "\""^s^"\"";
-fun map2 f L1 L2 =
- let fun mp2 [] [] L = rev L
-       | mp2 (a1::rst1) (a2::rst2) L = mp2 rst1 rst2 (f a1 a2::L)
-       | mp2 _ _ _ = raise UTILS_ERR{func="map2",mesg="different length lists"}
-   in mp2 L1 L2 []
-   end;
 fun itlist f L base_value =
    let fun it [] = base_value
          | it (a::rst) = f a (it rst)
@@ -81,8 +58,6 @@
  in  it (L1,L2)
-fun filter p L = itlist (fn x => fn y => if (p x) then x::y else y) L []
 fun mapfilter f alist = itlist (fn i=>fn L=> (f i::L) handle _ => L) alist [];
 fun pluck p  =
@@ -104,24 +79,6 @@
   in grab
-fun all p =
-   let fun every [] = true
-         | every (a::rst) = (p a) andalso every rst       
-   in every 
-   end;
-fun exists p =
-   let fun ex [] = false
-         | ex (a::rst) = (p a) orelse ex rst       
-   in ex 
-   end;
-fun zip [] [] = []
-  | zip (a::b) (c::d) = (a,c)::(zip b d)
-  | zip _ _ = raise UTILS_ERR{func = "zip",mesg = "different length lists"};
-fun unzip L = itlist (fn (x,y) => fn (l1,l2) =>((x::l1),(y::l2))) L ([],[]);
 fun zip3 [][][] = []
   | zip3 (x::l1) (y::l2) (z::l3) = (x,y,z)::zip3 l1 l2 l3
   | zip3 _ _ _ = raise UTILS_ERR{func="zip3",mesg="different lengths"};
@@ -131,18 +88,8 @@
 fun holds P x = P x handle _ => false;
-fun assert p x = 
- if (p x) then x else raise UTILS_ERR{func="assert", mesg="predicate not true"}
-fun assoc1 eq item =
-   let fun assc ((entry as (key,_))::rst) = 
-             if eq(item,key) then SOME entry else assc rst
-         | assc [] = NONE
-    in assc
-    end;
 (* Set ops *)
-nonfix mem union;  (* Gag Barf Choke *)
+nonfix mem;  (* Gag Barf Choke *)
 fun mem eq_func i =
    let val eqi = eq_func i
        fun mm [] = false
@@ -150,14 +97,6 @@
    in mm
-fun union eq_func =
-   let val mem = mem eq_func
-       fun un S1 []  = S1
-         | un [] S1  = S1
-         | un (a::rst) S2 = if (mem a S2) then (un rst S2) else (a::un rst S2)
-   in un
-   end;
 fun mk_set eq_func =
    let val mem = mem eq_func
        fun mk [] = []
@@ -165,17 +104,9 @@
    in mk
-(* Union of a family of sets *)
-fun Union eq_func set_o_sets = itlist (union eq_func) set_o_sets [];
-fun intersect eq_func S1 S2 = mk_set eq_func (filter (C (mem eq_func) S2) S1);
 (* All the elements in the first set that are not also in the second set. *)
 fun set_diff eq_func S1 S2 = filter (fn x => not (mem eq_func x S2)) S1
-fun set_eq eq_func S1 S2 = 
-   null(set_diff eq_func S1 S2) andalso null(set_diff eq_func S2 S1);
 fun sort R = 
 let fun part (m, []) = ([],[])
@@ -192,6 +123,5 @@
-val int_to_string = int_to_string;
 end; (* Utils *)