failure of reconstructing the Isar proof (e.g., exception) should not prevent Sledgehammer from showing the short one-liner proof -- but in "debug" mode we do want to know what the exception is
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML Wed Apr 21 16:38:03 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML Wed Apr 21 17:06:26 2010 +0200
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
(* minimalization of thms *)
-fun minimize_theorems (params as {minimize_timeout, isar_proof, modulus,
+fun minimize_theorems (params as {debug, minimize_timeout, isar_proof, modulus,
sorts, ...})
prover atp_name i state name_thms_pairs =
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
["Minimized: " ^ string_of_int n ^ " theorem" ^ plural_s n] ^ ".")
(SOME min_thms,
- proof_text isar_proof modulus sorts ctxt (K "") proof
+ proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt (K "") proof
internal_thm_names goal i |> fst)
| (Timeout, _) =>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML Wed Apr 21 16:38:03 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML Wed Apr 21 17:06:26 2010 +0200
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
(prepare_clauses higher_order false)
(write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord andalso not isar_proof)) command
(arguments timeout) known_failures
- (proof_text (supports_isar_proofs andalso isar_proof) modulus sorts)
+ (proof_text (supports_isar_proofs andalso isar_proof) debug modulus sorts)
name params minimize_command
fun tptp_prover name p = (name, generic_tptp_prover (name, p));
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML Wed Apr 21 16:38:03 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML Wed Apr 21 17:06:26 2010 +0200
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
minimize_command -> string -> string vector -> thm -> int
-> string * string list
val isar_proof_text:
- int -> bool -> Proof.context -> minimize_command -> string -> string vector
- -> thm -> int -> string * string list
+ bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context -> minimize_command -> string
+ -> string vector -> thm -> int -> string * string list
val proof_text:
- bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context -> minimize_command -> string
+ bool -> bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context -> minimize_command -> string
-> string vector -> thm -> int -> string * string list
@@ -555,7 +555,8 @@
(metis_line i n xs ^ minimize_line minimize_command xs, kill_chained lemmas)
-fun isar_proof_text modulus sorts ctxt minimize_command proof thm_names goal i =
+fun isar_proof_text debug modulus sorts ctxt minimize_command proof thm_names
+ goal i =
(* We could use "split_lines", but it can return blank lines. *)
val lines = String.tokens (equal #"\n");
@@ -566,17 +567,22 @@
val (one_line_proof, lemma_names) =
metis_proof_text minimize_command proof thm_names goal i
val tokens = String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") one_line_proof
+ fun isar_proof_for () =
+ case isar_proof_from_tstp_file cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names of
+ "" => ""
+ | isar_proof => Markup.markup Markup.sendback isar_proof
val isar_proof =
- if member (op =) tokens chained_hint then ""
- else isar_proof_from_tstp_file cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names
- in
- (one_line_proof ^
- (if isar_proof = "" then ""
- else "\nStructured proof:\n" ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback isar_proof),
- lemma_names)
- end
+ if member (op =) tokens chained_hint then
+ ""
+ else if debug then
+ isar_proof_for ()
+ else
+ try isar_proof_for ()
+ |> the_default "Error: The Isar proof reconstruction failed."
+ in (one_line_proof ^ isar_proof, lemma_names) end
-fun proof_text isar_proof modulus sorts ctxt =
- if isar_proof then isar_proof_text modulus sorts ctxt else metis_proof_text
+fun proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt =
+ if isar_proof then isar_proof_text debug modulus sorts ctxt
+ else metis_proof_text