--- a/src/HOL/Library/Sum_of_Squares/sum_of_squares.ML Wed Aug 24 09:08:07 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Sum_of_Squares/sum_of_squares.ML Wed Aug 24 09:23:26 2011 -0700
@@ -20,18 +20,9 @@
val rat_1 = Rat.one;
val rat_2 = Rat.two;
val rat_10 = Rat.rat_of_int 10;
-val rat_1_2 = rat_1 // rat_2;
val max = Integer.max;
-val min = Integer.min;
val denominator_rat = Rat.quotient_of_rat #> snd #> Rat.rat_of_int;
-val numerator_rat = Rat.quotient_of_rat #> fst #> Rat.rat_of_int;
fun int_of_rat a =
case Rat.quotient_of_rat a of (i,1) => i | _ => error "int_of_rat: not an int";
fun lcm_rat x y = Rat.rat_of_int (Integer.lcm (int_of_rat x) (int_of_rat y));
@@ -114,41 +105,12 @@
fun dim (v:vector) = fst v;
-fun vector_const c n =
- if c =/ rat_0 then vector_0 n
- else (n,fold_rev (fn k => FuncUtil.Intfunc.update (k,c)) (1 upto n) FuncUtil.Intfunc.empty) :vector;
-val vector_1 = vector_const rat_1;
fun vector_cmul c (v:vector) =
let val n = dim v
in if c =/ rat_0 then vector_0 n
else (n,FuncUtil.Intfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => c */ x) (snd v))
-fun vector_neg (v:vector) = (fst v,FuncUtil.Intfunc.map (K Rat.neg) (snd v)) :vector;
-fun vector_add (v1:vector) (v2:vector) =
- let val m = dim v1
- val n = dim v2
- in if m <> n then error "vector_add: incompatible dimensions"
- else (n,FuncUtil.Intfunc.combine (curry op +/) (fn x => x =/ rat_0) (snd v1) (snd v2)) :vector
- end;
-fun vector_sub v1 v2 = vector_add v1 (vector_neg v2);
-fun vector_dot (v1:vector) (v2:vector) =
- let val m = dim v1
- val n = dim v2
- in if m <> n then error "vector_dot: incompatible dimensions"
- else FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (fn (_,x) => fn a => x +/ a)
- (FuncUtil.Intfunc.combine (curry op */) (fn x => x =/ rat_0) (snd v1) (snd v2)) rat_0
- end;
fun vector_of_list l =
let val n = length l
in (n,fold_rev2 (curry FuncUtil.Intfunc.update) (1 upto n) l FuncUtil.Intfunc.empty) :vector
@@ -156,74 +118,14 @@
(* Matrices; again rows and columns indexed from 1. *)
-fun matrix_0 (m,n) = ((m,n),FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.empty):matrix;
fun dimensions (m:matrix) = fst m;
-fun matrix_const c (mn as (m,n)) =
- if m <> n then error "matrix_const: needs to be square"
- else if c =/ rat_0 then matrix_0 mn
- else (mn,fold_rev (fn k => FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.update ((k,k), c)) (1 upto n) FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.empty) :matrix;;
-val matrix_1 = matrix_const rat_1;
-fun matrix_cmul c (m:matrix) =
- let val (i,j) = dimensions m
- in if c =/ rat_0 then matrix_0 (i,j)
- else ((i,j),FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => c */ x) (snd m))
- end;
-fun matrix_neg (m:matrix) =
- (dimensions m, FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.map (K Rat.neg) (snd m)) :matrix;
-fun matrix_add (m1:matrix) (m2:matrix) =
- let val d1 = dimensions m1
- val d2 = dimensions m2
- in if d1 <> d2
- then error "matrix_add: incompatible dimensions"
- else (d1,FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.combine (curry op +/) (fn x => x =/ rat_0) (snd m1) (snd m2)) :matrix
- end;;
-fun matrix_sub m1 m2 = matrix_add m1 (matrix_neg m2);
fun row k (m:matrix) =
let val (_,j) = dimensions m
in (j,
FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.fold (fn ((i,j), c) => fn a => if i = k then FuncUtil.Intfunc.update (j,c) a else a) (snd m) FuncUtil.Intfunc.empty ) : vector
-fun column k (m:matrix) =
- let val (i,_) = dimensions m
- in (i,
- FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.fold (fn ((i,j), c) => fn a => if j = k then FuncUtil.Intfunc.update (i,c) a else a) (snd m) FuncUtil.Intfunc.empty)
- : vector
- end;
-fun transp (m:matrix) =
- let val (i,j) = dimensions m
- in
- ((j,i),FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.fold (fn ((i,j), c) => fn a => FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.update ((j,i), c) a) (snd m) FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.empty) :matrix
- end;
-fun diagonal (v:vector) =
- let val n = dim v
- in ((n,n),FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (fn (i, c) => fn a => FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.update ((i,i), c) a) (snd v) FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.empty) : matrix
- end;
-fun matrix_of_list l =
- let val m = length l
- in if m = 0 then matrix_0 (0,0) else
- let val n = length (hd l)
- in ((m,n),itern 1 l (fn v => fn i => itern 1 v (fn c => fn j => FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.update ((i,j), c))) FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.empty)
- end
- end;
(* Monomials. *)
fun monomial_eval assig m =
@@ -236,29 +138,6 @@
val monomial_mul =
FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.combine Integer.add (K false);
-fun monomial_pow m k =
- if k = 0 then monomial_1
- else FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => k * x) m;
-fun monomial_divides m1 m2 =
- FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.fold (fn (x, k) => fn a => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd m2 x 0 >= k andalso a) m1 true;;
-fun monomial_div m1 m2 =
- let val m = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.combine Integer.add
- (fn x => x = 0) m1 (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => ~ x) m2)
- in if FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.fold (fn (_, k) => fn a => k >= 0 andalso a) m true then m
- else error "monomial_div: non-divisible"
- end;
-fun monomial_degree x m =
- FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd m x 0;;
-fun monomial_lcm m1 m2 =
- fold_rev (fn x => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.update (x, max (monomial_degree x m1) (monomial_degree x m2)))
- (union (is_equal o FuncUtil.cterm_ord) (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dom m1) (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dom m2)) (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.empty);
fun monomial_multidegree m =
FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.fold (fn (_, k) => fn a => k + a) m 0;;
@@ -299,16 +178,6 @@
fun poly_mul p1 p2 =
FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.fold (fn (m, c) => fn a => poly_add (poly_cmmul (c,m) p2) a) p1 poly_0;
-fun poly_div p1 p2 =
- if not(poly_isconst p2)
- then error "poly_div: non-constant" else
- let val c = eval FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.empty p2
- in if c =/ rat_0 then error "poly_div: division by zero"
- else poly_cmul (Rat.inv c) p1
- end;
fun poly_square p = poly_mul p p;
fun poly_pow p k =
@@ -317,110 +186,12 @@
else let val q = poly_square(poly_pow p (k div 2)) in
if k mod 2 = 1 then poly_mul p q else q end;
-fun poly_exp p1 p2 =
- if not(poly_isconst p2)
- then error "poly_exp: not a constant"
- else poly_pow p1 (int_of_rat (eval FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.empty p2));
-fun degree x p =
- FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.fold (fn (m,_) => fn a => max (monomial_degree x m) a) p 0;
fun multidegree p =
FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.fold (fn (m, _) => fn a => max (monomial_multidegree m) a) p 0;
fun poly_variables p =
sort FuncUtil.cterm_ord (FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.fold_rev (fn (m, _) => union (is_equal o FuncUtil.cterm_ord) (monomial_variables m)) p []);;
-(* Order monomials for human presentation. *)
-val humanorder_varpow = prod_ord FuncUtil.cterm_ord (rev_order o int_ord);
- fun ord (l1,l2) = case (l1,l2) of
- (_,[]) => LESS
- | ([],_) => GREATER
- | (h1::t1,h2::t2) =>
- (case humanorder_varpow (h1, h2) of
- | EQUAL => ord (t1,t2)
-in fun humanorder_monomial m1 m2 =
- ord (sort humanorder_varpow (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dest m1),
- sort humanorder_varpow (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dest m2))
-(* Conversions to strings. *)
-fun string_of_vector min_size max_size (v:vector) =
- let val n_raw = dim v
- in if n_raw = 0 then "[]" else
- let
- val n = max min_size (min n_raw max_size)
- val xs = map (Rat.string_of_rat o (fn i => FuncUtil.Intfunc.tryapplyd (snd v) i rat_0)) (1 upto n)
- in "[" ^ space_implode ", " xs ^
- (if n_raw > max_size then ", ...]" else "]")
- end
- end;
-fun string_of_matrix max_size (m:matrix) =
- let
- val (i_raw,j_raw) = dimensions m
- val i = min max_size i_raw
- val j = min max_size j_raw
- val rstr = map (fn k => string_of_vector j j (row k m)) (1 upto i)
- in "["^ space_implode ";\n " rstr ^
- (if j > max_size then "\n ...]" else "]")
- end;
-fun string_of_term t =
- case t of
- a$b => "("^(string_of_term a)^" "^(string_of_term b)^")"
- | Abs x =>
- let val (xn, b) = Term.dest_abs x
- in "(\\"^xn^"."^(string_of_term b)^")"
- end
- | Const(s,_) => s
- | Free (s,_) => s
- | Var((s,_),_) => s
- | _ => error "string_of_term";
-val string_of_cterm = string_of_term o term_of;
-fun string_of_varpow x k =
- if k = 1 then string_of_cterm x
- else string_of_cterm x^"^"^string_of_int k;
-fun string_of_monomial m =
- if FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.is_empty m then "1" else
- let val vps = fold_rev (fn (x,k) => fn a => string_of_varpow x k :: a)
- (sort humanorder_varpow (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dest m)) []
- in space_implode "*" vps
- end;
-fun string_of_cmonomial (c,m) =
- if FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.is_empty m then Rat.string_of_rat c
- else if c =/ rat_1 then string_of_monomial m
- else Rat.string_of_rat c ^ "*" ^ string_of_monomial m;;
-fun string_of_poly p =
- if FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.is_empty p then "<<0>>" else
- let
- val cms = sort (fn ((m1,_),(m2,_)) => humanorder_monomial m1 m2) (FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.dest p)
- val s = fold (fn (m,c) => fn a =>
- if c </ rat_0 then a ^ " - " ^ string_of_cmonomial(Rat.neg c,m)
- else a ^ " + " ^ string_of_cmonomial(c,m))
- cms ""
- val s1 = String.substring (s, 0, 3)
- val s2 = String.substring (s, 3, String.size s - 3)
- in "<<" ^(if s1 = " + " then s2 else "-"^s2)^">>"
- end;
(* Conversion from HOL term. *)
@@ -433,9 +204,6 @@
val pow_tm = @{cterm "op ^ :: real => _"}
val zero_tm = @{cterm "0:: real"}
val is_numeral = can (HOLogic.dest_number o term_of)
- fun is_comb t = case t of _$_ => true | _ => false
fun poly_of_term tm =
if tm aconvc zero_tm then poly_0
else if RealArith.is_ratconst tm
@@ -492,56 +260,6 @@
structure Inttriplefunc = FuncFun(type key = int*int*int val ord = triple_int_ord);
-(* String for block diagonal matrix numbered k. *)
-fun sdpa_of_blockdiagonal k m =
- let
- val pfx = string_of_int k ^" "
- val ents =
- Inttriplefunc.fold (fn ((b,i,j), c) => fn a => if i > j then a else ((b,i,j),c)::a) m []
- val entss = sort (triple_int_ord o pairself fst) ents
- in fold_rev (fn ((b,i,j),c) => fn a =>
- pfx ^ string_of_int b ^ " " ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
- " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) entss ""
- end;
-(* String for a matrix numbered k, in SDPA sparse format. *)
-fun sdpa_of_matrix k (m:matrix) =
- let
- val pfx = string_of_int k ^ " 1 "
- val ms = FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.fold (fn ((i,j), c) => fn a => if i > j then a else ((i,j),c)::a) (snd m) []
- val mss = sort ((prod_ord int_ord int_ord) o pairself fst) ms
- in fold_rev (fn ((i,j),c) => fn a =>
- pfx ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
- " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) mss ""
- end;;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* String in SDPA sparse format for standard SDP problem: *)
-(* *)
-(* X = v_1 * [M_1] + ... + v_m * [M_m] - [M_0] must be PSD *)
-(* Minimize obj_1 * v_1 + ... obj_m * v_m *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun sdpa_of_problem obj mats =
- let
- val m = length mats - 1
- val (n,_) = dimensions (hd mats)
- in
- string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
- "1\n" ^
- string_of_int n ^ "\n" ^
- sdpa_of_vector obj ^
- fold_rev2 (fn k => fn m => fn a => sdpa_of_matrix (k - 1) m ^ a) (1 upto length mats) mats ""
- end;
fun index_char str chr pos =
if pos >= String.size str then ~1
else if String.sub(str,pos) = chr then pos
@@ -557,18 +275,10 @@
-fun isspace x = (x = " ");
fun isnum x = member (op =) ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"] x;
(* More parser basics. *)
- val word = Scan.this_string
- fun token s =
- Scan.repeat ($$ " ") |-- word s --| Scan.repeat ($$ " ")
val numeral = Scan.one isnum
val decimalint = Scan.repeat1 numeral >> (rat_of_string o implode)
val decimalfrac = Scan.repeat1 numeral
@@ -602,47 +312,6 @@
(fn (h,to) => map_filter I ((SOME h)::to))) --| ignore >> vector_of_list) inp
val parse_csdpoutput = mkparser csdpoutput
-(* Run prover on a problem in linear form. *)
-fun run_problem prover obj mats =
- parse_csdpoutput (prover (sdpa_of_problem obj mats))
-(* Try some apparently sensible scaling first. Note that this is purely to *)
-(* get a cleaner translation to floating-point, and doesn't affect any of *)
-(* the results, in principle. In practice it seems a lot better when there *)
-(* are extreme numbers in the original problem. *)
- (* Version for (int*int) keys *)
- fun max_rat x y = if x </ y then y else x
- fun common_denominator fld amat acc =
- fld (fn (m,c) => fn a => lcm_rat (denominator_rat c) a) amat acc
- fun maximal_element fld amat acc =
- fld (fn (m,c) => fn maxa => max_rat maxa (abs_rat c)) amat acc
-fun float_of_rat x = let val (a,b) = Rat.quotient_of_rat x
- in Real.fromInt a / Real.fromInt b end;
-fun pi_scale_then solver (obj:vector) mats =
- let
- val cd1 = fold_rev (common_denominator FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.fold) mats (rat_1)
- val cd2 = common_denominator FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (snd obj) (rat_1)
- val mats' = map (FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => cd1 */ x)) mats
- val obj' = vector_cmul cd2 obj
- val max1 = fold_rev (maximal_element FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.fold) mats' (rat_0)
- val max2 = maximal_element FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (snd obj') (rat_0)
- val scal1 = pow2 (20 - trunc(Math.ln (float_of_rat max1) / Math.ln 2.0))
- val scal2 = pow2 (20 - trunc(Math.ln (float_of_rat max2) / Math.ln 2.0))
- val mats'' = map (FuncUtil.Intpairfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => x */ scal1)) mats'
- val obj'' = vector_cmul scal2 obj'
- in solver obj'' mats''
- end
(* Try some apparently sensible scaling first. Note that this is purely to *)
(* get a cleaner translation to floating-point, and doesn't affect any of *)
(* the results, in principle. In practice it seems a lot better when there *)
@@ -699,42 +368,6 @@
in Inttriplefunc.fold (fn (v, c) => fn a => a +/ value v */ c) eq rat_0
-(* Eliminate among linear equations: return unconstrained variables and *)
-(* assignments for the others in terms of them. We give one pseudo-variable *)
-(* "one" that's used for a constant term. *)
- fun extract_first p l = case l of (* FIXME : use find_first instead *)
- [] => error "extract_first"
- | h::t => if p h then (h,t) else
- let val (k,s) = extract_first p t in (k,h::s) end
-fun eliminate vars dun eqs = case vars of
- [] => if forall Inttriplefunc.is_empty eqs then dun
- else raise Unsolvable
- | v::vs =>
- ((let
- val (eq,oeqs) = extract_first (fn e => Inttriplefunc.defined e v) eqs
- val a = Inttriplefunc.apply eq v
- val eq' = tri_equation_cmul ((Rat.neg rat_1) // a) (Inttriplefunc.delete_safe v eq)
- fun elim e =
- let val b = Inttriplefunc.tryapplyd e v rat_0
- in if b =/ rat_0 then e else
- tri_equation_add e (tri_equation_cmul (Rat.neg b // a) eq)
- end
- in eliminate vs (Inttriplefunc.update (v,eq') (Inttriplefunc.map (K elim) dun)) (map elim oeqs)
- end)
- handle Failure _ => eliminate vs dun eqs)
-fun tri_eliminate_equations one vars eqs =
- let
- val assig = eliminate vars Inttriplefunc.empty eqs
- val vs = Inttriplefunc.fold (fn (_, f) => fn a => remove (dest_ord triple_int_ord) one (Inttriplefunc.dom f) @ a) assig []
- in (distinct (dest_ord triple_int_ord) vs, assig)
- end
(* Eliminate all variables, in an essentially arbitrary order. *)
fun tri_eliminate_all_equations one =
@@ -772,22 +405,6 @@
-(* Solve equations by assigning arbitrary numbers. *)
-fun tri_solve_equations one eqs =
- let
- val (vars,assigs) = tri_eliminate_all_equations one eqs
- val vfn = fold_rev (fn v => Inttriplefunc.update(v,rat_0)) vars
- (Inttriplefunc.onefunc(one, Rat.rat_of_int ~1))
- val ass =
- Inttriplefunc.combine (curry op +/) (K false)
- (Inttriplefunc.map (K (tri_equation_eval vfn)) assigs) vfn
- in if forall (fn e => tri_equation_eval ass e =/ rat_0) eqs
- then Inttriplefunc.delete_safe one ass else raise Sanity
- end;
(* Multiply equation-parametrized poly by regular poly and add accumulator. *)
fun tri_epoly_pmul p q acc =
@@ -798,151 +415,6 @@
in FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.update (m,tri_equation_add (tri_equation_cmul c e) es) b
end) q a) p acc ;
-(* Usual operations on equation-parametrized poly. *)
-fun tri_epoly_cmul c l =
- if c =/ rat_0 then Inttriplefunc.empty else Inttriplefunc.map (K (tri_equation_cmul c)) l;;
-val tri_epoly_neg = tri_epoly_cmul (Rat.rat_of_int ~1);
-val tri_epoly_add = Inttriplefunc.combine tri_equation_add Inttriplefunc.is_empty;
-fun tri_epoly_sub p q = tri_epoly_add p (tri_epoly_neg q);;
-(* Stuff for "equations" ((int*int)->num functions). *)
-fun pi_equation_cmul c eq =
- if c =/ rat_0 then Inttriplefunc.empty else Inttriplefunc.map (fn _ => fn d => c */ d) eq;
-fun pi_equation_add eq1 eq2 = Inttriplefunc.combine (curry op +/) (fn x => x =/ rat_0) eq1 eq2;
-fun pi_equation_eval assig eq =
- let fun value v = Inttriplefunc.apply assig v
- in Inttriplefunc.fold (fn (v, c) => fn a => a +/ value v */ c) eq rat_0
- end;
-(* Eliminate among linear equations: return unconstrained variables and *)
-(* assignments for the others in terms of them. We give one pseudo-variable *)
-(* "one" that's used for a constant term. *)
-fun extract_first p l = case l of
- [] => error "extract_first"
- | h::t => if p h then (h,t) else
- let val (k,s) = extract_first p t in (k,h::s) end
-fun eliminate vars dun eqs = case vars of
- [] => if forall Inttriplefunc.is_empty eqs then dun
- else raise Unsolvable
- | v::vs =>
- let
- val (eq,oeqs) = extract_first (fn e => Inttriplefunc.defined e v) eqs
- val a = Inttriplefunc.apply eq v
- val eq' = pi_equation_cmul ((Rat.neg rat_1) // a) (Inttriplefunc.delete_safe v eq)
- fun elim e =
- let val b = Inttriplefunc.tryapplyd e v rat_0
- in if b =/ rat_0 then e else
- pi_equation_add e (pi_equation_cmul (Rat.neg b // a) eq)
- end
- in eliminate vs (Inttriplefunc.update (v,eq') (Inttriplefunc.map (K elim) dun)) (map elim oeqs)
- end
- handle Failure _ => eliminate vs dun eqs
-fun pi_eliminate_equations one vars eqs =
- let
- val assig = eliminate vars Inttriplefunc.empty eqs
- val vs = Inttriplefunc.fold (fn (_, f) => fn a => remove (dest_ord triple_int_ord) one (Inttriplefunc.dom f) @ a) assig []
- in (distinct (dest_ord triple_int_ord) vs, assig)
- end
-(* Eliminate all variables, in an essentially arbitrary order. *)
-fun pi_eliminate_all_equations one =
- let
- fun choose_variable eq =
- let val (v,_) = Inttriplefunc.choose eq
- in if is_equal (triple_int_ord(v,one)) then
- let val eq' = Inttriplefunc.delete_safe v eq
- in if Inttriplefunc.is_empty eq' then error "choose_variable"
- else fst (Inttriplefunc.choose eq')
- end
- else v
- end
- fun eliminate dun eqs = case eqs of
- [] => dun
- | eq::oeqs =>
- if Inttriplefunc.is_empty eq then eliminate dun oeqs else
- let val v = choose_variable eq
- val a = Inttriplefunc.apply eq v
- val eq' = pi_equation_cmul ((Rat.rat_of_int ~1) // a)
- (Inttriplefunc.delete_safe v eq)
- fun elim e =
- let val b = Inttriplefunc.tryapplyd e v rat_0
- in if b =/ rat_0 then e
- else pi_equation_add e (pi_equation_cmul (Rat.neg b // a) eq)
- end
- in eliminate (Inttriplefunc.update(v, eq') (Inttriplefunc.map (K elim) dun))
- (map elim oeqs)
- end
-in fn eqs =>
- let
- val assig = eliminate Inttriplefunc.empty eqs
- val vs = Inttriplefunc.fold (fn (_, f) => fn a => remove (dest_ord triple_int_ord) one (Inttriplefunc.dom f) @ a) assig []
- in (distinct (dest_ord triple_int_ord) vs,assig)
- end
-(* Solve equations by assigning arbitrary numbers. *)
-fun pi_solve_equations one eqs =
- let
- val (vars,assigs) = pi_eliminate_all_equations one eqs
- val vfn = fold_rev (fn v => Inttriplefunc.update(v,rat_0)) vars
- (Inttriplefunc.onefunc(one, Rat.rat_of_int ~1))
- val ass =
- Inttriplefunc.combine (curry op +/) (K false)
- (Inttriplefunc.map (K (pi_equation_eval vfn)) assigs) vfn
- in if forall (fn e => pi_equation_eval ass e =/ rat_0) eqs
- then Inttriplefunc.delete_safe one ass else raise Sanity
- end;
-(* Multiply equation-parametrized poly by regular poly and add accumulator. *)
-fun pi_epoly_pmul p q acc =
- FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.fold (fn (m1, c) => fn a =>
- FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.fold (fn (m2,e) => fn b =>
- let val m = monomial_mul m1 m2
- val es = FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.tryapplyd b m Inttriplefunc.empty
- in FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.update (m,pi_equation_add (pi_equation_cmul c e) es) b
- end) q a) p acc ;
-(* Usual operations on equation-parametrized poly. *)
-fun pi_epoly_cmul c l =
- if c =/ rat_0 then Inttriplefunc.empty else Inttriplefunc.map (K (pi_equation_cmul c)) l;;
-val pi_epoly_neg = pi_epoly_cmul (Rat.rat_of_int ~1);
-val pi_epoly_add = Inttriplefunc.combine pi_equation_add Inttriplefunc.is_empty;
-fun pi_epoly_sub p q = pi_epoly_add p (pi_epoly_neg q);;
-fun allpairs f l1 l2 = fold_rev (fn x => (curry (op @)) (map (f x) l2)) l1 [];
(* Hence produce the "relevant" monomials: those whose squares lie in the *)
(* Newton polytope of the monomials in the input. (This is enough according *)
(* to Reznik: "Extremal PSD forms with few terms", Duke Math. Journal, *)
@@ -990,35 +462,6 @@
-fun gcd_rat a b = Rat.rat_of_int (Integer.gcd (int_of_rat a) (int_of_rat b));
-(* Adjust a diagonalization to collect rationals at the start. *)
- (* FIXME : Potentially polymorphic keys, but here only: integers!! *)
- fun upd0 x y a = if y =/ rat_0 then a else FuncUtil.Intfunc.update(x,y) a;
- fun mapa f (d,v) =
- (d, FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (fn (i,c) => fn a => upd0 i (f c) a) v FuncUtil.Intfunc.empty)
- fun adj (c,l) =
- let val a =
- FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (fn (_,c) => fn a => lcm_rat a (denominator_rat c))
- (snd l) rat_1 //
- FuncUtil.Intfunc.fold (fn (i,c) => fn a => gcd_rat a (numerator_rat c))
- (snd l) rat_0
- in ((c // (a */ a)),mapa (fn x => a */ x) l)
- end
-fun deration d = if null d then (rat_0,d) else
- let val d' = map adj d
- val a = fold (lcm_rat o denominator_rat o fst) d' rat_1 //
- fold (gcd_rat o numerator_rat o fst) d' rat_0
- in ((rat_1 // a),map (fn (c,l) => (a */ c,l)) d')
- end
(* Enumeration of monomials with given multidegree bound. *)
fun enumerate_monomials d vars =
@@ -1095,9 +538,6 @@
else Inttriplefunc.map (fn _ => fn x => c */ x) bm;
val bmatrix_neg = bmatrix_cmul (Rat.rat_of_int ~1);
-fun bmatrix_sub m1 m2 = bmatrix_add m1 (bmatrix_neg m2);;
(* Smash a block matrix into components. *)