--- a/src/HOL/Word/Word.thy Thu Nov 17 12:38:03 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Word/Word.thy Thu Nov 17 14:24:10 2011 +0100
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
code_datatype word_of_int
+subsection {* Random instance *}
notation fcomp (infixl "\<circ>>" 60)
notation scomp (infixl "\<circ>\<rightarrow>" 60)
@@ -118,10 +120,86 @@
"case x of CONST of_int y => b" == "CONST word_int_case (%y. b) x"
+subsection {* Type-definition locale instantiations *}
+lemmas word_size_gt_0 [iff] =
+ xtr1 [OF word_size len_gt_0, standard]
+lemmas lens_gt_0 = word_size_gt_0 len_gt_0
+lemmas lens_not_0 [iff] = lens_gt_0 [THEN gr_implies_not0, standard]
+lemma uints_num: "uints n = {i. 0 \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ n}"
+ by (simp add: uints_def range_bintrunc)
+lemma sints_num: "sints n = {i. - (2 ^ (n - 1)) \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ (n - 1)}"
+ by (simp add: sints_def range_sbintrunc)
+lemmas atLeastLessThan_alt = atLeastLessThan_def [unfolded
+ atLeast_def lessThan_def Collect_conj_eq [symmetric]]
+lemma mod_in_reps: "m > 0 \<Longrightarrow> y mod m : {0::int ..< m}"
+ unfolding atLeastLessThan_alt by auto
+ uint_0:"0 <= uint x" and
+ uint_lt: "uint (x::'a::len0 word) < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
+ by (auto simp: uint [simplified])
+lemma uint_mod_same:
+ "uint x mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) = uint (x::'a::len0 word)"
+ by (simp add: int_mod_eq uint_lt uint_0)
+lemma td_ext_uint:
+ "td_ext (uint :: 'a word => int) word_of_int (uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0)))
+ (%w::int. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
+ apply (unfold td_ext_def')
+ apply (simp add: uints_num word_of_int_def bintrunc_mod2p)
+ apply (simp add: uint_mod_same uint_0 uint_lt
+ word.uint_inverse word.Abs_word_inverse int_mod_lem)
+ done
+lemmas int_word_uint = td_ext_uint [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
+interpretation word_uint:
+ td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int"
+ word_of_int
+ "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+ "\<lambda>w. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a::len0)"
+ by (rule td_ext_uint)
+lemmas td_uint = word_uint.td_thm
+lemmas td_ext_ubin = td_ext_uint
+ [simplified len_gt_0 no_bintr_alt1 [symmetric]]
+interpretation word_ubin:
+ td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int"
+ word_of_int
+ "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+ "bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
+ by (rule td_ext_ubin)
+lemma split_word_all:
+ "(\<And>x::'a::len0 word. PROP P x) \<equiv> (\<And>x. PROP P (word_of_int x))"
+ fix x :: "'a word"
+ assume "\<And>x. PROP P (word_of_int x)"
+ hence "PROP P (word_of_int (uint x))" .
+ thus "PROP P x" by simp
subsection "Arithmetic operations"
-instantiation word :: (len0) "{number, uminus, minus, plus, one, zero, times, Divides.div, ord}"
+ word_succ :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
+ "word_succ a = word_of_int (Int.succ (uint a))"
+ word_pred :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
+ "word_pred a = word_of_int (Int.pred (uint a))"
+instantiation word :: (len0) "{number, Divides.div, ord, comm_monoid_mult, comm_ring}"
@@ -157,19 +235,83 @@
word_less_def: "x < y \<longleftrightarrow> x \<le> y \<and> x \<noteq> (y \<Colon> 'a word)"
-instance ..
+lemmas word_arith_wis =
+ word_add_def word_mult_def word_minus_def
+ word_succ_def word_pred_def word_0_wi word_1_wi
+lemmas arths =
+ bintr_ariths [THEN word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1],
+ folded word_ubin.eq_norm, standard]
+lemma wi_homs:
+ shows
+ wi_hom_add: "word_of_int a + word_of_int b = word_of_int (a + b)" and
+ wi_hom_mult: "word_of_int a * word_of_int b = word_of_int (a * b)" and
+ wi_hom_neg: "- word_of_int a = word_of_int (- a)" and
+ wi_hom_succ: "word_succ (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.succ a)" and
+ wi_hom_pred: "word_pred (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.pred a)"
+ by (auto simp: word_arith_wis arths)
+lemmas wi_hom_syms = wi_homs [symmetric]
+lemma word_sub_def: "a - b = a + - (b :: 'a :: len0 word)"
+ unfolding word_sub_wi diff_minus
+ by (simp only : word_uint.Rep_inverse wi_hom_syms)
+lemmas word_diff_minus = word_sub_def [standard]
+lemma word_of_int_sub_hom:
+ "(word_of_int a) - word_of_int b = word_of_int (a - b)"
+ unfolding word_sub_def diff_minus by (simp only : wi_homs)
+lemmas new_word_of_int_homs =
+ word_of_int_sub_hom wi_homs word_0_wi word_1_wi
+lemmas new_word_of_int_hom_syms = new_word_of_int_homs [symmetric, standard]
+lemmas word_of_int_hom_syms =
+ new_word_of_int_hom_syms [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
+lemmas word_of_int_homs =
+ new_word_of_int_homs [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
+lemmas word_of_int_add_hom = word_of_int_homs (2)
+lemmas word_of_int_mult_hom = word_of_int_homs (3)
+lemmas word_of_int_minus_hom = word_of_int_homs (4)
+lemmas word_of_int_succ_hom = word_of_int_homs (5)
+lemmas word_of_int_pred_hom = word_of_int_homs (6)
+lemmas word_of_int_0_hom = word_of_int_homs (7)
+lemmas word_of_int_1_hom = word_of_int_homs (8)
+ by default (auto simp: split_word_all word_of_int_homs algebra_simps)
- word_succ :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
- "word_succ a = word_of_int (Int.succ (uint a))"
- word_pred :: "'a :: len0 word => 'a word"
- "word_pred a = word_of_int (Int.pred (uint a))"
+lemma word_zero_neq_one: "0 < len_of TYPE ('a :: len0) \<Longrightarrow> (0 :: 'a word) ~= 1"
+ unfolding word_arith_wis
+ by (auto simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] gr0_conv_Suc)
+lemmas lenw1_zero_neq_one = len_gt_0 [THEN word_zero_neq_one]
+instance word :: (len) comm_ring_1
+ by (intro_classes) (simp add: lenw1_zero_neq_one)
+lemma word_of_nat: "of_nat n = word_of_int (int n)"
+ by (induct n) (auto simp add : word_of_int_hom_syms)
+lemma word_of_int: "of_int = word_of_int"
+ apply (rule ext)
+ apply (case_tac x rule: int_diff_cases)
+ apply (simp add: word_of_nat word_of_int_sub_hom)
+ done
+lemma word_number_of_eq:
+ "number_of w = (of_int w :: 'a :: len word)"
+ unfolding word_number_of_def word_of_int by auto
+instance word :: (len) number_ring
+ by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_number_of_eq)
definition udvd :: "'a::len word => 'a::len word => bool" (infixl "udvd" 50) where
"a udvd b = (EX n>=0. uint b = n * uint a)"
@@ -181,7 +323,6 @@
"(x <s y) = (x <=s y & x ~= y)"
subsection "Bit-wise operations"
instantiation word :: (len0) bits
@@ -327,62 +468,6 @@
lemmas of_nth_def = word_set_bits_def
-lemmas word_size_gt_0 [iff] =
- xtr1 [OF word_size len_gt_0, standard]
-lemmas lens_gt_0 = word_size_gt_0 len_gt_0
-lemmas lens_not_0 [iff] = lens_gt_0 [THEN gr_implies_not0, standard]
-lemma uints_num: "uints n = {i. 0 \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ n}"
- by (simp add: uints_def range_bintrunc)
-lemma sints_num: "sints n = {i. - (2 ^ (n - 1)) \<le> i \<and> i < 2 ^ (n - 1)}"
- by (simp add: sints_def range_sbintrunc)
-lemmas atLeastLessThan_alt = atLeastLessThan_def [unfolded
- atLeast_def lessThan_def Collect_conj_eq [symmetric]]
-lemma mod_in_reps: "m > 0 \<Longrightarrow> y mod m : {0::int ..< m}"
- unfolding atLeastLessThan_alt by auto
- uint_0:"0 <= uint x" and
- uint_lt: "uint (x::'a::len0 word) < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
- by (auto simp: uint [simplified])
-lemma uint_mod_same:
- "uint x mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) = uint (x::'a::len0 word)"
- by (simp add: int_mod_eq uint_lt uint_0)
-lemma td_ext_uint:
- "td_ext (uint :: 'a word => int) word_of_int (uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0)))
- (%w::int. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a))"
- apply (unfold td_ext_def')
- apply (simp add: uints_num word_of_int_def bintrunc_mod2p)
- apply (simp add: uint_mod_same uint_0 uint_lt
- word.uint_inverse word.Abs_word_inverse int_mod_lem)
- done
-lemmas int_word_uint = td_ext_uint [THEN td_ext.eq_norm, standard]
-interpretation word_uint:
- td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int"
- word_of_int
- "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
- "\<lambda>w. w mod 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a::len0)"
- by (rule td_ext_uint)
-lemmas td_uint = word_uint.td_thm
-lemmas td_ext_ubin = td_ext_uint
- [simplified len_gt_0 no_bintr_alt1 [symmetric]]
-interpretation word_ubin:
- td_ext "uint::'a::len0 word \<Rightarrow> int"
- word_of_int
- "uints (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
- "bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a::len0))"
- by (rule td_ext_ubin)
lemma sint_sbintrunc':
"sint (word_of_int bin :: 'a word) =
(sbintrunc (len_of TYPE ('a :: len) - 1) bin)"
@@ -984,10 +1069,6 @@
interpretation signed: linorder "word_sle" "word_sless"
by (rule signed_linorder)
-lemmas word_arith_wis =
- word_add_def word_mult_def word_minus_def
- word_succ_def word_pred_def word_0_wi word_1_wi
lemma udvdI:
"0 \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> uint b = n * uint a \<Longrightarrow> a udvd b"
by (auto simp: udvd_def)
@@ -1116,59 +1197,13 @@
unfolding ucast_def word_1_wi
by (simp add: word_ubin.eq_norm int_one_bin bintrunc_minus_simps)
-(* abstraction preserves the operations
- (the definitions tell this for bins in range uint) *)
-lemmas arths =
- bintr_ariths [THEN word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [THEN iffD1],
- folded word_ubin.eq_norm, standard]
-lemma wi_homs:
- shows
- wi_hom_add: "word_of_int a + word_of_int b = word_of_int (a + b)" and
- wi_hom_mult: "word_of_int a * word_of_int b = word_of_int (a * b)" and
- wi_hom_neg: "- word_of_int a = word_of_int (- a)" and
- wi_hom_succ: "word_succ (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.succ a)" and
- wi_hom_pred: "word_pred (word_of_int a) = word_of_int (Int.pred a)"
- by (auto simp: word_arith_wis arths)
-lemmas wi_hom_syms = wi_homs [symmetric]
-lemma word_sub_def: "a - b = a + - (b :: 'a :: len0 word)"
- unfolding word_sub_wi diff_minus
- by (simp only : word_uint.Rep_inverse wi_hom_syms)
-lemmas word_diff_minus = word_sub_def [standard]
-lemma word_of_int_sub_hom:
- "(word_of_int a) - word_of_int b = word_of_int (a - b)"
- unfolding word_sub_def diff_minus by (simp only : wi_homs)
-lemmas new_word_of_int_homs =
- word_of_int_sub_hom wi_homs word_0_wi word_1_wi
-lemmas new_word_of_int_hom_syms = new_word_of_int_homs [symmetric, standard]
-lemmas word_of_int_hom_syms =
- new_word_of_int_hom_syms [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
-lemmas word_of_int_homs =
- new_word_of_int_homs [unfolded succ_def pred_def]
-lemmas word_of_int_add_hom = word_of_int_homs (2)
-lemmas word_of_int_mult_hom = word_of_int_homs (3)
-lemmas word_of_int_minus_hom = word_of_int_homs (4)
-lemmas word_of_int_succ_hom = word_of_int_homs (5)
-lemmas word_of_int_pred_hom = word_of_int_homs (6)
-lemmas word_of_int_0_hom = word_of_int_homs (7)
-lemmas word_of_int_1_hom = word_of_int_homs (8)
(* now, to get the weaker results analogous to word_div/mod_def *)
lemmas word_arith_alts =
word_sub_wi [unfolded succ_def pred_def, standard]
word_arith_wis [unfolded succ_def pred_def, standard]
+(* FIXME: Lots of duplicate lemmas *)
lemmas word_sub_alt = word_arith_alts (1)
lemmas word_add_alt = word_arith_alts (2)
lemmas word_mult_alt = word_arith_alts (3)
@@ -1234,6 +1269,7 @@
"\<exists>y. x = word_of_int y"
by (rule_tac x="uint x" in exI) simp
+(* FIXME: redundant theorems *)
lemma word_arith_eqs:
fixes a :: "'a::len0 word"
fixes b :: "'a::len0 word"
@@ -1287,17 +1323,9 @@
"0 <= (y :: 'a :: len0 word)"
unfolding word_le_def by auto
-instance word :: (len0) semigroup_add
- by intro_classes (simp add: word_add_assoc)
instance word :: (len0) linorder
by intro_classes (auto simp: word_less_def word_le_def)
-instance word :: (len0) ring
- by intro_classes
- (auto simp: word_arith_eqs word_diff_minus
- word_diff_self [unfolded word_diff_minus])
lemma word_m1_ge [simp] : "word_pred 0 >= y"
unfolding word_le_def
by (simp only : word_pred_0_n1 word_uint.eq_norm m1mod2k) auto
@@ -1352,12 +1380,6 @@
lemmas unat_mono = word_less_nat_alt [THEN iffD1, standard]
-lemma word_zero_neq_one: "0 < len_of TYPE ('a :: len0) \<Longrightarrow> (0 :: 'a word) ~= 1"
- unfolding word_arith_wis
- by (auto simp add: word_ubin.norm_eq_iff [symmetric] gr0_conv_Suc)
-lemmas lenw1_zero_neq_one = len_gt_0 [THEN word_zero_neq_one]
lemma no_no [simp] : "number_of (number_of b) = number_of b"
by (simp add: number_of_eq)
@@ -1727,30 +1749,6 @@
subsection "Arithmetic type class instantiations"
-instance word :: (len0) comm_monoid_add ..
-instance word :: (len0) comm_monoid_mult
- apply (intro_classes)
- apply (simp add: word_mult_commute)
- apply (simp add: word_mult_1)
- done
-instance word :: (len0) comm_semiring
- by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_left_distrib)
-instance word :: (len0) ab_group_add ..
-instance word :: (len0) comm_ring ..
-instance word :: (len) comm_semiring_1
- by (intro_classes) (simp add: lenw1_zero_neq_one)
-instance word :: (len) comm_ring_1 ..
-instance word :: (len0) comm_semiring_0 ..
-instance word :: (len0) order ..
(* note that iszero_def is only for class comm_semiring_1_cancel,
which requires word length >= 1, ie 'a :: len word *)
lemma zero_bintrunc:
@@ -1764,26 +1762,10 @@
lemmas word_le_0_iff [simp] =
word_zero_le [THEN leD, THEN linorder_antisym_conv1]
-lemma word_of_nat: "of_nat n = word_of_int (int n)"
- by (induct n) (auto simp add : word_of_int_hom_syms)
-lemma word_of_int: "of_int = word_of_int"
- apply (rule ext)
- apply (case_tac x rule: int_diff_cases)
- apply (simp add: word_of_nat word_of_int_sub_hom)
- done
lemma word_of_int_nat:
"0 <= x \<Longrightarrow> word_of_int x = of_nat (nat x)"
by (simp add: of_nat_nat word_of_int)
-lemma word_number_of_eq:
- "number_of w = (of_int w :: 'a :: len word)"
- unfolding word_number_of_def word_of_int by auto
-instance word :: (len) number_ring
- by (intro_classes) (simp add : word_number_of_eq)
lemma iszero_word_no [simp] :
"iszero (number_of bin :: 'a :: len word) =
iszero (number_of (bintrunc (len_of TYPE('a)) bin) :: int)"