clarified Command.print: update old prints here;
Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:26:55 +0200
changeset 52570 26d84a0b9209
parent 52569 18dde2cf7aa7
child 52571 344527354323
clarified Command.print: update old prints here;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command.ML	Tue Jul 09 23:49:19 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.ML	Wed Jul 10 11:26:55 2013 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
   val exec_ids: exec option -> Document_ID.exec list
   val read: (unit -> theory) -> Token.T list -> Toplevel.transition
   val eval: (unit -> theory) -> Token.T list -> eval -> eval
-  val print: string -> eval -> print list
+  val print: bool -> string -> eval -> print list -> print list option
   type print_fn = Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> unit
   val print_function: {name: string, pri: int} -> (string -> print_fn option) -> unit
   val execute: exec -> unit
@@ -94,6 +94,18 @@
   | exec_ids (SOME ({exec_id, ...}, prints)) = exec_id :: map #exec_id prints;
+(* stable results *)
+fun stable_goals exec_id =
+  not (Par_Exn.is_interrupted (Future.join_results (Goal.peek_futures exec_id)));
+fun stable_eval ({exec_id, eval_process}: eval) =
+  stable_goals exec_id andalso memo_stable eval_process;
+fun stable_print ({exec_id, print_process, ...}: print) =
+  stable_goals exec_id andalso memo_stable print_process;
 (* read *)
 fun read init span =
@@ -200,37 +212,46 @@
 type print_function = string * (int * (string -> print_fn option));
 val print_functions = Synchronized.var "Command.print_functions" ([]: print_function list);
-fun output_error tr exn =
- (Future.error_msg (Toplevel.pos_of tr)) (ML_Compiler.exn_messages_ids exn);
-fun print_error tr f x =
-  (Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr o Runtime.controlled_execution) f x
-    handle exn => output_error tr exn;
+fun print_error tr e =
+  (Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr o Runtime.controlled_execution) e () handle exn =>
+ (Future.error_msg (Toplevel.pos_of tr)) (ML_Compiler.exn_messages_ids exn);
-fun print command_name eval =
-  rev (Synchronized.value print_functions) |> map_filter (fn (name, (pri, get_print_fn)) =>
-    (case Exn.capture (Runtime.controlled_execution get_print_fn) command_name of
-      Exn.Res NONE => NONE
-    | Exn.Res (SOME print_fn) =>
-        let
-          val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
-          fun process () =
-            let
-              val {failed, command, state = st', ...} = eval_result eval;
-              val tr = Toplevel.exec_id exec_id command;
-            in if failed then () else print_error tr (fn () => print_fn tr st') () end;
-        in SOME {name = name, pri = pri, exec_id = exec_id, print_process = memo process} end
-    | Exn.Exn exn =>
-        let
-          val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
-          fun process () =
-            let
-              val {command, ...} = eval_result eval;
-              val tr = Toplevel.exec_id exec_id command;
-            in output_error tr exn end;
-        in SOME {name = name, pri = pri, exec_id = exec_id, print_process = memo process} end));
+fun print command_visible command_name eval old_prints =
+  let
+    fun new_print (name, (pri, get_print_fn)) =
+      let
+        fun make_print strict print_fn =
+          let
+            val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
+            fun process () =
+              let
+                val {failed, command, state = st', ...} = eval_result eval;
+                val tr = Toplevel.exec_id exec_id command;
+              in
+                if failed andalso not strict then ()
+                else print_error tr (fn () => print_fn tr st')
+              end;
+          in {name = name, pri = pri, exec_id = exec_id, print_process = memo process} end;
+      in
+        (case Exn.capture (Runtime.controlled_execution get_print_fn) command_name of
+          Exn.Res NONE => NONE
+        | Exn.Res (SOME print_fn) => SOME (make_print false print_fn)
+        | Exn.Exn exn => SOME (make_print true (fn _ => fn _ => reraise exn)))
+      end;
+    val new_prints =
+      if command_visible then
+        rev (Synchronized.value print_functions) |> map_filter (fn pr =>
+          (case find_first (equal (fst pr) o #name) old_prints of
+            SOME print => if stable_print print then SOME print else new_print pr
+          | NONE => new_print pr))
+      else filter stable_print old_prints;
+  in
+    if eq_list (op = o pairself #exec_id) (old_prints, new_prints) then NONE
+    else SOME new_prints
+  end;
 fun print_function {name, pri} f =
   Synchronized.change print_functions (fn funs =>
@@ -261,14 +282,5 @@
 fun execute (({eval_process, ...}, prints): exec) =
   (memo_eval eval_process; run_print prints);
-fun stable_goals exec_id =
-  not (Par_Exn.is_interrupted (Future.join_results (Goal.peek_futures exec_id)));
-fun stable_eval ({exec_id, eval_process}: eval) =
-  stable_goals exec_id andalso memo_stable eval_process;
-fun stable_print ({exec_id, print_process, ...}: print) =
-  stable_goals exec_id andalso memo_stable print_process;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Tue Jul 09 23:49:19 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML	Wed Jul 10 11:26:55 2013 +0200
@@ -398,22 +398,6 @@
   is_some (Thy_Info.lookup_theory name) orelse
   can get_header node andalso (not full orelse is_some (get_result node));
-fun check_prints prints (prints': Command.print list) =
-  if eq_list (op = o pairself #exec_id) (prints, prints') then NONE
-  else SOME prints';
-fun update_prints command_visible command_name eval prints =
-  if command_visible then
-    let
-      val new_prints = Command.print command_name eval;
-      val prints' =
-        new_prints |> map (fn new_print =>
-          (case find_first (fn {name, ...} => name = #name new_print) prints of
-            SOME print => if Command.stable_print print then print else new_print
-          | NONE => new_print));
-    in check_prints prints prints' end
-  else check_prints prints (filter Command.stable_print prints);
 fun last_common state node0 node =
     fun update_flags prev (visible, initial) =
@@ -444,7 +428,7 @@
                   val command_visible = visible_command node command_id;
                   val command_name = the_command_name state command_id;
-                  (case update_prints command_visible command_name eval prints of
+                  (case Command.print command_visible command_name eval prints of
                     SOME prints' => assign_update_new (command_id, SOME (eval, prints'))
                   | NONE => I)
@@ -470,13 +454,12 @@
       val (command_name, span) = the_command state command_id' ||> Lazy.force;
       val eval' = Command.eval (fn () => the_default illegal_init init span) span eval;
-      val prints' = perhaps (update_prints command_visible command_name eval') [];
+      val prints' = perhaps (Command.print command_visible command_name eval') [];
       val exec' = (eval', prints');
       val assign_update' = assign_update_new (command_id', SOME exec') assign_update;
       val init' = if Keyword.is_theory_begin command_name then NONE else init;
     in SOME (assign_update', (command_id', (eval', prints')), init') end;
 fun update old_version_id new_version_id edits state =