--- a/src/HOL/Library/rewrite.ML Fri Apr 17 12:12:14 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/rewrite.ML Fri Apr 17 16:59:43 2015 +0200
@@ -15,23 +15,38 @@
which can then be used to match arbitrary subterms inside abstractions.
+infix 1 then_pconv;
+infix 0 else_pconv;
signature REWRITE =
+ type patconv = Proof.context -> Type.tyenv * (string * term) list -> cconv
+ val then_pconv: patconv * patconv -> patconv
+ val else_pconv: patconv * patconv -> patconv
+ val abs_pconv: patconv -> string option * typ -> patconv (*XXX*)
+ val fun_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val arg_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val imp_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val params_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val forall_pconv: patconv -> string option * typ option -> patconv
+ val all_pconv: patconv
+ val for_pconv: patconv -> (string option * typ option) list -> patconv
+ val concl_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val asm_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val asms_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val judgment_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val in_pconv: patconv -> patconv
+ val match_pconv: patconv -> term * (string option * typ) list -> patconv
+ val rewrs_pconv: term option -> thm list -> patconv
datatype ('a, 'b) pattern = At | In | Term of 'a | Concl | Asm | For of 'b list
val mk_hole: int -> typ -> term
- val rewrite: Proof.context
+ val rewrite_conv: Proof.context
-> (term * (string * typ) list, string * typ option) pattern list * term option
-> thm list
- -> cterm
- -> thm Seq.seq
- val rewrite_tac: Proof.context
- -> (term * (string * typ) list, string * typ option) pattern list * term option
- -> thm list
- -> int
- -> tactic
+ -> conv
structure Rewrite : REWRITE =
@@ -39,166 +54,14 @@
datatype ('a, 'b) pattern = At | In | Term of 'a | Concl | Asm | For of 'b list
-fun map_term_pattern f (Term x) = f x
- | map_term_pattern _ (For ss) = (For ss)
- | map_term_pattern _ At = At
- | map_term_pattern _ In = In
- | map_term_pattern _ Concl = Concl
- | map_term_pattern _ Asm = Asm
exception NO_TO_MATCH
-fun SEQ_CONCAT (tacq : tactic Seq.seq) : tactic = fn st => Seq.maps (fn tac => tac st) tacq
-(* We rewrite subterms using rewrite conversions. These are conversions
- that also take a context and a list of identifiers for bound variables
- as parameters. *)
-type rewrite_conv = Proof.context -> (string * term) list -> conv
-(* To apply such a rewrite conversion to a subterm of our goal, we use
- subterm positions, which are just functions that map a rewrite conversion,
- working on the top level, to a new rewrite conversion, working on
- a specific subterm.
- During substitution, we are traversing the goal to find subterms that
- we can rewrite. For each of these subterms, a subterm position is
- created and later used in creating a conversion that we use to try and
- rewrite this subterm. *)
-type subterm_position = rewrite_conv -> rewrite_conv
-(* A focusterm represents a subterm. It is a tuple (t, p), consisting
- of the subterm t itself and its subterm position p. *)
-type focusterm = (Type.tyenv * Proof.context) * term * subterm_position
-val dummyN = Name.internal "__dummy"
val holeN = Name.internal "_hole"
-fun prep_meta_eq ctxt =
- Simplifier.mksimps ctxt #> map Drule.zero_var_indexes
-(* rewrite conversions *)
-fun abs_rewr_cconv ident : subterm_position =
- let
- fun add_ident NONE _ l = l
- | add_ident (SOME name) ct l = (name, Thm.term_of ct) :: l
- fun inner rewr ctxt idents =
- CConv.abs_cconv (fn (ct, ctxt) => rewr ctxt (add_ident ident ct idents)) ctxt
- in inner end
-val fun_rewr_cconv : subterm_position = fn rewr => CConv.fun_cconv oo rewr
-val arg_rewr_cconv : subterm_position = fn rewr => CConv.arg_cconv oo rewr
-val imp_rewr_cconv : subterm_position = fn rewr => CConv.concl_cconv 1 oo rewr
-val with_prems_rewr_cconv : subterm_position = fn rewr => CConv.with_prems_cconv ~1 oo rewr
+fun prep_meta_eq ctxt = Simplifier.mksimps ctxt #> map Drule.zero_var_indexes
-(* focus terms *)
-fun ft_abs ctxt (s,T) ((tyenv, u_ctxt), u, pos) =
- case try (fastype_of #> dest_funT) u of
- NONE => raise TERM ("ft_abs: no function type", [u])
- | SOME (U, _) =>
- let
- val tyenv' =
- if T = dummyT then tyenv
- else Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (T, U) tyenv
- val (s', u_ctxt') =
- case s of
- NONE => yield_singleton Variable.variant_fixes (Name.internal dummyN) u_ctxt
- | SOME s => (s, u_ctxt)
- val x = Free (s', Envir.norm_type tyenv' T)
- val eta_expand_cconv = CConv.rewr_cconv @{thm eta_expand}
- fun eta_expand rewr ctxt bounds = eta_expand_cconv then_conv rewr ctxt bounds
- val (u', pos') =
- case u of
- Abs (_,_,t') => (subst_bound (x, t'), pos o abs_rewr_cconv s)
- | _ => (u $ x, pos o eta_expand o abs_rewr_cconv s)
- in ((tyenv', u_ctxt'), u', pos') end
- handle Pattern.MATCH => raise TYPE ("ft_abs: types don't match", [T,U], [u])
-fun ft_fun _ (tyenv, l $ _, pos) = (tyenv, l, pos o fun_rewr_cconv)
- | ft_fun ctxt (ft as (_, Abs (_, T, _ $ Bound 0), _)) = (ft_fun ctxt o ft_abs ctxt (NONE, T)) ft
- | ft_fun _ (_, t, _) = raise TERM ("ft_fun", [t])
-fun ft_arg_gen cconv _ (tyenv, _ $ r, pos) = (tyenv, r, pos o cconv)
- | ft_arg_gen cconv ctxt (ft as (_, Abs (_, T, _ $ Bound 0), _)) = (ft_arg_gen cconv ctxt o ft_abs ctxt (NONE, T)) ft
- | ft_arg_gen _ _ (_, t, _) = raise TERM ("ft_arg", [t])
-fun ft_arg ctxt = ft_arg_gen arg_rewr_cconv ctxt
-fun ft_imp ctxt = ft_arg_gen imp_rewr_cconv ctxt
-(* Move to B in !!x_1 ... x_n. B. Do not eta-expand *)
-fun ft_params ctxt (ft as (_, t, _) : focusterm) =
- case t of
- Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ Abs (_,T,_) =>
- (ft_params ctxt o ft_abs ctxt (NONE, T) o ft_arg ctxt) ft
- | Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) =>
- (ft_params ctxt o ft_arg ctxt) ft
- | _ => ft
-fun ft_all ctxt ident (ft as (_, Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, T) $ _, _) : focusterm) =
- let
- val def_U = T |> dest_funT |> fst |> dest_funT |> fst
- val ident' = apsnd (the_default (def_U)) ident
- in (ft_abs ctxt ident' o ft_arg ctxt) ft end
- | ft_all _ _ (_, t, _) = raise TERM ("ft_all", [t])
-fun ft_for ctxt idents (ft as (_, t, _) : focusterm) =
- let
- fun f rev_idents (Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ t) =
- let
- val (rev_idents', desc) = f rev_idents (case t of Abs (_,_,u) => u | _ => t)
- in
- case rev_idents' of
- [] => ([], desc o ft_all ctxt (NONE, NONE))
- | (x :: xs) => (xs , desc o ft_all ctxt x)
- end
- | f rev_idents _ = (rev_idents, I)
- in
- case f (rev idents) t of
- ([], ft') => SOME (ft' ft)
- | _ => NONE
- end
-fun ft_concl ctxt (ft as (_, t, _) : focusterm) =
- case t of
- (Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ => (ft_concl ctxt o ft_imp ctxt) ft
- | _ => ft
-fun ft_assm _ (tyenv, (Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ l) $ _, pos) =
- (tyenv, l, pos o with_prems_rewr_cconv)
- | ft_assm _ (_, t, _) = raise TERM ("ft_assm", [t])
-fun ft_judgment ctxt (ft as (_, t, _) : focusterm) =
- if Object_Logic.is_judgment ctxt t
- then ft_arg ctxt ft
- else ft
-(* Find all subterms that might be a valid point to apply a rule. *)
-fun valid_match_points ctxt (ft : focusterm) =
- let
- fun descend (_, _ $ _, _) = [ft_fun ctxt, ft_arg ctxt]
- | descend (_, Abs (_, T, _), _) = [ft_abs ctxt (NONE, T)]
- | descend _ = []
- fun subseq ft =
- descend ft |> Seq.of_list |> Seq.maps (fn f => ft |> f |> valid_match_points ctxt)
- fun is_valid (l $ _) = is_valid l
- | is_valid (Abs (_, _, a)) = is_valid a
- | is_valid (Var _) = false
- | is_valid (Bound _) = false
- | is_valid _ = true
- in
- Seq.make (fn () => SOME (ft, subseq ft))
- |> Seq.filter (#2 #> is_valid)
- end
+(* holes *)
fun mk_hole i T = Var ((holeN, i), T)
@@ -228,167 +91,239 @@
#> Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_pattern
-(* Find a subterm of the focusterm matching the pattern. *)
-fun find_matches ctxt pattern_list =
- let
- fun move_term ctxt (t, off) (ft : focusterm) =
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+(* pattern conversions *)
+type patconv = Proof.context -> Type.tyenv * (string * term) list -> cterm -> thm
+fun (cv1 then_pconv cv2) ctxt tytenv ct = (cv1 ctxt tytenv then_conv cv2 ctxt tytenv) ct
+fun (cv1 else_pconv cv2) ctxt tytenv ct = (cv1 ctxt tytenv else_conv cv2 ctxt tytenv) ct
- val eta_expands =
- let val (_, ts) = strip_comb t
- in map fastype_of (snd (take_suffix is_Var ts)) end
+fun raw_abs_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ Abs _ => CConv.abs_cconv (fn (x, ctxt') => cv x ctxt' tytenv) ctxt ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("raw_abs_pconv", [t])
- fun do_match ((tyenv, u_ctxt), u, pos) =
- case try (Pattern.match thy (apply2 Logic.mk_term (t,u))) (tyenv, Vartab.empty) of
- | SOME (tyenv', _) => SOME (off ((tyenv', u_ctxt), u, pos))
- fun match_argT T u =
- let val (U, _) = dest_funT (fastype_of u)
- in try (Sign.typ_match thy (T,U)) end
- handle TYPE _ => K NONE
+fun raw_fun_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ _ $ _ => CConv.fun_cconv (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("raw_fun_pconv", [t])
- fun desc [] ft = do_match ft
- | desc (T :: Ts) (ft as ((tyenv, u_ctxt) , u, pos)) =
- case do_match ft of
- NONE =>
- (case match_argT T u tyenv of
- | SOME tyenv' => desc Ts (ft_abs ctxt (NONE, T) ((tyenv', u_ctxt), u, pos)))
- | SOME ft => SOME ft
- in desc eta_expands ft end
+fun raw_arg_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ _ $ _ => CConv.arg_cconv (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("raw_arg_pconv", [t])
- fun move_assms ctxt (ft: focusterm) =
- let
- fun f () = case try (ft_assm ctxt) ft of
- | SOME ft' => SOME (ft', move_assms ctxt (ft_imp ctxt ft))
- in Seq.make f end
- fun apply_pat At = Seq.map (ft_judgment ctxt)
- | apply_pat In = Seq.maps (valid_match_points ctxt)
- | apply_pat Asm = Seq.maps (move_assms ctxt o ft_params ctxt)
- | apply_pat Concl = Seq.map (ft_concl ctxt o ft_params ctxt)
- | apply_pat (For idents) = Seq.map_filter ((ft_for ctxt (map (apfst SOME) idents)))
- | apply_pat (Term x) = Seq.map_filter ( (move_term ctxt x))
- fun apply_pats ft = ft
- |> Seq.single
- |> fold apply_pat pattern_list
+fun abs_pconv cv (s,T) ctxt (tyenv, ts) ct =
+ let val u = Thm.term_of ct
- apply_pats
+ case try (fastype_of #> dest_funT) u of
+ NONE => raise TERM ("abs_pconv: no function type", [u])
+ | SOME (U, _) =>
+ let
+ val tyenv' =
+ if T = dummyT then tyenv
+ else Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (T, U) tyenv
+ val eta_expand_cconv =
+ case u of
+ Abs _=> Thm.reflexive
+ | _ => CConv.rewr_cconv @{thm eta_expand}
+ fun add_ident NONE _ l = l
+ | add_ident (SOME name) ct l = (name, Thm.term_of ct) :: l
+ val abs_cv = CConv.abs_cconv (fn (ct, ctxt) => cv ctxt (tyenv', add_ident s ct ts)) ctxt
+ in (eta_expand_cconv then_conv abs_cv) ct end
+ handle Pattern.MATCH => raise TYPE ("abs_pconv: types don't match", [T,U], [u])
-fun instantiate_normalize_env ctxt env thm =
- let
- fun certs f = map (apply2 (f ctxt))
- val prop = Thm.prop_of thm
- val norm_type = Envir.norm_type o Envir.type_env
- val insts = Term.add_vars prop []
- |> map (fn x as (s,T) => (Var (s, norm_type env T), Envir.norm_term env (Var x)))
- |> certs Thm.cterm_of
- val tyinsts = Term.add_tvars prop []
- |> map (fn x => (TVar x, norm_type env (TVar x)))
- |> certs Thm.ctyp_of
- in Drule.instantiate_normalize (tyinsts, insts) thm end
-fun unify_with_rhs context to env thm =
- let
- val (_, rhs) = thm |> Thm.concl_of |> Logic.dest_equals
- val env' = Pattern.unify context (Logic.mk_term to, Logic.mk_term rhs) env
- handle Pattern.Unif => raise NO_TO_MATCH
- in env' end
-fun inst_thm_to _ (NONE, _) thm = thm
- | inst_thm_to (ctxt : Proof.context) (SOME to, env) thm =
- instantiate_normalize_env ctxt (unify_with_rhs (Context.Proof ctxt) to env thm) thm
-fun inst_thm ctxt idents (to, tyenv) thm =
- let
- (* Replace any identifiers with their corresponding bound variables. *)
- val maxidx = Term.maxidx_typs (map (snd o snd) (Vartab.dest tyenv)) 0
- val env = Envir.Envir {maxidx = maxidx, tenv = Vartab.empty, tyenv = tyenv}
- val replace_idents =
- let
- fun subst ((n1, s)::ss) (t as Free (n2, _)) = if n1 = n2 then s else subst ss t
- | subst _ t = t
- in Term.map_aterms (subst idents) end
- val maxidx = Envir.maxidx_of env |> fold Term.maxidx_term (the_list to)
- val thm' = Thm.incr_indexes (maxidx + 1) thm
- in SOME (inst_thm_to ctxt (Option.map replace_idents to, env) thm') end
- handle NO_TO_MATCH => NONE
+fun fun_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ _ $ _ => CConv.fun_cconv (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
+ | Abs (_, T, _ $ Bound 0) => abs_pconv (fun_pconv cv) (NONE, T) ctxt tytenv ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("fun_pconv", [t])
-fun rewrite_raw ctxt (pattern, to) thms ct =
+fun arg_pconv_gen cv0 cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ _ $ _ => cv0 (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
+ | Abs (_, T, _ $ Bound 0) => abs_pconv (arg_pconv_gen cv0 cv) (NONE, T) ctxt tytenv ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("arg_pconv_gen", [t])
+val arg_pconv = arg_pconv_gen CConv.arg_cconv
+val imp_pconv = arg_pconv_gen (CConv.concl_cconv 1)
+(* Move to B in !!x_1 ... x_n. B. Do not eta-expand *)
+fun params_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ let val pconv =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ Abs _ => (raw_arg_pconv o raw_abs_pconv) (fn _ => params_pconv cv)
+ | Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) => raw_arg_pconv (params_pconv cv)
+ | _ => cv
+ in pconv ctxt tytenv ct end
+fun forall_pconv cv ident ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, T) $ _ =>
+ let
+ val def_U = T |> dest_funT |> fst |> dest_funT |> fst
+ val ident' = apsnd (the_default (def_U)) ident
+ in arg_pconv (abs_pconv cv ident') ctxt tytenv ct end
+ | t => raise TERM ("forall_pconv", [t])
+fun all_pconv _ _ = Thm.reflexive
+fun for_pconv cv idents ctxt tytenv ct =
- fun interpret_term_patterns ctxt =
+ fun f rev_idents (Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ t) =
+ let val (rev_idents', cv') = f rev_idents (case t of Abs (_,_,u) => u | _ => t)
+ in
+ case rev_idents' of
+ [] => ([], forall_pconv cv' (NONE, NONE))
+ | (x :: xs) => (xs, forall_pconv cv' x)
+ end
+ | f rev_idents _ = (rev_idents, cv)
+ in
+ case f (rev idents) (Thm.term_of ct) of
+ ([], cv') => cv' ctxt tytenv ct
+ | _ => raise CTERM ("for_pconv", [ct])
+ end
+fun concl_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ (Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ => imp_pconv (concl_pconv cv) ctxt tytenv ct
+ | _ => cv ctxt tytenv ct
+fun asm_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ (Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ => CConv.with_prems_cconv ~1 (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("asm_pconv", [t])
+fun asms_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ case Thm.term_of ct of
+ (Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ =>
+ ((CConv.with_prems_cconv ~1 oo cv) else_pconv imp_pconv (asms_pconv cv)) ctxt tytenv ct
+ | t => raise TERM ("asms_pconv", [t])
+fun judgment_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ if Object_Logic.is_judgment ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)
+ then arg_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct
+ else cv ctxt tytenv ct
+fun in_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
+ (cv else_pconv
+ raw_fun_pconv (in_pconv cv) else_pconv
+ raw_arg_pconv (in_pconv cv) else_pconv
+ raw_abs_pconv (fn _ => in_pconv cv))
+ ctxt tytenv ct
+fun replace_idents idents t =
+ let
+ fun subst ((n1, s)::ss) (t as Free (n2, _)) = if n1 = n2 then s else subst ss t
+ | subst _ t = t
+ in Term.map_aterms (subst idents) t end
+fun match_pconv cv (t,fixes) ctxt (tyenv, env_ts) ct =
+ let
+ val t' = replace_idents env_ts t
+ val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+ val u = Thm.term_of ct
+ fun descend_hole fixes (Abs (_, _, t)) =
+ (case descend_hole fixes t of
+ | SOME (fix :: fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', abs_pconv pos fix)
+ | SOME ([], _) => raise Match (* less fixes than abstractions on path to hole *))
+ | descend_hole fixes (t as l $ r) =
+ let val (f, _) = strip_comb t
+ in
+ if is_hole f
+ then SOME (fixes, cv)
+ else
+ (case descend_hole fixes l of
+ SOME (fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', fun_pconv pos)
+ | NONE =>
+ (case descend_hole fixes r of
+ SOME (fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', arg_pconv pos)
+ | NONE => NONE))
+ end
+ | descend_hole fixes t =
+ if is_hole t then SOME (fixes, cv) else NONE
+ val to_hole = descend_hole (rev fixes) #> the_default ([], cv) #> snd
+ in
+ case try (Pattern.match thy (apply2 Logic.mk_term (t',u))) (tyenv, Vartab.empty) of
+ NONE => raise TERM ("match_pconv: Does not match pattern", [t, t',u])
+ | SOME (tyenv', _) => to_hole t ctxt (tyenv', env_ts) ct
+ end
+fun rewrs_pconv to thms ctxt (tyenv, env_ts) =
+ let
+ fun instantiate_normalize_env ctxt env thm =
+ fun certs f = map (apply2 (f ctxt))
+ val prop = Thm.prop_of thm
+ val norm_type = Envir.norm_type o Envir.type_env
+ val insts = Term.add_vars prop []
+ |> map (fn x as (s,T) => (Var (s, norm_type env T), Envir.norm_term env (Var x)))
+ |> certs Thm.cterm_of
+ val tyinsts = Term.add_tvars prop []
+ |> map (fn x => (TVar x, norm_type env (TVar x)))
+ |> certs Thm.ctyp_of
+ in Drule.instantiate_normalize (tyinsts, insts) thm end
- fun descend_hole fixes (Abs (_, _, t)) =
- (case descend_hole fixes t of
- | SOME (fix :: fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', pos o ft_abs ctxt (apfst SOME fix))
- | SOME ([], _) => raise Match (* XXX -- check phases modified binding *))
- | descend_hole fixes (t as l $ r) =
- let val (f, _) = strip_comb t
- in
- if is_hole f
- then SOME (fixes, I)
- else
- (case descend_hole fixes l of
- SOME (fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', pos o ft_fun ctxt)
- | NONE =>
- (case descend_hole fixes r of
- SOME (fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', pos o ft_arg ctxt)
- | NONE => NONE))
- end
- | descend_hole fixes t =
- if is_hole t then SOME (fixes, I) else NONE
+ fun unify_with_rhs context to env thm =
+ let
+ val (_, rhs) = thm |> Thm.concl_of |> Logic.dest_equals
+ val env' = Pattern.unify context (Logic.mk_term to, Logic.mk_term rhs) env
+ handle Pattern.Unif => raise NO_TO_MATCH
+ in env' end
+ fun inst_thm_to _ (NONE, _) thm = thm
+ | inst_thm_to (ctxt : Proof.context) (SOME to, env) thm =
+ instantiate_normalize_env ctxt (unify_with_rhs (Context.Proof ctxt) to env thm) thm
- fun f (t, fixes) = Term (t, (descend_hole (rev fixes) #> the_default ([], I) #> snd) t)
+ fun inst_thm ctxt idents (to, tyenv) thm =
+ let
+ (* Replace any identifiers with their corresponding bound variables. *)
+ val maxidx = Term.maxidx_typs (map (snd o snd) (Vartab.dest tyenv)) 0
+ val env = Envir.Envir {maxidx = maxidx, tenv = Vartab.empty, tyenv = tyenv}
+ val maxidx = Envir.maxidx_of env |> fold Term.maxidx_term (the_list to)
+ val thm' = Thm.incr_indexes (maxidx + 1) thm
+ in SOME (inst_thm_to ctxt (Option.map (replace_idents idents) to, env) thm') end
+ handle NO_TO_MATCH => NONE
- in map (map_term_pattern f) end
+ in CConv.rewrs_cconv (map_filter (inst_thm ctxt env_ts (to, tyenv)) thms) end
- val pattern' = interpret_term_patterns ctxt pattern
- val matches = find_matches ctxt pattern' ((Vartab.empty, ctxt), Thm.term_of ct, I)
+fun rewrite_conv ctxt (pattern, to) thms ct =
+ let
+ fun apply_pat At = judgment_pconv
+ | apply_pat In = in_pconv
+ | apply_pat Asm = params_pconv o asms_pconv
+ | apply_pat Concl = params_pconv o concl_pconv
+ | apply_pat (For idents) = (fn cv => for_pconv cv (map (apfst SOME) idents))
+ | apply_pat (Term x) = (fn cv => match_pconv cv (apsnd (map (apfst SOME)) x))
- val thms' = maps (prep_meta_eq ctxt) thms
- fun rewrite_conv insty ctxt bounds =
- CConv.rewrs_cconv (map_filter (inst_thm ctxt bounds insty) thms')
+ val cv = fold_rev apply_pat pattern
fun distinct_prems th =
case Seq.pull (distinct_subgoals_tac th) of
NONE => th
| SOME (th', _) => th'
- fun conv (((tyenv, _), _, position) : focusterm) =
- distinct_prems o position (rewrite_conv (to, tyenv)) ctxt []
- in Seq.map (fn ft => conv ft) matches end
-fun rewrite ctxt pat thms ct =
- rewrite_raw ctxt pat thms ct |> Seq.map_filter (fn cv => try cv ct)
+ val rewrite = rewrs_pconv to (maps (prep_meta_eq ctxt) thms)
+ in cv rewrite ctxt (Vartab.empty, []) ct |> distinct_prems end
fun rewrite_export_tac ctxt (pat, pat_ctxt) thms =
val export = case pat_ctxt of
| SOME inner => singleton (Proof_Context.export inner ctxt)
- val tac = CSUBGOAL (fn (ct, i) =>
- rewrite_raw ctxt pat thms ct
- |> Seq.map (fn cv => CCONVERSION (export o cv) i)
- in tac end
-fun rewrite_tac ctxt pat = rewrite_export_tac ctxt (pat, NONE)
+ in CCONVERSION (export o rewrite_conv ctxt pat thms) end
val _ =