removed sysify_path, quote_sysity_path etc.;
added platform_path, shell_path etc.;
improved copy: support dir as target;
added copy_dir;
added isatool;
--- a/src/Pure/General/file.ML Sun Jun 05 11:31:23 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/file.ML Sun Jun 05 11:31:24 2005 +0200
@@ -7,23 +7,27 @@
signature FILE =
- val sys_pack_fn: (Path.T -> string) ref
- val sys_unpack_fn: (string -> Path.T) ref
- val sysify_path: Path.T -> string
- val quote_sysify_path: Path.T -> string
- val rm: Path.T -> unit
+ val unpack_platform_path_fn: (string -> Path.T) ref
+ val unpack_platform_path: string -> Path.T
+ val platform_path_fn: (Path.T -> string) ref
+ val platform_path: Path.T -> string
+ val shell_path_fn: (Path.T -> string) ref
+ val shell_path: Path.T -> string
val cd: Path.T -> unit
val pwd: unit -> Path.T
val full_path: Path.T -> Path.T
val tmp_path: Path.T -> Path.T
+ val isatool: string -> int
+ val system_command: string -> unit
val read: Path.T -> string
val write: Path.T -> string -> unit
val append: Path.T -> string -> unit
- val system_command: string -> unit
val copy: Path.T -> Path.T -> unit
+ val copy_dir: Path.T -> Path.T -> unit
eqtype info
val info: Path.T -> info option
val exists: Path.T -> bool
+ val rm: Path.T -> unit
val mkdir: Path.T -> unit
val use: Path.T -> unit
@@ -31,35 +35,35 @@
structure File: FILE =
-(* system path representations (default: Unix) *)
+(* platform specific path representations *)
-val sys_pack_fn = ref Path.pack;
-val sys_unpack_fn = ref Path.unpack;
+val unpack_platform_path_fn = ref Path.unpack;
+fun unpack_platform_path s = ! unpack_platform_path_fn s;
-fun sysify_path path = ! sys_pack_fn (Path.expand path);
-val quote_sysify_path = enclose "'" "'" o sysify_path;
-fun unsysify_path s = ! sys_unpack_fn s;
+val platform_path_fn = ref (Path.pack o Path.expand);
+fun platform_path path = ! platform_path_fn path;
-val rm = OS.FileSys.remove o sysify_path;
+val shell_path_fn = ref (enclose "'" "'" o Path.pack o Path.expand);
+fun shell_path path = ! shell_path_fn path;
(* current path *)
-val cd = o sysify_path;
-val pwd = unsysify_path o Library.pwd;
+val cd = o platform_path;
+val pwd = unpack_platform_path o Library.pwd;
fun norm_absolute p =
val p' = pwd ();
fun norm p = if can cd p then pwd ()
else Path.append (norm (Path.dir p)) (Path.base p);
- val p'' = norm p
+ val p'' = norm p;
in (cd p'; p'') end
-fun full_path path = norm_absolute
+fun full_path path =
(if Path.is_absolute path then path
- else Path.append (pwd ()) path);
+ else Path.append (pwd ()) path)
+ |> norm_absolute;
(* tmp_path *)
@@ -68,48 +72,65 @@
Path.append (Path.variable "ISABELLE_TMP") (Path.base path);
+(* system commands *)
+fun isatool cmd = system ("\"$ISATOOL\" " ^ cmd);
+fun system_command cmd =
+ if system cmd <> 0 then error ("System command failed: " ^ cmd)
+ else ();
+(* directory entries *)
+datatype info = Info of string;
+fun info path =
+ (Info o Time.toString) (try OS.FileSys.modTime (platform_path path));
+val exists = is_some o info;
+val rm = OS.FileSys.remove o platform_path;
+fun mkdir path = system_command ("mkdir -p " ^ shell_path path);
+fun is_dir path =
+ if_none (try OS.FileSys.isDir (platform_path path)) false;
(* read / write files *)
fun fail_safe f g x =
let val y = f x handle exn => (g x; raise exn)
in g x; y end;
fun output txt stream = TextIO.output (stream, txt);
-fun read path = fail_safe TextIO.inputAll TextIO.closeIn (TextIO.openIn (sysify_path path));
-fun write path txt = fail_safe (output txt) TextIO.closeOut (TextIO.openOut (sysify_path path));
-fun append path txt =
- fail_safe (output txt) TextIO.closeOut (TextIO.openAppend (sysify_path path));
-fun copy inpath outpath = write outpath (read inpath);
+fun read path =
+ fail_safe TextIO.inputAll TextIO.closeIn (TextIO.openIn (platform_path path));
-(* file info *)
-datatype info = Info of string;
+fun write path txt =
+ fail_safe (output txt) TextIO.closeOut (TextIO.openOut (platform_path path));
-fun info path =
- let val name = sysify_path path in
- (case file_info name of
- "" => NONE
- | s => SOME (Info s))
- end;
+fun append path txt =
+ fail_safe (output txt) TextIO.closeOut (TextIO.openAppend (platform_path path));
-val exists = is_some o info;
-(* directories *)
+fun copy from to =
+ let val target = if is_dir to then Path.append to (Path.base from) else to
+ in write target (read from) end;
-fun system_command cmd =
- if system cmd <> 0 then error ("System command failed: " ^ cmd)
- else ();
-fun mkdir path = system_command ("mkdir -p " ^ quote_sysify_path path);
+fun copy_dir from to =
+ system_command ("cp -r " ^ shell_path from ^ "/. " ^ shell_path to);
(* use ML files *)
-val use = use o sysify_path;
+val use = use o platform_path;