explicit bookkeeping of intro rules and axiom
Sun, 11 Jan 2009 14:18:17 +0100
changeset 29441 28d7d7572b81
parent 29440 0f7031a3e692
child 29442 7b09624f6bc1
explicit bookkeeping of intro rules and axiom
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML	Sun Jan 11 14:18:16 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML	Sun Jan 11 14:18:17 2009 +0100
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
   type expression = string expr * (Binding.T * string option * mixfix) list;
   (* Processing of context statements *)
+  val cert_statement: Element.context_i list -> (term * term list) list list ->
+    Proof.context -> (term * term list) list list * Proof.context;
   val read_statement: Element.context list -> (string * string list) list list ->
     Proof.context ->  (term * term list) list list * Proof.context;
-  val cert_statement: Element.context_i list -> (term * term list) list list ->
-    Proof.context -> (term * term list) list list * Proof.context;
   (* Declaring locales *)
   val add_locale: bstring -> bstring -> expression_i -> Element.context_i list ->
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
     theory -> string * local_theory;
   (* Interpretation *)
+  val cert_goal_expression: expression_i -> Proof.context ->
+    (term list list * (string * morphism) list * morphism) * Proof.context;
   val sublocale: string -> expression_i -> theory -> Proof.state;
   val sublocale_cmd: string -> expression -> theory -> Proof.state;
   val interpretation: expression_i -> (Attrib.binding * term) list ->
@@ -740,10 +743,11 @@
       map_filter (fn Notes notes => SOME notes | _ => NONE);
     val deps' = map (fn (l, morph) => (l, morph $> b_satisfy)) deps;
+    val axioms = map Element.conclude_witness b_axioms;
     val loc_ctxt = thy'
       |> Locale.register_locale bname (extraTs, params)
-          (asm, rev defs) ([], [])
+          (asm, rev defs) (a_intro, b_intro) axioms ([], []) 
           (map (fn n => (n, stamp ())) notes |> rev) (map (fn d => (d, stamp ())) deps' |> rev)
       |> TheoryTarget.init (SOME name)
       |> fold (fn (kind, facts) => LocalTheory.notes kind facts #> snd) notes';
@@ -816,12 +820,54 @@
     val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
     val ((propss, regs, export), expr_ctxt) = prep_expr expression ctxt;
     val eqns = map (parse_prop expr_ctxt o snd) equations |> Syntax.check_terms expr_ctxt;
     val eq_attns = map ((apsnd o map) (prep_attr thy) o fst) equations;
     val goal_ctxt = fold Variable.auto_fixes eqns expr_ctxt;
     val export' = Variable.export_morphism goal_ctxt expr_ctxt;
+    (*** alternative code -- unclear why it does not work yet ***)
+    fun store_reg ((name, morph), thms) thy =
+      let
+        val thms' = map (Element.morph_witness export') thms;
+        val morph' = morph $> Element.satisfy_morphism thms';
+      in
+        thy
+        |> Locale.add_registration (name, (morph', export))
+        |> pair (name, morph')
+      end;
+    fun store_eqns_activate regs [] thy =
+          thy
+          |> fold (fn (name, morph) =>
+               Locale.activate_global_facts (name, morph $> export)) regs
+      | store_eqns_activate regs thms thys =
+          let
+            val thms' = thms |> map (Element.conclude_witness #>
+              Morphism.thm (export' $> export) #>
+              LocalDefs.meta_rewrite_rule (ProofContext.init thy) #>
+              Drule.abs_def);
+            val eq_morph =
+              Morphism.term_morphism (MetaSimplifier.rewrite_term thy thms' []) $>
+              Morphism.thm_morphism (MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule thms');
+            val eq_attns' = map ((apsnd o map) (Attrib.attribute_i thy)) eq_attns;
+          in
+            thy
+            |> fold (fn (name, morph) =>
+                Locale.amend_registration eq_morph (name, morph) #>
+                Locale.activate_global_facts (name, morph $> eq_morph $> export)) regs
+            |> PureThy.note_thmss Thm.lemmaK (eq_attns' ~~ map (fn th => [([th], [])]) thms')
+            |> snd
+          end;
+    fun after_qed results =
+      let
+        val (wits_reg, wits_eq) = split_last (prep_result (propss @ [eqns]) results);
+      in ProofContext.theory (fold_map store_reg (regs ~~ wits_reg)
+        #-> (fn regs => store_eqns_activate regs wits_eq))
+      end;
+    (*** alternative code end ***)
     fun store (Reg (name, morph), thms) (regs, thy) =
           val thms' = map (Element.morph_witness export') thms;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML	Sun Jan 11 14:18:16 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML	Sun Jan 11 14:18:17 2009 +0100
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
   val register_locale: bstring ->
     (string * sort) list * (Binding.T * typ option * mixfix) list ->
     term option * term list ->
+    thm option * thm option -> thm list ->
     (declaration * stamp) list * (declaration * stamp) list ->
     ((string * (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list) * stamp) list ->
     ((string * Morphism.morphism) * stamp) list -> theory -> theory
@@ -45,6 +46,8 @@
   (* Specification *)
   val defined: theory -> string -> bool
   val params_of: theory -> string -> (Binding.T * typ option * mixfix) list
+  val intros_of: theory -> string -> thm option * thm option
+  val axioms_of: theory -> string -> thm list
   val instance_of: theory -> string -> Morphism.morphism -> term list
   val specification_of: theory -> string -> term option * term list
   val declarations_of: theory -> string -> declaration list * declaration list
@@ -118,6 +121,8 @@
     (* type and term parameters *)
   spec: term option * term list,
     (* assumptions (as a single predicate expression) and defines *)
+  intros: thm option * thm option,
+  axioms: thm list,
   (** dynamic part **)
   decls: (declaration * stamp) list * (declaration * stamp) list,
     (* type and term syntax declarations *)
@@ -127,17 +132,18 @@
     (* locale dependencies (sublocale relation) *)
-fun mk_locale ((parameters, spec), ((decls, notes), dependencies)) =
-  Loc {parameters = parameters, spec = spec, decls = decls,
-    notes = notes, dependencies = dependencies};
-fun map_locale f (Loc {parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies}) =
-  mk_locale (f ((parameters, spec), ((decls, notes), dependencies)));
-fun merge_locale (Loc {parameters, spec, decls = (decls1, decls2), notes, dependencies},
-  Loc {decls = (decls1', decls2'), notes = notes', dependencies = dependencies', ...}) =
-    mk_locale ((parameters, spec),
-      (((merge (eq_snd op =) (decls1, decls1'), merge (eq_snd op =) (decls2, decls2')),
-        merge (eq_snd op =) (notes, notes')),
-          merge (eq_snd op =) (dependencies, dependencies')));
+fun mk_locale ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms), ((decls, notes), dependencies)) =
+  Loc {parameters = parameters, intros = intros, axioms = axioms, spec = spec,
+    decls = decls, notes = notes, dependencies = dependencies};
+fun map_locale f (Loc {parameters, spec, intros, axioms, decls, notes, dependencies}) =
+  mk_locale (f ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms), ((decls, notes), dependencies)));
+fun merge_locale (Loc {parameters, spec, intros, axioms, decls = (decls1, decls2),
+  notes, dependencies}, Loc {decls = (decls1', decls2'), notes = notes',
+    dependencies = dependencies', ...}) = mk_locale
+      ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms),
+        (((merge (eq_snd op =) (decls1, decls1'), merge (eq_snd op =) (decls2, decls2')),
+          merge (eq_snd op =) (notes, notes')),
+            merge (eq_snd op =) (dependencies, dependencies')));
 structure LocalesData = TheoryDataFun
@@ -159,9 +165,9 @@
  of SOME (Loc loc) => loc
   | NONE => error ("Unknown locale " ^ quote name);
-fun register_locale bname parameters spec decls notes dependencies thy =
+fun register_locale bname parameters spec intros axioms decls notes dependencies thy =
   thy |> LocalesData.map (NameSpace.bind (Sign.naming_of thy) (Binding.name bname,
-    mk_locale ((parameters, spec), ((decls, notes), dependencies))) #> snd);
+    mk_locale ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms), ((decls, notes), dependencies))) #> snd);
 fun change_locale name =
   LocalesData.map o apsnd o Symtab.map_entry name o map_locale o apsnd;
@@ -175,6 +181,10 @@
 fun params_of thy = snd o #parameters o the_locale thy;
+fun intros_of thy = #intros o the_locale thy;
+fun axioms_of thy = #axioms o the_locale thy;
 fun instance_of thy name morph = params_of thy name |>
   map ((fn (b, T, _) => Free (Binding.base_name b, the T)) #> Morphism.term morph);