--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML Tue Mar 07 04:04:21 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML Tue Mar 07 04:06:02 2006 +0100
@@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
val blacklist : string list ref (*Theorems forbidden in the output*)
val use_simpset: bool ref
- val get_clasimp_lemmas :
- Proof.context -> term list ->
- (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array * ResClause.clause list
+ val get_clasimp_atp_lemmas :
+ Proof.context ->
+ Term.term list ->
+ (string * Thm.thm) list ->
+ (bool * bool * bool) -> bool -> string Array.array * (Term.term * (string * int)) list
structure ResClasimp : RES_CLASIMP =
val use_simpset = ref false; (*Performance is much better without simprules*)
(*In general, these produce clauses that are prolific (match too many equality or
membership literals) and relate to seldom-used facts. Some duplicate other rules.
FIXME: this blacklist needs to be maintained using theory data and added to using
@@ -215,37 +218,95 @@
+(*** a hash function from Term.term to int, and also a hash table ***)
+val xor_words = List.foldl Word.xorb 0w0;
+fun hashw_term ((Const(c,_)), w) = Polyhash.hashw_string (c,w)
+ | hashw_term ((Free(_,_)), w) = w
+ | hashw_term ((Var(_,_)), w) = w
+ | hashw_term ((Bound _), w) = w
+ | hashw_term ((Abs(_,_,t)), w) = hashw_term (t, w)
+ | hashw_term ((P$Q), w) =
+ hashw_term (Q, (hashw_term (P, w)));
+fun hashw_pred (P,w) =
+ let val (p,args) = strip_comb P
+ in
+ List.foldl hashw_term w (p::args)
+ end;
+fun hash_literal (Const("Not",_)$P) = Word.notb(hashw_pred(P,0w0))
+ | hash_literal P = hashw_pred(P,0w0);
+fun get_literals (Const("Trueprop",_)$P) lits = get_literals P lits
+ | get_literals (Const("op |",_)$P$Q) lits =
+ get_literals Q (get_literals P lits)
+ | get_literals lit lits = (lit::lits);
+fun hash_term term = Word.toIntX (xor_words (map hash_literal (get_literals term [])));
(*Create a hash table for clauses, of the given size*)
fun mk_clause_table n =
- Polyhash.mkTable (ResClause.hash_clause, ResClause.clause_eq)
+ Polyhash.mkTable (hash_term, Term.aconv)
(*Use a hash table to eliminate duplicates from xs*)
fun make_unique ht xs =
(app (ignore o Polyhash.peekInsert ht) xs; Polyhash.listItems ht);
-(*Write out the claset and simpset rules of the supplied theory.*)
-fun get_clasimp_lemmas ctxt goals =
- let val claset_thms =
- map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
+fun mem_tm tm [] = false
+ | mem_tm tm ((tm',name)::tms_names) = Term.aconv (tm,tm') orelse mem_tm tm tms_names;
+fun insert_tms [] tms_names = tms_names
+ | insert_tms ((tm,name)::tms_names) tms_names' =
+ if mem_tm tm tms_names' then insert_tms tms_names tms_names' else insert_tms tms_names ((tm,name)::tms_names');
+fun warning_thms [] = ()
+ | warning_thms ((name,thm)::nthms) =
+ let val nthm = name ^ ": " ^ (string_of_thm thm)
+ in
+ (warning nthm; warning_thms nthms)
+ end;
+(*Write out the claset, simpset and atpset rules of the supplied theory.*)
+(* also write supplied user rules, they are not relevance filtered *)
+fun get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt goals user_thms (use_claset, use_simpset', use_atpset) run_filter =
+ let val claset_thms =
+ if use_claset then
+ map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
+ else []
val simpset_thms =
- if !use_simpset then
+ if (!use_simpset andalso use_simpset') then (* temporary, may merge two use_simpset later *)
map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
else []
- val banned = make_banned_test (map #1 (claset_thms@simpset_thms))
- fun ok (a,_) = not (banned a)
- val claset_cls_thms = ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs (filter ok claset_thms)
- val simpset_cls_thms = ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs (filter ok simpset_thms)
- val cls_thms_list = make_unique (mk_clause_table 2200)
- (List.concat (simpset_cls_thms@claset_cls_thms))
- val relevant_cls_thms_list =
- ReduceAxiomsN.relevance_filter (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) cls_thms_list goals
- in (* create array of put clausename, number pairs into it *)
- (Array.fromList relevant_cls_thms_list, map #1 (relevant_cls_thms_list))
- end;
+ val atpset_thms =
+ if use_atpset then
+ map put_name_pair (ResAxioms.atpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)
+ else []
+ val _ = warning_thms atpset_thms
+ val user_rules = map put_name_pair user_thms
+ val banned = make_banned_test (map #1 (user_rules@atpset_thms@claset_thms@simpset_thms))
+ fun ok (a,_) = not (banned a)
+ val claset_cls_tms = if run_filter then ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs (filter ok claset_thms)
+ else ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs claset_thms
+ val simpset_cls_tms = if run_filter then ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs (filter ok simpset_thms)
+ else ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs simpset_thms
+ val atpset_cls_tms = if run_filter then ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs (filter ok atpset_thms)
+ else ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs atpset_thms
+ val user_cls_tms = ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs_abs user_rules (* no filter here, because user supplied rules *)
+ val cls_tms_list = make_unique (mk_clause_table 2200)
+ (List.concat (user_cls_tms@atpset_cls_tms@simpset_cls_tms@claset_cls_tms))
+ val relevant_cls_tms_list =
+ if run_filter then ReduceAxiomsN.relevance_filter (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) cls_tms_list goals
+ else cls_tms_list
+ val all_relevant_cls_tms_list = insert_tms (List.concat user_cls_tms) relevant_cls_tms_list (*ensure all user supplied rules are output*)
+ in
+ (Array.fromList (map fst (map snd all_relevant_cls_tms_list)), all_relevant_cls_tms_list)
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