move functions not needed by Metis out of "Metis_Clauses"
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 09:05:37 +0200
changeset 37623 295f3a9b44b6
parent 37622 b3f572839570
child 37624 3ee568334813
move functions not needed by Metis out of "Metis_Clauses"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Mon Jun 28 18:47:07 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Tue Jun 29 09:05:37 2010 +0200
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
      filtered_clauses: ((string * int) * thm) list}
   type prover =
     params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
+  exception TRIVIAL of unit
   val kill_atps: unit -> unit
   val running_atps: unit -> unit
@@ -119,6 +120,9 @@
 type prover =
   params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
+(* Trivial problem, which resolution cannot handle (empty clause) *)
+exception TRIVIAL of unit
 (* named provers *)
 structure Data = Theory_Data
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML	Mon Jun 28 18:47:07 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML	Tue Jun 29 09:05:37 2010 +0200
@@ -7,13 +7,10 @@
 signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
-  type prover = ATP_Manager.prover
-  (* hooks for problem files *)
+  val trace : bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val dest_dir : string Config.T
   val problem_prefix : string Config.T
   val measure_runtime : bool Config.T
   val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
   val default_atps_param_value : unit -> string
   val setup : theory -> theory
@@ -30,6 +27,9 @@
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
 open ATP_Manager
+val trace = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun trace_msg msg = if !trace then tracing (msg ()) else ()
 (** generic ATP **)
 (* external problem files *)
@@ -121,6 +121,125 @@
       (j :: hd shape) :: tl shape
+(* Clause preparation *)
+fun make_clause_table xs =
+  fold (Termtab.update o `(prop_of o snd)) xs Termtab.empty
+(* Remove existing axiom clauses from the conjecture clauses, as this can
+   dramatically boost an ATP's performance (for some reason). *)
+fun subtract_cls ax_clauses =
+  filter_out (Termtab.defined (make_clause_table ax_clauses) o prop_of)
+fun is_false_literal (Literal (pos, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
+      (pos andalso c = "c_False") orelse (not pos andalso c = "c_True")
+  | is_false_literal _ = false
+fun is_true_literal (Literal (pol, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
+      (pol andalso c = "c_True") orelse
+      (not pol andalso c = "c_False")
+  | is_true_literal _ = false;
+fun is_tautology (HOLClause {literals,...}) = exists is_true_literal literals
+(* making axiom and conjecture clauses *)
+fun make_clause thy (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, th) skolem_somes =
+  let
+    val (skolem_somes, t) =
+      th |> prop_of |> conceal_skolem_somes clause_id skolem_somes
+    val (lits, ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term thy t
+  in
+    if forall is_false_literal lits then
+      raise TRIVIAL ()
+    else
+      (skolem_somes,
+       HOLClause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, th = th,
+                  kind = kind, literals = lits, ctypes_sorts = ctypes_sorts})
+  end
+fun add_axiom_clause thy ((name, k), th) (skolem_somes, clss) =
+  let
+    val (skolem_somes, cls) = make_clause thy (k, name, Axiom, th) skolem_somes
+  in (skolem_somes, clss |> not (is_tautology cls) ? cons (name, cls)) end
+fun make_axiom_clauses thy clauses =
+  ([], []) |> fold_rev (add_axiom_clause thy) clauses |> snd
+fun make_conjecture_clauses thy =
+  let
+    fun aux _ _ [] = []
+      | aux n skolem_somes (th :: ths) =
+        let
+          val (skolem_somes, cls) =
+            make_clause thy (n, "conjecture", Conjecture, th) skolem_somes
+        in cls :: aux (n + 1) skolem_somes ths end
+  in aux 0 [] end
+(** Helper clauses **)
+fun count_combterm (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
+    Symtab.map_entry c (Integer.add 1)
+  | count_combterm (CombVar _) = I
+  | count_combterm (CombApp (t1, t2)) = count_combterm t1 #> count_combterm t2
+fun count_literal (Literal (_, t)) = count_combterm t
+fun count_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...}) = fold count_literal literals
+fun cnf_helper_thms thy raw =
+  map (`Thm.get_name_hint)
+  #> (if raw then  map (apfst (rpair 0)) else cnf_rules_pairs thy)
+val optional_helpers =
+  [(["c_COMBI", "c_COMBK"], (false, @{thms COMBI_def COMBK_def})),
+   (["c_COMBB", "c_COMBC"], (false, @{thms COMBB_def COMBC_def})),
+   (["c_COMBS"], (false, @{thms COMBS_def}))]
+val optional_typed_helpers =
+  [(["c_True", "c_False"], (true, @{thms True_or_False})),
+   (["c_If"], (true, @{thms if_True if_False True_or_False}))]
+val mandatory_helpers = @{thms fequal_imp_equal equal_imp_fequal}
+val init_counters =
+  Symtab.make (maps (maps (map (rpair 0) o fst))
+                    [optional_helpers, optional_typed_helpers])
+fun get_helper_clauses thy is_FO full_types conjectures axcls =
+  let
+    val axclauses = map snd (make_axiom_clauses thy axcls)
+    val ct = fold (fold count_clause) [conjectures, axclauses] init_counters
+    fun is_needed c = the (Symtab.lookup ct c) > 0
+    val cnfs =
+      (optional_helpers
+       |> full_types ? append optional_typed_helpers
+       |> maps (fn (ss, (raw, ths)) =>
+                   if exists is_needed ss then cnf_helper_thms thy raw ths
+                   else []))
+      @ (if is_FO then [] else cnf_helper_thms thy false mandatory_helpers)
+  in map snd (make_axiom_clauses thy cnfs) end
+(* prepare for passing to writer,
+   create additional clauses based on the information from extra_cls *)
+fun prepare_clauses full_types goal_cls axcls extra_cls thy =
+  let
+    val is_FO = forall (Meson.is_fol_term thy o prop_of) goal_cls
+    val ccls = subtract_cls extra_cls goal_cls
+    val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg (fn _ => Display.string_of_thm_global thy th)) ccls
+    val ccltms = map prop_of ccls
+    and axtms = map (prop_of o snd) extra_cls
+    val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms ccltms
+    and supers = tvar_classes_of_terms axtms
+    and tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy (ccltms @ axtms)
+    (*TFrees in conjecture clauses; TVars in axiom clauses*)
+    val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy ccls
+    val (_, extra_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy extra_cls)
+    val (clnames, axiom_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy axcls)
+    val helper_clauses =
+      get_helper_clauses thy is_FO full_types conjectures extra_cls
+    val (supers', arity_clauses) = make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
+    val classrel_clauses = make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
+  in
+    (Vector.fromList clnames,
+      (conjectures, axiom_clauses, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, classrel_clauses, arity_clauses))
+  end
 (* generic TPTP-based provers *)
 fun generic_tptp_prover
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_clauses.ML	Mon Jun 28 18:47:07 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_clauses.ML	Tue Jun 29 09:05:37 2010 +0200
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
   datatype hol_clause =
     HOLClause of {clause_id: int, axiom_name: string, th: thm, kind: kind,
                   literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list}
-  exception TRIVIAL of unit
-  val trace : bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val type_wrapper_name : string
   val schematic_var_prefix: string
   val fixed_var_prefix: string
@@ -72,16 +70,9 @@
   val literals_of_term : theory -> term -> literal list * typ list
   val conceal_skolem_somes :
     int -> (string * term) list -> term -> (string * term) list * term
-  val is_quasi_fol_theorem : theory -> thm -> bool
   val tfree_classes_of_terms : term list -> string list
   val tvar_classes_of_terms : term list -> string list
   val type_consts_of_terms : theory -> term list -> string list
-  val prepare_clauses :
-    bool -> thm list -> ((string * int) * thm) list
-    -> ((string * int) * thm) list -> theory
-    -> string vector
-       * (hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list
-          * classrel_clause list * arity_clause list)
 structure Metis_Clauses : METIS_CLAUSES =
@@ -89,9 +80,6 @@
 open Clausifier
-val trace = Unsynchronized.ref false
-fun trace_msg msg = if !trace then tracing (msg ()) else ()
 val type_wrapper_name = "ti"
 val schematic_var_prefix = "V_";
@@ -218,9 +206,6 @@
 val skolem_prefix = "sko_"
 val skolem_infix = "$"
-(*Keep the full complexity of the original name*)
-fun flatten_name s = space_implode "_X" (Long_Name.explode s);
 (* Hack: Could return false positives (e.g., a user happens to declare a
    constant called "SomeTheory.sko_means_shoe_in_$wedish". *)
 val is_skolem_const_name =
@@ -457,17 +442,6 @@
         |   stripc  x =  x
     in stripc(u,[]) end
-fun isFalse (Literal (pol, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
-      (pol andalso c = "c_False") orelse (not pol andalso c = "c_True")
-  | isFalse _ = false;
-fun isTrue (Literal (pol, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
-      (pol andalso c = "c_True") orelse
-      (not pol andalso c = "c_False")
-  | isTrue _ = false;
-fun isTaut (HOLClause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;
 fun type_of (Type (a, Ts)) =
     let val (folTypes,ts) = types_of Ts in
       (TyConstr (`make_fixed_type_const a, folTypes), ts)
@@ -511,7 +485,7 @@
       let val (P', tsP) = combterm_of thy P
           val (Q', tsQ) = combterm_of thy Q
       in  (CombApp (P', Q'), union (op =) tsP tsQ)  end
-  | combterm_of _ (t as Abs _) = raise Fail "HOL clause: Abs"
+  | combterm_of _ (Abs _) = raise Fail "HOL clause: Abs"
 fun predicate_of thy ((@{const Not} $ P), pos) = predicate_of thy (P, not pos)
   | predicate_of thy (t, pos) = (combterm_of thy (Envir.eta_contract t), pos)
@@ -562,85 +536,6 @@
     (skolem_somes, t)
-fun is_quasi_fol_theorem thy =
-  Meson.is_fol_term thy o snd o conceal_skolem_somes ~1 [] o prop_of
-(* Trivial problem, which resolution cannot handle (empty clause) *)
-exception TRIVIAL of unit
-(* making axiom and conjecture clauses *)
-fun make_clause thy (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, th) skolem_somes =
-  let
-    val (skolem_somes, t) =
-      th |> prop_of |> conceal_skolem_somes clause_id skolem_somes
-    val (lits, ctypes_sorts) = literals_of_term thy t
-  in
-    if forall isFalse lits then
-      raise TRIVIAL ()
-    else
-      (skolem_somes,
-       HOLClause {clause_id = clause_id, axiom_name = axiom_name, th = th,
-                  kind = kind, literals = lits, ctypes_sorts = ctypes_sorts})
-  end
-fun add_axiom_clause thy ((name, k), th) (skolem_somes, clss) =
-  let
-    val (skolem_somes, cls) = make_clause thy (k, name, Axiom, th) skolem_somes
-  in (skolem_somes, clss |> not (isTaut cls) ? cons (name, cls)) end
-fun make_axiom_clauses thy clauses =
-  ([], []) |> fold_rev (add_axiom_clause thy) clauses |> snd
-fun make_conjecture_clauses thy =
-  let
-    fun aux _ _ [] = []
-      | aux n skolem_somes (th :: ths) =
-        let
-          val (skolem_somes, cls) =
-            make_clause thy (n, "conjecture", Conjecture, th) skolem_somes
-        in cls :: aux (n + 1) skolem_somes ths end
-  in aux 0 [] end
-(** Helper clauses **)
-fun count_combterm (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
-    Symtab.map_entry c (Integer.add 1)
-  | count_combterm (CombVar _) = I
-  | count_combterm (CombApp (t1, t2)) = count_combterm t1 #> count_combterm t2
-fun count_literal (Literal (_, t)) = count_combterm t
-fun count_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...}) = fold count_literal literals
-fun cnf_helper_thms thy raw =
-  map (`Thm.get_name_hint)
-  #> (if raw then  map (apfst (rpair 0)) else cnf_rules_pairs thy)
-val optional_helpers =
-  [(["c_COMBI", "c_COMBK"], (false, @{thms COMBI_def COMBK_def})),
-   (["c_COMBB", "c_COMBC"], (false, @{thms COMBB_def COMBC_def})),
-   (["c_COMBS"], (false, @{thms COMBS_def}))]
-val optional_typed_helpers =
-  [(["c_True", "c_False"], (true, @{thms True_or_False})),
-   (["c_If"], (true, @{thms if_True if_False True_or_False}))]
-val mandatory_helpers = @{thms fequal_imp_equal equal_imp_fequal}
-val init_counters =
-  Symtab.make (maps (maps (map (rpair 0) o fst))
-                    [optional_helpers, optional_typed_helpers])
-fun get_helper_clauses thy is_FO full_types conjectures axcls =
-  let
-    val axclauses = map snd (make_axiom_clauses thy axcls)
-    val ct = fold (fold count_clause) [conjectures, axclauses] init_counters
-    fun is_needed c = the (Symtab.lookup ct c) > 0
-    val cnfs =
-      (optional_helpers
-       |> full_types ? append optional_typed_helpers
-       |> maps (fn (ss, (raw, ths)) =>
-                   if exists is_needed ss then cnf_helper_thms thy raw ths
-                   else []))
-      @ (if is_FO then [] else cnf_helper_thms thy false mandatory_helpers)
-  in map snd (make_axiom_clauses thy cnfs) end
 (* Type Classes Present in the Axiom or Conjecture Clauses     *)
@@ -679,37 +574,4 @@
 fun type_consts_of_terms thy ts =
   Symtab.keys (fold (add_type_consts_in_term thy) ts Symtab.empty);
-fun make_clause_table xs =
-  fold (Termtab.update o `(prop_of o snd)) xs Termtab.empty
-(* Remove existing axiom clauses from the conjecture clauses, as this can
-   dramatically boost an ATP's performance (for some reason). *)
-fun subtract_cls ax_clauses =
-  filter_out (Termtab.defined (make_clause_table ax_clauses) o prop_of)
-(* prepare for passing to writer,
-   create additional clauses based on the information from extra_cls *)
-fun prepare_clauses full_types goal_cls axcls extra_cls thy =
-  let
-    val is_FO = forall (Meson.is_fol_term thy o prop_of) goal_cls
-    val ccls = subtract_cls extra_cls goal_cls
-    val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg (fn _ => Display.string_of_thm_global thy th)) ccls
-    val ccltms = map prop_of ccls
-    and axtms = map (prop_of o snd) extra_cls
-    val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms ccltms
-    and supers = tvar_classes_of_terms axtms
-    and tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy (ccltms @ axtms)
-    (*TFrees in conjecture clauses; TVars in axiom clauses*)
-    val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy ccls
-    val (_, extra_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy extra_cls)
-    val (clnames, axiom_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy axcls)
-    val helper_clauses =
-      get_helper_clauses thy is_FO full_types conjectures extra_cls
-    val (supers', arity_clauses) = make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
-    val classrel_clauses = make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
-  in
-    (Vector.fromList clnames,
-      (conjectures, axiom_clauses, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, classrel_clauses, arity_clauses))
-  end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Mon Jun 28 18:47:07 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Tue Jun 29 09:05:37 2010 +0200
@@ -670,13 +670,16 @@
    ("c_False", (true, @{thms True_or_False})),
    ("c_If", (true, @{thms if_True if_False True_or_False}))]
+fun is_quasi_fol_clause thy =
+  Meson.is_fol_term thy o snd o conceal_skolem_somes ~1 [] o prop_of
 (* Function to generate metis clauses, including comb and type clauses *)
 fun build_map mode0 ctxt cls ths =
   let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
       (*The modes FO and FT are sticky. HO can be downgraded to FO.*)
       fun set_mode FO = FO
         | set_mode HO =
-          if forall (is_quasi_fol_theorem thy) (cls @ ths) then FO else HO
+          if forall (is_quasi_fol_clause thy) (cls @ ths) then FO else HO
         | set_mode FT = FT
       val mode = set_mode mode0
       (*transform isabelle clause to metis clause *)