Tue, 21 Jun 2022 23:36:16 +0200
changeset 75581 29654a8e9374
parent 75564 d32201f08e98 (current diff)
parent 75580 5c1c4f537ae8 (diff)
child 75585 a789c5732f7a
child 75586 b2b097624e4c
--- a/NEWS	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/NEWS	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -144,6 +144,17 @@
   are printed in a way suitable for Scala 3.
+*** ML ***
+* Type Bytes.T supports scalable byte strings, beyond the limit of
+String.maxSize (approx. 64 MB on 64_32 architecture).
+* Operations for XZ compression (via Isabelle/Scala):
+  Isabelle_System.compress: Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
+  Isabelle_System.uncompress: Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
 *** System ***
 * Command-line tool "isabelle scala_project" supports Gradle as
--- a/src/Pure/General/buffer.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/buffer.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
   val empty: T
   val is_empty: T -> bool
   val add: string -> T -> T
+  val length: T -> int
+  val contents: T -> string list
   val content: T -> string
   val build: (T -> T) -> T
   val build_content: (T -> T) -> string
-  val output: T -> (string -> unit) -> unit
   val markup: Markup.T -> (T -> T) -> T -> T
@@ -30,13 +31,14 @@
 fun add "" buf = buf
   | add x (Buffer xs) = Buffer (x :: xs);
-fun content (Buffer xs) = implode (rev xs);
+fun length (Buffer xs) = fold (Integer.add o size) xs 0;
+fun contents (Buffer xs) = rev xs;
+val content = implode o contents;
 fun build (f: T -> T) = f empty;
 fun build_content f = build f |> content;
-fun output (Buffer xs) out = out (rev xs);
 fun markup m body =
--- a/src/Pure/General/bytes.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/bytes.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -1,31 +1,164 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/General/bytes.ML
     Author:     Makarius
-Byte-vector messages.
+Scalable byte strings, with incremental construction (add content to the
+Note: type string is implicitly limited by String.maxSize (approx. 64 MB on
+64_32 architecture).
 signature BYTES =
-  val read_line: BinIO.instream -> string option
-  val read_block: BinIO.instream -> int -> string
+  val chunk_size: int
+  type T
+  val length: T -> int
+  val contents: T -> string list
+  val contents_blob: T -> XML.body
+  val content: T -> string
+  val is_empty: T -> bool
+  val empty: T
+  val build: (T -> T) -> T
+  val add_substring: substring -> T -> T
+  val add: string -> T -> T
+  val beginning: int -> T -> string
+  val exists_string: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool
+  val forall_string: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool
+  val last_string: T -> string option
+  val trim_line: T -> T
+  val append: T -> T -> T
+  val string: string -> T
+  val newline: T
+  val buffer: Buffer.T -> T
+  val read_block: int -> BinIO.instream -> string
+  val read_stream: int -> BinIO.instream -> T
+  val write_stream: BinIO.outstream -> T -> unit
+  val read: Path.T -> T
+  val write: Path.T -> T -> unit
 structure Bytes: BYTES =
-fun read_line stream =
+(* primitive operations *)
+val chunk_size = 1024 * 1024;
+abstype T = Bytes of
+  {buffer: string list, chunks: string list, m: int (*buffer size*), n: int (*chunks size*)}
+fun length (Bytes {m, n, ...}) = m + n;
+val compact = implode o rev;
+fun contents (Bytes {buffer, chunks, ...}) =
+  rev (chunks |> not (null buffer) ? cons (compact buffer));
+val contents_blob = contents #> XML.blob;
+val content = implode o contents;
+fun is_empty bytes = length bytes = 0;
+val empty = Bytes {buffer = [], chunks = [], m = 0, n = 0};
+fun build (f: T -> T) = f empty;
+fun add_substring s (bytes as Bytes {buffer, chunks, m, n}) =
+  if Substring.isEmpty s then bytes
+  else
+    let val l = Substring.size s in
+      if l + m < chunk_size
+      then Bytes {buffer = Substring.string s :: buffer, chunks = chunks, m = l + m, n = n}
+      else
+        let
+          val k = chunk_size - m;
+          val chunk = compact (Substring.string (Substring.slice (s, 0, SOME k)) :: buffer);
+          val s' = Substring.slice (s, k, SOME (l - k));
+          val bytes' = Bytes {buffer = [], chunks = chunk :: chunks, m = 0, n = chunk_size + n};
+        in add_substring s' bytes' end
+    end;
+val add = add_substring o Substring.full;
+fun exists_string pred (Bytes {buffer, chunks, ...}) =
+  let val ex = (exists o Library.exists_string) pred
+  in ex buffer orelse ex chunks end;
+fun forall_string pred = not o exists_string (not o pred);
+fun last_string (Bytes {buffer, chunks, ...}) =
+  (case buffer of
+    s :: _ => Library.last_string s
+  | [] =>
+      (case chunks of
+        s :: _ => Library.last_string s
+      | [] => NONE));
+fun trim_line (bytes as Bytes {buffer, chunks, ...}) =
-    val result = trim_line o String.implode o rev;
-    fun read cs =
-      (case BinIO.input1 stream of
-        NONE => if null cs then NONE else SOME (result cs)
-      | SOME b =>
-          (case Byte.byteToChar b of
-            #"\n" => SOME (result cs)
-          | c => read (c :: cs)));
-  in read [] end;
-fun read_block stream n =
-  Byte.bytesToString (BinIO.inputN (stream, n));
+    val is_line =
+      (case last_string bytes of
+        SOME s => Symbol.is_ascii_line_terminator s
+      | NONE => false);
+  in
+    if is_line then
+      let
+        val (last_chunk, chunks') =
+          (case chunks of
+            [] => ("", [])
+          | c :: cs => (c, cs));
+        val trimed = Library.trim_line (last_chunk ^ compact buffer);
+      in build (fold_rev add chunks' #> add trimed) end
+    else bytes
+  end;
+(* derived operations *)
+fun beginning n bytes =
+  let
+    val dots = " ...";
+    val m = (String.maxSize - size dots) div chunk_size;
+    val a = implode (take m (contents bytes));
+    val b = String.substring (a, 0, Int.min (n, size a));
+  in if size b < length bytes then b ^ dots else b end;
+fun append bytes1 bytes2 =  (*left-associative*)
+  if is_empty bytes1 then bytes2
+  else if is_empty bytes2 then bytes1
+  else bytes1 |> fold add (contents bytes2);
+val string = build o add;
+val newline = string "\n";
+val buffer = build o fold add o Buffer.contents;
+fun read_block limit =
+  File.input_size (if limit < 0 then chunk_size else Int.min (chunk_size, limit));
+fun read_stream limit stream =
+  let
+    fun read bytes =
+      (case read_block (limit - length bytes) stream of
+        "" => bytes
+      | s => read (add s bytes))
+  in read empty end;
+fun write_stream stream = File.outputs stream o contents;
+val read = File.open_input (read_stream ~1);
+val write = File.open_output write_stream;
+(* ML pretty printing *)
+val _ =
+  ML_system_pp (fn _ => fn _ => fn bytes =>
+    PolyML.PrettyString ("Bytes {length = " ^ string_of_int (length bytes) ^ "}"))
--- a/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/bytes.scala	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -60,6 +60,21 @@
+  /* XZ compression */
+  object Compress extends Scala.Fun("compress") {
+    val here =
+    def invoke(args: List[Bytes]): List[Bytes] =
+      List(Library.the_single(args).compress())
+  }
+  object Uncompress extends Scala.Fun("uncompress") {
+    val here =
+    def invoke(args: List[Bytes]): List[Bytes] =
+      List(Library.the_single(args).uncompress())
+  }
   /* read */
   def read_stream(stream: InputStream, limit: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE, hint: Int = 1024): Bytes =
--- a/src/Pure/General/file.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/file.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
   val open_append: (BinIO.outstream -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a
   val fold_dir: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a -> 'a
   val read_dir: Path.T -> string list
+  val input: BinIO.instream -> string
+  val input_size: int -> BinIO.instream -> string
+  val input_all: BinIO.instream -> string
   val fold_lines: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a -> 'a
   val fold_pages: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a -> 'a
   val read_lines: Path.T -> string list
@@ -35,6 +38,7 @@
   val append: Path.T -> string -> unit
   val generate: Path.T -> string -> unit
   val output: BinIO.outstream -> string -> unit
+  val outputs: BinIO.outstream -> string list -> unit
   val write_list: Path.T -> string list -> unit
   val append_list: Path.T -> string list -> unit
   val write_buffer: Path.T -> Buffer.T -> unit
@@ -130,6 +134,10 @@
 (* input *)
+val input = Byte.bytesToString o BinIO.input;
+fun input_size n stream = Byte.bytesToString (BinIO.inputN (stream, n));
+val input_all = Byte.bytesToString o BinIO.inputAll;
   scalable iterator:
   . avoid size limit of TextIO.inputAll and overhead of many TextIO.inputLine
@@ -138,7 +146,7 @@
 fun fold_chunks terminator f path a = open_input (fn file =>
     fun read buf x =
-      (case Byte.bytesToString (BinIO.input file) of
+      (case input file of
         "" => (case Buffer.content buf of "" => x | line => f line x)
       | input =>
           (case String.fields (fn c => c = terminator) input of
@@ -154,12 +162,13 @@
 fun read_lines path = rev (fold_lines cons path []);
 fun read_pages path = rev (fold_pages cons path []);
-val read = open_input (Byte.bytesToString o BinIO.inputAll);
+val read = open_input input_all;
 (* output *)
 fun output file txt = BinIO.output (file, Byte.stringToBytes txt);
+val outputs = o output;
 fun output_list txts file = (output file) txts;
 fun write_list path txts = open_output (output_list txts) path;
@@ -169,7 +178,8 @@
 fun append path txt = append_list path [txt];
 fun generate path txt = if try read path = SOME txt then () else write path txt;
-fun write_buffer path buf = open_output (Buffer.output buf o output) path;
+fun write_buffer path buf =
+  open_output (fn file => (output file) (Buffer.contents buf)) path;
 (* eq *)
--- a/src/Pure/General/socket_io.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/socket_io.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -96,6 +96,6 @@
 fun with_streams' f socket_name password =
   with_streams (fn streams =>
-    (Byte_Message.write_line (#2 streams) password; f streams)) socket_name;
+    (Byte_Message.write_line (#2 streams) (Bytes.string password); f streams)) socket_name;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/byte_message.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/byte_message.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -6,18 +6,20 @@
 signature BYTE_MESSAGE =
-  val write: BinIO.outstream -> string list -> unit
+  val write: BinIO.outstream -> Bytes.T list -> unit
   val write_yxml: BinIO.outstream -> XML.tree -> unit
   val flush: BinIO.outstream -> unit
-  val write_line: BinIO.outstream -> string -> unit
-  val read: BinIO.instream -> int -> string
-  val read_block: BinIO.instream -> int -> string option * int
-  val read_line: BinIO.instream -> string option
-  val write_message: BinIO.outstream -> string list -> unit
+  val write_line: BinIO.outstream -> Bytes.T -> unit
+  val read: BinIO.instream -> int -> Bytes.T
+  val read_block: BinIO.instream -> int -> Bytes.T option * int
+  val read_line: BinIO.instream -> Bytes.T option
+  val write_message: BinIO.outstream -> Bytes.T list -> unit
+  val write_message_string: BinIO.outstream -> string list -> unit
   val write_message_yxml: BinIO.outstream -> XML.body list -> unit
-  val read_message: BinIO.instream -> string list option
-  val write_line_message: BinIO.outstream -> string -> unit
-  val read_line_message: BinIO.instream -> string option
+  val read_message: BinIO.instream -> Bytes.T list option
+  val read_message_string: BinIO.instream -> string list option
+  val write_line_message: BinIO.outstream -> Bytes.T -> unit
+  val read_line_message: BinIO.instream -> Bytes.T option
 structure Byte_Message: BYTE_MESSAGE =
@@ -25,45 +27,48 @@
 (* output operations *)
-fun write stream = (File.output stream);
+val write = o Bytes.write_stream;
 fun write_yxml stream tree = YXML.traverse (fn s => fn () => File.output stream s) tree ();
 fun flush stream = ignore (try BinIO.flushOut stream);
-fun write_line stream s = (write stream [s, "\n"]; flush stream);
+fun write_line stream bs = (write stream [bs, Bytes.newline]; flush stream);
 (* input operations *)
-fun read stream n = Byte.bytesToString (BinIO.inputN (stream, n));
+fun read stream n = Bytes.read_stream n stream;
 fun read_block stream n =
     val msg = read stream n;
-    val len = size msg;
+    val len = Bytes.length msg;
   in (if len = n then SOME msg else NONE, len) end;
 fun read_line stream =
-    val result = trim_line o String.implode o rev;
-    fun read_body cs =
+    val result = SOME o Bytes.trim_line;
+    fun read_body bs =
       (case BinIO.input1 stream of
-        NONE => if null cs then NONE else SOME (result cs)
+        NONE => if Bytes.is_empty bs then NONE else result bs
       | SOME b =>
           (case Byte.byteToChar b of
-            #"\n" => SOME (result cs)
-          | c => read_body (c :: cs)));
-  in read_body [] end;
+            #"\n" => result bs
+          | c => read_body (Bytes.add (str c) bs)));
+  in read_body Bytes.empty end;
 (* messages with multiple chunks (arbitrary content) *)
 fun make_header ns =
-  [space_implode "," (map Value.print_int ns), "\n"];
+  [Bytes.string (space_implode "," (map Value.print_int ns)), Bytes.newline];
 fun write_message stream chunks =
-  (write stream (make_header (map size chunks) @ chunks); flush stream);
+  (write stream (make_header (map Bytes.length chunks) @ chunks); flush stream);
+fun write_message_string stream =
+  write_message stream o map Bytes.string;
 fun write_message_yxml stream chunks =
   (write stream (make_header (map YXML.body_size chunks));
@@ -82,26 +87,32 @@
         string_of_int len ^ " of " ^ string_of_int n ^ " bytes"));
 fun read_message stream =
-  read_line stream |> (parse_header #> map (read_chunk stream));
+  read_line stream |> (Bytes.content #> parse_header #> map (read_chunk stream));
+fun read_message_string stream =
+  read_message stream |> ( o map) Bytes.content;
 (* hybrid messages: line or length+block (with content restriction) *)
+(* line message format *)
 fun is_length msg =
-  msg <> "" andalso forall_string Symbol.is_ascii_digit msg;
+  not (Bytes.is_empty msg) andalso Bytes.forall_string Symbol.is_ascii_digit msg;
 fun is_terminated msg =
-  let val len = size msg
-  in len > 0 andalso Symbol.is_ascii_line_terminator (str (String.sub (msg, len - 1))) end;
+  (case Bytes.last_string msg of
+    NONE => false
+  | SOME s => Symbol.is_ascii_line_terminator s);
 fun write_line_message stream msg =
   if is_length msg orelse is_terminated msg then
-    error ("Bad content for line message:\n" ^ implode (take 100 (Symbol.explode msg)))
+    error ("Bad content for line message:\n" ^ Bytes.beginning 100 msg)
-    let val n = size msg in
+    let val n = Bytes.length msg in
       write stream
-        ((if n > 100 orelse exists_string (fn s => s = "\n") msg
-          then make_header [n + 1] else []) @ [msg, "\n"]);
+        ((if n > 100 orelse Bytes.exists_string (fn s => s = "\n") msg
+          then make_header [n + 1] else []) @ [msg, Bytes.newline]);
       flush stream
@@ -109,8 +120,8 @@
   (case read_line stream of
     NONE => NONE
   | SOME line =>
-      (case try Value.parse_nat line of
+      (case try (Value.parse_nat o Bytes.content) line of
         NONE => SOME line
-      | SOME n => trim_line (#1 (read_block stream n))));
+      | SOME n => Bytes.trim_line (#1 (read_block stream n))));
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
     fun read_url () =
-        val text = file_node;
+        val text = Bytes.content ( file_node);
         val file_pos = Position.file file_node;
       in (text, file_pos) end;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol_command.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/protocol_command.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
   exception STOP of int
   val is_protocol_exn: exn -> bool
+  val define_bytes: string -> (Bytes.T list -> unit) -> unit
   val define: string -> (string list -> unit) -> unit
-  val run: string -> string list -> unit
+  val run: string -> Bytes.T list -> unit
 structure Protocol_Command: PROTOCOL_COMMAND =
@@ -23,16 +24,18 @@
 val commands =
   Synchronized.var "Protocol_Command.commands"
-    (Symtab.empty: (string list -> unit) Symtab.table);
+    (Symtab.empty: (Bytes.T list -> unit) Symtab.table);
-fun define name cmd =
+fun define_bytes name cmd =
   Synchronized.change commands (fn cmds =>
    (if not (Symtab.defined cmds name) then ()
     else warning ("Redefining Isabelle protocol command " ^ quote name);
     Symtab.update (name, cmd) cmds));
+fun define name cmd = define_bytes name (map Bytes.content #> cmd);
 fun run name args =
   (case Symtab.lookup (Synchronized.value commands) name of
     NONE => error ("Undefined Isabelle protocol command " ^ quote name)
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
 ML_file "General/url.ML";
 ML_file "System/bash.ML";
 ML_file "General/file.ML";
+ML_file "General/bytes.ML";
 ML_file "General/long_name.ML";
 ML_file "General/binding.ML";
 ML_file "General/seq.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     (* streams *)
     val (in_stream, out_stream) = Socket_IO.open_streams address;
-    val _ = Byte_Message.write_line out_stream password;
+    val _ = Byte_Message.write_line out_stream (Bytes.string password);
     val _ = TextIO.StreamIO.setBufferMode (TextIO.getOutstream TextIO.stdOut, IO.LINE_BUF);
     val _ = TextIO.StreamIO.setBufferMode (TextIO.getOutstream TextIO.stdErr, IO.LINE_BUF);
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
           (case Byte_Message.read_message in_stream of
             NONE => raise Protocol_Command.STOP 0
           | SOME [] => Output.system_message "Isabelle process: no input"
-          | SOME (name :: args) => name args)
+          | SOME (name :: args) => (Bytes.content name) args)
           handle exn =>
             if Protocol_Command.is_protocol_exn exn then Exn.reraise exn
             else (Runtime.exn_system_message exn handle crash => recover crash);
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
   val with_tmp_file: string -> string -> (Path.T -> 'a) -> 'a
   val rm_tree: Path.T -> unit
   val with_tmp_dir: string -> (Path.T -> 'a) -> 'a
-  val download: string -> string
+  val download: string -> Bytes.T
   val download_file: string -> Path.T -> unit
-  val decode_base64: string -> string
-  val encode_base64: string -> string
+  val decode_base64: Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
+  val encode_base64: Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
+  val compress: Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
+  val uncompress: Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
   val isabelle_id: unit -> string
   val isabelle_identifier: unit -> string option
   val isabelle_heading: unit -> string
@@ -58,14 +60,14 @@
     fun with_streams f = Socket_IO.with_streams' f address password;
     fun kill (SOME uuid) =
-          with_streams (fn s => Byte_Message.write_message (#2 s) [Bash.server_kill, uuid])
+          with_streams (fn s => Byte_Message.write_message_string (#2 s) [Bash.server_kill, uuid])
       | kill NONE = ();
     Thread_Attributes.uninterruptible (fn restore_attributes => fn () =>
         fun err () = raise Fail "Malformed result from bash_process server";
         fun loop maybe_uuid s =
-          (case restore_attributes Byte_Message.read_message (#1 s) of
+          (case restore_attributes Byte_Message.read_message_string (#1 s) of
             SOME (head :: args) =>
               if head = Bash.server_uuid andalso length args = 1 then
                 loop (SOME (hd args)) s
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
                else err ()
           | _ => err ())
           handle exn => (kill maybe_uuid; Exn.reraise exn);
-      in with_streams (fn s => (Byte_Message.write_message (#2 s) run; loop NONE s)) end) ()
+      in with_streams (fn s => (Byte_Message.write_message_string (#2 s) run; loop NONE s)) end) ()
 val bash = Bash.script #> bash_process #> Process_Result.print #> Process_Result.rc;
@@ -156,15 +158,21 @@
 (* download file *)
-val download = Scala.function1 "download";
+val download = Bytes.string #> Scala.function1_bytes "download";
-fun download_file url path = File.write path (download url);
+fun download_file url path = Bytes.write path (download url);
 (* base64 *)
-val decode_base64 = Scala.function1 "decode_base64";
-val encode_base64 = Scala.function1 "encode_base64";
+val decode_base64 = Scala.function1_bytes "decode_base64";
+val encode_base64 = Scala.function1_bytes "encode_base64";
+(* XZ compression *)
+val compress = Scala.function1_bytes "compress";
+val uncompress = Scala.function1_bytes "uncompress";
 (* Isabelle distribution identification *)
--- a/src/Pure/System/scala.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/scala.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 signature SCALA =
   exception Null
+  val function_bytes: string -> Bytes.T list -> Bytes.T list
+  val function1_bytes: string -> Bytes.T -> Bytes.T
   val function: string -> string list -> string list
   val function1: string -> string -> string
@@ -21,31 +23,31 @@
 val new_id = string_of_int o Counter.make ();
 val results =
-  Synchronized.var "Scala.results" (Symtab.empty: string list Exn.result Symtab.table);
+  Synchronized.var "Scala.results" (Symtab.empty: Bytes.T list Exn.result Symtab.table);
 val _ =
-  Protocol_Command.define "Scala.result"
-    (fn id :: args =>
+  Protocol_Command.define_bytes "Scala.result"
+    (fn id :: tag :: rest =>
         val result =
-          (case args of
-            ["0"] => Exn.Exn Null
-          | "1" :: rest => Exn.Res rest
-          | ["2", msg] => Exn.Exn (ERROR msg)
-          | ["3", msg] => Exn.Exn (Fail msg)
-          | ["4"] => Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt
+          (case (Bytes.content tag, rest) of
+            ("0", []) => Exn.Exn Null
+          | ("1", _) => Exn.Res rest
+          | ("2", [msg]) => Exn.Exn (ERROR (Bytes.content msg))
+          | ("3", [msg]) => Exn.Exn (Fail (Bytes.content msg))
+          | ("4", []) => Exn.Exn Exn.Interrupt
           | _ => raise Fail "Malformed Scala.result");
-      in Synchronized.change results (Symtab.map_entry id (K result)) end);
+      in Synchronized.change results (Symtab.map_entry (Bytes.content id) (K result)) end);
-fun function name args =
+fun function_bytes name args =
   Thread_Attributes.uninterruptible (fn restore_attributes => fn () =>
       val id = new_id ();
       fun invoke () =
        (Synchronized.change results (Symtab.update (id, Exn.Exn Match));
-        Output.protocol_message (Markup.invoke_scala name id) (map (single o XML.Text) args));
+        Output.protocol_message (Markup.invoke_scala name id) (map Bytes.contents_blob args));
       fun cancel () =
        (Synchronized.change results (Symtab.delete_safe id);
         Output.protocol_message (Markup.cancel_scala id) []);
@@ -62,6 +64,10 @@
         handle exn => (if Exn.is_interrupt exn then cancel () else (); Exn.reraise exn)
     end) ();
+val function1_bytes = singleton o function_bytes;
+fun function name = map Bytes.string #> function_bytes name #> map Bytes.content;
 val function1 = singleton o function;
--- a/src/Pure/System/scala.scala	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/scala.scala	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@
+  Bytes.Compress,
+  Bytes.Uncompress,
--- a/src/Pure/library.ML	Mon Jun 20 11:06:33 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/library.ML	Tue Jun 21 23:36:16 2022 +0200
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
   val exists_string: (string -> bool) -> string -> bool
   val forall_string: (string -> bool) -> string -> bool
   val member_string: string -> string -> bool
+  val last_string: string -> string option
   val first_field: string -> string -> (string * string) option
   val enclose: string -> string -> string -> string
   val unenclose: string -> string
@@ -714,6 +715,9 @@
 fun member_string str s = exists_string (fn s' => s = s') str;
+fun last_string "" = NONE
+  | last_string s = SOME (str (String.sub (s, size s - 1)));
 fun first_field sep str =
     val n = size sep;