--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML Fri Jun 24 13:22:08 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML Fri Jun 24 16:18:41 2005 +0200
@@ -266,36 +266,36 @@
val tptp2X = ResLib.helper_path "TPTP2X_HOME" "tptp2X"
- (*** want to cat clasimp ax hyps prob, then send the resulting file to tptp2x ***)
- val probID = List.last(explode probfile)
- val wholefile = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("ax_prob_"^probID))
+ (*** want to cat clasimp ax hyps prob, then send the resulting file to tptp2x ***)
+ val probID = List.last(explode probfile)
+ val wholefile = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("ax_prob_"^probID))
- (*** only include problem and clasimp for the moment, not sure how to refer to ***)
- (*** hyps/local axioms just now ***)
- val whole_prob_file = Unix.execute("/bin/cat", [clasimpfile,(*axfile, hypsfile,*)probfile, ">", (File.platform_path wholefile)])
- (*** check if the directory exists and, if not, create it***)
- val _ =
- if !SpassComm.spass
- then
- if File.exists dfg_dir then warning("dfg dir exists")
- else File.mkdir dfg_dir
+ (*** only include problem and clasimp for the moment, not sure how to refer to ***)
+ (*** hyps/local axioms just now ***)
+ val whole_prob_file = Unix.execute("/bin/cat", [clasimpfile,(*axfile, hypsfile,*)probfile, ">", (File.platform_path wholefile)])
+ (*** check if the directory exists and, if not, create it***)
+ val _ =
+ if !SpassComm.spass
+ then
+ if File.exists dfg_dir then warning("dfg dir exists")
+ else File.mkdir dfg_dir
+ else
+ warning("not converting to dfg")
+ val _ = if !SpassComm.spass then
+ system (tptp2X ^ " -fdfg -d "^dfg_path^" "^
+ File.platform_path wholefile)
+ else 7
+ val newfile = if !SpassComm.spass
+ then
+ dfg_path^"/ax_prob"^"_"^(probID)^".dfg"
- warning("not converting to dfg")
- val _ = if !SpassComm.spass then
- system (tptp2X ^ " -fdfg -d "^dfg_path^" "^
- File.platform_path wholefile)
- else 7
- val newfile = if !SpassComm.spass
- then
- dfg_path^"/ax_prob"^"_"^(probID)^".dfg"
- else
- (File.platform_path wholefile)
- val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic"thmstring_in_watcher"))
- (thmstring^"\n goals_watched"^(string_of_int(!goals_being_watched))^newfile^"\n")
- in
- (prover,thmstring,goalstring, proverCmd, settings,newfile)
- end;
+ (File.platform_path wholefile)
+ val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic"thmstring_in_watcher"))
+ (thmstring^"\n goals_watched"^(string_of_int(!goals_being_watched))^newfile^"\n")
+ in
+ (prover,thmstring,goalstring, proverCmd, settings,newfile)
+ end;
@@ -574,41 +574,45 @@
(*** add subgoal id num to this *)
fun execCmds [] procList = procList
- | execCmds ((prover, thmstring,goalstring,proverCmd,settings,file)::cmds) procList = let val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "pre_exec_child")) ("About to execute command for goal:\n"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file^" at "^(Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now()))))
+ | execCmds ((prover, thmstring,goalstring,proverCmd,settings,file)::cmds) procList = let val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "pre_exec_child")) ("\nAbout to execute command for goal:\n"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file^" at "^(Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now()))))
if (prover = "spass")
- then
- let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc = (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (["-FullRed=0"]@settings@[file])))
- val (instr, outstr)=Unix.streamsOf childhandle
- val newProcList = (((CMDPROC{
- prover = prover,
- cmd = file,
- thmstring = thmstring,
- goalstring = goalstring,
- proc_handle = childhandle,
- instr = instr,
- outstr = outstr })::procList))
- val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "exec_child")) ("executing command for goal:\n"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file^" at "^(Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now()))))
- in
- Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);execCmds cmds newProcList
- end
- else
- let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc = (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (settings@[file])))
- val (instr, outstr)=Unix.streamsOf childhandle
- val newProcList = (((CMDPROC{
- prover = prover,
- cmd = file,
- thmstring = thmstring,
- goalstring = goalstring,
- proc_handle = childhandle,
- instr = instr,
- outstr = outstr })::procList))
- val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "exec_child")) ("executing command for goal:\n"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file^" at "^(Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now()))))
- in
- Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1); execCmds cmds newProcList
- end
+ then
+ let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc =
+ (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (["-FullRed=0"]@settings@[file])))
+ val (instr, outstr) = Unix.streamsOf childhandle
+ val newProcList = (((CMDPROC{
+ prover = prover,
+ cmd = file,
+ thmstring = thmstring,
+ goalstring = goalstring,
+ proc_handle = childhandle,
+ instr = instr,
+ outstr = outstr })::procList))
+ val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "exec_child"))
+ ("\nexecuting command for goal:\n"^
+ goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file^" at "^(Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now()))))
+ in
+ Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);execCmds cmds newProcList
+ end
+ else
+ let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc =
+ (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (settings@[file])))
+ val (instr, outstr) = Unix.streamsOf childhandle
+ val newProcList = (((CMDPROC{
+ prover = prover,
+ cmd = file,
+ thmstring = thmstring,
+ goalstring = goalstring,
+ proc_handle = childhandle,
+ instr = instr,
+ outstr = outstr })::procList))
+ val _ = File.append (File.tmp_path (Path.basic "exec_child")) ("executing command for goal:\n"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file^" at "^(Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now()))))
+ in
+ Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1); execCmds cmds newProcList
+ end